航空论坛 发表于 2011-8-13 00:00:00

机场安全专讯 Airport Safety Bulletin 三十四期 Issue 34

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航空论坛 发表于 2011-8-13 00:01:09

<P>3 尽量发挥安全委员会<BR>的作用<BR>Get the most<BR>from your<BR>Safety Committee<BR>4 旅客安全 首要考虑<BR>Passenger safety is<BR>our prime concern<BR>6 停机坪及飞行区的<BR>驾驶安全<BR>Road safety a priority<BR>LANDSIDE &amp; AIRSIDE!<BR>8 金门荣获职安健<BR>安全改善项目大奖<BR>Gammon receives<BR>OSHC Safety<BR>Enhancement<BR>Program Award<BR>10 机场运作持续策划快讯<BR>Airport Business<BR>Continuity News<BR>12 机场小区安全快讯<BR>Airport Community<BR>Safety News<BR>14 机场竭力提高能源效益<BR>Airport fully<BR>committed to<BR>energy efficiency<BR>16<BR>二零零八年十月 October 2008 • 第三十四期 Issue 34<BR>香港国际机场在2008/09年度的安全主题是防止<BR>外来物损坏飞机。机场管理局最近推出宣传<BR>活动,提醒停机坪营运商雇员切勿在停机坪上留下<BR>外来物。<BR>外来损毁物品是任何不应该在停机坪上出现的东西,<BR>例如碎石、松脱的螺丝钉、保险丝或完成工作后遗<BR>留的个人物品。留在停机坪上的外来物可能会损坏<BR>飞机。<BR>如果这些物品被吸入飞机引擎或起落架内,便可能造<BR>成飞机意外及导致航班延误或取消,并带来严重损<BR>失。例如,维修因外来物损坏的引擎,费用可能高达<BR>100万美元。<BR>所有在飞行区工作的员工,包括航空公司、外勤维修<BR>专营商、停机坪飞机服务专营商、燃油公司、航空膳<BR>食供货商,以及其它在机场禁区工作的人员,都有责<BR>任在工作时防止造成外来物。<BR>为了确保这个信息能传递给每一名员工,我们在显眼<BR>位置悬挂横额及张贴海报,并为停机坪人员举行推介<BR>活动。高层管理人员及不同营运商的安全人员还组成<BR>巡查队伍,定期巡视停机坪。这些措施可加强各级人<BR>员更了解这个安全信息。<BR>2008/09 has been named as the Year<BR>of FOD safety at HKIA with<BR>the Airport Authority recently embarking on a FOD<BR>Prevention Campaign to promote the awareness<BR>among employees working on the ramp.<BR>FOD stands for Foreign Object Damage, a term<BR>commonly used to describe a foreign object that<BR>could cause aircraft damage. FOD includes just<BR>about anything that doesn’t belong in the apron<BR>area, such as debris, loose screws, scraps of safety<BR>wire, or personal items that are left behind after a<BR>job or work activity.<BR>Any such items if ingested by an aircraft engine<BR>or hitting an aircraft’s undercarriage may lead<BR>to costly damage and could result in aircraft<BR>incidents, flight delays or cancellations. For example,<BR>the cost to repair a FOD-damaged engine<BR>could amount to over US$1 million.<BR>All airfield personnel, including airlines, line<BR>maintenance and ramp handling franchisees,<BR>fuelling companies, air caterers and other<BR>personnel in the airside have a duty to prevent<BR>generation of FOD from their operations.<BR>To ensure this safety message is promulgated to<BR>everyone, banners and posters have been put up<BR>at prominent locations and road shows are being<BR>conducted for ramp staff. In addition, inspection<BR>teams comprising senior management and safety<BR>personnel of different operators conduct regular<BR>FOD walks to look for FOD items and to enhance<BR>FOD prevention.<BR>机场安全专讯 Airport Safety Bulletin 三十四期 Issue 34<BR>A I R P O R T S A F E T Y N E W 机场快讯<BR>消防处修订<BR>关闭消防<BR>装置的程序<BR>消防处于2008年4月3日发出通函第3/2008<BR>号,公布一套修订的程序和措施,供注册消防<BR>装置承办商在消防装置失效,或因保养、检<BR>查、改进或修理而需要关闭时遵守。<BR>在关闭任何消防装置之前或在消防装置失效之<BR>后,必须尽快通知消防处。当注册消防装置承<BR>办商受聘用执行消防装置的保养、改进或修<BR>理,而预计消防装置须通宵或持续超过24小时<BR>关闭,注册消防装置承办商必须在工程开始前<BR>最少七个历日内通知消防处。如注册消防装置<BR>承办商确实获聘用日期与工程开始日期相距少<BR>于七个历日,则注册消防装置承办商必须在获<BR>确实聘用后24小时内通知消防处。<BR>有关修订规定的详情,请参阅消防处通函第<BR>3/2008号,或从以下连结下载通函:<BR><A href="http://www.hkfsd.gov.hk/home/chi/">http://www.hkfsd.gov.hk/home/chi/</A><BR>source/circular/2008_03.pdf<BR>FSD revised<BR>procedures<BR>on shutdown<BR>of Fire<BR>Service<BR>Installation<BR>The Fire Services Department (FSD)<BR>advised in their 3 April 2008 Circular Letter<BR>No. 3/2008 that when any fire service installation<BR>(FSI) is defective or shut down for<BR>inspection, maintenance, modification or<BR>repair, the Registered Fire Service Installation<BR>Contractors (RFSIC) have to observe a<BR>revised set of procedures and measures.<BR>FSD requires prior or prompt notification of<BR>any FSI shutdown or defect(s). When an RFSIC<BR>is employed to maintain, modify or repair<BR>an FSI which has to be shut down overnight<BR>or for more than 24 hours continuously,<BR>FSD should be notified at least 7 calendar<BR>days prior to the commencement of work.<BR>Should the period be less than 7 calendar<BR>days between the date of confirmation that<BR>the RFSIC has been employed to carry out<BR>the work and the date of commencement of<BR>the work, the RFSIC should notify FSD within<BR>24 hours after such confirmation.<BR>For details of the requirements, please<BR>refer to FSD Circular Letter No. 3/2008<BR>or download it from the Internet:<BR><A href="http://www.hkfsd.gov.hk/home/eng/source/">http://www.hkfsd.gov.hk/home/eng/source/</A><BR>circular/2008_03.pdf<BR>2<BR>最佳机场<BR>安全工作<BR>网上分享<BR><A href="https://extranet.hongkongairport.com/">https://extranet.hongkongairport.com/</A><BR>airportbestpractice/big5/in.html<BR>为方便地勤服务公司与其它机场同业交换最佳<BR>安全措施和想法,机场管理局建立了网上分享<BR>平台,提供最佳机场安全工作方法予业务伙伴<BR>以及其员工参考。<BR>这个分享平台设有六个主要类别的内容:<BR>• 地勤服务<BR>• 飞机维修<BR>• 飞机加油<BR>• 航空配餐<BR>• 续航准备服务<BR>• 其它事项<BR>欢迎浏览该网站,亲身发掘更多安全信息!<BR>查询请电邮至:<BR><A href="mailto:airportbestpractice@hkairport.com">airportbestpractice@hkairport.com</A><BR><A href="https://extranet.hongkongairport.com/">https://extranet.hongkongairport.com/</A><BR>airportbestpractice/en/in.html<BR>To facilitate easy access to a wealth of<BR>good safety practices and ideas for airport<BR>staff, the AAHK has established an Internet<BR>platform for information sharing for the<BR>airport community.