VENTILATION MENU System Operation 1/17 VENTILATION System Operation 2/17 There are two ventilation systems on the A320, the lavatory and galley system , and the avionics ventilation system. MENU VENTILATION System Operation 3/17 The lavatory and galley system is completely automatic. Cabin Air is passed through the lavatory and galleys areas, and is removed from these areas by an extraction fan. The fan pulls air into an extraction duct and then releases it overboard through the outflow valve. Note: The extraction fan runs continuously provided electrical power is available. OOuuttfflloowwVVaallvvee CABIN AIR MENU EExxttrraaccttiioonn FFaann VENTILATION System Operation 4/17 There are no controls or indications associated with the lavatory and galley ventilation system. Now let’s look at the Avionics Ventilation System. MENU EExxttrraaccttiioonn FFaann OOuuttfflloowwVVaallvvee CABIN AIR VENTILATION System Operation 5/17 Avionics Equipment The Avionics ventilation system provides cooling air for the avionics equipment. This equipment includes the avionics compartment, the flight deck instruments, and the circuit breaker panels. Let’s now look at how the system works. Avionics Compartment Flight Deck Instruments Circuit Breaker Panels MENU VENTILATION System Operation 6/17 Air is circulated by two fans, a blower and an extractor. These fans operate continuously as long as the aircraft electrical system is supplied. BBlloowweerr FFaann EExxttrraacctt FFaann Avionics Equipment MENU VENTILATION System Operation 7/17 On the ground, provided the ambient air temperature is above a specified value, air is taken from outside the aircraft via a skin air inlet valve. Avionics Equipment AAiirrccrraafftt SSkkiinn Skin Air Inlet Valve MENU VENTILATION System Operation 8/17 Avionics Equipment The air is blown through the Avionics Equipment, extracted and then discharged overboard via an Extract Valve. This is known as OPEN CIRCUIT configuration. EExxttrraacctt VVaallvvee MENU VENTILATION System Operation 9/17 If ,on the ground, the ambient air temperature is below a specified value, the valves will be closed and air from within the aircraft is used. A skin heat exchanger is used to cool the circulated air. This is known as CLOSED CIRCUIT configuration. Avionics Equipment CClloosseedd CClloosseedd MENU Skin Heat Exchanger VENTILATION System Operation 10/17 The skin air inlet valve is located on the left side of the aircraft, and the extract valve is located on the right. Both of these valves are inspected during the pre-flight walk around for damage or obstruction. Skin Air Inlet Valve EExxttrraacctt VVaallvvee MENU VENTILATION System Operation 11/17 Normally, from the beginning of take off until landing, the system is in a CLOSED CIRCUIT configuration. In warm ambient conditions the system may go to an intermediate configuration when the aircraft is airborne. A small internal flap on the extract valve opens to exhaust some of the heated air overboard. Avionics Equipment SSmmaallll FFllaapp ooppeenn MENU VENTILATION System Operation 12/17 A section of the ECAM CAB PRESS page displays avionics ventilation system information. MENU VENTILATION System Operation 13/17 The VENT, INLET, and EXTRACT indications provide information on the state of the inlet and extract systems. Normally they remain white. MENU VENTILATION System Operation 14/17 The position of the Inlet and Extract valves can be seen. In the example shown the valves are open. The avionics ventilation system is in an OPEN configuration, and in most cases this is the indication that you will see when the aircraft is on the ground. MENU VENTILATION System Operation 15/17 In this example, the valves are closed and the avionics ventilation system is in a CLOSED configuration. This is the normal in-flight configuration. MENU VENTILATION System Operation 16/17 When the small internal flap on the extract valve is open the extract valve indication is in an intermediate position. This is the INTERMEDIATE configuration and this configuration can only occur in flight. MENU VENTILATION System Operation 17/17 On the overhead panel there is a VENTILATION panel that contains two pbs associated with the ventilation system. During the pre-flight cockpit scan, you should confirm that these switches are in their lights out position. The avionics ventilation system will then operate automatically, and require no pilot input. MENU NEXT MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd VENTILATION MENU System Operation 18/17 LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS EXIT AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM RETURN LAVATORY & GALLEY VENTILATION AAVVIIOONNIICCSSVVEENNTTIILLAATTIIOONN EECCAAMMIINNDDIICCAATTIIOONNSS VVEENNTTIILLAATTIIOONNCCOONNTTRROOLLPPAANNEELL作者: bocome 时间: 2011-7-31 10:10:26