帅哥 发表于 2008-12-25 19:16:28


A/B&nbsp; &nbsp; Auto Brake&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动刹车<BR>A/C&nbsp; &nbsp; Air Conditioning&nbsp; &nbsp; 空调<BR>A/C&nbsp; &nbsp; Aircraft&nbsp; &nbsp; 飞机<BR>A/D&nbsp; &nbsp; Analog to Digital&nbsp; &nbsp; 模拟/数字转换<BR>A/P&nbsp; &nbsp; Autopilot&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动驾驶仪<BR>A/S&nbsp; &nbsp; Airspeed&nbsp; &nbsp; 空速<BR>A/T&nbsp; &nbsp; Auto Throttle&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动油门<BR>ABS&nbsp; &nbsp; Absolute&nbsp; &nbsp; 绝对的<BR>ABV&nbsp; &nbsp; Above&nbsp; &nbsp; 上方<BR>AC&nbsp; &nbsp; Alternating Current&nbsp; &nbsp; 交流电<BR>ACAU&nbsp; &nbsp; Air Conditioning Accessory Unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 空调附件装置<BR>ACCEL&nbsp; &nbsp; Acceleration&nbsp; &nbsp; 加速度<BR>ACCUM&nbsp; &nbsp; Accumulator&nbsp; &nbsp; 蓄压器<BR>ACM&nbsp; &nbsp; Air Cycle Machine&nbsp; &nbsp; 空气循环机<BR>ACMS&nbsp; &nbsp; Airplane Condition Monitoring System&nbsp; &nbsp; 飞机状态监控系统<BR>ACP&nbsp; &nbsp; Audio Control Panel&nbsp; &nbsp; 音频控制板<BR>ACQ&nbsp; &nbsp; Acquisition&nbsp; &nbsp; 采集,截获<BR>ACS&nbsp; &nbsp; Air Condition System&nbsp; &nbsp; 空调系统<BR>ACT&nbsp; &nbsp; Active&nbsp; &nbsp; 现用的<BR>ACTR&nbsp; &nbsp; Actuator&nbsp; &nbsp; 作动器<BR>ADC&nbsp; &nbsp; Air Data Computer&nbsp; &nbsp; 大气数据计算机<BR>ADF&nbsp; &nbsp; Automatic Direction Indication&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动定向仪<BR>ADI&nbsp; &nbsp; Attitude Director Indication&nbsp; &nbsp; 姿态指引指示<BR>ADIRS&nbsp; &nbsp; Air Data Inertial Reference System&nbsp; &nbsp; 大气数据惯性基准系统<BR>ADIRU&nbsp; &nbsp; Air Data Inertial Reference Unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 大气数据惯性基准装置<BR>ADL&nbsp; &nbsp; Airborne Data Loader&nbsp; &nbsp; 机载数据输入器<BR>ADM&nbsp; &nbsp; Air Data Module&nbsp; &nbsp; 大气数据模件<BR>ADR&nbsp; &nbsp; Air Data Reference&nbsp; &nbsp; 大气数据基准<BR>ADV&nbsp; &nbsp; Advisory&nbsp; &nbsp; 咨询<BR>AEP&nbsp; &nbsp; Audio Entertainment Player&nbsp; &nbsp; 音频娱乐播放机<BR>AFCS&nbsp; &nbsp; Automatic Flight Control System&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动飞行控制系统<BR>AGB&nbsp; &nbsp; Accessory Gearbox&nbsp; &nbsp; 附件齿轮箱<BR>AGCU&nbsp; &nbsp; Apu Generator Control Unit&nbsp; &nbsp; APU发电机控制装置<BR>AGL&nbsp; &nbsp; Above ground level&nbsp; &nbsp; 离地高度<BR>AGS&nbsp; &nbsp; Air/ground system&nbsp; &nbsp; 空/地系统<BR>AIL&nbsp; &nbsp; Aileron&nbsp; &nbsp; 副翼<BR>ALE&nbsp; &nbsp; Altitude&nbsp; &nbsp; 高度<BR>ALTM&nbsp; &nbsp; Altimeter&nbsp; &nbsp; 高度表<BR>ALTN&nbsp; &nbsp; Alternate&nbsp; &nbsp; 备用<BR>AM&nbsp; &nbsp; Amplitude modulation&nbsp; &nbsp; 调幅<BR>AME&nbsp; &nbsp; Amplitude modulation equivalent&nbsp; &nbsp; 等值调幅<BR>AMM&nbsp; &nbsp; Aircraft maintenance manual&nbsp; &nbsp; 飞机维护手册<BR>AMP&nbsp; &nbsp; Amplifier&nbsp; &nbsp; 放大器<BR>AMPL&nbsp; &nbsp; Amplifier&nbsp; &nbsp; 放大器<BR>AMUX&nbsp; &nbsp; Audio multiplexer&nbsp; &nbsp; 音频多路传输器<BR>ANN&nbsp; &nbsp; Annunciator&nbsp; &nbsp; 信号器<BR>ANNUN&nbsp; &nbsp; Annunciator&nbsp; &nbsp; 信号器<BR>ANT&nbsp; &nbsp; Antenna&nbsp; &nbsp; 天线<BR>AOA&nbsp; &nbsp; Angle of attack&nbsp; &nbsp; 仰角<BR>APB&nbsp; &nbsp; Auxiliary power breaker&nbsp; &nbsp; APU断路器<BR>APP&nbsp; &nbsp; Approach&nbsp; &nbsp; 进近,进场<BR>APPROX&nbsp; &nbsp; Approximately&nbsp; &nbsp; 近似的<BR>APS&nbsp; &nbsp; Apu power switch&nbsp; &nbsp; APU电源电门<BR>APU&nbsp; &nbsp; Auxiliary power unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 辅助动力装置<BR>ARINC&nbsp; &nbsp; Aeronautical radio inc.&nbsp; &nbsp; 航空无线电公司<BR>ARPT&nbsp; &nbsp; Airport&nbsp; &nbsp; 机场<BR>ARR&nbsp; &nbsp; Arrival&nbsp; &nbsp; 到达<BR>ASA&nbsp; &nbsp; Auto land status annunciator&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动飞行状态信号器<BR>ASG&nbsp; &nbsp; Apu starter-generator&nbsp; &nbsp; APU启动发电机<BR>ASM&nbsp; &nbsp; Auto throttle servo motor&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动油门伺服马达<BR>ASU&nbsp; &nbsp; Attendant service unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 服务员服务装置<BR>ASYM&nbsp; &nbsp; Asymmetry&nbsp; &nbsp; 不对称<BR>ATA&nbsp; &nbsp; Air transport association&nbsp; &nbsp; 航空运输协会<BR>ATC&nbsp; &nbsp; Air traffic control&nbsp; &nbsp; 空中交通管制<BR>ATCRBS&nbsp; &nbsp; Air traffic control radar beacon system&nbsp; &nbsp; 空中交通管制雷达信标系统<BR>ATE&nbsp; &nbsp; Automatic test equipment&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动测试设备<BR>ATT&nbsp; &nbsp; Attitude&nbsp; &nbsp; 姿态<BR>ATT&nbsp; &nbsp; Attendant&nbsp; &nbsp; 服务员<BR>ATTEND&nbsp; &nbsp; Attendant&nbsp; &nbsp; 空中服务员<BR>AUTH&nbsp; &nbsp; Authority&nbsp; &nbsp; 权力<BR>AUTO&nbsp; &nbsp; Automatic&nbsp; &nbsp; 自动<BR>AUX&nbsp; &nbsp; Auxiliary&nbsp; &nbsp; 辅助<BR>AVM&nbsp; &nbsp; Airborne vibration monitoring&nbsp; &nbsp; 