Required Navigation Performance Area Navigation Test and Certification Process
**** Hidden Message ***** PMA209 champions development, integration and<BR>cradle-to-grave support for common avionics solutions<BR>in safety, connectivity, mission computing & interoperability<BR>Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Area Navigation (RNAV) Test and Certification Process for Naval Aircraft<BR>Briefer: Steve Adrian<BR>Date: 14 April 2010<BR>PMA209 champions development, integration and<BR>cradle-to-grave support for common avionics solutions<BR>in safety, connectivity, mission computing & interoperability<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 2<BR>•<BR>Test and Certification Background<BR>•<BR>Test and Certification Process<BR>•<BR>Requirements<BR>•<BR>Systems Engineering Design<BR>•<BR>Testing<BR>–<BR>Laboratory / Ground<BR>–<BR>Flight<BR>•<BR>Reporting<BR>•<BR>Certification Package<BR>•<BR>Certification Review Process<BR>•<BR>Certification Approval<BR>•<BR>Fleet Introduction<BR>•<BR>Conclusion<BR>Overview<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 3<BR>Test & Certification Background<BR>•<BR>Navy aircraft require access to performance based civil airspace to achieve effective/efficient mission accomplishment<BR>•<BR>Navy is working towards ensuring its aircraft are compliant with CNS/ATM standards<BR>•<BR>Navy is a self-certifying agency for each of the CNS/ATM Functionalities<BR>–<BR>RNP RNAV -8.33 kHz Channel Separation<BR>–<BR>Mode Select-RVSM<BR>•<BR>CNO Designated PMA 209 as Central Management Activity for all Naval CNS/ATM Efforts<BR>–<BR>Assists in identifying/defining all future CNS/ATM Requirements<BR>–<BR>Issues Platform Certification upon successful validation of integration<BR>–<BR>Maintains a “Center of Technical Excellence” for Navy/Marine and Coast Guard<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 4<BR>Test & Certification Process<BR>Establish<BR>Requirements<BR>Survey the<BR>Platform<BR>Meets<BR>Requirements<BR>Identify<BR>Missing<BR>Capability<BR>DT for New<BR>Functionality<BR>OT New<BR>Functionality<BR>Effective/<BR>Suitable<BR>for New<BR>Functionality<BR>Identify<BR>Funding<BR>YES<BR>YES<BR>NO<BR>NO<BR>Develop<BR>System Design<BR>Determine<BR>Test<BR>Strategy<BR>USN Director, Air Warfare<BR>COMOPTEVFOR<BR>Platform PMA<BR>PMA 209<BR>CNO<BR>DT Test Team<BR>Platform PMA & PMA 209<BR>Authorizes Capability for Fleet Use<BR>Certify<BR>RNP RNAV Compliance<BR>Review Data<BR>Submission<BR>Prepare<BR>Data<BR>Package for<BR>Review<BR>*CRT –Certification Review Team *CNO –Chief of Naval Operations<BR>Meets<BR>Requirements<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 5<BR>Requirements<BR>•<BR>Requirements Traceability Chain<BR>–<BR>CNO Functional Requirements Document (FRD) for each CNS/ATM Functionality<BR>􀂾<BR>Defines requirements<BR>􀂾<BR>Reference civil standards but modified for unique requirements of Navy Aircraft<BR>–<BR>Test Point Matrix (TPM) for each CNS/ATM Functionality developed by PMA 209<BR>􀂾<BR>Derived from applicable FRD<BR>􀂾<BR>Tailored for platforms<BR>􀂾<BR>Included in platform Test and Evaluation Master Plans (TEMPs) and test plans<BR>􀂾<BR>Populated and included in test reports<BR>CNO<BR>RNP RNAV FRD<BR>P-3C RNP RNAV TPM<BR>P-3C<BR>TEMP<BR>P-3C RNP RNAV Report of Test Results<BR>P-3C RNP RNAV<BR>Test Plan<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 6<BR>Requirements<BR>•<BR>RNP RNAV FRD (RNP 0.3 RNAV)<BR>–<BR>Navigation requirements<BR>􀂾<BR>Primary navigation sensor shall be the Precise Positioning Service (PPS) GPS (crypto keys required)<BR>􀂾<BR>Integrity of GPS and the data base<BR>–<BR>Performance Requirements<BR>􀂾<BR>Lateral Accuracy 95% per flight hour for RNP Type in use<BR>􀂾<BR>Containment