
标题: Fan Module Program [打印本页]

作者: 航空    时间: 2011-4-12 00:08:17     标题: Fan Module Program

作者: 航空    时间: 2011-4-12 00:08:36

Fan Module
Fan Module Program
• Fan Blade
- Pressure Face Coating Flaking Issue
• Fan Disk
- Pressure Face Wear
- Wear Versus Relube Interval
- Fan Disk Repair
• Fan Platform
• Booster Spool Counterweight
CFM56 Operators Conference – May 22 - 23, 2001 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 3
Fan Rotor Program Status
Fan Disk
Fan Blade
Fan Platform Booster Counterweight
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Fan Blade Flaking
• Premature dovetail pressure face coating (Cu-Ni-In)
- Convex side more affected
- No relation with engine thrust rating
- High variability within a set
- Extensive flaking leads to contact between fan
blades and fan disk parent materials
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Fan Blade Flaking Background
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Corrective Actions
• Fan blade root / fan disk slots lubrication
- Every 1500 to 3000 cycles
- CESM No. 005 issued in May, 2000
- Benefit confirmed through airline feedback
• Fan blade root undercut
- Fan blade flaking due to high local crush stress level
- New Fan Blades P/N 340-001-026/027-0 with smoother undercut
- SB 72-253 issued, incorporate P/N 340-001-022-0 rework
Fan Blade Flaking
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Smoother undercut :
P/N 340-001-026/027-0
Initial undercut :
P/N 340-001-022-0
Fan Blade Root Undercut
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Field Plan
• To complete first relube and Blade upgrade by December,31th/2002
Fleet Support
• Fan blade rotable pool increased to 100 sets since Sept.01
- Maximize Rotable flow
• Three substantiated rework sites (APS, Chem-tronics, SNS StQuentin)
- Expedite all Fan Blades shipments to Shop for rework
Retrofit Status
• As of March, 2002 undercut on 53% of affected fleet (798 sets)
• Steady implementation with current avg. rate ~ 60 sets/month
Fan Blade Upgrade Program
CFM56 Operators Conference – May 22 - 23, 2001 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 9
• Fan disk wear phenomenon due to early fan blade
flaking issue
• No relubrication implemented at E.I.S.
• Pressure face wear phenomenon occurred around
3,000 cycles / 6,000 Hours (average value)
Fan Disk Field Wear Experience
Premature Wear Identified on Fan Disk Due to Fan Blade
Early Design, and No Relube
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Fan Disk Field Wear Experience
Pressure Face Wear
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• Wear Identified during Fan Blade Retrofit program
• > 900 disks exposed
- 217 disks inspected with 856A4633G02 tooling
- 178 disks within serviceable limit
- 32 disks within service extension limits
- 7 disks beyond serviceable limit
Fan Disk Field Wear Experience
Premature Wear Phenomenon Found on Fan Disk With No
Relube, and High Flight Leg Operators
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Fan disk without relube, and fan blade without undercut
Fan Disk Wear Versus Relube
Wear Rate Seems to be Conducted Per Flight Hours
CFM56-7 Fan Disk Wear Depth Rate Versus Flight-leg
0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00
Flight leg
Wear rate per 10000 cycles or hours
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Fan Disk Wear Versus Relube
• CFM56-3 Main engine population with flight leg within
1.4 to 2 hrs per cycle
- Relube interval range from 2500 to 4500 Hrs
• CFM56-7B Main engine population with flight leg
within 1.8 to 3.4 hrs per cycle
- Relube interval range from 1700 to 9500 Hrs
Factor 5 in Time,
Can Be Reached With Current CESM Spec
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Fan Disk Wear Versus Relube
CFM56 Operators Conference – May 22 - 23, 2001 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 15
• Fan Disk wear rate driven by flight leg / flight hours
• Introduction of relube threshold in operating hours for high flight
leg customers (does not affect most of CFM56-7B operators)
• New Relube interval implemented in CESM005 in April,2002
Fan Disk Wear Versus Relube
Within 3,000 Cycles or 5,000 Flight Hours,
Whichever Comes First
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Fan Disk Repair
Pressure Face Wear
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Rework Description:
• Slot = 0.017 inch machined
• Addition of shims coated with Molydag Varnish
• New spacer geometry to fit the machined slot,
and new shim
Fan Disk Repair
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Rework Overview
Before Reworked
New Shim
New Spacer
Fan Disk Repair
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Rework Validation Plan
• Rework certified by the Authorities in Dec, 2001
• First rework site validation
- Machining process and toolings Complete
- 3D measurement tooling available Complete
- First disk machined and inspected Complete
- Shim and spacer parts available April 2002
Fan Disk Repair
First Rework Site Operational Early 2nd Quarter 2002
CFM56 Operators Conference – May 22 - 23, 2001 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 20
Fan Blade & Disk Program Summary
• New blade design with smoother undercut retrofit program
on track
• Fan disk / fan blades relubrication implemented
- In place since May, 2000 and interval modified (5,000 Hrs)
- CESM 005 published in April, 2002
• Disk repair approved since December, 2001
