China Airport and Infrastructure: Opportunities for Development, Expansion and Upgrading 中国机场建设与发展 9 Mr. Zhang Guanghui Director General Department of Airport, CAAC 张光辉 司长 中国民航总局机场司 China Civil Aviation Development Forum 2007 中国民航发展论坛 张光辉 先生 中国民航总局机场司司长 1974年毕业于北方交通大学,曾担任中国民航机场设计院副院长、中国民航机场建设总公司副总经理。2000年任中国民用航空总局机场司副司长,2003年任司长,高级工程师。 张光辉司长在设计院和机场建设总公司工作期间,主持设计了中国内地30多个机场,并直接参与了其中一些机场建设的管理工作。调机场司工作后,主持审查了包括首都机场和浦东机场在内的许多机场建设项目,并组织制定了机场安全管理的多部规定、标准。 Mr. Zhang Guanghui Director General Department of Airport, CAAC Mr. Zhang graduated from North Transportation University in 1974 and used to be vice president of CAAC Airport Designing Institute and vice general manager of CAAC Airport Construction Corporation. In 2000, he was appointed as deputy director of Airport Bureau of CAAC and direcore and senior engineer in 2003. Mr. Zhang was in charge of designing over 30 airports and directly involved in some management affairs of airport comstruction when he was working in Designing Institute and Airport Construction Corporation. After assigned to Airport Buareu, he was in charge of supervising many airport construction items such as Capital Airport and Pudong Airport in Shanghai and organized to make many regulations and standards for airport safety administration. 中国机场建设与发展中国民用航空总局机场司张光辉2007年5月北京 China’s Airport Construction and DevelopmentZhang GuanghuiAirport Department,CAAC May 2007 Beijing 中国机场建设与发展 一、机场的现状二、机遇与挑战三、发展前景 Construction and development of airports in China resent conditions Opportunities and challenges rospects 机场的现状截止2006年底,中国内地运输机场达到147个。运输机场密度为每十万平方公里1.5个。其中——4E机场26个(可起降B747等大型飞机);——4D机场38个;——4C及以下机场83个。 Present conditions At the end of 2006, there were 147 civil airports in China, approximately 1.5 airports per 100,000 square kilometers, including: 26 4E airports (capable of handling Boeing 747 jumbo jets) 38 4D airports 83 4C and under 4C airports 机场的现状 中国内地运输机场分布图 Current situationsDistribution of civil airports in China 机场的现状机场数量和布局基本适应了国家和地区经济社会发展需要。按照地面交通100公里或1.5小时车程计算,航空服务覆盖范围达到:52%的县;61%的人口;82%的经济活动量(GDP)。 Current situations The number of airports and their layout generally meets the needs of national and regional economic development. Within 100 kilometers by ground traffic or 1.5 hours’drive, China’s air service reaches 52 percent of counties, 61 percent of population, 82 percent of national GDP 机场的现状 经过二十多年大规模的建设,中国运输机场的基础设施条件得到明显改善:机场数量增加,机场密度有所提高。机场可使用机型不断加大。安全运行保障条件明显改善。机场设施的现代化程度有所提高。经过二十多年大规模的建设,中国运输机场的基础设施条件得到明显改善:机场数量增加,机场密度有所提高。机场可使用机型不断加大。安全运行保障条件明显改善。机场设施的现代化程度有所提高。 