<BR>The platform features six major<BR>categories for safety best<BR>practice at HKIA:<BR>• Ramp handling<BR>• Aircraft maintenance<BR>• Refuelling<BR>• Catering<BR>• Turnaround facilitations<BR>• Others<BR>Click ‘open’ a wealth of safety information<BR>for yourself to access!<BR>For enquiries, please email:<BR><A href="mailto:airportbestpractice@hkairport.com">airportbestpractice@hkairport.com</A><BR>Best airport safety practice –<BR>just a click away<BR>&#1049540; &#1049484; &#1052749; &#1051427; &#1049851; &#1049488; &#1051467; &#1049388; &#1051613;<BR>Safety management series No. 4<BR>三十四期 Issue 34 机场安全专讯 Airport Safety Bulletin 3<BR>建立坚实的安全文化,是减少意外最有效的一<BR>环,但安全文化究竟是甚么?一家机构的安全<BR>文化,包含所有人的共同信念、做法及态度。<BR>这些信念、态度等所形成的风气便是文化,最<BR>终会影响我们的行为。<BR>一家机构的安全文化由多项因素形成,这些因<BR>素包括:<BR>• 管理层及雇员的标准、假设及信念<BR>• 管理层及雇员的态度<BR>• 价值观、传闻、消息<BR>• 政策及程序<BR>• 监督人员的工作优先次序、职责及责任承担<BR>• 注重产量盈亏,还是注重质量<BR>• 有否纠正不安全行为<BR>• 雇员培训及奖励计划<BR>• 雇员的投入程度<BR>在安全文化坚实的环境中,每一个雇员每一天<BR>都会以维持安全为己任,并愿意承担额外责<BR>任,留意各种不安全的情况及行为,并主动加<BR>以纠正。<BR>举例来说,在安全文化坚实的机构内,任何雇<BR>员都乐意提醒其它人佩带安全头盔及穿着反光<BR>背心,尽管那人是营运经理或行政总裁。这种<BR>行为不会视为激进或过于主动,反而会获得嘉<BR>许。此外,同事间还会经常互相留意是否有不<BR>安全的行为,并指出问题所在。<BR>一家机构如果建立了坚实的安全文化,雇员很<BR>少有不安全行为,结果可减少意外发生,降低<BR>雇员流失率及因工伤而须停工的风险,并且可<BR>提高生产力。这些机构通常在各业务范畴都异<BR>常出色。<BR>建立坚实的安全文化不能一蹴而就。机构初期<BR>可以培养安全意识,例如展示安全海报及警告<BR>标志。随着机构投放更多时间及心血,便会开<BR>始处理实际危险情况,甚或设立安全嘉许及奖<BR>励计划。<BR>任何坚实安全文化的核心,都是坚实的安全委<BR>员会。如果你希望安全委员会在工作间真正发<BR>挥作用,便须准备投放足够资源及时间,以设<BR>计及建立委员会,否则只会徒劳无功。<BR>资料来源:美国职业安全和健康管理局<BR>Developing a strong safety culture can have<BR>the single greatest impact on accident<BR>reduction. But what exactly is a safety<BR>culture? Safety culture consists of shared<BR>beliefs, practices, and attitudes and is<BR>the atmosphere created by those beliefs<BR>and attitudes, which, in turn, shape our<BR>behaviour.<BR>An organization’s safety culture derives from<BR>a number of factors, these including:<BR>• Management and employee norms,<BR>assumptions and beliefs<BR>• Management and employee attitudes<BR>• Values, myths, and stories<BR>• Policies and procedures<BR>• Supervisor priorities, responsibilities,<BR>and accountabilities<BR>• Production and bottom-line pressures<BR>vs. quality issues<BR>• Actions or lack of action to correct<BR>unsafe behaviours<BR>• Employee training and motivation<BR>• Employee involvement or “buy-in”<BR>In a strong safety culture, everyone feels responsible<BR>for safety and pursues it on a daily<BR>basis -- employees go beyond ‘the call of<BR>duty’ to identify unsafe conditions and behaviours,<BR>and intervene to correct them.<BR>For example, in a strong safety culture any<BR>worker would feel comfortable approaching<BR>anyone else to remind them to wear<BR>safety helmets and reflective vests — even<BR>if that person was the operations manager<BR>or CEO. Such behaviour would not be seen<BR>as forward or over-zealous, and would be<BR>rewarded. Similarly, co-workers would routinely<BR>look out for one another and point<BR>out unsafe behaviours.<BR>A company with a strong safety culture typically<BR>experiences fewer at-risk behaviours,<BR>resulting in lower accident rates, lower<BR>turnover, lower absenteeism, and higher<BR>productivity. Such companies usually are<BR>extremely successful and excel in all aspects<BR>of business.<BR>But a strong safety culture doesn’t develop<BR>overnight. A company just starting down<BR>the road toward developing a safety culture<BR>might exhibit a certain level of safety awareness,<BR>such as displaying safety posters and<BR>warning signs. With more time and commitment,<BR>the company will begin to better<BR>address physical hazards and may develop<BR>safety recognition programs, and start incentive<BR>programs.<BR>And, at the core of any strong safety culture<BR>is a strong safety committee. If you<BR>want your safety committee to make a real<BR>difference in your workplace, you must be<BR>prepared to invest a good deal of energy<BR>and time designing and developing it. If<BR>you don’t, efforts will be wasted.<BR>Source: OSHA, U.S.<BR>尽量发挥安全<BR>委员会的作用<BR>Get the most from your<BR>Safety Committee<BR>机场安全专讯 Airport Safety Bulletin 三十四期 Issue 34<BR>A I R P O R T S A F E T Y N E W S 机场安全快讯<BR>4<BR>旅客安全<BR>首要考虑<BR>香港国际机场每天平均有多达13万旅<BR>客使用,因此机场管理局时刻以<BR>旅客安全为上。2007/08年度,旅客受伤率比<BR>前一年下跌了8%。<BR>今年夏天,机管局与香港圣公会东涌综合服务<BR>及香港青年协会,在一号及二号客运大楼联合<BR>举办多项专为儿童而设的活动及综艺表演,目<BR>的是宣扬防止意外的信息,以及让旅客在机场<BR>短暂停留期间,在安全的环境下享受娱乐节<BR>目。<BR>With an average of 130,000 passengers<BR>passing through HKIA<BR>every day, the Airport Authority Hong Kong<BR>treats passenger safety as a prime concern.<BR>In 2007/08, the passenger injury rate was<BR>down 8% compared to the previous year.<BR>This summer, AAHK jointly organized with<BR>the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Tung<BR>Chung Integrated Services and Hong Kong<BR>Federation of Youth Groups to provide<BR>children activity centres and variety shows in<BR>passenger terminals 1 and 2. The objective<BR>of the shows was to promote the message<BR>of accident prevention and to entertain<BR>passengers in a safe environment during<BR>their brief stopovers at the airport.<BR>Passenger safety is<BR>our prime concern<BR>机场安全快讯 A I R P O R T S A F E T Y N E W S<BR>三十四期 Issue 34 机场安全专讯 Airport Safety Bulletin 5<BR>此外,在机电工程署的支持下,机管<BR>局在客运大楼的显示屏播放安全<BR>短片,提醒旅客安全使用电动扶梯。有关信<BR>息还印制在麦兜书签上,在活动期间派发给<BR>旅客。