瑤諾蹦抭 楷桶衾 2011-8-29 15:13:03

Understanding and Equipping for RNP, RNAV, WAAS, LPV, ADS-B

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瑤諾蹦抭 楷桶衾 2011-8-29 15:13:23

Understanding and Equipping for<BR>RNP, RNAV, WAAS, LPV, ADS-B<BR>Chicago Area Business Aircraft Association<BR>Chicago, IL<BR>21 November 2008<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>2<BR>Document control number<BR>In Attendance From Honeywell<BR>• Ed Borger B&amp;GA Technical Sales 每 FMS and Navigation Systems<BR>• Tim Kelly B&amp;GA Area Sales Manager 每 Central US<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>3<BR>Document control number<BR>Agenda<BR>• Required Navigation Performance (RNP)<BR>• Definitions 每 RNP, RNAV, EPU, etc.<BR>• RNP SAAAR Procedures<BR>• RNP non-SAAAR Procedures<BR>• Typical Business Aircraft Equipage<BR>• Honeywell RNP Services 每 ※Go Direct§<BR>• WAAS-LPV<BR>• ADS-B Overview<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>4<BR>Document control number<BR>Performance Based Navigation and RNP<BR>• Key Elements of RNP<BR>每 Requires highly accurate navigation GPS<BR>avionics systems<BR>每 Procedures create path conformance with<BR>high degree of accuracy and repeatability<BR>每 Curved flight paths (Radius to Fix RF<BR>Legs)<BR>每 Monitoring and alerting of navigation<BR>performance<BR>每 Guided Missed Approach for increased<BR>safety of flight<BR>Onboard avionics capable of navigating the aircraft within a tightly<BR>specified airspace corridor<BR>RNP is a statement of the<BR>navigation performance necessary<BR>for operations within a defined<BR>airspace defined in nautical miles<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>5<BR>Document control number<BR>Terminology: RNAV, RNP and EPU<BR>• RNAV is a method of navigation enabling aircraft<BR>to fly on any desired flight path within the coverage<BR>of referenced NAVAIDS or within the limits of the<BR>capability of self-contained systems, or a<BR>combination of these capabilities<BR>• RNP is RNAV operations with on-board<BR>navigation alerting and monitoring and to<BR>identify for the pilot whether the operational<BR>requirement is, or is not being met during an<BR>operation<BR>• EPU is the estimate of position<BR>uncertainty, measured in nm<BR>conveys current position estimation<BR>performance. EPU is not an<BR>estimate of actual error but a defined<BR>statistical indication (eg: 10-7)<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>6<BR>Document control number<BR>Example of RNP 0.1 Monitoring Defined<BR>600*<BR>RNP 0.1<BR>600*<BR>RNP 0.1<BR>2 x RNP<BR>2 x RNP<BR>600* 600*<BR>RNP 0.1<BR>RNP 0.1<BR>RNP = 0.1nm (600*)<BR>Containment Limit<BR>Containment Limit<BR>Graphic courtesy of The Boeing Company<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>7<BR>Document control number<BR>Relationship between RNP and EPU<BR>600*<BR>RNP 0.1<BR>600*<BR>RNP 0.1<BR>2 x RNP<BR>2 x RNP<BR>600* 600*<BR>RNP 0.1<BR>RNP 0.1<BR>RNP<BR>EPU*<BR>* Equivalent to ANP<BR>Graphic courtesy of The Boeing Company<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>8<BR>Document control number<BR>Required Navigation Performance - RNP<BR>Conventional Routes RNP Routes<BR>Highly Optimized<BR>Use of Airspace<BR>Limited Design<BR>Flexibility<BR>※curved§<BR>paths<BR>Seamless<BR>Vertical<BR>Path<BR>Waypoints (Lat &amp;<BR>Long position)<BR>Ground Based<BR>NAVAIDS<BR>• Two new FAA Advisory Circulars (ACs) define the move to lower RNP<BR>每 AC 90-101 每 Approval Guidance for RNP Procedures with SAAAR<BR>每 AC 90-RNP 每 DRAFT- Approval Guidance for RNP Procedures (non-SAAAR)<BR>每 EASA NPA 2008-14 / AMC 20-26 RNP- Authorization Required<BR>RNP keeps aircraft in a tightly defined