Aerodrome Operatilllg Minima 机场运行最低标准 2
**** Hidden Message ***** B747-400/2004/RED- 43 VB747-200/300/2004/RED- 33
A-310/2004/RED- 37
Operations Department,
Santa Cruz (East),
Mumbai - 400 029.
9th November 2004
Sub:Aerodrome Operating Minima
While the entire write-up on Aerodrome Operating Minima is being reviewed, certain
discrepancies in the existing Weather Minima text and LTOM are clarified as below: -
(1) Whenever multiple RVR observations are reported for the runway, the lowest value
of RVR will be the determining factor.
a) For CAT I operations, only Touchdown RVR is a requirement and should be
above the applicable landing minima. But if Mid andl or Rol! Out RVR is
reported. it should be minimum 50% of the Touchdown RVR or 350m,
whichever is higher.
e.g. If crew are CAT I qualified, applicable landing minima RVR 550m. Reported
RVR - Touchdown 550m, Mid 350m and Roll Out 400m. Lowest RVR is 350m,
which is also above 50% of the Touchdown RVR (550 x 50/100 = 275).
Therefore CAT I operation is permitted.
b) For CAT II operations, only Touchdown & Mid RVR are required and should be
above the applicable landing minima. However. if Roll Out RVR is also
reported. it should be equal to or more than the applicable landing minima
i.e. 350m (or state minima, if higher).
e.g. If crew are CAT II qualified, CAT II operations in progress, applicable
landing minima 350m. Reported RVR - Touchdown 350m, Mid 350m and Roll
Out 150m. In this case, Roll Out RVR also has to be at or above 350m.
Therefore CAT II operation is not permitted.
(1) Except for the conditions given in para (2) below, for a take-off, the prevailing VISI
RVR should be equal to or more than the applicable landing minima for any usable
runway at the departure airport.
(2) When the prevailing VIS/ RVR is less than the applicable landing minima for any
usable runway for landing, a take-off can still be performed, using, what is termed
as "Lower Take-off Minima" i.e. LTOM. The conditions mentioned in para (5) must
be met. The 30% criteria for calculation of LTOM is deleted.
:: 2::
(3) A few examples to determine LTOM are given below:
a. Delhi, RIW 10, ILS. Reported RVR 1000m. Crew LTOM qualified.
VISI RVR(M) fA310 & 87471
Applicable Landing minima 1200
NOTE: LTOM take-off is possible.
b. London Heathrow, RIW 27R, CAT II ILS. Reported Touchdown and Mid
RVR = 400M. Crew not CAT-II qualified.
Applicable Landing minima
VIS/RVR(M) fA31 0 & 87471
NOTE: LTOM take-off is possible.
c. Mumbai, RIW 32, VOR DME. Reported RVR 1200m. RIW 27 available.
Crew not LTOM qualified.
VISI RVR(M) fA31 0 & 87471
Applicable Landing minima for R/w 32 5000
Applicable Landing minima for R/w 27 RVR 600
NOTE: LTOM take-off is not required.
In this case, crew could take-off on R/w 32 and land on R/w 27, if required
. (subject to wind limitations on landing runway). Therefore, this is not LTOM
and normal take-off can be performed.
d. Delhi, RIW 28, CAT IlLS. Reported RVR - Touchdown RVR 500m, Mid RVR
400m, Roll Out RVR 100m. Crew LTOM qualified.
VISI RVR(M) fA310 & 8747)
Landing minima 800/550
NOTE: LTOM take-off is not possible
Since multiple RVRs are reported, all RVRs should be above 500m for
Indian stations. Therefore take-off cannot be performed.
Until visual aids like PVDs, Head-up Displays etc. are made available for use on
our fleet and sufficient experience is gained in low visibility operations, the take-off
minima will be RVR 350m for CAT-III CAT-Ill qualified crew. This will apply only
when CAT-III CAT-III qualified crew take-off from CAT-III CAT-III approved runways,
low visibility procedures are in use and all reported RVRs are equal to or more than
:: 3::
i) RVR shall not be lower than 400m at foreign airports and 500m at Indian
airports, provided that the departure runway is equipped with functioning High
Intensity Runway Lights (HIRL), runway end lights and runway markings.
ii) RVR shall not be lower than 500m (including foreign airports) when the
departure runway is equipped with functioning Runway Lights (RL), runway
end lights and runway markings.
Hi) Wherever multiple RVR observations are reported for the runway, the lowest
value of RVR will be the determining factor for the purpose of take-off minima.
All the RVRs should be equal to or more than 400m 1 500m, as applicable,
when lower take-off minima is being used.
iv) When no RVR is reported, VIS shall not be lower than 800m.
v) Suitable airport should be available as a take-off alternate for departure within
1 hr of flying time for A310 aircraft and within 2 hrs flying time for B747 aircraft,
based on one engine inoperative speed in still air conditions.
vi) The designated take-off alternate should be available for operation from the
departure time to 2 hours after tne latest ETA. Weather conditions at the
designated take-off alternate airport should not be less than the following
minima for a period of 1 hr before the earliest ETA and upto 2 hrs after the ETA
at the take-off alternate airport.
Cloud ceilinq
Precision Approach - 600ft AGL or DH+200ft, whichever is higher.
Non-Precision Approach - 800ft AGL or MDH+200ft, whichever is higher.
Visibility - 3600m or applicable landing minima, whichever is higher.
vi) Thunderstorm, wind shear activity and precipitation (except drizzle) is not likely
to be encountered in the vicinity of the airport during take-off and Runway
should not be contaminated.
vii) PIC should inform ATC, Flight Despatch of his intention to use Low Visibility
Take-off Minima for that particular take-off.
viii) Assisted take-off and landing not be permitted in low visibility conditions.
ix) Full thrust take-off must be performed.
x) PIC and First Officer should have undergone specific training for low visibility
take-off and landing.
xi) PIC should have a minimum of 500 hrs of Command experience on type.
xii) In addition to the normal MEL, the aircraft systemsl equipment listed in para 6,
should be fully serviceable.
::4 ::
(6) Whenever VIS/ RVR is 800ml 500m or less for any take-off, irrespective of being a
"normal" or "l TOM" take-off, the criteria mentioned under vi) to xii) of para (5)
should be complied. In addition to the normal MEl, the aircraft system equipment
listed below, which are critical for low visibility take-off and landing shall be fully
• Both wind shield wipers.
• Window heat for all heated Cockpit windows.
• A/skid system.
• All thrust Reversers.
• All Flight Director Systems, Auto Pilot & Radio Altimeter.
• Weather Radar.
• At least 2 VHF Comm and 2 Nav. Sets.
• All navigation lights, taxi and landing lights.
The above is for your information and guidance .
(Capt. V. Kulkarni)
for General Manager-FIt.Ops. 字符字符字符字符字符字符字符 Aerodrome Operatilllg Minima 2 很好的资料,谢谢分享