PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 1/17 PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 2/17 In this module we will look at some other abnormal situations of the Pressurization System. This is an example of an abnormal procedure. The aircraft is in cruise and all systems are working normally. PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 3/17 PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 4/17 PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 5/17 . The caution LANDING ELEV FAULT is telling you that the Pressurization System has, for some reason, lost the Landing Elevation Data normally supplied by the FMGS. Notice that the landing elevation details on the system page are blank. PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 6/17 Read and complete the actions on the E/WD. In this case, we have to set the landing field elevation manually. Select the Landing Elevation selector. PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 7/17 Read and complete the actions on the E/WD. In this case, the action is to set the Landing Elevation manually. No. Select the Landing Elevation selector. PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 8/17 Read and complete the actions on the E/WD. In this case, the action is to set the Landing Elevation manually. No. Click on the Landing Elevation selector. PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 9/17 MAN 5300 As soon as the selector is moved from the AUTO position the action line on the E/WD clears and a MAN message appears on the CAB PRESS page. The Landing Elevation value will also indicate the selected value. PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 10/17 MAN 5300 After confirmation from the PF clear CAB PRESS. Clear CAB PRESS. PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 11/17 MAN 5300 After confirmation from the PF clear CAB PRESS. No. Press either CLR key. PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 12/17 MAN 5300 After confirmation from the PF clear CAB PRESS. No. Press either CLR key. PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 13/17 Notice that : • there is no call of the STATUS page because we have set the landing elevation manually and the system is operative. • There is a manual landing elevation indication on the CRUISE page. The ECAM actions are complete. MAN PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 14/17 To complete this module let’s look at some other abnormal indications and what theymean. If there is an excessive positive or negative differential pressure one of the safety valves will operate. PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 15/17 An ECAM Caution CABIN PRESSURE SAFETY VALVE OPEN is generated and the safety valve indication on the CAB PRESS page changes to amber. SAFETY PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 16/17 An ECAM caution CABIN PRESSURE OUTFLOW VALVE NOT OPEN will be displayed if the outflow valve has not fully opened on landing. This could mean that the aircraft is still pressurized and the doors will be difficult to open. PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 17/17 Indications on the CAB PRESS page will change to amber for abnormal indications apart from the cabin altitude. If there is an excessive cabin altitude the indication turns red and a Master Warning is generated. NEXT MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd PRESSURIZATION MENU Abnormal Operation (B) 18/17 LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS LLDDGGEELLEEVVFFAAUULLTT SSAAFFEETTYYVVAALLVVEEOOPPEENN OOUUTTFFLLOOWWVVAALLVVEENNOOTTOOPPEENN EXIT AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM RETURN作者: bocome 时间: 2011-7-31 10:07:28