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即学即用商务英语 [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-10-23 13:52:12 |只看该作者
报告、联络或商谈 ●报告情况 有好消息。 I have good news to tell you. (有好消息。) What is it? (什么好消息?) *直译是“我有一个好消息要告诉你”。 I have good news for you. (我有个好消息。) I could use some good news. (好消息的话我想听。) I have something interesting to tell you. *something interesting未必是“好消息”。用于听到“引起人关注的消息”的时候。 I heard something interesting. (我听说了一些有趣的事。) I've got some good news. I have something positive to tell you. *positive “积极的”。 Good news. I'm pleased to let you know this. *pleased “高兴的”。 I'm happy to say this. Let me give you some good news. 我有个坏消息。 I have bad news for you. (我有个坏消息。) Oh, no. (真倒霉。) *bad news “坏消息”。 There is something unpleasant I need to tell you. (有个不愉快的消息必须告诉你。) *unpleasant “不愉快的”、 “讨厌的”。 I have some bad news for you. I'm afraid I have bad news. 我有一个好消息和一个坏消息。 I have good news and bad news. (我有一个好消息和一个坏消息。) Let's have the bad news first, please. (先说坏消息吧。) There's both good news and bad news. *both “两方面”。 Do you want the good news first or the bad news first? (你想先听好消息还是坏消息?) 有什么进展? Any progress? (有什么进展?) They're still negotiating. (他们还在谈判。) *progress “进展”、 “发展”。 *negotiate “谈判”。 Any improvement? (有什么改进?) *improvement “改善”、 “进步”。 Any development? (有什么发展?) *development “发达”、 “发展”。 我们今天有了一些进展。 We've made some progress today. (我们今天有了一些进展。) That's great. (很好。) *make progress “上进”、 “进步”。 We moved right along today. *move along “向前进”。 Today we made things happen. 最近没有什么反常的情况。 I hope things are settling down. (我希望事态已经平静了。) Things have been quite normal lately. (最近没有什么反常的情况。) *quite “完全”、 “很”、 “相当”。normal “普通的”、 “正常的”。lately “最近”、 “近来”。直译是“最近情况都很正常”。 Nothing's been out of the ordinary lately. Things have quieted down lately. *言外之意是“以前曾经不很平静”。 Nothing's been unusual lately. 情况在好转。 Things are picking up. (情况在好转。) That's very good news. (这是个好消息。) *pick up具有“活跃起来”、 “好转”等意思。 Things are looking up. Things are looking better. Things are getting better. Things are improving. *improve “变好”。 情况很棘手。 How's your new job? (你的新工作怎么样?) Things are tough. (情况很棘手。) *tough “艰苦的”。 Things are difficult. *difficult “难的”。 easy “简单的”。 Things are not easy. 我这里有些数字。 I've got some figures here. (我这里有些数字。) Run them by accounting. (拿去给会计部看看。) *figure有“姿势”、 “人物”、 “图形”、 “数字”等多种意思。 *run ...by ... “听取……关于……的意见”。这里的accounting是accounting department(会计部)的简称。 Take a look at these figures. Here are some figures. 可能性虽小, 但还是有的。 Are we going to get new computers? (我们要进新电脑吗?) There's a slight possibility. (可能性虽小, 但还是有的。) *slight “一点点的”、 “很少的”。possibility “可能性”。 There's a slim chance. *slim “一点点的”、 “贫乏的”。 There's a small possibility. 可能性微乎其微。 The chances are very slim. (可能性微乎其微。) What if we doubled our offer? (如果我们付双倍的价钱呢?) *用于表示机会很小的时候。 *double “使加倍”。What if ...? “如果……的话会怎么样?” There is not a good chance of that. It is not very likely. *not likely “(某件事情的可能性)极小”。 也许一半。 Maybe half. (也许一半。) That sounds right. (可能吧。) *maybe “也许……吧”、 “大概”。用在回答比如像“有多少女性”之类的问题时。 *这里的right指“(回答等)正确的”。 I think about half. I'd guess about half. 我想一定很有效。 I think it will be very effective. (我想一定很有效。) I hope you are right. (但愿你说得对。) *生意上经常用到的说法。will “会”, 表示推测。effective “有效果的”、 “起作用的”。 I think it will have a great impact. *impact “效果”、 “影响”。 I think the impact will be great. I think it will be very impressive. *impressive “使印象深刻的”。 现在我们有4种选择。 We have four options open to us now. (现在我们有4种选择。) Do you know which one you'll go with? (你知道你们会选哪一个吗?) *open “开着的”、 “可能的”。 We have four ways to go. We have to decide on one of four options. (我们必须四选一。) *decide “决定”。 我不清楚。 Do you know when he got here this morning? (你知道他今天早上几点到这儿的吗?) I can't say for sure. (我不清楚。) *sure “明确的”。 I'm not totally positive. *positive “确定的”。 I can't say for certain. *certain “确切的”。 讨论终于有眉目了。 This discussion is finally getting somewhere. (讨论终于有眉目了。) Thank goodness for that. (谢天谢地。) *discussion “讨论”。get somewhere “总算顺利”、 “有了成功的希望”。 *Thank goodness. “太难得了”、 “谢天谢地”。 This discussion is finally proving fruitful. *prove “成为……”、 “表明”。fruitful “果实结得多的”、 “成果丰富的”。 Our discussion is moving right along. We're starting to get somewhere with this discussion. 我明天就得给他们答复。 When do they want to know? (他们什么时候想知道?) I have to give them an answer tomorrow. (我明天就得给他们答复。) *give an answer “回答问题”、 “答复”。 I promised to get back to them tomorrow. (我答应明天答复他们。) They need an answer tomorrow. (他们明天就要答复。) 在预算范围内。 How's the project going? (这个项目进行得怎么样了?) It's under budget. (在预算范围内。) *budget “预算”。 It's coming in under budget. We're completing it under budget. *complete “做完”、 “完成”。 还在考虑。 Are you thinking about a merger? (你们打算合并吗?) It's still under consideration. (还在考虑。) *merger “合并”。 *still “仍然”。consideration “考虑”。under consideration “在思考当中”、 “在研究当中”。 It's still being considered. *consider “考虑”。 We're still considering it. 我们仍然有一些问题。 We still have some problems. (我们仍然有一些问题。) Let's try to work them out. (我们争取解决吧。) *work out “解决(问题等)”。 There are still the usual problems. (仍然还是老问题。) It isn't squared away yet. (还是没有安排就绪。) *square away “安排就绪”。 We still have some unresolved issues. (我们仍然有一些未解决的问题。) 解释起来就太复杂了。 Why wasn't this profitable? (为什么不赚钱?) It's too complicated to explain. (解释起来就太复杂了。) *profitable “挣钱的”、 “有利的”。 *complicated “复杂的”、 “困难的”。explain “说明”。 It's not easy to explain. That's hard to explain. *这里的hard指“困难的”。 这很难说。 When will the product be ready to sell? (这个产品准备什么时候销售?) It's difficult to say. (这很难说。) It's hard to say. I can't say for sure. 史密斯先生负责培训。 Who will be in charge? (谁来负责?) Mr. Smith is doing the training. (史密斯先生负责培训。) *in charge “负责”。 *training “训练”、 “培训”、 “研修”。 Mr. Smith will be the trainer. (史密斯先生是教练员。) Mr. Smith will be the one training. 他不会为任何事情改变自己的观点。 He won't change his opinion for anything. (他不会为任何事情改变自己的观点。) Give me a chance to talk to him. (给我个机会和他谈谈。) *won't是will not的缩写, “无论如何也不做……”, 表示拒绝。opinion 指“意见”、 “想法”。for anything 意思是“不管发生什么事情”。 He'll never change his opinion. *never “决不……”。 He is too stubborn to change his mind. (他太顽固了, 不可能改变他的主张。) *too ...to ... “因为过于……而不可能……”。stubborn “顽固的”。 我今天一整天都在外面。 I had a hard time reaching you. (我费了很大劲才联系到你。) I was out all day today. (我今天一整天都在外面。) *I had a hard time ... 表示“为做……颇费周折”。reach 指“达到”、 “取得联系”。 *out “(人)不在”、 “外出”。all day “一整天”。 I wasn't in the office all day. I was out in the field all day. (我一整天都在外面。) *field “实地”、 “现场”。 I was away from my desk all day. (我一整天都不在办公室里。) *away from ... “从……离开”、 “不在(家里等)”。 我明天要到客户那里转转。 I'm making a sales call tomorrow. (我明天要到客户那里转转。) Good luck. (祝你好运。) *make a call “拜访”。make a sale “销售”。make a sales call “进行销售访问”。 I'm going on a sales call tomorrow. I have a sales call scheduled for tomorrow. 昨天我到他的办公室去找过他。 Have you talked with him this week? (你这周和他谈过了吗?) Yes. I called on him at his office yesterday. (谈过了。昨天我到他的办公室去找过他。) *call on ... “(短时间地)拜访某人”。 I visited him at his office yesterday. I met with him at his office yesterday. 我告诉他的是另一回事。 Don't tell him what really happened. (别告诉他真实情况。) I told him another story. (我告诉他的是另一回事。) *another “别的东西”。 I told him something else. *something else “其他的事情”。 I said something different to him. *something different “不同的事情”。 我们还在试验阶段。 How is the product development going? (商品开发进行得怎么样了?) We're still in the trial-and-error stage. (我们还在试验阶段。) *trial-and-error “试验的”、 “摸索的”。 We're still working on it. (我们还在着手进行。) We're still in the process of experimenting. *in the process of ... “在……进行当中”。experiment “尝试”、 “试验”。 杂乱无章。 How's the showroom now? (展览室现在怎么样?) It's chaotic. (杂乱无章。) *chaotic “混乱的”、 “杂乱的”。 It's crazy. It's a big mess. (乱七八糟。) *mess “一片混乱”。 我们已经停产一个月了。 Our production has been held up for a month. (我们已经停产一个月了。) That's not good, because we're losing money. (那样不行, 我们在白白损失钱嘛。) *production “生产”、 “制造”。hold up “使停滞”。 We've had to stop production for a month. Our production has been suspended for a month. *suspend “暂时停止(活动等)”。 我们在做力所能及的事情。 We are doing what we can. (我们在做力所能及的事情。) You're doing great. (你们做得很好。) *great “出色地”。 We are trying. We are giving it our best shot. 我正要去打。 Have you called the supplier? (你给供应商打电话了吗?) I was just going to. (我正要去打。) *supplier “供应商”。 *“正要去做……”的说法。just “刚好”。 I was planning to do that right now. *right now “现在马上”。 I was just about to. *be about to ... “正好要……”。 I was just getting ready to. *get ready to ... “做好……的准备”。 我还没过目呢。 Do you like the proposal? (你喜欢这个方案吗?) I haven't looked at it yet. (我还没过目呢。) *look at ... “看……”。not ...yet “还没做……”。 I haven't had a chance to look at it yet. (我还没有机会看它。) I haven't been able to get to it yet. (我还没能顾得上它呢。) *be able to ... “能够……”。get to ... “开始做……”、 “着手做……”。 目前为止, 我们认为…… So far, we have agreed that the market is good right now. (目前为止, 我们认为市场状况还是很好的。) Therefore, we should increase production. (那么, 我们应该扩大生产。) *so far “目前为止”。 *increase “增加”、 “使扩大”。 Thus far, we have agreed that ... *thus far “目前为止”。 So far, we concur that ... *concur “同意”。 就剩下6份没有复印。 Did you copy all the reports? (报告你都复印了吗?) We only have six more to go. (就剩下6份没有复印。) *to go “待做”。 We have just six more to go. We only have six left. 在第7页。 Where is that information? (那条消息写在哪儿?) It's on page 7. (在第7页。) It's on the last page. (在最后一页。) It's on the final page. (在最后一页。) It's at the end of the book. (在书的最后。) You'll find it on page 7. It's on the 7th page. 我今天没有带文件来。 I did not bring the papers today. (我今天没有带文件来。) When might they be available? (什么时候能带来?) *available “能够利用的”、 “能够到手的”。 I failed to bring the papers today. *fail to ... “做……失败”。 I forgot the papers today. (我今天忘记带文件了。) 我拿着呢。 I can't find the report. (我找不到报告了。) I have it right here. (我拿着呢。) *right here “正好在这儿”。 Here it is. I have it. 我现在已经习惯了。 Isn't the job demanding? (这个工作很麻烦吧?) I've gotten used to it now. (我现在已经习惯了。) *demanding “(工作等)费事”、 “吃力”。 *这里的have是助动词, 表示结果的现在完成时。get used to ... “习惯于……”。 I have adjusted to it. *adjust “顺应”、 “适应”。 I have become accustomed to it. I'm used to it already. (我已经习惯了。) 我会告诉你原因的。 How come the office closed early yesterday? (昨天公司为什么早早关门了?) I'll tell you why. (我会告诉你原因的。) *How come ...? “为什么……”。 I'll tell you how come. I'll tell you the reason. 我不知道哪儿坏了。 Can't you fix it? (你不能修一修吗?) I can't figure out what's wrong. (我不知道哪儿坏了。) *figure out “理解”、 “知道”。 I don't know what the problem is. (我不知道问题在哪儿。) *problem “问题”。 I can't seem to figure out the problem. 我会重新考虑的。 Won't you change your mind? (你不能改变主意吗?) I'll try to think it over again. (我会重新考虑的。) *mind “心情”、 “想法”。 *try to ... “努力做……”。think over “仔细考虑”。 I'll give it more thought. *give ...thought “考虑关于……”。 I'll try to give more thought to it. ●报告结果 我们有了新订单。 We've got a new order. (我们有了新订单。) That's great! (太好了!) *order “订单”。 *great “很好的”。 We've just received a new order. A new order just came in. 这是一个新的合资企业。 Tell me about the plan. (把计划告诉我。) It's a new joint venture. (这是一个新的合资企业。) *venture “(冒险的)项目”。 It's a new joint enterprise. It's a new joint business. 它没有坏。 It's not broken. (它没有坏。) It was. Someone must have fixed it. (坏过。一定是有人修过了。) *break “损坏”、 “出故障”。 *fix “修理”、 “校准”。 It's working fine. *fine “很好”。 It's not out of order. *out of order “出故障”。 There's nothing wrong with it. (没有任何不正常。) *wrong “坏的”、 “出故障的”。 要推迟一段时间。 What happened to the project? (这个项目怎么啦?) It's been put off for a while. (要推迟一段时间。) *What happened to ...? “……怎么啦?”。 *put off “延期”。for a while “一段时间”。 It's been put on hold for now. *for now “目前”。 It's been put on the back burner. (它已经被置后处理了。) *put ...on the back burner “置后(处理)”。 该公司已经停止生产那种产品了。 Why can't I buy it anywhere? (为什么我到处都买不到它?) The company stopped making that product. (该公司已经停止生产那种产品了。) *product “商品”、 “产品”。 They don't produce it anymore. (他们不再生产了。) The company doesn't make it anymore. The company discontinued that product. *discontinue “停止”、 “中止”。 我们对它全都重新设计了。 The office looks so different. (办事处好像彻底变了样。) It's been totally redesigned. (我们对它全都重新设计了。) *totally “完全”、 “彻底”。redesign “重新设计”。 The design has been completely changed. (设计完全变了。) *completely “完全”、 “彻底”。 It has a whole new design. (它的设计是全新的。) 他们是认真的。 Do you think they're serious? (你认为他们是当真的吗?) Yes, they mean it. (是, 他们是认真的。) *serious “当真的”、 “认真的”。 *mean “意思是”。 They are serious. They're not kidding. (他们不是开玩笑。) *kid “嘲笑”、 “欺骗”。 我得到了很有趣的提案。 How has the response been? (反应如何?) I have really interesting offers. (我得到了很有趣的提案。) *offer “提议”、 “提案”。 I've been receiving interesting offers. (我收到了很有趣的方案。) The offers have been interesting. 史密斯先生对我们的产品表示出了兴趣。 How are things going? (情况怎么样?) Mr. Smith is showing interest in our products. (史密斯先生对我们的产品表示出了兴趣。) *show “表示”。interest in ... “对……的兴趣”。 Mr. Smith has shown interest in our products. Mr. Smith seems interested in our products. *seem “看起来(好像……)”。 他们需要具体的答复。 They want something concrete. (他们需要具体的答复。) We'll see they get it. (我们会设法满足他们的要求。) *concrete “具体的”、 “非抽象的”。 They want something firm. (他们需要肯定的答复。) *这里的firm指“稳定的”、 “肯定的”。 They want the bottom line. (他们需要最终结果。) *bottom line “底线”、 “最终的结果”。 他对我们说的不感兴趣。 How was your appointment with Mr. Aoki? (你和青木先生的会见怎么样?) He showed no interest in what we said. (他对我们说的不感兴趣。) *interest “兴趣”、 “关心”。what we said “我们所说的”。 He didn't have any interest in what we said. He wasn't interested in what we had to say. *be interested in ... “对……感兴趣”。 他们很不高兴。 How did they react to the decision? (他们对决定有什么反应?) It didn't make them happy. (他们很不高兴。) *直译是“结果并没让他们高兴”。 They didn't seem pleased. (他们看起来很不高兴。) *please “使高兴”。 They were not happy about it. 它会引起连锁反应的吧。 It could set off a chain reaction. (它会引起连锁反应的吧。) That's what we're hoping for. (那正是我们想看到的。) *set off ... “引起……”、 “诱发……”。chain reaction “连锁反应”。 It could start a movement. (它会引发一场运动。) *movement “运动”、 “动向”。 It could set the wheels in motion. (这样会使事情运作起来。) *set ...in motion “使运转”、 “使实施”。 结果完全出乎我的预料。 Did it turn out like you thought it would? (结果像你想的那样吗?) The result was far from what I'd expected. (结果完全出乎我的预料。) *turn out “结果是……”。 *result “结果”。far from ... “一点也不是……”。expect “想像”、 “预想”。 It didn't turn out anything like I thought it would. *这里的like指“像……一样”。 The result was different than I thought it would be. *different “不同的”。 The result was unexpected. (结果出乎意料。) *unexpected “没有预计到的”。 我从一开始就知道。 I knew about it all along. (我从一开始就知道。) Who told you? (谁告诉你的?) *all along “一直”、 “从一开始”。 I always knew it. I was aware of it all along. *be aware of ... “知道……”、 “察觉到……”。 我也许被他们骗了。 Perhaps I was deceived by them. (我也许被他们骗了。) Maybe it's just a misunderstanding. (也许这只是误会。) *perhaps “也许”。deceive “欺骗”、 “欺诈”。 *maybe “也许”。misunderstanding “误解”、 “误会”。 Maybe they tricked me. *trick “欺骗”、 “捉弄”。 They might have deceived me. *might have done “也许做了……”。 问题终于解决了。 Did you figure out what was wrong with the machine? (你知道这台机器出什么毛病了吗?) The problem has finally been worked out. (问题终于解决了。) *finally “终于”。