<BR>Also, with the support of the<BR>Electrical &amp; Mechanical<BR>Services Department, AAHK put out a<BR>safety promotion video on terminal building<BR>display monitors to advise passengers<BR>on the safe use of escalators. The same<BR>message was also printed on a McDull<BR>bookmark for distribution to passengers<BR>during the period.<BR>香港国际机场全力<BR>支持「机电安全<BR>香港通 2008」<BR>自2001年起,机电工程署每年都举办「机电<BR>安全香港通」,目的是提醒市民每逢使用电气<BR>产品、电力装置、煤气用具、升降机、电动扶<BR>梯、交通工具及机动游戏,都要注意安全及遵<BR>从守则,并且向市民介绍如何节约能源。这是<BR>香港目前最大型的同类公众教育活动之一。<BR>今年的「机电安全香港通」由18家商界机构合<BR>办,机场管理局是其中一家,将积极参与有关<BR>推广活动。机管局工程及维修部的一班员工会<BR>于11月15至__________16日,在维多利亚公园举行的嘉年<BR>华中设立摊位游戏,向市民展示香港国际机场<BR>如何提高能源效益。<BR>嘉年华除了摊位游戏,还有流行歌手表演、话<BR>剧汇演及儿童游乐区。所有项目皆免费入场。<BR>欲知有关详情,请浏览以下网站:<BR><A href="http://www.emsd.gov.hk/emsd/">http://www.emsd.gov.hk/emsd/</A><BR>emsafetycampaign/home.html<BR>HKIA in full support<BR>of E&amp;M Safety<BR>Campaign 2008<BR>The E&amp;M Safety Campaign is an event<BR>organized annually by the Electrical and<BR>Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)<BR>and has become one of the largest public<BR>education programmes of its kind in Hong<BR>Kong. The objective is to promote community<BR>awareness of the safety and good<BR>practices in the use of electrical appliances<BR>and installations, gas appliances, lifts and<BR>escalators, transport and amusement rides<BR>as well as to enhance their knowledge on<BR>energy efficiency.<BR>As one of 18 sponsoring companies from<BR>different Hong Kong business sectors, AAHK<BR>will play an active role in facilitating the promotional<BR>activities of EMSD. A group of staff<BR>from AAHK’s Technical Services Department<BR>will demonstrate HKIA’s contribution<BR>towards energy efficiency through participation<BR>in setting up a game booth in the E&amp;M<BR>Safety Carnival to be held at Victoria Park,<BR>Causeway Bay on 15-16 November 2008.<BR>Besides game booths, the Carnival will also<BR>include music, drama shows and a children’s<BR>corner with a bouncy castle and other fun<BR>games. Admission is free for all members of<BR>the public.<BR>Visit the website for more information:<BR><A href="http://www.emsd.gov.hk/emsd/">http://www.emsd.gov.hk/emsd/</A><BR>emsafetycampaign/home.html<BR>6 机场安全专讯 Airport Safety Bulletin 三十三四期 Issue 334<BR>「路上零意外、安全人人爱」。无论在任何环<BR>境,我们均须注意驾驶安全。今期笔者与大家<BR>探讨一个较为特别的驾驶环境 ── 机场停机坪<BR>及飞行区。<BR>机场停机坪及飞行区交通环境<BR>如果细心留意的话,你会发觉机场禁区道路上<BR>的交通标志比一般道路为少。禁区主要使用路<BR>面标记,目的是避免在停机位之间竖立太多<BR>标志,让飞机及各样设备车辆有较多驾驶空<BR>间,从而提高工作效率。但是,大部分驾驶者<BR>一般较容易看到视线水平的交通标志,而不太<BR>留意路面标记。此外,停机坪上交通繁忙时,<BR>路面标记亦可能会受阻,不能发挥警告或提示<BR>作用。<BR>过路设施<BR>机场禁区道路系统的行人过路设施较少。停机<BR>坪上的工作人员为执行职务,经常穿梭往来客<BR>运廊与停机位之间,有时他们的视线亦会受大<BR>型车辆所阻。除此之外,若果员工在未有留<BR>心观察路面情况下横过马路,会增加意外的<BR>风险。<BR>工作车辆<BR>在停机坪上的工作车辆,如飞机拖车、梯车、<BR>货物拖卡、高台车及接驳巴士等,大部分都体<BR>积庞大,驾驶者的视线容易受阻,工作人员如<BR>果不小心穿插其中,便会造成危险。<BR>驾驶者<BR>导致交通意外的六大主因是天气、光线、车<BR>辆、交通、路面及驾驶者。在停机坪的道路<BR>上,车辆种类繁多,阳光猛烈,交通繁忙,有<BR>时会因维修及扩建工程而改道,再加上最重要<BR>的是驾驶者的行为因素,实在极须注意驾驶安<BR>全。<BR>疲倦是安全驾驶的最大敌人。机场前线员工大<BR>部分都需要24小时轮班工作,昼夜颠倒有时会<BR>影响精神状态,导致禁区交通意外。机场禁区<BR>内的驾驶者均须持有相关车辆的驾驶执照,经<BR>严格考核及格后,方可于禁区内驾驶车辆。他<BR>们无论在驾驶技术及安全知识方面理应胜任,<BR>但往往意外就是发生在经验丰富的驾驶者身<BR>上。夜班员工尤其要注意在凌晨睡意正浓时驾<BR>驶车辆,因为在困倦的状态下驾驶,是安全驾<BR>驶的大忌。<BR>不良的驾驶习惯亦会造成交通意外,有些员工<BR>会因赶时间而忽略飞行区内的重要守则。例<BR>如,驾驶者妄顾安全由飞机下方穿过、驾驶者<BR>没有让路予飞机、以及机场员工没有将车辆停<BR>放于指定停车位,而令行人须在行车道上行走<BR>等等,都曾导致意外发生。数据显示,禁区内<BR>八成的交通意外都是由于驾驶者不小心、妄顾<BR>交通规例或精神不集中所造成。<BR>安全驾驶小提示<BR>综观以上种种潜在危机,在机场禁区工作,无<BR>论是行人或驾驶者,都要时刻提高警觉,注意<BR>自己及其它道路使用者的安全。以下提供几个<BR>安全小提示,希望有助减少交通意外的风险。<BR>• 开工前争取时间休息,以保持最佳的生理及<BR>心理状态;<BR>• 如果身体不适并曾经服用药物,应避免驾驶<BR>任何车辆;<BR>• 每日进行例行车检,确保车辆保持正常行车<BR>状态;<BR>• 开车前计划好行车路线,并预留充足的行车<BR>时间;<BR>• 开车时集中精神,避免使用手提电话;<BR>• 严格遵从禁区内的行车规例、交通标志及路<BR>面标记;<BR>• 行人过路时应先停步,进行「右、左、右」<BR>观察,确保安全,方可过路;并避免走快捷方式<BR>及在道路中心下车。<BR>最后,祝大家工作愉快,事事顺利!<BR>撰文: 机管局二号客运大楼及公众运作部杨国兴<BR>“ZERO road accidents – safety is everyone’s<BR>baby.” Wherever you drive, you must drive<BR>with care at all times. In this section, we will<BR>cover safe driving in airside areas.<BR>Airside driving conditions<BR>Due to the nature of HKIA operations, the<BR>airport’s restricted area is very different<BR>from all other areas in Hong Kong. There<BR>are relatively less traffic signs, with many<BR>in the form of ground markings to reduce<BR>clutter between aircraft stands to maximize<BR>the efficiency of operations. Since most<BR>drivers are used to vertical traffic signs that<BR>are level with their eye line, signs marked<BR>on the road surface are much harder to<BR>notice. Also, if the roads get busy with<BR>different ramp vehicles, the ground markings<BR>may become obscured.<BR>Pedestrian crossings<BR>Another characteristic of the airport restricted<BR>area is that there are fewer pedestrian<BR>crossings. Ramp workers criss-cross the road<BR>area between the terminal building and aircraft<BR>stands and may not be paying attention<BR>to the traffic around them, leading to<BR>increased risk of accidents.<BR>Operation vehicles<BR>Since there are lots of odd-sized vehicles on<BR>the apron, e.g. pushbacks, conveyor belts,<BR>container dollies, hi-loaders, passenger<BR>stairs, shuttle coaches etc., drivers’ sightlines<BR>may be blocked easily. Also workers<BR>may tend to rush and overlook hazards in<BR>their working environment.<BR>Drivers<BR>Past traffic accidents revealed six major<BR>causes — weather, illumination, vehicles,<BR>traffic conditions, road surface and drivers.<BR>When you look at the apron more closely, you<BR>may spot some potential hazards, e.g. too<BR>many vehicle types, busy traffic, extremely<BR>hot and humid weather, maintenance works<BR>and road diversions, and unexpected behav-<BR>停机坪及飞行区的驾驶安全<BR>Road safety a priority LANDSIDE &amp; AIRSIDE!