DOORS MENU System presentation 1/11 DOORS MENU System presentation 2/11 The A320 has four cabin doors, one forward and one aft on each side. For passenger boarding, the left forward door is normally used. DOORS MENU System presentation 3/11 SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE Each door is equipped with an escape slide. DOORS MENU System presentation 4/11 There are four over wing emergency exits, two on each side of the aircraft. SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE DOORS MENU System presentation 5/11 SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE One over wing escape slide is provided on each side of the aircraft. Each one is stowed in a compartment at the wing root. DOORS MENU System presentation 6/11 The A320 has two cargo doors, one forward and one aft on the right side of the aircraft to access the cargo compartments. SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE DOORS MENU System presentation 7/11 A bulk cargo door located at the rear bottom right side of the fuselage provides access to the bulk cargo compartment. SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE DOORS MENU System presentation 8/11 There are four small doors in the front of the fuselage to give access to the avionics compartment. SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE DOORS MENU System presentation 9/11 SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE SSLLIIDDEE The pilots can monitor the status of all the doors in the aircraft as well as the escape slides using the ECAM DOOR/OXY page. DOORS MENU System presentation 10/11 The door symbology is the same regardless of its type. The symbol is green when the door is closed and locked. For example, the right forward cabin door is closed and locked. DOORS MENU System presentation 11/11 The two cockpit sliding windows, one on each side, provide emergency exits from the cockpit. NEXT MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd DOORS MENU System presentation 12/11 LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS EXIT AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM RETURN CCAABBIINNDDOOOORRSS EEMMEERRGGEENNCCYYEEXXIITTSS AAVVIIOONNIICCSSDDOOOORRSS EECCAAMMDDOOOORR//OOXXYYPPAAGGEE CCAARRGGOODDOOOORRSS CCOOCCKKPPIITTSSLLIIDDIINNGGWWIINNDDOOWWSS作者: bocome 时间: 2011-7-31 10:00:17