work out “解决”。 The problem has finally been resolved. *resolve “解决”。 The problem has been solved at last. *solve “解决”。 非常便宜。 Was that expensive? (贵不贵?) No, it was a real bargain. (不贵, 非常便宜。) *bargain “买得值的东西”、 “特价品”。 I got it for next to nothing. (我没花什么钱就得到它了。) *next to nothing “很少的”、 “近乎等于零的”。 I got it for a song. (我花了一点点钱就弄到手。) *for a song “用一点点钱”、 “以很便宜的价格”。 我检查了3遍。 I checked it three times. (我检查了3遍。) That should be good enough. (那足够了。) *check “检查”。 I have checked it three times. I personally checked it three times. (我亲自检查了3遍。) *personally “亲自”。 It has already been checked three times. (已经把它检查了3遍。) 我看了一遍商品目录。 I went through this brochure. (我看了一遍商品目录。) Did you see anything you wanted to buy? (看到什么你想买的了吗?) *go through “过目”。brochure “(销售用的)小册子”。 I looked through the brochure. I flipped through the brochure. *flip through “很快地浏览”。 我已经考虑到了。 Did you consider the tax? (你考虑税了吗?) I've taken that into account. (我已经考虑到了。) *take ...into account “考虑……”。 I've already considered that. I included that already. 我们都准备好了。 Do you have everything you need? (你们需要的每一样东西都备好了吗?) Yes, we're all set. (是, 我们都准备好了。) *all set “完全准备好了”。 We're ready to go. We are prepared. 我们讨论过。 Which one was better? (哪一个更好?) We debated that. (我们讨论过。) *debate “讨论”、 “辩论”。 We went back and forth about that. (我们为此反复进行了讨论。) *back and forth “来回”、 “反复”。 We hashed that over. *hash over “讨论”。 我只能做到这些。 This is the best I can do. (我只能做到这些。) Thank you for trying. (你努力了, 谢谢。) *try “努力”、 “尝试”。 I can't do any better. I've done the best I can. 它花的时间比我预计的要长。 Why wasn't the report done on time? (为什么报告没按时写出来?) It took longer than I had expected. (它花的时间比我预计的要长。) *on time “按时”。 *这里的take指“花费(时间等)”。longer是long的比较级, 表示“更长”。expect 意思是“预期”、 “预想”。 I underestimated the time it would take. *underestimate “看轻”、 “低估”。 I didn't expect it to take this long. It took longer than I had anticipated. 我不知道详细情况。 When will the project start? (这个项目什么时候开始?) I don't know the details. (我不知道详细情况。) *detail “详情”。 I don't have that information. (我没有那方面的信息。) *information “信息”。 I wasn't informed of the details. (具体细节没人告诉过我。) 实际上, 我知道的并不多。 How much do you know about it? (那件事你知道多少?) Actually, I don't know much. (实际上, 我知道的并不多。) *How much ...? “……多少?”。 *actually “实际上”、 “其实”。 Actually, not much. Not a whole lot, to tell the truth. *a whole lot “很多的”。truth “真相”。to tell the truth “说真的”。 没人知道。 How do you operate the fax machine? (这个传真机怎么用?) Nobody knows. (没人知道。) *operate “操作”。 Nobody has a clue. (谁也不知道。) *clue “线索”。 It's anybody's guess. Who knows? 这只是一个设想。 It's just an idea. (这只是一个设想。) And a very good one. (这个设想非常好。) It's just a thought. (这只是一个想法。) It's just food for thought. *food for thought有“使人深思的事”的意思。 我们的扩张计划泡汤了。 Our plans to expand weren't realized. (我们的扩张计划泡汤了。) What happened? (出什么事了?) *expand 指“扩张”、 “扩大”。realize有“实现”、 “意识到”的意思, 在这里指的是“成为现实”。 Our plans didn't materialize. *materialize “使实现”。 Our plans went awry. *awry “离开预期的方向”。 Our plans went astray. *astray “迷途的”、 “在歧途上的”。 我把约会忘了。 I forgot my appointment. (我把约会忘了。) You'd better stop doing that. (这种事情最好不要再发生了。) *appointment “约会”。 *You'd是You had的缩写。had better “最好……”。 I neglected to go to my appointment. *neglect “忽视”、 “漏做”。 I forgot I had an appointment. 非常可靠。 How's the service at ABC? (ABC公司的服务怎么样?) It's very reliable. (非常可靠。) *reliable “值得信赖的”、 “可靠的”。 It's very trustworthy. (确实值得信赖。) *trustworthy “可以信赖的”。 It's the most reliable service. (这是最可靠的服务。) 我自己把这件事做完了。 I finished this myself. (我自己把这件事做完了。) It must have taken a long time. (你一定花了很长时间。) *myself “我自己”。 I finished this without anyone's help. (谁也没帮忙, 我把这件事做完了。) I finished this on my own. *on one's own “一个人”、 “独立地”。 多亏你, 我才能按时把它做完。 Thanks to you, I was able to do it on time. (多亏你, 我才能按时把它做完。) I'm glad I could help out. (能帮得上忙我很高兴。) *thanks to ... “多亏……”。on time “按时”、 “准时”。 *help out “帮助”。 I was able to do it on time due to your help. *due to ... “因为……”。 Because of you, I was able to do it on time. *because of ... “因为……”, 表示理由。 I finished it on time because of you. 我刚好在截止日前把报告写好了。 I finished writing the report just before the deadline. (我刚好在截止日前把报告写好了。) That's great. I knew you could do it. (真不简单。我知道你能行。) *deadline “截止日期”。 I finished the report just in time. *in time “及时”。 I just made the deadline on that report. *这里的make指“赶上”。 我都安排好了。 I made all the arrangements for it. (我都安排好了。) You did a wonderful job. (你做得很好。) *arrangement for ... “……的准备(手续、程序)”。 I did all the arrangements for it. I took care of all the arrangements. *take care of ... “处理……”。 I saw to all the arrangements for it. *see to “办理”、 “照顾”。 最终是对我自身有好处。 That must have been hard. (那一定很辛苦。) Yeah, but it ended up being for my own good. (是啊。不过, 最终是对我自身有好处。) *hard “困难的”、 “辛苦的”。 *It ended up ... “以……而告终”。“It turned out ...” 也表示同样的意思。for my own good “对我自己有好处(方便)”。 It turned out to be for my own good. *turn out to ... “结果……”。 It turned out to be a great learning experience for me. (这对我来说是一次很好的学习机会。) *learning experience “学习经历”。 我们已经退出来了。 Are you still involved in the project? (你们还参与那个项目吗?) No, we pulled out. (不, 我们已经退出来了。) *pull out “退出”。 We gave up on it. (我们已经放弃了。) *give up on ... “放弃……”。 We decided to forget it. (我们决定不再提它了。) We decided not to go through with it. (我们决定不干了。) *go through with ... “做完……”。 一遍就能做好的事情我却做了两遍。 It took me twice to do something that could have been done once. (一遍就能做好的事情我却做了两遍。) What a waste of time! (真是浪费时间!) I didn't need to do it twice. (我真不该再做一遍。) I did it twice, even though it could have been done only once. 不怎么样。 How do you feel about the presentation you made today? (你觉得你今天的口头报告怎么样?) There's nothing to be proud of. (不怎么样。) *nothing “没什么”。be proud of “骄傲”。 I don't feel proud about it. There's nothing to feel proud about. 白跑了一趟。 Did you go to the warehouse today? (你今天去仓库了吗?) Yes, but it turned out to be a wasted trip. (去了, 不过白跑了一趟。) *turn out ... “证明为……”、 “结果是……”。wasted “浪费的”、 “没用的”。 It turned out to be a wild-goose chase. *wild-goose chase “徒劳之举”。 The trip turned out to be a waste of time. (纯属浪费时间。) 我被人敲了竹杠。 Did the deal go well? (生意不错吧?) No, I got ripped off. (哪儿呀, 我被人敲了竹杠。) *deal “生意”、 “合同”。 *rip off “敲竹杠”、 “剥削”。 I was cheated. (我被骗了。) *cheat “欺骗”。 I got a rotten deal. (我做了一笔很烂的生意。) *rotten “腐烂的”、 “糟糕的”。 这是恶性循环。 Expenses keep rising. (花销不断攀升。) It's a vicious circle. (这是恶性循环。) *expenses “开支”。 *vicious circle “恶性循环”。 It never ends. It goes round and round. *round and round “一圈又一圈”。 你看到了…… As you can see, I'm rather busy now. (你看到了, 我现在非常忙。) I won't disturb you, then. (那我就不打搅你了。) *“as ...” 有“像……一样”、 “一边做……”、 “因为……”等多种意思。rather指“很”、 “相当”、 “颇”。 *disturb “打搅”。 As You've noticed, ... (你也注意到了……) *notice “注意”、 “觉察”。 It's pretty apparent ... (显而易见……) *pretty “很”、 “相当”。apparent “明白的”、 “明显的”。 ●联络 会谈明天举行。 When will we meet them? (我们什么时候与他们会谈?) The meeting is on for tomorrow. (会谈明天举行。) *on这一个词就表示“被安排”的意思。 We'll have the meeting tomorrow. The meeting will be tomorrow. The meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow. 安排在15号。 It's scheduled for the 15th. (安排在15号。) I'll be there. (我会去的。) *schedule “安排”。 It's set for the 15th. It will be on the 15th. 我会提前告诉你日程安排。 I'll let you know the schedule in advance. (我会提前告诉你日程安排。) That will be very helpful. (那太好了。) *let you know “通知你”。in advance “提前”、 “事先”。 *helpful “有用的”、 “有帮助的”。 I'll give you advance notice of the schedule. *advance notice “事先通知”。 I'll give you the schedule in advance. 日程安排也许还会有一些变化。 We may have some changes in the schedule. (日程安排也许还会有一些变化。) Just call me if you do. (如果有变化给我打电话。) *changes in the schedule “日程上的变化”。 We may make some changes in the schedule. We may need to make some changes in the schedule. The schedule may be changed. (日程安排也许会有改变。) 7点在希尔饭店。 Where and when is the meeting? (会几点在哪儿开?) It'll be at the Hill Hotel at seven. (7点在希尔饭店。) *It'll be at ...at ... 直接回答“在……地方在……时间”就可以了。 At the Hill Hotel at seven. It'll take place at the Hill Hotel at seven. *take place “(活动等)举行”。 周末所有人都必须加班。 What's this week's schedule? (这周有什么安排?) Everyone must come to work this weekend. (周末所有人都必须加班。) *must带有很强的义务、必要、强制的语气, 表示“必须做……”、 “应该做……”、 “有必要做……”。 We're all working this weekend. No one is off this weekend. (这个周末任何人都不可以请假。) 他刚走。 Is Tom around? (汤姆在吗?) He just left. (他刚走。) *just “刚才”、 “刚刚”。这么说表示“他刚走, 但不清楚他还回不回来”。 He just took off. (他刚出发。) You just missed him. (你刚好和他错过了。) He's already gone. (他已经走了。) 他刚刚出去。 Is Mr. Aoki available? (青木先生有空吗?) He just stepped out. (他刚刚出去。) *这句话带有“刚刚出去, 马上就会回来”的意思。step out指“出去”、 “离开座位”。 He just went out for a while. He's left for just a few moments. (他刚出去, 过一会儿就回来。) 开会我要晚到10分钟。 I'll be ten minutes late for the meeting. (开会我要晚到10分钟。) We'll start without you. (那我们就不等你了。) *late “迟到”。 *without ... “没有……”、 “缺……”。 I'm going to be ten minutes late for the meeting. I'm going to arrive at the meeting ten minutes late. (我要晚10分钟到会。) 他说他会迟到大约20分钟。 What did Mr. Aoki say? (青木先生说了什么?) He said he would be about twenty minutes late. (他说他会迟到大约20分钟。) He said he would be twenty minutes late, give or take. *give or take “大约”、 “大概”。 He said he is running about twenty minutes late. *这里的run指“(时间)流逝”。 他要晚回来。 Where is Mr. Smith? (史密斯先生在哪里?) He's late getting back. (他要晚回来。) *get back “回来”、 “返回”。 He's late returning. He's late coming back. 有两三处变化。 Has the plan changed at all? (计划到底有没有变化?) There are a couple of changes. (有两三处变化。) *这里的at all指“究竟”、 “到底”。 *a couple of “两三处的”、 “有几处的”。 There are a few changes. *a few “稍微的”、 “一些”。 There are some changes. 没什么变化。 There're no changes. (没什么变化。) Not even for the better? (没有变得好一些吗?) It's the same. (还是老样子。) It hasn't changed. 我们收到了史密斯先生发来的传真。 We received a fax from Mr. Smith. (我们收到了史密斯先生发来的传真。) What does it say? (上面说了什么?) *receive “收到”。 Here's a fax from Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith sent us a fax. *send “发送”。sent是其过去式。 这份传真是今天发过来的。 This fax came in today. (这份传真是今天发过来的。) Good. I've been waiting for it. (很好。我正等着呢。) *come in “进来”、 “来到”。 This was faxed in today. This fax arrived today. 今天会放在你的办公桌上。 Where's that report? (那份报告在哪儿?) It'll be on your desk today. (今天会放在你的办公桌上。) You'll have it by today. You'll see it on your desk before the day is out. *before the day is out “今天当中”。 这是正式的。 Is this a rehearsal? (这是练习吗?) No, this is for real. (不, 这是正式的。) *用于摄影等场合中的对话。for real “正式的”。 It's for real. This is the real thing. This is a real take. 我们还没有做决定。 Have you decided? (你已经决定了吗?) We haven't made a decision yet. (我们还没有做决定。) *make a decision “做决定”。not ...yet “还没有……”。 Will he be hired or not? (他会不会被录用?) That's still up in the air. (结果还没定下来。) *still “还”、 “未”。up in the air “(计划等)还没有决定”、 “悬而未决”。 Is the meeting on? (要开会吗?) There's nothing definite yet. (还不知道。) *definite “明确的”、 “确实的”。 We are in the process of deciding. (我们还在做决定。) *in the process of ... “……正在进行当中”。 We haven't decided yet. We are still deciding. That's still not settled. *settle “决定”。 That's still unknown. *unknown “未知的”。 We don't know yet. (我们还不知道。) We're not sure yet. (我们还不清楚。) *sure “确信的”。 我问清楚了以后再告诉你。 Will Mr. Jones be attending? (琼斯先生会参加吗?) I'll check and let you know later. (我问清楚了以后再告诉你。) I'm not sure, but I'll find out for you. (我不清楚, 但我会去帮你问问。) I'm not sure, but I'll try to find out for you. (我不清楚, 但我会尽量去帮你问问。) 他说事情很重要。 Why does the boss want to see me? (老板找我有什么事?) I don't know. He said it's important. (我不知道。他说事情很重要。) *important “重要的”。 He said that it's an important matter. *matter “事情”。 He told me that it's important. 他说想和你谈谈。 What did Mr. Aoki say? (青木先生说什么?) He said he wanted to talk with you. (他说想和你谈谈。) He said he wanted to discuss something with you. He said he wanted to go over something with you. *go over ... “讨论……”、 “考虑……”。 我们会采纳你的建议的。 Do we have a deal? (我们谈成了吗?) We'll adopt your idea. (我们会采纳你的建议的。) *adopt “采纳”。因为 adopt和表示“使合适”的adapt拼写上很相似, 所以注意不要混淆。 We'll accept your idea. *accept “接受”。 We've decided to use your idea. ●提出来商量 我想和你谈谈。 I want to talk with you. (我想和你谈谈。) Is there a problem? (有什么问题吗?) *talk with ... “和……交谈”、 “和……谈话”。 I need to talk with you. I'd like to talk with you. 我要好好听听。 I have a business proposition for you. (我有个商业计划要告诉你。) I'm all ears. (我要好好听听。) *proposition “方案”。 *be all ears “全神贯注地听”、 “诚心想听”。 Shoot. (请。) *这里的“Shoot.”指“有什么想说的就请说”。 I'm listening. *listen “听”。 我遇到了麻烦。 There's something that's bothering me. (我遇到了麻烦。) Please tell me what it is. (告诉我是什么事。) *bother “烦恼”、 “操心”、 “麻烦”。 There's something on my mind. *be on one's mind “惦记”。 Something's bugging me. *bug “烦恼”、 “使为难”。 There's something I need to get off my chest. *get off my chest “解决问题或烦恼, 卸下心头的重负”、 “倾吐出来”。 你对这个怎么看? What do you think about this? (你对这个怎么看?) I'm all for it. (我完全同意。) *习惯用语, 这么记住就可以。这里的for指“赞成”、 “同意”。 What's your opinion on this? (对这个你有什么看法?) I don't think it will work. (我认为那不成。) *opinion “意见”。 *work “顺利”。 How do you feel about this? What's your opinion? (你的看法是什么?) What's your take on this? What's your view? *这里的view指“看法”、 “想法”。 我们想听听你的意见。 We want to hear your opinion. (我们想听听你的意见。) I really don't have one yet. (我还没什么意见。) We'd like to get your opinion. We'd like to hear your opinion. 你有什么主意? I want to make some changes. (我想做些改动。) What do you have in mind? (你有什么主意?) *have ...in mind “正在考虑……”。 What are you thinking? What's on your mind? *on one's mind “考虑”。 我想听听你的真实想法。 I'd like to know your real intentions. (我想听听你的真实想法。) I'm trying to get inside information. (我在试图获得内部情报。) *有礼貌地表达“我想……”的时候可以用“I would like to ...”。这里I would省略为I'd。“想听听”可以用hear表达, 像这里用know也没关系。intention指“真实意图”。 I'd like to hear your true intentions. (我想听听你的真实想法。) I'm not comfortable telling you. (我不方便告诉你。) *comfortable “舒适的”、 “舒畅的”。 I'd like to hear what you have in mind. Tell me what you are up to. *up to有“计划”的意思, 但因为带有轻蔑的语气, 所以不能给对方好感。 I'd like to know how you really feel. (我想知道你的真实感觉。) I'd like to hear your honest feelings. *honest “诚实的”。 有什么想法? Any ideas? (有什么想法?) Not at the moment. (现在没有。) Any suggestions? Do you have any thoughts? 请给我一些建议。 I'd do it differently if I were you. (如果我是你我就不会那么做。) Please give me some advice. (请给我一些建议。) *I'd是I would的缩写。 *give “给予”。advice “建议”、 “意见”。 What can I do for you? (有什么事吗?) I'd like you to give me some advice. (希望你能给我一些建议。) I need some advice. Kindly give me some of your advice. *kindly “亲切地”、 “和善地”。 I need advice from you. (我需要你的建议。) 我想和我的同事谈谈。 Have you made your final decision? (你做最后决定了吗?) I'd like to talk to my colleagues about it. (我想和我的同事谈谈。) *colleague “同事”、 “朋友”。 Let me discuss it with my colleagues. I'd like to consult my colleagues about it. *consult “听取意见”、 “商量”。 老实说, 是出于一个很私人的原因。 Why'd you want to see me? (你为什么想见我?) To be frank with you, it's for a very personal reason. (老实说, 是出于一个很私人的原因。) *Why'd是Why did的缩写。 *开诚布公时的说法。frank “毫无隐瞒的”、 “坦诚的”。