<BR>三十四期 Issue 34 机场安全专讯 Airport Safety Bulletin 7<BR>iour of drivers. Therefore, everyone needs<BR>to be alert and react appropriately to these<BR>changing conditions.<BR>Some say that exhaustion is the greatest<BR>enemy to safe driving. For an airport that<BR>operates 24 hours a day, workers need<BR>to work on shift hours and adjust to shift<BR>changes. Although we require all airside<BR>drivers to possess normal driving licenses<BR>and to sit for special airside driving<BR>tests, accidents may happen to the most<BR>experienced drivers. It is important that we<BR>recognize the signs of sleepiness and do<BR>not underestimate the risks.<BR>Poor driving behaviour is also one of the<BR>causes of traffic accidents. For example, to<BR>meet deadlines, some workers may choose<BR>to violate safety rules and regulations, e.g.<BR>driving a vehicle under an aircraft wing,<BR>overlooking the “Give Way” sign to aircraft,<BR>failing to park a vehicle in a designated area<BR>thus blocking the passage for pedestrians<BR>etc. According to statistics, unsafe driving,<BR>failure to observe regulations, and failure<BR>to concentrate while driving causes 80 per<BR>cent of the traffic accidents in the airport<BR>restricted area.<BR>Airside Safe Driving Tips<BR>No matter whether you are a driver or a pedestrian<BR>inside the airport restricted area,<BR>you should exercise the necessary care to<BR>ensure safety of yourself as well as other<BR>road users.<BR>• Before reporting for duty, make sure that<BR>you take time to rest, so that you are in<BR>a mentally and physically fit condition to<BR>work<BR>• Do not drive any vehicle if you are not<BR>well or have taken medicine<BR>• Conduct vehicle inspection daily to<BR>ensure that your vehicle is in a good<BR>condition<BR>• Plan your route before setting off and<BR>allow sufficient time to reach your<BR>destination<BR>• Stay focused on driving. Avoid using<BR>mobile phones while driving<BR>• Adhere strictly to the rules, traffic signs<BR>and ground markings<BR>• Pedestrians should stop and look sideways,<BR>then cross the road when it is safe.<BR>Avoid taking shortcuts and dropping<BR>passengers off in the middle of a road<BR>Finally, I hope everybody stays safe and well<BR>while working in the airside.<BR>By George Young,<BR>AAHK Terminal 2 &amp; Landside Department<BR>安全问答游戏<BR>甚么是安全驾驶的最大敌人?<BR>请将答案以电邮发送至<A href="mailto:roadsafety@hkairport">roadsafety@hkairport</A>.<BR>com。首二十名答中的参加者将会获得限量版<BR>礼物壹份。先后次序以电邮收到的日期和时间<BR>为准。<BR>上期安全问答游戏答案:<BR>当你考虑超车时,你要先问自己三个问题:<BR>• 我是否真的有需要超车?<BR>• 我有否违反交通法例?<BR>• 当时环境下转线超车是否安全?<BR>Safety Quiz<BR>What is the greatest enemy to<BR>safe driving?<BR>Email your answer to <A href="mailto:roadsafety@hkairport">roadsafety@hkairport</A>.<BR>com. 20 special limited-edition gifts will be<BR>awarded to the first batch of participants with<BR>the correct answers – in accordance with the<BR>time and date on the emails received.<BR>Answer to the safety quiz in<BR>Issue 33:<BR>When you consider to overtake the vehicle in<BR>front of you, you should ask yourself:<BR>• Is it necessary to do so?<BR>• Is it legal to do so?<BR>• Is it safe to do so?<BR>闲话安全 Safety Chat Room<BR>机场安全专讯 Airport Safety Bulletin 三十四期 Issue 34<BR>A I R P O R T C O M M U N I T Y S A F E T Y N E W S 机场小区安全快讯<BR>8<BR>职业安全健康局最近举办了2008年「香港职业<BR>安全健康大奖」颁奖典礼,香港国际机场获得其<BR>他行业组别的安全表现大奖。<BR>在截至2008年3月31日止的年度,机场综合安全<BR>指数比上一年同期改进了12%。<BR>机场多个业务伙伴同时获得嘉许,这些机构包<BR>括:中华电力有限公司、金门建筑有限公司、敦<BR>豪供应链(香港)有限公司、香港中华煤气有限<BR>公司、俊和建筑工程有限公司及香港圣公会福利<BR>协会。<BR>HKIA recently received the Safety Performance<BR>Award (Others) at the 2008 Hong<BR>Kong Occupational Safety &amp; Health Award<BR>Presentation Ceremony organized by the<BR>Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health<BR>Council (OSHC).<BR>In the year ended 31 March 2008, the<BR>Airport Composite Safety Index recorded a<BR>12% improvement compared to the same<BR>period in the previous year.<BR>Several business partners were also<BR>recognized. They are: CLP Power Hong Kong<BR>Ltd; Gammon Construction Ltd; DHL Exel<BR>Supply Chain (Hong Kong); The Hong Kong<BR>&amp; China Gas Co Ltd; Chun Wo Construction<BR>&amp; Engineering Co Ltd and Hong Kong Sheng<BR>Kung Hui Welfare Council.<BR>香港国际机场获2008安全表现大奖<BR>HKIA wins 2008 OSHC safety<BR>performance award<BR>金门荣获职安健<BR>安全改善项目大奖<BR>金门建筑有限公司在香港国际机场北卫星客运廊的建造<BR>工程中,推行「安全?由我做起!」计划,并因此夺得<BR>2008年香港职业安全健康大奖的奖项。<BR>「安全?由我做起!」计划的目的,是提高前线工人的安全意识、<BR>促进安全行为、加强安全文化及防止意外发生。这项计划包含九个<BR>元素:<BR>1. 高级管理阶层关怀巡视──高层管理人员定期巡视工地时会与前线<BR>工人交谈,听取他们的意见,并随机查核工人的安全知识。<BR>2. 与高级管理阶层的饭盒聚会──管理层人员与前线工人举行饭盒聚<BR>会,分享从意外中吸取的教训。在这较轻松的环境,工人会提出有<BR>关福利设施、安全规则及其它后勤安排的建议。<BR>3. 工友安全设备突击检查──公司委派管理人员,查核前线员工所需<BR>的安全设备是否足够。<BR>4. 前线员工聚会──前线员工主动与同事讨论安全建议,员工的意见<BR>会被记录下来,以便日后改善有关措施。<BR>5. 工友代表参与安全巡查──工友代表获邀参加巡查工地的安全情<BR>况,以提倡安全行为。<BR>6. 安全健康问卷调查和工友身体检查──在工地安全入门课程中,会<BR>请工人填写安全健康问卷。收集所得的资料会加以分析,分析结果<BR>有助日后改善各项安全措施。工地护士亦会确定工人的基本身体健<BR>康状况,并向他们提供有关个人健康及卫生的建议。<BR>7. 委任安全员工──八名前线工人获委任为安全员工,负责多项职<BR>务,包括:担任安全模范;参加每周的联合工地安全巡查;出席<BR>工地安全委员会会议;举报不安全行为及情况;报告险生意外的事<BR>故;收集工人意见并向管理层反映;向前线工人传达管理层的最新<BR>安全信息。<BR>8. 安全奖金颁奖计划──这项计划鼓励分包商参与推广安全文化和不<BR>断提升安全表现,符合资格的分包商、属下监督人员及前线工人可<BR>获得现金奖赏。<BR>9. 忠诚员工奖励计划──这项计划的目的是奖励安全工人,而非惩罚<BR>不安全的工人。工人只要参加安全训练、实践安全行为及达成有关<BR>目标,便可累积积分,获得足够积分的工人可获赠现金券。这项计<BR>划立竿见影,可迅速纠正工人的行为。<BR>在2007年9月至2008年5月期间,「安全?