Certification Specifications for Large Aeroplanes(CS-25)
Certification Specifications for Large Aeroplanes(CS-25)**** Hidden Message ***** European Aviation Safety AgencyCertification SpecificationsforLarge AeroplanesCS-25Amendment 55 September 2008CS-25C-1CONTENTS (general layout)CS–25LARGE AEROPLANESPREAMBLEBOOK 1 – AIRWORTHINESS CODESUBPART A – GENERALSUBPART B – FLIGHTSUBPART C – STRUCTURESUBPART D – DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTIONSUBPART E – POWERPLANTSUBPART F – EQUIPMENTSUBPART G – OPERATING LIMITATIONS AND INFORMATIONSUBPART H ELECTRICAL WIRING INTERCONNECTION SYSTEMSSUBPART J – AUXILIARY POWER UNIT INSTALLATIONAPPENDIX AAPPENDIX CAPPENDIX DAPPENDIX FAPPENDIX H – INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTINUED AIRWORTHINESSAPPENDIX I – AUTOMATIC TAKEOFF THRUST CONTROL SYSTEM(ATTCS)APPENDIX J – EMERGENCY DEMONSTRATIONAPPENDIX K – INTERACTION OF SYSTEMS AND STRUCTUREAPPENDIX LBOOK 2 – ACCEPTABLE MEANS OF COMPLIANCE (AMC)INTRODUCTIONAMC – SUBPART BAMC – SUBPART CAMC – SUBPART DAMC – SUBPART EAMC – SUBPART FAMC – SUBPART GAMC – SUBPART HAMC – SUBPART JAMC – APPENDICESGENERAL AMCsAnnex to ED Decision 2008/006/RAmendment 5CS-25PREAMBLECS-25 Amendment 1 Effective: 12/12/2005The following is a list of paragraphs affected by this amendment.Contents•The title of Subpart J is amended (NPA 10/2004)•The title of Appendix K is amended (NPA 11/2004)•A new reference to Appendix L is added (NPA 11/2004)Book 1Subpart B•CS 25.251 (a) and (b) Amended (NPA 11/2004)Subpart C•CS 25.301(b) Amended (NPA 02/005)•CS 25.302 Created (NPA 11/2004)•CS 25.305 Amended by adding sub-paragraphs (e) and (f) ((NPA11/2004))•CS 25.307 Amended (NPA 11/2004)•CS 25.341 Amended (NPA 11/2004)•CS 25.343(b)(1)(ii) Amended (NPA 11/2004)•CS 25.345(c)(2) Amended (NPA 11/2004)•CS 25.371 Amended (NPA 11/2004)•CS 25.373 (a) Amended (NPA 11/2004)•CS 25.391 Amended (NPA 11/2004)•CS 25.427 Amended by adding sub-paragraph (d) (NPA 11/2004)Subpart D•CS 25.613 Amended (NPA 11/2004)•CS 25.621 Replaced (NPA 08/2004)•CS 25.629 Amended (NPA 11/2004)Subpart E•CS 25.901(c) Amended (NPA 13/2004)•CS 25.933 (a)(1) Amended (NPA 13/2004)•CS 25.981 Replaced (NPA 10/2004)•CS 25.1141 (f) Amended (NPA 13/2004)•CS 25.1189 Amended (NPA 13/2004)Subpart F•CS 25.1436(b)(7) Amended to refer to Appendix L (NPA 11/2004)Subpart G•CS 25.1517 Amended (NPA 11/2004)•CS 25.1522 Deleted. (NPA 10/2004)•CS 25.1583(b)(1) Amended by removing reference to CS 25.1522 (NPA10/2004)Subpart J•Sub-part J Replaced entirely (NPA 10/2004)P-1Annex to ED Decision 2008/006/RAmendment 5CS-25•CS 25J1189 Amended by adding reference to AMC 25.1189 (NPA13/2004 Appendices•Appendix K Replaced entirely (NPA 11/2004)•Appendix L Old Appendix K renumbered (NPA 11/2004)Book 2Introduction Amended to reflect changes introduced by Amendment 1.AMC - Subpart C•AMC 25.301(b) Amended (sub-paragraph (b) deleted) and renumbered asAMC No 1 to CS 25.301(b) (NPA 02/2005)•AMC No.2 to CS 25.301(b) Created (NPA 02/2005)•AMC 25.307 Replaced (NPA 11/2004)•AMC 25.341 Amended (NPA 11/2004)AMC - Subpart D•AMC 25.613 Created (NPA 11/2004)•AMC 25.621 Created (NPA 08/2004)•AMC 25.621(c) Created (NPA 08/2004)•AMC 25.621(c)(1) Created (NPA 08/2004)•AMC 25.629 Created (NPA 11/2004)AMC - Subpart E•AMC 25.901(c) Created (NPA 13/2004)•AMC 25.933 (a)(1) Created (NPA 13/2004)•AMC 25.981(a) Created (NPA 10/2004)•AMC 25.981(c) Created (NPA 10/2004)•AMC 25.1189 Created (NPA 13/2004)AMC- Subpart J•Existing AMC to subpart J Deleted entirely (NPA 10/2004)•AMC 25J901(c)(2) Created (NPA 10/2004)•AMC 25J901(c)(4) Created (NPA 10/2004)•AMC 25J943 Created (NPA 10/2004)•AMC 25J955(a)(2)(iii) Created (NPA 10/2004)•AMC 25J991 Created (NPA 10/2004)•AMC 25J1041 Created (NPA 10/2004)•AMC 25J1093(b) Created (NPA 10/2004)•AMC 25J1195(b) Created (NPA 10/2004)CS-25 Amendment 2 Effective: 02/10/2006The following is a list of paragraphs affected by this amendment.Book 1Subpart B•CS 25.101 (b)(2) CorrectedP-2Annex to ED Decision 2008/006/RAmendment 5CS-25Subpart C•CS 25.399 (a)(1) CorrectedSubpart D•CS 25.735(f)(2) Corrected•CS 