FIRE MENU System Presentation 1/19 FIRE System Presentation 2/19 The A320 has: -fire detection and extinguishing systems for the engines and APU -smoke detection in the avionics bay -smoke detection and fire extinguishing systems in the cargo compartments and lavatories -portable fire extinguishers for the flight compartment and the cabin MENU FIRE System Presentation 3/19 The engines and APU have individual fire detection systems. Each system consists of: - Two identical detection loops ( A and B ) mounted in parallel - a fire detection unit (FDU) FDU FDU FDU MENU FIRE System Presentation 4/19 Each engine is equipped with 2 fire bottles. The discharge of the bottles is controlled by an associated pb sw. The pb sw are located on the FIRE panel on the overhead panel. MENU FIRE System Presentation 5/19 For the APU, there is just one fire extinguisher bottle and only one discharge button. MENU FIRE System Presentation 6/19 The guarded FIRE pb sw provide fire indication and the means to isolate the corresponding system. Their use will be shown in the FIRE DRILLS module. MENU FIRE MENU System Presentation 7/19 The TEST buttons are used to test the respective fire detection and extinguishing system operation. You will perform this test in the Normal Operation Module. FIRE System Presentation 8/19 In addition to the indications on the FIRE panel, you have a FIRE light for each engine on the ENG panel located on the pedestal. These lights help identify which engine is on fire. MENU FIRE System Presentation 9/19 There is an additional FIRE light for the APU and a guarded APU SHUT OFF pb located on the EXTERNAL POWER panel. MENU FIRE System Presentation 10/19 For the avionics system only smoke detection is provided. Its detector is located in the air extraction duct. Avionics MENU FIRE System Presentation 11/19 The indications for avionics smoke are located on two panels in the cockpit: -the EMER ELEC PWR panel -the VENTILATION panel MENU FIRE System Presentation 12/19 Lavatory smoke detection consists of one smoke detector in each lavatory linked to the Smoke Detection Control Unit (SDCU). The SDCU transmits the signals to the FWC for warnings in the cockpit and to the Cabin Intercommunication Data System (CIDS) for warning in the cabin. SDCU MENU FIRE System Presentation 13/19 In addition, each lavatory waste bin has an automatic fire extinguishing system. MENU FIRE System Presentation 14/19 A total of six smoke detectors are installed in the cargo compartments. There are two detectors in the forward compartment, four in the aft compartment. Each detector is linked to one of the two detection loops. MENU FIRE System Presentation 15/19 The SDCU acquires signals sent by the detectors and sends them to the FWC for display in the cockpit. MENU SDCU FIRE System Presentation 16/19 On the overhead panel, there is a CARGO SMOKE panel with the indications on cargo smoke. MENU FIRE System Presentation 17/19 The two guarded DISCH pb sw control one fire bottle. Each pb sw controls one squib or discharge head of the bottle. When pushed, the fire bottle is completely emptied in the respective compartment. MENU FIRE System Presentation 18/19 The fire extinguishing agent is discharged either via one nozzle into the FWD compartment or two nozzles into the AFT compartment. MENU FIRE MENU System Presentation 19/19 NEXT Finally, there are portable fire extinguishers in the cockpit and the cabin. Number, type and locations depend on the different customer layouts. MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd FIRE MENU System Presentation 20/19 LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS EXIT AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM RETURN EENNGG&&AAPPUUPPRROOTT.. AAVVIIOONNIICCSSPPRROOTT.. CCAARRGGOOCCOOMMPP..PPRROOTT.. LLAAVVAATTOORRYYPPRROOTT..作者: egg8770 时间: 2011-5-3 09:36:06