LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 1/42 LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 2/42 The next step is the cockpit preparation. The first lights to be set are the strobe lights. The STROBE switch controls the operation of the three white strobe lights. Seett tthhee STTROBE sswiittcchh ttoo AUTTO.. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 3/42 The next step is the cockpit preparation. The first lights to be set are the strobe lights. The STROBE switch controls the operation of the three white strobe lights. Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee STTROBE sswiittcchh.. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 4/42 The next step is the cockpit preparation. The first lights to be set are the strobe lights. The STROBE switch controls the operation of the three white strobe lights. Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee STTROBE sswiittcchh.. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 5/42 The STROBE switch has three positions ON, OFF and AUTO. The AUTO position causes the strobe lights to come on automatically at liftoff. Att lliiffttoffff LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 6/42 We will continue the cockpit preparation by setting the controls of the cabin signs. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 7/42 When the SEAT BELTS selector is moved from ON to OFF or OFF to ON position,“FASTEN SEAT BELT” signs in the cabin and “RETURN TO SEAT” signs in the lavatories go off or come on and a low tone chimes in the cabin. Seett tthhee NO SMOKIING sseelleeccttoorr ttoo ON.. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 8/42 When the SEAT BELTS selector is moved from ON to OFF or OFF to ON position,“FASTEN SEAT BELT” signs in the cabin and “RETURN TO SEAT” signs in the lavatories go off or come on and a low tone chimes in the cabin. Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee NO SMOKIING sseelleeccttoorr.. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 9/42 When the SEAT BELTS selector is moved from ON to OFF or OFF to ON position,“FASTEN SEAT BELT” signs in the cabin and “RETURN TO SEAT” signs in the lavatories go off or come on and a low tone chimes in the cabin. Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee NO SMOKIING sseelleeccttoorr.. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 10/42 When the NO SMOKING selector is moved from ON to OFF or OFF to ON position, “NO SMOKING” and “EXIT” signs in the cabin go off or come on and a low tone chimes in the cabin. Seett tthhee NO SMOKIING sseelleeccttoorr ttoo AUTTO.. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 11/42 When the NO SMOKING selector is moved from ON to OFF or OFF to ON position, “NO SMOKING” and “EXIT” signs in the cabin go off or come on and a low tone chimes in the cabin. Noo,, sseett tthhee NO SMOKIING sseelleeccttoorr.. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 12/42 When the NO SMOKING selector is moved from ON to OFF or OFF to ON position, “NO SMOKING” and “EXIT” signs in the cabin go off or come on and a low tone chimes in the cabin. Noo,, sseett tthhee NO SMOKIING sseelleeccttoorr.. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 13/42 The AUTO position causes the “NO SMOKING” and “EXIT” signs to come on when the landing gear is extended and to go off when the gear is retracted . A low tone chime sounds in the cabin when the signs come on and go off. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 14/42 When an excessive cabin altitude is reached, the “NO SMOKING”, “FASTEN SEAT BELT”, “RETURN TO SEAT” and “EXIT” signs come on automatically regardless of the SEAT BELTS and NO SMOKING selector positions. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 15/42 When the “SEAT BELTS” signs are ON or the “NO SMOKING” signs are ON, an associated memo message appears on the E/WD. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 16/42 We will carry on with the emergency lighting which consists of: - Over wing escape route lighting, LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 17/42 -- Essccaappee sslliiddee iinntteeggrraall lliigghhttiinngg,, LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 18/42 -- EXIITT ssiiggnnss,, LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 19/42 -- Ovveerrhheeaadd eemeerrggeennccyy lliigghhttss,, LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 20/42 - A floor escape path lighting system. Two different systems are available. Either lighted bands on the cabin floor or lights fitted on the seat sides. An aircraft can be equipped with either system. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 21/42 The EMER EXIT LT selector has three positions: In the OFF position, the escape path lighting, EXIT signs and overhead emergency lighting are off and the EMER EXIT LT OFF light is amber. Seett EMER EXIITT LLTT sseelleeccttoorr ttoo ARM.. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 22/42 The EMER EXIT LT selector has three positions: In the OFF position, the escape path lighting, EXIT signs and overhead emergency lighting are off and the EMER EXIT LT OFF light is amber. Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee EMER EXIITT LLTT sseelleeccttoorr.. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 23/42 The EMER EXIT LT selector has three positions: In the OFF position, the escape path lighting, EXIT signs and overhead emergency lighting are off and the EMER EXIT LT OFF light is amber. Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee EMER EXIITT LLTT sseelleeccttoorr.. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 24/42 The ARM position is the normal setting for the flight. In this position, the escape path lighting, EXIT signs and overhead emergency lighting automatically come on if the normal electrical system is lost. In the ON position, emergency lighting comes on regardless of electrical supply. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 25/42 The next steps are to switch on the various external lights. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 26/42 Before pushback and engine start, the beacon lights are switched on. The BEACON switch controls the operation of the two red beacons. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 27/42 The WING switch controls the operation of the two wing lights. These lights illuminate the wing leading edges and the engine air intakes for ice detection. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 28/42 The NAV switch controls the operation of two sets of navigation lights. Position 1 turns the first set of navigation lights on and position 2 turns the second set on. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 29/42 For taxiing, the nose lights are switched on on both daytime and nighttime. The NOSE selector controls the operation of the taxi and takeoff lights. Seett NOSE sseelleeccttoorr ttoo tthhee TTAKE OFFFF ppoossiittiioonn.. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 30/42 For taxiing, the nose lights are switched on on both daytime and nighttime. The NOSE selector controls the operation of the taxi and takeoff lights. Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee NOSE sseelleeccttoorr.. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 31/42 For taxiing, the nose lights are switched on on both daytime and nighttime. The NOSE selector controls the operation of the taxi and takeoff lights. Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee NOSE sseelleeccttoorr.. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 32/42 The TAXI position turns the taxi light on while the TAKEOFF position turns the taxi and takeoff lights on. The OFF position turns both lights off. Both lights go off automatically when the landing gear is retracted. TTAAXXII TTAAKKEEOOFFFF Seett RWY TTURN OFFFF sswiittcchh ttoo ON.. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 33/42 The TAXI position turns the taxi light on while the TAKEOFF position turns the taxi and takeoff lights on. The OFF position turns both lights off. Both lights go off automatically when the landing gear is retracted. TTAAXXII TTAAKKEEOOFFFF Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee RWY TTURN OFFFF sswiittcchh.. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 34/42 The TAXI position turns the taxi light on while the TAKEOFF position turns the taxi and takeoff lights on. The OFF position turns both lights off. Both lights go off automatically when the landing gear is retracted. TTAAXXII TTAAKKEEOOFFFF Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee RWY TTURN OFFFF sswiittcchh.. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 35/42 The RWY TURN OFF switch controls the operation of the runway turnoff lights. These lights go off automatically when the landing gear is retracted. Before take off, the RWY TURN OFF and LANDING lights are turned on in order to minimize bird strike hazard. Seett LLAND sseelleeccttoorrss ttoo ON.. RRWYYTTUURRNNOOFFFF LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 36/42 The RWY TURN OFF switch controls the operation of the runway turnoff lights. These lights go off automatically when the landing gear is retracted. Before take off, the RWY TURN OFF and LANDING lights are turned on in order to minimize bird strike hazard. Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee LLAND sseelleeccttoorrss.. RRWYYTTUURRNNOOFFFF LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 37/42 The RWY TURN OFF switch controls the operation of the runway turnoff lights. These lights go off automatically when the landing gear is retracted. Before take off, the RWY TURN OFF and LANDING lights are turned on in order to minimize bird strike hazard. RRWYYTTUURRNNOOFFFF Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee LLAND sseelleeccttoorrss.. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 38/42 The landing light selectors which are labeled LAND, control the operation of the left and right landing lights. The ON position causes the extension of the associated light which comes on automatically when fully extended. LLAANNDDIINNGG LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 39/42 When the landing lights are extended, the LDG LT memo message is displayed in green on the E/WD. LLAANNDDIINNGG LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 40/42 In flight, landing lights can be set as required. The RETRACT position causes the associated light to turn off and retract. The OFF position causes the associated light to go off but remain extended. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 41/42 If the strobe lights are OFF in flight, the STROBE LT OFF memo message is displayed in green on the E/WD. LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 42/42 During approach, the lights are set as required according to company policy or regulatory recommendations. MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd NEXT LIGHTS MENU Normal operation (B) 43/42 LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS EXIT AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM RETURN EEMMEERRGGEENNCCYYLLIIGGHHTTIINNGG EEXXTTEERRIIOORRLLIIGGHHTTIINNGG CCAABBIINNSSIIGGNNSS CCOOCCKKPPIITTPPRREEPPAARRAATTIIOONN作者: zxlly 时间: 2011-6-4 21:02:07 标题: 回复 1# 航空 的帖子