Current situations Thanks to large-scale construction over the past 20 years, the infrastructure of China’s civil airports has improved significantly. The number of airports and the density of airports is increasing Airports can handle more types of aircraft Environment for security operations has improved greatly Airport facilities have been improved to a higher degree of modernization 机场的现状 1986年-2006年机场旅客吞吐量增长情况0500010000150002000025000300003500019861987198819891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005 年平均增长17% Current situations Airport passenger volume grew 17 percent from 1986 to 20060500010000150002000025000300003500019861987198819891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005 机场的现状 1986年-2006年机场货物吞吐量增长情况010020030040050060070080019861987198819891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005 年平均增长16.8% Current situations Airport cargo volume grew 16.8 percentfrom 1986 to 2006010020030040050060070080019861987198819891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005 机场的现状2006年机场提供的服务:——一百七十三万个航班;——一亿六千万旅客;——三百四十多万吨货物。北京首都机场旅客吞吐量达到4875万人次,在世界机场中位居第9位。上海浦东机场货物吞吐量达到216万吨,位居世界第6位。年旅客吞吐量超过1千万人次的机场达到了七个,分别是北京、浦东、广州、虹桥、深圳、成都和昆明机场。 Current situations In 2006, airports provided services for: 1.73 million flights 160 million passengers Over 3.4 million tons of cargo Beijing Capital International Airport provided services for 48.5 million passengers, rating it 9th in the world. The cargo volume at Shanghai PudongAirport reached 2.16 million tons, which marked this airport 6th in the world. There are seven airports whose passenger volumes exceed ten million per annum: Beijing, Pudong, Guangdong, Hongqiao, Shenzhen, Chengdu, and Kunming. 机场的现状机场业务量分布情况:——年旅客吞吐量1000万以上的机场有7个,占全部通航机场的5%,旅客吞吐量占全国的54.2%.——年旅客吞吐量100-1000万的机场有37个,占全部通航机场的25%,旅客吞吐量占全国的44.1%.——年旅客吞吐量100万以下的机场有103个,占全部通航机场的70%,但旅客吞吐量只占全国的4.9%. Current situations Distribution of airport businesses -Seven airports with an annual passenger capacity of over ten million take up 5 percent of all the airports in China. The passenger volume at the seven airports amounts to 54.2 percent of the nation’s total airport volume. -37 airports with an annual passenger capacity ranging from one to ten million take up 25 percent of all the airports in China. The passenger volume at the 37 airports amounts to 44.1percent of the nation’s total airport volume. -103 airports below one million of annual passenger capacity take up 70 per cent. The passenger volume at these airports amounts to 4.9 percent. 机场的现状2006年,中国内地所有运输机场盈利31亿元人民币,但盈利的机场基本都是大型机场。●75%左右的机场经营亏损;●年旅客吞吐量100万以下的机场,91%亏损;●年旅客吞吐量50万以下的机场,全部亏损; Current situations In 2006, the total revenue made by all the airports in Chinese mainland reached 3.1 billion yuan. However, only the large airports were profit making. 75 percent of the Chinese airports lost money. 91 percent of the airports below the passenger volume of one million per year lost money. all the airports below the yearly passenger volume of 500,000 lost money. 