瑤諾蹦抭 楷桶衾 2011-8-29 14:58:30


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瑤諾蹦抭 楷桶衾 2011-8-29 14:58:48

10-11-12-13 September 2002-Morocco ARAB INSTRUMENT PROCEDURE DESIGN SEMINAR 1<BR>RNAV AIRBORNE SYSTEM<BR>AIRWORTHINESS REGULATION<BR>AND CERTIFICATION ISSUES<BR>B. RABILLER / French DGAC<BR>SFACT/ Aircraft Certification Office<BR>RNP 5<BR>LNAV/VNAV<BR>RNP 0.3<BR>PRNAV<BR>RNP 10<BR>BRNAV<BR>RNP-RNAV<BR>RNAV IS A COMPLEX WORLD !<BR>INTRODUCTION<BR>GPS<BR>DME-DME<BR>INS<BR>VOR/DME<BR>INTRODUCTION<BR> TO DESCRIBE THE AIRCRAFT CERTIFICATION<BR>PROCESS<BR> TO DESCRIBE RNAV IMPLEMENTATION TROUGH<BR>TWO EXAMPLES FROM AN AIRCRAFT POINT OF VIEW<BR>• BRNAV FOR ENROUTE CONTINENTAL<BR>• PRNAV FOR TERMINAL AREA<BR> TO TALK A LITTLE BIT ABOUT RNP CONCEPT<BR>INTRODUCTION<BR>RNAV SYSTEMFOR GENERAL<BR>AVIATION<BR>(EXAMPLE)<BR>HSI<BR>(Horizontal Situation<BR>Indicator)<BR>GPS Receiver<BR>Aircraft<BR>interfaces<BR>(Power,<BR>Altitude,..).<BR>NAV WPT GPS antenna<BR>GNSS MSG APPR<BR>External annunciator<BR>INTRODUCTION<BR>RNAV SYSTEMFOR AIR TRANSPORT<BR>AIRCRAFT (EXAMPLE)<BR>HSI<BR>Aircraft<BR>interfaces<BR>(Altitude,..).<BR>GPS antenna<BR>FMS Computer<BR>(Flight Management<BR>System)<BR>GPS Sensor<BR>Others sensor :<BR>IRS, VOR,DME,..<BR>ADI<BR>MCDU<BR>NAV WPT<BR>FMS MSG APPR<BR>Via Autopilot<BR>External annunciator<BR>10-11-12-13 September 2002-Morocco ARAB INSTRUMENT PROCEDURE DESIGN SEMINAR 6<BR>AIRCRAFT CERTIFICATION<BR>PROCESS<BR>Airworthiness general Approval<BR>Process<BR> A process permitting to issue a Certificate of<BR>Airworthiness for an aircraft.<BR>Is my aircraft<BR>airworthy?<BR>Aircraft<BR>manufacturer<BR>Authority<BR>(JAA,FAA,...)<BR>Compliance with<BR>Airworthiness<BR>regulation<BR>C<BR>of<BR>A<BR>Yes<BR>A SAFETY Issue<BR>Airworthiness general Approval<BR>Process<BR>Type Certificate (TC)<BR>每 For a new aircraft Model.<BR>每 A dedicated certification team at Authority level.<BR>每 Certification basis issued for this aircraft.<BR>每 Multidiscipline program (engine, structure, cabin safety,<BR>avionics, electricity,...)<BR>每 At the End TC is issued with a C of A and an aircraft<BR>flight manual is approved<BR>每 This is not an operational approval!<BR>Airworthiness general Approval<BR>Process<BR>Aircraft modification<BR>每 Check if initial aircraft certification basis need to be revised.<BR>每 Authority team is reduced and includes only relevant specialist<BR>( avionics, powerplant,#).<BR>每 C of A is &laquo; extended &raquo; for this modification.<BR>每 Aircraft Flight Manual may be amended or a supplement may<BR>be issued depending on aircraft modification.<BR>每 Applicant may be either the airframer or an approved design<BR>organisation.<BR>Airworthiness general Approval<BR>Process<BR>Certification basis and compliance<BR>每 JAR and FAR airworthiness regulation<BR>&raquo; JAR/FAR 25 for aircraft &gt; 5.7 t<BR>&raquo; JAR/FAR 23 for aircraft &lt; 5.7 t<BR>每 Special condition and Interpretative material<BR>&raquo; Due to aircraft technology (electrical flight control<BR>system, very large transport aircraft,...)<BR>&raquo; Due to system fitted (Aircraft digital bus, Enhanced<BR>Ground Proximity Warning System, predictive<BR>windshear,.)<BR>&raquo; Due to lack of &laquo;consolidated&raquo; regulation or material<BR>(JAA leaflet, AC,..) for this technology/system.<BR>Airworthiness general Approval<BR>Process<BR>Certification basis and compliance<BR>(Cont*d)<BR> Compliance with requirement material<BR>每 Means of compliance<BR>&raquo; Analysis (safety, design robustness,...)<BR>&raquo; Laboratory test (integration)<BR>&raquo; Ground test<BR>&raquo; Flight test<BR>&raquo; Equipment qualification (environmental, software,<BR>minimum operational performance)<BR>每 Compliance check-list at the end for final airworthiness<BR>assessment.