航空论坛 发表于 2011-8-17 15:56:08


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航空论坛 发表于 2011-8-17 15:56:30

<P>AC21-2 <BR>Appendix 2&nbsp; <BR>PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA - SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS&nbsp; <BR>(Revised – November 15, 2010)&nbsp; <BR>1. INTRODUCTION. In accordance with the U.S./People’s Republic of China Bilateral Airworthiness Agreement and the associated Schedule of Implementation Procedures, airworthiness certification of aeronautical products is reciprocally accepted. This document prescribes the special requirements applicable to such products exported from the United States to China, and must be satisfied at the time of export for a particular product. It also contains useful information for U.S. manufacturers before a product can enter into service in China. <BR>2. CHINESE AIRWORTHINESS AUTHORITY. The responsibility for controlling flight safety of civil aviation in China is a task of the Civil Aviation Administration of China. (Hereinafter referred to as CAAC.) The Aircraft Airworthiness Certification Department (AAD) of CAAC is responsible for certification of civil aviation products.&nbsp; <BR>CAAC-AAD addresses:&nbsp; <BR>All applications for CAAC design validation should be sent to: <BR>For aircrafts and TSO articles (except APUs):&nbsp; <BR>ATTN:&nbsp;&nbsp; Director, Aircraft Certification Division&nbsp; <BR>Aircraft Airworthiness Certification Department&nbsp; <BR>Civil Aviation Administration of China <BR>#155 Dongsi Xidajie, <BR>Beijing 100710, China&nbsp; <BR>Fax: (8610) 64033087&nbsp; <BR>Phone: (8610) 64092331&nbsp; <BR>For engines, propellers and APUs: <BR>ATTN:&nbsp;&nbsp; Director, Engine and Propeller Certification Division&nbsp; <BR>Aircraft Airworthiness Certification Department&nbsp; <BR>Civil Aviation Administration of China <BR>#155 Dongsi Xidajie, <BR>Beijing 100710, China&nbsp; <BR>Fax: (8610) 64033087&nbsp; <BR>Phone: (8610) 64091308 <BR>All applications for individual CAAC airworthiness certificates should be sent to: <BR>ATTN:&nbsp;&nbsp; Director, Aircraft Airworthiness Inspection Division&nbsp; <BR>Aircraft Airworthiness Certification Department&nbsp; <BR>Civil Aviation Administration of China <BR>#155 Dongsi Xidajie, <BR>Beijing 100710, China&nbsp; <BR>Fax: (8610) 64033087&nbsp; <BR>Phone: (8610) 64091321 <BR>&nbsp;<BR>CAAC-AAD, Regional Airworthiness Offices:&nbsp; <BR>ATTN:&nbsp;&nbsp; Director, Airworthiness Certification Division&nbsp; <BR>North China Administration of CAAC&nbsp; <BR>Capital Airport&nbsp; <BR>100621, Beijing, China&nbsp; <BR>Fax: (8610) 64596413&nbsp; <BR>Phone: (8610) 64595987 <BR>ATTN:&nbsp;&nbsp; Director, Airworthiness Certification Division&nbsp; <BR>South and Center Administration of CAAC&nbsp; <BR>Jichanglu Yunxiaojie&nbsp; <BR>510405, Guangzhou, China&nbsp; <BR>Fax: (8620) 86304190&nbsp; <BR>Phone: (8620) 86133331&nbsp; <BR>ATTN:&nbsp;&nbsp; Director, Airworthiness Certification Division&nbsp; <BR>East China Administration of CAAC&nbsp; <BR>No.300, Changningqu Yinbinerlu&nbsp; <BR>200335, Shanghai, China&nbsp; <BR>Fax: (8621) 62688434&nbsp; <BR>Phone: (8621) 51126113&nbsp; <BR>ATTN:&nbsp;&nbsp; Director, Airworthiness Certification Division&nbsp; <BR>Northwest China Administration of CAAC&nbsp; <BR>No.27 Taoyuannanlu <BR>710082, Xian, China&nbsp; <BR>Fax: (8629) 88793018&nbsp; <BR>Phone: (8629)88793023 <BR>ATTN:&nbsp;&nbsp; Director, Airworthiness Certification Division&nbsp; <BR>Northeast China Administration of CAAC&nbsp; <BR>No.3 Dadongqu Xiaoheyanlu <BR>110043, Shenyang, China&nbsp; <BR>Fax: (8624) 88294012&nbsp; <BR>Phone: (8624) 88293067&nbsp; <BR>ATTN:&nbsp;&nbsp; Director, Airworthiness Certification Division <BR>Southwest China Administration of CAAC&nbsp; <BR>No.8 Shuangliuxian Mumashan Kaifaqu Shenlizhen Yunlinglu <BR>601200, Chengdu,&nbsp; China&nbsp; <BR>Fax: (8628) 85710152&nbsp; <BR>Phone: (8628) 85710145 <BR>ATTN:&nbsp;&nbsp; Director, Airworthiness Division <BR>Xin Jiang Administration of CAAC&nbsp; <BR>No.46 Yingbinlu <BR>830016,Wu Lu Mu Qi, China&nbsp; <BR>Fax: (86991) 3804024&nbsp; <BR>Phone: (8691) 3804026&nbsp; <BR>CAAC-AAD, Aircraft Airworthiness Certification Centers:&nbsp; <BR>ATTN:&nbsp;&nbsp; Director, Shanghai Aircraft Airworthiness Certification Center of CAAC&nbsp; <BR>No.128 Konggangyilu <BR>200335, Shanghai, China <BR>Fax: (8621) 22322252 <BR>Phone: (8621) 22321167 <BR>ATTN:&nbsp;&nbsp; Director, Shenyang Aircraft Airworthiness Certification Center of CAAC&nbsp; <BR>No.3 Dadongqu Xiaoheyanlu <BR>110043, Shenyang, China&nbsp; <BR>Fax: (8624) 88299189 <BR>Phone: (8624) 88293067 <BR>ATTN:&nbsp; Director, Fuel and Chemical Certification Center of CAAC <BR>No.17 Nan’erduan Erhuanlu <BR>610041, Chengdu, China <BR>Fax: (8628) 82909931 <BR>Phone: (8628) 82909892 </P>
<P>&nbsp; <BR>3. CAAC-AAD VALIDATION OF DESIGN APPROVALS FOR IMPORTED PRODUCTS.&nbsp; <BR>3.1 VALIDATION OF TYPE CERTIFICATE FOR AIRCRAFT, AIRCRAFT ENGINES, AND PROPELLERS.&nbsp; <BR>According to the Civil Aviation Law of the People’s Republic of China; Regulations of the Airworthiness of Civil Aircraft of the People’s Republic of China; Civil Aviation Products and Parts Certification Requirements, (CCAR-21); and Validation Procedures for the U.S. Civil Aviation Products and TSO Articles (AP-21-AA-2009-19),the Chinese Validation of a Type Certificate for an import aircraft is a prerequisite to issuance of a Chinese Certificate of Airworthiness.&nbsp; An engine or propeller also should get a Chinese Validation Type Certificate, unless the engine or propeller is validated as part of the aircraft. The detailed procedures for issuance of Chinese Validation Type Certificate are prescribed in AP-21-AA-2009-19. The following are the general procedures.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>3.1.1 Application.