NAVIGATION MENU ATC/TCAS presentation 1/6 NAVIGATION MENU ATC/TCAS presentation 2/6 The A320 family is fitted with 2 ATC transponders which provide responses, including altitude reporting, to radar interrogation. NAVIGATION MENU ATC/TCAS presentation 3/6 In normal operation, ADR 1 provides barometric information to ATC 1, ADR 2 supplies ATC 2. ADR 1 ADR 2 ATC 1 ATC 2 NAVIGATION MENU ATC/TCAS presentation 4/6 A Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System, (TCAS) provides the crew with traffic information and warnings of potential conflicts, with avoidance instruction. TCAS can only detect and indicate other traffic which is equipped with a transponder. NAVIGATION MENU ATC/TCAS presentation 5/6 A control box located on the center pedestal allows pilot control of the ATC and TCAS systems. NAVIGATION MENU ATC/TCAS presentation 6/6 The left part is dedicated to the transponder controls while the right part, is used for the TCAS control. NEXT MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd NAVIGATION MENU ATC/TCAS presentation 7/6 LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS EXIT AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM RETURN AATTCC TTCCAASS AATTCC//TTCCAASSPPAANNEELL作者: duyuchun 时间: 2011-4-17 03:40:52