<BR>Airworthiness general Approval<BR>Process<BR>Aircraft modification RNAV example<BR>NO<BR>Aircraft XXX<BR>JAR 25 Change 13<BR>RNAV multisensor system<BR>installation (GPS/DME).<BR>Applicant proposes a Certification<BR>plan<BR>APPLICANT AUTHORITY<BR>APPROVAL<BR>Cert basis need to be revised due to RNAV<BR>system installation?<BR>Verification of applicable regulation<BR>paragraph and interpretative material (AMJ,<BR>ACJ,AC). Validation of certification plan<BR>Validation of different document and plan<BR>Document and AFM approval.<BR>Modification is approved by authority<BR>Applicant issue documentation,<BR>test plan (i.e. ground, flight) and<BR>system safety assessment<BR>Applicant proceed to relevant test<BR>and issue final compliance<BR>statement<BR>General approval process<BR>Operational approval<BR> An airline may operate an aircraft if:<BR> An AOC has been issued by the authority ( Airline Operational<BR>Certificate)<BR> Compliance with OPS regulation has been demonstrated (i.e.<BR>JAR OPS 1 for transport aircraft category in JAA states)<BR> For certain operation (i.e. CAT III approach, RNP 10##), a<BR>dedicated operational approval should be issued by the authority<BR>( for a specific aircraft type, consideration for dedicated crew<BR>training and/or maintenance, ...).<BR>General approval process<BR>AIRWORTHINESS<BR>APPROVAL<BR>C of A<BR>OPERATIONAL<BR>APPROVAL AOC<BR>AIRCRAFT<BR>MAINTENANCE<BR>10-11-12-13 September 2002-Morocco ARAB INSTRUMENT PROCEDURE DESIGN SEMINAR 15<BR>BRNAV<BR>Overview of BRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>CONTENT<BR> Generality<BR> Accuracy<BR> Availability and Integrity<BR> Required functions for BRNAV<BR> Recommended functions for BRNAV<BR> Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM)<BR> Limitation on the use of navigation systems<BR> Operational criteria for use of GPS Stand-alone equipment<BR> BRNAV Certification issues<BR>Overview of BRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>Generality<BR> Airworthiness criteria defined in a European document<BR>(JAA Leaflet 2)<BR> An RNAV system based on navigation sensor.<BR>每 Sensor may be either VOR/DME, DME/DME, INS/IRS<BR>or GPS.<BR>每 May be a single sensor or multi sensor<BR> BRNAV is sometimes called RNP 5 which may be<BR>misleading in certain cases.<BR>Overview of BRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>Accuracy<BR> Track keeping accuracy of 5NM for 95% of the flight<BR>time including :<BR>每 Signal source error (signal transmission error)<BR>每 Airborne receiver source error<BR>每 Display system error<BR>每 Flight technical error<BR>5 NM<BR>5 NM<BR>95%<BR>95%<BR>Overview of BRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>Availability and Integrity<BR> Total loss of navigation must be improbable (occurrence<BR>less than 10-5/per flight hour)<BR> Erroneous displayed information must be improbable<BR>(occurrence less than 10-5/ per flight hour) during Enroute<BR>operation<BR> Single RNAV system acceptable<BR>每 Other traditional navigation system installed<BR>每 System monitored by flight crew<BR>criteria<BR>Availability and Integrity : FAR/JAR 1309<BR>Classification<BR>Effect Failure<BR>Classification<BR>Quantitative<BR>Probability<BR>MINOR Probable 10-3/ Flight Hour<BR>MAJOR Improbable<BR>(Remote)<BR>10-5/ Flight Hour<BR>HAZARDOUS Improbable<BR>(Extremely<BR>Remote)<BR>10-7/ Flight Hour<BR>CATASTROPHIC Extremely<BR>Improbable<BR>10-9/ Flight Hour<BR>Overview of BRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>Required functions for BRNAV<BR> Continuous indication of aircraft position relative to track on a<BR>navigation display situated in pilot primary field of view<BR> Display of distance and bearing to the active waypoint<BR> Display of ground speed or time to the active waypoint<BR> Storage of waypoints; minimum of 4<BR>每 Navigation Data Base is not required<BR> Appropriate failure indication of the RNAV system, including<BR>sensors.