航空 发表于 2011-8-17 00:34:03


<P>特殊工作单SPECIAL JOB CARD-拆装电瓶</P>
<P>**** Hidden Message *****</P>

航空 发表于 2011-8-17 00:37:06

<P>A/C REG <BR>机号 <BR>&nbsp;REV.DATE <BR>修正日期 <BR>&nbsp;TITLE 标题 <BR>Removal and installation of the Batteries <BR>拆装电瓶 <BR>&nbsp;CARD NO 卡号: <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;2010/08/26 <BR>&nbsp;243851-SJC-001 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>WORK ORDER NO <BR>定检指令号 <BR>&nbsp;TASK <BR>工作 <BR>&nbsp;INTERVAL <BR>间隔 <BR>&nbsp;SKILL <BR>专业 <BR>&nbsp;SCHEMING MH <BR>计划工时 <BR>&nbsp;ACTUAL MH <BR>实际工时 <BR>&nbsp;SEQ NO <BR>顺序号 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;更换 <BR>&nbsp;机遇/800飞行小时 <BR>&nbsp;AV/ ME <BR>&nbsp;2*1.5 <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>GATEGORY <BR>工卡类别 <BR>&nbsp;□ CAD/AD □CMR □ RII <BR>□ MRB&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; □ALI&nbsp; □ SB <BR>■维护经验 □ETOPS <BR>&nbsp;ZONE&nbsp; <BR>区域 <BR>&nbsp;PANEL 盖板&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;REV NO. <BR>版本号 <BR>&nbsp;EFF适用性&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>N/A <BR>&nbsp; <BR>N/A&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>R03 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>A320 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>REF.DOCUENTS/REV.DATE 参考文件/版次 <BR>AMM 24-38-51 PB401&nbsp; Aug 01/10 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>SPARES REPLACEMENT DATA 拆换件信息 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>P/N REMOVED拆下件件号 <BR>&nbsp;S/N 序号 <BR>&nbsp;P/N INSTALLED 装上件件号 <BR>&nbsp;S/N 序号 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>RECORD THE NON-ROUTINE JOB CARD NO ( IF APPLICABLE ) 记录非例行工作单号(如适用) <BR>&nbsp;<BR>PREPARED 编写 <BR>&nbsp; </P>
<P>&nbsp;AUDIT 审核 <BR>&nbsp; </P>
<P>&nbsp;APPROVED 批准 <BR>&nbsp; </P>
<P>&nbsp;<BR>Certified by <BR>完工签署 <BR>&nbsp;Date <BR>完工日期 <BR>&nbsp;STATION <BR>维修站 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>A/C REG <BR>机号 <BR>&nbsp;REV.DATE <BR>修正日期 <BR>&nbsp;TITLE 标题 <BR>Removal and installation of the Batteries <BR>拆装电瓶 <BR>&nbsp;CARD NO 卡号: <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>A/C REG <BR>机号 <BR>&nbsp;REV.DATE <BR>修正日期 <BR>&nbsp;TITLE 标题 <BR>Removal and installation of the Batteries <BR>拆装电瓶 <BR>&nbsp;CARD NO 卡号: <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>A/C REG <BR>机号 <BR>&nbsp;REV.DATE <BR>修正日期 <BR>&nbsp;TITLE 标题 <BR>Removal and installation of the Batteries <BR>拆装电瓶 <BR>&nbsp;CARD NO 卡号: <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>A/C REG <BR>机号 <BR>&nbsp;REV.DATE <BR>修正日期 <BR>&nbsp;TITLE 标题 <BR>Removal and installation of the Batteries <BR>拆装电瓶 <BR>&nbsp;CARD NO 卡号: <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>A/C REG <BR>机号 <BR>&nbsp;REV.DATE <BR>修正日期 <BR>&nbsp;TITLE 标题 <BR>Removal and installation of the Batteries <BR>拆装电瓶 <BR>&nbsp;CARD NO 卡号: <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>A/C REG <BR>机号 <BR>&nbsp;REV.DATE <BR>修正日期 <BR>&nbsp;TITLE 标题 <BR>Removal and installation of the Batteries <BR>拆装电瓶 <BR>&nbsp;CARD NO 卡号: <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>A/C REG <BR>机号 <BR>&nbsp;REV.DATE <BR>修正日期 <BR>&nbsp;TITLE 标题 <BR>Removal and installation of the Batteries <BR>拆装电瓶 <BR>&nbsp;CARD NO 卡号: <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>A/C REG <BR>机号 <BR>&nbsp;REV.DATE <BR>修正日期 <BR>&nbsp;TITLE 标题 <BR>Removal and installation of the Batteries <BR>拆装电瓶 <BR>&nbsp;CARD NO 卡号: <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;2010/08/26 <BR>&nbsp;243851-SJC-001 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>Removal of the Batteries (2PB1, 2PB2)&nbsp; <BR>拆下电瓶(2PB1, 2PB2) <BR>&nbsp; 1. <BR>&nbsp;Reason for the Job&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;工作原因 <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>Self Explanatory <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>2. <BR>&nbsp;Job Set-up