personal “个人的”。 Frankly speaking, I'm here for my own personal reason. To be honest with you, my motive is very personal. *to be honest with you “说实话”。motive “动机”、 “本意”。 今天我们要好好谈谈。 Let's talk things out thoroughly today. (今天我们要好好谈谈。) Great. Where should we start? (好。我们从哪里开始?) *talk out “通过充分的交谈解决(问题等)”。thoroughly “彻底地”、 “完全”。 I'd like to talk things out thoroughly today. Let's talk things out in detail today. (今天我们仔细谈谈。) *in detail “详细地”。 我们得认真谈谈。 I'm sorry I'm not doing well this month. (这个月我做得不好, 还请原谅。) We need to have a talk. (我们得认真谈谈。) *有什么重要的事情需要谈时可以这么说。need to 指“有必要做”、 “必须做”, 比must或have to的语气要弱, 比should的语气要强。 Let's sit down and have a talk. (让我们坐下来好好谈谈。) *sit down “坐下来”。 Let's have a serious talk. (让我们认真谈谈。) 我们有很多话要谈。 We have a lot to talk about. (我们有很多话要谈。) I suggest we get started then. (那现在就开始吧。) There's much for us to discuss. We have a myriad of things to talk about. (我们有数不清的话题要谈。) *myriad “无数的”。 可以的话, 我想先讨论一下。 Do you want to close the deal? (想成交吗?) I'd rather discuss it first. (可以的话, 我想先讨论一下。) *I'd rather ... “我更愿意……”、 “我想做……”。 I'd prefer we talked it over first. *prefer “喜欢”。 I'd prefer to discuss it first. 我们再约个时间当面谈谈好吗? Shall we meet to discuss it again? (我们再约个时间当面谈谈好吗?) I think that would be a good idea. (我想这是个好主意。) *Shall we ...? “我们可以……吗?”。 Shall we get together to talk it over once more? (我们能不能再聚一次好好谈谈呢?) Shall we arrange a time to go over it again? (我们能不能另外再安排一个时间好好谈谈呢?) *go over “探讨”。 我们来讨论讨论结果。 How did we do in sales this month? (这个月我们的销售额怎么样?) Let's discuss the results. (我们来讨论讨论结果。) *当我们说“就……进行讨论”时经常用discuss, 但是discuss后面不需要用about, 这一点要注意。 Let's look at the results. Let's examine the results. *examine “察看”。 你能到我办公室来一趟吗? Could I see you in my office? (你能到我办公室来一趟吗?) Sure, I'll be right there. (好的。我马上就到。) *上司有特别的事情要和下属谈谈时可以用这句话。“Could I ...?”意思是“……可以吗?”, 表示征求对方的许可。 I'd like to see you in my office. *I'd是I would的缩写。 I need to talk with you in my office. 我可以找谁商量? I'm sorry, I can't help you with that. (对不起, 那件事我帮不了你。) Who should I talk to about it? (我可以找谁商量?) Who should I discuss it with? Who can I discuss this with? 我可以问谁? Who should I ask? (我可以问谁?) There is an information desk on the first floor. (一层有一个问讯处。) *ask “询问”、 “打听”。 *There is ... “有……”。information desk “问讯处”、 “前台”。 Who should I talk to? Who should I speak with? 我怎么说呢? How can I put this? (我怎么说呢?) Just speak your mind. (怎么想就怎么说。) *put “(用言语等)表达(想法等)”。 How am I supposed to explain this? (我该怎样解释呢?) You got me. (我也不好说。) *be supposed to ...“应该……”。因为supposed to两个单词连在一起发音, 所以d的音几乎听不见。“How am I supposed to ...?”这句话在英语会话中经常出现, 因此这么记下来就可以。explain指“解释”。直译是“我怎么解释好呢?”。 How shall I put it? How can I express it in words? *express “表达”、 “表述”。 How can I explain this? How am I supposed to justify this? (我怎么才能证明它是正当的呢?) *justify “辩护”、 “证明……是正当的”。 How am I going to explain this? 恐怕遇到麻烦了。 What's up? (怎么啦?) I'm afraid there's a problem. (恐怕遇到麻烦了。) *用于告知对方自己的问题。“I'm afraid ...”指“担心可能……”。 I think we've got a problem. Looks like we have a problem. 我们想经销你们的产品。 We'd like to handle your products. (我们想经销你们的产品。) We'd be pleased if you would. (真是这样那就太好了。) *handle “处理”、 “经销”。product “产品”、 “商品”。 *pleased “高兴的”、 “感激的”。 We're interested in selling your products. *be interested in ... “对……感兴趣”。 We'd like to promote your products. *promote “推进”、 “推销”。 我该怎么做? What should I do? (我该怎么做?) I think you should talk to him. (我认为你该找他谈谈。) What do you think I should do? Please tell me what I should do. (请告诉我应该怎么办。) 真是一个不招人喜欢的话题。 Actually, it's about borrowing some money from you. (实际上, 是想从你那里借一点钱。) It's such an unpleasant topic, isn't it? (真是一个不招人喜欢的话题。) *unpleasant “不愉快的”、 “感觉不好的”。 Oh dear, what a disagreeable topic. *disagreeable “不愉快的”、 “讨厌的”。 It sure is an unpleasant topic, isn't it? *sure是副词, 和surely(确实)的意思相同。 你听说过……吗? Where's a good place to meet? (在哪儿见面好?) Have you heard of the new restaurant “XYZ”? (你听说过一个新开的叫“XYZ”的饭店吗?) *hear of ... “听说……”、 “听到……的传闻”。 Are you familiar with ...? *be familiar with ... “对……熟悉”。 Do you know about ...? ●谈论现状 你认为那个意见怎么样? What do you think of that opinion? (你认为那个意见怎么样?) I disagree with it. (我不同意。) *opinion “意见”。 *disagree “不同意”。 Do you agree with that opinion? (你赞成那个意见吗?) *agree “赞成”。 How do you feel about it? (你对这个怎么看?) What's your opinion on that? 你赞成我的计划吗? Are you in favor of my plan? (你赞成我的计划吗?) I do think it's better than the others. (我的确认为它比别的要好。) *in favor of ... “赞成……”。 Do you like my plan? How do you feel about my plan? (你认为我的计划怎么样?) 反意为:Are you against my plan? (你不同意我的计划吗?) 你认为那不可能, 是吗? I'll never get the job. (我不会得到那份工作的。) Do you think it's impossible? (你认为那不可能, 是吗?) *never “决不会……”。get “得到”。 *impossible “不可能的”。 Do you feel like it can't be done? Do you think it's preposterous? *preposterous “荒唐的”、 “不合理的”。 情况都清楚了吗? Do you get the picture? (情况都清楚了吗?) Yes, I see. (是, 我都明白了。) *get the picture “把握意思”、 “理解整体的关系”。 Do you understand? Get it? Do you see? 那个项目进行得怎么样了? How is that project? (那个项目进行得怎么样了?) Coming right along. (一切顺利。) *project “项目”、 “计划”、 “方案”。 How are you doing on that project? How's the project coming? 你批准了吗? Did you authorize it? (你批准了吗?) No, I'm still considering it. (没有, 我还在考虑。) *authorize “赋予权限”、 “正式认可”。 *consider “认真思考”、 “深思熟虑”。 Have you authorized it? Is it authorized? (批下来了吗?) 有人发牢骚吗? Has someone complained? (有人发牢骚吗?) Not that I know of. (据我所知没有。) *complain “抱怨”、 “诉苦”。 *know of ... “知道……”。 Has someone made a complaint? Has someone voiced his dissatisfaction? *voice “(用言语)表达”。dissatisfaction “不满”、 “不平”。 你对结果满意吗? Are you happy with the results? (你对结果满意吗?) They are short of my expectations. (太让我失望了。) *be happy with ... “对……很满足”。result “结果”。 *be short of ... “……不足”。 Are you pleased with the results? *be pleased with ... “对……满意”。 Do the results make you happy? *这里的make指“使……”。 叫我老板也参加, 好吗? Would you like me to ask my boss to join us? (叫我老板也参加, 好吗?) That's an excellent idea. (是个好主意。) Shall I ask my boss to come, too? I could ask my boss to join us. (我可以叫我的老板参加。) 我们不准备礼物行吗? Don't we have to get a gift? (我们不准备礼物行吗?) I've already taken care of that. (我已经办妥了。) *Don't we have to ...? “我们不……行吗?”。get a gift指“准备礼物”。 *take care of ... “处理(事情)”、 “承担……”。 Shouldn't we get a gift? Aren't we required to give a gift? *require “要求”。 你能给我出些主意吗? Can you give me some ideas? (你能给我出些主意吗?) Sure, I have six or seven for you. (当然可以, 我可以给你六七个。) *idea “想法”、 “主意”、 “点子”。 Do you have any ideas? How about giving me some ideas? 这个项目你们能延期吗? Would you hold off on the project? (这个项目你们能延期吗?) Why would you say that? (你为什么这么要求?) *hold off on ... “延长”、 “延期”。project “计划”、 “方案”、 “项目”。 Would you stop working on the project for a while? Would you not work on the project for now? Could you put a hold on the project? *put a hold “延期”。 我们还需要一点时间。 You need to decide today. (你们今天需要做决定。) We need a little more time. (我们还需要一点时间。) *decide “决定”。 *a little “稍微的”。 We're not ready yet. (我们还没有准备好。) *ready “准备好”。yet “还”。 It's too soon. (太快了。) *soon “马上”。 给我一些时间考虑考虑。 Are you for or against it? (你同意还是不同意?) Give me some time to think about it. (给我一些时间考虑考虑。) *for “同意”。against “反对”。 I need to think about it for a while. *for a while “一段时间”。 Let me sleep on it. (让我认真考虑一下。) *sleep on “考虑一个晚上”, 也就是“认真考虑”的意思。 没有别的解决办法吗? I'm afraid we have to let employees go. (恐怕我们必须解雇员工。) Isn't there some way of getting around that? (没有别的解决办法吗?) *let ...go “解雇(人)”。 *way “办法”。get around “钻(法律或规则等的空子)”、 “逃掉”、 “避开”、 “寻找退路”。 Can't we get around this somehow? (我们不能设法躲开吗?) *somehow “设法”、 “以某种方式”。 Isn't there some way to prevent that? (没有什么办法避免吗?) *prevent “阻止”。 我能相信你吗? How did the secret leak out? (秘密是怎么泄漏出去的?) Can I trust you? (我能相信你吗?) *leak out “(秘密等)泄漏”。 *trust “信赖”、 “相信”。 Are you to be trusted? Should I trust you? Are you trustworthy? *trustworthy “值得信赖的”。 你们会承担一部分费用吗? Would you cover part of the cost? (你们会承担一部分费用吗?) Our budget will not allow that. (我们的预算不允许这么做。) *Would you ...? “你们会……吗?”。比“Will you ...?”委婉而有礼貌。cost指“费用”、 “经费”。price指的是商品的价格, 而cost指的是在生产、维护、服务等方面所花的费用。 Would you help pay for it? (你们会帮我们支付吗?) Would you pay for part of it? 你认为他们会同意吗? Do you think they'll buy that? (你认为他们会同意吗?) It'll never happen. (别指望了。) *这里的buy指“同意(别人的意见等)”、 “接受”。 Do you think they'll believe that? Think they'll go for it? *go for “扑向”、 “支持”。 我可以翻阅一下吗? May I glance through it? (我可以翻阅一下吗?) Sure. Here it is. (当然可以。请。) *May I ...? “我可以……吗?”。 glance through “浏览”。 May I take a look at it? *take a look at ... “看……一眼”。 May I give it a quick look? *look一般作动词, 但是在这里是名词, a quick look表示“很快地看”。 有捷径吗? Is there a shortcut? (有捷径吗?) I'm afraid not. (恐怕没有。) *shortcut “近路”、 “快捷的办法”。 Is there a quicker way? Is there an easier way? 我要重做吗? Should I do it over? (我要重做吗?) No, this should do it. (不, 这样就可以了。) *do over “重做”。 *这里的do指“有用”、 “正好”。 Shall I do it over? Should I do it again? 你了解他们些什么? What do you know about them? (你了解他们些什么?) Just what you have told me. (就是你告诉我的那些。) Do you know anything about them? Do you have any knowledge about them? *knowledge “知识”、 “信息”。 你知道从哪儿能得到那个信息吗? Do you know where to get that information? (你知道从哪儿能得到那个信息吗?) No, I have no idea. (我不知道。) *have no idea “不清楚”、 “不知道”。 Do you know how to find out? (你知道怎么去找吗?) *how to ... “如何……”。 Have you any idea how I can find that information? *正式的说法。 这个英语怎么说? How do you say this in English? (这个英语怎么说?) We say “cell phone.” (我们叫它“手机”。) What's the English for this? What's this in English? 你认为史密斯先生会知道吗? Do you think Mr. Smith would know? (你认为史密斯先生会知道吗?) Why don't we ask him? (要不我们问问他?) *know “知道”、 “清楚”。 *“Why don't ...?”表示提出建议, 意思是“何不……”。 Will Mr. Smith know? I wonder if Mr. Smith would know. *I wonder if ... “我想是否……”。 你听说过X公司吗? Have you heard of the X Company? (你听说过X公司吗?) No, I've never heard of it. (没有, 我从来没有听说过。) *hear of ... “听说……”。 Have you heard of a company called X? Have you ever heard of the X Company? *ever “曾经”。 Are you familiar with the X Company? *be familiar with ... “精通……”、 “熟悉……”。 Do you know of a company named X? (你知道一个叫X的公司吗?) *“你知道名叫……的……吗?”说成 “Do you know of a ...named ...?”。注意英语和中文语序的不同。 这里我应该写什么? What should I write here? (这里我应该写什么?) Your first name. (写你的名。) What would you like me to write here? What should I put here? What am I supposed to write here? *be supposed to ... “应该”。 我们可以谈谈新的交货计划吗? Anything we need to talk about? (我们有什么需要谈的吗?) Can we discuss the new delivery schedules? (我们可以谈谈新的交货计划吗?) *discuss “讨论”。delivery和shipping的意思大致相同, 但也不完全相同。delivery schedule指的是“把货送往目的地或客户手中的时间表”, 而shipping schedule指的是“从发货地点发货的时间表”。 We need to discuss the new delivery schedules. Let's discuss the new delivery schedules. (我们谈谈新的交货计划吧。) 这样可以吗? Will this do? (这样可以吗?) It'll work just fine. (这样就足够了。) How's this? (这个怎么样?) Is this OK? 不好说。 Can we negotiate the price? (价格可以商量吗?) It's hard to say. (不好说。) *直译是“很难说”。 It's hard to tell. You got me. *马上回答不上来, 或是因为不知道而感到窘迫时的说法。 是关于上次发的货。 What's your question about? (你是问什么?) It's about the last shipment. (是关于上次发的货。) *这里的last指“最后的”、 “上次的”。shipment “发送”、 “送货”。 The last shipment. It's regarding the last shipment. *regarding “关于……”、 “有关……”。 只要你做这件事。 Can I expect a raise? (能给我加薪吗?) Provided that you do this. (只要你做这件事。) *expect “期待”、 “预想”。raise “加薪”、 “涨工资”。 *provide “作为条件”、 “只要”。 As long as you do this. (只要你做这件事。) *as long as ... “只要……”。 If you agree to do this. (如果你同意做这个的话。) *agree “同意”。 ●商量今后的事 这件事交给你办可以吗? Can I trust you with it? (这件事交给你办可以吗?) I am a dependable person. (我办事你放心。) *trust “信赖”、 “依靠”。 Can I count on you? *count on ... “依靠……”、 “依赖……”。 Are you trustworthy? *worthy意思是“有……的价值”, trustworthy就成了“值得依靠”、 “可以信赖”的意思。 我们要怎么处理它们? We have so many defective products. (我们有很多的残次品。) What are we going to do with them? (我们要怎么处理它们?) *defective “有缺陷的”。product “产品”。 What can we do with them? What should we do with them? I can't think of anything to do with them. (我想不出什么办法来处理它们。) 我们应该采取什么对策? What should we do about it? (我们应该采取什么对策?) I haven't the foggiest idea. (我一点招儿都没有。) *foggy “(想法等)模糊不清的”。习惯用语, 这么记下来就可以了。 How should we handle it? *handle “管理”、 “处理”。 What do you think we should do? 那个怎么样? How does that sound to you? (那个怎么样?) It sounds fantastic. (很不错。) *意思是“你认为那个怎么样?”。sound “听起来”、 “认为”。 *fantastic “极好的”、 “精彩的”。 What do you think of that? Does that sound okay? 如果你是我, 你会怎么做? I don't think that's a good idea. (我不觉得那是个好主意。) What would you do if you were me? (如果你是我, 你会怎么做?) *would是will的过去式, 但在这里是虚拟语气, 表示“会……”。 What would you do in my place? *in one's place “在……的位置上”。 What would you do if you were in my shoes. *in one's shoes “代替……”。 可以利用一下你和董事长的交情吗? Can we use your connection with the president? (可以利用一下你和董事长的交情吗?) I'll see what I can do. (我会试试看。) *connection with ... “和……的关系”、 “和……的交情”。 Can we take advantage of your connection with the president? *take advantage of ... “利用……”。 Can we take advantage of your influence with the president? (可以利用你对董事长的影响力吗?) *influence with ... “对……的影响力(威望)”。 随你。 When can we reschedule? (我们什么时候重新安排?) It's up to you. (随你。) *be up to ... “随……”。 It's in your court. *表示“看你的”习惯用语。 You decide. *decide “决定”。 如果他们不同意, 我们该怎么办? What will we do if they say no? (如果他们不同意, 我们该怎么办?) We'll just try someone else, that's all. (大不了我们再试试别的。) What if they say no? *What if ...? “如果……的话, 怎么办?”。 If they say no, what then? 没有什么办法吗? I need to quit my job. (我要辞职。) Couldn't something be worked out? (没有什么办法吗?) *quit “辞去”。 *something “某事”。work out “解决(问题)”。 Can't we work something out? Let's work this out. (我们想想办法吧。) 我想考虑所有的可能性。 I'd like to consider all the possibilities. (我想考虑所有的可能性。) Let me know when you make your decision. (你一旦做了决定就通知我。) *I'd是I would的缩写。would like to 指“想要……”。possibility指“可能性”、 “有可能的事情”。 I'd like to consider everything that's involved. *involve “涉及”。 I'd like to think about all the possibilities. 如果卖不出去的话会怎么样? What happens if they don't sell? (如果卖不出去的话会怎么样?) We'll discontinue the line. (我们就停止生产。) *happen “发生”。 What will we do if they don't sell? (如果谁都不买的话怎么办?) What happens if no one buys? 你认为它们会好卖吗? Do you think they'll sell? (你认为它们会好卖吗?) I have no way of knowing. (我没法知道。) What do you think? Will they sell? (你怎么想?它们能卖出去吗?) What are the odds they'll sell? (销售的前景如何?) *odds “机会”。 做个问卷调查怎么样? How about a survey by questionnaire? (做个问卷调查怎么样?) It works for me. (我同意。) *“How about ...?”用于征求意见时, 表示“……怎么样?”。survey指“调查”、 “检查”。questionnaire指“问卷”。 *这里的work指“顺利”。 How about a questionnaire survey? Can we conduct the survey by questionnaire? (我们可不可以进行问卷调查?) *conduct “进行”。 你什么时候付诸实施? When can you implement that? (你什么时候付诸实施?) It's being done as we speak. (现在就已经在做了。) *implement “实施”、 “实行”。 When can you put that into effect? *put ...into effect “实施……”、 “实行……”。 When can you set things in motion? *set ...in motion “把……付诸实施”。 值得冒险吗? Is it worth the risk? (值得冒险吗?) You bet it is. (当然。) *worth “有价值”、 “值得”。 