<BR> Basic BRNAV functions :Low complexity RNAV<BR>system with small capacity.<BR>Overview of BRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>Required functions for BRNAV<BR>(example)<BR>TO<BR>TO TOU<BR>Dis 14 NM GS 195 Kts<BR>Stored Wpt: AGN; SAU, TAN<BR>FLAG<BR>TOU<BR>1.25 NM<BR>14 NM<BR>SAU<BR>AGN<BR>TAN<BR>195 Kts<BR>INDICATOR (i.e CDI) RNAV Control Display Unit (i.e CDU)<BR>Overview of BRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>Recommended functions for BRNAV<BR> Autopilot and/or Flight director coupling<BR> Display of present position in terms of latitude and<BR>longitude<BR> Direct TO function<BR>每 From present position to a selected waypoint<BR> Indication of navigation accuracy<BR>每 Quality factor, estimated position error,...<BR>Overview of BRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>Recommended functions for BRNAV<BR> Navigation Data Base<BR> Automatic leg sequencing and associated turn<BR>anticipation<BR>每 Notion of flight plan and transition path<BR> Automatic channel selection of radio navaid<BR>每 Only for BRNAV systems based on VOR or DME<BR> A BRNAV system with recommended function is a<BR>more complex RNAV system which is more in<BR>accordance with today*s ATC environment<BR>Overview of BRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>Required and recommended functions for<BR>BRNAV (example)<BR>TO<BR>TO TOU EPE 0.15 NM<BR>Dis 14 NM GS 195 Kts<BR>PPOS N 43 32 59 E 001 35 18<BR>Flight Plan: TOU --&gt;AGN --&gt; SAU --&gt; TAN FLAG<BR>TOU<BR>1.25 NM<BR>14 NM<BR>SAU<BR>AGN<BR>TAN<BR>195 Kts<BR>RNAV Control Display Unit (i.e CDU)<BR>ADI<BR>CDI<BR>Overview of BRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>Aircraft FlightManual (AFM)<BR> AFM includes<BR>每 Certification basis (i.e Leaflet 2 , AC 20-138)<BR>每 RNAV system limitation (ex BRNAV limited to 2 hrs in case<BR>of pure INS navigation, limitation due to GPS constellation)<BR>每 RNAV system operating procedure ( An extract of pilot*s guide<BR>in order to highlight important operating procedures)<BR>每 RNAV system abnormal procedure (ex Procedure in case of<BR>BRNAV system failure, in case of special navigation messages,<BR>....)<BR>Overview of BRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>Limitation on the use of navigation<BR>systems<BR> Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) limited to 2 Hours<BR>without automatic radio update function.<BR> GPS should be approved in accordance with TSO C129.<BR>每 Computed position Integrity should be provided by RAIM<BR>(Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring) or equivalent<BR>(Alternate Integrity Monitoring including comparison with INS<BR>or radio).<BR>每 In addition to TSO C 129 GPS should include: Pseudorange<BR>step detection and health word checking<BR>&raquo; An equipment compliant with TSO C 129a already<BR>includes these two additional functions<BR>Overview of BRNAV criteria<BR>Operational criteria for use of GPS Standalone<BR>equipment<BR> Flight crew should receive appropriate training and be<BR>aware of:<BR> Normal procedures<BR>每 RAIM availability should be confirm in case of degraded GPS<BR>constellation (i.e less than 23 satellites)<BR>每 Nav data base validity (when installed) should be checked<BR>每 Traditional navigation equipment tuned for cross-check or in case<BR>of loss of GPS capability<BR> Abnormal procedures in case of loss of GPS navigation capability<BR>每 Loss of the integrity