航空论坛 发表于 2011-8-28 15:41:49

Variable Taxi Time Analysis at Lisboa Airport

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航空论坛 发表于 2011-8-28 15:42:03

&copy; 2004 EUROCONTROL 1<BR>Airports &amp; Environment Management<BR>CDM TF/9<BR>Brussels, 16 November 2004<BR>CDM Task Force<BR>Variable Taxi Time Analysis at Lisboa Airport<BR>by Bruno DesartManager Airport Capacity &amp; Delay AnalysisAirports &amp; Environment Management (EATM/DAS/AEM)<BR>&copy; 2004 EUROCONTROL 2<BR>Airports &amp; Environment Management<BR>CDM TF/9<BR>Brussels, 16 November 2004<BR>Project Scope<BR>•<BR>To calculate and calibrate variable taxi times for RWY 03/21 operations at LIS Airport<BR>•<BR>5 phases<BR>–<BR>Phase 1 : variable taxi time calculation for RWY 21 operations by EUROCONTROL<BR>–<BR>Phase 2 : Calibration variable taxi times RWY 21 Ops by ANA/NAV<BR>–<BR>Phase 3 : variable taxi time calculation for RWY 03 operations by EUROCONTROL<BR>–<BR>Phase 4 : Calibration variable taxi times RWY 03 Ops by ANA/NAV<BR>–<BR>Phase 5 : Automation of variable taxi times calculation for LIS Airport<BR>•<BR>This presentation addresses Phase 1 only<BR>&copy; 2004 EUROCONTROL 3<BR>Airports &amp; Environment Management<BR>CDM TF/9<BR>Brussels, 16 November 2004<BR>1.Preliminary<BR>•<BR>Study of the taxi network according to the routes sent by ANA<BR>•Study of the current stand positions according to the information in the AIP<BR>According to that, we proceed to the:<BR>2.<BR>Generation of the taxi network in the Taxi Network Builder.<BR>•Standard taxi routes modeled as per information provided by ANA in 2002;<BR>•<BR>Two entries to the TWY network :<BR>•<BR>Entry_1, that is RWY exit P<BR>•<BR>Entry_2, that is end of RWY 21<BR>•<BR>All the departures are going to THR 21<BR>•<BR>Stands aggregated into stand groups (see next slide)<BR>Process<BR>&copy; 2004 EUROCONTROL 4<BR>Airports &amp; Environment Management<BR>CDM TF/9<BR>Brussels, 16 November 2004<BR>Stand aggregation<BR>&copy; 2004 EUROCONTROL 6<BR>Airports &amp; Environment Management<BR>CDM TF/9<BR>Brussels, 16 November 2004<BR>TWY Routes Representation<BR>&copy; 2004 EUROCONTROL 7<BR>Airports &amp; Environment Management<BR>CDM TF/9<BR>Brussels, 16 November 2004<BR>3.<BR>Traffic sample<BR>•Traffic samples : 01-05-04, 28-04-04 and 30-04-04;<BR>•Military traffic removed from the sample;<BR>•Allocated stand is matched with related stand group (see mapping table here before);<BR>•Percentage of stand group usage is calculated as an average over the full traffic sample (i.e. 3 days) (See next slide);<BR>•Assumptions(to be confirmed by ANA/NAV):<BR>•<BR>50% landings vacate RWY21 at exit P, 50% vacate RWY 21 at RWY end;<BR>•<BR>All the departures line up at THR21 (i.e. no intersection take-off)<BR>Process(Cont’)<BR>&copy; 2004 EUROCONTROL 8<BR>Airports &amp; Environment Management<BR>CDM TF/9<BR>Brussels, 16 November 2004<BR>Stand Group Usage Distributionbased on traffic sample dated 01-05-04, 28-04-04 and 30-04-04<BR>&copy; 2004 EUROCONTROL 9<BR>Airports &amp; Environment Management<BR>CDM TF/9<BR>Brussels, 16 November 2004<BR>&#1048628;<BR>Minimum separation in queue30 m<BR>&#1048628;<BR>Minimum distance between aircraft<BR>for conflict detection80 m<BR>&#1048628;<BR>Insignificant