APU MENU Abnormal operation 1/32 APU MENU Abnormal operation 2/32 This is a demonstration of an APU auto shutdown as a result of high EGT. You have left the runway, and you want to start the APU. Select the APU MASTER switch to switch it ON. APU MENU Abnormal operation 3/32 This is a demonstration of an APU auto shutdown as a result of high EGT. You have left the runway, and you want to start the APU. No. Press the APU MASTER switch. APU MENU Abnormal operation 4/32 This is a demonstration of an APU auto shutdown as a result of high EGT. You have left the runway, and you want to start the APU. No. Press the APU MASTER switch. APU MENU Abnormal operation 5/32 APU MENU Abnormal operation 6/32 Now select the APU START pb sw to switch it ON. APU MENU Abnormal operation 7/32 No. Press the APU START pb sw . APU MENU Abnormal operation 8/32 No. Press the APU START pb sw . APU MENU Abnormal operation 9/32 APU MENU Abnormal operation 10/32 APU MENU Abnormal operation 11/32 No, to extinguish the Master Caution light, push the Master Caution pb sw. APU MENU Abnormal operation 12/32 No, to extinguish the Master Caution light, push the Master Caution pb sw. APU MENU Abnormal operation 13/32 APU MENU Abnormal operation 14/32 APU MENU Abnormal operation 15/32 On the E/WD, read the title of the failure. The ECAM APU page is automatically displayed. APU MENU Abnormal operation 16/32 The ECAM caution “APU AUTO SHUTDOWN” appears amber to indicate that the APU has initiated an automatic shutdown. This is because the EGT has exceeded the maximum limit. Notice the red EGT indication on the ECAM APU page. APU MENU Abnormal operation 17/32 On the APU control panel, the FAULT light is illuminated on the MASTER Switch : • this provides a cross check of the ECAM, • and locates the pushbutton to be activated in the procedure. APU MENU Abnormal operation 18/32 As you can see, the APU has shutdown by itself. An automatic shutdown can also occur for other reasons, for example over speed, slow start, low oil pressure,etc. The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions. Perform ECAM action. APU MENU Abnormal operation 19/32 As you can see, the APU has shutdown by itself. An automatic shutdown can also occur for other reasons, for example over speed, slow start, low oil pressure,etc. The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions. No. Press the APU MASTER switch. APU MENU Abnormal operation 20/32 As you can see, the APU has shutdown by itself. An automatic shutdown can also occur for other reasons, for example over speed, slow start, low oil pressure,etc. The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions. No. Press the APU MASTER switch. APU MENU Abnormal operation 21/32 Observe that the blue ON light in the MASTER SW pb, and the FLAP OPEN indication on the ECAM have disappeared indicating that the APU flap is fully closed. The abnormal procedure is complete, the APU system is analyzed. After review and confirmation from the PF... Clear APU. APU MENU Abnormal operation 22/32 No. Press either CLR key. Observe that the blue ON light in the MASTER SW pb, and the FLAP OPEN indication on the ECAM have disappeared indicating that the APU flap is fully closed. The abnormal procedure is complete, the APU system is analyzed. After review and confirmation from the PF... APU MENU Abnormal operation 23/32 Observe that the blue ON light in the MASTER SW pb, and the FLAP OPEN indication on the ECAM have disappeared indicating that the APU flap is fully closed. The abnormal procedure is complete, the APU system is analyzed. After review and confirmation from the PF... No. Press either CLR key. APU MENU Abnormal operation 24/32 The STATUS page is displayed. The inoperative system is the APU. After review and confirmation from the PF... Clear STATUS. APU MENU Abnormal operation 25/32 No. Press the STS key or either CLR key. The STATUS page is displayed. The inoperative system is the APU. After review and confirmation from the PF... APU MENU Abnormal operation 26/32 No. Press the STS key or either CLR key. The STATUS page is displayed. The inoperative system is the APU. After review and confirmation from the PF... APU MENU Abnormal operation 27/32 ECAM action completed. The STS reminder is displayed on the E/WD. Note : automatic shutdown protection is available throughout the flight. Lets now look at a situation which is similar to an APU AUTO SHUTDOWN but more critical, the APU EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN. APU MENU Abnormal operation 28/32 If, in a same situation, an APU fire is detected on the ground, an APU EMER SHUTDOWN occurs and the APU fire extinguisher bottle is automatically discharged (both without crew action). This will not happen in flight. APU MENU Abnormal operation 29/32 An APU emergency shutdown also occurs : • when the APU SHUT OFF pb on the external power panel is pressed, • or when the APU FIRE pb on the FIRE panel is pressed. In both cases, the fire extinguisher bottle is not automatically discharged. EEXXTTEERRNNAALLPPOOWWEERRPPAANNEELL FFIIRREEPPAANNEELL APU MENU Abnormal operation 30/32 On the ground : • an APU AUTO SHUT DOWN occurs for a reason other than a fire or when APU parameters are exceeded. • if a fire is detected, an APU EMER SHUT DOWN occurs with automatic extinguishing. In flight : • an APU AUTO SHUT DOWN occurs for the same reasons. • If there is a fire, the APU EMER SHUT DOWN procedure is displayed at the end of the APU FIRE procedure. There is no automatic extinguishing. APU MENU Abnormal operation 31/32 Now let’s look at the remaining indications that you could see on the ECAM page. The LOW OIL LEVEL advisory pulses in green if the APU oil quantity approaches its minimum value. Note : minimum quantity allows normal APU operation for an additional 60 hours. APU MENU Abnormal operation 32/32 When starting the APU, the FUEL LO PR indication appears amber when an APU fuel low pressure is detected. Note : Even though this message is in amber, it is an advisory. MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd NEXT APU MENU Abnormal operation 33/32 LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS EXIT AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM RETURN AAPPUUAAUUTTOOSSHHUUTTDDOOWWNN AAPPUUEEMMEERRGGEENNCCYYSSHHUUTTDDOOWWNN OOTTHHEERREECCAAMMIINNDDIICCAATTIIOONNSS作者: guanshyy 时间: 2011-3-30 11:37:20