Earthworm地龙<P> East Asian Tree Fern Rhizome狗脊</P>
<P> Elecampane Inula Root土木香</P>
<P> Emblic Leafflower Fruit余甘子</P>
<P> English Walnut Seed胡桃仁</P>
<P> Entada Sten瞌藤子</P>
<P> Entadae Stem过江龙</P>
<P> Ephedra Herb麻黄</P>
<P> 中草药英文名称Epigeal Srephaia Root地不容</P>
<P> Epimedium Herb淫羊藿</P>
<P> Erect St. John'swort Herb小连翘</P>
<P> Ergot麦角</P>
<P> Eriocarpous Glochidion Leaf漆大姑</P>
<P> Eucommia Bark杜仲</P>
<P> European Grape Fruit索索葡萄</P>
<P> European Hop Flower啤酒花</P>
<P> 中草药英文名称European Verbena马鞭草</P>
<P> European Waterhemlock Root毒芹</P>
<P> False Chinese Swertia Herb当药</P>
<P> Falsehellebore Root and Rhizome藜芦</P>
<P> Falsesour Cherry樱桃核</P>
<P> Fangchi Root广防已</P>
<P> Feather Cockscomb Seed青葙子</P>
<P> Fennel Fruit小茴香</P>
<P> Fermented Soybean淡豆豉</P>
<P> 中草药英文名称Fewflower Lysionotus Herb石吊兰</P>
<P> Field Sowthistle Herb苣荬菜</P>
<P> Fig无花果</P>
<P> Figwort Root玄参</P>
<P> FigwortflowerPicrorhizaRhizome胡黄连</P>
<P> Filiform Cassytha Herb无根藤</P>
<P> Fimbriae Orostachys瓦松</P>
<P> Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb荆芥</P>
<P> Finger Citron佛手</P>
<P> Fistular Onion Stalk葱白</P>
<P> Fiveleaf Gynostemma Herb绞股蓝</P>
<P> Flabelate Maiden-hair Herb过坛龙</P>
<P> 中草药英文名称Flastem Milkvetch Seed沙苑子</P>
<P> Flos Caryophyllata丁香</P>
<P> Fluorite紫石英</P>
<P> Forbes Wildginger Herb杜衡</P>
<P> Forest Frog's Oviduct蛤蟆油</P>
<P> Forrest Silkvine Stem or Root黑骨头</P>
<P> Fortune Eupatorium Herb佩兰</P>
<P> Fortune Firethorn Fruit救兵粮</P>
<P> Fortune Loosestrife Herb星宿菜</P>
<P> Fortune Meadowrue Herb白蓬草</P>
<P> 中草药英文名称Fortune Paulownia Fruit /Royal Paulownia Fruit泡桐果</P>
<P> Fortune Plumyew Twig and Leaf三尖杉</P>
<P> Fortune Windmillpalm Petiole棕榈</P>
<P> Fortune's Drynaria Rhizome骨碎补</P>
<P> Fourstamen Stephania Root粉防己/汉防己</P>
<P> Fragrant Eupatorium Herb飞机草</P>
<P> Fragrant Plantainlily Herb玉簪</P>
<P> Fragrant Sarcococca Herb清香桂</P>
<P> Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome玉竹</P>
<P> 中草药英文名称Franchet Groundcherry Calyx and Fruit锦灯笼</P>
<P> Frangrant Ainsliaea Herb杏香兔耳风</P>
<P> Frankincense乳香</P>
<P> Freshwater Sponge紫梢花</P>
<P> Fringed Iris Herb铁扁担</P>
<P> Fruticose Breyniae Leaf and Twig黑面神</P>