Is this gamble going to pay off? (这个赌能赢吗?) *gamble “打赌”。这里的pay off指“得到好结果”。 Do you really think it's worth it? *直译是“你真的认为它值得吗?”。 你打算付诸行动吗? I think we should do it this way. (我觉得我们应该这么做。) Are you going to act on it? (你打算付诸行动吗?) *Are you going to ...? “你打算……吗?”。act on “按照……行动”、 “基于……行动”。 Are you going to follow through? (你打算干到底吗?) *follow through “干到最后”。 Are you all talk, or will you act? (你只是说说而已, 还是真要干?) *说话语气强硬的话, 有责备人的意思。 什么时候生效? When will this go into effect? (什么时候生效?) Next week. (下周。) *go into effect “实施”。 When will this be effective? When is it going to be effective? *effective “生效的”。 我们什么时候能知道? When do you think we'll know? (我们什么时候能知道?) Any minute now. (马上。) *直译是“你认为我们什么时候能知道?”。We'll是we will的缩写。 When do you think they will inform us? *inform “通知”。 How soon do you think We'll know? *How soon ...? “多久……”。 欢迎提建议。 Can I make some suggestions? (我可以提些建议吗?) We are open to ideas. (欢迎提建议。) *suggestion “建议”。 *open to ... “乐意接受……”。这里的idea指“意见”、 “见解”。 We always appreciate new ideas. *appreciate “感谢”、 “重视”。 We're looking for a new concept. (我们在寻找新思路。) *look for ... “寻找”。concept “思路”。 你能重新考虑一下吗? I'm thinking of quitting. (我打算辞职。) Would you reconsider that? (你能重新考虑一下吗?) *reconsider “重新考虑”。 Would you give that more thought? I wish you'd think twice about that. *think twice “认真考虑”。 对我们会有什么影响? We're merging with ABC Company. (我们要和ABC公司合并。) How will it affect us? (对我们会有什么影响?) *merge “(公司等)合并”。 *affect “影响”、 “作用”。 How will we be affected by this? Do you know how we'll be affected? (你知道这对我们会有什么影响吗?) 你需要进一步的说明吗? Do you need more explanation? (你需要进一步的说明吗?) No, I got it. (不, 我已经明白了。) *explanation “说明”、 “解说”。 Do you need more clarification? *clarification “说明”、 “阐明”。 Do you need it explained more? Do you need me to explain it more? 我们应该做个决定。 Should we attend the meeting? (我们要参加那个会吗?) We should decide that. (我们应该做个决定。) We should make up our minds. *make up one's mind “下决心”。 We should make a decision. *make a decision “做决定”。 这件事恐怕比较难解决。 She is threatening to sue. (她威胁说要去起诉。) We might have problems solving this. (这件事恐怕比较难解决。) *threaten “威胁”。sue “起诉”、 “控告”。 *might “也许……”。solve “解决(问题等)”。 This could be difficult to resolve. We might have trouble solving this. 希望将来你还给我提建议。 Was my advice useful? (我的建议有用吗?) Yes. I hope you'll advise me again in the future. (有用。希望将来你还给我提建议。) *useful “有用的”、 “起作用的”。 *这里的advise 指“提建议”。future 指“未来”、 “将来”。 I hope I can count on you to advise me again. *count on ... “依靠……”、 “信任……”。 Please continue giving me good advice. *continue “继续”。

使用道具 举报

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发表于 2008-10-23 13:53:30 |只看该作者
报告、联络或商谈的常用语 ●关于报告的常用语 我真不愿说, 但是…… I hate to tell you this, but I forgot to give you this important memo. (我真不愿说, 但是我忘了把这个重要的备忘录交给你。) That's OK. Miss Jones already gave me the details. (没关系, 琼斯小姐已经详细告诉我了。) *hate to ... “讨厌做……”。 *detail “细节”。 I hate to say this, but ... you're fired. (我不愿说, 但是……你被解雇了。) What did I do wrong? (我做错什么了?) I'm reluctant to tell you this, but ... *be reluctant to ... “犹豫做……”。 It's difficult to tell you this, but ... This doesn't give me pleasure, but ... *pleasure “愉快”、 “高兴”。 This is difficult to say, but ... *difficult to say “很难开口”。 结果…… Consequently, we lost the contract. (结果, 我们没得到这份合同。) Oh, no! (哦, 怎么会这样!) Therefore, ... As a result, ... As a consequence, ... So, ... 直说了吧…… To come right to the point, we've decided not to do it. (直说了吧, 我们已经决定不做了。) That's unfortunate. (太遗憾了。) *没有铺垫, 直奔主题时可以先说这句话。 *unfortunate “遗憾的”、 “不幸的”。 The bottom line is, ... *bottom line “要点”、 “结论”。 To be blunt, ... *blunt “率直的”、 “不拐弯抹角的”。 I won't beat around the bush, ... *beat around the bush “拐弯抹角地说”。 从现状看…… How many do we need to buy? (我们需要买多少?) Realistically, at least five units. (从现状看, 至少需要5台。) Actually, ... To tell the truth, ... *习惯用语。放在句子开头, 表示“说实在的……”。 很幸运…… How's business? (生意怎么样?) Fortunately, all's well. (很幸运, 一切都很顺利。) Thankfully, ... (谢天谢地……) Thank goodness, ... (谢天谢地……) 和往常一样…… As usual, he won't answer the phone. (和往常一样, 他没接电话。) That's very irritating. (太让人生气了。) As per usual, ... As is routine, ... *routine “例行公事”。 不过…… How did it go? (怎么样了?) Things went smoothly. However, there's one problem. (事情办得很顺利。不过, 有一个问题。) *smoothly “利索地”、 “顺利地”。however “但是”、 “然而”。 But, ... (但是……) Except, ... (除……之外) 实际上…… Is the report ready? (报告写好了吗?) Actually, no. (实际上, 还没有。) *actually “实际上”、 “事实上”。 As a matter of fact, ... To be precise, ... *precise “准确的”。to be precise “准确地说”。 条件如下。 What are the conditions? (条件是什么?) The conditions are as follows. (条件如下。) *as follows “如下”。 The conditions are as shown. (条件正如所示。) The conditions are as shown below. (条件正如下面所显示的。) 不管你信不信…… Believe it or not, the phones work again. (不管你信不信, 电话又可以用了。) I'm glad to hear that. (太好了。) *因为是习惯用语, 所以这么记下来就可以了。 *be glad to ... “高兴做……”。 It's incredible, but ... As unbelievable as it sounds ... 准确地说…… To be exact, $649.50. (准确地说, 是649.5美元。) Is that all? (只有这些吗?) Exactly, ... (准确地说……) Precisely, ... (准确地说……) 嗯…… What's wrong with the boss? (老板怎么啦?) Well, I'm not sure. (嗯, 我不太清楚。) Um, ... Ah, ... 事情就是这样。 That's all there is to it. (事情就是这样。) You make it sound so simple. (你说得好像很简单。) *说完某件事后附加的习惯用语。 It's that simple. And That's all. *That's all “就这些”、 “事情就这样”。 That is all there is to know. 这只是时间问题。 Will he be hiring soon? (他马上会雇新人吗?) It's just a matter of time. (这只是时间问题。) *matter本意是“物质”、 “物体”, 这里是“问题”的意思。 Any time now. It's simply a matter of time. 我说话直, 请原谅。 I'm sorry to be blunt. (我说话直, 请原谅。) That's quite alright. (没关系。) *blunt的意思指“(言辞等)唐突”, 所以用“直率”表达就很贴切。 *alright=all right I hate to be blunt. *hate to ... “讨厌……”。 Excuse me for being abrupt. *excuse me for ... “原谅我……”。abrupt “唐突的”、 “鲁莽的”。 I'm sorry to be direct. *direct “(人或言行)直率的”、 “直截了当的”。 我也许错了。 I may be wrong. (我也许错了。) I'm sure you know what you're talking about. (我相信你知道你在说什么。) *wrong “错误的”。 It's possible I'm mistaken. *possible “可能的”。mistake “错误”。 I may be in error. *error “错误”、 “不对”, 比mistake更加生硬。 I could be wrong. (我可能错了。) *could “也许”、 “可能”。 简要地说…… Tell me about the market condition. (给我讲讲市场的情况。) In brief, It's not so good. (简要地说, 不太好。) In short, ... To make a long story short, ... *直译是“长话短说……”。 有鉴于此…… And for that reason, we chose him. (有鉴于此, 我们选了他。) I see now. (我现在明白了。) *进行诸多说明之后, 承上启下时使用。reason指“理由”、 “动机”, and for that reason表示“有鉴于此”。 Therefore, ... *听起来比较书面化。 Consequently, ... (因此……) Accordingly, ... (所以……) So, ... (因此…… ) 自然…… Naturally, we cannot lower the prices. (自然, 我们不可能降价。) Is that your final answer? (这是你的最后答复吗?) *final “最后的”、 “最终的”。 Obviously, ... (显然……) It's only natural that ... (……也很自然。) 除了…… How many people do we have? (我们有多少人?) Five, in addition to me. (除了我还有5个。) * in addition to ... “再加上……”、 “除……之外”。 besides ... (并且/而且/此外) not including ... (除……之外) 坦率地说…… Frankly, I don't care. (坦率地说, 我无所谓。) That's a shame. (那太遗憾了。) *frankly “坦率地说”。care “担心”、 “关心”。I don't care. “不在意”、 “无所谓”。 *shame除了“害羞”的意思以外, 还表示“遗憾”、 “糟糕”的意思。 To be honest with you, I don't know if we can afford it. (老实说, 我不知道我们是否能付得起这笔钱。) I'm sure we can work something out. (我相信我们能想出办法来。) To be honest, ... (老实说……) *honest “诚实的”。 Truthfully speaking, ... *truthfully “正直地”、 “诚实地”。 Frankly speaking, ... (坦率地说……) To tell you the truth, ... (说真的……) 首先…… What did you think about the interview? (你认为这个面试情况怎么样?) First of all, she spoke well. (首先, 她说得不错。) Firstly, ... To begin with, ... 他们还没有公开。 They haven't announced it yet. (他们还没有公开。) When will they make it official? (他们什么时候会公开?) *announce “发表”、 “通知”、 “公布”。yet “还”。 *official “公开的”、 “正式的”。 It hasn't been announced yet. It hasn't been made public yet. *public “公开的”、 “公用的”。 我觉得…… It seems to me that sales are down. (我觉得销售额下降了。) Let's check the books. (查一查账簿吧。) *seem “感觉……”、 “觉得……”。 *这里的books指“账簿”。 It seems like ... I have a feeling that ... 如果我没有记错的话…… What was his reaction? (他的反应怎样?) If I remember correctly, he was not pleased. (如果我没有记错的话, 他不是很高兴。) *reaction “反应”、 “态度”。 *remember “记忆”。correctly “正确地”。pleased “高兴的”、 “满足的”。 I seem to recall ... *seem “好像……”。recall “想起”。 If memory serves me, ... *memory “记忆”。serve “服务”。 哦, 我明白了。 It happened this way. (这件事就这样发生了。) Ah, okay. (哦, 我明白了。) *happen “发生”。 All right. Okay. I see now. (现在我明白了。) *这里的see指“明白”。 怎么回事儿? What's the story? (怎么回事儿?) The bank turned us down. (银行拒绝了我们。) *What's the story? 这个说法用于要求别人报告事情的进展, “关于……进行得怎么样了?”、 “……情况怎么样?”。 *turn down ... “拒绝……”。 Do you know anything about it? (关于这件事你知道些什么吗?) What's going on? (怎么啦?) 告诉我真相。 Tell me the truth. (告诉我真相。) I intend to. (我是想这么做。) *truth “真相”。 *intend to ... “想要……”。 Call a spade a spade. *spade指农耕用具“锄头”。谚语, 意思是“实话实说”。 Please be honest with me. (请对我说真话。) *honest “诚实的”。 你想说什么就说吧。 It's hard to tell you this, but ... (这件事真是难以启齿, 但是……) Say what you mean. (你想说什么就说吧。) *mean表示“意味着”、 “意图”, 带有“实际上”的含义。 Say it the way it is. Say what you want to say. Give it to me straight. (你就直截了当地说吧。) 挑重要的说吧。 It's a long story. First, ... (说来话长。首先……) Get to the point. (挑重要的说吧。) *get to the point “简明扼要”、 “简要地说”。短语, 直接记住就可以。 Tell me the important part first. (首先告诉我重要的部分。) Get to the important part of your story. (就说事情的关键部分。) 请你简单说。 I have to talk to you about something. (我必须告诉你一些事。) Please be brief. (请你简单说。) *brief “短时间的”、 “简洁的”。Please be brief. 习惯用语。 Please be short. Please get to the point. *直译是“请说重点”。 Please make it short. Please get straight to the point. ●关于联络的常用语 记住…… Remember, the meeting's at 1∶00. (记住, 会议定在1点钟。) I won't forget. (我不会忘的。) *用于提醒人不要忘记某事。 Don't forget, Mr. Smith is joining us. (不要忘了, 史密斯先生要参加进来。) I won't. (我不会忘的。) Keep in mind, ... *直译是“记在心里”。 Please remember, ... Bear in mind, ... 趁着还没忘记我说一下…… Before I forget, the meeting has been changed to 3 p.m. (趁着还没忘记我说一下, 会改在了下午3点开。) Thanks for informing me. (谢谢你告诉我。) *forget “忘记”。 So that I don't forget, ... *so that “为了”。 Let me say ... before I forget. 顺便说一下…… Incidentally, I scheduled the meeting. (顺便说一下, 会议时间我安排好了。) Good. I'll be there. (好的。我会参加的。) *即使是重要的事情, 用这种方式表达可以使语气缓和一些。 By the way, ... (顺便说一下……) Come to think of it, ... (想起来了……) 就像我说过的…… Come to my party tonight. (今晚来参加我的聚会吧。) Thank you. But as I was saying, I need to attend a meeting tonight. (谢谢。不过就像我说过的, 今晚我要开一个会。) *as ... “按照……”、 “像……一样”。 As I mentioned earlier, ... *mention “提及”。 As I said before, ... Like I was saying, ... 如果那样的话…… I won't be in tomorrow. (我明天不上班。) If that's the case, I'll be here. (如果那样的话, 我会在。) In that case, ... *直译是“那样的话”。 If that's true, ... (如果那是真的……) 不管怎么样…… Anyway, when was that convention? (不管怎么样, 大会什么时候开的?) Last weekend. (上周末。) So, we were thinking we'd hire her. (总之, 我们打算录用她。) I think that's a great idea. (我认为这是一个好主意。) *回到正题, 或改变、结束话题时, 表示“无论如何”。 Anyhow, ... In any case, ... At any rate, ... 顺便问一下…… By the way, when is he due to arrive? (顺便问一下, 他什么时候到?) Ten o'clock this morning. (今天上午10点。) *due to ... “预定……”。 Oh, and ... Incidentally, ... 原则上…… Can I take a vacation next week? (下周我可以休假吗?) As a rule, we require three week's notice. (原则上, 我们要求提前3周请假。) *as a rule “原则上”。require “要求”。notice “通知”。 Usually, ... (通常……) Generally, ... (一般来说……) 我已经知道了。 Let me tell you about our latest meeting. (我来告诉你最新会议的内容。) I've heard about it. (我已经知道了。) I've already heard about it. I've heard all about it already. I've already been informed. *inform “通知”。 ●关于商谈的常用语 有件事情我想找你谈谈。 I have something to speak to you about. (有件事情我想找你谈谈。) Okay. (好的。) There's something I wanted to ask you. (有件事情我想问问你。) There's one more thing. (还有一件事情要谈。) I have something to talk to you about. There's something I'd like to talk to you about. *I'd是I would的缩写, “I'd like to ...” 表示“我想做……”。 There's something I'd like to discuss with you. *discuss (with) “和……讨论”。 I'd like to speak to you about something. 我想和你说句话。 I'd like to have a word with you. (我想和你说句话。) What is it? (说什么?) *have a word with ... “有话和……说”。 May I talk to you for a few minutes? (我可以和你谈一会儿吗?) Actually, I'm very busy right now. (事实上我现在很忙。) *actually “事实上”。 Can you spare a minute? (耽误你一会儿, 可以吗?) Sure, I'll be right there. (好的, 我马上就到。) I need a minute to talk with you. May I have a word with you? (我可以和你谈谈吗?) *may “可以”。 Would you spare me a few minutes? (你可以给我一些时间吗?) *这里的spare指“腾出(时间)”。 Do you have a few minutes to talk? Can I talk with you for a few minutes? May I speak with you for a minute? Can I have a minute of your time? Do you have any time? May I see you for a moment? 我有很多事情要告诉你。 I have a lot of things to tell you. (我有很多事情要告诉你。) Sure, please come in and sit down. (好的, 请进来坐下说。) There are so many things I want to tell you. I can't wait to talk to you. (有些话我等不及了想和你谈。) 我想私下和你谈谈这件事。 I'd like to discuss it with you personally. (我想私下和你谈谈这件事。) Come to my office then. (那么你到我办公室来。) *discuss “谈论”。personally “个人地”。 I'd prefer to talk to you personally about it. *prefer to ... “更喜欢……”。 I'd rather talk about it with you personally. *would rather ... “……更好”、 “宁愿……”。 我要和你谈一件私事。 I need to talk to you about a personal matter. (我要和你谈一件私事。) OK, what is it? (好的, 什么事?) *personal “私人的”。matter “问题”、 “事情”。 I have to talk to you about something personal. I must discuss something personal with you. 对了, 我有些事要告诉你。 By the way, I have something to tell you. (对了, 我有些事要告诉你。) I'm all ears. (我要听听。) *by the way “对了”、 “另外”。 *be all ears是习惯用语, 表示“洗耳恭听”、 “认真倾听”。 Oh yeah, I need to tell you something. *Oh yeah, ... “对了对了”。 I almost forgot. I have something to tell you. *I almost forgot. “我差点忘了”。 我有重要的事要和你谈。 I need to talk to you about something important. (我有重要的事要和你谈。) Talk away. (你说吧。) *important “重要的”。 *talk away “继续说”。 I have something important to talk to you about. We need to speak about something important. 我知道你很忙, 不过…… I realize you're busy, but I need to talk to you. (我知道你很忙, 不过我需要和你谈谈。) Okay, go ahead. (好的, 你说吧。) *realize “理解”、 “实际感受到”、 “知道”。 I know you're busy, but ... I understand you're busy, but ... 抱歉问一下…… Excuse me for asking, but did you go to Yale University? (抱歉问一下, 你在耶鲁大学读过书吗?) No, I didn't. (没有。) Pardon me for asking, but ... *“Pardon me.”的用法和“Excuse me.”相同。 Excuse me, but ... 现在时间是不是不合适? Is this a bad time? (现在时间是不是不合适?) No, now is okay. (不, 现在没问题。) Would another time be better? (要另外找时间吗?) Is this an inconvenient time? *inconvenient “不方便的”。 嘿。 Hey, you. (嘿。) Yeah, what? (嗯, 什么事?) *单独说一声“嘿”也可以引起对方的注意, 不过根据语气的不同, 会给对方造成没有礼貌、不客气的印象, 这一点需要注意。 Guess what? *直译是“你猜怎么啦”, 也可以用于引起对方的注意。 Hey. You know what? (你知道怎么回事吗?) Listen. (听我说。) 我就直说了。 You wanted to talk to me? (你想和我谈谈?) Yes, I'd like to get right to the point. (是, 我就直说了。) *这里的right指“马上”、 “直接”。 I'd like to get right down to it. I'd like to get straight to the point. 我想知道…… I was just wondering when the lunch break was. (我想知道午饭是什么时间。) It is in one hour. (一小时以后。) *wonder ... “想知道……”。 I was curious ... *curious “好奇的”。 