航空 发表于 2011-9-18 23:56:04


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航空 发表于 2011-9-18 23:56:14

ASSESSMENT OF THE BENEFITS FOR<BR>IMPROVED TERMINAL WEATHER INFORMATION*<BR>James E. Evans<BR>David A. Clark<BR>Massachusetts Institute of Technology<BR>Lincoln Laboratory<BR>Lexington, Massachusetts 02173-9108<BR>An important part of the FAA Aviation Weather<BR>Development Program is a<BR>system, the Integrated Terminal Weather System<BR>(ITWS), that will acquire data from the various FAA<BR>and National Weather Service (NWS) sensors and<BR>combine these with products from other systems (e.g.,<BR>NWS Weather Forecast Offices and the FAA Aviation<BR>Weather Products Generator) . This wide<BR>variety of input data and products will enable the I1WS<BR>to provide a unified set of weather products for safety<BR>and planning/capacity improvement for use in the<BR>terminal area by pilots, controllers, terminal area traffic<BR>managers, airlines, airports, and terminal automation<BR>systems (e.g., Terminal Air Traffic Control Automation<BR>(TATCA) Center Tracon Advisory System (CTAS)<BR> and wake vortex advisory<BR>systems. This<BR>paper extends the earlier results to consider a broader<BR>range of terminal weather impacts on aviation and<BR>discuss how the ability of the ITWS to reduce the<BR>impact will be quantified.<BR>• This work was sponsored by the Federal Aviation<BR>Administration. The views expressed are those of the authors<BR>and do not reflect the official policy or position of the U.S.<BR>Government<BR>Corresponding author address: James E. Evans or David A.<BR>Clark, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lincoln<BR>Laboratory, P.O. Box 73, Lexington, Massachusetts 02173·<BR>9108<BR>Weather-related impact on airline operations has<BR>been estimated using airline internal data on delays and<BR>other impacts at several major hub airports. These<BR>results show that the earlier results seriously<BR>underestimated the delays that arise when weather<BR>impacts an airport. This underestimation arose because<BR>air traffic flow control procedures now attempt to hold<BR>planes on the ground at the departure airport when the<BR>destination airport is impacted by weather, and the<BR>NAPRS statistics did not associate delay times resulting<BR>from traffic management gate and runway holds at the<BR>departure airport with the destination airport impacted<BR>by weather.<BR>However, by using airline internal data for<BR>carefully chosen weather events, one can assess the<BR>relative magnitudes of the delay associated with an<BR>airport impacted by weather. Table 1 summarizes<BR>internal airline delay data from several major airlines at<BR>O'Hare (ORD), Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP), and<BR>Stapleton (DEN) international airports. We see that<BR>typically the NAPRS data underestimated the actual<BR>total direct delay by approximately 50-100% for<BR>thunderstonns and 200-300% for heavy fog.<BR>There are a number of other significant airline costs<BR>such as fuel tankering, cancellation, diversions, and<BR>costs associated with rescheduling aircraft and flight<BR>crews that have not been considered in the aviation<BR>weather cost/benefits analyses to date. Table 2 shows<BR>the diversions and cancellations for major air carrier<BR>0-1 in table 1 during a number of weather incidents at<BR>O'Hare. These results should be compared to those<BR>cited in in which it is argued that there<BR>is a constant ratio between diversions, cancellations and<BR>delays (1:3:100 hours of delays on flights to/from the<BR>affected airport] for low-visibility events.<BR>Another very important element of weather impact<BR>assessment is the "delay ripple" effect If an aircraft is<BR>delayed on one leg of a flight (e.g., due to adverse<BR>weather at the airport), then there is a probability that<BR>414<BR>the delay will carry over, or "ripple," onto the next leg<BR>(and subsequent legs) flown by that aircraft that day. In<BR>cases where the subsequent leges) are not impacted by<BR>weather, the delay on the subsequent legs may not be<BR>attributed to terminal weather. DeArmon states that<BR>"delay ripple is in general pretty strong" and persists<BR>over a number of successive legs .<BR>Hartman cites a case where the number of passengers<BR>delayed (down-line impact) due to delay ripple was 27<BR>times greater than the initial number delayed and has suggested that typically the initial delay<BR>at an airport impacted by low visibility is multiplied by<BR>a factor of3-5 due to delay ripple .<BR>Table 1.