Integrity 10-5per flight hour<BR>􀂾<BR>Continuity 10-4/10-3per flight hour<BR>•<BR>RNP RNAV TPM<BR>–<BR>Broken down into over 160 Test Points (TPs)<BR>􀂾<BR>Each traced to “Shalls” in FRD<BR>􀂾<BR>Each evaluated and/or tested individually<BR>􀂾<BR>Tracked throughout the System Engineering/testing process<BR>􀂾<BR>Matrix contains Metric Thresholds and Recommended Test Methods<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 7<BR>Requirements<BR>•<BR>RNP RNAV FRD Excerpts<BR>–<BR>3.2.3 Containment Continuity -The probability of annunciated loss of RNP RNAV capability (for a given RNP RNAV type) shall be less than 10-4per flight hour. The continuity due to failure of the airborne system, not the signal in space, shall be reduced to 10-3per flight hour for aircraft already approved to utilize single-thread avionics systems for navigation.<BR>–<BR>3.2.11 Loss of Integrity Caution -The navigation system displays a loss of integrity caution when the Horizontal Protection Level (HPL) computed by the equipment exceeds the Horizontal Alert Limit (HAL) for the current operation.<BR>–<BR>3.2.6 Path Steering Requirement -During the certification process, the ability of the crew to operate the aircraft within the specified Path Steering Error (PSE) shall be demonstrated.<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 8<BR>Requirements<BR>•<BR>RNP RNAV TPM Excerpts<BR>FRD Reference Paragraph<BR>Test Point #<BR>Test Point<BR>Metric Threshold<BR>Test Method<BR>Met/ Not Met<BR>Remarks<BR>3.2.3<BR>Containment Continuity<BR>006<BR>Dual-thread navigation system probability of annunciated loss of RNP RNAV capability.<BR>< 10-4per flight hour<BR>Qualitative Test/ Analysis<BR>Analysis only due to test duration.<BR>007<BR>Single-thread navigation system probability of annunciated loss of RNP RNAV capability.<BR>< 10-3per flight hour<BR>Qualitative Test/ Analysis<BR>Analysis only due to test duration.<BR>3.2.11<BR>Loss of Integrity Caution<BR>120<BR>The navigation system displays a loss of integrity caution when the HPL computed by the equipment exceeds HAL for the current operation.<BR>True or False<BR>Laboratory/ Ground<BR>Test<BR>3.2.6<BR>Path Steering Requirement<BR>059<BR>During the certification process, the ability of the crew to operate the aircraft within the specified PSE is demonstrated.<BR>Demonstrated PSE <= specified value.<BR>Flight<BR>Test<BR>A measured value of PSE may be used to monitor system compliance to RNP RNAV requirements. For operation on all leg types, the measured value is the distance to defined path.<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 9<BR>•<BR>Survey and determine current Platform configuration and capabilities<BR>•<BR>Work w/Platforms to determine Platform end state requirements to achieve functionality defined by FRDs<BR>•<BR>Address Platform unique issues<BR>•<BR>Choose appropriate hardware for System Design<BR>•<BR>Modify and integrate military/COTS/NDI systems to meet functionality requirements<BR>System Engineering Design<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 10<BR>System Engineering Design<BR>•<BR>•<BR>System Engineering Design Example –P-3C Aircraft<BR>–<BR>RNP RNAV System Solution<BR>􀂾<BR>Dual legacy Replacement Inertial Navigation Unit-GPS (RINU-G)s w/GPS Embedded Module (GEM)-V Cards<BR>􀂾<BR>Dual CDU-7000 Flight Management Computers (FMCs)<BR>􀂾<BR>Air Data Display Unit (ADDU)<BR>􀂾<BR>Electronic Flight Display System (EFDS)<BR>􀂾<BR>GPS Antenna<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 11<BR>−<BR>Test Points (TPs) 006 and 007 Containment Continuity<BR>􀂾<BR>Survey determined legacy RINU-Gs had potential to satisfy requirement but needed documentation of analysis<BR>􀂾<BR>Rockwell Collins as System Integrator