25.745(c) CorrectedSubpart F•CS 25.1301(c) Corrected•CS 25.1365(a) Corrected•CS 25.1423 Corrected•CS 1435(b)(2) CorrectedSubpart G•CS 25.1591 replaced entirely (NPA 14/2004)Appendix F•Part II, (a)(3) CorrectedAppendix J•Introductory sentence CorrectedBook 2AMC - Subpart C•AMC 25.335(b)(2), 2 Title corrected•AMC 25.415, 2 Title corrected•AMC 25.491, 2 Title corrected•AMC 25.571(a),(b) and (e), 3.2.2 a CorrectedAMC - Subpart D•AMC 25.703, 2 Title corrected•AMC 25.703, 3 a. Corrected•AMC 25.703, 3. b. (2) Corrected•AMC 25.703, 5. b. (4) Corrected•AMC 25.723, 2 Title corrected•AMC 25.735, 2. a. Corrected•AMC 25.735, 2. b. (ii) Corrected•AMC 25.735, 2.b. (vi) Corrected•AMC 25.735, 4.a.(1)(e) Corrected•AMC 25.785(d) Designation of this AMC correctedAMC - Subpart F•AMC 25.1309, 3.a.(3) Corrected•AMC 25.1309, 3.a.(4) Corrected•AMC 25.1309, 3.b.(2) Corrected•AMC 25.1309, section 7 heading Corrected•AMC 25.1322, 2 Title corrected•AMC 25.1322, 2.1 Corrected•AMC 25.1435, 2.(b) Corrected•AMC 25.1457 CorrectedP-3Annex to ED Decision 2008/006/RAmendment 5CS-25AMC - Subpart G•AMC 25.1581, 6. (b) (6) (i) Corrected•AMC 25.1581, APPX 1, 6. b. (1) Corrected•AMC 25.1583(k), a. and b. Cross-references to CS 25.1591 amended (NPA4/2004)•AMC 25.1591 Created (NPA 14/2004)GENERAL AMC•AMC 25-11, 3 Title corrected•AMC 25-11, 3 a. Corrected•AMC 25-11, 3 b. Corrected •AMC 25-11, 3 d. (1) Corrected•AMC 25-11, 4 a. (1) Corrected•AMC 25-11, 4 a. (2) Corrected•AMC 25-11, 4 b. (2) (ii) Corrected•AMC 25-11, 7 b. (1) ) Corrected•AMC 25-13, 2 Title corrected•AMC 25-19, 2 Title corrected•AMC 25-19, 3 b. Corrected•AMC 25-19, section 6 intro Corrected•AMC 25-19, section 7 intro and a. Corrected•AMC 25-19, section 8 intro CorrectedCS-25 Amendment 3 Effective: 19/09/2007The following is a list of paragraphs affected by this amendment.Book 1Subpart B•CS 25.21(g) Created (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.103(b)(3) Amended (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.105(a) Amended (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.107(c)(3) Amended (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.107(g)(2) Amended (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.107(h) Created (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.111(c)(3)(iii) Amended (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.111(c)(4) Amended (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.111(c)(5) Amended (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.119 Amended (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.119(a) Amended (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.119(b) Amended (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.121(b) Amended (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.121(c) Amended (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.121(d) Amended (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.123(a) Amended (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.123(b) Amended (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.125(a) Amended (NPA 16/2004)P-4Annex to ED Decision 2008/006/RAmendment 5CS-25•CS 25.125(b) Redesignated as CS 25.125(c) (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.125(b) Created (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.125(c) Redesignated as CS 25.125(d) (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.125(d) Redesignated as CS 25.125(e) (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.125(e) Redesignated as CS 25.125(f) (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.125(f) Redesignated as CS 25.125(g) (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.143(c) Amended and redesignated as CS 25.143(d)(NPA6/2004)•CS 25.143(c) Created (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.143(d) Amended and redesignated as CS 25.143(e)(NPA16/2004)•CS 25.143(e) Amended and redesignated as CS 25.143(f) (NPA16/2004)•CS 25.143(f) Amended and redesignated as CS 25.143(g)(NPA 6/2004)•CS 25.143(g) Redesignated as CS 25.143(h) (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.143(i) Created (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.143(j) Created (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.207(b) Amended (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.207(e) Amended and Redesignated as CS 25.207(f)(NPA 6/2004)•CS 25.207(e) Created•CS 25.207(f) Amended and Redesignated as CS 25.207(g)(NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.207(h) Created (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.237(a) Amended (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.253(b) Amended (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.253(c) Created (NPA 16/2004)Subpart C•CS 25.405(b) Formula correctedSubpart D•CS 25.721 Amended (NPA 21/2005)•CS 25.773(b)(1)(ii) Amended ((NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.811(g) Amended (NPA 04/2006)•CS 25.812 Amended (NPA 04/2006)•CS 25.855(c) Amended (NPA 04/2006)•CS 25.857(d) Deleted (NPA 04/2006)•CS 25.858 Amended (NPA 04/2006)Subpart E•CS 25.901(b)(1)(ii) Corrected•CS 25.905 Corrected•CS 25.907 Corrected•CS 25.941(c) Amended (NPA 16/2004)•CS 25.963 Amended (NPA 21/2005)•CS 25.994 Amended (NPA 21/2005)P-5Annex to ED Decision 2008/006/RAmendment 5CS-25Subpart F•CS 25.1302 Created (NPA 15/2004)•CS 25.1419 Amended (NPA 16/2004)Subpart J•CS 25J994 Amended (NPA 21/2005)Appendix C•Appendix C Introduction of Part I Title (NPA 16/2004)•Part I paragraph (c) Created (NPA 16/2004)•Part II Created (NPA 16/2004) Book 2AMC - Subpart B•AMC 25.21(g) Created (NPA 16/2004)•AMC 25.119(a) Amended and redesignated as AMC 25.119 (NPA16/2004)•AMC 25.121(b)(1) Redesignated as AMC 25.121(b)(1) (i) (NPA16/2004)•AMC 25.125(a)(3) Redesignated as AMC 25.125(b)(3) (NPA 16/2004)•AMC 25.125(b) Redesignated as AMC 25.125(c) (NPA 16/2004)•AMC 25.125(b)(2) Amended and redesignated as AMC 25.125(c)(2)(NPA16/2004)•AMC 25.143(c) Amended and redesignated as AMC 25.143(d) (NPA16/2004)•AMC No.1 to 25.143(f) Redesignated as AMC No.1 to 25.143(g) (NPA16/2004)•AMC No.2 to 25.143(f) Amended and redesignated as AMC No.2 to 25.143(g)(NPA 16/2004)•AMC 25.143(g) Amended and redesignated as AMC 25.143(h) (NPA16/2004)AMC - Subpart D•AMC 25.812(b)(1) Created (NPA 04/2006)•AMC 25.812(b)(2) Created (NPA 04/2006)•AMC 25.812(e)(2) Created (NPA 04/2006)AMC - Subpart E•AMC 25.963(d) Replaced (NPA 21/2005)•AMC 25.963(e) Created (NPA 21/2005)•AMC 25.963(g) Revoked (NPA 21/2005)AMC - Subpart F•AMC 25.1302 Created (NPA 15/2004)•AMC 25.1329 Cross-references amended (NPA 16/2004)•AMC 25.1360(a) Title corrected•AMC 25.1360(b) Title correctedP-6Annex to ED Decision 2008/006/RAmendment 5CS-25CS-25 Amendment 4 Effective: 27/12/2007The following is a list of paragraphs affected by this amendment.Book 1Subpart D•CS 25.729 Amended (NPA 02/2006)•CS 25.773 Amended (NPA 02/2006)•CS 25.783 Amended (NPA 02/2006)•CS 25.807 Amended (NPA 02/2006)•CS 25.809 Amended (NPA 02/2006)•CS 25.810 Amended (NPA 02/2006)•CS 25.820 Created (NPA 02/2006)•CS 25.851 Amended (NPA 02/2006)Subpart F•CS 25.1329 Replaced entirely (NPA 18/2006)•CS 25.1335 Deleted (NPA 18/2006)•CS 25.1439 Amended (NPA 02/2006)•CS 25.1453 Amended (NPA 02/2006)Appendix F•Part II paragraph (f)4 Corrected (NPA 18/2006) Book 2AMC - Subpart D•AMC 25.729 Created (NPA 02/2006)•AMC 25.773 Created (NPA 02/2006)•AMC 25.773(b)(1)(ii) Deleted (NPA 02/2006)•AMC 25.783 Created (NPA 02/2006)•AMC 25.851(b) Created (NPA 02/2006)AMC - Subpart F•AMC 25.1309 (4) Corrected•AMC 25.1329 Replaced by AMC Nos 1 and 2 to CS 25.1329•AMC No. 1 to CS 25.1329 Created (NPA 18/2006)•AMC No. 2 to CS 25.1329 Created (NPA 18/2006)•AMC 25.1439(b)(5) Deleted (NPA 02/2006)•AMC 25.1453 Deleted (NPA 02/2006)CS-25 Amendment 5 Effective: 05/09/2008The following is a list of paragraphs affected by this amendment.Book 1Subpart D•CS 25.611 Amended (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.807 Corrected•CS 25.812 CorrectedP-7Annex to ED Decision 2008/006/RAmendment 5CS-25•CS 25.855 Amended (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.869 Amended (NPA 2007-01)Subpart E•CS 25.991 Corrected•CS 25.1203 Amended (NPA 