I was just interested in knowing ... (我想知道……) *be interested in ... “对……有兴趣”。 如果…… Suppose we were to buy from X Company. (如果我们从X公司购进。) We would save a lot of money. (我们会节约一大笔钱。) *suppose除了“想像”、 “认为”的意思外, 还有“如果”的意思。 Supposing ... Assuming ... *assuming ... “假定……”、 “假设……”。 Let's say ... 请等一下。 May I speak with you? (我可以和你谈谈吗?) One moment, please. (请等一下。) *moment “瞬间”、 “短时间”。 Just a minute, please. *minute “瞬间”、 “短时间”、 “一会儿”。 Hold on just a moment. *hold on是祈使句, 表示“等一下”。 嗯, 让我想想。 I was wondering if you could come with me tomorrow. (你明天是不是可以和我一起来?) Well, let me see. Can I get back to you? (嗯, 让我想想。回头给你答复可以吗?) *I was wondering if ... “我想是否……”、 “是不是……”。通常是用在自问自答的时候, 如果有听话人在的话, 也可以用于间接地询问对方。 *话说到一半或会话进行不下去时用的表达方式, 相当于中文的“嗯……”。“get back to ...”指“(思考以后)回头再给……答复”。 Well, Let's see. We'll have to see. Hm ... 有什么事你尽管问, 请不要客气。 Please don't hesitate to ask me for anything. (有什么事你尽管问, 请不要客气。) OK, I won't. Thank you. (好的。谢谢。) *hesitate “犹豫”。 Please don't be afraid to make any requests. *be afraid to ... “害怕……”。request “请求”、 “需要”。 You can ask me for anything, anytime. (有什么事情你随时可以问我。) 你在说什么? I just can't stay here anymore. (这里我再也待不下去了。) What are you talking about? (你在说什么?) *stay “滞留”、 “待”。anymore “再”。 What are you trying to say? (你想说什么?) What do you mean? (你是什么意思?) *mean “意思是”。 What are you saying? 怎么啦? It's about the new plan. (是关于新计划。) What about it? (怎么啦?) What do you want to know? What of it? *说话语气不同, 有时听起来会很无礼。 我会好好考虑的。 Would you like to sit in on the meeting? (你会出席这个会吗?) I'll think it over. (我会好好考虑的。) *sit in “出席(会议等)”。 *think over “认真考虑”。 I'll sleep on it. (我会好好考虑的。) I'd rather have an answer now. (我希望现在就给我一个答复。) *sleep on ... “把……考虑一个晚上”。实际上并非真的是考虑一个晚上, 只是说要类似那样“认真地考虑”。 I'll give it some thought. I'll think about it. I'll sit on it for a while. 唉, 谁知道会怎么样。 I think our stock will be dropping. (我认为我们的股票会跌。) Well, I don't know about that. (唉, 谁知道会怎么样。) *drop “下降”、 “下跌”。 *直译是“唉, 我对这个一无所知”。well “唉”、 “嗯”。 I'm not sure that will happen. *sure “确定的”。 Well, I'm not sure about that. I'm not sure if I agree. *agree “同意”。 听我说。 Listen to me. (听我说。) I'm listening. (我听着呢。) *在这样的场合, 不用hear(听)。 Please listen. Listen carefully. (你仔细听。) 公司职位的英语叫法 职位也是一个难以翻译的内容, 不同的企业和团体, 会有很大的差别, 这里举出的是常用的叫法。 主席 chairman 董事会主席 chairman of the board 执行主席 acting chairman 董事长 president 副董事长 vice president 执行董事 executive director 常务董事 managing director 董事 director 总经理 general manager 部门经理 division manager 部门副经理 assistant division manager 科长 section chief 副科长 assistant section chief 经理 manager 副经理 assistant manager (普通)文员 (ordinary) office worker 文员 office worker 秘书 secretary

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发表于 2008-10-23 13:54:08 |只看该作者
发表意见 ●肯定 可能性非常大。 The chances are very good. (可能性非常大。) I certainly hope so. (我希望真是这样。) *The chances are ... “可能性……”。表示可能性较大时可以用good或fair, 不过fair的可能性稍低一些。 *certainly “确实”、 “一定”、 “必定”。 It looks like the chances are good. (看起来可能性很大。) There is a good possibility of that. *possibility “可能性”。 我确信。 Are you sure about that? (你对那件事确信吗?) I'm positive. (我确信。) *positive “明确的”、 “确信的”。 I'm certain. *certain “确信的”。 I'm sure. 我一点儿都不觉得这个选择不好。 What do you think? (你认为怎样?) I don't think it would be a bad choice at all. (我一点儿都不觉得这个选择不好。) *用would带有“即使选了这个”、 “如果是这样”的含义。a bad choice “坏的选择”。at all “绝对”。 I think it would be a pretty good choice. (我认为这是一个很不错的选择。) *pretty “很”、 “相当”。 I think you are making a good choice. (我认为你的选择很好。) *make a choice “做选择”。 肯定不会有什么怨言。 How will they react to the new work schedule? (他们对新工作时间表会有什么反应?) I'm sure no one will complain about it. (肯定不会有什么怨言。) *complain “抱怨”。直译是“我敢肯定没有人会对此抱怨的”。 I'm sure everyone will find it acceptable. (我相信每个人都会很满意的。) *acceptable “满意的”。 It should suit everyone. (它会适合每一个人。) *suit “适合”、 “满意”、 “合适”。 How can anyone complain about it? I'm sure no one is going to complain about it. 希望这个尽快步入正轨。 I want to get this on track soon. (希望这个尽快步入正轨。) I'll get on it as soon as possible. (我会尽快做到。) *get ... on track “使……上轨道”。soon “马上”。 *as soon as possible “尽快”。 I want to get this moving soon. (希望这件事尽快运作起来。) *这里的move指“(工作)进展”。 I want to move quickly on this. (我希望这件事有很快的进展。) *quickly “快速地”、 “很快地”。 我赞成向海外开拓市场。 What do you think our next plan of action should be? (你认为我们下一步的行动应该是什么?) I'm in favor of overseas expansion. (我赞成向海外开拓市场。) *plan “计划”。action “行动”、 “活动”。 *in favor of ... “支持……”、 “赞成……”。overseas “向海外的”。expansion “扩张”、 “扩大”。 I'm in support of overseas expansion. (我支持向海外扩张。) *support “支持”。 I believe we should expand overseas. (我认为我们应该打入国际市场。) *believe “相信”、 “认为”。 I think overseas expansion is a good idea. (我认为开拓国际市场是个好主意。) 工作上用得着。 Why do you need a fax machine? (为什么你需要一台传真机?) It's useful for work. (工作上用得着。) *be useful for ... “对……有用”、 “对……有效”。 It helps me with my work. It helps me with my job. 我已经习惯了这套系统。 Why do you do it this way? (你为什么这么做?) I've gotten used to this system. (我已经习惯了这套系统。) *I've是I have的缩写。get used to ... “习惯于……”。 I'm used to this system. *be used to ... “习惯于……”。 I've become accustomed to this system. *become accustomed to ... “习惯于……”。 它有很多我们需要的优势。 I understand you chose ABC Company to work with. (我知道你选择了ABC公司和你们合作。) Yes, it has a lot of the advantages we're looking for. (是, 它有很多我们需要的优势。) *understand “理解”。choose “选择”。 *advantage “优势”。look for ... “期待……”。 It has the most advantages. (这个公司优势最多。) *the most “最多的”。 It has the advantages we need. (这个公司拥有我们需要的优势。) 我相信他们会欣然接受这笔生意。 Do you think they'll be interested? (你认为他们会感兴趣吗?) I'm sure they'll jump at the deal. (我相信他们会欣然接受这笔生意。) *be sure “确信”。jump at “(对商谈等)热烈回应”。deal “(商业)买卖”、 “合同”。 They'd be crazy not to jump at the chance. *直译是“如果他们对此没有热烈回应那他们一定是疯了”。 They'll probably jump at the deal. (他们很可能会热烈回应的。) 我们有一个赚大钱的机会。 We have a chance of making a big profit. (我们有一个赚大钱的机会。) Or we could lose a lot of money. (也可能会赔进去很多钱。) *have a chance “有机会”。profit “赢利”、 “利润”。 There's a chance we could make a big profit. This could be a chance to make a lot of money. This could be our chance to strike it rich. (这可能会是我们发大财的机会。) *strike it rich “发财”、 “成为暴发户”。 从长远来看, 我们会从中受益的。 This sure seems like extra work. (这看起来的确像是多此一举。) In the long run, it'll benefit us. (从长远来看, 我们会从中受益的。) *in the long run “从长远看”、 “从长计议”。benefit “有用”、 “有利”。 In the end, we'll come out ahead. (最终我们会获利的。) *come out “结果……”。 It'll be good in the long run. 值得一试。 Do you think we can compete? (你认为我们竞争得过吗?) It's worth a try. (值得一试。) *compete “竞争”、 “比赛”。 *worth “值得”。try是名词, 表示“尝试”。 Let's give it a try. (试试吧。) *give it a try “尝试”。 We won't know unless we try. (我们只有试了才知道。) *unless “除非”。 It's worth giving it a shot. *shot “尝试”、 “试图”。 我们不能忽略它的存在。 Maybe if we ignore it, it'll just go away. (或许如果我们忽略它, 它就会消失。) We can't just ignore it. (我们不能忽略它的存在。) *ignore “不理”。go away “失去”、 “消失”。 We have to do something about it. (我们必须做点什么。) We can't just act like it doesn't exist. *act like ... “行为举止好像……”。 我们仍然有机会在最后关头扭转局势。 We still have a chance to turn the tables on them at the last minute. (我们仍然有机会在最后关头扭转局势。) I admire your optimism. (我真佩服你的乐观主义精神。) *这句话用在使形势扭转的时候。“最后的最后”可以用at the last minute或at the last moment来表示。turn the tables指“扭转局势”。 We still have time to pull off a last-minute win. *pull off “顺利完成”、 “赢得”。 The game is not over yet. We still might win at the last moment. (游戏还没有结束。我们仍然有可能在最后一刻取得胜利。) *over “结束”、 “完了”。yet “还”。 There's still a chance we'll be able to win. We still have a chance to turn the tables on them at the 11th hour. *at the 11th hour是习惯用语, 表示“最后关头”。这是因为12点是最后时刻。 就连我都能做。 It seems so difficult. (看起来有相当的难度。) No. Even I can do it. (不难, 就连我都能做。) *even放在被修饰语句的前面, 起强调的作用。这里表示“连我”、 “就是我”。 It's so easy, even I can do it. That's something even I can do. ●否定 我的意见完全相反。 I couldn't disagree with you more. (我的意见完全相反。) Everyone has a right to his opinion. (每个人都有权力拥有自己的观点。) *直译是“你的意见我再反对不过了”, 也就是说“我的意见完全相反”。disagree是“意见不合”、 “意见相反”, 是agree的反义词。“I couldn't agree with you more.”则表示“我完全赞同”。 I think we should sell now. (我认为我们现在就应该出售。) I disagree totally. (我完全反对。) *totally “完全”、 “绝对”。 I totally disagree with you. (我完全不赞同你。) I do not agree with you at all. *at all在否定句中表示“一点也不……”, 有强调的意思。 I don't agree at all. I am in complete disagreement. 这一点我不赞成。 We need a new plan. (我们需要一个新计划。) I don't agree with you there. (这一点我不赞成。) *agree with ... “同意……”、 “赞成……”。 I'm afraid I can't agree with that. *这个说法增加了“遗憾”的意思在里面。 I'm sorry. I disagree. (对不起。我反对。) We disagree with you there. I can't go along with you there. (这一点我和你的意见不同。) *go along “赞成(人或事情)”。 I disagree with you on that. I can't agree with that. 我们不这样看。 This is the natural choice. (这是自然而然的选择。) We don't see it that way. (我们不这样看。) *这里的see表示“认为”、 “判断”。 We don't think so. We feel differently. *differently “不一样地”、 “不同地”。 We see it differently. That's not the way we read it. 我不认为这很重要。 I don't think it's important. (我不认为这很重要。) My research shows that it is important. (我的调查显示这很重要。) *important “重要的”、 “关键的”。 I don't think it's vital. *vital “重大的”。 I don't think it has much importance. 你不认为你在自相矛盾吗? Don't you think you're contradicting yourself? (你不认为你在自相矛盾吗?) I hadn't really thought about it. Maybe I am. (我没想过, 或许是这样。) *contradict oneself “说话自相矛盾”。 Don't you think what you said is contradictory? Don't you think you're being inconsistent? *inconsistent “前后矛盾的”。 我反对和他们有什么瓜葛。 What do you think about the company? (你怎么看那家公司?) I'm against getting involved with them. (我反对和他们有什么瓜葛。) *against “反对”。get involved with ... “和……有关”。 I don't want to get involved with them. (我不想和他们有什么牵连。) I'm uncomfortable getting involved with them. (我讨厌和他们有什么联系。) *uncomfortable “不舒服的”、 “不安的”。 不要说这种话。 We must raise our prices. (我们得提高价格。) Don't say that. (不要说这种话。) *raise “提高(价格、工资等)”。 You shouldn't say that. I wish you wouldn't say that. 我不知道。 Do you know who took my folder? (你知道谁拿走了我的文件夹吗?) I know nothing about it. (我不知道。) *nothing “没有东西”。 I don't know anything about it. I'm in the dark about it. *in the dark “不知道”。 这会产生很大不同。 It's only two percent. (只有2%。) It makes a big difference. (这会产生很大不同。) *这里的make指“产生”。difference “不同”。 It helps a lot. (这可帮大忙了。) It has a huge impact. (它的影响很大。) *huge “非常大的”。impact “影响”、 “(精神上的)冲击”。 无稽之谈。 I heard the merger fell through. (我听说合并的事泡汤了。) That's not true at all. (无稽之谈。) *merger “合并”。fall through “以失败告终”、 “没有实现”。 *not ... at all “完全不……”。 That's absolutely false. *absolutely “完全”。false “错的”。 That just isn't true. That couldn't be farther from the truth. *farther “更远”。 我想是你搞错了。 I think you got it wrong. (我想是你搞错了。) What makes you say that? (你为什么这么说?) *get “理解”。wrong “错误的”、 “不正确的”。 I think you're wrong. I think you're mistaken. *mistaken “错误的”。 我不觉得那是一个好主意。 I think we should ask for his opinion. (我想我们得咨询他的意见。) I don't think that's a good idea. (我不觉得那是一个好主意。) *I don't think ... “我不认为……”。 I'm against the idea. (我反对这个想法。) *against “反对”。说法略显强硬。 I'm not in favor of that idea. Bad idea. I object to that idea. *object “反对”。 Not a good idea. That's a bad idea. I don't agree with you. 理论上似乎不错。 How's the new proposal coming? (新提案怎么样?) It looks great on paper. (理论上似乎不错。) *proposal “方案”、 “提案”。 *look “(外表上)看”。on paper “纸上”、 “从理论上”。 Things look good so far. (目前情况看起来还好。) *so far “目前为止”。 It looks real good on paper. *real “真的”、 “非常”。 我不认为那样合算。 What do you think of the proposal? (你认为提案怎么样?) I don't see it paying off. (我不认为那样合算。) *pay off有“支付”、 “付清”的意思, 在这里表示“合算”。 It doesn't look good. It doesn't look positive. (看起来没有建设性。) *positive “积极的”。 I don't think it will work out. (我不认为进展会顺利。) *work out “(事情等)进展顺利”。 不值得。 Should we pursue the merger? (我们应该合并吗?) It's not worth the effort. (不值得。) *pursue “实行”、 “推行”。 *这句话表示“努力不值得”、 “没有价值”、 “不划算”。worth “有价值”、 “值得”。effort “努力”。 It's not worth it. It won't be beneficial. (不会有什么好处的。) *beneficial “有利的”、 “有益的”。 我们改变了想法。 I thought you were hiring him. (我以为你要雇他。) We've changed our minds. (我们改变了想法。) *change one's mind “改变想法”。 We've decided against it. (我们决定不这样做。) *against “反对”、 “不做……”。 We've decided not to. (我们决定不这样做。) 它不合逻辑。 Why do you have a problem with it? (为什么你觉得这个有问题?) It's not logical. (它不合逻辑。) *logical “合逻辑的”。 It's not sensible. (这不切实际。) *sensible “切合实际的”、 “明智的”。 It's not reasonable. (这没道理。) *reasonable “有道理的”。 It doesn't make any sense. (这个没道理可讲。) *make sense “合情合理”。 It's not rational. 那不现实。 What do you think of that? (你怎么认为?) That's not practical. (那不现实。) *practical “实用的”、 “可行的”。 That doesn't make any sense. *直译是“那毫无道理可言”。 That's not the way it should be done. *直译是“不应该是这样”。 That's not feasible. 恐怕这些数字都不可信。 Have you seen the figures? (你看过这些数字吗?) I'm afraid they are unreliable. (恐怕这些数字都不可信。) *I am afraid ... “很遗憾……”, 缓和语气的表达方式。unreliable “不负责任的”。 I think they are unreliable. I have some doubts about their reliability. 听起来很可疑。 What do you think of his plan? (你认为他的计划怎么样?) It sounds fishy. (听起来很可疑。) *fishy “(谈话等)可疑的”、 “奇怪的”、 “骗人的”。 It sounds strange. (听起来很奇怪。) *strange “奇怪的”、 “古怪的”。 Something fishy is going on. (有些事让人觉得很可疑。) 少了点什么。 Something is missing. (少了点什么。) Everything seems fine to me. (我认为没什么问题。) *missing “缺少的”、 “没有的”、 “不存在的”。 *seem “看起来(好像……)”。 What do you think of the report? (你认为这份报告怎么样?) It lacks something. (缺了点什么。) *lack “缺乏”、 “不足”。 It needs something. It seems like something is missing. Something isn't right. (有些地方不对。) 一时想不起来了。 Remember the old proposal? (旧提案你有印象吗?) It doesn't ring a bell. (一时想不起来了。) *remember “记住”。proposal “(正式的)提案”、 “提议”。 *ring a bell “马上明白”、 “使想起”。 It doesn't sound familiar. (好像没听到过。) *familiar “听惯的”、 “熟悉的”。 I'm not familiar with that. *be familiar with “精通”、 “熟知”。 我想我们漏掉了点什么。 I think we've missed something. (我想我们漏掉了点什么。) Let's go over it again. (那我们再重新检查一遍。) *miss “漏掉”。 *go over “重新检查”。 I think we've left something out. (我想我们漏了点什么。) *leave out “漏写”、 “忘记”。 I think we've omitted something. (我想我们漏了点什么。) *omit “省略”、 “丢掉”、 “忘掉”。 那样做会很麻烦。 Why not merge companies? (为什么不合并公司?) It would complicate things. (那样做会很麻烦。) *complicate “使复杂”、 “使麻烦”。 It would cause confusion. (那样做会引起混乱的。) *confusion “混乱”。 It would make matters difficult. (那样做会使事情变得困难。) *matter “事情”。 那样做很可能会降低我们的信誉。 Should we deal with them? (我们应该和他们做生意吗?) We'd be risking our reputation. (那样做很可能会降低我们的信誉。) *We'd是We would的缩写。risk指“冒险”。reputation指“名声”、 “声誉”。 Our reputation is going to be at stake. *at stake “面临危机”。 Our good name would be at risk. *at risk “(人、事业等)面临危机”。 我们得推迟做决定。 Let's decide what we're going to do. (我们决定接下来做些什么吧。) We need to hold off making the decision. (我们得推迟做决定。) *decide “决定”。 *hold off “推迟”、 “延长”。make a decision “做决定”。 Let's wait a while before deciding. We need to put off making the decision. *put off “延期”。 还没有决定。 When are you leaving? (你什么时候走?) That hasn't been decided yet. (还没有决定。) *decide “决定”、 “下决心”。 That hasn't been settled yet. *settle “决定”、 “解决”。 That has yet to be decided. 我们不认为这个会好卖。 