由我做起!」计划录得<BR>佳绩,共有337,740工时并无发生须予报告的事故。<BR>机场小区安全快讯 A I R P O R T C O M M U N I T Y S A F E T Y N E W S<BR>三十四期 Issue 34 机场安全专讯 Airport Safety Bulletin 9<BR>Gammon received<BR>OSHC Safety<BR>Enhancement<BR>Program Award<BR>“Safety? Let me in-charge” program implemented in the<BR>construction project of the North Satellite Concourse<BR>in HKIA by Gammon Construction Ltd was one of the programs<BR>awarded at the 2008 Hong Kong Occupational Safety &amp; Health<BR>Award Presentation Ceremony.<BR>The objective of the safety program is to improve safety awareness<BR>of frontline workers, enhance safety behaviour and safety culture,<BR>and prevent accidents. The program comprises 9 elements:<BR>1. Top management caring walk – Top management talk to<BR>frontline workers during regular site visits to collect feedback<BR>and to make random checks on workers’ knowledge in safety.<BR>2. Lunch box meeting with top management – Managerial<BR>staff have lunch box gathering with frontline workers to share<BR>experience in accidents. In a more casual setting, workers give<BR>suggestions on welfare facilities, safety requirements and other<BR>logistics arrangements.<BR>3. Random check on workers’ needs of safety equipment –<BR>Managerial staff are assigned to check if frontline staff have any<BR>shortage of necessary safety equipment.<BR>4. Frontline staff roadshows – Frontline staff actively communicate<BR>with their peers on their safety suggestions. Their concerns<BR>are recorded for future improvement as appropriate.<BR>5. Safety site walk attended by worker representatives – Worker<BR>representatives are invited to attend a joint site safety walk to<BR>promote safety behaviour.<BR>6. Health &amp; Safety Questionnaire &amp; workers’ check-up –<BR>During site specific safety induction training, workers are<BR>invited to complete a Health &amp; Safety Questionnaire. The data<BR>collected will be analysed to provide insights into future safety<BR>improvement measures. Also a site nurse conducts a series of<BR>basic body health diagnosis and give health advice and personal<BR>hygiene recommendations to workers.<BR>7. Appointment of Safety Workers – Eight frontline workers<BR>were selected as Safety Workers. Their duties are to: act as a<BR>good safety model; attend weekly joint site safety inspection;<BR>attend site safety committee meetings; report any unsafe acts<BR>and conditions; report any near miss/incident; collect feedback<BR>from workers and to reflect the same to the management; and<BR>convey up-to-date safety messages top-down from the management<BR>to the frontline workers.<BR>8. Pay for Safety Scheme – This scheme is to encourage subcontractors<BR>to participate in promoting safety culture and to<BR>enhance continuous improvement in safety performance. A<BR>sum of cash reward is granted to the qualified subcontractors,<BR>their supervisors and frontline workers.<BR>9. Workers Loyalty Scheme – It aims to reward safe workers,<BR>rather than to penalize unsafe workers. Cash coupons are<BR>awarded after workers have accumulated enough points for<BR>attending safety training, performing safe acts, etc. The scheme<BR>has proved to work effectively as it brings fast and positive<BR>changes in workers’ behaviour.<BR>Between September 2007 and May 2008, the project accumulated<BR>337,740 manhours without a single reportable incident.<BR>机场安全专讯 Airport Safety Bulletin 三十四期 Issue 34<BR>A I R P O R T B U S I N E S S C O N T I N U I T Y N E W S 机场运作持续策划<BR>撰文:机场管理局业务持续策划主任何家彦 10<BR>测试应急计划<BR>所有紧急应变计划都必须经过测试,才算完成。众所周知,机场管理<BR>局及机场同业花了不少时间及精神,不断改善计划,以处理各种危机<BR>及紧急事故。为迎接大型活动,例如今年夏季举行的奥运马术比赛,<BR>香港国际机场全面作好准备。<BR>在连串的准备工作中,最后一项为「紫雾」演习。这是大型的实地人<BR>员调配演习,目的是验证香港国际机场的奥运应急计划。演习于六月<BR>底一个清晨举行,包含多个情景,主要的政府部门及机场管理局部门<BR>都有参与。<BR>香港航空青年团、香港警务处等机构派出志愿人员,在多个主要的禁<BR>区及非禁区地方扮演示威者。负责应变的机构实行了应急计划,并测<BR>试与各方的联系。<BR>有筹划人员指出,警方在演习中测试了一些特别行动。在两个模拟情<BR>景中,警察有机会执行特别任务,包括移走妨碍通道的车辆,以及剪<BR>断「示威者」用来连在一起的锁链。这些任务听来简单,但需要特别<BR>技巧,以确保所有人的安全,包括在实际情况下示威者的安全。<BR>「紫雾」演习十分成功,但机管局为紧急事故所作的准备并没有停<BR>止。在整个夏季,我们继续推行相关的工作,警觉演习就是其中一环。<BR>Putting contingency<BR>plans to the test<BR>No emergency plan is complete without testing. The Airport Authority<BR>and the airport community are known for spending time<BR>and effort to continually improve plans for dealing with crises and<BR>emergencies. For special events, such as the Olympic Equestrian<BR>competitions in Hong Kong this summer, HKIA ensures it is fully<BR>prepared with robust contingencies in place.<BR>Exercise “Purple Haze” was the last instalment in a series of<BR>preparation exercises at HKIA and this large-scale field deployment<BR>exercise was aimed at validating HKIA contingency plans<BR>for the Olympics. Major government agencies and various Airport<BR>Authority internal departments participated in a multiplescenario<BR>exercise, which ran in the early hours of a warm summer<BR>morning in late June.<BR>The scenarios featured different protests simulated at a number<BR>of key airside and landside locations. With the help of volunteers<BR>including those from Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps and<BR>Hong Kong Police acting as protestors, responding agencies<BR>were able to apply their contingency plans and test inter-party<BR>communications.