auxiliary traffic during peak<BR>&#1048628;<BR>Taxi Speed:<BR>&#1048628;<BR>Rapid Exit Taxiways20 Kts<BR>&#1048628;<BR>Taxiway15 Kts<BR>&#1048628;<BR>Taxilane (for both arrivals &amp; departures)7 Kts<BR>TWY Operations AssessmentAssumptions<BR>&copy; 2004 EUROCONTROL 10<BR>Airports &amp; Environment Management<BR>CDM TF/9<BR>Brussels, 16 November 2004<BR>ResultsVariable outbound taxi timesbased on traffic density 01-05-04<BR>•<BR>Route time= free taxi time, in average over the 24 hours of operations<BR>•Time lost= time spent in ground conflict detection &amp; resolution , in average over the 24 hours of operations<BR>•Taxi time= total taxi time required to taxi from origin to destination , in average over the 24 hours of operations (= route time + time lost)<BR>•<BR>Maximum Taxi Time= max total taxi time during peak.<BR>&copy; 2004 EUROCONTROL 11<BR>Airports &amp; Environment Management<BR>CDM TF/9<BR>Brussels, 16 November 2004<BR>Results (Cont’)Variable inbound taxi timesbased on traffic density 01-05-04<BR>&copy; 2004 EUROCONTROL 12<BR>Airports &amp; Environment Management<BR>CDM TF/9<BR>Brussels, 16 November 2004<BR>Results(Cont’)Traffic density distribution per taxi routebased on traffic density 01-05-04<BR>&copy; 2004 EUROCONTROL 13<BR>Airports &amp; Environment Management<BR>CDM TF/9<BR>Brussels, 16 November 2004<BR>Action Plan<BR>1.<BR>ANA/NAV to review and confirm assumptions related to<BR>•<BR>Level of aggregation (stand group)<BR>•<BR>Taxi routes<BR>•<BR>RWY exits/access used, and usage distribution<BR>•<BR>Stand group usage<BR>•<BR>Ground operations (minimum separation on ground and taxi speeds<BR>For RWY 21 Operations<BR>2.<BR>ANA/NAV to perform Phase 2 (calibration of variable taxi times for RWY 21 operations through comparison with statistics and operational experience)<BR>3.<BR>ANA/NAV to provide the following data to EUROCONTROL to initiate Phase 3 (variable taxi time calculation for RWY 03 operations)<BR>•<BR>Taxi routes<BR>•<BR>RWY exits/access used, and usage distribution<BR>•<BR>Ground operations per TWY segment (minimum separation on ground and taxi speeds)<BR>&copy; 2004 EUROCONTROL 14<BR>Airports &amp; Environment Management<BR>CDM TF/9<BR>Brussels, 16 November 2004<BR>More support<BR>CAMACA Project ManagerBruno DesartEurocontrolRue de la Fusée, 96B-1130 Brussels, BelgiumTel: +32 2 729 3137Fax: +32 2 729 9008bruno.desart@eurocontrol.intCAMACA Users Group Forumhttps://extranet.eurocontrol.intCAMACA helpdeskEurocontrolTel: +32 2 729 3448Fax: +32 2 729 9193camaca@eurocontrol.intCAMACA websitewww.eurocontrol.int/camaca<BR>&copy; 2004 EUROCONTROL 15<BR>Airports &amp; Environment Management<BR>CDM TF/9<BR>Brussels, 16 November 2004<BR>For any additional information,<BR>please feel free to contact<BR>Bruno Desart<BR>Manager Airport Capacity &amp; Delay Analysis<BR>Airports &amp; Environment Management EAMT/DAS/AEM<BR>EUROCONTROL<BR>96, Rue de la Fusée<BR>B-1130 Brussels<BR>bruno.desart@eurocontrol.int<BR>Tel. +32 2 729 31 37<BR>Fax . +32 2 729 91 93<BR>Any Question?<BR>Thank you for your attention.

daaimen 发表于 2013-10-10 22:30:09

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tonyblairer 发表于 2014-5-27 19:08:38

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