corridor<BR>Conventional<BR>approach<BR>RNP<BR>approach<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>9<BR>Document control number<BR>RNP (non SAAAR) 每 Approach Design Criteria<BR>2x RNP<BR>RNP Approach<BR>( non SAAAR)<BR>1xRNP Secondary buffer for obstacle clearance<BR>RNP non-SAAAR has secondary buffers<BR>(Proposed: AC 90-RNP)<BR>• Basic RNP 每 Secondary buffers and no RF legs - no IRU required<BR>• Advanced RNP 每 Secondary buffers with RF legs - no IRU required<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>10<BR>Document control number<BR>RNP - SAAAR 每 Approach Design Criteria<BR>2 RNP<BR>RNP Approach<BR>(SAAAR)<BR>No secondary buffers<BR>RNP SAAAR has no secondary buffers<BR>(Per AC 90-101)<BR>• RNP 0.3 每 Single autopilot and advisory VNAV 每 IRU required<BR>• RNP &lt;0.3 每 Dual autopilot and coupled VNAV 每 IRU required<BR>EPU 1xRNP for continued operation<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>11<BR>Document control number<BR>RNP Operational Benefits<BR>• Improved Access to Airports &amp; Airspace<BR>每 Obstacle clearance enabling better access to<BR>• Terrain challenged airports<BR>• Congested Airspaces<BR>• Restricted airspace challenged airports<BR>每 Lower minimums<BR>每 IFR Access<BR>• Efficiency of Operations<BR>每 Time Savings<BR>• Shorter routes<BR>• Less holding time<BR>每 Fuel savings<BR>每 Reduced Separation<BR>• Safety<BR>每 Clearly defined flight paths<BR>每 More reliable, repeatable, predictable paths<BR>每 Extraction procedures clearly defined<BR>Terrain<BR>Eg. Juneau, Alaska<BR>Airspace<BR>Eg. Washington National<BR>Traffic<BR>Eg. New York Area<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>12<BR>Document control number<BR>Procedure Roadmap<BR>FAA plans adding approximately 50 RNP<BR>procedures per year through 2011<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>13<BR>Document control number<BR>RNP SAAAR Benefits 每 Improved Access<BR>Palm Springs PSP<BR>VOR Approach<BR>每 There is currently no ILS into PSP<BR>每 The VOR approach has a minimum of<BR>1826*<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>14<BR>Document control number<BR>RNP SAAAR Benefits 每 Improved Access<BR>Palm Springs PSP<BR>RNAV RNP Z Rwy 13R<BR>每 New RNP SAAAR PSP approach for<BR>Runway 13R<BR>每 The use of RF legs provides IFR<BR>guidance in the mountainous terminal<BR>area for improved safety<BR>每 The New DA is 408*<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>15<BR>Document control number<BR>RNP-SAAAR and Non-SAAAR Requirements<BR>TAWS/EGPWS No No Yes Yes<BR>GPS Yes Yes Dual Dual<BR>Auto坼Pilot/Flight Director No Yes, Single (either AP or FD) Single Dual<BR>IRU No No Single Single<BR>CDI Scaling No (mitigation required) No (Mitigation required) Yes Yes<BR>Coupled VNAV No LNAV min's only Yes LNAV/VNAV min's Optional Yes<BR>Yes Yes<BR>Yes (optional for specfic<BR>RF Legs No procedures)<BR>FMS Yes Yes Dual Dual<BR>Yes Yes No No<BR>Procedure Design (Secondary Buffers<BR>included)<BR>Yes, Extent being discussed Yes Yes<BR>Yes, Extent being<BR>DB Validation Type 1 or 2 LOA discussed<BR>Yes Yes<BR>Yes 坼 FAA determined* Not<BR>SAAAR<BR>Yes FAA determined * Not<BR>Operational Approval SAAAR<BR>RNP SAAAR<BR>AC 90坼101<BR>Below 0.3nm<BR>RNP SAAAR<BR>AC 90坼101 0.3<BR>nm<BR>RNP 坼Advanced<BR>AC 90坼RNP<BR>RNP 坼 Basic<BR>RNP Requirement AC 90坼RNP<BR>Honeywell RNP Services<BR>※Go Direct§<BR>Chicago Area Business Aircraft Association<BR>Chicago, IL<BR>21 November 2008<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>17<BR>Document control number<BR>AC 90-101 RNP SAAAR Requirements<BR>• Appendix 1 - RNP SAAAR Instrument Approach Procedures<BR>• Appendix 2 - Aircraft Qualification<BR>• Appendix 3 - Navigation Data Validation<BR>• Appendix 