&nbsp; <BR>An application form AAC-021 (7/2009) (sample enclosed as attachment 1) shall be completed by the U.S. manufacturer of the concerned aircraft, aircraft engine, or propeller, and forwarded as applicable to the Aircraft Certification Division or Engine and Propeller Certification Division of the CAAC-AAD through the FAA Aircraft Certification Office or Engine Certification Office in which the applicant is located. The following documents must also be provided to permit the CAAC-AAD to become acquainted with the type design.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (a) Recommendation letter forwarding application and a general description of the product from the FAA to CAAC. <BR>(b) A general description of the design features and basic specification of the product. For aircraft, a three-view drawing should be included. For engines, operating characteristics and operating limitations should be included. For propellers, operating principles and operating limitations should be included. If the product is a derivative of a model already validated by CAAC, a description of the design difference between the two products should be provided.&nbsp; <BR>(c) A copy of the FAA type certificate and type certificate data sheet for the aircraft, aircraft engine, or propeller.&nbsp; <BR>(d) A copy of all FAA special conditions, equivalent safety items and exemptions from the airworthiness or noise requirements.&nbsp; <BR>(e) A compliance checklist with the certification basis indicating for each item of the requirement how it was complied with (by test, analysis, calculation, design provision, flight test, etc.), and the title and number of the corresponding substantiation document (report, drawing, specification, etc.).&nbsp; <BR>(f) Any other material deemed necessary by CAAC-AAD should be available.&nbsp; <BR>3.1.2 Acceptance of Application.&nbsp; <BR>CAAC-AAD will issue a Notification of Acceptance for Application after the application is accepted. The airworthiness examining fee is stated in the Notification and should be paid. CAAC-AAD will establish a project team to do the certification work.&nbsp; <BR>3.1.3 Initial Familiarization Meeting.&nbsp; <BR>The U.S. applicant, with the assistance of the FAA, may be required to arrange a familiarization meeting with the CAAC-AAD.&nbsp; <BR>3.1.4 Certification.&nbsp; <BR>(a) The project team will establish a type validation basis based on the FAA certification basis and the Chinese requirements and special conditions for acceptance of the aircraft type, and will perform an engineering review in the U.S. through meetings with the aircraft manufacturer and FAA representatives.&nbsp; <BR>(b) In addition to on-site engineering review, the project team may notify the FAA that they would like to review the Manufacturer’s quality assurance system, if it is necessary.&nbsp; <BR>(c) After finishing the on-site review, the project team should sign final validation meeting minutes with the applicant and the FAA, which would at least cover the following information:&nbsp; <BR>1. Purpose, location and date of meeting;&nbsp; <BR>2. Name of all the attendees;&nbsp; <BR>3. The CAAC validation basis, and the compliance checklist for the difference from the FAA certification basis if applicable;&nbsp; <BR>4. Main points of the validation activities accomplished at the applicant’s facilities;&nbsp; <BR>5. Certification review items;&nbsp; <BR>6. Action Items;&nbsp; <BR>7. A draft validation data sheet;&nbsp; <BR>8. List of the data to be provided to CAAC by the applicant, and the mailing address of the receiver; and&nbsp; <BR>9. A determination of Post Validation Type Certificate activities.&nbsp; <BR>(d) The documents to be provided to the CAAC-AAD project team will include, but are not limited to, the following applicable data:&nbsp; <BR>1. Substantiating data (e.g. design data, technical specifications, analysis and computation reports, test programs and reports, flight test programs and reports, etc.);&nbsp; <BR>NOTE: Requests for substantiating data must be coordinated with the FAA managing Aircraft or Engine Certification Office, as applicable, and mutually agreed in accordance with the BAA SIP. <BR>2. FAA approved Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) or equivalent;&nbsp; <BR>3. FAA approved Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) or equivalent;&nbsp; <BR>4. FAA approved Configuration Deviation List (CDL) or equivalent;&nbsp; <BR>5. Continued airworthiness documents such as maintenance program, Certification Maintenance Requirements (CMR), and Airworthiness Limitation Document (ALD), etc.;&nbsp; <BR>6. All Airworthiness Directives issued by FAA for the product being validated;&nbsp; <BR>7. A list of all Service Bulletins or equivalent documents related to the product being validated;&nbsp; <BR>8. Maintenance Manual (MM); and&nbsp; <BR>9. Structural Repair Manual (SRM) and Supplemental Structure Inspection Documents (SSID); and&nbsp; <BR>10. Operating Manual and Installation Manual for engines and propellers.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>3.1.5 Noise Requirements.&nbsp; <BR>The U.S. manufacturer who applies for an import Type Validation Certificate of a new type of aircraft shall comply with the noise requirements of the Chinese Civil Aviation Regulation Part 36.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>3.1.6 Fuel Venting and Exhaust Emission Requirements.&nbsp; <BR>The U.S. manufacturer who applies for an import Type Validation Certificate of a turbine engine powered aircraft and its engines shall comply with the fuel venting and exhaust emission requirements of the Chinese Civil Aviation Regulation, Part 34.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>3.2 VALIDATION OF SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE (VSTC) FOR AIRCRAFT.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>An FAA STC intended for incorporation on a Chinese-registered aircraft or on an aeronautical product that is installed on a Chinese-registered aircraft requires validation by the CAAC-AAD. The procedures for application of a VSTC and the engineering and documentation requirements are similar to paragraph 3 above, adjusted for the complexity of the project.