conducted an analysis and produced “Preliminary RNP Analysis for P-3C/EP-3 CNS/ATM”<BR>􀂾<BR>Results of analysis shown<BR>System Engineering Design<BR>Summary of Continuity Values GPS Modes<BR>Flight<BR>Phase<BR>Required<BR>RNP (nm)<BR>Enroute/Term Legs<BR>HOLD Legs<BR>Path<BR>Transition<BR>Offset Path<BR>Approach<BR>0.3<BR>6.79E-06<BR>6.79E-06<BR>6.79E-06<BR>6.79E-06<BR>Terminal<BR>1<BR>6.79E-06<BR>6.79E-06<BR>6.79E-06<BR>6.79E-06<BR>Enroute<BR>2<BR>6.79E-06<BR>6.79E-06<BR>6.79E-06<BR>6.79E-06<BR>Oceanic<BR>4<BR>6.79E-06<BR>6.79E-06<BR>6.79E-06<BR>6.79E-06<BR>Summary of Continuity Values INU/GPS Modes<BR>Flight<BR>Phase<BR>Required<BR>RNP (nm)<BR>Enroute/Term Legs<BR>HOLD Legs<BR>Path<BR>Transition<BR>Offset Path<BR>Approach<BR>0.3<BR>6.93E-06<BR>6.92E-06<BR>6.93E-06<BR>6.97E-06<BR>Terminal<BR>1<BR>6.89E-06<BR>6.89E-06<BR>6.89E-06<BR>6.90E-06<BR>Enroute<BR>2<BR>6.89E-06<BR>6.89E-06<BR>6.89E-06<BR>6.89E-06<BR>Oceanic<BR>4<BR>6.89E-06<BR>6.89E-06<BR>6.89E-06<BR>6.89E-06<BR>•<BR>System Engineering Design Example –P-3C Aircraft<BR>Probability of annunciated loss of RNP RNAV Capability (per flight hour)<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 12<BR>•<BR>System Engineering Design Example –P-3C Aircraft<BR>–<BR>TPs 006 and 007 –Containment Continuity<BR>􀂾<BR>Tables show that continuity requirements are met for RNP-4 through RNP-0.3 modes and all leg types<BR>􀂾<BR>TP 007 was not applicable as P-3C is a dual thread system<BR>􀂾<BR>PMA 209 CNS/ATM Navigation and Test and Certification Teams reviewed analysis and methods used to generate results<BR>􀂾<BR>Updated TPM and proceeded with integration/modification effort<BR>System Engineering Design<BR>FRD Reference Paragraph<BR>Test Point #<BR>Test Point<BR>Metric Threshold<BR>Test Method<BR>Met/ Not Met<BR>Remarks<BR>3.2.3<BR>Containment Continuity<BR>006<BR>Dual-thread navigation system probability of annunciated loss of RNP RNAV capability.<BR>< 10-4per flight hour<BR>Qualitative Test/ Analysis<BR>Met<BR>Established by the Preliminary RNP Analysis for P-3C/EP-3 CNS/ATM.<BR>007<BR>Single-thread navigation system probability of annunciated loss of RNP RNAV capability.<BR>< 10-3per flight hour<BR>Qualitative Test/ Analysis<BR>N/A<BR>The P-3C is a dual-thread system.<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 13<BR>Laboratory/Ground Testing<BR>•<BR>In-Depth Tiered Testing –Contractor and Government<BR>–<BR>Progressive System/Test Maturity and Complexity<BR>–<BR>System Integrator Lab Testing<BR>􀂾<BR>Manufacturer quality assurance testing<BR>–<BR>Platform Specific Lab Testing<BR>􀂾<BR>Platform unique mission/weapon systems integration testing<BR>–<BR>Aircraft Ground Testing<BR>􀂾<BR>Fully integrated system testing prior to first flight<BR>–<BR>Common Systems Integration (CSIL) Lab Testing<BR>􀂾<BR>CNS/ATM functionality/integration testing<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 14<BR>Laboratory/Ground Testing<BR>•<BR>System Integrator Lab Testing -Manufacturer<BR>–<BR>Environmental qualification testing<BR>–<BR>Functional Qualification Testing (FQT)<BR>–<BR>Procedures reviewed and approved by PMA209 CNS/ATM Team<BR>•<BR>CSIL Testing -Government<BR>–<BR>Common lab to support all CNS/ATM integration test efforts<BR>–<BR>Utilize lab subject matter experts for test plan and procedures development<BR>–<BR>RNP/RNAV TPM compliance/integration testing<BR>􀂾<BR>Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) Fault Detection Exclusion (FDE) testing<BR>􀂾<BR>Mission planning functionality and data integrity testing<BR>􀂾<BR>Full simulated motion INS/GPS testing using Spirent GPS simulator<BR>􀂾<BR>Regression testing<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 15<BR>Laboratory/Ground Testing<BR>•<BR>Platform