
梓枙: SmartPath™ Technical Overview [湖荂掛珜]

釬氪: 瑤諾    奀潔: 2010-8-22 00:02:24     梓枙: SmartPath™ Technical Overview

釬氪: 瑤諾    奀潔: 2010-8-22 00:02:45

Dave Jensen, John Howard
Honeywell, Precision Landing Systems
29-30 Oct 2009
CAAC New Technology Seminar - GNSS
SmartPath™ Technical Overview
􀃆 Honeywell.com
SmartPathTM Technical Overview
• SmartPath CAT-I GBAS
每 FAA Certified
每 Capabilities
每 Architecture, Components
每 GPS Integrity Monitors
每 Siting & Installation
•SmartPath Development Continues
每 Curved Approach Paths
每 Missed Approaches
每 Guided Departures
每 Positioning Service
每 CAT-II, CAT-III Final Approaches
Dave Jensen/John Howard
CAAC New Technology Seminar 每 GBAS 29-30 October 2009
World*s First FAA-Certified GBAS
􀃆 Honeywell.com
• Category-I Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS)
每Compliant with FAA-E-AJW44-2937A (Category-I LGF)
每 FAA System Design Approval (SDA) granted September 3, 2009
• Cross-Over to Digital Technology
每 GBAS replaces Category-I Instrument Landing System (ILS)
• ILS uses analog radio beam to guide approach
每 Aircraft now receives omni-directional digital data broadcast
• GBAS uses &virtual* path to guide approach
• Critical Subsystem Redundant Architecture
每 4 Reference Receivers (minimum 3)
每 2 Corrections Processor Subsystems
每 2 VHF Data Broadcast (VDB) Subsystems
每 2 Communication Busses (Ethernet)
每 3 Power Sources (2 Primary AC + 10h Battery Backup)
Dave Jensen/John Howard
CAAC New Technology Seminar 每 GBAS 29-30 October 2009
World*s First FAA-Certified GBAS
􀃆 Honeywell.com
SmartPathTM Capabilities
• Category-I Precision Approach (200 ft DH)
每 99% availability in most locations
• Approach Paths: Uplinks Final Approach Segments (FAS)
每 Supports all runways at an airport with single system
每 Provides multiple glide slopes/approaches per runway
每 Up to 26 final approaches
每 Flexible siting anywhere within 6 km of all Decision Heights
• Integrity: Monitors GPS Satellites, Signal-in-Space, Ground
每 Aircraft raw GPS unable to ensure GPS satellite integrity
每 Monitoring of satellite, space and ground error sources
每 1.5 x 10-7 approach integrity (to 23 NM)
• Accuracy: Corrects up to 13 pseudoranges
每 L1 used for all pseudorange measurements
每 50 cm accuracy (95%)
• Connectivity: Ethernet Interface
每 Read-only monitoring via Ethernet interface
每 Up to 6 remote GBAS monitors
Dave Jensen/John Howard
CAAC New Technology Seminar 每 GBAS 29-30 October 2009
Provides Approaches, Integrity, Accuracy
􀃆 Honeywell.com
SmartPathTM Components
GPS Antennas Corrections Processor
•Multipath limiting design
•Sharp cut-off/rejection at horizon
entium M, 1.8 GHz CPU
•Real time monitoring for GPS
failures, local error sources
•Differential corrections
VHF Antenna
•Horizontal polarized (HPOL)
GPS Receivers
•48-channel, L1 C/A GPS
•Signal Quality Monitoring
VHF Radios
•Nav band, 108-118 MHz
Omni g Q y g
•D8PSK modulation, TDMA
•Digital data broadcast
Maintenance Data Terminal Ai T ffi St t U it
•Windows OS
•System mode & control
•Component status
•Approach •Windows OS
•System mode
Air Traffic Status Unit
Dave Jensen/John Howard
CAAC New Technology Seminar 每 GBAS 29-30 October 2009
􀃆 Honeywell.com
SmartPathTM Architecture
Dave Jensen/John Howard
CAAC New Technology Seminar 每 GBAS 29-30 October 2009
Redundant Critical Subsystems
􀃆 Honeywell.com
SmartPathTM Integrity Monitors
• Satellite Errors
每 Satellite Position
每 Signal Deformation
每 Code/Carrier Divergence (CCD)
每 Excessive Acceleration
每 Low Signal Power
•Space & Atmosphere Errors
每 Ionosphere
每 Troposphere
• Ground & Receiver Errors
每 Multipath
每 Radio Frequency Interference
每 Cross-Correlation
每 Cycle Slip
Dave Jensen/John Howard
CAAC New Technology Seminar 每 GBAS 29-30 October 2009
􀃆 Honeywell.com
SmartPathTM Siting
• Select Possible Locations
每Map & Paper study determines candidate locations
每 On-Site assessment evaluates candidate locations
• Assess Airport Siting Constraints
每 Airport Operational Requirements
每 Safety and Obstruction Zones
每 Keep-out Areas, e.g. VOR, ILS
每 Future Airport Development Plans
• Apply GBAS General Siting Requirements
每 Power, Communications, Access, Security
• Meet GBAS Subsystem Siting Requirements
每 Reference Receivers, Shelter, VDB Antenna
每 Minimum & Maximum Separation
每 Ensure Signal Coverage Volume
Dave Jensen/John Howard
CAAC New Technology Seminar 每 GBAS 29-30 October 2009
Flexible Siting
􀃆 Honeywell.com
SmartPathTM Installation
• Construct Infrastructure
每 4 Reference receiver footings and masts (up to 6 ft)
每 Shelter (existing or build)
每 VHF Antenna footing and mast (up to 35 ft)
每 Trench and bury cabling
• Install GBAS Equipment
每 Interconnect system components
• Baseline System Performance
每 Identify system error bounds
每 Identify unacceptable multipath regions 􀃆 mask
• Conduct 14-day Stability Test
• Complete Facility Approval
• Complete Operational Approval
Dave Jensen/John Howard
CAAC New Technology Seminar 每 GBAS 29-30 October 2009
Quick Installation
􀃆 Honeywell.com
Future Development
• Terminal Area Paths (TAP)
每 Provide curved paths into final approach
每 Provide missed approach path
每 Provide guided departures
每 Provide transition from RNP to GLS final
• Quantas has developed world*s first RNP to GLS final at Sydney
• Differential Correction Positioning Service (DCPS)
每 RNP-0.1 achievable using positioning service
• Availability Enhancements
每 Monitor optimization to reduce 0.50 cm accuracy
每 Reduce system start-up time
• Category-II Precision Approaches
每 >100 ft Decision Height (including CAT-I)
每 Expect no HW upgrade for CAT-III
• Category-III Precision Approaches
每 <100 ft Decision Height (including CAT-I)
每 ICAO, RTCA requirements being approved, validated
Dave Jensen/John Howard
CAAC New Technology Seminar 每 GBAS 29-30 October 2009
Clear path to CAT-II and CAT-III
􀃆 Honeywell.com
• SmartPath is World*s First FAA-Certified CAT-I GBAS
• SmartPath Provides
每 26 GLS Approaches
每 14 GPS Integrity Monitors
每 13 GPS Corrections
每 Integrity to 23 NM
每 Critical redundant architecture
• SmartPath Leading the Way to
每 Improved accuracy (<0.50 m)
每 Curved paths into GLS final
每 Missed approaches, guided departures
每 Positioning service to support RNP-0.1
每 CAT-II, CAT-III precision approaches
• Questions?
Dave Jensen/John Howard
CAAC New Technology Seminar 每 GBAS 29-30 October 2009
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