发展机遇国家改革开放进一步深化,国民经济持续高速增长西部大开发、振兴东北等战略逐步实施2008年北京奥运会、2010年上海世博会以及广州亚运会等大型国际活动和会议日益增多航空运输市场需求旺盛民航新的管理体制基本建立,民用机场的发展空间更为广阔大部分机场具备了一定的物质条件和发展基础 Opportunities for development The national reform and opening-up goes further. The national economy continues to grow at a high speed. Great expansion of the northwest and reviving the northeast campaign are being on the way. The Beijing Olympic Games, The Shanghai World Expo, and the Guangzhou Asian Games and other international activities and conferences take place in larger numbers. Increasing demand for air transport markets The new management system has been set up, and civil airports have a broader space for development. Most airports possess certain prerequisites for further development. 挑战之一机场数量小密度低 单位:每十万平方公里1.美国日本法国澳大利亚印度中国 Challenge 1Small number of airports and low density unit:/per 100000 square kilometers1. 挑战之二机场布局还不平衡1.541.5100.511.522.533.54全国东部中部西部 单位:个/十万平方公里 Challenge 2Nonuniformityof airports1.541.5100.511.522.533.54ChinaTheEastRegionTheMiddleRigionTheWestRigion unit:/per 100000 square kilometers 挑战之三通用航空机场数量少02000400060008000100001200014000160001800020000美国巴西中国内地 Challenge 3Scarcity of general airports02000400060008000100001200014000160001800020000AmeicaBrazilTheHinterlandof China 挑战之四现有机场设施容量不足,不能适应业务量快速发展的需要 第三候机楼和第三条跑道正在建设中 首都机场东部地区全景(2008年) Challenge 4Insufficientcapacity of current airport facilities cannot meet the needs of rapid growth of business. Terminal three and the third runway under construction Panorama of the east region of the Capital airport (2008年) 挑战之四现有机场设施容量不足,不能适应业务量快速发展的需要 扩建完成后上海浦东机场全景(2008年) 正在建设中的浦东机场二号航站楼 Challenge 4Insufficientcapacityof current airport facilities cannot meet the needs of rapid growth of business. Terminal 2 under construction Panorama of PudongAirport 挑战之五部分区域空域资源紧张,制约了机场的发展京津地区珠江三角洲地区长江三角洲地区 Challenge 5 The airspace scarcity in some areas curbs the development of airportsBeijing-Tianjin AreaThe ZhujiangDelta areaThe ChangjiangDelta area 挑战之六大型机场运行复杂性高,运行管理难度加大 Challenge 6Large airports suffer high complexity and increasing difficulty in operation and management. 挑战七小型机场自我生存、发展困难,安全保障能力低 Challenge 7 With low capability of security insurance, small self-supporting airports face difficulty in growth. 发展前景据预测,2010年中国内地运输机场的业务量将增长至:●年旅客吞吐量5.4亿人次,年均增长14.5%左右;●年货物吞吐量1280万吨,年均增长13左右。 Prospects It is estimated that by 2010 the business volume at Chinese domestic airports will reach 540 million passengers per year at the speed of 14.5 percent yearly increase. 12.8 million tons of cargo per year at the speed of 13 percent yearly increase. 发展前景到2010年,中国内地运输机场的数量将增加到190个左右,其中,枢纽机场3个,大型机场8个,中型机场40个,小型机场140个左右。●航空运输服务范围将扩大到:在地面交通100公里或1.5小时的车程范围内,可享受航空服务的人口数量达到总人口的72%,所在区域服务的经济总量占中国内地经济总量的89%。 Prospects By 2010, the number of airports will reach 190, including 3 hub-airports,8 large airports, 40 middle-sized ones, 140 small airports. Air transport will cover 100 kilometers by surface transportation or within 1.5 hours’drive and benefit 72 per cent of the total population. The GDP within the air transport area will amount to 89 percent of the nation’s GDP. 发展前景机场建设规划的原则:●适应发展要求●体现以人为本●坚持全面协调●实施枢纽战略●提供普遍服务●完善机场体系目标:建设布局合理、规模适当、功能完备、协调发展的机场体系,缓解基础设施滞后的矛盾,提高机场的安全保障能力、运输服务能力和国际竞争能力,适应国家经济社会发展需要。