<BR>According to one of the organizers, two respective scenarios<BR>created opportunities for the Police to perform tasks such as<BR>removal of a vehicle blockade and the cutting of chains, which<BR>accurately simulated real protestors scenarios. The tasks sound<BR>simple, but skills are required to ensure everyone’s safety, including<BR>that of the protestors in these real-life situations.<BR>“Purple Haze” was another effective exercise, but even with<BR>these preparatory exercises, efforts in emergency readiness did<BR>not stop there. The Airport Authority has continued with similar<BR>events such as alertness exercises in the summer months.<BR>机场模拟<BR>生化辐核袭击<BR>香港国际机场与所有注重安全的机场一样,确保有备无患。机场为迎接奥<BR>运,多个月来进行了连串精心策划的演习,其中一项是名为「蓝山」的紧<BR>急应变演习。这次演习模拟遇到生化辐核袭击时应采取的应变措施,以及<BR>有关的群众除污程序。<BR>演习在六月的一个清晨举行,地点在二号客运大楼,香港警务处的爆炸品<BR>处理组及机场特警组、消防处及香港国际机场多个内部部门均派员参与。<BR>演习期间仿真一名恐怖份子启动生化辐核装置,突袭机场二号客运大楼,<BR>导致十多名旅客及机场员工受不明物质所伤或污染。各有关方面随即采取<BR>紧急应变措施,过程包括发出警示、救援、疏散、分流,以及为受伤或受<BR>污染人士除污。一名在场的特派观察员表示,整个演习规模庞大,所有单<BR>位迅速到场处理危机,参与救援,并设立除污站。<BR>参加者凭借以往成功的经验,按照有关程序完成「蓝山」演习,确保作好<BR>准备,可应付生化辐核的袭击。<BR>机场运作持续策划 A I R P O R T B U S I N E S S C O N T I N U I T Y N E W S<BR>By AAHK Business Continuity Planning Officer Ivan Ho<BR>三十四期 Issue 34 机场安全专讯 Airport Safety Bulletin 11<BR>CBRN attack<BR>simulated at HKIA<BR>Preparedness is everything at a safe airport like HKIA. As part of the<BR>airport’s Olympic preparation, a series of meticulously-planned exercises<BR>were conducted. One of them was an emergency response<BR>exercise, codenamed ”Blue Mountain”, which involved a simulated<BR>CBRN (Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear) agent incident<BR>response and the related mass decontamination procedures.<BR>In an early morning in June, the Explosive Ordnance Disposal<BR>Bureau and the Airport Security Unit of the Hong Kong Police, Fire<BR>Services Department and various internal departments of HKIA, participated<BR>in an exercise setting in a Terminal Two location.<BR>In the exercise scenario, more than a dozen passengers and airport<BR>staff were injured or contaminated by an unknown agent from a<BR>CBRN device initiated by a terrorist targeting Terminal Two of the<BR>airport. The agencies concerned carried out their emergency response<BR>procedures which covered all areas including the alert, rescue,<BR>evacuation, triage and also decontamination of personnel that<BR>were injured or exposed to the agent. One of the official observers<BR>who attended described the exercise as extensive and observed<BR>that all units responding arrived quickly to deal with the scenario.<BR>Building on the success of previous exercises, the participants<BR>completed “Blue Mountain” in accordance with respective procedures,<BR>enhancing readiness for dealing with a real CBRN agent<BR>attack.<BR>准备就绪<BR>运作如常<BR>应付紧急情况通常不单只是制订应变计划,而是须在情况有变时<BR>采取措施,并须同时统筹兼顾处理多项工作。为了配合奥运马术<BR>比赛,机场管理局作好准备,迎接乘搭飞机抵达的参赛马匹、马<BR>术选手、选手的家人及朋友。不论是前线或幕后工作都妥善安<BR>排,并且符合马术公司的要求。<BR>在奥运比赛预备及进行期间,香港先后受台风北冕及鹦鹉侵袭,<BR>其间分别发出了高达八号及九号台风信号,使香港市面活动停<BR>顿,而且造成破坏。但是,台风对香港国际机场的服务及奥运相<BR>关后勤服务,却影响轻微。<BR>这是由于机场管理人员及整体机场同业反应迅速,应付突发情<BR>况。各有关方面派出代表,在机场紧急应变中心负责协调工作。<BR>有赖各方互相协调,各项实时及预见的工作一一完成。所有航班<BR>无论是否与奥运有关都获从速处理,并着重保障所有人的安全。<BR>Plan B means<BR>‘Business as Usual’<BR>Contingency is often more than ‘having a plan B’ and taking<BR>action is about being able to multi-task and quickly adapt<BR>when faced with a changing situation. The Airport Authority<BR>was fully prepared for the arrival of Olympic Equestrian<BR>teams, their horses, families and friends. Arrangements were<BR>in place both in the foreground and backstage, with Equestrian<BR>Company’s requirement met in full.<BR>During the run-up to and over the Olympic period,<BR>Typhoon Kammuri (a number-eight typhoon signal) and<BR>Typhoon Nuri (a stronger number-nine signal) hit Hong Kong<BR>and caused disruption and damage. But HKIA’s services<BR>and the Olympic-related logistics went back to normal<BR>within a very short time.<BR>That’s because the airport management and the airport community<BR>were quick to react to changing conditions. Working<BR>on tasks at hand and with coordination from the Airport<BR>Emergency Centre, all traffic, Olympic or non-Olympic, continued<BR>to be handled quickly with the focus remaining on<BR>safety for all.<BR>机场安全专讯 Airport Safety Bulletin 三十四期 Issue 34<BR>A I R P O R T C O M M U N I T Y S A F E T Y N E W S 机场小区安全快讯<BR>12<BR>“Safety always comes First”<BR>for AAT employees<BR>As a continuing commitment to safety as a core value, Asia Airfreight Terminal Company Limited (AAT) organizes an<BR>annual Safety Week to enhance the safety awareness among its employees and business partners. Held from 25<BR>to 29 August 2008, this year’s Safety Week included activities such as game booths, safety competition on<BR>manual handling and forklift truck operations, safety video sharing session, and occupational safety and<BR>health quizzes etc. In all activities, AAT cultivates a positive safety culture where “Safety always comes<BR>First” so as to achieve a better safety performance.<BR>为贯彻「安全至上」之核心价值观,亚洲空运中心有限公司每年均定期举办「安全周」,以加强<BR>各员工及其合作伙伴的安全意识。本年度的安全周已于二零零八年八月二十五至二十九日举<BR>行。是次活动举办了不同的项目,例如:「摊位游戏」、「体力处理及铲车操作安全比<BR>赛」、「安全电影分享会」以及「职安健常识问答比赛」等。亚洲空运中心有限公<BR>司本着「安全至上」的理念,希望透过是次活动,提高使用者安全意识,以减<BR>低意外发生的机会。<BR>六家停机坪营运商<BR>参加安全气候调查<BR>安全气候调查是主动衡量机构安全文化的有效方法,目的是防止意外发生。机场管理局一直让业务伙伴免费<BR>使用这衡量方法。上一季,共有六家停机坪营运商为雇员完成调查,这些机构包括亚洲空运中心有限公司、香港<BR>机场地勤服务有限公司、中国飞机服务有限公司、明捷航空集团服务(香港)有限公司、怡中航空服务及<BR>泛亚太平洋航空服务有限公司。