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>3.3. VALIDATION OF PRODUCTS APPROVED UNDER AN FAA TECHNICAL STANDARD ORDER (TSO) AUTHORIZATION THAT ARE NOT VALIDATED AS PART OF THE AIRCRAFT.&nbsp; <BR>The detailed procedures for issuance of Chinese Validation of Design Approval are prescribed in AP-21-AA-2009-19. The following are the general procedures. <BR>(1) A certifying statement from the applicant through FAA, with certification by FAA, that the performance of the appliance complies with the applicable TSO;&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>(2) All the data pertaining to the proper installation, performance, operation and maintenance of the appliance;&nbsp; <BR>(3) Other specific technical data, as jointly agreed between CAAC and FAA, needed to demonstrate compliance with a TSO, such as a first of a kind TSO, or unique applications of a TSO appliance; and <BR>(4) Any approvals of deviations granted by FAA&nbsp; <BR>(b) After reviewing the above documents, the CAA-AAD will issue a Notification of Acceptance for Application after the application is accepted. The airworthiness examining fee is stated in the Notification and should be paid. CAAC-AAD will establish a project team to do the certification work.&nbsp; <BR>(c) The project team will advise the applicant by letter of any additional Chinese requirements or special conditions, and make, if necessary, any on-site engineering review.&nbsp; <BR>(d) A Validation of Design Approval will be issued by CAAC upon compliance with the requirements established in paragraph (a) and (b) above.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>NOTE: Unless the TSO appliance has received CAAC installation approval, no above appliance can be installed on Chinese Registered aircraft.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>3.4 APPROVAL OF OTHER PRODUCTS NOT APPROVED AS PART OF THE AIRCRAFT.&nbsp; <BR>(a) The U.S. manufacturer of such products may be required to supply information and documentation necessary to justify its installation on a product for which CAAC-AAD certification is sought.&nbsp; <BR>(b) The CAAC-AAD approval of such products will be granted by the issuance of the Chinese Type Validation Certificate or Type Certificate for the product on which they are installed.&nbsp; <BR>(c) Statement of compliance with all relevant Airworthiness Directives is required.&nbsp; <BR>4. CAAC-AAD ACCEPTANCE OF AERONAUTICAL PRODUCTS FOR IMPORT&nbsp; <BR>According to the Civil Aviation Law of the People’s Republic of China; Regulations of the Airworthiness of Civil Aircraft of the People’s Republic of China; Civil Aviation Products and Parts Certification Requirements, (CCAR-21); and Airworthiness Certification Procedures for Products (AP-21-05), the Chinese Certificate of Airworthiness shall be obtained before an aircraft may be operated in China.&nbsp; <BR>The detailed procedures for issuance of a Chinese Certificate of Airworthiness are prescribed in AP-21-05. The following are the general requirements applicable at the time of export. <BR>4.1 CCAR PRODUCTS <BR>4.1.1 New Aircraft.&nbsp; <BR>The following documents are required at time of import for obtaining a Chinese Certificate of Airworthiness:&nbsp; <BR>(a) FAA Form 8130-4, Export Certificate of Airworthiness, for a complete aircraft. The FAA Form 8130-4, Export Certificate of Airworthiness should state that the aircraft complies with CAAC approved type design (insert CAAC type certificate number, revision level and date) and is in condition of safe operation. <BR>(b) A statement of non-registration or de-registration for the aircraft, as applicable.&nbsp; <BR>(c) A list of all incorporated Supplemental Type Certificates for approved major modifications.&nbsp; <BR>(d) Statement of design difference compared with the model already validated by CAAC.&nbsp; <BR>(e) Aircraft configuration documents which detail customer options incorporated, seating configuration (pilot, crew member, passenger and special arrangement), etc.&nbsp; <BR>(f) A list of applicable and incorporated FAA Airworthiness Directives, to include:&nbsp; <BR>1. A declaration of compliance with all Airworthiness Directives issued by FAA must be provided, and where optional means of compliance are offered, the means chosen shall be stated; and&nbsp; <BR>2. FAA Airworthiness Directives containing repetitive compliance requirements must be identified. Information as to when the next compliance is due must also be provided.&nbsp; <BR>(g) Production flight test reports (new aircraft only), if available.&nbsp; <BR>(h) A copy of significant Material Review Board records or significant deviation records (new aircraft only), if available.&nbsp; <BR>(i) A current Weight and Balance report.&nbsp; <BR>(j) A copy of Noise Certificate.&nbsp; <BR>(k) Records of the most recent compass system test and magnetic compass swing.&nbsp; <BR>(l) A list of all incorporated Service Bulletins.&nbsp; <BR>(m) Equipment List (type design).&nbsp; <BR>(n) Continued airworthiness instructions / manufacturers maintenance manuals.&nbsp; <BR>(o) Identification of all time/life limited items.&nbsp; <BR>(p) An Emergency and Life saving Equipment List (operating requirement).&nbsp; <BR>4.1.2 Used Aircraft. <BR>The used aircraft should have been properly maintained and operated using approved procedures and methods acceptable to the CAAC (e.g. by a FAR 145 or CCAR 145 approved repair station) during its service life. Inspection and maintenance records are important documents for use by CAAC to determine the airworthiness of used aircraft. In addition to the requirements in 4.1, the following documents are also required for used aircraft:&nbsp; <BR>(a) A complete history of U.S. registration for the aircraft, if available.&nbsp; <BR>(b) A current standard certificate of airworthiness issued by FAA. <BR>(c) Historical maintenance records, logbooks, or equivalent of the aircraft, engines, propellers, components and equipment including, as applicable:&nbsp; <BR>1. The number of landings and pressurization cycles where the aircraft is subject to mandatory life limitations.