<BR>Average Daily Airline Operations and Delay Minutes<BR>on Sample Days of Varying Weather Type<BR>Operations Avg. Daily Delay Minutes Delay Min. per Oper.<BR>Airline Airport Weather Day Type Arriv.lDepart. Arrival Departure Arrival Departure<BR>[# Days]<BR>0-1 ORD Baseline Clear 273/272 4591 (51 %) 4430 (49%) 16.8 16.3<BR>0-1 ORD Heavy Fog " 359/356 4676 (80%) 1196 (20%) 13.0 3.4<BR>0-2 ORD Heavy Foa r41" 296/297 3970(540/0) 3345(460/0) 13.4 11.3<BR>* These data subsets from two separate airlines represent operations and delays for a common set of<BR>weather days at ORO.<BR>Table 2.<BR>Cancellations and Diversions on Weather-Impacted Days<BR>fora Ma·Jor A'rrrme at O'Hare AIrport<BR>Weather Type<BR>Total Operations Diverted Canceled<BR>Secondary<BR>(Number of Days) Cancellation*<BR>Clear (1) 779 0 0 0<BR>Thunderstorms (4) 3116 41 19 67<BR>FOQ (4) 2830 25 89 82<BR>* Secondary cancellations are flights that were canceled because equipment was not available due to a<BR>weather cancellation.<BR>415<BR>Delay ripple is clearly a very important issue in<BR>weather benefits assessment that has not been<BR>considered in recent weather system studies. One<BR>useful tool for assessing the delay ripple effect as a<BR>function of airport weather impact severity and duration<BR>will be the National Airspace System Performance<BR>Analysis Capability (NASPAC) .<BR>Experimental validation of delay ripple estimates by<BR>following specific aircraft throughout a day is also<BR>desirable.<BR>The ITWS can reduce the adverse impact of<BR>weather by three methods:<BR>1. Increasing the effective capacity of the<BR>terminal routes and airport runways during<BR>adverse weather (e.g., by providing<BR>information for planning routes around<BR>hazardous cells, winds information for<BR>terminal automation and wake vortex advisory<BR>services) [Evans, 1991, Evans and Welch,<BR>1991J.<BR>2. Avoiding unnecessary changes in terminal and<BR>airport configuration (e.g., by short-term<BR>forecasts of runway winds, ceiling and<BR>visibility), and<BR>3. Anticipating weather events which will<BR>increase or decrease airport capacity so that air<BR>traffic management systems can optimize the<BR>flow of traffic to the terminal area.<BR>Estimation of the reductions in delay and other<BR>impacts of terminal weather that would be achieved by<BR>the ITWS is being accomplished by a combination of<BR>airport-specific weather studies, analysis of ITWS<BR>operational demonstrations at major airports, analytical<BR>studies, and discussions with aviation system experts.<BR>Results to date and near-term plans for ITWS benefits<BR>estimation will be presented in the full paper.<BR>REFERENCES<BR>Andrews, J. W. and J. D. Welch, 1989: "Challenge of<BR>ATC automation," Proc. of 34th Annual<BR>Conference of Air Traffic Control Association,<BR>Boston, MA, Air Traffic Control Association.<BR>DeArmon, J. S., 1992: "Analysis and research for traffic<BR>flow management," Proc. of 37th Annual<BR>Conference ofAir Traffic Control Assoc.. Atlantic<BR>City, NJ, Air Traffic Control Association, 423429.<BR>Evans, J. E., 1991, "The integrated terminal weather<BR>system (ITWS)," Third International Conference<BR>on Aviation Weather Systems, Am. Meteor.<BR>Society, Paris, France.<BR>Evans, J. E. and J. D. Welch, 1991: "Role of FAA/NWS<BR>terminal weather sensors and terminal air traffic<BR>automation in providing a vortex Advisory<BR>Service," Proc. of the FAA Inti. Wake Vortex<BR>Symposium, Wash. DC, Volpe National<BR>Transportation Systems Center, pp. 24-1 to 24-22.<BR>Frolow, I, J. Sinott, and A. Wong, 1989: "National<BR>airspace system analysis capability: a status report<BR>after one year," Proc. of 34th Annual Conference<BR>of Air Traffic Control Association, Boston, MA,<BR>Air Traffic Control Association.<BR>Hartman, B., 1993a: "The future of head-up guidance,"<BR>IEEE Aerospace .and Electronic Systems<BR>Magazine, 8, 31-33.<BR>Hartman, B., 1993b: Personal communication,<BR>22 March 1993.<BR>Sankey, D. and Hansen, A., 1993: "FAA's work in<BR>improving aviation weather," 9th Inti. Con! on<BR>Interactive Information and Processing Systems<BR>for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology,<BR>Anaheim, CA, Am. Meteor. Soc.<BR>Weber, M. E., Wolfson, M., Clark, D., Troxel, S.,<BR>Madiwale, A. and Andrews, J., 1991: "Weather<BR>information requirements for terminal air traffic<BR>control automation," Proc. Fourth fretl. Con! on<BR>Aviation Weather Systems, Paris, France, June 2428,1991,<BR>Am. Meteor. Soc., Boston.

ingooooo 发表于 2018-9-30 16:25:49

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