AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 1/26 This course is common for A319, A320, and A321 because all three of the aircraft have the same type rating. We will use the A320 as the generic term and occasionally refer to the other two when appropriate. In this presentation, you will see a basic description of the A320 family with all the controls in the cockpit. AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 2/26 The A320 family is the most advanced family of single-aisle aircraft in service today, with fly-by-wire flight controls. The A319, A320, A321 are twin engine subsonic medium range aircraft. The family offers a choice of two powerplants, International Aero Engines and CFM International. AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 3/26 With a Maximum Take-Off Weight of 73.5 T, the range of the A320 is 2900 NM, as shown above. - For the A319, with an MTOW of 64 T, it is 3000 NM. - For the A321, with an MTOW of 83 T, it is 2700 NM. RANGEEA332200 AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 4/26 The cabin is equipped with a maximum of : • 145 seats for the A319, • 180 seats for the A320, and • 220 seats for the A321. AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 5/26 3377..5577mm 33..9955mm 1111..7766mm 1122..4455mm 3344..11mm Let's look at the main dimensions for the A320. The A319 and A321 have exactly the same dimensions except that : • the A319 is approximately 4 m shorter, • the A321 is approximately 7 m longer. AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 6/26 MAIN GEAR BAY AIR COND. PACKS NOSE GEAR BAY RRAADDOOMMEE TTAAIILLCCOONNEE The following areas are unpressurized : • the tail cone, •• tthheemaaiinn ggeeaarr bbaayy,, •• tthhee aaiirr ccoonnddiittiioonniinngg ppaacckkss,, •• aanndd tthhee rraaddoomee.. •• tthhee nnoossee ggeeaarr bbaayy,, AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 7/26 HHFF11//22 VVHHFF22 VVHHFF33 VVHHFF11 Let's briefly familiarize ourselves with the location of the communication antennas : • VHF 1, •• VHFF 22,, •• VHFF 33,, •• aanndd HFF 11 // 22.. AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 8/26 VVOORR11//22 RRAADDAARR GLIDE SLOPE LLOOCCAALLIIZZEERR DDMMEE11 AATTCC DDMMEE22 MMAARRKKEERR TTCCAASS RADIO ALTIMETER TTCCAASS AADDFF22 AADDFF11 GGPPSS22 GGPPSS11 ATC MODE S Let's now have an overview of the location of the navigation antennas : -- Raaddaarr -- LLooccaalliizzeerr aanndd gglliiddee ssllooppee -- DME 11 aanndd 22 -- ATTC -- GPS 11 aanndd 22 --Maarrkkeerr -- TTCAS -- ADFF 11 aanndd 22 -- Raaddiioo aallttiimeetteerr -- VOR 11 aanndd 22.. AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 9/26 A319 2200..55mm AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 10/26 A319 A320 2200..55mm 2233mm AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 11/26 A319 A320 A321 The minimum pavement width for a 180º turn is : - 20.5 meters for the A319, - 23 meters for the A320, - and 27 meters for the A321. 2200..55mm 2233mm 2277mm AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 12/26 For the A319 and A320, if the wing clears the obstacle, then the tail will also clear it as it is inside the radius of the wing. CC A319 - A320 HANGAR AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 13/26 FFoorr tthhee A332211,, tthhee ttaaiill iiss tthhee ccoonnssttrraaiinntt.. A321 CC HANGAR AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 14/26 • and an aft cargo compartment. The size of the fuselage accommodates standard containers. There are two cargo compartments : • a forward cargo compartment, AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 15/26 The cockpit is designed for a two member crew operation with one or two observer seats. CCOOCCKKPPIITT AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 16/26 The cockpit of the A320, a two-man “glass” cockpit, is the most advanced cockpit of any civil airliner. It has an optimized layout of six CRT display units. The absence of control columns between the pilots and instruments ensures excellent visibility of all instruments. The system controls are located on an overhead panel in such a way that both crew members can monitor them. AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 17/26 The pilots seats are electrically or manually adjustable. All the seat adjustments will be presented during the simulator session. AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 18/26 Click on each area defined by the yellow border or click on the forward arrow to sequence the five elements. OOVVEERRHHEEAADDPPAANNEELL GGLLAARREESSHHIIEELLDD INSTRUMENTS PANEL PPEEDDEESSTTAALL SIDE STICK SIDE STICK AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 19/26 The overhead panel is used : - during the preflight to check that all the lights are out (dark cockpit philosophy), - and in flight to carry out emergency or abnormal procedures. AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 20/26 The central part of the overhead panel is dedicated to aircraft systems such as : - AIR COND, - ELECTRICAL, - FUEL, - HYDRAULIC, - and FIRE. Note : the most frequently used controls are located on the bottom part. AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 21/26 For a closer look, let’s take the FUEL panel. On the left and right side is the system name. For each system there is a schematic diagram. Notice all pb sw are in lights out configuration. Click on the back arrow to return to the cockpit, or on the forward arrow to continue. AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 22/26 Click on the back arrow to return to the cockpit, or on the forward arrow to continue. The glareshield is used by the pilots for flight guidance and short term flight management. It is also used to control the electronic flight instruments. AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 23/26 Click on the back arrow to return to the cockpit, or on the forward arrow to continue. The instruments panel provides the following information to the pilots : - Flight information through the Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) and standby instruments, - System information through Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring (ECAM). STANDBY EEFFIISS INSTRUMENTS EEFFIISS EECCAAMM AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 24/26 The pedestal includes the controls which are usually found in conventional aircraft : - Radio communication, - Flaps, speed brakes, - Engine controls,… AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 25/26 Click on the back arrow to return to the cockpit, or on the forward arrow to continue. It also includes : - the ECAM Control Panel - the Multipurpose Control Display Units (MCDU) which are the long term interface with the Flight Management and Guidance System. AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 26/26 EXIT Click on the back arrow to return to the cockpit, or on the EXIT button. The aircraft is flown manually using either side stick. They are located on the left and right sides of the cockpit. AIRCRAFT GENERAL MENU 27/26 LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS DDIIMMEENNSSIIOONNSS UUNNPPRREESSSSUURRIIZZEEDDAARREEAASS CCOOCCKKPPIITT AANNTTEENNNNAASS GGRROOUUNNDDMMAANNEEUUVVEERRCCAAPPAABBIILLIITTYY EXIT AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM RETURN GGEENNEERRAALL作者: show616 时间: 2011-3-15 12:26:18