&nbsp; <BR>2. The maintenance program under which the aircraft has previously been maintained, including previous check cycle and future check cycle.&nbsp; <BR>3. The flight time of any components of the aircraft, engines, propellers, or equipment which are subject to mandatory life limitations. (The original airworthiness certification documentation for any life-limited parts should be included with the aircraft maintenance records). <BR>4. The flight time of any components of the aircraft, engines, propellers, or equipment which are subject to an approved overhaul period.&nbsp; <BR>5. Details of all changes of major structural components such as wings, tail planes, helicopter rotors or transmission components, and histories of all replaced components.&nbsp; <BR>6. Details of major structural repairs including the nature of damage in each case.&nbsp; <BR>Chinese operators who import a used aircraft are also required to conduct a pre-check of the aircraft and to meet requirements of CCAR Part 21. 174 before an aircraft may be entered into service in China. </P>
<P>4.1.3 Language&nbsp; <BR>(a) The required markings and placards in the passenger cabin, in the cargo, baggage or stowage compartments, and on the aircraft exterior, shall be presented in Chinese or bilingual (Chinese and English) form.&nbsp; <BR>(b) The Aircraft Flight Manual shall be identified as a Chinese Aircraft Flight Manual and shall include a statement regarding its applicability to Chinese registered aircraft.&nbsp; <BR>4.1.4 Metric Instrumentation <BR>Each aircraft must be equipped with metric altimeter or a conversion table (meter-feet).&nbsp; It must be installed in the crew cabin in a place visible to both pilots. <BR>4.1.5 Airworthiness Inspection <BR>CAAC will conduct an on-site inspection, using the checklist in attachment 3, prior to issuing any Chinese Certificate of Airworthiness. <BR>4.1.6 Aircraft Engines and Propellers (not installed on the aircraft).&nbsp; <BR>For each new or used engine or propeller not installed on an aircraft, the following documents must be presented at the time of import:&nbsp; <BR>(a) An FAA Form 8130-3, Export Certificate of Airworthiness.&nbsp; <BR>(b) A list of all incorporated Supplemental Type Certificates for approved major modifications.&nbsp; <BR>(c) A list of applicable and incorporated FAA Airworthiness Directives, to include:&nbsp; <BR>1. A declaration of compliance with all Airworthiness Directives issued by FAA must be provided, and where optional means of compliance are offered, the means chosen shall be stated; and&nbsp; <BR>2. FAA Airworthiness Directives containing repetitive compliance requirements must be identified. Information as to when the next compliance is due must also be provided.&nbsp; <BR>(d) A list of all incorporated Service Bulletins.&nbsp; <BR>(e) Identification of all time/life limited items.&nbsp; <BR>(f) Maintenance records, as applicable.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>4.2 CCAR ARTICLES.&nbsp; <BR>Each CCAR article shall be exported to China with an FAA airworthiness approval tag (FAA Form 8130-3) in accordance with 14 CFR part 21, Subpart L.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>5. CONTINUING AIRWORTHINESS. The FAA, with support of the U.S. manufacturer of a product which has received CAAC-AAD validation, shall be responsible for informing the CAAC-AAD of all relevant information regarding the continuous airworthiness of the product in China. This shall include prompt communication to CAAC-AAD of all information regarding hazardous service difficulties, corresponding design corrections, proposed operational precautions and limitations.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>6. REQUIREMENT FOR U.S. REPAIRED AIRCRAFT OR PARTS.&nbsp; <BR>(a) Any U.S. maintenance organization performing maintenance work on a civil aircraft registered in the P.R. China and/or parts must apply for a Maintenance Organization Certificate from the CAAC.&nbsp; <BR>(b) The “Airworthiness Approval Tag” (CAAC Form AAC-038) should be issued to the aircraft and/or parts after maintenance for return to service.</P>
<P>Attachment 1 - Application Form for VTC/VSTC <BR>&nbsp;<BR>中&nbsp; 国&nbsp; 民&nbsp; 用&nbsp; 航&nbsp; 空&nbsp; 局 <BR>CIVIL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION OF CHINA <BR>民用航空产品型号认可申请书 <BR>APPLICATION FOR VALIDATION OF TYPE CERTIFICATES <BR>OF IMPORTED CIVIL AVIATION PRODUCT <BR>&nbsp;<BR>1. Name of applicant&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>2. Address of applicant&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>3. Purpose of this application:&nbsp; <BR>□ Validation of Type Certificate&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; □ Validation of Supplemental type certificate <BR>□ Validation of TC (concurrent)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; □ Validation of STC (using B-registered aircraft) <BR>&nbsp;<BR>4. For Validation of type certificate, complete the following items: <BR>&nbsp; Model designation applied for&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>Attachments (fill in the appropriate □ with X): <BR>□&nbsp; Description of design feature and basic data <BR>□&nbsp; A copy of Type Certificate <BR>□&nbsp; A copy of TC Data Sheet <BR>□&nbsp; A copy of Issue Papers <BR>□&nbsp; A copy of Compliance Check List <BR>□&nbsp; Available information on China market potential and the schedule for the first delivery <BR>□&nbsp; Any other necessary data required by the CAAC <BR>AAC-021 (7/2009)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (见背面See REVERSE SIDE) </P>