4 - Operational Considerations<BR>• Appendix 5 每 Training<BR>• Appendix 6 - RNP Monitoring Program<BR>• Appendix 7 每 RNP Validation Test Plan<BR>Obtaining Operational Approval<BR>OEM/Airframer Responsibility<BR>(Honeywell supporting role)<BR>Operator Responsibility<BR>(Honeywell RNP<BR>Consultancy Services)<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>18<BR>Document control number<BR>Unlocking the Benefits<BR>RNP<BR>Procedures<BR>Aircraft<BR>Equipage<BR>Operational<BR>Approvals<BR>Implementing RNP<BR>GPS<BR>GPS<BR>Position<BR>IRS<BR>FMS<BR>Charted Procedure<BR>NavDB Flight Ops<BR>Compliance to AC 90-101 in the US<BR>Operator must receive Letter of Authorization from the FAA for the aircraft,<BR>crew, and management program to conduct RNP SAAAR procedures<BR>The OEM approval letter received<BR>from the FAA, provides the approval<BR>of the aircraft AC 90-101<BR>The FAA has created many ※public§<BR>SAAAR RNP procedures for approved<BR>operators use.<BR>Honeywell RNP Consulting Services,<BR>designed to make this both feasible<BR>and economical for operators.<BR>EGPWS<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>19<BR>Document control number<BR>GPS<BR>IRS FMS<BR>Aircraft Equipage &amp; Certification<BR>每 Future FMS Software upgrades - 6.1, 7.1<BR>每 Inertial Reference Solutions, EGPWS<BR>每 Hardware upgrades (not common to all aircraft)<BR>Database and Procedures Validation<BR>每 Initial validation of all RNP SAAAR procedures in Nav DB<BR>每 Data validation every 28 day cycle<BR>Honeywell Offering<BR>Operational Approval Consulting<BR>每 Ops approval submittal package 每 AC90-101<BR>每 FAA coordination throughout application process<BR>Other Tools<BR>每 RNP monitoring program (record keeping service)<BR>每 RNP prediction tool for dispatch (Future offering)<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>20<BR>Document control number<BR>Operational Approval Consulting<BR>Provide assistance to aircraft operators seeking to obtain RNP SAAAR Operational<BR>Approval under the authority of Honeywell*s FAA Consultancy Designation.<BR>• Technical expertise<BR>• Approved processes<BR>• Established relationships with<BR>FAA<BR>• Dedicated team<BR>• Stream-lined process<BR>• Reduced timelines<BR>• Standardized Application<BR>Package and FSDO/FAA<BR>Approval Recommendation<BR>Value Drivers<BR>RNP Consultancy Process for: Superior Flight Department<BR>Welcome Letter to Customer<BR>Letter of Intent to FAA<BR>Development of Schedule<BR>On-Site Meeting<BR>Gap Analysis Completion<BR>Development of Application Package<BR>Submission of Application<BR>Approval of Application<BR>WAAS and WAAS/LPV<BR>Chicago Area Business Aircraft Association<BR>Chicago, IL<BR>21 November 2008<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>22<BR>Document control number<BR>GPS - Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS)<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>23<BR>Document control number<BR>LPV Approach Benefit<BR>LPV DA 1030 每 &frac12; 250 (250 每 &frac12;)<BR>LNAV/ DA 1160 每 &frac34; 382 (400 每 &frac34;)<BR>VNAV<BR>• Currently over 1000 published<BR>procedures in the US<BR>• Plan is for 500 year into 2010<BR>Automatic Dependent Surveillance<BR>ADS-B Overview<BR>Chicago Area Business Aircraft Association<BR>Chicago, IL<BR>21 November 2008<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>25<BR>Document control number<BR>ADS-B Overview<BR>• What is it?<BR>每 ADS-B Out: transmitting of position, velocity and other aircraft or vehicle<BR>information<BR>每 ADS-B In: Receive and process ADS-B Out messages from other aircraft.