<BR>Six ramp operators participated in<BR>safety climate surveys<BR>Safety climate assessment is a useful tool in proactively gauging the safety cultures of organisations<BR>in an effort to prevent accidents. The Airport Authority has been offering the use of this tool<BR>free of charge for its business partners. For the last quarter, six ramp operators – Asia<BR>Airfreight Terminal Co Ltd, Hong Kong Airport Services Ltd, China Aircraft Services<BR>Ltd, Menzies Aviation (Hong Kong) Ltd, Jardine Aviation Services Group and<BR>Pan Asia Pacific Aviation Services Ltd – have each completed a survey<BR>of their employees.<BR>东涌小区职前安全训练<BR>机场管理局为了支持社会福利署的地区就业支持试验计划,最近与香港圣公会东涌综合服务<BR>合办职前安全训练,安排东涌居民参观机场。这项计划的目的是协助失业人士尽早解决就业困<BR>难,让他们可以重新投入工作。活动一共有18名已登记有兴趣从事机场工作的东涌居民参加,其中<BR>一位参加者张先生说:「这次活动让我们大开眼界,知道机场禁区的实际工作环境,使我们更加了解<BR>在停机坪工作须注意的事项。」<BR>Pre-job safety training for<BR>Tung Chung community<BR>In an outreach programme to the Tung Chung community, the Airport Authority recently co-organized<BR>pre-job safety training with the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Tung Chung Integrated Services in support<BR>of the District Employment Assistance Trial (DEAT), commissioned by the Social Welfare<BR>Department. The objective was to help unemployed individuals to address their employment<BR>difficulties as early as possible so that they can quickly return to the workforce. Participating<BR>in the airport visit recently were 18 Tung Chung residents who had registered as being<BR>interested in employment at HKIA. One of the participants, Mr Cheung said “The<BR>activity opens our eyes to the real-life airside working environment. We now<BR>have a better idea what to expect if we are to become ramp workers.”<BR>机场小区安全快讯 A I R P O R T C O M M U N I T Y S A F E T Y N E W S<BR>三十四期 Issue 34 机场安全专讯 Airport Safety Bulletin 13<BR>14 机场安全专讯 Airport Safety Bulletin 三十四期 Issue 34<BR>主要节约能源措施<BR>1. 策略性照明时间表 ── 客运大楼装设了大量<BR>玻璃,感光器可自动监察天然光线的强度,以<BR>调校日间室内照明的适当光度。大楼内有些范<BR>围采用了时间控制机制,在不影响机场使用者<BR>的安全及保安的情况下,人流少的地区在晚间<BR>会关掉照明。<BR>2. 空调运作时间表 ── 空调系统在夜间调校至<BR>较低运作模式,以节省能源。为确保所有机场<BR>使用者能享用一个舒适的环境,我们定期巡查<BR>及实地测量室内环境温度,查察的范围包括客<BR>运廊、旅客登记大堂等。<BR>3. 采用极化制冷剂 ── 我们采用极化制冷剂,<BR>提升低压制冷机的制冷效果,以减少空调系统<BR>的耗电量。<BR>4. 更换出口标志 ──发光二极管出口标志取代<BR>后勤区域逾1,000个传统光管式出口标志。新<BR>标志可靠耐用,耗电量减少了逾90%,这项措<BR>施更表现了香港国际机场致力使用能源效益的<BR>新科技。<BR>5. 液压泵改善工程 ── 液压泵大型改善工程装<BR>设了变速器,以提升食水泵及咸水泵的运作效<BR>率。新系统不但提高了整体效率,还使发动机<BR>部件更加耐用。<BR>6. 在机房装设时间掣 ── 一号及二号客运大楼<BR>共有逾700个机房。由于机房在操作及维修期<BR>间才需要照明,所以必须严格控制机房的照明<BR>系统,以免浪费能源。所有机房都装设了时间<BR>掣,在不影响操作人员安全的情况下,灯光亮<BR>着一段时间后会自动关掉。<BR>7. 海水抽水站互相连接管道 ── 原为于紧急<BR>时,将不同系统并联,体现相互支持的效果。<BR>现优化操作,将剩余的海水供应其它系统使<BR>用,不但减少海水用量及降低水压,达到节能<BR>目的,而且更可延长设备寿命。<BR>香港国际机场以电力为客运大楼、办公室、附属建筑物及其它设施,提供动力、照明<BR>及空调。我们着重环保,因此致力不断提升能源效益,并与机场同业分享能源管<BR>理的知识和经验。<BR>两座客运大楼的设计均注重热效能。大楼采用了现代化玻璃外墙及外壳,既可反射热力,亦可<BR>减少冷气负荷。屋顶的天窗让天然光线在日间透进大楼。尽管室内空间偌大无比,创新的冷却<BR>系统只会为最低的三米范围供应冷气,三米以上则保持在普通室内温度。<BR>我们以提高能源效益为先,亦设法在机场各范畴节省能源。我们的工作已见成果。尽管客运量<BR>及货运量不断上升,我们的整体能源耗用量仍维持在以往的水平。<BR>0<BR>50,000<BR>100,000<BR>150,000<BR>200,000<BR>250,000<BR>300,000<BR>350,000<BR>FY05/06 FY06/07 FY07/08<BR>Fiscal Years 财政年度<BR>0<BR>10,000<BR>20,000<BR>30,000<BR>40,000<BR>50,000<BR>60,000<BR>年度旅客量(千人次)<BR>Annual no. of passengers (000)<BR>耗电量单位(MWH)Electricity Units Consumption (MWH)<BR>旅客量 No. of Passengers<BR>航班量 No. of Flights<BR>年度耗电量 (MWH) 及航班量<BR>Annual electricity consumption (MWH) and no. of flights<BR>年度耗电量与年度旅客及航班数量<BR>Annual Electricity Consumption vs Annual No. of Passengers and Flights<BR>香港国际机场竭力提高能源效益<BR>一号及二号客运大楼均设有天然光线的感光器,以调校日间室内照明的适当光度。<BR>The lighting inside Terminals 1 and 2 is fully optimized during daytime through monitoring of natural light by photocells.<BR>后勤区域的出口标志都采用了省电的二极管。<BR>LED type exit signs are installed in the back-of-house area.<BR>位于机房内的全部灯光开关器都装设了时间掣。<BR>Light switches in the plant room are all timer switches.<BR>A I R P O R T E N V I R O N M E N T A L N E W S 机场环保快讯<BR>三十四期 Issue 34 机场安全专讯 Airport Safety Bulletin 15<BR>HKIA fully committed to<BR>energy efficiency<BR>HKIA depends on electricity to power, light and cool the terminals, offices,<BR>ancillary buildings and other facilities that make up the airport. As<BR>an environmentally responsible corporation, the Airport Authority is committed to<BR>continually improving its performance on energy efficiency and sharing the expertise<BR>and experience of energy management with the airport community.<BR>Our terminals are designed to be thermally efficient. They use modern glass<BR>facades and building envelopes to reflect heat and reduce cooling loads. Roof<BR>skylights optimise natural light during daytime. And innovative cooling systems<BR>are in place to cool only the lower three metres of our large open indoor spaces,<BR>leaving the air above at ambient temperatures.<BR>Improving energy efficiency remains a high priority and we work hard to identify<BR>saving opportunities across the airport. Our work is paying dividends, and we have<BR>been able to maintain the same overall level of energy consumption despite increasing<BR>passenger and cargo throughput.<BR>Major Energy Saving Measures<BR>1. Strategic lighting schedule – Since the terminals<BR>are extensively glazed, photocells are used to<BR>automatically monitor the light intensity and adjust<BR>ambient lighting. In addition, a time control<BR>mechanism operated through the central BMS<BR>system is used to turn off gantry and catwalk<BR>lights during night time or low<BR>occupancy periods without compromising on<BR>operational needs.