2007-01)Subpart F•CS 25.1301 Amended (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.1309 Amended (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.1353 Amended (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.1357 Amended (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.1411 CorrectedSubpart H•CS 25.1701 Created (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.1703 Created (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.1705 Created (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.1707 Created (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.1709 Created (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.1711 Created (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.1713 Created (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.1715 Created (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.1717 Created (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.1719 Created (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.1721 Created (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.1723 Created (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.1725 Created (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.1727 Created (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.1729 Created (NPA 2007-01)•CS 25.1731 Created (NPA 2007-01)Subpart J•CS 25J991 CorrectedAppendix H•H25.1 Amended (NPA 2007-01)•H25.4 Amended (NPA 2007-01)•H25.5 Created (NPA 2007-01)Book 2AMC - Subpart E•AMC 25.951(d) Deleted (Correction)AMC - Subpart F•AMC 25.1301(a)(2) Created (NPA 2007-01)•AMC 25.1301(b) Replaced by AMC 25.1301(a)(2) (NPA 2007-01)•AMC 25.1357(f) Created (NPA 2007-01)P-8Annex to ED Decision 2008/006/RAmendment 5CS-25AMC - Subpart H•AMC 25 Subpart H Created (NPA 2007-01)•AMC 25.1701 Created (NPA 2007-01)•AMC 25.1703 Created (NPA 2007-01)•AMC 25.1707 Created (NPA 2007-01)•AMC 25.1709 Created (NPA 2007-01)•AMC 25.1711 Created (NPA 2007-01)•AMC 25.1713 Created (NPA 2007-01)•AMC 25.1715 Created (NPA 2007-01)•AMC 25.1717 Created (NPA 2007-01)•AMC 25.1719 Created (NPA 2007-01)•AMC 25.1721 Created (NPA 2007-01)•AMC 25.1723 Created (NPA 2007-01)AMC - Appendices•AMC to Appendix H, H25.4(a)(3) Created (NPA 2007-01)•AMC to Appendix H, H25.5 Created (NPA 2007-01)P-9Annex to ED Decision 2008/006/RAmendment 5CS–25 BOOK 11-0-1 EASA Certification SpecificationsforLarge AeroplanesCS-25Book 1Airworthiness CodeAnnex to ED Decision 2008/006/RAmendment 5CS–25 BOOK 11–A–1CS 25.1 Applicability(a) This Airworthiness Code is applicable toturbine powered Large Aeroplanes.SUBPART A – GENERALAnnex to ED Decision 2008/006/RAmendment 5CS-25 BOOK 1GENERALCS 25.20 Scope(a) The requirements of this Subpart B apply toaeroplanes powered with turbine engines –(1) Without contingency thrust ratings,and(2) For which it is assumed that thrust isnot increased following engine failure duringtake-off except as specified in sub-paragraph (c).(b) In the absence of an appropriateinvestigation of operational implications theserequirements do not necessarily cover –(1) Automatic landings.(2) Approaches and landings withdecision heights of less than 60 m (200 ft).(3) Operations on unprepared runwaysurfaces.(c) If the aeroplane is equipped with an enginecontrol system that automatically resets the power orthrust on the operating engine(s) when any enginefails during take-off, additional requirementspertaining to aeroplane performance and limitationsand the functioning and reliability of the system,contained in Appendix I, must be complied with.CS 25.21 Proof of compliance(a) Each requirement of this Subpart must bemet at each appropriate combination of weight andcentre of gravity within the range of loadingconditions for which certification is requested. Thismust be shown –(1) By tests upon an aeroplane of the typefor which certification is requested, or bycalculations based on, and equal in accuracy to,the results of testing; and(2) By systematic investigation of eachprobable combination of weight and centre ofgravity, if compliance cannot be reasonablyinferred from combinations investigated.