function (RAIM unavailable)<BR>每 Exceedance of the alarm limit (RAIM position Error), revert to an<BR>alternate means of navigation<BR>Overview of BRNAV certification<BR>criteria BRNAV Certification issues<BR> Low integration at cockpit level (stand-alone installation)<BR> RNAV system HMI (CDU complexity, colour, associated crew<BR>workload,#)<BR> Autopilot coupling problem which may induce erroneous guidance<BR>(compatibility pb between PA and RNAV system)<BR> RNAV system functional problem for other operational use (SID,<BR>STAR, approaches): Nav data base problem, flight plan construction, .<BR>10-11-12-13 September 2002-Morocco ARAB INSTRUMENT PROCEDURE DESIGN SEMINAR 30<BR>PRNAV<BR>Overview of PRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>CONTENT<BR> Generality<BR> Accuracy<BR> Availability and Integrity<BR> Required functions for PRNAV<BR> Recommended functions for PRNAV<BR> Sensor limitation<BR> Navigation data base integrity<BR> Operational criteria<BR> PRNAV issues<BR>Overview of PRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>Generality<BR> Reference material is JAA Leaflet 10<BR> Lot of discussion during development of this leaflet, more than 500<BR>comments received<BR> Takes into account problems encountered during BRNAV<BR>certification process<BR> It accommodates many RNAV system already fitted onboard<BR>transport aeroplane category<BR> PRNAV is sometimes called RNP 1 which may be<BR>misleading in certain cases.<BR>Overview of PRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>Generality/ System description<BR> Lateral navigation<BR>每 Flight plan and navigation data base<BR>每 PRNAV candidate sensors: DME/DME, VOR/DME,<BR>GNSS and INS with automatic radio updating<BR>每 Display of navigation parameters and desired path<BR> Vertical navigation<BR>每 No requirement in this leaflet<BR>Overview of PRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>Accuracy<BR> Lateral track keeping accuracy of 1NM for 95% of the flight time<BR>including :<BR>每 Navigation system error (path definition error, position<BR>estimation error and display error)<BR>每 Flight technical error<BR> Accuracy definition of RNP-1 RNAV<BR>1 NM<BR>1 NM<BR>95%<BR>95%<BR>FTE<BR>NSE<BR>TSE<BR>Path definition error<BR>Desired path<BR>Defined path<BR>Estimated<BR>position<BR>Actual position<BR>Overview of PRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>Integrity<BR> Probability of displaying Hazardously Misleading navigational or<BR>positional information simultaneously to both pilot shall be<BR>improbable (occurrence less than 10-5 per flight hour)<BR> This is a clear alleviation of existing rule due to:<BR>每 mitigation means based on current Air traffic Services<BR>practises<BR>每 PAN-OPS and PAN-RAC criteria account for and<BR>accommodate this system integrity in current airspace<BR>Overview of PRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>Continuity of Function<BR> Probability of loss of all navigation information should be<BR>improbable ( occurrence less than 10-5 per flight hour).<BR> At least one PRNAV system is required if traditional navigation<BR>system(VOR,DME,..) are fitted<BR> Air traffic Services may imposed dual PRNAV equipage (i.e.