We don't think this will sell well. (我们不认为这个会好卖。) I don't understand why you feel that way. (我不明白你们为什么会那么想。) *sell “卖”、 “销售”。well “很好地”、 “顺利地”。 *feel “认为”、 “觉得”。用在不如think有根据的情况下, 给人不太有把握的印象。way指“观点”、 “看法”。 We don't think this will be a good seller. *good seller “畅销品”。 We have reservations about this selling. *这里的reservation指“保留意见”、 “疑惑”。 那样做会造成一些问题。 That will cause some problems. (那样做会造成一些问题。) I hope you're wrong. (但愿你是错的。) *cause “成为原因”、 “引起”。 That's going to cause problems. That will create some problems. *create “引起”、 “产生”。 不到最后一刻我们无法知道结果。 When will we know? (我们什么时候会知道?) We never know the outcome until the last moment. (不到最后一刻我们无法知道结果。) *outcome “结果”、 “后果”。the last moment “最后时刻”、 “临近尾声”。 We don't know the outcome until the last moment. We have to wait until the last moment for the outcome. 长远来看它会对我们产生坏影响。 What do you think of the new policy? (你认为新政策怎么样?) It'll hurt us in the long run. (长远来看它会对我们产生坏影响。) *policy “政策”、 “方针”。 *hurt “伤害”。in the long run “长远来看”、 “最终”。 In the long run, it'll hurt us. It won't be good for us in the long run. (从长远看对我们没有什么好处。) *good “好的”、 “合适的”、 “可喜的”。 我们不再需要供应商了。 Can we help you with your supplies? (我们来帮你们供货可以吗?) We don't need another supplier. (我们不再需要供应商了。) *supplier “供应商”。 We already have a supplier. (我们已经有供应商了。) Our present supplier is sufficient. (我们目前的供应商已经足够了。) *这里的present指“现在的”、 “目前的”。sufficient指“充分的”、 “足够的”。 我可能会失去一些重要的客户。 How will the merger affect you? (合并会给你带来什么影响?) I might lose important clients. (我可能会失去一些重要的客户。) *merger “(公司、 事业的)合并”。affect “带来影响”。 *important “重要的”。client “客户”。 It's possible I'll lose important clients. *possible “可能发生的”。 I could lose some important clients. 这种桌子卖不了好价钱。 The desk won't sell for very much. (这桌子卖不了好价钱。) That's okay. I just want to get rid of it. (没关系。我只是想处理掉。) *won't是will not的缩写。直译是“这桌子太贵了就卖不掉”。 *get rid of “除去”。 You won't get much for that desk. That desk isn't worth very much. (那桌子不值什么钱。) *worth “有价值”、 “值得”。 再降2%我们就赔本了。 Another 2% would put us in the red. (再降2%我们就赔本了。) Who did the calculation? (谁算的?) *another “再”、 “另外”。in the red “(家庭支出、经营等)出现赤字”。 *calculation “计算”。 Only 2% more and we'll be in the red. We are only 2% away from being in the red. (我们离出现赤字也就差2%了。) 新计划对我们不利。 Have you thought about the new plan? (你考虑过那个新计划了吗?) The plan will not be beneficial to us. (新计划对我们不利。) *beneficial “有益的”、 “有利的”。 The plan won't work for us. *这里的work指“有利”。 The plan is a bad idea. (这个计划不好。) *idea “想法”、 “主意”。 那样做违法。 It's against the law. (那样做违法。) It's legal where I come from. (在我们国家那是合法的。) *against “违反”。 *legal “合法的”、 “依法的”。 It's not legal. (那样做是违法的。) It's unlawful. (那样做是不合法的。) *unlawful “不合法的”、 “违法的”。 我们不可能让所有人都满意。 We've had some complaints about our new policy. (有些人对我们的新政策不满意。) We can't please everybody. (我们不可能让所有人都满意。) *complaint “(关于……的)不满”、 “不平”。policy “方针”。 *这里的please指“使满足”。 No matter what we do, we can't make everyone happy. (无论我们做什么都不可能让所有人满意。) *no matter what ... “无论什么……”。 It's impossible to please everybody. *impossible “不可能的”。 If we get one thing done, there's always another that has to suffer. (解决了这边, 那边又会出问题。) *suffer “受痛苦”、 “忍受”。 X公司是一个保守的公司。 How would you describe X Company? (你觉得X公司是什么样的公司?) X Company is a conservative company. (X公司是一个保守的公司。) *describe “(用语言)描绘”、 “述说特征”。 *conservative “保守的”。 X Company tends to be conservative. (X公司倾向保守。) *tend to ... “有做……的倾向”。 X Company is very conservative. (X公司非常保守。) 你最好放弃那个计划。 You'd better give up that plan. (你最好放弃那个计划。) What do you suggest? (你有什么建议?) *had better ... “最好……”。 Why don't you give up that plan? *Why don't you ...? “何不……”。 You should make a better plan. (你应该制定一个好一些的计划。) 质量会打折扣。 We should import our products. (我们应该进口自己的产品。) We're not going to get the same quality level. (质量会打折扣。) *import “进口”。product “产品”。 *quality “上等的”、 “优良的”。 The quality will suffer. (质量会下降。) *这里的suffer指“变坏”。 We won't get the same quality. 我并不乐观。 Do you think we will close deal? (你认为我们会签下约吗?) I'm not optimistic. (我并不乐观。) *deal “交易”。close the deal “结束谈判”、 “签合同”。 *optimistic “乐天派的”、 “乐观的”。 I'm not feeling positive. I'm feeling negative. (我觉得很悲观。) I don't have a good feeling about it. 还会有人要多少? What more could anyone ask for? (还会有人要多少?) Not much, I suppose. (我想不多了。) *ask for ... “要求……”、 “请求……”。感到非常满足时的说法。 What could be better? What more could you ask for? 顾客才不会到这样的小店里来。 Customers just aren't coming to this small store. (顾客才不会到这样的小店里来。) Maybe we need more advertising. (也许我们需要做更多的宣传。) *这里的just指“完全”、 “真的”。 *advertising “广告”。 This small store isn't attracting customers. *attract “吸引”、 “引诱”。 We aren't getting enough customers at this small store. (顾客是不会光顾我们这样的小店的。) ●建议 我刚刚想到一个好主意。 I just thought of a good idea. (我刚刚想到一个好主意。) I'm listening. (说来听听。) I just had a good idea. I just got a good idea. A good idea occurred to me. *occur “(想法等)浮现出来”、 “突然想到”。 这是目前最好的计划。 This is the best plan for now. (这是目前最好的计划。) We need to come up with something better. (我们必须制定出更好的方案才行。) *plan “计划”、 “方案”。 *come up with ... “想出(方案、解决的办法等)”。 This is the best way to go at present. *at present “目前”。 Right now, this is our best plan. 我刚刚想到一个好方案。 I just came up with a good plan. (我刚刚想到一个好方案。) Please tell me about it. (请告诉我。) I just thought of a good plan. I just got a great idea. I just figured out a good plan. *figure out “想出”、 “发现”。 我给你一个建议。 I'm not sure how to handle this. (我不知道应该怎样处理这件事。) I'll give you a suggestion. (我给你一个建议。) *handle “处理”、 “管理”。 *suggestion “提案”、 “建议”。 Here's my suggestion. Let me give you my suggestion. 我们有最后的王牌。 We have an ace in the hole. (我们有最后的王牌。) We can't fail now. (现在我们不会败了。) *an ace in the hole “最后的王牌”。 *fail “失败”、 “挫折”。 We have a sure thing. (我们胜券在握。) *sure “确实的”。 We have something that can't lose. *lose “失败”。 如果价格再低一些, 销售额将直线上升。 With a lower price, sales would really take off. (如果价格再低一些, 销售额将直线上升。) Then let's lower it. (那我们就降价吧。) *这里的take off指“直线上升”、 “(销售额)增加”。 With a better price, sales would really increase. Lower prices would really boost sales. *boost sales “提高销售额”。 低价位的商品卖得更快。 Will it sell well? (这个会好卖吗?) The lower-priced items will sell faster. (低价位的商品卖得更快。) *lower-priced “价格便宜的”。item “品种”。直译是“价格定得更低的商品销得更快”。 Inexpensive items always sell faster. (便宜的商品总是卖得更快。) *inexpensive “便宜的”。 The lower-priced things will go first. *这里的go指“(以某种价格)出手”。 对消费者来说, 外观很重要。 Why does it matter how it looks? (为什么商品的外观很重要?) Appearances are important to consumers. (对消费者来说, 外观很重要。) *appearance “外观”、 “外貌”。consumer “消费者”。 Consumers care about how things look. Consumers judge by appearances. *judge “判断”。 我想掀起一个新的时尚。 I want to start a new trend. (我想掀起一个新的时尚。) Have any ideas? (你有什么想法?) *trend “流行”、 “时尚”、 “潮流”。 I want to start a new fad. *fad “(短暂的)流行”。 I want to be a trendsetter. (我想成为引领时尚的人。) *trendsetter “流行的带头者”。 我们想要引人注目的效果。 We want something that stands out. (我们想要引人注目的效果。) Use nice, bright colors. (那就用明亮又好看的颜色。) *stand out “显眼”、 “(因为出色而)引人注目”。 We want something people will notice. *notice “注意到”。 We want it to stand out from the rest. *the rest “其他的东西”。 我们希望能够打动年轻人。 We want something that appeals to young people. (我们希望能够打动年轻人。) Advertise with that in mind. (做广告的时候记住这点。) *appeal to ... “打动……的心”。 *advertise “做广告”。 We want something that young people want. We want something that appeals to the younger set. (我们希望能够打动年轻一代人。) *这里的set指“具有相似性格的群体”。 我们何不把长野的事务所关了? Why don't we shut down our Nagano office? (我们何不把长野的事务所关了?) Are you sure we're ready to do that? (你真的认为我们可以这么做吗?) *Why don't we ...?“为什么不……”。 *be ready to ... “准备做……”。 We should shut down our Nagano office. (我们应该关闭长野的事务所。) How about shutting down our Nagano office? 至关重要的是…… The most critical thing is to rebuild X Company with a new outlook. (至关重要的是以新的精神面貌重建X公司。) I suppose you're right. (我想你说得对。) *critical “至关重要的”。“re-”给单词增添了“重做……”的意思, 因此rebuild指“重建”。outlook指“未来的蓝图”、 “展望”。with a new outlook指“以新的精神面貌”。 What we really need is ... I believe the critical thing is ... Isn't it most critical ...? 今年我们得减少产量。 We need to cut back on production this year. (今年我们得减少产量。) I was hoping that wouldn't be necessary. (我本来希望没有这个必要的。) *cut back “缩小”、 “削减”。production “生产”。 We need to produce less this year. We have to lessen our production this year. *lessen “变少”、 “变小”、 “减少”。 商业上专业化变得更加重要。 Specialization is becoming more important in business. (商业上专业化变得更加重要。) Then we'd better get started. (那么我们最好也开始做。) *specialization “专业化”。important “重要的”。 We need our business to be more specialized. It's important for us to get into specialization. 我们需要重新研究形势。 We are losing money rapidly. (我们在一个劲儿地赔钱。) We need to review the situation. (我们需要重新研究形势。) *rapidly “迅速地”、 “快速地”。 *review “重新研究”、 “再认识”。situation “状况”。 We need to examine the situation. We need to take another look at the situation. (我们需要重新认识目前的情况。) 我们需要在……上达成一致。 We need to reach an agreement about the price. (我们需要在价格上达成一致。) I am willing to compromise if you are. (我愿意让步, 如果你也这么做的话。) *这里的reach指“达到”、 “达成”。 *compromise “妥协”。 We need to come to an agreement about ... We need to agree on ... 生意上我们必须大胆。 We must be fearless in business. (生意上我们必须大胆。) I'm up to the challenge. (我不怕挑战。) *fearless “大胆的”、 “无畏的”。 *be up to ... “准备做……”。challenge “挑战”。 Doing business takes guts. (做生意需要勇气。) *gut “勇气”、 “韧性”。 We need courage in the business world. (在商圈中我们需要勇气。) *courage “勇气”。 我认为我们应该做这笔生意。 I think we should take the deal. (我认为我们应该做这笔生意。) I'll let them know immediately. (我马上就通知他们。) *deal “交易”、 “合同”。 I think we should accept the deal. I believe we should take the offer. (我认为我们应该接下这笔生意。) 让我们征求一下第三者的意见吧。 Let's ask for a third person's opinion. (让我们征求一下第三者的意见吧。) I don't think that'll be necessary. (我认为没有这个必要。) *a third person's opinion “第三者的意见”, 也就是站在客观立场上的人的意见。 Let's get a third opinion. We need a third opinion. (我们需要第三者的意见。) Let's get an opinion from a third party. *third party “第三者”。 如果我是你, 我就会推行这个计划。 If I were you, I'd go ahead with the plan. (如果我是你, 我就会推行这个计划。) So you think it's a good one? (这么说你认为这个计划不错?) *go ahead “按自己的想法去做”。 I'd go ahead with the plan if I were you. If it were my decision, I'd continue with the plan. *decision “决定”、 “结论”。continue “继续”。 他的意见值得好好重视。 I didn't care for his comments. (我并不喜欢他的意见。) His opinion deserves more consideration. (他的意见值得好好重视。) *care for ... “喜欢……”。 *consideration “考虑”。 You should consider his position. (你应该考虑一下他的看法。) *position “立场”、 “境地”、 “看法”。 You should rethink his opinion. (你应该重新考虑他的意见。) 错误的判断会带来很大损失。 Misjudgment would be disastrous. (错误的判断会带来很大损失。) That's an understatement. (岂止如此。) *misjudgment “错误的估计”、 “错误的判断”。disastrous “灾难性的”。 *understatement “轻描淡写的陈述”。直译是“你说得还太保守了”。 We can't afford to make any mistakes. (我们经不起犯哪怕一点错误。) A misjudgment would ruin us. (错误的判断会毁了我们。) 不是全盘皆赢, 就是全盘皆输。 It must be all or nothing. (不是全盘皆赢, 就是全盘皆输。) In that case, I'll have to decline. (要是那样, 我只好放弃了。) *all or nothing “完全成功或完全失败”, 即没有中间的可能。 It's got to be all or nothing. *It's是It has的缩写, has got to指“必须是……”。 I'm afraid it's all or nothing. *I'm afraid ... “很遗憾……”。 请宽恕他的错误吧。 He messed up again. (他又搞砸了。) Please overlook his faults. (请宽恕他的错误吧。) *mess up “搅乱”。 *overlook “忽略”、 “宽容”。fault “错误”。 Please disregard his shortcomings. *disregard “忽视”。shortcoming “缺点”、 “短处”。 Please overlook his flaws. *flaw “缺点”、 “缺陷”。 我们把他从这笔交易中排除出去怎么样? He is certainly no businessman. (他完全不是一个商人。) Why don't we cut him out of the deal? (我们把他从这笔交易中排除出去怎么样?) *businessman “实业家”、 “擅长干实业的人”。 *“Why don't we ...?” 是在关系亲近或地位相同的朋友之间提出“做不做……”的建议时的说法。cut有“削减”、 “减少”的意思, 但是在这里是“排除”的意思。deal指“(商业上的)交易”、 “合同”。 Let's cut him out of the deal. (让我们把他从这笔交易中排除出去吧。) How about cutting him out of the deal? *How about ...? “……怎么样?”。 我们可不可以这么做? I welcome any suggestions. (什么建议我都欢迎。) Why don't we do it this way? (我们可不可以这么做?) *suggestion “建议”。 *“Why don't we ...?” 表示提出建议, “……做怎么样?”。这里的way指“方法”、 “做法”。 How about doing it this way? Can we do it this way? (这样做可以吗?) ●发表意见的常用语 我可以问您一个问题吗? May I ask you a question? (我可以问您一个问题吗?) Sure. Go ahead. (可以。你问吧。) *这句话完整记下来为好。 May I ask you something? There's something I'd like to ask you. (我想问你件事。) *I'd like to 是I would like to 的缩写, 表示“我想做……”。 我们有些怀疑。 We're a little skeptical. (我们有些怀疑。) What makes you feel that way? (你们为什么那么觉得?) *skeptical “怀疑的”、 “不相信的”。 We're a little apprehensive. *apprehensive “担心的”、 “忧虑的”。 We're not sure about it. 我是这么考虑的。 This is the way I see it. The profit should be split. (我是这么考虑的。利润应该平分。) You don't deserve it. (你没有这个资格。) *the way “做法”。 *deserve “值得”。 In my opinion, That's wrong. (在我看来那是错误的。) Why do you think so? (你为什么那么认为?) *opinion指考虑之后的“意见”。 That's what Mr. Smith thinks. (那是史密斯先生的想法。) This is what I think. (我是这么想的。) My point of view is, ... (我的意见是……) *point of view “观点”。 The way I see it, ... In my judgment, ... (我的判断是……) *这里的judgment指“意见”、 “判断”。 I think that ... (我认为……) I feel that ... (我觉得……) Here's what I think. Let me give you my opinion. (让我告诉你我的意见。) *give one's opinion “阐述意见”。 我有一个好主意。 I just got a good idea. (我有一个好主意。) I'd like to hear it. (说给我听听。) *just “刚刚”、 “刚才”。get “得到”。idea “主意”。 I just thought of a good idea. *think of “想到”、 “考虑到”。 I just came up with a good idea. *come up with “想到(主意等)”。 我们的见解完全不同。 We always disagree with one another. (我们总是意见不合。) Our positions are very different. (我们的见解完全不同。) *disagree “意见不同”。one another “彼此”。 *这里的position指“见解”。different指“不同的”、 “相异的”。 Our take on things is very different. (我们对事情的看法有很大的区别。) *这里的take指“意见”、 “想法”, 是名词。 Our opinions are very different. *opinion “见解”。 告诉你…… For your information, those projections are wrong. (告诉你, 那些预测都是错误的。) I disagree. (我不同意。) *在商业领域可以省略为FYI。 Just so you know, ... To let you know, ... 星期五我们应该休息。 We should have Friday off. (星期五我们应该休息。) That would be unheard-of. (那真是前所未闻。) *unheard-of “没有先例的”、 “前所未闻的”。 We want Friday off. We'd like Friday off. 我的本意是…… We are supposed to be selling X. (我们打算卖掉X。) I know, but my real intention is to sell whatever makes me the most money. (我知道, 不过我的本意是哪个卖了最赚钱就卖哪个。) *intention “目的”。 My true intention is ... *true “真实的”。 What I really mean is ... *mean “意思是”。 我倾向于认为…… I tend to think that bosses are mean. (我倾向于认为老板们都很坏。) I usually think that, too. (我也经常这么认为。) *tend to ... “有……的倾向”、 “容易做……”。mean “坏心眼的”、 “卑鄙的”。 I'm inclined to think that ... *be inclined to ... “想要做……”。 I lean towards thinking that ... *lean towards ... “有……的倾向”。 应该有人照实说。 Someone should tell it like it is. (应该有人照实说。) I'll be glad to do it. (我来说。) *be glad to ... “高兴做……”。 Someone should speak the truth. Someone should set it straight. *straight “直的”、 “不弯的”。 我坚决认为…… We don't need to move now. (我们现在不需要搬了。) I strongly believe that we need the extra room. (我坚决认为我们需要更多空间。) *move “搬家”。 *strongly “强烈地”。 I am a strong believer that ... I believe very much that ... I'm of the strong belief that ... 对于这些我还是拿得准的。 