- First repair site operational early 2nd quarter 2002
• Operators engagement is essential for program execution
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• Initial configuration (340-001-805/806-0)
• Swaged bushing (340-001-809/810-0)
- Implemented since Oct. 2000
- Rework since Nov. 2000
- SB 72-271 : recommend to implement swaged bushing at next
shop visit when engine > 10,000CSN
• Material: anodized 7075 aluminum
• Minor interferences with disk and blades
• Cases of seal disbond
Fan Platform
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• P/N 340-001-805/806-0
- Concern with bushing migration
• Product Improvement
- -805 becomes -810
- -806 becomes -809
Fan Platform
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Technical Status
Rig tests experience
• 4 middle lug ruptures encountered during engineering rig tests
- Parts representative of type designs : with and w/o swaged bushing
- Test representative of operating conditions
• Cracks found during same tests after around 40,000 cycles on
- Middle, Forward, and AFT lug holes
- Ribs
No Cracks Found In-service
Fan Platform
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Technical Status
• Mechanical, and finite Element Model
analysis confirmed critical locations
- Predicted - 3S life for non-swaged platform
(805/806) life :
21,400 cycles
- Predicted - 3S life for swaged platform
(809/810) life :
26,500 cycles
Initiation site
Middle Lug
Fan Platform
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Design Improvement
• New platform design (340-001-814-0) launched to
achieve durability goal
- More than 36,000 cycles at crack initiation
• New geometry with swaged bushings
• New material Aluminum 7449 instead of Aluminum 7075
• Shot-peening implemented
• Weight decreased
Fan Platform
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New hole
for mass
and static
s edge
for seal
New intrados edge
to prevent
interference with
New Platform: 340-001-814-0
Fan Platform
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Implementation Plan
• On production engines by 2nd Quarter 2003
• On In-service engines
- Objective : Replace all platforms by new design
- Proposed retrofit plan no later than
- Sept,30th/ 2007 for -805/-806
- Sept,30th/ 2008 for -809/-810
- Service Bulletin Category 2 to be issued 2nd Quarter 2003
- Recommend replacement at shop visit
Fan Platform
CFM56 Operators Conference – May 22 - 23, 2001 CFM Proprietary Data Unauthorized Disclosure Prohibited 28
• Development rig tests, and Finite Element model analysis
identified Fan Platform durability issue
• New design launched to reach the durability goal :
- 36,000 cycles at crack initiation
• New platform P/N 340-001-814-0 design frozen
- New geometry, new material, and shot-peening added
• New part on production engine by 2Q 2003
• Complete retrofit of the fleet to be done (at shop visit)
Fan Platform Program Summary
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Forward Flange Lugs
Fan Blade Platform threaded pin
View of affected area
Booster Spool
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Booster Spool Lug
• FWD flange lug separation encountered during rig test
- Part not representative of field configuration
• Development high time booster spool approx. 90,000
- FPI and ECI within the attachment holes revealed no crack
• P.C.A. engine (TSN/CSN : 7733 h / 6145 cycles)
- Light fretting surrounding each hole on mating surface
- FPI and ECI within the attachment holes revealed no crack
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Separated forward flange lug
Booster Spool Lug
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• Failure mode root cause identified
- Centrifugal load from fan platform
- High bending stress leads to
- Crack initiation on forward flange lug
- Crack propagation on forward flange lug front mating surface and
inside the attachment hole up to lug separation
• Spool Lug separation consequence
- Forward flange lug separation leads to liberate fan platform
Booster Spool Lug
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Forward Flange Lug Bending 3D model
Booster Spool Lug
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Booster Spool Lug
Corrective actions
• Counter-weights on new aircraft since January, 2001
• New booster spool lug design (reinforced)
- Booster spool P/N 340-000-816-0 since June, 2001
In-service plan
• Service Bulletin 72-296 for counter weights installation
• Service Bulletin 72-295 for E.C.I. of lug attachment holes
- Category 2 issued February 2001
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Introduction of counterweights
and associated
Introduction of new booster
spool P/N 340-000-816-0 with
reinforced lugs
New threaded pins
P/N 649-782-300-0
P/N 340-251-201-0
Booster Spool
P/N 340-000-814-0
or P/N 340-000-815-0
Booster Spool Lug
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Booster Spool Lugs Summary
• Development booster spool cracking root cause
• Corrective action defined
- Interim fix by installing counter-weight
- New thickened lug design since june, 2001
• Fleet actions
- SB72-0295 & -0296 issued
- Recommended to implement during fan relubrication
- 1,300 kits have been delivered for 1,600 engines affected
作者: 979199501    时间: 2011-4-12 00:30:06     标题: 回复 1# 航空 的帖子

作者: kinran    时间: 2011-6-4 23:41:59

作者: bocome    时间: 2011-7-31 04:18:13

Fan Module Program

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