AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 1/59 AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 2/59 Both FMGC exchange data through a cross-talk bus and are synchronized. The FMGC which drives the synchronization is called MASTER. The master FMGC is automatically determined by the engagement status of the AP/FD: - if AP1 is ON, FMGC1 is master, - if AP2 is ON, FMGC2 is master, - if AP1+2 and/or FD1+2 are ON, FMGC1 is master. The A/THR is driven by the master FMGC. When both FMGCs crosstalk, they are in DUAL mode of operation. Note: when FD1+2 are ON, each FMGC drives its FD and FMA on its onside PFD. FMGC 1 FMGC 2 AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 3/59 If the cross talk is lost between both FMGCs, each FMGC operates independently. This mode of operation is called “INDEPENDENT mode”. The crew is advised by a message in the scratchpad “INDEPENDENT OPERATION”. FMGC 1 FMGC 2 AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 4/59 FMGC 1 FMGC 2 In INDEPENDENT mode, each FMGC drives its own FG (AP/FD), its own EFIS (PFD/ND), and its own MCDU. The crew must make the same entries on each MCDU in order to have the same guidance orders for both AP/FDs and the same informations displayed on EFIS, and on MCDU. When the crosstalk is recovered, the FMGCs revert automatically to “DUAL Mode”. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 5/59 FMGC 1 FMGC 2 Let’ review the failure of one FMGC, FMGC1 for example. If AP1 was engaged, AUTO FLT AP OFF warning is triggered on ECAM, and AP1 is actually OFF. AP2/FD2 and A/THR are available since FMGC2 is working. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 6/59 The MCDU1 is now a copy of the other MCDU2 with the scratchpad message: OPP FMGC IN PROCESS This mode of operation is called “SINGLE mode”. FMGC 1 FMGC 2 AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 7/59 Both FMAs display 2FD2, indicating that FD bars on both PFDs are driven by FMGC2. Additionally, only FMGC2 position is computed and FMGC2 tunes the offside navaids. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 8/59 As a consequence of “SINGLE Mode”, the ND1 displays “SET OFFSIDE RNG/MODE” and “MAP NOT AVAIL”messages as long as ND1 range and mode are not set identical to the ND2 ones. Here, the Captain’s ND has to be set to the same range as the First Officer’s ND in order to be able to display navigation map. Seelleecctt Caappttaaiinn’’ss ND rraannggee ttoo 8800.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 9/59 As a consequence of “SINGLE Mode”, the ND1 displays “SET OFFSIDE RNG/MODE” and “MAP NOT AVAIL”messages as long as ND1 range and mode are not set identical to the ND2 ones. Here, the Captain’s ND has to be set to the same range of the First Officer’s ND in order to be able to display navigation map. Noo,, sseelleecctt Caappttaaiinn’’ss ND rraannggee ttoo 8800.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 10/59 As a consequence of “SINGLE Mode”, the ND1 displays “SET OFFSIDE RNG/MODE” and “MAP NOT AVAIL”messages as long as ND1 range and mode are not set identical to the ND2 ones. Here, the Captain’s ND has to be set to the same range of the First Officer’s ND in order to be able to display navigation map. Noo,, sseelleecctt Caappttaaiinn’’ss ND rraannggee ttoo 8800.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 11/59 AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 12/59 Let’s review a similar failure called FMGC RESET, which is a temporary failure of one FMGC caused by a software interruption. During the time of the reset, the mode of operation is ‘SINGLE mode” with slightly different effects. You are in cruise, AP1 is ON, FD1+2 are ON in managed mode. Clliicckk oonn tthhee ffoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 13/59 AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 14/59 No, to extinguish the Master Warning light, push the Master Warning pb sw. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 15/59 No, to extinguish the Master Warning light, push the Master Warning pb sw. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 16/59 AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 17/59 AP1 turns OFF. On the ECAM E/WD, read the title of the failure. The warning “AUTO FLT AP OFF” is displayed on the E/WD. AP2/FD2 and A/THR are available. After review and confirmation from the PF... Clleeaarr AUTTO FFLLTT.