机载振动监控<BR>AZ&nbsp; &nbsp; Azimuth&nbsp; &nbsp; 方位<BR>B&nbsp; &nbsp; Both&nbsp; &nbsp; 二者<BR>B/CRS&nbsp; &nbsp; Back course&nbsp; &nbsp; 背航道<BR>BAR&nbsp; &nbsp; Bleed air regulator&nbsp; &nbsp; 引气调节器<BR>BARO&nbsp; &nbsp; Barometric&nbsp; &nbsp; 气压的<BR>BAT&nbsp; &nbsp; Battery&nbsp; &nbsp; 蓄电池<BR>BAV&nbsp; &nbsp; Bleed air valve&nbsp; &nbsp; 引气活门<BR>BFO&nbsp; &nbsp; Beat frequency oscillator&nbsp; &nbsp; 拍频振荡器<BR>BGM&nbsp; &nbsp; Boarding music&nbsp; &nbsp; 机上音乐<BR>BITE&nbsp; &nbsp; Built-in test equipment&nbsp; &nbsp; 机内自检设备<BR>BL&nbsp; &nbsp; Buttock line&nbsp; &nbsp; 纵剖线<BR>BLS&nbsp; &nbsp; Bezel light sensor&nbsp; &nbsp; 表框光传感器<BR>BLW&nbsp; &nbsp; Below&nbsp; &nbsp; 低于<BR>BMS&nbsp; &nbsp; Boeing material specification&nbsp; &nbsp; 波音材料规范<BR>BMV&nbsp; &nbsp; Brake metering valve&nbsp; &nbsp; 刹车计量活门<BR>BOT&nbsp; &nbsp; Bottom&nbsp; &nbsp; 底部<BR>BPCU&nbsp; &nbsp; Bus power control unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 汇流条电源控制装置<BR>BRT&nbsp; &nbsp; Brightness&nbsp; &nbsp; 明亮<BR>BSV&nbsp; &nbsp; Burner staging valve&nbsp; &nbsp; 燃烧分级活门<BR>BTB&nbsp; &nbsp; Bus tie breaker&nbsp; &nbsp; 汇流条连接断路器<BR>C&nbsp; &nbsp; Celsius&nbsp; &nbsp; 摄氏度<BR>C/B&nbsp; &nbsp; Circuit breaker&nbsp; &nbsp; 断路器<BR>C/O&nbsp; &nbsp; Change over&nbsp; &nbsp; 更改<BR>C/P&nbsp; &nbsp; Cleaning/painting&nbsp; &nbsp; 清洁/涂漆<BR>C/W&nbsp; &nbsp; Control wheel&nbsp; &nbsp; 驾驶盘<BR>CAA&nbsp; &nbsp; Civil aviation authority&nbsp; &nbsp; 民用航空管理局<BR>CAB&nbsp; &nbsp; Cabin&nbsp; &nbsp; 座舱<BR>CAL&nbsp; &nbsp; Calibrate&nbsp; &nbsp; 校准<BR>CALC&nbsp; &nbsp; Calculate&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算<BR>CAPT&nbsp; &nbsp; Captain&nbsp; &nbsp; 正驾驶员<BR>CAS&nbsp; &nbsp; Calibrated air speed&nbsp; &nbsp; 校准空速<BR>CAS&nbsp; &nbsp; Computed airspeed&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算空速<BR>CAT&nbsp; &nbsp; Category&nbsp; &nbsp; 类别<BR>CAU&nbsp; &nbsp; Caution&nbsp; &nbsp; 注意<BR>CCA&nbsp; &nbsp; Circuit card assembly&nbsp; &nbsp; 电路卡组件<BR>CCDL&nbsp; &nbsp; Cross channel data link&nbsp; &nbsp; 交叉通道链<BR>CDS&nbsp; &nbsp; Common display system&nbsp; &nbsp; 公用显示系统<BR>CDU&nbsp; &nbsp; Control display unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 控制显示装置<BR>CH&nbsp; &nbsp; Channel&nbsp; &nbsp; 通道<BR>CHAP&nbsp; &nbsp; Chapter&nbsp; &nbsp; 章<BR>CHGR&nbsp; &nbsp; Charger&nbsp; &nbsp; 充电器<BR>CHR&nbsp; &nbsp; Chronograph&nbsp; &nbsp; 计时器<BR>CIRC&nbsp; &nbsp; Circulator&nbsp; &nbsp; 循环器<BR>CL&nbsp; &nbsp; Center lower&nbsp; &nbsp; 部件的位置<BR>CLB&nbsp; &nbsp; Climb&nbsp; &nbsp; 爬升<BR>CLNG&nbsp; &nbsp; Cooling&nbsp; &nbsp; 冷却,制冷<BR>CLR&nbsp; &nbsp; Clear&nbsp; &nbsp; 清除<BR>CLS&nbsp; &nbsp; Continuous level sensor&nbsp; &nbsp; 连续水位传感器<BR>CLSD&nbsp; &nbsp; Closed&nbsp; &nbsp; 关闭<BR>CM&nbsp; &nbsp; Centimeter&nbsp; &nbsp; 厘米<BR>CMCS&nbsp; &nbsp; Central maintenance computer&nbsp; &nbsp; 中央维护计算系统<BR>CMD&nbsp; &nbsp; Command&nbsp; &nbsp; 指令<BR>CMPTR&nbsp; &nbsp; Computer&nbsp; &nbsp; 计算机<BR>CNTL&nbsp; &nbsp; Control&nbsp; &nbsp; 控制操纵<BR>CO&nbsp; &nbsp; Company&nbsp; &nbsp; 公司<BR>COMM&nbsp; &nbsp; Communication&nbsp; &nbsp; 通信<BR>COMP&nbsp; &nbsp; Complete&nbsp; &nbsp; 完成<BR>CON&nbsp; &nbsp; Continuous&nbsp; &nbsp; 连续的<BR>COND&nbsp; &nbsp; Condition/conditioning&nbsp; &nbsp; 条件、情况/调节<BR>CONFIG&nbsp; &nbsp; Configuration&nbsp; &nbsp; 构形<BR>CONN&nbsp; &nbsp; Connector&nbsp; &nbsp; 连接<BR>CONT&nbsp; &nbsp; Control&nbsp; &nbsp; 控制<BR>CONT&nbsp; &nbsp; Continuous&nbsp; &nbsp; 连续<BR>CONV&nbsp; &nbsp; Convertor&nbsp; &nbsp; 变流器<BR>COS&nbsp; &nbsp; Cosine&nbsp; &nbsp; 余弦<BR>COTL&nbsp; &nbsp; Control&nbsp; &nbsp; 控制<BR>COWL&nbsp; &nbsp; Cowling&nbsp; &nbsp; 整流罩<BR>CP&nbsp; &nbsp; Control panel&nbsp; &nbsp; 控制板<BR>CPA&nbsp; &nbsp; Closest point of approach&nbsp; &nbsp; 最接近点<BR>CPC&nbsp; &nbsp; Cabin pressure controller&nbsp; &nbsp; 座舱压力控制器<BR>CPU&nbsp; &nbsp; Central processor unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 中央处理器<BR>CRS&nbsp; &nbsp; Course&nbsp; &nbsp; 航道<BR>CRZ&nbsp; &nbsp; Cruise&nbsp; &nbsp; 巡航<BR>CSD&nbsp; &nbsp; Constant speed drive&nbsp; &nbsp; 恒速传动装置<BR>CSMU&nbsp; &nbsp; Crash survivable memory unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 坠毁可保全存储器装置<BR>CT&nbsp; &nbsp; Current transformer&nbsp; &nbsp; 电流互感器<BR>CTAI&nbsp; &nbsp; Cowl thermal anti-ice&nbsp; &nbsp; 整流罩热防冰<BR>CTC&nbsp; &nbsp; Cabin temperature controller&nbsp; &nbsp; 客舱温度控制器<BR>CTM&nbsp; &nbsp; Cycle time monitor&nbsp; &nbsp; 循环时间监控器<BR>CTR&nbsp; &nbsp; Center&nbsp; &nbsp; 中心<BR>D/A&nbsp; &nbsp; Digital/analog&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字/模拟<BR>DB&nbsp; &nbsp; Decibel&nbsp; &nbsp; 分贝<BR>DC&nbsp; &nbsp; Direct current&nbsp; &nbsp; 直流电<BR>DCV&nbsp; &nbsp; Directional control valve&nbsp; &nbsp; 