Specific Lab Testing -Government<BR>–<BR>Integration/regression testing for new system components and mission/weapon system equipment<BR>•<BR>Aircraft Ground Testing -Government<BR>–<BR>Various types of testing to ensure safety of aircraft configuration prior to first flight/military specification compliance<BR>􀂾<BR>Electromagnetic Compatibility/Electromagnetic Interference<BR>􀂾<BR>TEMPEST<BR>􀂾<BR>Precipitation Static<BR>􀂾<BR>Human Systems Integration<BR>–<BR>Further RNP RNAV TPM compliance/integration testing<BR>•<BR>All Laboratory/Ground Testing contributes to risk reduction<BR>–<BR>Deficiencies identified, documented and reported back to software manufacturer earlier in test cycle<BR>–<BR>Software manufacturer rolls corrections back into development cycle reducing the number of unplanned software builds<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 16<BR>Laboratory/Ground Testing<BR>•<BR>Laboratory/Ground Test Example –P-3C Aircraft<BR>–<BR>TP 120 –Loss of Integrity Caution<BR>􀂾<BR>Flight testing of this TP not practical<BR>􀂾<BR>RAIM FDE testing conducted in CSIL and during Aircraft Ground Testing addressed this TP<BR>􀂾<BR>Used Spirent GPS Simulator to develop several scenarios that cause RINU-G’s HPL to exceed HAL<BR>􀂾<BR>Aircraft Ground Test sample plot shown<BR>􀂾<BR>Used Spirent GPS Simulator to imitate a constellation that contained satellites with pseudo-range ramp errors<BR>􀂾<BR>Time when HPL exceeded HAL corresponded with display of “NO RAIM” alert on CDU 7000 and “RAIM” on alert on Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator<BR>*HEL –Horizontal Error Limit<BR>*HUL –Horizontal Uncertainty Limit<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 17<BR>Laboratory/Ground Testing<BR>•<BR>Laboratory/Ground Test Example –P-3C Aircraft<BR>–<BR>TP 120 –Loss of Integrity Caution<BR>􀂾<BR>Results of both CSIL Testing and Aircraft Ground Testing verified that the system displays a “Loss of Integrity Caution” when HPL exceeds HAL<BR>􀂾<BR>Updated TPM and Proceeded with Testing Effort<BR>FRD Reference Paragraph<BR>Test Point #<BR>Test Point<BR>Metric Threshold<BR>Test Method<BR>Met/ Not Met<BR>Remarks<BR>3.2.11<BR>Loss of Integrity Caution<BR>120<BR>The navigation system displays a loss of integrity caution when the HPL computed by the equipment exceeds the HAL for the current operation.<BR>True or False<BR>Laboratory/Ground<BR>Test<BR>Met<BR>As demonstrated in the laboratory and aircraft using a Spirent GPS Simulator.<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 18<BR>•<BR>RNP RNAV Flight Testing<BR>–<BR>Approximately 70 hours of flight testing needed to fulfill RNP RNAV TPM requirements<BR>􀂾<BR>~20 hours dedicated to RNP RNAV profiles<BR>􀂾<BR>Rest of the hours can be shared w/other testing i.e. COMM, IFF<BR>–<BR>Measure navigation sensor accuracy<BR>–<BR>Measure Flight Technical Error for all RNP values<BR>–<BR>Evaluate enroute and terminal operations<BR>–<BR>Conduct GPS and RNAV non-precisionapproaches<BR>–<BR>Instrumentation<BR>􀂾<BR>Ashtech differential GPS receiver –GPS “truth data”<BR>􀂾<BR>Discrete Bus Formatter (DBF) II –collect MIL-STD-1553B and ARINC 429 data from RINU-Gs and CDU<BR>Flight Testing<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 19<BR>Flight Testing<BR>•<BR>Flight Test Example –P-3C Aircraft<BR>–<BR>TP 059 –Path Steering Requirement<BR>􀂾<BR>The dominant term in PSE is Flight Technical Error (FTE)<BR>􀂾<BR>The CDU-7000 uses fixed values for FTE based on phase of flight, which are designated as the FTE budgets<BR>􀂾<BR>Flight test data was analyzed to determine actual FTE (95thPercentile) values for each RNP level<BR>􀂾<BR>Resulting data shown below<BR>Budgeted<BR>Actual (95thPercentile)<BR>RNP 0.3 FTE<BR>0.25 nmi<BR>0.20 