(b) Reserved(c) The controllability, stability, trim, andstalling characteristics of the aeroplane must beshown for each altitude up to the maximum expectedin operation.(d) Parameters critical for the test beingconducted, such as weight, loading (centre of gravityand inertia), airspeed, power, and wind, must bemaintained within acceptable tolerances of thecritical values during flight testing.(e) If compliance with the flight characteristicsrequirements is dependent upon a stabilityaugmentation system or upon any other automatic orpower-operated system, compliance must be shownwith CS 25.671 and 25.672.(f) In meeting the requirements of CS25.105(d), 25.125, 25.233 and 25.237, the windvelocity must be measured at a height of 10 metresabove the surface, or corrected for the differencebetween the height at which the wind velocity ismeasured and the 10-metre height.(g) The requirements of this subpart associatedwith icing conditions apply only if the applicant isseeking certification for flight in icing conditions.(1) Each requirement of this subpart,except CS 25.121(a), 25.123(c), 25.143(b)(1) and(b)(2), 25.149, 25.201(c)(2), 25.207(c) and (d),and 25.251(b) through (e), must be met in icingconditions. Compliance must be shown using theice accretions defined in Appendix C, assumingnormal operation of the aeroplane and its iceprotection system in accordance with theoperating limitations and operating proceduresestablished by the applicant and provided in theAeroplane Flight Manual.(2) No changes in the load distributionlimits of CS 25.23, the weight limits of CS 25.25(except where limited by performancerequirements of this subpart), and the centre ofgravity limits of CS 25.27, from those for nonicing conditions, are allowed for flight in icingconditions or with ice accretion.CS 25.23 Load distribution limits(a) Ranges of weights and centres of gravitywithin which the aeroplane may be safely operatedmust be established. If a weight and centre of gravitycombination is allowable only within certain loaddistribution limits (such as spanwise) that could beinadvertently exceeded, these limits and thecorresponding weight and centre of gravitycombinations must be established.(b) The load distribution limits may not exceed–(1) The selected limits;(2) The limits at which the structure isproven; or1-B-1Annex to ED Decision 2008/006/RAmendment 5SUBPART B – FLIGHTCS-25 BOOK 1(3) The limits at which compliance witheach applicable flight requirement of this Subpartis shown.CS 25.25 Weight Limits(a) Maximum weights. Maximum weightscorresponding to the aeroplane operating conditions(such as ramp, ground taxi, take-off, en-route andlanding) environmental conditions (such as altitudeand temperature), and loading conditions (such aszero fuel weight, centre of gravity position andweight distribution) must be established so that theyare not more than –(1) The highest weight selected by theapplicant for the particular conditions; or(2) The highest weight at whichcompliance with each applicable structuralloading and flight requirement is shown.(3) The highest weight at whichcompliance is shown with the noise certificationrequirements .(b) Minimum weight. The minimum weight (thelowest weight at which compliance with eachapplicable requirement of this CS–25 is shown) mustbe established so that it is not less than –(1) The lowest weight selected by theapplicant;(2) The design minimum weight (thelowest weight at which compliance with eachstructural loading condition of this CS–25 isshown); or(3) The lowest weight at whichcompliance with each applicable flightrequirement is shown.CS 25.27 Centre of gravity limits The extreme forward and the extreme aft centre ofgravity limitations must be established for eachpracticably separable operating condition. No suchlimit may lie beyond –(a) The extremes selected by the applicant;(b) The extremes within which the structure isproven; or(c) The extremes within which compliance witheach applicable flight requirement is shown.CS 25.29 Empty weight and corresponding centre of gravity(a) The empty weight and corresponding centreof gravity must be determined by weighing theaeroplane with –(1) Fixed ballast;(2) Unusable fuel determined under CS25.959; and(3) Full operating fluids, including –(i) Oil;(ii) Hydraulic fluid; and(iii) Other fluids required for normaloperation of aeroplane systems, exceptpotable water, lavatory pre-charge water,and fluids intended for injection in theengine.