<BR>2. Air conditioning operation schedule – Air<BR>conditioning is switched to a low occupancy<BR>operation mode during night time to minimize<BR>unnecessary energy consumption. Close monitoring<BR>of ambient indoor thermal comfort is<BR>conducted constantly in areas such as the concourse,<BR>check-in hall, etc. to ensure a satisfactory<BR>comfort level for all airport users.<BR>3. Use of polarized refrigerant – Polarized<BR>refrigerant is added to the existing low voltage<BR>chillers to improve efficiency and reduce power<BR>consumption.<BR>4. Exit sign replacement – The traditional fluorescent<BR>tube type exit signs in back-of-house<BR>areas (over 1,000 signs) were replaced by LED<BR>signs, which are more reliable and durable and<BR>consumes less energy. This replacement project<BR>not only encouraged energy saving up to 90%,<BR>but also demonstrates best practice.<BR>5. Hydraulic pump improvement work – Major<BR>improvement works on the hydraulic pumps was<BR>carried out to improve operational efficiency.<BR>Variable frequency drives (VFD) were installed<BR>and new system not only enhances overall efficiency,<BR>but also improves the durability of the<BR>motors.<BR>6. Timer switch installation at plant rooms –<BR>There are over 700 plant rooms in our Terminal<BR>buildings and stringent control of lighting<BR>in the plant rooms is necessary to avoid wastage<BR>of energy. With timer switches installed<BR>in all of the plant rooms, lights are automatically<BR>switched off after a period of time, without<BR>compromising on the safety standard for<BR>operations personnel.<BR>7. Seawater pump house interconnection pipework<BR>– These pipes were originally designed to<BR>provide backup seawater to different networks<BR>during emergencies. They are now operated<BR>to divert surplus seawater, thereby reducing<BR>seawater and power consumption, relieving<BR>excessive seawater pressure and prolonging<BR>equipment life.<BR>机场环保快讯 A I R P O R T E N V I R O N M E N T A L N E W S<BR>机场安全专讯 Airport Safety Bulletin 三十四期 Issue 34<BR>A I R P O R T S E C U R I T Y N E W S 机场保安快讯<BR>16<BR>机场安全专讯由香港机场管理局 — 安全、保安、运作持续及环境部定期出版。<BR>Airport Safety Bulletin is published regularly by Safety, Security, Business<BR>Continuity &amp; Environmental Department of the Airport Authority Hong Kong.<BR>保安研讨会<BR>提升个人保安意识<BR>机场管理局于2008年8月27日举办机场扑灭罪行研讨会,共有来自<BR>31家机构的80名机场员工参加。这个研讨会是机场机警员工运动的<BR>一部分。机场机警员工运动为期一年,目的是提高机场同业对机场保<BR>安的意识。<BR>主持研讨会的是香港警务处的代表连永浩先生,他讲述了机场的罪案<BR>趋势、防止罪案的方法,以及以往的犯罪个案。机场保安有限公司亦<BR>分享了过往在可疑行为、无人看管行李、尾随他人进出及不当使用通<BR>行证的事件。<BR>以下是专家提供的保障个人安全提示:<BR>办公室保安<BR>• 将所有门锁上<BR>• 小心保管钥匙<BR>• 时刻小心看管私人物件<BR>• 使用优质的保险箱<BR>• 安装有效的保安警报系统<BR>• 提高警觉,有需要时向陌生人查问<BR>个人保障<BR>• 晚间切勿单独步行回家<BR>• 小心陌生人<BR>• 避免佩带昂贵的珠宝或携带过多现金<BR>• 避免与陌生人乘搭升降机,在升降机内靠近控制板<BR>• 带备个人随身召援器<BR>• 如发现洗手间外有可疑人闲逛,切勿使用<BR>在公共交通工具上<BR>• 坐在靠近司机的位置<BR>• 如乘搭列车,切勿独坐,应选用有其它乘客的车厢<BR>• 切勿在公共车辆内睡觉<BR>在全日运作的机场内,很多机场员工须要轮班工作,因此须格外留意<BR>个人安全。<BR>机场保安,人人有责。请大家积极参与,举报事故。如果你发现有任<BR>何行李或包裹无人看管,或见到任何人有可疑行为、尾随他人进出<BR>或不当使用通行证,请立即致电机场中央控制中心的机场保安热线<BR>2183 9074 或 2183 9078。<BR>Security Seminar<BR>promotes personal<BR>security awareness<BR>An Airport Anti-Crime Seminar was held by the Airport Authority on<BR>27 August 2008 as part of the Airport I Watch Program, with a total<BR>attendance of 80 airport staff from 31 organizations. The Airport I Watch<BR>Program is a year-long program to enhance the airport community’s<BR>awareness towards airport security.<BR>The presentation given by the Hong Kong Police’s representative Mr<BR>Vico Lin covered crime statistics, crime trends at the airport, smart<BR>tips on crime prevention, as well as sharing of case studies. AVSECO<BR>also shared their experience on incidents of suspicious behaviour,<BR>unattended bags, tailgating and other improper use of HKIA permits.<BR>Here are some tips from the experts to enhance your personal safety:<BR>OFFICE SECURITY<BR>• Lock all the doors<BR>• Keep careful control of your key<BR>• Do not leave personal items unattended<BR>• Use good-quality safes<BR>• Install effective security alarm systems<BR>• Be vigilant and prepared to challenge strangers as necessary<BR>PERSONAL PROTECTION<BR>• Never walk home alone at night<BR>• Be aware of strangers<BR>• Avoid wearing expensive jewelleries or carrying too much cash<BR>• Avoid being in an elevator with a stranger. Try to stay close to the<BR>control panel inside the elevator<BR>• Carry a personal alarm with you<BR>• Avoid using the toilet if you spot someone loitering suspiciously<BR>WHILE TRAVELLING IN PUBLIC TRANSPORT<BR>• Take a seat closer to the driver<BR>• Don’t sit alone. Always sit with other passengers inside a train<BR>compartment<BR>• Don’t fall asleep while travelling inside a bus or train<BR>In an airport that operates round-the-clock, many airport staff are<BR>required to work on shift. Therefore, do pay particular attention to your<BR>personal safety.<BR>Airport security is everyone’s responsibility. So, take up your role actively<BR>and report incidents. If you come across any unattended bags/packages,<BR>suspicious activities, tailgating or improper use of permits, please<BR>report immediately to IAC – AVSECO Tel. 2183 9074 or 2183 9078.__<BR></P>
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