nmi<BR>RNP 1.0 FTE<BR>0.8 nmi<BR>0.52 nmi<BR>RNP 2.0 FTE<BR>1.0 nmi<BR>0.59 nmi<BR>RNP 4.0 FTE<BR>2.0 nmi<BR>1.02 nmi<BR>Summary of FTE Values<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 20<BR>FlightTesting<BR>•<BR>Flight Test Example –P-3C Aircraft<BR>–<BR>TP 059 –Path Steering Requirement<BR>􀂾<BR>All values of measured FTE < values of budgeted FTE for each respective RNP value<BR>􀂾<BR>Results of flight tests validated the use of the budgeted FTE values in the PSE equation<BR>􀂾<BR>Hence measured PSE was demonstrated to be less than the specified values for each phase of flight<BR>􀂾<BR>Updated TPM and Proceeded with Reporting Effort<BR>FRD Reference Paragraph<BR>Test Point #<BR>Test Point<BR>Metric Threshold<BR>Test Method<BR>Met/ Not Met<BR>Remarks<BR>3.2.6<BR>Path Steering Requirement<BR>059<BR>During the certification process, the ability of the crew to operate the aircraft within the specified PSE is demonstrated.<BR>Demonstrated PSE <= specified value.<BR>Flight<BR>Test<BR>Met<BR>Measured PSE values<BR>were demonstrated to be<BR>less than the budgeted<BR>PSE values.<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 21<BR>•<BR>Developmental Test Results documented in a Report of Test Results (RTR)<BR>–<BR>Developed according to RDT&E Report Writing Handbook for Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division and Training Systems Division<BR>–<BR>Includes populated TPM<BR>–<BR>Includes results and evaluation, supporting data, conclusions and recommendations<BR>–<BR>May be used for official programmatic decision making<BR>•<BR>Operational Test Results documented in COMOPTEVFOR Test Report (if applicable)<BR>Reporting<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 22<BR>Cert Binder Tab # Primary Document Item / Category Document Sub-Item / Category Platform Applicability􀀻 Document Availability Date (MM/DD/YYYY) 1 NAVAIR Routing Sheet RNP/RNAV 8.33kHz Channel Separation Mode S 2 PMA 209 Certification Letters RVSM Engineering Change Proposals (ECPs) Airframe Changes (AFCs) 3 Applicable Platform/ Functionality Integration Documentation Avionics Changes (AVCs) Reports of Test Results (RTRs) Developmental Test (DT) Report 4 Applicable Platform Test Reports Operational Test (OT) Report RNP/RNAV 8.33kHz Channel Separation Mode S 5 Applicable Completed Test Point Matrices (TPMs) RVSM RNP/RNAV 8.33kHz Channel Separation Mode S 6 Vendor Functionality Analysis Reports RVSM ILS Certification ILA Summary NATOPS Inputs/(DRAFT) NATOPS Maintainer Publications/(DRAFT) Navy Technical Manuals (TMs) 7 Logistical Documentation Training Inputs RNP/RNAV 8.33kHz Channel Separation Mode S 8 Applicable Functional Requirements Documents (FRDs) RVSM DD form 1494s Submitted for Approval Spectrum Allocation Documentation National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Operational Documentation Submitted for Approval Box Level AIMS Certifications Submitted for Approval Platform Level AIMS Certifications Submitted for Approval 9 RNP/RNAV, Mode S, 8.33kHz CH Separation Only Mode S Only Applicable Certifications Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) Certification Submitted for Approval<BR>•<BR>PMA 209 CNS/ATM Test and Certification Team assemble package<BR>•<BR>Certification Package contents<BR>􀂉<BR>Platform Functionality / Integration Documentation<BR>􀂉<BR>Applicable Test Reports<BR>􀂉<BR>Applicable populated TPMs<BR>􀂉<BR>Vendor Functionality Analysis Reports<BR>􀂉<BR>Logistical Documentation<BR>􀂉<BR>Applicable FRDs<BR>􀂉<BR>Other documentation / certifications<BR>􀂉<BR>NAVAIR Routing Sheet<BR>􀂉<BR>PMA 209 Certification Letters<BR>Certification Package<BR>P-3C RNP RNAV Certification Package