方向控制活门<BR>DDG&nbsp; &nbsp; Dispatch deviation guide&nbsp; &nbsp; 出航偏离指南<BR>DEG&nbsp; &nbsp; Degree&nbsp; &nbsp; 度<BR>DEL&nbsp; &nbsp; Delete&nbsp; &nbsp; 删除<BR>DEP&nbsp; &nbsp; Departure&nbsp; &nbsp; 出发<BR>DEST&nbsp; &nbsp; Destination&nbsp; &nbsp; 目的地<BR>DET&nbsp; &nbsp; Detector/detection&nbsp; &nbsp; 探测器/探测<BR>DEU&nbsp; &nbsp; Display electronics unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 显示电子装置<BR>DEV&nbsp; &nbsp; Deviation&nbsp; &nbsp; 偏差<BR>DFCS&nbsp; &nbsp; Digital flight control system&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字式飞行控制系统<BR>DFDAU&nbsp; &nbsp; Digital flight data acquisition unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字式飞行数据采集装置<BR>DFDMU&nbsp; &nbsp; Digital flight data management unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字式飞行数据管理装置<BR>DFDR&nbsp; &nbsp; Digital flight data recorder&nbsp; &nbsp; 数字式飞行数据记录器<BR>DH&nbsp; &nbsp; Decision height&nbsp; &nbsp; 决策高度<BR>DIP&nbsp; &nbsp; Dual in-line package&nbsp; &nbsp; 双路协调组件<BR>DIR&nbsp; &nbsp; Direct&nbsp; &nbsp; 直接<BR>DISC&nbsp; &nbsp; Disconnect&nbsp; &nbsp; 脱开<BR>DISP&nbsp; &nbsp; Display&nbsp; &nbsp; 显示<BR>DIST&nbsp; &nbsp; Distance&nbsp; &nbsp; 距离<BR>DMA&nbsp; &nbsp; Direct memory access&nbsp; &nbsp; 直接存取<BR>DME&nbsp; &nbsp; Distance measuring equipment&nbsp; &nbsp; 测距机<BR>DMM&nbsp; &nbsp; Data memory module&nbsp; &nbsp; 数据存贮模块<BR>DMP&nbsp; &nbsp; Data management processor&nbsp; &nbsp; 数据管理处理器<BR>DMU&nbsp; &nbsp; Data management unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 数据管理装置<BR>DN&nbsp; &nbsp; Down&nbsp; &nbsp; 向下<BR>DP&nbsp; &nbsp; Differential pressure&nbsp; &nbsp; 压差<BR>DSPLY&nbsp; &nbsp; Display&nbsp; &nbsp; 显示<BR>DTG&nbsp; &nbsp; Distance-to-go&nbsp; &nbsp; 待飞距离<BR>DU&nbsp; &nbsp; Display unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 显示器<BR>E&nbsp; &nbsp; Empty&nbsp; &nbsp; 空<BR>E&nbsp; &nbsp; East&nbsp; &nbsp; 东<BR>E/D&nbsp; &nbsp; End of descent&nbsp; &nbsp; 下降结束<BR>E/E&nbsp; &nbsp; Electrical and electronic&nbsp; &nbsp; 电子和电气<BR>E/O&nbsp; &nbsp; Engine out&nbsp; &nbsp; 单发停车<BR>EAU&nbsp; &nbsp; Engine accessory unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 发动机附件装置<BR>ECON&nbsp; &nbsp; Economy&nbsp; &nbsp; 经济<BR>ECU&nbsp; &nbsp; Electronic control unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 电子控制器<BR>ECU&nbsp; &nbsp; Engine control unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 发动机控制装置<BR>EDP&nbsp; &nbsp; Engine driven pump&nbsp; &nbsp; 发动机驱动泵<BR>EE&nbsp; &nbsp; Electronic equipment&nbsp; &nbsp; 电子设备<BR>EEC&nbsp; &nbsp; Electronic engine control&nbsp; &nbsp; 发动机电子控制<BR>EFIS&nbsp; &nbsp; Electronic flight instrument system&nbsp; &nbsp; 电子飞行仪表系统<BR>EGT&nbsp; &nbsp; Exhaust gas temperature&nbsp; &nbsp; 排气温度<BR>EHSV&nbsp; &nbsp; Electro hydraulic servo valve&nbsp; &nbsp; 电液伺服阀<BR>EL&nbsp; &nbsp; Elevation&nbsp; &nbsp; 标高<BR>ELCU&nbsp; &nbsp; Electrical load control unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 电源负载控制装置<BR>ELEC&nbsp; &nbsp; Electric&nbsp; &nbsp; 电气<BR>ELEV&nbsp; &nbsp; Elevator&nbsp; &nbsp; 升降舵<BR>ELEX&nbsp; &nbsp; Electronics&nbsp; &nbsp; 电子设备<BR>ELT&nbsp; &nbsp; Emergency locator transmitter&nbsp; &nbsp; 应急定位发射器<BR>EMDP&nbsp; &nbsp; Electric motor-driven pump&nbsp; &nbsp; 电动马达驱动泵<BR>EMER&nbsp; &nbsp; Emergency&nbsp; &nbsp; 紧急<BR>ENG&nbsp; &nbsp; Engine&nbsp; &nbsp; 发动机<BR>ENG&nbsp; &nbsp; Engaged&nbsp; &nbsp; 接通,指令<BR>ENT&nbsp; &nbsp; Enter&nbsp; &nbsp; 输入<BR>EP&nbsp; &nbsp; External power&nbsp; &nbsp; 外电源<BR>EPC&nbsp; &nbsp; External power contactor&nbsp; &nbsp; 外电源连接器<BR>EPRON&nbsp; &nbsp; Erasable programmable read only memory&nbsp; &nbsp; 可抹除可编程只读存储器<BR>EQUIP&nbsp; &nbsp; Equipment&nbsp; &nbsp; 设备<BR>ESDS&nbsp; &nbsp; Electro-static discharge sensitive&nbsp; &nbsp; 静电放电敏感<BR>ET&nbsp; &nbsp; Elapsed time&nbsp; &nbsp; 经过的时间<BR>ETA&nbsp; &nbsp; Estimated time of arrival&nbsp; &nbsp; 预计到达时间<BR>EVSC&nbsp; &nbsp; Engine vibration signal conditioner&nbsp; &nbsp; 发动机振动信号调节器<BR>EXC&nbsp; &nbsp; Excitation&nbsp; &nbsp; 激励<BR>EXCH&nbsp; &nbsp; Exchanger&nbsp; &nbsp; 交换器<BR>EXEC&nbsp; &nbsp; Execute&nbsp; &nbsp; 执行<BR>EXP&nbsp; &nbsp; Expanded&nbsp; &nbsp; 放大的<BR>EXT&nbsp; &nbsp; external&nbsp; &nbsp; 外部<BR>EXT&nbsp; &nbsp; Extend&nbsp; &nbsp; 打开,放下<BR>EXT&nbsp; &nbsp; Extinguish&nbsp; &nbsp; 灭火喷射<BR>F&nbsp; &nbsp; Fahrenheit&nbsp; &nbsp; 华氏度<BR>F&nbsp; &nbsp; Full&nbsp; &nbsp; 满<BR>F/O&nbsp; &nbsp; First officer&nbsp; &nbsp; 副驾驶员<BR>F/OBS&nbsp; &nbsp; First observer&nbsp; &nbsp; 首席观察员<BR>FAA&nbsp; &nbsp; Federal aviation administration&nbsp; &nbsp; 联邦航空局<BR>FCC&nbsp; &nbsp; Flight control computer&nbsp; &nbsp; 飞行控制计算机<BR>FCU&nbsp; &nbsp; Fuel control unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 燃油控制装置<BR>FCU&nbsp; &nbsp; Flap control unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 襟翼控制装置<BR>FD&nbsp; &nbsp; Flight director&nbsp; &nbsp; 飞行指引仪<BR>FDAU&nbsp; &nbsp; Flight data acquisition unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 飞行数据采集装置<BR>FDR&nbsp; &nbsp; Flight data recorder&nbsp; &nbsp; 飞行数据记录器<BR>FDRS&nbsp; &nbsp; Flight data recording system&nbsp; &nbsp; 飞行数据记录系统<BR>FF&nbsp; &nbsp; Fuel flow&nbsp; &nbsp; 燃油流量<BR>FFCCV&nbsp; &nbsp; Fan frame compressor case vertical&nbsp; &nbsp; 风扇内框架压气机机匣垂直振动<BR>FGN&nbsp; &nbsp; Foreign&nbsp; &nbsp; 外国的<BR>FIM&nbsp; &nbsp; Fault isolation manual&nbsp; &nbsp; 故障隔离手册<BR>FL&nbsp; &nbsp; Flight level&nbsp; &nbsp; 飞行高度层<BR>FLT&nbsp; &nbsp; Flight&nbsp; &nbsp; 飞行<BR>FLTR&nbsp; &nbsp; Filter&nbsp; &nbsp; 滤波器<BR>FMA&nbsp; &nbsp; Flight mode annunciation&nbsp; &nbsp; 飞行方式信号器<BR>FMC&nbsp; &nbsp; Flight management computer&nbsp; &nbsp; 飞行管理计算机<BR>FMCS&nbsp; &nbsp; Flight management computer system&nbsp; &nbsp; 飞行管理计算机系统<BR>FMV&nbsp; &nbsp; Fuel metering valve&nbsp; &nbsp; 燃油计量活门<BR>FPA&nbsp; &nbsp; Flight path angle&nbsp; &nbsp; 航迹角<BR>FPM&nbsp; &nbsp; Feet per minute&nbsp; &nbsp; 英尺/分<BR>FPS&nbsp; &nbsp; Feet per second&nbsp; &nbsp; 英尺/秒<BR>FPV&nbsp; &nbsp; Flight path vector&nbsp; &nbsp; 航迹矢量<BR>FQIS&nbsp; &nbsp; Fuel quantity indication system&nbsp; &nbsp; 燃油量指示系统<BR>FQPU&nbsp; &nbsp; Fuel quantity processor unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 燃油量处理器<BR>FREQ&nbsp; &nbsp; Frequency&nbsp; &nbsp; 频率<BR>FRM&nbsp; &nbsp; Fault reporting manual&nbsp; &nbsp; 故障报告手册<BR>FS&nbsp; D&nbsp; &nbsp; Fast slew, date&nbsp; &nbsp; 快转,日期<BR>FFSEU&nbsp; &nbsp; Flap/slat electronics unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 襟翼缝翼电子装置<BR>FT&nbsp; &nbsp; Functional test&nbsp; &nbsp; 功能试验<BR>FT&nbsp; &nbsp; Feet&nbsp; &nbsp; 英尺<BR>FU&nbsp; &nbsp; Fuel used&nbsp; &nbsp; 用过的燃油<BR>FWD&nbsp; &nbsp; Forward&nbsp; &nbsp; 前方<BR>G/S&nbsp; &nbsp; Glide slope&nbsp; &nbsp; 下滑道,下滑信标<BR>G/T&nbsp; &nbsp; Gear train&nbsp; &nbsp; 齿轮系<BR>GA&nbsp; &nbsp; Go-around&nbsp; &nbsp; 复飞<BR>GCB&nbsp; &nbsp; Generator circuit breaker&nbsp; &nbsp; 发电机电路断路器<BR>GCR&nbsp; &nbsp; Generator control relay&nbsp; &nbsp; 发电机控制继电器<BR>GCU&nbsp; &nbsp; Generator control unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 发电机控制装置<BR>GG&nbsp; &nbsp; Graphics generator&nbsp; &nbsp; 图形发生器<BR>GMT&nbsp; &nbsp; Greenwich mean time&nbsp; &nbsp; 格林尼治平均时<BR>GND&nbsp; &nbsp; Ground&nbsp; &nbsp; 地<BR>GND PROX&nbsp; &nbsp; Ground proximity&nbsp; &nbsp; 近地<BR>GP&nbsp; &nbsp; General purpose&nbsp; &nbsp; 通用<BR>GPM&nbsp; &nbsp; Gallons per minute&nbsp; &nbsp; 加仑/分<BR>GPS&nbsp; &nbsp; Global positioning system&nbsp; &nbsp; 全球定位系统<BR>GPWC&nbsp; &nbsp; Ground proximity warning computer&nbsp; &nbsp; 近地警告计算机<BR>GPWS&nbsp; &nbsp; Ground proximity warning system&nbsp; &nbsp; 近地警告系统<BR>GPWT&nbsp; &nbsp; Gross weight&nbsp; &nbsp; 总重<BR>GS&nbsp; &nbsp; Ground speed&nbsp; &nbsp; 地速<BR>GSE&nbsp; &nbsp; Ground support equipment&nbsp; &nbsp; 地面支援设备<BR>H&nbsp; &nbsp; Hour&nbsp; &nbsp; 小时<BR>H/W&nbsp; &nbsp; Hardware&nbsp; &nbsp; 硬件<BR>HDG&nbsp; &nbsp; Heading&nbsp; &nbsp; 航向<BR>HDS&nbsp; &nbsp; Horizontal drive shaft&nbsp; &nbsp; 水平传动轴<BR>HEX&nbsp; &nbsp; Hexadecimal&nbsp; &nbsp; 十六进制的<BR>HF&nbsp; &nbsp; High frequency&nbsp; &nbsp; 高频<BR>HIRF&nbsp; &nbsp; High intensity radiation field&nbsp; &nbsp; 高强度辐射场<BR>HSI&nbsp; &nbsp; Horizontal situation indicator&nbsp; &nbsp; 水平状态指示<BR>HIV&nbsp; &nbsp; Hydraulic isolation valve&nbsp; &nbsp; 液压隔离活门<BR>HLD&nbsp; &nbsp; Hold&nbsp; &nbsp; 保持<BR>HLD Y&nbsp; &nbsp; Hold, year&nbsp; &nbsp; 保持,年<BR>HMU&nbsp; &nbsp; Hydro mechanical unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 液压机械装置<BR>HOT&nbsp; &nbsp; High oil temperature&nbsp; &nbsp; 高滑油温度<BR>HPA&nbsp; &nbsp; Hector Pascal’s&nbsp; &nbsp; 百帕<BR>HPC&nbsp; &nbsp; High pressure compressor&nbsp; &nbsp; 高压压气机<BR>HPSOV&nbsp; &nbsp; High pressure shutoff valve&nbsp; &nbsp; 高压关断活门<BR>HPT&nbsp; &nbsp; High pressure turbine&nbsp; &nbsp; 高压涡轮<BR>HPTACC&nbsp; &nbsp; High pressure turbine active clearance control&nbsp; &nbsp; 高压涡轮主动间隙控制<BR>HRDW&nbsp; &nbsp; Hardware&nbsp; &nbsp; 硬件<BR>HYD&nbsp; &nbsp; Hydraulic&nbsp; &nbsp; 液压<BR>HZ&nbsp; &nbsp; Hertz (cycles per second)&nbsp; &nbsp; 赫兹<BR>I/C&nbsp; &nbsp; Inspection/check&nbsp; &nbsp; 检验/检查<BR>I/C&nbsp; &nbsp; Intercommunication&nbsp; &nbsp; 双向通信<BR>I/O&nbsp; &nbsp; Input/output&nbsp; &nbsp; 输入/输出<BR>IAS&nbsp; &nbsp; Indicated airspeed&nbsp; &nbsp; 指示空速<BR>ID&nbsp; &nbsp; Identification&nbsp; &nbsp; 识别<BR>IDENT&nbsp; &nbsp; Identification&nbsp; &nbsp; 识别<BR>IDG&nbsp; &nbsp; Integrated drive