Information&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp; 工作准备信息 <BR>A. <BR>&nbsp;Fixtures, Tools, Test and Support Equipment <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; 固定设施,工具,测试和支撑设备 <BR>REFERENCE <BR>参考 <BR>&nbsp;QTY <BR>数量 <BR>&nbsp;DESIGNATION <BR>描述 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>No specific <BR>无说明 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;blanking cap&nbsp; <BR>堵盖 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>No specific <BR>无说明 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;blanking caps&nbsp; <BR>堵盖 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>No specific <BR>无说明 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;circuit breaker(s) safety clip(s)&nbsp; <BR>跳开关保护夹 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>No specific <BR>无说明 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;warning notice&nbsp; <BR>警告牌 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>No specific <BR>无说明 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;access platform 1.8 m (5 ft. 11 in.)&nbsp; <BR>1.8m接近平台 <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;<BR>B. <BR>&nbsp;Referenced Information <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; 参考信息 <BR>REFERENCE <BR>参考 <BR>&nbsp;DESIGNATION <BR>描述 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>24-42-00-861-001&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;Energize the Ground Service Network from the External Power&nbsp; <BR>通过地面电源给飞机供电 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>24-38-00-710-001&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;Operational Test of the Battery Charge Limiter (BCL), (with the CFDS)&nbsp; <BR>使用CFDS操作测试BCL <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;MECH <BR>工作者&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>XXX <BR>&nbsp;AUTH <BR>检验者 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>XXX <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;2010/08/26 <BR>&nbsp;243851-SJC-001 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>24-38-00-710-001&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;Operational Test of the Battery Charge Limiter (BCL), (without the CFDS)&nbsp; <BR>在不使用CFDS的情况下操作测试BCL <BR>&nbsp;<BR>24-42-00-862-001&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;De-energize the Ground Service Network Supplied from the External Power&nbsp; <BR>给飞机断开地面电源 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;31-21-00-750-002&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;Procedure to set the Clock&nbsp; <BR>按照程序设置时钟 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>(Ref. Fig. 401/24-38-51-991-001 SHEET 401.1) <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>C. Consumable Materials <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; 耗材 <BR>REFERENCE <BR>参考 <BR>&nbsp;DESIGNATION <BR>描述 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>No specific&nbsp; <BR>无说明 <BR>&nbsp;COPPER SHEAR WIRE NFL23-321&nbsp; <BR>铜剪切销 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>No specific&nbsp; <BR>无说明 <BR>&nbsp;LOCK WIRE MS 20995CY15&nbsp; <BR>保险丝&nbsp; MS20995CY15 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>19009 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;USA AMS 5687 LOCKWIRE STAINLSS S TL OR NICKEL ALLOY (Ref. 20-31-00)&nbsp; <BR>美国军标不锈钢保险丝或镍合金保险丝 <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>XXX <BR>&nbsp; <BR>XXX <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>3. Job Set-up <BR>Subtask 24-38-51-860-051 <BR>A.Aircraft Maintenance Configuration&nbsp; <BR>飞机维护构型 <BR>(1)Energize the ground service network&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (Ref. AMM TASK 24-42-00-861-001)&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 给飞机地面勤务汇流条通电 <BR>(2)In the cockpit, on the overhead panel 35VU, release these pushbutton switches BAT1&nbsp; BAT2 <BR>在驾驶舱头顶板35VU上释放按钮BAT1, BAT2 <BR>(3)In the cockpit, on the overhead panel 35VU, put a&nbsp; warning notice&nbsp; in position to tell the persons not to operate the batteries <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 在驾驶舱头顶板35VU挂警告牌,禁止操作电瓶 <BR>&nbsp; <BR>T1 <BR>&nbsp; <BR>XXX <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;2010/08/26 <BR>&nbsp;243851-SJC-001 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>Subtask 24-38-51-010-050 <BR>B.