<BR>• Benefit for Operators 每 More Direct Routing, Reduced Fuel Burn / Flight Times,<BR>Better Airspace Access, Higher level of Situational Awareness and Safety<BR>• Benefit for Air Navigation Service Providers - Low deployment and maintenance<BR>costs compared to conventional Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR), Provides<BR>much better ※quality§ surveillance, and will allow more aircraft to use existing<BR>airspace with equivalent of better safety<BR>• When is it coming?<BR>每 Time is now<BR>每 Regulation is in process 每 due in 2009<BR>每 ADS-B OUT equipage is standard today in ATR, demand in BGA growing<BR>每 ADS-B IN and OUT will be standard on bizjets aircraft coming out 2013-14<BR>and beyond<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>26<BR>Document control number<BR>ADS-B Out / ADS-B In<BR>ADS-B Out<BR>Periodically transmits position,<BR>velocity and other aircraft or<BR>vehicle information<BR>• Aircraft/Vehicle ID<BR>• GPS position<BR>• Altitude<BR>• Speed<BR>• Quality and Integrity data, etc.<BR>• Length &amp; Width of aircraft<BR>• Aircraft Size &amp; Weight category<BR>ADS-B Out<BR>Periodically transmits position,<BR>velocity and other aircraft or<BR>vehicle information<BR>• Aircraft/Vehicle ID<BR>• GPS position<BR>• Altitude<BR>• Speed<BR>• Quality and Integrity data, etc.<BR>• Length &amp; Width of aircraft<BR>• Aircraft Size &amp; Weight category<BR>ADS-B In<BR>The ability to receive and process ADS-B Out<BR>Transmissions from other aircraft (or the<BR>ground)<BR>• ※Traffic Computer§ receives ADS-B Out<BR>transmissions from other aircraft<BR>- Processes replies, integrates with TCAS data,<BR>formats display data file and transmits to<BR>display<BR>- More advanced capabilities would include<BR>safety logic for conflict detection and alerting<BR>• Traffic Situation can be depicted on Aircraft<BR>Display called ※Cockpit Display of Traffic<BR>Information§ (CDTI)<BR>• CDTI displays can offer much more traffic<BR>situational awareness information to the pilot<BR>than TCAS.<BR>• Allows display of other aircraft data<BR>ADS-B In<BR>The ability to receive and process ADS-B Out<BR>Transmissions from other aircraft (or the<BR>ground)<BR>• ※Traffic Computer§ receives ADS-B Out<BR>transmissions from other aircraft<BR>- Processes replies, integrates with TCAS data,<BR>formats display data file and transmits to<BR>display<BR>- More advanced capabilities would include<BR>safety logic for conflict detection and alerting<BR>• Traffic Situation can be depicted on Aircraft<BR>Display called ※Cockpit Display of Traffic<BR>Information§ (CDTI)<BR>• CDTI displays can offer much more traffic<BR>situational awareness information to the pilot<BR>than TCAS.<BR>• Allows display of other aircraft data<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>27<BR>Document control number<BR>Classic SSR<BR>No ADS-B<BR>ADS-R<BR>• R = ※Repeat§<BR>• 1090 repeated on UAT<BR>• UAT repeated on 1090<BR>ADS-R<BR>• R = ※Repeat§<BR>• 1090 repeated on UAT<BR>• UAT repeated on 1090<BR>ITT Corp<BR>Dual Mode ADS-B<BR>Ground Station<BR>ADS-B in the US<BR>Air Traffic Control<BR>1090 (Mode S)<BR>TIS-B<BR>UAT<BR>TIS-B<BR>• Traffic Information Service -<BR>Broadcast<BR>• Datalink Traffic Information<BR>from none ADS-B equipped<BR>aircraft from existing SSR<BR>network<BR>• Fills in the holes in ADS-B<BR>coverage<BR>TIS-B<BR>• Traffic Information Service -<BR>Broadcast<BR>• Datalink Traffic Information<BR>from none ADS-B equipped<BR>aircraft from existing SSR<BR>network<BR>• Fills in the holes in ADS-B<BR>coverage<BR>FIS-B<BR>• Flight Information Service -<BR>Broadcast<BR>• Uplink Weather and current<BR>Flight Information (TFRs,<BR>etc)<BR>• UAT only<BR>FIS-B<BR>• Flight Information Service -<BR>Broadcast<BR>• Uplink Weather and current<BR>Flight Information (TFRs,<BR>etc)<BR>• UAT only<BR>FIS-B<BR>Allows 1090 &amp; UAT<BR>to Interoperate<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>28<BR>Document control number<BR>FAA Dual Mode Approach - Universal Access Transceiver (UAT)<BR>• FAA has selected a ※Dual Mode§ Approach to implementing ADS-B<BR>每 Turbine aircraft to use 1090 MHz ADS-B Out<BR>• Consistent with International Plans<BR>每 ※General Aviation§ aircraft to use UAT<BR>• What is UAT?