What do you have to say about it? (关于这个你有什么要说的?) I can say this much with confidence. (对于这些我还是拿得准的。) *this much “这么多”、 “至此”。confidence “自信”。 This much I can say with confidence. I'm confident about this much. *confident “自信的”。 这仅仅是一个想法。 This is just one idea. (这仅仅是一个想法。) But it's a good one. (但这是个很好的想法。) *这是提建议的人和听取建议的人之间的对话。这里的just指“只是”、 “仅仅”的意思。 It's just an idea. This is only one idea. I have other ideas in mind. (我有另外的想法。) I could come up with other ideas. (我想到其他的主意。) *come up with “想出”。 这只是一个大致的草稿。 This could use some improvement. (这个还有待改进。) It's just a rough draft. (这只是一个大致的草稿。) *improvement “改良”、 “改善”。 *rough “粗略的”、 “大致的”。draft “草稿”、 “草案”。 This is not the final draft. (这不是定稿。) *final “最后的”。 It's just the first draft. 我们需要一个具体的计划。 We need a concrete plan. (我们需要一个具体的计划。) Let's hire someone to help us. (我们雇个人来帮帮忙吧。) *concrete “具体的”。 *hire “雇用”。 We need a plan that is concrete. We need a solid plan. *solid “坚实的”、 “可靠的”。a solid plan “具体的计划”。 那也是一个办法。 We could lower production costs. (我们可以降低生产成本。) That's another possibility. (那也是一个办法。) *possibility “可能性”、 “有可能的事”。 That's another way to go. That might work, too. (那也可能起作用。) 我相信这只是冰山一角。 Two people got laid off. (有两个人被解雇了。) I'm sure it's just the tip of the iceberg. (我相信这只是冰山一角。) *lay off “(临时)解雇(员工)”。 *the tip of the iceberg “冰山露出海面的部分”、 “冰山的一角”。 I'm sure there's much more to it. I'm sure it's only just a small part of it. 那太抽象了。 It's too abstract. (那太抽象了。) I'll attempt to make it more clear. (我会尽量让它更清楚。) *abstract “抽象的”。 *attempt to ... “试图……”。 It's unclear. It's not concrete enough. (那还不够具体。) 我们必须设个限度。 He asked for a raise also. (他也要求加薪。) We have to draw a line somewhere. (我们必须设个限度。) *have to ... “必须做……”。draw a line “有个限度”、 “区别”。somewhere “在某个地方”。 We have to say no sometime. (有时候我们必须说“不”。) We need to put a stop to it sometime. (有时候我们必须让它停下来。) *put a stop to ... “使……停下来”。 我认为事情不会顺利的。 I don't think it will work. (我认为事情不会顺利的。) Don't be so pessimistic. (不要那么悲观。) *work “(方法、计划等)顺利进行”。 *pessimistic “悲观的”。 I don't think it can possibly succeed. *possibly和can连在一起表示“无论如何”、 “很”。succeed 意思是“成功”。 I just don't see it working. I don't have a good feeling about it. I don't think it'll work out. *work out “顺利进展”、 “解决”。 这个风险很大。 It's a big risk. (这个风险很大。) Nothing ventured, nothing gained. (不冒险就什么也得不到。) *谚语, 相当于“不入虎穴焉得虎子”。 It's very risky. *risky “危险的”。 It could prove to be quite a risk. *prove “证明”。 结果无法预测。 How do you think it will turn out? (你认为结果会怎么样?) There is no way to predict the result. (结果无法预测。) *turn out “结果是……”。 *There is no way ... “无法……”。predict “预测”。result “结果”。 We have no way of knowing the result. We just can't predict the outcome. *outcome “结果”、 “成果”。 We can't begin to guess what the result will be. *begin to ... “开始……”。guess “推测”。 这个问题我们需要进一步讨论。 I don't want to do business here anymore. (我再也不想在这里干下去了。) We should discuss this issue further. (这个问题我们需要进一步讨论。) *discuss “讨论”。这里的issue指“问题”。further “进一步”。 We should discuss this in greater detail. *in detail “详细地”。 We should discuss this issue at greater length. *at great length “详细地”。 不过是痴心妄想。 Our stock price will double tomorrow. (明天我们的股价会涨一倍。) That's just wishful thinking. (不过是痴心妄想。) *stock “股票”。double在这里表示“使加倍”、 “成倍”。 *wishful “热切盼望的”。thinking是名词, 表示“意见”、 “思考”的意思。wishful thinking则表示“如意算盘”、 “乐观的估计”。 You hope. That's wishful thinking. 我相信那个并不夸张。 I'm sure that's no exaggeration. (我相信那个并不夸张。) If you say so. (如果你那样说, 也许是吧。) *sure “确实的”。exaggeration “夸张”。 I'm sure it's accurate. (我相信那是正确的。) *accurate “正确的”。 I'm sure it's completely right. (我相信那完全正确。) *completely “完全地”。 I don't believe the facts have been exaggerated. (我认为事实并没被夸大。) 让我们采取什么行动吧。 The project seems to be at a standstill. (项目好像搁浅了。) Let's take some action. (让我们采取什么行动吧。) *be at a standstill “搁浅”。 *take action “采取行动”。 We need to do something about it. (我们必须做些什么。) Let's get going on it. We need to act on it. *act on ... “按照……行动”。 我们必须面对现实。 We have to face facts. (我们必须面对现实。) Who's we? (“我们”指的是谁?) *face facts “面对事实”。 Let's face it. (让我们面对现实吧。) We have to face the music. *face the music “承担行为的后果”。 我们希望对一切事情都了如指掌。 We like to keep on top of things. (我们希望对一切事情都了如指掌。) That's a good thing. (这是一件好事情。) *keep on top of things直译是“全程跟踪事态的发展”。 We like to be well-informed. We like to keep up on things. 很显然…… He isn't doing his share of the work. (他没在做他的工作。) Obviously, we need to fire him. (很显然, 我们得解雇他。) *“很显然”、 “怎么看都”的意思。 Clearly, ... It's obvious that ... (……是显而易见的。) 换句话说…… How's X doing? (X卖得怎么样?) It's not selling well. In other words, we're losing money. (卖得不好。换句话说, 我们一直在赔钱。) *“换而言之”、 “换句话说”的意思。sell well “好卖”。lose money “浪费钱”、 “亏损”。 To put it another way, ... (换个说法就是……) Let me put it another way, ... 你看…… Look, we can't accept your offer. (你看, 我们不可能接受你的报价。) I was afraid you'd say that. (我想过你可能会这么说。) *look这个词在这里用于提醒对方注意。 Listen, ... See here, ... 直说了吧…… He said he can help you. (他说他能帮助你。) Once and for all, I don't like him. (直说了吧, 我不喜欢他。) *“干脆地”、 “最后一次”的意思。 For the last time, ... (最后一遍……) I'm only going to say it one more time, ... (我只再说一遍……) This is the last time I'm going to tell you, ... (我最后说一遍……) 总之…… In conclusion, we've decided against it. (总之, 我们不同意这件事。) Are you sure you won't reconsider? (你们不再重新考虑了吗?) *in conclusion意思是“总之”、 “最后”, 表示接下来要说的是想说的最后一点。这里的against指“反对”。 *won't是will not的缩写, 表示“无论如何也不做……”, 语气较为固执。reconsider指“重新思考”、 “重新考虑”。 Lastly, ... (最后/最终/结果……) To sum it up, ... (简要地说/也就是说……) In closing, ... And finally, ... 糟糕的是…… Unfortunately, we're losing money. (糟糕的是, 我们正在赔钱。) That's a shame. (太遗憾了。) *这么说之后再通知坏消息。 Unfortunately, I can't attend. (很遗憾, 我无法出席。) We'll miss you. (见不到你, 太遗憾了。) I'm sorry to say, ... (很遗憾, 但是……) Too bad, but ... I'm afraid ... 意思也就是…… So, what does that mean? (那是什么意思?) That means we have to work harder. (意思也就是我们得更卖力地工作。) *mean “意思是”。 The gist of it is ... (要点是……) *gist “要点”。 The meaning is ... (意思是……) 都差不多。 Which job did you like better? (你更喜欢哪一个工作?) It's a toss-up. (都差不多。) *toss-up “均衡”、 “势均力敌”、 “不分胜负”。 Which one do you prefer? (你更喜欢哪一个?) One is no better than the other. (都一样。) *no better than ... “……都相同”、 “和……都一样”。one和the other可以翻译成“一方”和“另一方”。 It could go either way. *either “双方都”。 It's a tie. *tie “平分”、 “得分相同”。 Neither is better than any other. There is no best choice. There isn't a clear difference. *clear “清楚的”。 我想想…… How many people work here? (这儿有多少员工?) Let's see ... about eighty. (我想想……大约是80人吧。) *口语, 表示“嗯”、 “我想想”、 “这个嘛”。 Well, let me think, ... Let me see, ... 对吧? Right? Right? (对吧?) Okay, okay, I was wrong. (对, 对, 我错了。) *是“Isn't that right?” 省略后的说法, 用于确认简单的事情时, 上升的语调。 See? I told you so. Wasn't I right? I was right, wasn't I? 我真不愿意说…… I wish I didn't have to say this, but we have to cut another 50 people. (我真不愿意说, 但是我们必须再裁掉50名员工。) I thought that was over. (我还以为裁员已经结束了。) *用于难以启齿或不想说而必须说的时候。直译是“但愿我没有说的必要”。 I wish there was another way to say this, ... I wish I could put this a different way, ... 比如说…… I don't understand. (我不明白。) For example, take a look at the Japanese market. (比如说, 看看日本市场。) *用于给前面说的内容举例的时候。take a look at ... “看一下……”、 “查一下……”。 For instance, ... e.g. *来源于拉丁语exempli gratia, 用于书面。 总而言之…… What are you trying to say? (你想说什么?) My point is, we can do nothing but wait. (总而言之, 我们除了等没有别的办法。) *“我想说的就是……”的意思。point指“(谈话等的)要点”、 “核心”。 The whole point is ... The idea is ... (意思是……) The point is that ... 同样…… Similarly, we have the same problem in Los Angeles. (同样, 我们在洛杉矶也遇到相同的问题。) I didn't know that problem existed in Los Angeles. (我不知道洛杉矶也有那样的问题。) *“同样”、 “相同”的意思。 Likewise, ... (与此相同……) Comparably, ... (类似的是……) 尤其…… What do you think? (你认为怎样?) It's wonderful. I like the design in particular. (太好了。我尤其喜欢它的设计。) *“特别”、 “尤其”的意思。 ... especially. ... particularly. 长话短说…… Why weren't you here on time? (为什么你没准时到这儿?) To make a long story short, I need a new car. (长话短说, 我需要一辆新车。) *用于简要地向对方说明某种理由或原因时。 The long and the short of it is, ... Quite simply, ... (简单地说……) 首先…… Do you have any complaints? (你有什么意见吗?) First, the service was slow. (首先, 服务太慢。) *complaint “不满”。 *Second, ... (第二点……) Third, ... (第三点……) Fourth, ... (第四点……) Firstly, ... First of all, ... *意思是“首先”、 “第一点是”。 换一个话题…… I don't like what he did. (我不喜欢他所做的。) Changing the subject, when's your appointment? (换一个话题, 你的约会是几点?) *subject “话题”。 On another topic, ... *topic “话题”。 Not to change the subject, ... *会话中经常用到的说法。虽然加上了Not to,但是意思和“Changing the subject, ...”完全相同。带有“虽然我还不想转变话题, 不过……”的含义。 Let's change the topic.

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发表于 2008-10-23 13:54:40 |只看该作者
反驳 ●发问 你说的是什么意思? You need to keep up productivity. (你得维持生产率。) What do you mean by that? (你说的是什么意思?) *keep up “维持”、 “继续”。 *这句话整个记下来就可以了。 We are having some difficulties. (我们有一些困难。) What does that mean? (什么意思?) *difficulty “辛苦”、 “困难”。 What are you talking about? What are you saying? What do you mean? What is that supposed to mean? *be supposed to ... “被认为是……”。 这是什么意思? We won't use your materials any longer. (我们不再用你们的原料了。) What's the meaning of this? (这是什么意思?) *material “原材料”。not ... any longer “不再……”。 *遇到无法理解的事情时可以这么说。meaning “意思”。 What's the reason for it? (理由是什么?) What's going on? What's happening here? 我还不太清楚。 Do you understand? (你懂了吗?) I'm not clear about it. (我还不太清楚。) *这里的clear指“清楚的”、 “明白的”。 I'm not sure about it. *be sure about ... “确信……”。 I'm not positive about it. *positive “确信的”。 你为什么那么说? Our business is on the wrong track. (我们的工作脱离了正常轨道。) Why do you say that? (你为什么那么说?) *track “轨道”、 “方针”。 *仅仅说一个“Why?”也可以, 但是这样说就可以表达“你何以那么说”的意思。 What makes you say that? *直译是“是什么让你那么说的?”。 How so? Why are you saying that? 干什么? Please speak with Mr. Jones. (请和琼斯先生讲话。) What's the point? (干什么?) *这里的point指“意义”、 “效果”、 “目的”。 What's the reason? *reason “理由”、 “根据”。直译是“理由是什么?”。 What for? 那又怎样? Tomorrow's a holiday. (明天放假。) So? I can't take a day off. (那又怎样?我没法休假。) *take a day off “休假”。 It's very important. (这很重要。) What's the big deal? (那又会怎样?) *big deal意思是“了不起的事情(东西)”, 但是常常像这里一样带有讽刺的味道。意思是“不怎么样”。 So what? What of it? *what of ... “……怎么啦”。 Big deal. Why is it so important? Why do you care? 我怎么知道? How much is the boss's salary? (老板挣多少?) How should I know? (我怎么知道?) *这里的should指“为什么就该……”。 How the heck would I know? (我怎么知道?) *heck指“毫无道理”, 强调“究竟为什么”。 How could I possibly know such a thing? *possibly “设法”、 “说不定”。 在哪方面? She's a hard worker. (她工作很勤奋。) In what way? (在哪方面?) *不太清楚对方说话的意思时, 用这种说法要求解释。 How do you mean? (是什么意思?) Please explain. (请解释一下。) 你是怎么知道的? How did you hear about that? (你是怎么知道的?) Mr. Smith told me. (史密斯先生告诉我的。) *这么问来打听对方的情报来源。 How did you get your information? (你怎么得到这个消息的?) Where did you hear that? (那个消息你在哪里听到的?) 你为什么谈起这个来? I want to talk to you about buying a new computer. (我想和你说说买新电脑的事。) Why are you bringing it up now? (你为什么谈起这个来?) *bring up “提出(话题等)”、 “说起”。 Why are you mentioning that now? *mention “提到”。 Why are you talking about it now? 你怎么知道? I think our new product will do well. (我认为我们的新产品会很好卖。) How do you know that? (你怎么知道?) *know “了解”、 “知道”。 How can you be sure? (你为什么那么肯定?) *sure “确定的”。 How do you know? 那和汤姆有什么关系? What does it have to do with Tom? (那和汤姆有什么关系?) It was all his idea. (都是他的主意。) *have to do with ... “和……有关系”。 What does Tom have to do with it? How does that have anything to do with Tom? How does that concern Tom? *concern “和……有关系”。 I don't understand what that has to do with Tom. (我不知道那和汤姆会有什么关系。) 你知道是什么会吗? We're having a meeting tonight. (我们今晚有一个会。) Do you know what it's about? (你知道是什么会吗?) What do you think it's about? Do you have any idea what it's about? 你说什么? What did you say? (你说什么?) I said it's time to go. (我说该走了。) Excuse me? Sorry? Pardon me? I beg your pardon? 你说是什么时候? We're having a meeting June 20th. (6月20号我们有一个会。) When did you say it was? (你说是什么时候?) *漏听了某些重要内容时的表达方式。 When was that? I missed that. Could you repeat the date? (我没听见。你能不能把日期再说一遍?) *miss “漏听”、 “漏掉”。 ……是什么意思? What does P/L stand for? (P/L是什么意思?) It stands for profit and loss. (意思是利润和亏损。) *stand for ... “代表……”。 *profit “利润”。loss “损失”。 What does ... mean? *mean “意思是”。 What is ...? 你认为那有可能吗? You should hire Mr. Jones. (你应该雇琼斯先生。) Do you think that's possible? (你认为那有可能吗?) *possible “有可能的”。 Do you think that's feasible? *feasible “可行的”、 “可能的”。 Can we do that? 你为什么那么认为? I believe the merger will fall through. (我认为合并会失败。) What makes you think so? (你为什么那么认为?) *merger “合并”。fall through “以失败告终”、 “不成功”。 *直译是“是什么使你那样认为?”。so “那样”。 What makes you say that? What gives you that impression? *impression “印象”、 “想法”。 Why do you think that? 你们给我们什么价钱? What are you offering us? (你们给我们什么价钱?) We are offering you half off. (我们给你们半价。) *offer “报价”。 What is your offer? What are you proposing? (你给我们什么建议?) *propose “建议”。 你不是当真的吧? You aren't answering the phones politely enough. (你接电话不够有礼貌。) You don't mean that, do you? (你不是当真的吧?) *mean “意思是”、 “(按……意图)说”。 Do you really mean that? Do you really think so? Are you serious? (你是认真的?) 我没听懂他的解释。 I didn't catch his explanation. (我没听懂他的解释。) I'll explain it to you. (我会给你解释的。) *catch “明白”、 “听懂”。explanation “说明”。 I didn't get his explanation. I didn't understand his explanation. I couldn't hear his explanation. 我说过吗? You told me to take Monday off, remember? (你告诉我星期一要请假的, 还记得吗?) Did I say that? (我说过吗?) Is that what I said? I don't remember saying that. (我不记得说过那样的话。) ●反驳 没有那回事。 He may be stealing from the company. (他可能在偷公司的东西。) That's not true. (没有那回事。) *steal “偷窃”。 *That's 是That is的缩写。直译是“那不是真的”。 That is absolutely false. (那绝对是错的。) *absolutely “绝对地”。false “错误的”。 That's an untruth. 我从来没那么说。 I get a 50% discount, right? (半价卖给我, 对吧?) I never said that. (我从来没那么说。) *discount “折扣”。 I didn't say that. (我没那么说。) I heard you. (我听你这么说的。) *heard是hear(听说)的过去式。 That is not what I said. You must be mistaken. (你一定是误解了。) I don't remember saying that. (我不记得那么说过。) 我不是那个意思。 I don't mean that. (我不是那个意思。) What do you mean, then? (那你是什么意思?) *当自己说的话被对方误解时可以使用。直译是“我说的意思不是那个”。mean “意思是”。 *这里的then指“那么”、 “如果那样的话”。 You're saying you'll invest in my company, right? (你是说你要给我的公司投资, 对吧?) That's not what I'm saying. (我并没有那样说。) *You're是You are的缩写。 That's not what I mean. That's not what I had in mind. You misunderstand me. (你误解了我。) I'm not saying that. 我不是那么说的。 You don't approve? (你不同意?) That's not my point. (我不是那么说的。) *approve “认可”、 “赞成”。 *point “(说话的)目的”、 “意思”。 That's not what I'm saying. You don't understand my point. 我肯定告诉过你。 I don't recall you mentioning that. (我不记得你说过那件事。) I'm sure I told you. (我肯定告诉过你。) *recall “想起”。mention “提及”。 *sure “肯定的”。 I know I told you. I remember telling you. (我记得告诉过你。) *remember “记得”、 “记忆”。 你不能那样绝对。 I think women are too emotional. (我认为女人太情绪化了。) You can't generalize like that. (你不能那样绝对。) *generalize “作出推断”、 “概括”。 You can't make general statements like that. *general “一般的”。statement “叙述”。 