&nbsp; Get access to the Avionics Compartment&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 接近电子设备舱 <BR>(1) Put an&nbsp; access platform&nbsp; in position at the avionics compartment doors 812 and 822 </P>
<P><BR>放置接近平台到电子设备舱门812和822附近 <BR>(2) Open the access doors 812 and 822 </P>
<P><BR>打开接近门812和822 <BR>(3) Open the access panels of the AC/DC emergency power center 106VU and the BATTERY power center 105VU </P>
<P><BR>打开AC/DC应急电源中心106VU的接近面板和电瓶电源中心105VU的接近面板 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>Subtask 24-38-51-865-050 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>C. Open, safety and tag this(these) circuit breaker(s) <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; 断开下列跳开关并安装跳开关保险夹,悬挂警告牌: <BR>&nbsp;<BR>PANEL <BR>&nbsp;DESIGNATION <BR>&nbsp;IDENT <BR>&nbsp;LOCATION <BR>&nbsp;<BR>FOR&nbsp; 2PB1&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>105VU&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;ELEC/HOT BUS/701PP SPLY&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;5PB1 <BR>&nbsp;D01 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>105VU&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;ELEC/HOT BUS/701PP SPLY&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;12PB1 <BR>&nbsp;E01 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>FOR&nbsp; 2PB2&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>105VU&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;ELEC/HOT BUS/702PP SPLY&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;5PB2 <BR>&nbsp;D02 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>105VU&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;ELEC/HOT BUS/702PP SPLY&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;12PB2 <BR>&nbsp;E02 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>106VU&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;CSM/G /EV/MAN/SPLY&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;6XE <BR>&nbsp;B04 <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>T1 <BR>&nbsp; <BR>XXX <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>4. Procedure&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; 步骤 <BR>&nbsp;(Ref. Fig. 401/TASK 24-38-51-991-001 SHEET 401.1)&nbsp; <BR>Subtask 24-38-51-020-050 <BR>WARNING: <BR>&nbsp;BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU REMOVE OR INSTALL THE BATTERY. THE BATTERY<BR>IS HEAVY AND CAN CAUSE INJURY AND/OR DAMAGE. <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>警告:&nbsp;&nbsp; 在拆装电瓶时要非常小心。电瓶非常重,并且可能会导致伤害和/或损伤。 <BR>A. Removal of the Batteries&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; 拆下电瓶 <BR>NOTE: <BR>&nbsp;The weight of the battery is approximately 26 kg (57 lb).&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>注:&nbsp; 电瓶的重量大约有26kg(57lb) <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>T1 <BR>&nbsp; <BR>XXX <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;2010/08/26 <BR>&nbsp;243851-SJC-001 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>(1)&nbsp; Cut and remove the copper shear wire between the knurled nut (6) and the connector (7).&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 剪断并拆下连接在滚花螺母(6)和连接器(7)之间的保险丝。 <BR>(2)&nbsp; Turn the knurled nut (6) by a quarter turn <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 旋转滚花螺母(6)四分之一圈 <BR>(3)&nbsp; Disconnect the connector (7).&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 脱开连接器(7) <BR>(4) Put blanking caps on the disconnected electrical connectors <BR>在脱开的电插头上安装堵盖 <BR>(5)&nbsp; Loosen the clamp (9).&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 松开夹子(9) <BR>(6) Disconnect the ventilation duct (10) and put a&nbsp; blanking cap&nbsp; on the duct&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>拆开通气管(10)并给通气管安装堵盖 <BR>(7)&nbsp; Cut and remove the lockwire from the two wing nuts (2).&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 剪断并拆下两个翼型螺母(2)上的保险丝 <BR>(8)&nbsp; Loosen the two wing nuts (2).&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 松开两个翼型螺母(2) <BR>(9) Release the two rods (3) that hold the battery </P>