<BR>每 978 MHz<BR>每 Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) Protocol<BR>每 Not interoperable with 1090<BR>• Why UAT?<BR>每 FAA was concerned about the large US GA population loading the 1090<BR>spectrum<BR>每 They also were looking for ways to incentivize GA operators to<BR>voluntarily equip or to not object to mandated equipage.<BR>每 UAT to provide Flight Information Service 每 Broadcast (FIS-B) 每 Datalink<BR>Weather and other Flight Information to UAT equipped aircraft.<BR>Mode S<BR>UAT<BR>vs.<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>29<BR>Document control number<BR>ADS-B Functionality-Aircraft System Components<BR>WAAS GPS Xpdr<BR>Air Data<BR>TCAS or<BR>other 1090<BR>MHz<BR>Receiver<BR>Display<BR>※CDTI§<BR>ADS-B Out<BR>ADS-B In<BR>※1090§ System<BR>※UAT§ System<BR>UAT<BR>Air Data<BR>ADS-B Out<BR>ADS-B In<BR>UAT Display<BR>※CDTI§<BR>ADS-B Applications<BR>ADS-B Applications<BR>WAAS GPS<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>30<BR>Document control number<BR>ADS-B Out Applications<BR>• NRA 每 Non Radar Airspace<BR>每Transmit ※Squitters§ once per second nominally.<BR>每ADS-B Ground equipment receives squitters and sends to ATC<BR>每Allows ATC to provide IFR separation to ※radar§ standards 每 5 nmi<BR>每Current Non Radar Airspace, such as Gulf of Mexico, use procedural<BR>separation standards of 20-60 nmi.<BR>• RAD 每 Radar Airspace<BR>每Proposed reduction of spacing from 5 nmi to 3 nmi<BR>每Based on more accurate and timely position reports than current SSR<BR>system is capable of.<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>31<BR>Document control number<BR>ADS-B In Applications 每 Airborne<BR>Baseline<BR>• ATSA 每 AIRB<BR>Enhanced Traffic Situational<BR>Awareness during Flight<BR>Operations<BR>• ATSA 每 VSA<BR>Enhanced Visual<BR>Separation on Approach<BR>Optional<BR>• ATSA 每 ITP<BR>In Trail Procedure<BR>• ATSA 每 SURF<BR>Enhanced Airport Surface<BR>Situational Awareness<BR>Baseline &amp; Optional Capabilities<BR>TCAS Only Traffic<BR>TCAS / ADS-B Traffic<BR>※Traffic Advisory§ -<BR>TCAS / ADS-B Traffic<BR>ADS-B Traffic<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>32<BR>Document control number<BR>CDTI Traffic Symbology<BR>A/C Designated or<BR>Highlighted for<BR>quick crew<BR>identification<BR>• Prototype<BR>example<BR>• Human<BR>Factors and<BR>Additional<BR>Prototype<BR>Remaining<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>33<BR>Document control number<BR>ADS-B Summary<BR>• Global change is happening now. The industry is moving.<BR>• ADS-B technology is the future for improved air traffic<BR>management<BR>• Mode S and UAT interoperability issues continue to be<BR>worked<BR>• Honeywell will serve our customers needs well and compete<BR>effectively<BR>每 Currently working towards implementation in all served markets: Air<BR>Transport, Regional, Business &amp; General Aviation and Defense &amp;<BR>Space<BR>Honeywell Proprietary<BR>&#1048774; Honeywell.com<BR>34<BR>Document control number<BR>www.honeywell.com

gcjcdn-007 楷桶衾 2012-2-9 10:30:07


thunderland 楷桶衾 2013-11-12 00:15:01

Understanding and Equipping for RNP, RNAV, WAAS, LPV, ADS-B
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脤艘俇淕唳掛: Understanding and Equipping for RNP, RNAV, WAAS, LPV, ADS-B