<P><BR>Application for Validation of Type Certificates of Imported Civil Aviation Product (Cont.) <BR>5. For supplemental type certificate complete the following items: <BR>Model designation of product to be modified&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>Description of type design change&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>Aircraft register number and/or production series number <BR>&nbsp;<BR>Attachments (fill in the appropriate □ with X): <BR>□&nbsp; Description of the modification design feature and basic data <BR>□&nbsp; A copy of Supplemental Type Certificate <BR>□&nbsp; A copy of certification basis <BR>□&nbsp; A copy of Issue Papers <BR>□&nbsp; A copy of Compliance check List&nbsp; <BR>□&nbsp; The schedule for the first delivery to China <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>6. The point of the contact: <BR>Name <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;Tel. <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>Title <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;Fax. <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>E-mail <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;ZIP <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;<BR>7. I certify that the statement of this application and attachments furnished herein are correct and without any error.&nbsp; <BR>Title <BR>(Signature)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Date <BR>&nbsp;<BR>AAC-021(7/2009)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (背面REVERSE SIDE) </P>
<P><BR>Attachment 2&nbsp; Application Form for VDA <BR>&nbsp;<BR>中&nbsp; 国&nbsp; 民&nbsp; 用&nbsp; 航&nbsp; 空&nbsp; 局 <BR>CIVIL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION OF CHINA <BR>设计批准认可申请书 <BR>APPLICATION FOR VALIDATION OF APPLIANCE DESIGN APPROVAL <BR>1. Name of applicant <BR>&nbsp;<BR>2. Address of applicant <BR>&nbsp;<BR>3. TSO Part’s Name, Model and P/N to be applied for&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>4. Proposed Installation on <BR>&nbsp;<BR>5. Attachments (fill in the appropriate □ with X):&nbsp; <BR>□ A certifying statement from the applicant through FAA, with certification by FAA, that the performance of the appliance complies with the applicable TSO;&nbsp; <BR>□ All the data pertaining to the proper installation, performance, operation and maintenance of the appliance; <BR>□ Other specific technical data, as jointly agreed between CAAC and FAA, needed to demonstrate compliance with a TSO, such as a first of a kind TSO, or unique applications of a TSO appliance; and <BR>□ Any approvals of deviations granted by FAA. <BR>6. The point of contact: <BR>Name <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;Tel. <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>Title <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;Fax. <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>E-mail <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;ZIP <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>7. I certify that the statement of this application and attachments furnished herein are correct and without any error.&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Title <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (Signature)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Date </P>
<P>AAC-020 (7/2009) <BR>Attachment 3 – Airworthiness Review and Inspection Record <BR>&nbsp;<BR>民用航空器适航性评审和检查记录单(标准适航证) <BR>Airworthiness Review and Inspection Record of Civil Aircraft&nbsp; <BR>(Standard Airworthiness Certificate) <BR>&nbsp;<BR>航空器国籍登记: <BR>Aircraft nationality registration: <BR>&nbsp;航空器型号: <BR>Aircraft type: <BR>&nbsp;航空器序号: <BR>Aircraft Serial No.: <BR>&nbsp;<BR>检查地点: <BR>Inspection site: <BR>&nbsp;检查日期: <BR>Inspection date <BR>&nbsp;适航监察员签字: <BR>Airworthiness Inspector’s signature: <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;一<BR>、持续适航文件的完整有效性(航空器持续适航文件应表明符合型号审定时确定的持续适航文件,并已由型号合格证、补充型号合格证持有人或制造人向营运人提供,一般包括以下内容。) </P>
<P>I. The integrality and validity of continuous airworthiness document (the aircraft continuous airworthiness document should indicate that it is in accordance with the continuous airworthiness document set during type certification, and these documents have been provided by the holder of the type certificate、supplemental type certificate or the manufacturer to operator. It usually includes the following items)&nbsp; </P>
<P><BR>&nbsp;<BR>序号 <BR>No. <BR>&nbsp;检查内容 <BR>Inspected item <BR>&nbsp;检查结果 <BR>Inspection result <BR>&nbsp;备注 <BR>Remarks <BR>&nbsp;<BR>文件号/版次/日期 <BR>Document No./ <BR>Edition order/Date <BR>&nbsp;是否满意&nbsp; <BR>Satisfy or not <BR>&nbsp;<BR>1 <BR>&nbsp;航空器飞行手册(AFM) <BR>Aircraft flight manual <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□ 满意&nbsp; □ 不满意 <BR>□ Satisfaction <BR>□ Dissatisfaction <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>2 <BR>&nbsp;主最低设备清单(MMEL) <BR>Master minimum equipment list <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□ 满意&nbsp; □ 不满意 <BR>□ Satisfaction <BR>□ Dissatisfaction <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>3 <BR>&nbsp;维修大纲(MRB) <BR>Maintenance review board <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□ 满意&nbsp; □ 不满意 <BR>□ Satisfaction <BR>□ Dissatisfaction <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>4 <BR>&nbsp;载重平衡手册(WBM) <BR>Weight balance manual <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□ 满意&nbsp; □ 不满意 <BR>□ Satisfaction <BR>□ Dissatisfaction <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>5 <BR>&nbsp;机组使用手册(FCOM) <BR>Flight crew operation manual <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□ 满意&nbsp; □ 不满意 <BR>□ Satisfaction <BR>□ Dissatisfaction <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>6 <BR>&nbsp;维修计划文件(MPD) <BR>Maintenance plan document <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□ 满意&nbsp; □ 不满意 <BR>□ Satisfaction <BR>□ Dissatisfaction <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>AAC-198 (01/2008) <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>7 <BR>&nbsp;航空器维修手册(AMM) <BR>Aircraft maintenance manual <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□ 满意&nbsp; □ 不满意 <BR>□ Satisfaction <BR>□ Dissatisfaction <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>8 <BR>&nbsp;结构修理手册(SRM) <BR>Structure repair manual <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□ 满意&nbsp; □ 不满意 <BR>□ Satisfaction <BR>□ Dissatisfaction <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>9 <BR>&nbsp;补充结构检查文件(SSID) <BR>Supplementary structure inspection document <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□ 满意&nbsp; □ 不满意 <BR>□ Satisfaction <BR>□ Dissatisfaction <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>10 <BR>&nbsp;线路图册(WDM/AWM) <BR>Wire diagram manual/ Aircraft wire manual <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□ 满意&nbsp; □ 不满意 <BR>□ Satisfaction <BR>□ Dissatisfaction <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>11 <BR>&nbsp;图解零件目录(IPC) <BR>Illustration parts catalog <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□ 满意&nbsp; □ 不满意 <BR>□ Satisfaction <BR>□ Dissatisfaction <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>12 <BR>&nbsp;故障隔离手册(FIM/TSM) <BR>Failure isolation manual/Trouble shooting manual <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□ 满意&nbsp; □ 不满意 <BR>□ Satisfaction <BR>□ Dissatisfaction <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>13 <BR>&nbsp;发动机手册(EM) <BR>Engine manual <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□ 满意&nbsp; □ 不满意 <BR>□ Satisfaction <BR>□ Dissatisfaction <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>14 <BR>&nbsp;动力装置安装手册(PBM) <BR>Powerplant build-up manual <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□ 满意&nbsp; □ 不满意 <BR>□ Satisfaction <BR>□ Dissatisfaction <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>15 <BR>&nbsp;其它 <BR>Others&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□ 满意&nbsp; □ 不满意 <BR>□ Satisfaction <BR>□ Dissatisfaction <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>AAC-198 (01/2008) <BR>&nbsp;<BR>二、<BR>&nbsp;有关适航性证件/记录和技术资料的符合性 </P>
<P>II. Conformity of the relevant airworthiness certificate/record and technical document <BR>&nbsp;<BR>序号 <BR>No. <BR>&nbsp;检查内容 <BR>Inspected items <BR>&nbsp;检查结果 <BR>Inspection result <BR>&nbsp;备注 <BR>Remarks <BR>&nbsp;<BR>文件号/日期 <BR>Document No./Date <BR>&nbsp;是否接受 <BR>Accept or not <BR>&nbsp;<BR>1 <BR>&nbsp;国籍登记证Nationality registration certificate <BR>&nbsp;外国当局颁发的未登记或已注销登记证明 <BR>Non-registered or deregistration&nbsp; issued by foreign administration&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>CAAC颁发的国籍登记证 <BR>Nationality registration certificate issued by CAAC <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>2 <BR>&nbsp;CAAC颁发的型号合格证件及其数据单 <BR>Type certificate and its data sheet issued by CAAC <BR>&nbsp;航空器 <BR>Aircraft&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>发动机 <BR>Engine&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□&nbsp; Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>螺旋桨 <BR>Propeller <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>3 <BR>&nbsp;航空器交付状态与2项内容的符合性声明 <BR>Conformity statement of aircraft delivery status with the 2 items <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>4 <BR>&nbsp;生产许可证件 <BR>Production certificate <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>5 <BR>&nbsp;制造符合性声明 <BR>Manufacturing conformity statement <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>6 <BR>&nbsp;噪音合格证明 <BR>Noise limitation certificate&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>AAC-198 (01/2008) <BR>&nbsp;<BR>7 <BR>&nbsp;出口适航证 <BR>Export certificate of airworthiness <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>8 <BR>&nbsp;型号合格审定遗留问题完成情况 <BR>Complete status of the open problems during type certification&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>9 <BR>&nbsp;对中国专用要求的符合性 <BR>Conformity of Chinese special request <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>10 <BR>&nbsp;客舱布局说明/座椅构型批准文件 <BR>Lay out of Passenger Arrangement /seats configuration approval document <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>11 <BR>&nbsp;器材评审委员会记录或重大偏差记录 <BR>Record of material review board or major deviation&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>12 <BR>&nbsp;适航指令执行状态清单 <BR>List of airworthiness directive implement status <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>13 <BR>&nbsp;服务通告执行状态 <BR>Implement status of service bulletin <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>14 <BR>&nbsp;航空器试飞报告和排故记录 <BR>Aircraft test flight report and troubleshooting record&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>15 <BR>&nbsp;载重与平衡报告 <BR>Weight and balance report <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>16 <BR>&nbsp;最近一次的罗盘系统/磁罗盘偏差记录 <BR>Latest compass swing record <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>17 <BR>&nbsp;校装和/或水平测量报告 <BR>Rigging Report&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>18 <BR>&nbsp;时限/寿命部件控制项目清单 <BR>Hard-time / life-limit part Inventory <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>19 <BR>&nbsp;装机设备清单 <BR>List of Installed equipment <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>AAC-198 (01/2008) <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;使用过航空器还应检查下述内容 <BR>It should make the following inspections for the used aircraft <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>20 <BR>&nbsp;航空器三证 <BR>Three certificates of the aircraft <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>21 <BR>&nbsp;外部损伤记录 <BR>Dent chart record/Contour defect list <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>22 <BR>&nbsp;发动机、APU孔探报告 <BR>Borescope report for Engine, APU <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>23 <BR>&nbsp;航空器重要改装记录及适航批准状况 <BR>Aircraft’s major modification record and airworthiness approval status <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>24 <BR>&nbsp;航空器重要修理记录及适航批准状况 <BR>Aircraft’s major repair record and airworthiness approval status <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>25 <BR>&nbsp;航空器部/附件/机载设备更换记录的完整性与可追溯性 <BR>Integrality and traceability of the replacement record for aircraft parts/components/ equipments <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>26 <BR>&nbsp;航空器上更换或加装设备的安装批准 <BR>Installation approval of replacing or adding equipments for aircraft <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>27 <BR>&nbsp;如下述部件进行了更换,则应提供相应的阻燃/防火证明文件 <BR>If the following parts have been replaced, the