(b) The condition of the aeroplane at the time ofdetermining empty weight must be one that is welldefined and can be easily repeated.CS 25.31 Removable ballastRemovable ballast may be used in showingcompliance with the flight requirements of thisSubpart.CS 25.33 Propeller speed and pitchlimits(a) The propeller speed and pitch must belimited to values that will ensure –(1) Safe operation under normal operatingconditions; and(2) Compliance with the performancerequirements in CS 25.101 to 25.125.(b) There must be a propeller speed limitingmeans at the governor. It must limit the maximumpossible governed engine speed to a value notexceeding the maximum allowable rpm.(c) The means used to limit the low pitchposition of the propeller blades must be set so thatthe engine does not exceed 103% of the maximumallowable engine rpm or 99% of an approvedmaximum overspeed, whichever is greater, with –(1) The propeller blades at the low pitchlimit and governor inoperative;(2) The aeroplane stationary understandard atmospheric conditions with no wind;and1-B-2Annex to ED Decision 2008/006/RAmendment 5 CS-25 BOOK 1(3) The engines operating at themaximum take-off torque limit for turbopropellerengine-powered aeroplanes.PERFORMANCECS 25.101 General(See AMC 25.101)(a) Unless otherwise prescribed, aeroplanesmust meet the applicable performance requirementsof this Subpart for ambient atmospheric conditionsand still air.(b) The performance, as affected by enginepower or thrust, must be based on the followingrelative humidities:(1) 80%, at and below standardtemperatures; and(2) 34%, at and above standardtemperatures plus 28ºC (50ºF).Between these two temperatures, the relativehumidity must vary linearly.(c) The performance must correspond to thepropulsive thrust available under the particularambient atmospheric conditions, the particular flightcondition, and the relative humidity specified in subparagraph (b) of this paragraph. The availablepropulsive thrust must correspond to engine power orthrust, not exceeding the approved power or thrust,less –(1) Installation losses; and(2) The power or equivalent thrustabsorbed by the accessories and servicesappropriate to the particular ambient atmosphericconditions and the particular flight condition. (SeeAMCs No 1 and No 2 to CS 25.101(c).)(d) Unless otherwise prescribed, the applicantmust select the take-off, en-route, approach, andlanding configuration for the aeroplane.(e) The aeroplane configurations may vary withweight, altitude, and temperature, to the extent theyare compatible with the operating proceduresrequired by sub-paragraph (f) of this paragraph.(f) Unless otherwise prescribed, in determiningthe accelerate-stop distances, take-off flight paths,take-off distances, and landing distances, changes inthe aeroplane’s configuration, speed, power, andthrust, must be made in accordance with proceduresestablished by the applicant for operation in service.(g) Procedures for the execution of balkedlandings and missed approaches associated with theconditions prescribed in CS 25.119 and 25.121(d)must be established.(h) The procedures established under subparagraphs (f) and (g) of this paragraph must –(1) Be able to be consistently executed inservice by crews of average skill,(2) Use methods or devices that are safeand reliable, and(3) Include allowance for any time delaysin the execution of the procedures, that mayreasonably be expected in service. (See AMC25.101(h)(3).)