机场建设规划的原则:●适应发展要求●体现以人为本●坚持全面协调●实施枢纽战略●提供普遍服务●完善机场体系目标:建设布局合理、规模适当、功能完备、协调发展的机场体系,缓解基础设施滞后的矛盾,提高机场的安全保障能力、运输服务能力和国际竞争能力,适应国家经济社会发展需要。 Prospects rincipals for the airport construction planning: Meet the requirements for development Connect the people at all times Insist on the balanced growth in areas Exercise the hub strategy rovide general services erfect the management system Goals: Set up a properly scaled airport system that develops in harmonywith a reasonable layout of perfect functions. Relieve the contradiction of outdated infrastructure, improve the airport security, increase the capacity of transport service andthe ability to compete internationally. Adapt to the development of national economy. 发展前景2010年前,中国内地运输机场建设规划是:◆对首都、浦东、广州、虹桥、深圳、成都、西安、杭州、重庆、南昌、西宁等37个机场实施较大规模的扩建;◆对乌鲁木齐、哈尔滨、郑州、兰州、沈阳、武汉、石家庄、三亚、温州等25个机场的航站区进行扩建;◆对南京等9个机场的飞行区进行扩建和改造;◆对昆明、大连、合肥、汕头等12个机场实施迁建;◆对福州、济南、宁波等59个机场的现有设施进行完善;◆新建约40个机场,改造后复航4个机场,对12个军用机场改造后转变为军民合用机场。预计“十一五”期间,机场建设投资为1400亿元左右。 Prospects Before 2010, the plan for the construction of China’s domestic civil airports: Expand 37 airports in a large scale including the Capital airport, Pudong, Guangzhou, Hongqiao, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Xian, Hangzhou, Chongqing, Nanchang, Xining. Expand the terminals at 25 airports Re-build the flying areas at 9 airports Remove and rebuild 12 airports erfect the facilities at 59 airports Build 40 new airports, reinstate 4 airports, and turn 12 military airports into civil-military airports. The total investment in airport construction reaches 140 billion yuan. 乌鲁木齐沈阳北京西安成都武汉上海昆明广州3个枢纽机场8个大型机场浦东虹桥杭州深圳海口广州重庆 乌鲁木齐沈阳北京西安成都武汉上海昆明广州Three hub airportsThree airportsEight large airportsEight airports浦东虹桥杭州深圳海口广州重庆 发展前景新 疆 维 吾 尔 族 自 治 区西藏自治区青海四川云南广 西 壮 族 自 治 区贵州湖南江西广东南海台湾福建浙江安徽湖北陕西甘肃宁夏回族自治区山西河南上海江苏山东河北北京市天津市辽宁吉林黑龙江内蒙古自治区衡阳阆中北京二唐山张家口黄骅阳泉五台山壶口二连浩特扎兰屯阿尔山五大连池北安加格达奇伊春扶远集安白城营口葫芦岛无锡淮阴金华丽水铜陵滁州豪州宁德东营三门峡信阳安阳焦作济源茂名玉林百色十堰文山六盘水毕节黄平那曲拉萨张掖成县德令哈哈密博乐岳阳郴州武冈萍乡鹰潭琼海通什茫崖2010年规划机场西沙霍林河阿盟怒江黔北阿里果洛洋浦南海诸岛2006-2010年新建机场:●小型机场为主;●中西部及东北地区居多。 Prospects新 疆 维 吾 尔 族 自 治 区西藏自治区青海四川云南广 西 壮 族 自 治 区贵州湖南江西广东南海台湾福建浙江安徽湖北陕西甘肃宁夏回族自治区山西河南上海江苏山东河北北京市天津市辽宁吉林黑龙江内蒙古自治区衡阳阆中北京二唐山张家口黄骅阳泉五台山壶口二连浩特扎兰屯阿尔山五大连池北安加格达奇伊春扶远集安白城营口葫芦岛无锡淮阴金华丽水铜陵滁州豪州宁德东营三门峡信阳安阳焦作济源茂名玉林百色十堰文山六盘水毕节黄平那曲拉萨张掖成县德令哈哈密博乐岳阳郴州武冈萍乡鹰潭琼海通什茫崖2010年规划机场西沙霍林河阿盟怒江黔北阿里果洛洋浦南海诸岛•Throughout 2006-2010 period, airports to be completed include •Small airports for the most part•Airports in the central western part and northeastern part of China 发展前景利用现代科学技术,建设新一代航空运输系统,综合改进和发展机场设施:●提升机场容量;●提高保障能力;●提高服务水平。 ProspectsWith the modern science and technology, set up the next generation air transportation system and improve and promote airport facilities. •Increase airport volume•Improve protection capability •Improve levels of services 发展前景2010年建成机场安全管理体系,不断提高机场安全运行水平。 Prospects of developmentGradually improve airport operational levels and set up the airport security management system by the 2010. 谢谢! Thank you!作者: hanyu220 时间: 2010-12-19 12:08:44