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 18/59 AP1 turns OFF. On the ECAM E/WD, read the title of the failure. The warning “AUTO FLT AP OFF” is displayed on the E/WD. AP2/FD2 and A/THR are available. After review and confirmation from the PF... Noo,, pprreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 19/59 AP1 turns OFF. On the ECAM E/WD, read the title of the failure. The warning “AUTO FLT AP OFF” is displayed on the E/WD. AP2/FD2 and A/THR are available. After review and confirmation from the PF... Noo,, pprreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 20/59 Observe that the FD has reverted to HDG-V/S modes, and that AP1 is no more displayed on FMA. Note: Depending on the AP modes initially engaged and on the type of reset, AP loss and FD reversion may or may not occur. In this example, we are facing one of the most serious case. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 21/59 During the time of the reset: - ND1 displays “MAP NOT AVAIL” red message, - both MCDUs display the A/C STATUS page with “PLEASE WAIT” in the scratchpad, - Auto tuning of Navaids may be lost on side 1. Note: do not use the MCDU while “PLEASE WAIT” message is displayed in order not to increase the reset time. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 22/59 The reset is usually over after few seconds; all functions are recovered. This is indicated by the disappearance of the “PLEASE WAIT” and the “MAP NOT AVAIL” messages. - Check your F-PLN and the tuned navaids. - Reengage the AP1 and managed modes. - Reselect the most convenient MCDU page. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 23/59 We have studied an FMGC 1 reset . We will now review a FCU fault. Suppose the a/c is in descent. You are the PNF, AP 1 and A/THR are engaged... Clliicckk oonn tthhee ffoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 24/59 On the E/WD, read the title of the failure. Note that FCU 1 failure has no consequence on the FCU indications, since FCU 2 has automatically taken over. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 25/59 The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions. Here, only the barometer reference has to be crosschecked between both PFDs, both EFIS CTL panels and the standby altimeter; indeed the baro reference on both PFDs is driven by the only FCU2. Note that the FCU2 drives the two PFDs. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 26/59 Afftteerr rreevviieew aanndd ccoonnffiirrmaattiioonn ffrroomtthhee PFF...... Clleeaarr AUTTO FFLLTT.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 27/59 Afftteerr rreevviieew aanndd ccoonnffiirrmaattiioonn ffrroomtthhee PFF...... Noo,, pprreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 28/59 Afftteerr rreevviieew aanndd ccoonnffiirrmaattiioonn ffrroomtthhee PFF...... Noo,, pprreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 29/59 The STATUS page is displayed for review. No system capability degradation is shown. You can see, in the INOP SYS column, that FCU 1 is now inoperative. Clleeaarr STTATTUS.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 30/59 The STATUS page is displayed for review. No system capability degradation is shown. You can see, in the INOP SYS column, that FCU 1 is now inoperative. Noo,, pprreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 31/59 The STATUS page is displayed for review. No system capability degradation is shown. You can see, in the INOP SYS column, that FCU 1 is now inoperative. Noo,, pprreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 32/59 ECAM action completed. We will now review the unlikely double FCU failure. AP 1 and A/THR are ON, you are the PNF. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 33/59 You hear the continuous chime and see both warning lights on. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 34/59 You hear the continuous chime and see both warning lights on. No, to extinguish the Master Warning light, push on the Master Warning pb sw AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 35/59 You hear the continuous chime and see both warning lights on. No, to extinguish the Master Warning light, push on the Master Warning pb sw AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 36/59 TThheeMaasstteerrWaarrnniinngg lliigghhtt iiss eexxttiinngguuiisshheedd.