(i) The accelerate-stop and landing distancesprescribed in CS 25.109 and 25.125, respectively,must be determined with all the aeroplane wheelbrake assemblies at the fully worn limit of theirallowable wear range. (See AMC 25.101(i).)CS 25.103 Stall speed(a) The reference stall speed VSR is a calibratedairspeed defined by the applicant. VSR may not beless than a 1-g stall speed. VSR is expressed as:zwCLMAXSRnVV ≥where –VCLMAX =Calibrated airspeed obtained when theloadfactor-corrected lift coefficient⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜ ⎝⎛qSW nzwis first a maximum during themanoeuvre prescribed in sub-paragraph(c) of this paragraph. In addition, whenthe manoeuvre is limited by a device thatabruptly pushes the nose down at aselected angle of attack (e.g. a stickpusher), VCLMAX may not be less than thespeed existing at the instant the deviceoperates;nzw =Load factor normal to the flight path atVCLMAX;W =Aeroplane gross weight;S =Aerodynamic reference wing area; andq =Dynamic pressure.(b) VCLMAX is determined with:(1) Engines idling, or, if that resultantthrust causes an appreciable decrease in stallspeed, not more than zero thrust at the stall speed;(2) Propeller pitch controls (if applicable)in the take-off position;1-B-3Annex to ED Decision 2008/006/RAmendment 5CS-25 BOOK 1(3) The aeroplane in other respects (suchas flaps, landing gear, and ice accretions) in thecondition existing in the test or performancestandard in which VSR is being used;(4) The weight used when VSR is beingused as a factor to determine compliance with arequired performance standard;(5) The centre of gravity position thatresults in the highest value of reference stallspeed; and(6) The aeroplane trimmed for straightflight at a speed selected by the applicant, but notless than 1.13 VSR and not greater than 1.3 VSR.(c) Starting from the stabilised trim condition,apply the longitudinal control to decelerate theaeroplane so that the speed reduction does not exceed0.5 m/s2(one knot per second). (See AMC 25.103(b)and (c)).(d) In addition to the requirements of subparagraph (a) of this paragraph, when a device thatabruptly pushes the nose down at a selected angle ofattack (e.g. a stick pusher) is installed, the referencestall speed, VSR, may not be less than 3,7 km/h (2 kt)or 2%, whichever is greater, above the speed atwhich the device operates.[Amdt. No.:25/3]CS 25.105 Take-off(a) The take-off speeds prescribed by CS25.107, the accelerate-stop distance prescribed by CS25.109, the take-off path prescribed by CS 25.111,the take-off distance and take-off run prescribed byCS 25.113, and the net take-off flight path prescribedby CS 25.115, must be determined in the selectedconfiguration for take-off at each weight, altitude,and ambient temperature within the operational limitsselected by the applicant –(1) In non-icing conditions; and(2) In icing conditions, if in theconfiguration of CS 25.121(b) with the “Take-offIce” accretion defined in Appendix C:(i) The stall speed at maximumtake-off weight exceeds that in non-icingconditions by more than the greater of 5.6km/h (3 knots) CAS or 3% of VSR; or(ii) The degradation of the gradientof climb determined in accordance with CS25.121(b) is greater than one-half of theapplicable actual-to-net take-off flight pathgradient reduction defined in CS 25.115(b).(b) No take-off made to determine the datarequired by this paragraph may require exceptionalpiloting skill or alertness.(c)The take-off data must be based on:(1) Smooth, dry and wet, hard-surfacedrunways; and(2) At the option of the applicant,grooved or porous friction course wet, hardsurfaced runways.(d) The take-off data must include, within theestablished operational limits of the aeroplane, thefollowing operational correction factors:(1) Not more than 50% of nominal windcomponents along the take-off path opposite tothe direction of take-off, and not less than 150%of nominal wind components along the take-offpath in the direction of take-off.(2) Effective runway gradients.CS 25.107 Take-off speeds(a) V1 must be established in relation to VEF asfollows:(1) VEF is the calibrated airspeed at whichthe critical engine is assumed to fail. VEF must beselected by the applicant, but may not be less thanVMCG determined under CS 25.149 (e).1-B-4Annex to ED Decision 2008/006/RAmendment 5