generator&nbsp; &nbsp; 组合传动发电机<BR>IDU&nbsp; &nbsp; Interactive display unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 交互显示装置<BR>IFSAU&nbsp; &nbsp; Integrated flight system accessory unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 综合飞行系统附属装置<BR>IGB&nbsp; &nbsp; Inlet gear box&nbsp; &nbsp; 进气齿轮箱<BR>IGN&nbsp; &nbsp; Ignition&nbsp; &nbsp; 点火<BR>IGV&nbsp; &nbsp; Inlet guide vane&nbsp; &nbsp; 进气导向叶片<BR>IHC&nbsp; &nbsp; Integrated handset controller&nbsp; &nbsp; 手机综合控制器<BR>ILS&nbsp; &nbsp; Instrument landing system&nbsp; &nbsp; 仪表着陆系统<BR>IM&nbsp; &nbsp; Inner marker&nbsp; &nbsp; 近距指点标<BR>IN&nbsp; &nbsp; Inches&nbsp; &nbsp; 英寸<BR>IN HG&nbsp; &nbsp; Inches of mercury&nbsp; &nbsp; 英尺汞柱<BR>INBD&nbsp; &nbsp; Inboard&nbsp; &nbsp; 内侧<BR>IND&nbsp; &nbsp; Indication&nbsp; &nbsp; 指示<BR>INFO&nbsp; &nbsp; Information&nbsp; &nbsp; 信息<BR>INH&nbsp; &nbsp; Inhibit&nbsp; &nbsp; 禁止<BR>INIT&nbsp; &nbsp; Initialization&nbsp; &nbsp; 初始化<BR>INIT/REF&nbsp; &nbsp; Initialization/reference&nbsp; &nbsp; 初始化/基准<BR>INOP&nbsp; &nbsp; Inoperative&nbsp; &nbsp; 不工作<BR>INSTR&nbsp; &nbsp; Instrument&nbsp; &nbsp; 仪表<BR>INT&nbsp; &nbsp; Interphone&nbsp; &nbsp; 内话<BR>INV&nbsp; &nbsp; Inverter&nbsp; &nbsp; 变流机<BR>IOC&nbsp; &nbsp; Input output controller&nbsp; &nbsp; 输入输出控制器<BR>IPC&nbsp; &nbsp; Illustrated parts catalog&nbsp; &nbsp; 图解零件目录<BR>IR&nbsp; &nbsp; Inertial reference&nbsp; &nbsp; 惯性基准<BR>IRS&nbsp; &nbsp; Inertial reference system&nbsp; &nbsp; 惯性基准系统<BR>ISA&nbsp; &nbsp; International standard atmosphere&nbsp; &nbsp; 国际标准大气<BR>ISDU&nbsp; &nbsp; Inertial system display unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 惯性系统显示装置<BR>ISV&nbsp; &nbsp; Isolation valve&nbsp; &nbsp; 隔离活门<BR>IVS&nbsp; &nbsp; Inertial vertical speed&nbsp; &nbsp; 惯性垂直速度<BR>J&nbsp; &nbsp; Junction&nbsp; &nbsp; 接线<BR>KG&nbsp; &nbsp; Kilograms&nbsp; &nbsp; 公斤<BR>KM&nbsp; &nbsp; Kilometer&nbsp; &nbsp; 千米<BR>KPA&nbsp; &nbsp; Kilopascals&nbsp; &nbsp; 千帕<BR>KTS&nbsp; &nbsp; Knots&nbsp; &nbsp; 节<BR>KTS&nbsp; &nbsp; Nautical miles per hour (knots)&nbsp; &nbsp; 海里/小时(节)<BR>KVA&nbsp; &nbsp; Kilovolt ampere&nbsp; &nbsp; 千伏安<BR>L&nbsp; &nbsp; Left&nbsp; &nbsp; 左<BR>LAND ALT&nbsp; &nbsp; Landing altitude&nbsp; &nbsp; 着陆高度<BR>LAT&nbsp; &nbsp; Latitude&nbsp; &nbsp; 纬度<BR>LAV&nbsp; &nbsp; Lavatory&nbsp; &nbsp; 盥洗室<BR>LB&nbsp; &nbsp; Pounds&nbsp; &nbsp; 磅<BR>LBL&nbsp; &nbsp; Left buttock line&nbsp; &nbsp; 左纵剖线<BR>LC&nbsp; &nbsp; Lower center&nbsp; &nbsp; 下部中心<BR>LCD&nbsp; &nbsp; Liquid crystal display&nbsp; &nbsp; 液晶显示器<BR>LCL&nbsp; &nbsp; Local&nbsp; &nbsp; 局部、当地的<BR>LCM&nbsp; &nbsp; Logic control module&nbsp; &nbsp; 逻辑控制模块<BR>LCT&nbsp; &nbsp; Linear current transformer&nbsp; &nbsp; 线性电流互感器<BR>LE&nbsp; &nbsp; Leading edge&nbsp; &nbsp; 前缘<BR>LED&nbsp; &nbsp; Light emitting diodes&nbsp; &nbsp; 发光二极管<BR>LG&nbsp; &nbsp; Landing gear&nbsp; &nbsp; 起落架<BR>LGTV&nbsp; &nbsp; Landing gear transfer valve&nbsp; &nbsp; 起落架转换活门<BR>LIB&nbsp; &nbsp; Left inboard&nbsp; &nbsp; 左内侧<BR>LIM&nbsp; &nbsp; Limit&nbsp; &nbsp; 极限<BR>LNAV&nbsp; &nbsp; Lateral navigation&nbsp; &nbsp; 横向导航<BR>LOB&nbsp; &nbsp; Left outboard&nbsp; &nbsp; 左外侧<BR>LOC&nbsp; &nbsp; Localizer&nbsp; &nbsp; 定位器,航向信标台<BR>LOC&nbsp; &nbsp; Local&nbsp; &nbsp; 局部<BR>LONG&nbsp; &nbsp; Longitude&nbsp; &nbsp; 经度<BR>LOP&nbsp; &nbsp; Low oil pressure&nbsp; &nbsp; 低滑油压力<BR>LPC&nbsp; &nbsp; Low pressure compressor&nbsp; &nbsp; 低压压气机<BR>LPT&nbsp; &nbsp; Low pressure turbine&nbsp; &nbsp; 低压涡轮<BR>LPTACC&nbsp; &nbsp; Low pressure turbine active clearance control&nbsp; &nbsp; 低压涡轮主动间隙控制<BR>LRRA&nbsp; &nbsp; Low range radio altimeter&nbsp; &nbsp; 低高度无线电高度表<BR>LRU&nbsp; &nbsp; Line replaceable unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 航线可更换装置<BR>LSK&nbsp; &nbsp; Line select key&nbsp; &nbsp; 行选择键<BR>LSU&nbsp; &nbsp; Lavatory service unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 盥洗室服务装置<BR>LT&nbsp; &nbsp; light&nbsp; &nbsp; 灯<BR>LVDT&nbsp; &nbsp; Light linear variable differential transformer&nbsp; &nbsp; 线性可变差动变压器<BR>LVL&nbsp; &nbsp; Level&nbsp; &nbsp; 水平飞行高度层<BR>LVL CHG&nbsp; &nbsp; Level change&nbsp; &nbsp; 高度层改变<BR>LVR&nbsp; &nbsp; Lever&nbsp; &nbsp; 手柄/杆<BR>M&nbsp; &nbsp; Manifold&nbsp; &nbsp; 总管<BR>MA&nbsp; &nbsp; Master&nbsp; &nbsp; 主<BR>MA WRN&nbsp; &nbsp; Master warning&nbsp; &nbsp; 主警告<BR>MAG&nbsp; &nbsp; Magnetic&nbsp; &nbsp; 磁的<BR>MAINT&nbsp; &nbsp; Maintenance&nbsp; &nbsp; 维护<BR>MAN&nbsp; &nbsp; Manual&nbsp; &nbsp; 手动<BR>MASI&nbsp; &nbsp; Mach air speed indication&nbsp; &nbsp; 马赫数空速指示器<BR>MAX&nbsp; &nbsp; Maximum&nbsp; &nbsp; 最大<BR>MB&nbsp; &nbsp; Millibars&nbsp; &nbsp; 毫巴<BR>MB&nbsp; &nbsp; Marker beacon&nbsp; &nbsp; 指点信标<BR>MCDU&nbsp; &nbsp; Multipurpose control and display unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 多功能控制显示组件<BR>MCP&nbsp; &nbsp; Mode control panel&nbsp; &nbsp; 方式控制板<BR>MCU&nbsp; &nbsp; Master caution unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 主警告装置<BR>MD&amp;T&nbsp; &nbsp; Master dim and test&nbsp; &nbsp; 总调光和试验<BR>MDA&nbsp; &nbsp; Minimum descent altitude&nbsp; &nbsp; 最低下降高度<BR>MEM&nbsp; &nbsp; Memory&nbsp; &nbsp; 存贮器<BR>MES&nbsp; &nbsp; Main engine start&nbsp; &nbsp; 主发动机启动<BR>MGT&nbsp; &nbsp; Management&nbsp; &nbsp; 管理<BR>MHZ&nbsp; &nbsp; Megahertz&nbsp; &nbsp; 兆赫<BR>MIC&nbsp; &nbsp; Microphone&nbsp; &nbsp; 麦克风<BR>MICROSW&nbsp; &nbsp; Microswitch&nbsp; &nbsp; 微动电门<BR>MINS&nbsp; &nbsp; Minimums&nbsp; &nbsp; 最小值<BR>MISC&nbsp; &nbsp; Miscellaneous&nbsp; &nbsp; 各式各样的,其他<BR>MKR&nbsp; &nbsp; Marker&nbsp; &nbsp; 信标<BR>MLG&nbsp; &nbsp; Main landing gear&nbsp; &nbsp; 主起落架<BR>MLS&nbsp; &nbsp; Microwave landing system&nbsp; &nbsp; 微波着陆系统<BR>MM&nbsp; &nbsp; Middle marker&nbsp; &nbsp; 中距指点标<BR>MMEL&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 总最少设备清单<BR>MMO&nbsp; &nbsp; Maximum operating mach&nbsp; &nbsp; 最大使用马赫数<BR>MMR&nbsp; &nbsp; Multi mode receiver&nbsp; &nbsp; 多方式接收机<BR>MO&nbsp; &nbsp; Month&nbsp; &nbsp; 月<BR>MOD&nbsp; &nbsp; Module&nbsp; &nbsp; 模件<BR>MOD&nbsp; &nbsp; Modification&nbsp; &nbsp; 改装<BR>MP&nbsp; &nbsp; Maintenance practices&nbsp; &nbsp; 维护实施<BR>MPD&nbsp; &nbsp; Maintenance planning data document&nbsp; &nbsp; 维护计划文件<BR>MSEC&nbsp; &nbsp; Milli-second&nbsp; &nbsp; 毫秒<BR>MSG&nbsp; &nbsp; Message&nbsp; &nbsp; 信息<BR>MSU&nbsp; &nbsp; Mode select unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 方式选择装置<BR>MTRS&nbsp; &nbsp; Meters&nbsp; &nbsp; 米<BR>MU&nbsp; &nbsp; Management unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 管理组件<BR>N&nbsp; &nbsp; North&nbsp; &nbsp; 北<BR>N1&nbsp; &nbsp; Engine fan speed&nbsp; &nbsp; 低压压气机转子速度<BR>N2&nbsp; &nbsp; Engine core speed&nbsp; &nbsp; 高压压气机转子速度<BR>NAV&nbsp; &nbsp; Navigation&nbsp; &nbsp; 导航<BR>NC&nbsp; &nbsp; Not connected&nbsp; &nbsp; 未连接<BR>NCD&nbsp; &nbsp; No computed data&nbsp; &nbsp; 无计算数据<BR>NCT&nbsp; &nbsp; Neutral current transformer&nbsp; &nbsp; 中性线电流互感器<BR>ND&nbsp; &nbsp; Navigation display&nbsp; &nbsp; 导航显示<BR>NLG&nbsp; &nbsp; Nose landing gear&nbsp; &nbsp; 前起落架<BR>NM&nbsp; &nbsp; Nautical miles&nbsp; &nbsp; 海里<BR>NN&nbsp; &nbsp; A number from 01 to 99&nbsp; &nbsp; 01-99的一个数<BR>No.&nbsp; &nbsp; Number&nbsp; &nbsp; 编号<BR>NORM&nbsp; &nbsp; Normal&nbsp; &nbsp; 正常<BR>NOTAMS&nbsp; &nbsp; Notam&nbsp; &nbsp; 机组注意<BR>NSS&nbsp; &nbsp; Neutral shift sensor&nbsp; &nbsp; 定中轴传感器<BR>NVM&nbsp; &nbsp; Non volatile memory&nbsp; &nbsp; 非易失存贮器<BR>NWS&nbsp; &nbsp; Nose wheel steering&nbsp; &nbsp; 前轮转弯<BR>NWW&nbsp; &nbsp; Nose wheel well&nbsp; &nbsp; 前轮舱<BR>O/D&nbsp; &nbsp; Out of detent&nbsp; &nbsp; 卡槽外<BR>OAT&nbsp; &nbsp; Outside air temperature&nbsp; &nbsp; 外界大气温度<BR>OBS&nbsp; &nbsp; Observer&nbsp; &nbsp; 观察员<BR>OC&nbsp; &nbsp; On course&nbsp; &nbsp; 在航道上<BR>OFP&nbsp; &nbsp; Operational flight program&nbsp; &nbsp; 飞行操作程序<BR>OFST&nbsp; &nbsp; Offset&nbsp; &nbsp; 补偿<BR>OLS&nbsp; &nbsp; Oil level sensor&nbsp; &nbsp; 滑油油面传感器<BR>OM&nbsp; &nbsp; Outer marker&nbsp; &nbsp; 远距指点标<BR>OOOI&nbsp; &nbsp; Out,off,on,in&nbsp; &nbsp; 出港、关断、接通、进港<BR>OP&nbsp; &nbsp; Operation program&nbsp; &nbsp; 操作程序<BR>OSS&nbsp; &nbsp; Over station sensor&nbsp; &nbsp; 过台传感器<BR>OUTBD&nbsp; &nbsp; Outboard&nbsp; &nbsp; 外侧<BR>OVHT&nbsp; &nbsp; Overheat&nbsp; &nbsp; 过热<BR>OXY&nbsp; &nbsp; Oxygen&nbsp; &nbsp; 氧气<BR>P&nbsp; &nbsp; Pressure&nbsp; &nbsp; 压力<BR>P&nbsp; &nbsp; Panel&nbsp; &nbsp; 板,壁板<BR>P&nbsp; &nbsp; Push&nbsp; &nbsp; 按压<BR>P/N&nbsp; &nbsp; Part number&nbsp; &nbsp; 牌号<BR>P0&nbsp; &nbsp; Aircraft static air pressure&nbsp; &nbsp; 飞机空气静压<BR>P2&nbsp; &nbsp; Inlet pressure&nbsp; &nbsp; 进口压力<BR>PA&nbsp; &nbsp; Passenger address&nbsp; &nbsp; 旅客广播<BR>PAM&nbsp; &nbsp; Performance assessment monitor&nbsp; &nbsp; 性能评估监控器<BR>PARAMS&nbsp; &nbsp; parameters&nbsp; &nbsp; 参数<BR>REV&nbsp; &nbsp; Reverser&nbsp; &nbsp; 换向<BR>RF&nbsp; &nbsp; Radio frequency&nbsp; &nbsp; 射频<BR>RIB&nbsp; &nbsp; Right inboard&nbsp; &nbsp; 右内侧<BR>RLS&nbsp; &nbsp; Remote light sensor&nbsp; &nbsp; 远距光传感器<BR>RLY&nbsp; &nbsp; Relay&nbsp; &nbsp; 继电器<BR>RMI&nbsp; &nbsp; Radio magnetic indicator&nbsp; &nbsp; 无线电磁指示器<BR>RMS&nbsp; &nbsp; Root mean square&nbsp; &nbsp; 均方根<BR>ROB&nbsp; &nbsp; Right outboard&nbsp; &nbsp; 右外侧<BR>RPM&nbsp; &nbsp; Revolution per minute&nbsp; &nbsp; 转/分<BR>RST&nbsp; &nbsp; Reset&nbsp; &nbsp; 复位<BR>RTA&nbsp; &nbsp; Required time of arrival&nbsp; &nbsp; 需要的到达时间<BR>RTL&nbsp; &nbsp; Ready to load&nbsp; &nbsp; 准备加载<BR>RTO&nbsp; &nbsp; Refused takeoff&nbsp; &nbsp; 中断起飞<BR>R-TO&nbsp; &nbsp; Reduced