<P><BR>脱开夹持电瓶的两根杆(3) <BR>(10)&nbsp; Remove the battery (1).&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 拆下电瓶(1) <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>T1 <BR>&nbsp; <BR>XXX <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>Subtask 24-38-51-869-051 <BR>B. Make sure that there is no electrolyte leakage in the ventilation duct.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; 确信通气管处没有电解液渗漏 。 <BR>NOTE: <BR>&nbsp;If there is, remove the duct, clean it and rinse it with water.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;注: 如果通气管处有渗漏,拆下通气管并用水清洗。 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;拆下电瓶的件号 <BR>&nbsp;拆下电瓶的序列号 <BR>&nbsp;工作者 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>BAT1 <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>BAT2 <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>T1 <BR>&nbsp; <BR>XXX <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;2010/08/26 <BR>&nbsp;243851-SJC-001 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>5. Installation of the Batteries (2PB1, 2PB2)&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; 安装电瓶(2PB1, 2PB2) <BR>WARNING: <BR>&nbsp;BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU REMOVE OR INSTALL THE BATTERY. THE BATTERY IS HEAVY AND CAN CAUSE INJURY AND/OR DAMAGE. <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>警告:&nbsp; 在拆装电瓶时要非常小心。电瓶非常重并且可能会导致伤害和/或损伤。 <BR>A. Installation of the Batteries&nbsp; </P>
<P><BR>安装电瓶 <BR>NOTE: <BR>&nbsp;The weight of the battery is approximately 26 kg (57 lb).&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>注:&nbsp; 电瓶的重量大约有26kg(57)lb&nbsp; <BR>(1)&nbsp; Put the battery (1) in position between the fours stops (4) on the plate assembly (5).&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 将电瓶(1)放置在平台组件(5)的四个止动点(4)之间。 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>(2)&nbsp; Put the rods (3) in position to the battery.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 把杆(3)放置到电瓶上的正确位置。 <BR>NOTE: <BR>&nbsp;Make sure that the rods are engaged in the cover assembly slots of the battery (1) and the spacers (8) are in position.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp; 注: 确保杆与电瓶(1)盖子组件的卡槽正确衔接,并且垫片(8)在正确位置。 <BR>(3) Tighten the wing nuts (2) with your hand until they touch the battery, then tighten a 1/4 turn more&nbsp; </P>
<P><BR>用手拧紧翼型螺母(2)直至其接触到电瓶,然后再旋四分之一圈。 <BR>(4) Safety the wing nuts (2) with Material No 19009 (MISCELLANEOUS (Material No. 19-009))&nbsp; </P>
<P><BR>使用材料号为19009的保险丝为翼型螺母(2)打保险。&nbsp; <BR>(5)&nbsp; Remove all the blanking caps and connect the duct (10) on the battery.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 拆下通气管上的所有堵盖并将通气管(10)连在电瓶上。 <BR>(6)&nbsp; Install the clamp (9) and tighten it. <BR>安装夹子(9)并拧紧。 <BR>(7)&nbsp; Remove the blanking caps from the electrical connectors <BR>拆下电插头上的所有堵盖 <BR>(8) Make sure that the electrical connectors are clean and in the correct condition. </P>
