航空论坛 发表于 2011-8-29 14:47:31

Performance-Based Navigation(RNAV and RNP): U.S. Strategic PlansFederal

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航空论坛 发表于 2011-8-29 14:47:38

Federal Aviation 0<BR>Administration 0<BR>Performance-Based Navigation(RNAV and RNP): U.S. Strategic PlansFederal AviationAdministrationPresentation to: Eurocontrol/FAA Workshop “Implementing RNP”Toulouse, FranceName: Jeff WilliamsManager, RNAV/RNP Group, Air Traffic OrganizationDate: October 4, 2005<BR>Federal Aviation 1<BR>Administration 1<BR>Overview of Briefing<BR>•What is “Performance Based Navigation”<BR>•Definitions<BR>•FAA’s Roadmap for Performance Based Navigation (2003)<BR>&#1048707;Roadmap updates (draft)<BR>Federal Aviation 2<BR>Administration 2<BR>What is “Performance-Based Navigation”?<BR>•An end-to-end system of concepts and applications based on performance standards and metrics rather than specific technologies and equipment<BR>&#1048707;Aviation authorities specify the aircraft capabilitiesand performance requirementsnecessary to operate in a given airspace or use a given procedure<BR>&#1048766;Instead of specifying required technologies or specific avionics<BR>•Recognizes the ability of aircraft to operate safely and efficiently using a variety of on-board systems<BR>•Includes both RNAV and RNP<BR>FAA Roadmap forPerformance-Based Navigation<BR>(July 2003)<BR>Federal Aviation 3<BR>Administration 3<BR>RNAV (US definition)<BR>•A method of navigation that enables aircraft to fly on any desired flight path within the coverage of referenced navigation aids (NAVAIDS)or within the limits of the capability of self-contained systems, or a combination of these capabilities<BR>&#1048707;Routes and procedures using RNAV provide improved access and flexibility through point-to-point navigation and are not restricted to the location of ground-based NAVAIDs<BR>•The overall safety of the operation is achieved through a combined use of aircraft navigation accuracy, route separation and/or air traffic control intervention (e.g., via radar monitoring, automatic dependent surveillance (ADS), multi-lateration, communications)<BR>Federal Aviation 4<BR>Administration 4<BR>RNP (US definition)<BR>•RNP is RNAV operations with on-boardnavigation containment, monitoring and alerting<BR>•A critical component of RNP is<BR>&#1048707;the ability of the aircraft navigation system to monitor its achieved navigation performance, and<BR>&#1048707;to identify for the pilot whether the operational requirement isor is not being met during an operation<BR>•This on-board monitoring and alerting capability can reduce reliance on increased route separation and/or air traffic control intervention (e.g., via radar monitoring, automatic dependent surveillance (ADS), multi-lateration, communications) to maintain the overall safety of the operation<BR>Federal Aviation 5<BR>Administration 5<BR>Definitions<BR>•US has defined RNP in a slightly different manner than in current ICAO Doc 9613<BR>&#1048707;The critical difference is inclusion of on-board containment, monitoring and alerting capability as part of the U.S.’s basic definition of RNP<BR>Federal Aviation 6<BR>Administration 6<BR>Performance-Based Navigation In All Phases of Flight<BR>Current U.S. ImplementationsRNAV SIDsRNAV Q Routes, T Routes RNAV STARsRNP SAAAR approachesRNAV approaches<BR>Federal Aviation 7<BR>Administration 7<BR>FAA’s Roadmap for<BR>Performance-Based Navigation<BR>•Collaborative effort among aviation industry stakeholders&#1048707;Performance-based Operations Aviation Rulemaking Committee (PARC)•Three Planning Horizons (updated version)&#1048707;Near-term 2003 to 2006 (2006 to 2010)&#1048707;Mid-term 2007 to 2012 (2011 to 2015)&#1048707;Far-term 2013 to 2020(2016 to 2025) •Harmonization considerations•Focuses on operational capabilities in:&#1048707;En route domain&#1048707;Terminal domain&#1048707;Standard Terminal Arrivals (STARs) &#1048707;Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs) &#1048707;Approach domain&#1048766;RNP Special Aircrew and Aircraft Authorization Required (SAAAR)&#1048766;RNP Parallel Approach TransitionUpdate scheduled for December 2005<BR>Federal Aviation 8<BR>Administration 8<BR>Implementation Strategy (DRAFT Roadmap Updates)<BR>NEAR TERM (2006-2010)<BR>•RNAV Type A and Type B (to be renamed RNAV-1 and RNAV-2)<BR>•Implementation of RNP SAAAR approach applications<BR>•RNP en route and terminal with route spacing standards based on RNP toward the end of the near term<BR>&#1048707;Application of RNP must be benefit driven<BR>&#1048707;May include applications for non-radar airspace<BR>•Expansion of RNP application (trials with Time of Arrival Control)<BR>•Possible mandate of RNAV above FL350 at end of near term<BR>Federal Aviation 9<BR>Administration 9<BR>Implementation Strategy (DRAFT Roadmap Updates)<BR>(MID TERM 2011-2015)<BR>•Implementation more focused on RNP than RNAV<BR>•Reduced separation standards (aircraft to aircraft, lateral) based on RNP<BR>•Possible mandates for RNAV at OEP airports, and en route above FL290<BR>•Integration of Communication &amp; Surveillance capabilities, leveraging automation potential<BR>•Begin elimination of unnecessary/redundant ground-based routes, procedures and navaids (J routes and Victor Airways)<BR>Federal Aviation 10<BR>Administration 10<BR>Implementation Strategy (DRAFT Roadmap Updates)<BR>(FAR TERM 2016-2025)<BR>•Flexible and dynamic routing<BR>•Possible mandatory 4D RNP at OEP airports, and en route above FL180<BR>&#1048707;Assumes all required capability for execution of this is available<BR>&#1048766;Communications, Surveillance mandates possible, automation required<BR>•RNAV IFR Terminal Transition Routes (RITTRs) for general aviation require RNP<BR>•Elimination of ground-based routes, procedures and navaids (J routes and Victor Airways)<BR>&#1048707;With exception of those needed for “backup”<BR>Federal Aviation 11<BR>Administration 11<BR>A Vision of Navigation in the U.S. National Airspace System in 2025<BR>•RNP/RNAV universal in all domains<BR>&#1048707;RNP mandatory in some airspace, not just along particular routes<BR>•Terminal airspace redesign based on RNP<BR>&#1048707;New runways, traffic flows, changes in traffic levels also factors<BR>•SatNavprimary base for navigation infrastructure<BR>•Network of DMEs for DME/DME RNAV as backup<BR>•Standardized avionics and operator capabilities<BR>•Common information infrastructure, real-time airport/airspace/aircraft performance data sharing<BR>•Cooperative system for provider and operators for traffic flow<BR>Federal Aviation 12<BR>Administration 12<BR>THE END!<BR>Federal Aviation 13<BR>Administration 13<BR>Session 1WorldwideImplementation
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