corresponding fire resistance or fireproof document should be provided <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;座椅垫 <BR>Seats cushions <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;座椅靠背垫 <BR>Seats back rest cushions <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;座椅套 <BR>Seats dress covers <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;地毯 <BR>Carpets <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>AAC-198 (01/2008) <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;垂帘 <BR>Curtains <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;内部装饰面 <BR>Interior decoration surface <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>28 <BR>&nbsp;航空器机体、发动机、螺旋桨及其附件 <BR>记录本或履历 <BR>Record book or log book of airframe, engine, propeller and their accessories <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>29 <BR>&nbsp;航空器的维护方案及执行状况 <BR>Aircraft maintenance plan document and implement status <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>30 <BR>&nbsp;航空器目前重心位置与重量和平衡手册的符合性 <BR>Conformity of the aircraft current cg position &amp; weight and balance manual <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>31 <BR>&nbsp;重大故障记录与处理结果 <BR>Important failure record and handling result <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>32 <BR>&nbsp;腐蚀控制和预防工作的完成情况 <BR>Completion status of corrosion prevention control program <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>33 <BR>&nbsp;补充结构检查方案的执行情况 <BR>Implement status of supplementary structure inspection program <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>34 <BR>&nbsp;机身增压边界结构修理评估方案的执行情况 <BR>Implement status of repair assessment guidelines for fuselage pressurizing boundary structure&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>备注:&nbsp; <BR>Remarks: <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>AAC-198 (01/2008) <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>三、 <BR>航空器现场检查 </P>
<P>III. Aircraft site inspection <BR>&nbsp;<BR>序号 <BR>No. <BR>&nbsp;检查内容 <BR>Inspected items <BR>&nbsp;检查结果 <BR>Inspection result <BR>&nbsp;备注Remarks <BR>&nbsp;<BR>结果描述 <BR>Result description <BR>&nbsp;是否接受 <BR>Accept or not <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;机身外部检查 <BR>External fuselage inspection&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>1 <BR>&nbsp;国籍登记标志与CCAR-45的符合性 <BR>Conformity of nationality registration mark and CCAR-45 <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>2 <BR>&nbsp;外部标志清晰 <BR>Clear external marks <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>3 <BR>&nbsp;清洁/外形状况 <BR>Clean/ appearance condition <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>4 <BR>&nbsp;静压管/皮托管未被堵塞 <BR>Static tube/pitot tube are not blocked <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>5 <BR>&nbsp;无液体渗漏痕迹 <BR>No signs of liquid leakage&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>6 <BR>&nbsp;勤务盖板安装牢固、通气系统正常工作 <BR>Access door is firmed installed and ventilation system works normally <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>7 <BR>&nbsp;着陆灯/航行灯/防撞灯/滑行及跑道转弯灯外部状况良好 <BR>Landing light/navigation light/anti-collision light/taxiing and runway turning light appearance are good <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>8 <BR>&nbsp;放电刷数量足够且外观良好 <BR>Sufficient discharge brushes and their appearances are good <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>9 <BR>&nbsp;天线无损坏 <BR>Antenna is not damaged <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>AAC-198 (01/2008) <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;大翼 <BR>Wing <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>10 <BR>&nbsp;操纵面安装牢固、外观正常 <BR>Control surface is firmly installed and appearance is normal <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>11 <BR>&nbsp;翼下油箱盖板安装牢固、无渗漏 <BR>Fuel caps for under wing fuel tank is firmly installed and no leakage <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;起落架/轮舱 <BR>Landing gear/Wheel well <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>12 <BR>&nbsp;各连接件安装牢固,无变形 <BR>All connectors are installed firmly, without any deformation <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>13 <BR>&nbsp;减震支柱、收放作动筒、转弯作动器、转弯计量活门无明显渗漏,各压力指示在正常范围内 <BR>No visible leakage on strut, retractor actuator, turning actuator, turning metering valve, every pressure indicator in normal range&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>14 <BR>&nbsp;操纵钢索无断股、断丝 <BR>No broken strand or thread in control cable <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>15 <BR>&nbsp;轮胎无划伤、无磨损超标 <BR>No scratch on tyre and the wear are not out of standard <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>16 <BR>&nbsp;刹车片磨损指示销无超限 <BR>The wear indicator pin of brake slice is not exceed the limit <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>17 <BR>&nbsp;勤务曲线标牌在位、清晰 <BR>Service curve sign is in position and clear <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>18 <BR>&nbsp;液压管路之间有空隙,无磨擦 <BR>There is space between hydraulic pipes, and no scratch <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>AAC-198 (01/2008) <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;发动机 <BR>Engine&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>19 <BR>&nbsp;发动机标牌信息准确 <BR>Exact information for engine plate <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>20 <BR>&nbsp;发动机进气道无损伤 <BR>No damage on engine’s air inlet&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>21 <BR>&nbsp;风扇叶片无损伤或变形,与机匣内壁无磨损 <BR>No damage or deformation on fan blade and no worn with the inner wall of case <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>22 <BR>&nbsp;反推门安装牢固无变形 <BR>T/R shell is installed firmly, without any deformation <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;螺旋桨 <BR>Propeller <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>23 <BR>&nbsp;螺旋桨标牌信息准确 <BR>Exact information for propeller plate <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>24 <BR>&nbsp;桨毂安装牢固 <BR>Hub is installed firmly <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>25 <BR>&nbsp;桨距检查已完成 <BR>Inspection of propeller pitch has been finished <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>26 <BR>&nbsp;桨叶尖部标志清晰可见 <BR>Clear mark for the top of propeller tip&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;尾翼 <BR>Empennage&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>27 <BR>&nbsp;水平安定面、垂直安定面、方向舵和升降舵安装牢固、无损伤 <BR>Horizontal stabilizer, vertical stabilizer, rudder and elevator are firmly installed and not damaged <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>AAC-198 (01/2008) <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;驾驶舱/客舱 <BR>Cockpit/cabin <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>28 <BR>&nbsp;随机资料/履历本完整、有效 <BR>The on board document/log-book is complete and effective&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>29 <BR>&nbsp;飞机、发动机和螺旋桨的使用时间已在履历中记录 <BR>The service time of aircraft, engine and propeller has been recorded in log-book <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>30 <BR>&nbsp;驾驶舱的耳机/话筒/座椅及安全带合格有效、功能正常 <BR>The headset/microphone/seats and safety belt are qualified and effective, and function normally <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>31 <BR>&nbsp;仪表及设备合格、有效 <BR>Instrument and equipment are qualified and effective <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>32 <BR>&nbsp;仪表及设备正确安装并标识 <BR>Instrument and equipment are exactly installed and marked <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>33 <BR>&nbsp;驾驶舱逃离门,风挡和门安装良好并操作正常 <BR>Emergency door of cockpit, windshield and door are well installed and work normally <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>34 <BR>&nbsp;驾驶舱风挡无裂纹、无分层、封严良好 <BR>Windshield of cockpit is no crack, no delamination and well sealed <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>35 <BR>&nbsp;航空器数据标牌信息准确 <BR>Exact information on aircraft data plate <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>36 <BR>&nbsp;航空器识别标牌符合CCAR45部要求 <BR>Aircraft identification placard complies with the requirement of CCAR45 <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>37 <BR>&nbsp;驾驶舱与客舱中英文警告标牌完整、准确 <BR>Warning placards in cockpit and cabin both in English and Chinese are complete and exact <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>38 <BR>&nbsp;客舱出口中英文标识在位、清晰 <BR>Chinese and English placards at cabin exit are in position and clear <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>AAC-198 (01/2008) <BR>&nbsp;<BR>39 <BR>&nbsp;客舱各类信号牌在位、清晰 <BR>All signal signs of cabin are in position and clear<BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>40 <BR>&nbsp;应急/救生设备齐全可用(救生衣、船、滑梯、斧、绳、防烟镜或防护性呼吸设备PBE、信号枪、 <BR>信号弹、应急灯、应急电瓶、应急电台等) <BR>Emergency/lifesaving equipment are complete and available (life vest, boat, slide, axe, rope, smoke protection glasses or protective breath equipment PBE, signal gun,singal flare, emergency light, emergency storage battery, emergency locator transmitter, etc.) <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>41 <BR>&nbsp;旅客座椅/安全带合格有效、功能正常 <BR>Passenger seats/safety belt are qualified and effective and function normally <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>42 <BR>&nbsp;客舱窗户玻璃无裂纹、无分层、封严良好 <BR>Cabin window glass no crack, no delamination and is well sealed. <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>43 <BR>&nbsp;驾驶舱、客舱内无尖角或尖锐的边缘(防止钩住鞋、衣服) <BR>No sharp angle or edge in cockpit and cabin (protect shoes or clothes from hooking) <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>44 <BR>&nbsp;厨房设备(标牌、餐车刹车、储物柜门和锁等)功能正常 <BR>Equipment in galley (placards, cart brake, cabinet door and lock) work normally <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>45 <BR>&nbsp;厕所内各项设备(标牌、烟雾探测器、灭火瓶等)功能正常 <BR>All equipments in lavatory (placards, smoke detector, extinguisher) function normally <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;货舱 <BR>Cargo deck <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>46 <BR>&nbsp;烟雾探测器正确安装 <BR>Smoke detector is exactly installed <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>AAC-198 (01/2008) <BR>&nbsp;<BR>47 <BR>&nbsp;装载系统正确安装 <BR>Loading system is exactly installed <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>48 <BR>&nbsp;装载重量标志牌在位清晰 <BR>placards for loading weight are in position and clear <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>49 <BR>&nbsp;货舱站位标牌、警告标牌以及指示标牌在位清晰 <BR>Cargo deck position placards, warning placards and indicator placards are in position and clear <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>50 <BR>&nbsp;货舱拦网及系留绳完好 <BR>Cargo net and mooring rope are in good condition <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;功能测试 <BR>Functional test <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>51 <BR>&nbsp;飞机系统工作正常 <BR>Every system on aircraft operates normally <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;其它 <BR>Others&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>52 <BR>&nbsp;装机设备安装正确、功能正常并与装机设备清单相符合 <BR>The installed equipments are exactly installed, function normally and complies with list <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;<BR>53 <BR>&nbsp;机身结构状况(疲劳裂纹、腐蚀、损伤等)符合规定的要求 <BR>Fuselage structure condition (fatigue crack, corrosion, damage etc.) complies with the specified requirement <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;□接受 □不接受 <BR>□ Accept <BR>□ Unaccepted <BR>&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>AAC-198 (01/2008) <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>四、适航监察员用以确认航空器符合批准的型号设计和处于安全可用状态而认为必要的其它评审和检查,检查内容及结论记录如下: <BR>Other reviews and inspections that the airworthiness inspectors consider as necessary for identifying that the aircraft complies with the approved type design and is in a safety condition. The inspection content and conclusion are recorded as follows: <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;</P>
<P>AAC-198 (01/2008) <BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;</P>

scotdeng 发表于 2011-8-21 07:02:27

thanks for sharing
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