thrust take off&nbsp; &nbsp; 减小推力起飞<BR>RTV&nbsp; &nbsp; Room temperature vulcanizing rubber&nbsp; &nbsp; 室温硫化橡胶<BR>RUD&nbsp; &nbsp; Rudder&nbsp; &nbsp; 方向舵<BR>RVDT&nbsp; &nbsp; Rotary variable differential transducer&nbsp; &nbsp; 旋转可变差动变压器<BR>RWY&nbsp; &nbsp; Runway&nbsp; &nbsp; 跑道<BR>S&nbsp; &nbsp; Seconds&nbsp; &nbsp; 秒<BR>S&nbsp; &nbsp; South&nbsp; &nbsp; 南<BR>S/B&nbsp; &nbsp; Speedbrake&nbsp; &nbsp; 减速板<BR>S/C&nbsp; &nbsp; Step climb&nbsp; &nbsp; 阶跃爬升<BR>S/W&nbsp; &nbsp; Software&nbsp; &nbsp; 软件<BR>SAC&nbsp; &nbsp; Single annular combustor&nbsp; &nbsp; 单环形燃烧室<BR>SAT&nbsp; &nbsp; Satellite&nbsp; &nbsp; 卫星<BR>SAT&nbsp; &nbsp; Static air temperature&nbsp; &nbsp; 大气静温<BR>SATCOM&nbsp; &nbsp; Satellite communications&nbsp; &nbsp; 卫星通信<BR>SBRK&nbsp; &nbsp; Speedbrake&nbsp; &nbsp; 减速板<BR>SCAV&nbsp; &nbsp; Scavenge&nbsp; &nbsp; 回油<BR>SCHED&nbsp; &nbsp; Scheduled&nbsp; &nbsp; 定期的<BR>SCR&nbsp; &nbsp; Silicon controlled rectifier&nbsp; &nbsp; 硅控整流层<BR>SCU&nbsp; &nbsp; Start converter unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 启动转换装置<BR>SCU&nbsp; &nbsp; Starter converter unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 启动机变流装置<BR>SCV&nbsp; &nbsp; Surge control valve&nbsp; &nbsp; 喘振控制活门<BR>SDI&nbsp; &nbsp; Source destination identifier&nbsp; &nbsp; 来源目的地标识符<BR>SDS&nbsp; &nbsp; System description section&nbsp; &nbsp; 系统说明部分<BR>SDU&nbsp; &nbsp; Satellite data unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 卫星数据组件<BR>SEB&nbsp; &nbsp; Seat electronics box&nbsp; &nbsp; 座椅电子盒<BR>SEC&nbsp; &nbsp; Section&nbsp; &nbsp; 段、节,区域<BR>SEL&nbsp; &nbsp; Select&nbsp; &nbsp; 选择<BR>SELCAL&nbsp; &nbsp; Selective calling&nbsp; &nbsp; 选择呼叫<BR>SEQ&nbsp; &nbsp; Sequence&nbsp; &nbsp; 顺序<BR>SHP&nbsp; &nbsp; Shaft horsepower&nbsp; &nbsp; 轴马力<BR>SID&nbsp; &nbsp; Standard instrument departure&nbsp; &nbsp; 标准仪表起飞<BR>SIN&nbsp; &nbsp; Sine&nbsp; &nbsp; 正弦<BR>SL&nbsp; &nbsp; Sync lock&nbsp; &nbsp; 同步锁<BR>SLFPM&nbsp; &nbsp; Sea level feet per minute&nbsp; &nbsp; 海平面英尺/分<BR>SMYD&nbsp; &nbsp; Stall management yaw damper&nbsp; &nbsp; 失速管理偏航阻尼器<BR>SMYDC&nbsp; &nbsp; Stall management yaw damper computer&nbsp; &nbsp; 失速管理计算机<BR>SNSR&nbsp; &nbsp; Sensor&nbsp; &nbsp; 传感器<BR>SOL&nbsp; &nbsp; Solenoid&nbsp; &nbsp; 电磁阀<BR>SOV&nbsp; &nbsp; Shutoff valve&nbsp; &nbsp; 关断活门,关断阀<BR>SPD&nbsp; &nbsp; Speed&nbsp; &nbsp; 速度<BR>SPDBK&nbsp; &nbsp; Speedbrake&nbsp; &nbsp; 减速板<BR>SPLR&nbsp; &nbsp; Spoiler&nbsp; &nbsp; 扰流板<BR>SPM&nbsp; &nbsp; Surface position monitor&nbsp; &nbsp; 表面位置监控器<BR>SPN&nbsp; &nbsp; Spin&nbsp; &nbsp; 自旋<BR>SPS&nbsp; &nbsp; Standard positioning service&nbsp; &nbsp; 标准位置服务<BR>SPU&nbsp; &nbsp; Start power unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 启动电源装置<BR>SQ&nbsp; &nbsp; Squelch&nbsp; &nbsp; 静噪<BR>SQL&nbsp; &nbsp; Squelch&nbsp; &nbsp; 静噪<BR>SRAM&nbsp; &nbsp; Scratch random access memory&nbsp; &nbsp; 静态随机存取存储器<BR>SRM&nbsp; &nbsp; Structure repair manual&nbsp; &nbsp; 结构修理手册<BR>SRVCE&nbsp; &nbsp; Service&nbsp; &nbsp; 服务<BR>SS&nbsp; &nbsp; Single shot&nbsp; &nbsp; 单冲<BR>SS&nbsp; M&nbsp; &nbsp; Slow&nbsp; slew, month&nbsp; &nbsp; 慢转,月<BR>SSB&nbsp; &nbsp; Single side band&nbsp; &nbsp; 单边带<BR>SSFDR&nbsp; &nbsp; Solid state flight data recorder&nbsp; &nbsp; 固态飞行数据记录器<BR>SSM&nbsp; &nbsp; System schematic manual&nbsp; &nbsp; 系统原理图手册<BR>SSSV&nbsp; &nbsp; Solid state stored voice&nbsp; &nbsp; 固态存储的话音<BR>STA&nbsp; &nbsp; Station&nbsp; &nbsp; 站位<BR>STAB&nbsp; &nbsp; Stabilizer&nbsp; &nbsp; 安定面<BR>STAR&nbsp; &nbsp; Standard terminal arrival route&nbsp; &nbsp; 标准的终点到达航路<BR>STBY&nbsp; &nbsp; Standby&nbsp; &nbsp; 备用<BR>STS&nbsp; &nbsp; Status&nbsp; &nbsp; 状态<BR>SURF&nbsp; &nbsp; Surface&nbsp; &nbsp; 表面,操纵面<BR>SVCE&nbsp; &nbsp; Service&nbsp; &nbsp; 服务<BR>SW&nbsp; &nbsp; Switch&nbsp; &nbsp; 电门<BR>SW&nbsp; &nbsp; switched&nbsp; &nbsp; 转换<BR>SWS&nbsp; &nbsp; Stall warning system&nbsp; &nbsp; 失速警告系统<BR>SYNC&nbsp; &nbsp; Synchronization&nbsp; &nbsp; 同步<BR>SYS&nbsp; &nbsp; System&nbsp; &nbsp; 系统<BR>T/C&nbsp; &nbsp; top of climb&nbsp; &nbsp; 爬升顶点<BR>T/D&nbsp; &nbsp; top of descent &nbsp; &nbsp; 下降起始点<BR>T/L&nbsp; &nbsp; Thrust lever&nbsp; &nbsp; 推力杆<BR>T/M&nbsp; &nbsp; Torque motor&nbsp; &nbsp; 扭矩马达<BR>T/P SENSOR&nbsp; &nbsp; Temperature/pressure sensor&nbsp; &nbsp; 温度、压力传感器<BR>T/R&nbsp; &nbsp; Thrust reverser&nbsp; &nbsp; 反推力传感器<BR>T2&nbsp; &nbsp; Inlet temperature&nbsp; &nbsp; 进口温度<BR>T25&nbsp; &nbsp; hpc inlet air temperature&nbsp; &nbsp; HPC进口空气温度<BR>T3&nbsp; &nbsp; Compressor discharge air temperature&nbsp; &nbsp; 压气机出口空气温度<BR>TACAN&nbsp; &nbsp; tactical air navigation&nbsp; &nbsp; 战术空中导航<BR>TACH&nbsp; &nbsp; tachometer&nbsp; &nbsp; 转速表<BR>TAI&nbsp; &nbsp; thermal anti-ice&nbsp; &nbsp; 