<BR>procedure below Minimum obstacle clearance altitude, radar<BR>coverage inadequate,#)<BR>Overview of PRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>Required functions for PRNAV (1/2)<BR> Display indicator with course selector automatically slaved to the<BR>RNAV computed path<BR> Navigation data base (including complete PRNAV procedure)<BR> Display of the active navigation sensor type<BR> Display of the active (TO) waypoint<BR> Display of distance and bearing to the active (TO) waypoint<BR> Display of ground speed or time to the active (TO) waypoint<BR> Automatic tuning of VOR and DME navigation aids with capability to<BR>inhibit individual navaids(When relevant)<BR> Capability for the &laquo; Direct To &raquo; function<BR>Overview of PRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>Required functions for PRNAV (2/2)<BR> Capability to execute transition database procedures (Fly-over and Fly-by<BR>turns)<BR> Capability to execute leg transitions and maintain tracks consistent with<BR>the following path terminators:<BR>每 Initial Fix (I.F); Track between two Fixes (T.F); Course to a Fix (C.F),<BR>Course from a Fix to an altitude (F.A) and Direct to a Fix (D.F)<BR> Appropriate failure indication of the PRNAV system, including sensors<BR> Display of the active navigation sensor type with a means of determining<BR>navigation system performance<BR> Basic PRNAV function : Today's existing FMS lateral navigation<BR>function installed on many transport airplane category.<BR>Overview of PRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>Recommended functions for PRNAV<BR> Capability to fly parallel route (Offset function)<BR> Coupling to Flight director and/or automatic pilot<BR> Capability for vertical navigation based upon barometric inputs<BR> Means for automatic runway position update at the start of the take-off<BR>(RNAV system using DME/DME updating supported by IRS)<BR> Capability to execute following leg transitions:<BR>每 Holding pattern (Hx including HM, HA et HF)<BR>每 Constant radius to a Fix (RF)<BR>Overview of PRNAV certification<BR>criteria Required and recommended<BR>functions for PRNAV (example)<BR>TO<BR>ACT RTE1 LEGS<BR>270∼ 3.2 Nm<BR>TOU 300-320<BR>306∼ 23 Nm<BR>AGN FL 350<BR>227∼ 46 Nm<BR>TBO<BR>THEN<BR>•••••<BR>----ROUTE DISCONTINUITY---<BR>LFBO<BR>LEGS ETA <BR>FLAG<BR>ADI<BR>HSI<BR>90<BR>∼<BR>180∼<BR>270∼<BR>00∼<BR>306∼<BR>Multipurpose Control Display Unit (i.e<BR>MCDU)<BR>Overview of PRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>Sensor Limitation<BR> GPS<BR>每 Same limitation than BRNAV (i.e. step detector plus<BR>health word monitoring, ...)<BR>每 FDE (Fault Detection and Exclusion) function is<BR>recommended for availability purposes<BR> INS<BR>每 PRNAV use in pure INS following a failure of the radio<BR>nav update system should be limited in time.<BR>每 Time duration in pure INS needs to be determined to<BR>continue to fulfil PRNAV requirement<BR>Overview of PRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>Navigation Data Base Integrity<BR> Shall comply with ED 76/DO 200A or an equivalent approved<BR>procedure.<BR> An approved supplier who has complied with ED 76 (Standards<BR>for processing Aeronautical Data)<BR>OR<BR> The operator must implement navigation data base integrity<BR>checks<BR>每 Appropriate s/w tool or approved manual procedures<BR>每 At least for Waypoints below applicable minimum obstacle<BR>clearance altitude<BR>Overview of PRNAV criteria<BR>Operational criteria<BR> Normal procedures<BR>每 Pre-flight planning<BR>&raquo; availability of navigation infrastructure?<BR>&raquo; Availability of onboard navigation system (including nav data base)<BR>&raquo; Availability of dual system when AIP specify it<BR>&raquo; RAIM availability in case of GPS stand-alone system<BR>每 Departure<BR>&raquo; Nav data base, a/c position entered,<BR>&raquo; Active flight plan should be checked (legs, fly-by,#)<BR>&raquo; user waypoints forbidden for PRNAV operation<BR>&raquo; Flight progress monitoring (navigational reasonableness, cross check,<BR>Overview of PRNAV criteria<BR>Operational criteria (Cont *d)<BR> Normal procedures<BR>每 Arrival<BR>&raquo; Verification that correct terminal procedure is loaded and flight