<P><BR>确保电插头清洁并且状态良好 <BR>(9)&nbsp; Connect the connector (7) on the battery (1).&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 将连接器(7)连接在电瓶上 <BR>(10) Turn the knurled nut (6) by a quarter turn <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 旋转滚花螺母(6)四分之一圈 <BR>(11) Install the&nbsp; COPPER SHEAR WIRE NFL23-321&nbsp; between the knurled nut (6) and the connector (7).&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 在滚花螺母(6)和连接器(7)之间打保险,材料号:NFL23-321 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>T1 <BR>&nbsp; <BR>XXX <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;2010/08/26 <BR>&nbsp;243851-SJC-001 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>NOTE: You can use the LOCK WIRE MS 20995CY15 as an alternative to the <BR>COPPER SHEAR WIRE NFL23-321.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;注意:你可以使用保险丝MS 20995CY15代替铜剪切销NFL23-321 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;装上电瓶的件号 <BR>&nbsp;装上电瓶的序列号 <BR>&nbsp;工作者 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>BAT1 <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>BAT2 <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>T1 <BR>&nbsp; <BR>XXX <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>Subtask 24-38-51-865-052 <BR>B. Remove the safety clip(s) and the tag(s) and close this(these) circuit breaker(s):&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; 拆下保险夹和警告牌并闭合以下跳开关: <BR>FOR&nbsp; 2PB1&nbsp; <BR>5PB1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 12PB1 <BR>FOR&nbsp; 2PB2&nbsp; <BR>5PB2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 12PB2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 6XE <BR>Subtask 24-38-51-710-050 <BR>C. Do an operational test of the BCL from the CFDS&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (Ref. AMM TASK 24-38-00-710-001) . <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; 使用CFDS执行BCL的操作测试&nbsp;&nbsp; (Ref. AMM TASK 24-38-00-710-001) . <BR>NOTE: <BR>&nbsp;As an alternative procedure, you can do this operational test without the CFDS&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (Ref. AMM TASK 24-38-00-710-001)&nbsp; <BR>注: 作为备用程序,可以在不使用CFDS的情况下执行该操作测试。 <BR>(Ref. AMM TASK 24-38-00-710-001)&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>T1 <BR>&nbsp; <BR>XXX <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>Subtask 24-38-51-750-050 <BR>D. Adjustment of the Clock&nbsp; <BR>调整时钟 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; -FOR&nbsp; 2PB1 <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; (1)Adjust the clock&nbsp; (Ref. AMM TASK 31-21-00-750-002) .&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 调整时钟&nbsp;&nbsp; (Ref. AMM TASK 31-21-00-750-002)&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>T1 <BR>&nbsp; <BR>XXX <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;2010/08/26 <BR>&nbsp;243851-SJC-001 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>6. Close-up&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; Subtask 24-38-51-410-050 <BR>A. Close Access&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; 关闭接近门 <BR>(1) Make sure that the work area is clean and clear of tool(s) and other items.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 确保工作区域干净,无工具和其他设备遗留。 <BR>(2) Close the access panels of the AC/DC emergency power center 106VU and BATTERY power center 105VU.&nbsp; <BR>关闭AC/DC应急电源中心106VU的接近面板和电瓶电源中心105VU的接近面板。 <BR>(3) Close the access doors 812 and 822 .&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 关闭接近门812和822 <BR>(4) Remove the warning notice(s).&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 移走警告牌 <BR>(5) Remove the access platform(s).&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 移走接近平台 <BR>Subtask 24-38-51-862-051 <BR>B. <BR>&nbsp;De-energize the ground service network&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;(Ref. AMM TASK 24-42-00-862-001) .&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; 断开地面勤务汇流条 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;2010/08/26 <BR>&nbsp;243851-SJC-001 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;<BR>***END OF CARD***&nbsp;</P>

standbybus 发表于 2012-1-7 15:33:56


chipsnowman 发表于 2014-4-25 22:13:02


D.C 发表于 2014-4-26 08:10:57


zxfsp2008 发表于 2014-5-1 23:53:16

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