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 37/59 TThheeMaasstteerrWaarrnniinngg lliigghhtt iiss eexxttiinngguuiisshheedd.. No, to extinguish the Master Caution light, push on the Master Caution pb sw AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 38/59 TThheeMaasstteerrWaarrnniinngg lliigghhtt iiss eexxttiinngguuiisshheedd.. No, to extinguish the Master Caution light, push on the Master Caution pb sw AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 39/59 AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 40/59 On the ECAM E/WD, read the title of the failure. The consequences of the FCU 1+2 failure are: - both APs are lost, - A/THR is lost and thrust is locked ( THR LK message on FMA ), - all FCU controls and indications are lost, including the EFIS control panel. AUTOFLIGHT Abnormal operation 41/59 On the E/WD, an additional amber caution comes up: AUTO FLT THRUST LOCKED is triggered every 5 seconds. The procedure asks to move the thrust levers out of the CLB detent so as to recover manual control of the thrust. We will do it for you in order to cancel this ECAM caution. The thrust is now manually adjusted by the PF. MENU AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 42/59 Note on the PFD that : - all targets (SPD,HDG,ALT) are lost and red flags are displayed, - altitude alert is lost, - baro reference changes to 1013 QNH, - FPV is displayed, - FMA indications are lost, - ILS deviation scales are displayed, - Mach number indication is lost. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 43/59 On ND : - Rose Nav mode 80 NM range is displayed, regardless of the position of the range selectors on EFIS control panels, - needle 1 VOR/ADF is related to VOR 1, - needle 2 VOR/ADF is related to ADF 2, - weather radar image is lost (red “WXR RNG” message). AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 44/59 The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions. You will have to deal with the first failure AP OFF. Clleeaarr AUTTO FFLLTT.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 45/59 The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions. You will have to deal with the first failure AP OFF. Noo,, pprreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 46/59 The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions. You will have to deal with the first failure AP OFF. Noo,, pprreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 47/59 Then you deal with the second failure : AUTO FLT FCU 1+2 FAULT. Check the PFD baro reference (automatically set to QNH 1013) with the standby altimeter. Once below the transition altitude, set the standby altimeter reference to the actual QNH. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 48/59 Once the procedure is achieved and confirmed by the PF,... Clleeaarr AUTTO FFLLTT.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 49/59 Once the procedure is achieved and confirmed by the PF,... Noo,, pprreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 50/59 Once the procedure is achieved and confirmed by the PF,... Noo,, pprreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 51/59 The STATUS page is displayed for review. As baro reference is 1013, you have to determine the altitude correction to be applied to get the proper altitude reading, as a function of ( QNH-1013), The approach capability is degraded to CAT1. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 52/59 You can see, in the INOP SYS column, that both FCUs, both APs and the A/THR are now inoperative. After review and confirmation from the PF... Clleeaarr STTATTUS.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 53/59 You can see, in the INOP SYS column, that both FCUs, both APs and the A/THR are now inoperative. After review and confirmation from the PF... Noo,, pprreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 54/59 You can see, in the INOP SYS column, that both FCUs, both APs and the A/THR are now inoperative. After review and confirmation from the PF... Noo,, pprreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 55/59 ECAMaaccttiioonn ccoompplleetteedd.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 56/59 We will now review a possible MCDU malfunction. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 57/59 In case you cannot neither insert any data into the scratchpad nor change any MCDU page, the MCDU is “locked“. Such a failure is not automatically detected. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 58/59 In order to unlock the MCDU, you will have to reset a C/B. For more detail, please refer to your documentation, ( QRH ). AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 59/59 The same procedure would apply in case of an MCDU failure indicated by the amber annunciator “FAIL”on the MCDU itself. NEXT MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd AUTOFLIGHT MENU Abnormal operation 60/59 LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS EXIT AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM RETURN FFMMGGCCAAUUTTOORREESSEETT FFMMGGCC““IINNDDEEPPEENNDDEENNTTMMOODDEE”” FFMMGGCC““SSIINNGGLLEEMMOODDEE”” FFMMGGCC““DDUUAALLMMOODDEE”” FFAAIILLEEDDMMCCDDUU ““LLOOCCKKEEDD””MMCCDDUU FFCCUU11++22FFAAUULLTT FFCCUU11FFAAUULLTT作者: guanshyy 时间: 2011-3-30 11:40:19