plan<BR>construction correct<BR>&raquo; Creation of new waypoints by manual entry is forbidden<BR>&raquo; Flight progress should be monitored<BR>&raquo; Notion of route modification in terminal area (radar heading or Dir To<BR>clearance)<BR>&raquo; Any published altitude and speed constraints must be observed<BR> Contingency procedures<BR>每 Failure of the RNAV system components, multiple system failures<BR>每 Loss of required navigation capability<BR>每 Loss of PRNAV capability<BR>Overview of PRNAV certification<BR>criteria<BR>PRNAV Issues<BR> PRNAV is a transition towards RNP-1-RNAV<BR> PRNAV may be requested by some states in the near future<BR> Problem of navigation data base integrity should be addressed<BR> ATS provider/Designer should take into account alleviation of<BR>integrity criteria at aircraft level<BR> However many FMS installed on transport aircraft category fulfil<BR>airworthiness criteria defined in JAA Leaflet 10<BR>10-11-12-13 September 2002-Morocco ARAB INSTRUMENT PROCEDURE DESIGN SEMINAR 46<BR>BRNAV/PRNAV<BR>EXAMPLE<BR>Aircraft and BRNAV<BR>Aircraft<BR>Type<BR>Pure INS<BR>system<BR>Multisensor<BR>system<BR>INS/VOR/DME<BR>Multisensor<BR>system<BR>INS/VOR/DME with<BR>GPS<BR>Multisensor<BR>system<BR>VOR/DME with<BR>GPS<BR>Pure GPS<BR>system<BR>(standalone)<BR>AIRBUS<BR>A 319/20/21<BR>A 330/340<BR>YES<BR>(Basic)<BR>YES<BR>(Option)<BR>AIRBUS<BR>A 300 FFCC<BR>YES<BR>(Retrofit)<BR>BOEING<BR>B 747-400<BR>B 757/767<BR>YES<BR>(Basic)<BR>YES<BR>(Option)<BR>BOEING<BR>B 737-200<BR>YES<BR>(Retrofit)<BR>YES<BR>(Retrofit)<BR>B747-100/200<BR>DC 10<BR>YES<BR>(Basic)<BR>YES<BR>(Retrofit)<BR>Aircraft and PRNAV<BR>Presently there is no aircraft officialy PRNAV<BR>approved<BR>Aircraft Type PRNAV<BR>multisensor system INS/<BR>DME/DME, VOR/DME<BR>PRNAV multisensor<BR>system DME/DME,<BR>VOR/DME<BR>RNP 1 system<BR>AIRBUS<BR>A 319/20/21<BR>A 330/340<BR>Normally YES<BR>(Basic)<BR>GPS (option)<BR>YES<BR>(Option)<BR>BOEING<BR>B 737-400/500<BR>Normally YES<BR>(Basic)<BR>GPS (option)<BR>YES<BR>(Option)<BR>BOEING<BR>B 747-400<BR>B 757/767<BR>Normally YES<BR>(Basic)<BR>GPS (option)<BR>YES<BR>(Option)<BR>BOEING/Douglas<BR>DC 10<BR>Normally YES (Retrofit)<BR>GPS required<BR>BOEING/Douglas<BR>MD 83<BR>Normally YES<BR>(Retrofit)<BR>GPS required<BR>10-11-12-13 September 2002-Morocco ARAB INSTRUMENT PROCEDURE DESIGN SEMINAR 49<BR>GENERALITY ON RNP<BR>WHAT IS RNP<BR>Definition/Generality<BR> RNP as defined in ICAO doc 9613 :<BR> A statement of the navigation performance accuracy necessary for<BR>operation within a defined airspace.<BR> RNP as defined in ICAO doc 9650 :<BR> A statement of the navigation performance accuracy, integrity, continuity<BR>and availability necessary for operation within a defined airspace.<BR> RNP from an airborne point of view is defined by the RNP-(x)-RNAV<BR>concept described in document ED 75() or DO 236(). These system<BR>fully support definition of ICAO doc 9650 (accuracy, integrity and<BR>continuity).<BR>RNP<BR>RNP-RNAV Generality<BR> RNP-(x)-RNAV airborne system:<BR> RNP Accuracy is defined as the total system error (x) 95% of<BR>the flying time. (x) is the RNP value.<BR> Containment integrity: Probability that the total system error<BR>exceeds the specified containment limit without annunciation.<BR>Shall be less than 10-5 per flight hour (99.999%). Containment<BR>limit is twice the RNP value (x).<BR> Containment continuity : Probability of annunciated loss of<BR>RNP RNAV capability shall be less than 10-4 per flight hour<BR>(99.99%).<BR>RNP<BR>RNP-RNAV Generality<BR>Accuracy<BR>Accuracy<BR>Integrity<BR>Integrity<BR>99.999%<BR>95%<BR>95%<BR>99.999%<BR>Desired route<BR>2 x RNP<BR>2 x RNP<BR>1 x RNP<BR>1 x RNP
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