热防冰<BR>TAS&nbsp; &nbsp; true airspeed&nbsp; &nbsp; 真空速<BR>TAT&nbsp; &nbsp; total air temperature&nbsp; &nbsp; 大气总温<BR>TBV&nbsp; &nbsp; transient bleed valve&nbsp; &nbsp; 瞬时放气活门<BR>TCAS&nbsp; &nbsp; traffic collision avoidance system&nbsp; &nbsp; 空中交通警告和防撞系统<BR>TD&nbsp; &nbsp; time delay&nbsp; &nbsp; 延时<BR>TE&nbsp; &nbsp; trailing edge&nbsp; &nbsp; 后缘<BR>TEMP&nbsp; &nbsp; temperature&nbsp; &nbsp; 温度<BR>TFC&nbsp; &nbsp; traffic&nbsp; &nbsp; 交通<BR>TGB&nbsp; &nbsp; transfer gearbox&nbsp; &nbsp; 转换齿轮箱<BR>TGT&nbsp; &nbsp; target&nbsp; &nbsp; 目标<BR>THR&nbsp; &nbsp; thrust&nbsp; &nbsp; 推力<BR>THR&nbsp; &nbsp; throttle&nbsp; &nbsp; 油门<BR>THR HLD&nbsp; &nbsp; throttle hold&nbsp; &nbsp; 油门保持<BR>THRM&nbsp; &nbsp; thermal&nbsp; &nbsp; 热<BR>TK&nbsp; &nbsp; track&nbsp; &nbsp; 航迹<BR>TLA&nbsp; &nbsp; thrust lever angle&nbsp; &nbsp; 推力杆角度<BR>TLR&nbsp; &nbsp; thrust lever angle resolver&nbsp; &nbsp; 推力杆角度解算器 <BR>TO&nbsp; &nbsp; take off&nbsp; &nbsp; 起飞<BR>TO/GA&nbsp; &nbsp; takeoff/go-around&nbsp; &nbsp; 起飞、复飞<BR>TRA&nbsp; &nbsp; thrust resolver angle&nbsp; &nbsp; 推力解算器角度<BR>TRA&nbsp; &nbsp; thrust lever resolver angle&nbsp; &nbsp; 推力杆解算角度<BR>TRANS&nbsp; &nbsp; transition&nbsp; &nbsp; 过渡<BR>TRF&nbsp; &nbsp; turbine rear frame&nbsp; &nbsp; 涡轮后内框架<BR>TRK&nbsp; &nbsp; track&nbsp; &nbsp; 航迹<BR>TRU&nbsp; &nbsp; transformer rectifier unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 变压整流器<BR>TRU&nbsp; &nbsp; True&nbsp; &nbsp; 真实<BR>TX&nbsp; &nbsp; Transmit&nbsp; &nbsp; 发射<BR>TYP&nbsp; &nbsp; Type; typical&nbsp; &nbsp; 典型<BR>UC&nbsp; &nbsp; Upper center &nbsp; &nbsp; 上部中心<BR>UCM&nbsp; &nbsp; Uncommanded&nbsp; &nbsp; 非指令运动<BR>UHF&nbsp; &nbsp; Ultra high frequency&nbsp; &nbsp; 超高频<BR>ULB&nbsp; &nbsp; Underwater locator beacon&nbsp; &nbsp; 水下定位信标<BR>ULD&nbsp; &nbsp; Underwater locating device&nbsp; &nbsp; 水下定位装置<BR>USB&nbsp; &nbsp; Upper side band&nbsp; &nbsp; 上边带<BR>UTC&nbsp; &nbsp; Universal time(coordinated)&nbsp; &nbsp; 世界协调时<BR>UTC&nbsp; &nbsp; Universal time coordinate&nbsp; &nbsp; 世界时间坐标<BR>V&nbsp; &nbsp; Volt&nbsp; &nbsp; 伏<BR>V&nbsp; &nbsp; voice&nbsp; &nbsp; 话音<BR>V AC&nbsp; &nbsp; Volts alternating current&nbsp; &nbsp; 交流,伏<BR>V DC&nbsp; &nbsp; Volts direct current&nbsp; &nbsp; 直流,伏<BR>V/S&nbsp; &nbsp; Vertical speed&nbsp; &nbsp; 垂直速度<BR>V1&nbsp; &nbsp; Takeoff decision speed&nbsp; &nbsp; 起飞决断速度<BR>V2&nbsp; &nbsp; Scheduled target speed&nbsp; &nbsp; 预定目标速度<BR>V2&nbsp; &nbsp; Climbout speed&nbsp; &nbsp; 开始爬升速度<BR>VARI&nbsp; &nbsp; Variable&nbsp; &nbsp; 可变的<BR>VBV&nbsp; &nbsp; Variable bleed valve&nbsp; &nbsp; 可变放气活门<BR>VERT&nbsp; &nbsp; Vertical&nbsp; &nbsp; 垂直的<BR>VHF&nbsp; &nbsp; Very high frequency&nbsp; &nbsp; 甚高频 <BR>VIB&nbsp; &nbsp; Vibration&nbsp; &nbsp; 振动<BR>VLV&nbsp; &nbsp; Valve&nbsp; &nbsp; 活门、阀<BR>VMO&nbsp; &nbsp; Velocity,maximum operating&nbsp; &nbsp; 最大使用速度<BR>VNAV&nbsp; &nbsp; Vertical navigation&nbsp; &nbsp; 垂直导航<BR>VOR&nbsp; &nbsp; Very high frequency omnidirectional range&nbsp; &nbsp; 甚高频全向导航<BR>VR&nbsp; &nbsp; Voltage regulator&nbsp; &nbsp; 调压器<BR>VR&nbsp; &nbsp; Voice recorder&nbsp; &nbsp; 话音记录器<BR>VR&nbsp; &nbsp; Rotation speed&nbsp; &nbsp; 抬前轮速度<BR>VSI&nbsp; &nbsp; Vertical speed indicator&nbsp; &nbsp; 垂直速度指示器<BR>VSV&nbsp; &nbsp; Variable stator vane&nbsp; &nbsp; 可变静止叶片<BR>VSWR&nbsp; &nbsp; Voltage standing wave ratio&nbsp; &nbsp; 电压驻波比<BR>VTK&nbsp; &nbsp; Vertical track&nbsp; &nbsp; 垂直航迹<BR>W&nbsp; &nbsp; west&nbsp; &nbsp; 西<BR>WARN&nbsp; &nbsp; Warning&nbsp; &nbsp; 警告<BR>WDM&nbsp; &nbsp; Wiring diagram manual&nbsp; &nbsp; 线路图手册<BR>WHCU&nbsp; &nbsp; Window heat control unit&nbsp; &nbsp; 窗户加温控制装置<BR>WHL&nbsp; &nbsp; Wheel&nbsp; &nbsp; 机轮<BR>WL&nbsp; &nbsp; Water line&nbsp; &nbsp; 水线<BR>WPT&nbsp; &nbsp; Waypoint&nbsp; &nbsp; 航路点<BR>WT&nbsp; &nbsp; Weight&nbsp; &nbsp; 重量<BR>WTAI&nbsp; &nbsp; Wing thermal anti-ice&nbsp; &nbsp; 机翼热防冰<BR>WTRIS&nbsp; &nbsp; Wheel to rudder interconnect system&nbsp; &nbsp; 机轮-方向舵互联系统<BR>WW&nbsp; &nbsp; Wheel well&nbsp; &nbsp; 轮舱<BR>WXR&nbsp; &nbsp; Weather radar&nbsp; &nbsp; 气象雷达<BR>X-CH&nbsp; &nbsp; Cross channel&nbsp; &nbsp; 交叉通道<BR>XCHAN&nbsp; &nbsp; Cross channel&nbsp; &nbsp; 交叉通道<BR>XFER&nbsp; &nbsp; Transfer&nbsp; &nbsp; 转换<BR>XFMR&nbsp; &nbsp; Transformer&nbsp; &nbsp; 变压器、互感器<BR>XFR&nbsp; &nbsp; transfer&nbsp; &nbsp; 转换<BR>XMIT&nbsp; &nbsp; Transmit&nbsp; &nbsp; 发射<BR>XMTR&nbsp; &nbsp; Transmitter&nbsp; &nbsp; 发射机<BR>YD&nbsp; &nbsp; Yaw damper&nbsp; &nbsp; 偏航阻尼器<BR>YR&nbsp; &nbsp; Year&nbsp; &nbsp; 年<BR>ZFW&nbsp; &nbsp; Zero fuel weight&nbsp; &nbsp; 无油重量<BR>

天高皇帝远 发表于 2009-12-26 19:10:35

这么好的东西没人顶 ~~thanks

gray0077 发表于 2010-3-16 21:26:50


coindong 发表于 2011-9-29 18:27:44

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