Checklist<BR>N/A<BR>N/A<BR>N/A<BR>N/A<BR>N/A<BR>N/A<BR>N/A<BR>N/A<BR>N/A<BR>N/A<BR>N/A<BR>N/A<BR>N/A<BR>N/A<BR>N/A<BR>√<BR>√<BR>√<BR>12 Jan 07<BR>28 Dec 06<BR>28 Dec 06<BR>√<BR>√<BR>√<BR>2 Aug 06<BR>18 Jul 06<BR>25 Jul 07<BR>√<BR>√<BR>√<BR>23 Jul 07<BR>23 Jul 07<BR>17 Apr 06<BR>√<BR>√<BR>25 Jul 07<BR>25 Jul 07<BR>√<BR>25 Jul 07<BR>√<BR>19 Mar 07<BR>N/A<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 23<BR>•<BR>Certification Review Team<BR>–<BR>PMA-209 Team Participation<BR>􀂾<BR>CNS/ATM Program Management Lead<BR>􀂾<BR>CNS/ATM Assistant Program Manager System Engineering<BR>􀂾<BR>CNS/ATM Test & Certification Team Lead<BR>􀂾<BR>CNS/ATM Assistant Program Manager Logistics<BR>–<BR>Platform Team Participation<BR>􀂾<BR>Platform Flight Test Lead<BR>􀂾<BR>Platform Logistics Point of Contact<BR>􀂾<BR>Platform Assistant Program Manager System Engineering<BR>–<BR>Other Team Participation<BR>􀂾<BR>Commodity Lead (Radio Program Manager (PM), Navigation Product PM, Surveillance Product PM, etc as applicable)<BR>􀂾<BR>Platform Integration Manager (PMA-209)<BR>Certification Review Process<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 24<BR>Certification Review Process<BR>1 day<BR>Test and Certification Lead approved Certification Package<BR>Platform PMA Review<BR>Review / Incorporate Comments<BR>PMA 209CNS/ATM Leadership Review<BR>Review / Incorporate Comments<BR>PMA 209 Senior Leadership Review<BR>Review / Incorporate Comments<BR>PMA 209 Senior Leadership Approval<BR>PMA 209 Program Manager Review<BR>Review / Incorporate Comments<BR>10 days<BR>3 days<BR>1 day<BR>1 day<BR>1 day<BR>10 days<BR>1 day<BR>5 days<BR>1 day<BR>PMA 209 Program Manager Approval of Certification<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 25<BR>Certification Approval<BR>•<BR>Content of Certification Letter<BR>–<BR>Reference to FRD<BR>–<BR>Reference to completed TPM<BR>–<BR>Reference to DT and/or OT Report (as applicable)<BR>–<BR>Reference to proposed NATOPS changes<BR>–<BR>Reference to Platform Engineering Change Proposal(s)<BR>–<BR>Discussion related to aircraft configuration with equipment<BR>–<BR>Discussion of capabilities and restrictions as applicable<BR>–<BR>Platform has “successfully achieved the FRD functional requirements and is hereby certified as RNP-0.3 and RNAV compliant”<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 26<BR>•<BR>Platform PMA receives a copy of the completed Certification Package with signed Certification Letter<BR>•<BR>Platform PMA issues airworthiness certification<BR>•<BR>Platform PMA issues the Fleet Release Letter<BR>–<BR>Authorizes use of functionality by Fleet<BR>•<BR>Platform PMA develops training requirements<BR>Fleet Introduction<BR>•<BR>Platform PMA develop Concept of Operations (CONOPS) for functionality (if applicable)<BR>•<BR>Platform PMA develops new logistics support structure<BR>•<BR>PMA 209 assists as needed with Fleet introductionissues<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 27<BR>Conclusion<BR>•<BR>Navy aircraft require access to performance based civil airspace to achieve effective/efficient mission accomplishment<BR>•<BR>Navy is a self-certifying agency for each of the CNS/ATM Functionalities<BR>•<BR>Navy RNP RNAV Certification Process<BR>–<BR>Establish RNP RNAV requirements<BR>–<BR>Identify platform capability shortfalls<BR>–<BR>Design and implement materiel solutions<BR>–<BR>Perform comprehensive testing of those solutions<BR>–<BR>Document the test results<BR>–<BR>Issue certification<BR>•<BR>Aircraft RNP/RNAV certified to date<BR>−<BR>P-3C/EP-3<BR>−<BR>C-2A<BR>•<BR>Several other Naval Aircraft are on the road to certification!<BR>UNCLASSIFIED<BR>Brief: Filename .ppt<BR>Date: DDMMMYY<BR>Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.<BR>Page # 28<BR>Questions 多谢多谢,支持支持 中国民航卫星导航应用及未来发展考虑