You shouldn't stereotype people like that. (你不应该那样对人抱有成见。) *stereotype “划入一个类型”、 “把人定型来看”。 You're being too general. 你就是那么说的。 Are you sure I said that? (你肯定我那么说过吗?) That's what you said. (你就是那么说的。) I heard you say that. (我听你那么说的。) You did say that. 这和你说过的不一样。 I only gave you permission for one day off. (我只答应给你一天的假。) That's not what you said. (这和你说过的不一样。) *permission “许可”。这里的off指“休假”。 *直译是“那不是你所说的”。 That isn't what you said. You didn't say that. That isn't what we agreed upon. (我们并没有那么讲妥。) That contradicts what you said. *contradict “与……矛盾”。 我想把自己的意思说清楚。 I'd like to make myself clear. (我想把自己的意思说清楚。) Go ahead, we're listening. (请说吧。我们都听着呢。) *这句话经常用于协商的时候。would like to 指“想做”。make oneself clear指“把自己的想法表达清楚”。 I'd like to clarify myself. *clarify “使清楚”。 I'd like to make myself perfectly clear. *perfectly “完全地”。 Let me clarify that. 因为你没有接受我的报价。 Why did you refuse my offer? (你为什么拒绝了我的报价?) You are the one who didn't accept my offer. (因为你没有接受我的报价。) *offer “提案”、 “报价”。 *You are the one who ... “因为做了……事情的人是你”, 追问对方的说法。让对方承认某件事时使用。accept指“采纳(提案等)”、 “接受”。 You're the one who didn't take me up on my offer. You're the one who refused my offer. *refuse “拒绝”。 The one who refused the offer was you. That is not what was said. You are mistaken. 你听错了。 I heard Mr. Smith's going to buy dinner for us tonight. (我听说今天晚上史密斯先生要请我们吃饭。) No. You heard it wrong. (不是。你听错了。) *heard是hear(听)的过去式。 *wrong “错误地”、 “出错地”。 You heard wrong. (你听错了。) Oh. What did he say? (哦, 那他怎么说的?) You must have heard incorrectly. *correctly “准确地”、 “正确地”。incorrectly “错误地”。 You misheard it. *mishear “听错”、 “漏听”。 You've got it wrong. (你听错了。) 我想你是误解了。 You said you couldn't drink tea. (你说你不能喝茶。) I think you misunderstood. I just don't like it. (我想你是误解了。我只是不喜欢。) *misunderstand “误解”。 I think you heard me wrong. I think you misheard me. (我想你听错了我的话。) 你完全误解了我的意思。 Why do you think the boss is stupid? (你为什么觉得老板很愚蠢?) You've got me all wrong. (你完全误解了我的意思。) *stupid “愚蠢的”、 “无聊的”。 That's not what I mean. *mean “意思是”。 Don't get me wrong. (不要误解我。) You don't understand me. 这里头有误会。 That's not the way I heard it. (那和我听到的不一样。) There's some misunderstanding here. (这里头有误会。) *misunderstanding “误解”、 “误会”。 There must be some misunderstanding. We're not understanding each other. (我们彼此有误解。) *each other “彼此”。 We're not communicating very well. (我们沟通得不是很好。) *communicating是communicate的进行时, 表示“沟通(意见、心情等)”。 它们可是两码事。 If our profits increase, our stocks will go up. (如果我们的利润增加了, 我们的股票就会上涨。) They're two different issues. (它们可是两码事。) *profit “利润”。increase “增加”。stock “股票”。go up “上涨”。 *这里的issue指“问题”。 They are not related. *relate “有关系”。 They have nothing to do with each other. *have nothing to do with ... “和……无关”。each other “彼此”。 那是另一回事。 That's a different story. (那是另一回事。) What makes you think so? (你为什么这么想?) *different “不同的”、 “相异的”。 That's not the same thing. (那不是一回事。) I wasn't aware of that. (我没发觉。) *same “相同的”、 “同样的”。 That's something else again. That's another thing entirely. (那完全是另一回事。) *entirely “完全”。 That's totally different. (那根本不同。) 事实正相反。 X Company will be taking your company over. (X公司要收购你们公司。) It's the other way around. (事实正相反。) *这里的take over指“收购”。 *the other way around “相反”、 “倒过来”。 Seems like he's busier than she is. (看上去好像他比她忙。) It's the opposite. (正相反。) *opposite “相反的”。 It's the exact opposite. You have it backwards. You've got it backwards. *backwards “反”。 Actually, it's the opposite. (实际上正相反。) The reverse is true. (反过来才是真的。) *reverse “相反的”。 正相反。 I heard you love your job. (我听说你喜欢你的工作。) It's quite the opposite. (正相反。) *quite “完全”、 “相当”、 “很”。opposite “相反的”、 “倒过来的”。 On the contrary. It's totally different. (完全不同。) It's quite the reverse. 据我所知不会的。 Are we off next Monday? (下周一我们放假吗?) No, not that I know of. (不放, 据我所知不会的。) *off “放假的”。 *作为习惯用语这么记下来就可以了。 Not as far as I know. *as far as ... “在……的限度内”。 To the best of my knowledge, no. *to the best of one's knowledge “尽……的所知”。 我不是那么看的。 That's not how I see it. (我不是那么看的。) How do you see it? (你怎么看?) *how “怎样”、 “怎么”。see “知道”、 “理解”。 I don't see it that way. I see it differently. (我的看法不同。) *differently “不同地”、 “相异地”。 我不完全同意。 I think Mr. Aoki works too hard. (我认为青木先生工作得太辛苦了。) I can't completely agree with that. (我不完全同意。) *completely “完全地”、 “十分地”。 I have a few reservations about that. (我对此有些保留意见。) *reservations “保留意见”。 I agree with that to a certain extent. (在某种程度上我同意。) *to a certain extent是习惯用语, 表示“在某种程度上”。 和我无关。 What do you think about the situation? (你对这种状况怎么看?) I don't have anything to do with it. (和我无关。) *situation “状况”。 *anything “什么都”。 Are you involved in the new project? (你参与了新项目吗?) I have nothing to do with it. (和我没有关系。) *be involved in ... “和……有关”。 *have nothing to do with ... “和……没有关系”。 It's got nothing to do with me. That isn't my concern. (那不是我该操心的事情。) *concern “操心的事情”。 It's none of my business. (这不关我的事。) *none of one's business “不是……该管的事情”。 I'm not involved. 这里不可能发生那种事情。 I hear employees are suing their company. (我听说员工们正在告他们的公司。) That can never happen here. (这里不可能发生那种事情。) *sue “控告”、 “起诉”。 *can never “永不可能”、 “没道理”。happen “发生”。 We can't allow that to happen here. *allow “允许”。 It'll never happen here. 没有的事。 Is it true that your company is in financial trouble? (你们公司遇到资金困难, 是真的吗?) No way. (没有的事。) *financial “资金上的”。 *对对方的主张、观点、发言表示强烈反对时的说法。 That'll never happen. *直译是“那样的事情绝对不会发生”。 Impossible. *表示“不可能”。 You're kidding. (你在开玩笑。) *kidding “开玩笑”。 No way, José. *José(何塞)是西班牙语中男孩的名字, 音标为//。它的发音和way正好压韵。俚语。 这不可能是真的。 This can't be true. (这不可能是真的。) I have proof. (我有证据。) *can't是can not的缩写, 表示“没道理”、 “不可能”。 *proof “证据”。 This has to be untrue. *untrue “骗人的”、 “虚伪的”。 This just can't be true. 过去是过去, 现在是现在。 Our business was losing money every day last year. (去年我们的生意天天都赔钱。) That was then, this is now. (过去是过去, 现在是现在。) *这句话表达的意思是“那是过去的情况, 现在不同了”。 That was before, this is now. That's old news. Things have changed. (形势变化了。) 我并不想逃避这个问题。 I'm not trying to avoid the issue. (我并不想逃避这个问题。) Okay, Let's deal with it. (那好, 我们就来解决它。) *avoid “避开”。issue “问题”、 “焦点”。 *deal with “管理”、 “处理”、 “解决”、 “应付”。 I don't mind dealing with the issue. (我并不介意解决这个问题。) Let's go ahead and deal with the issue. (让我们来解决这个问题吧。) *这里的go ahead指“朝前”。 我没办法。 I couldn't help it. (我没办法。) You could have done it differently. (你本来可以用别的办法。) *cannot help 表示“不得不”, 用起来很方便。 You shouldn't have spoken to her that way. (你不该那样和她说话。) I just couldn't help myself. (我忍不住。) I had no other choice. I had no alternative. (没有别的办法。) *alternative “二选一”、“抉择”。 It couldn't be helped. There was nothing else I could have done. I just didn't have a choice. (我没有选择。) *choice “选择”。 I couldn't do anything about it. 现在是我们在管理。 That's not how we did it before. (我们以前可不是那样做的。) Yes, but now we're in control. (是, 但是现在是我们在管理。) *control “支配”、 “控制”。 We call the shots now. (现在是由我们来做决定。) *call是“叫”的意思, shot本意是“射手”, 在call the shots这个习惯用语中, 则是“指示”、 “做决定”的意思。 Now we make the decisions. (现在是我们做决定。) *decision “决定”。 不干不行了。 I feel like calling it quits. (我想不干了。) The show must go on. (不干不行了。) *feel like ...ing “觉得想做……”。 *直译是“活动必须进行下去”。go on指“继续”。 There's no stopping now. (现在可停不下来。) *There is no ...ing. “根本不可能……”。 We need to finish what we started. (已经开始的事情我们必须把它做完。) 我是认真的。 You can't be serious. (你不是认真的吧。) I mean it. (我是认真的。) *serious “认真的”。 *mean “打算”。 I'm serious. I'm not joking. (我不是开玩笑。) 反意为:I don't mean it. (我在开玩笑。) 你又不是我老板。 You should be working harder. (你应该工作再努力些。) You're not my boss. (你又不是我老板。) *boss “上司”、 “头儿”。 You are not my superior. *superior “上司”、 “上级”。 I don't work for you. (我不是你的手下。) 别对我发号施令。 I want you to clean your office. (希望你把办公室打扫干净。) Don't boss me around. (别对我发号施令。) *boss 表现的语气一般较为轻蔑, 意思是“颐指气使”、 “把……差来遣去”。 Don't talk to me like you're my boss. (说话别一副好像是我老板的样子。) Don't try to order me around. (别对我呼来喝去的。) *order ... around “对某人呼来喝去”。 Don't speak to me in that tone of voice. (别用那样的语气和我说话。) Don't talk to me in a commanding voice. *a commanding voice “威逼的语气”、 “命令的口吻”。 我才不信这种谣言。 They say the Dow will collapse. (他们说道琼斯指数要暴跌。) I don't believe the rumors. (我才不信这种谣言。) It's just a rumor. (那只是谣言。) Those reports are unreliable. (那些报告不可信。) *unreliable “不可信赖的”。 没人遵守规则。 No one's following the rules. (没人遵守规则。) Who's responsible for that? (谁对这个负责?) *no one ... “没有人……”。follow the rules “遵守规则”。 *be responsible for ... “对……负责”。 The rules are not being followed. The rules are not being obeyed. *obey “遵守”。 要不是为了工作, 我才不愿意住这里。 Why are you still living here? (为什么你还住在这里?) If it weren't for my job, I wouldn't be living here. (要不是为了工作, 我才不愿意住这里。) I would move if it weren't for my job. (要不是为了工作, 我也许就搬了。) I wouldn't be living here if it weren't for my job. ●反驳的常用语 我不知道你在说什么。 Don't you remember when Mr. Smith visited X Company? (你不记得史密斯先生访问X公司时的事情吗?) I don't know what you're talking about. (我不知道你在说什么。) *会话中不知道对方在说什么时的说法。talk about指“谈论……”。 I don't understand what you're talking about. I don't get it. What is it you're saying? I can't understand you. (我不理解你)。 I don't know what you mean. *mean “意思是”、 “目的是”。 I don't understand you. (我不明白你。) 我不明白你的意思。 I don't see your point. (我不明白你的意思。) I'll try to be clearer. (我会说得清楚些。) *see除了“看”、 “见面”的意思外, 还有“明白”、 “了解”的意思。point指“目的”、 “要点”、 “主张”。 I don't understand your point. I don't see what you mean. What's the point? (你想说什么?) *根据语气的不同, 有时听起来会显得无礼。 I'm not clear on what you mean. 我没听懂你说的。 I don't follow you. (我没听懂你说的。) Which part didn't you understand? (你哪部分没听懂?) *这里的follow指“理解”、 “领会”。 *part “部分”。 I'm not following you. What do you mean? (你的意思是什么?) I don't get it. *这里的get指“理解”。 What is that supposed to mean? (那是什么意思?) *be supposed to ... “被认为……”。 I don't understand. 这个我不知道。 Do you think she'll come to the meeting? (你认为她会来开会吗?) I wouldn't bet on it. (这个我不知道。) *bet on ... “在……上打赌”。“I wouldn't bet on it.”指“我在这件事上没有能够打赌的自信”, 也就是说“我不知道”的意思。 I wouldn't count on it. (我不会指望的。) *这里的count on 指“依靠”、 “依赖”。 I wouldn't be so sure. *sure “确定的”。 这个不说也知道。 This is a good company. (这是一家好公司。) That goes without saying. (这个不说也知道。) *这句话可以作为习惯用语记下来。 Naturally. (那自然。) Absolutely. (当然。) You don't have to tell me that. (你不说我也知道。) *you don't have to ... “没必要做……”。 I'm already aware of that. *be aware of ... “注意到……”。 You don't need to tell me that. I don't need you to tell me that. *根据语气的不同, 该说法有时显得生硬。 那个情况我十分清楚。 Our competitors are dropping their prices. (我们的竞争对手都在纷纷降价。) I'm fully aware of that. (那个情况我十分清楚。) *competitor 指“竞争对手”。dropping是drop的现在分词, 表示“(价格等)下降”。 *be aware of “注意到”、 “知道”。fully “十分”、 “完全”。 I fully understand that. I'm cognizant of that. *cognizant “认识的”、 “知道的”。 我了解到了。 We aren't pleased with the new employee. (我们对新雇员不满意。) I'm aware of that. (我了解到了。) *be pleased with ... “对……满意”。employee “雇员”。 *aware “注意”。 I know that. I realize that. *realize “意识到”。 到这里我都明白。 I understand that much. (到这里我都明白。) Let me explain the rest to you. (让我给你解释剩下的部分。) *that much “就这些”、 “到这里”。 *rest “剩下的部分”。 That part I understand. I get that part of it. I know that much. Even I know that. (那些连我都知道。) 我们已经见怪不怪了。 He's being a real pain in the neck. (他实在令人讨厌。) It's nothing unusual. (我们已经见怪不怪了。) *a pain in the neck “令人讨厌的人(或物)”。 *nothing “没有什么”。unusual “不一般”、 “奇怪的”。直译是“那不是什么新鲜事”。 It's normal. *直译是“那很正常”。 It's not out of the ordinary. *直译是“那很常见”。 *out of the ordinary “不普通”、 “不一般”。 我们在努力干呢。 Please do your best. (请你们尽最大努力。) We're trying, we're trying. (我们在努力干呢。) *try “尝试”、 “努力”。 We are doing our best. *do one's best “尽最大的努力”。 We're doing the best we can. We're giving it our best shot. *give ... one's best shot “尽力做……”。 We are trying as hard as we can. (我们在尽最大努力。) *as hard as ... can “某人尽量拼命地干”。 We are giving it our all. (我们在竭尽全力。) Lord knows we've tried. (我们努力了。) *Lord指“神”、 “主”, 直译是“上帝知道我们努力了”。 We've given it all we've got. We've tried our very best. (我们已经尽力了。) *try one's best “竭尽全力”。 我相信工作上的要求我都达到了。 I'm not satisfied with your work. (我对你的工作不是很满意。) I believe I'm meeting all of the requirements of my job. (我相信工作上的要求我都达到了。) *be satisfied with ... “对……满意”。 *要表示“我认为……”这样较为自信的语气, 可以用I believe的句型开头。这里的meet表示“达到要求”、 “满足”。requirement指“被要求的东西”, all of the requirements of my job的直译就是“我的工作上的所有要求”。 I think I'm fulfilling all of my duties. *fulfill “完成”、 “实行”。duty “义务”、 “任务”。 I believe I'm doing no less than is required. *no less than ... “和……一样多”、 “不少于……”。 吃苦的活可都是我干的。 The project you helped Mr. Anderson with is great. (你协助安德森先生做的项目太棒了。) I did all the hard work. (吃苦的活可都是我干的。) *这里的hard指“困难的”、 “费力的”。 I was responsible for all the hard work. *be responsible for ... “对……负责任”。 I had to do all of the hard work. (所有费力的活我都得干。) 你站到我的立场上看看。 I can't agree with you at all. (我一点都不同意你。) Put yourself in my position. (你站到我的立场上看看。) Try to see things my way. Look at it from my perspective. *perspective “观点”、 “视角”。 Put yourself in my shoes. (请你站到我的立场上。) *习惯用语。 别冲我来。 You were given a promotion instead of me. (你升了职而不是我。) Don't hold it against me, OK? (别冲我来, 好吗?) *hold against ... “责怪……”、 “指责……”。 Don't hate me for it. Don't hold a grudge against me. *grudge “仇恨”、 “恶意”。 这一点没有人不知道。 I think this product is our best. (我认为这是我们最好的产品。) Everybody knows that. (这一点没有人不知道。) *product “产品”。 *直译是“每个人都知道这一点”。 Everyone's aware of that. *be aware of ... “注意到……”。 That's common knowledge. (那个大家都知道。) *common “一般的”。knowledge “知识”。 这可不是什么好笑的事。 I find it comical that he quit. (他辞职了这真是好笑。) This is no laughing matter. (这可不是什么好笑的事。) *comical “滑稽的”、 “使人发笑的”。 *matter “问题”、 “事件”、 “事情”、 “状况”。 The proposal was so lame, it was laughable. (这个提案很差劲, 真可笑。) This is serious business. (这可不是什么笑料。) *proposal “提案”。lame “站不住脚的”。 *business “事情”、 “(应办的)事”。直译是“这可是一件严肃的事情”。 It's not funny. *funny “可笑的”、 “使人发笑的”。 It's really not anything to laugh about. This is no time for jokes. (这不是开玩笑的时候。) It's a serious matter. (这可是一件严肃的事情。) *serious “重大的”、 “深刻的”。 我真不敢相信。 You just got promoted. (你刚刚被提升了。) It's too good to be true. (我真不敢相信。) *promote “升职”。 *too ... to “太……以致不能”。 It's so good. I can't believe it. *believe “相信”。 It's too good for words. *too ...for words “太……以至于说不出话来”。 事情没那么简单。 Please just do it. (你只要干就好了。) It's not that simple. (事情没那么简单。) *simple “单纯的”、 “简单的”。 There's more to it than that. Easy for you to say. (说起来简单。) 它可不像看上去的那么简单。 This job is a breeze. (这个工作真是小菜一碟。) It doesn't look all that easy. (它可不像看上去的那么简单。) *breeze “容易做到的事”、 “小菜一碟”。 *look “外表看起来”、 “好像”。 It doesn't look that easy at all. *not ... at all “一点也不……”。 It looks rather difficult. (看起来很难。) 我可不知道那么多。 Who was the boss before Mr. Smith? (史密斯先生之前谁是老板?) I don't know that much. (我可不知道那么多。) *that much “那么多”。 I don't know a great deal about that. *great deal “很多”、 “大量”。 I'm not that familiar. *这里的familiar指“熟悉的”。 这很难说清楚。 Please explain the situation. (请解释这个情况。) It's hard to put into words. (这很难说清楚。) *It's hard to ... “做……很难”。put ... into words “用语言表达”。 It's difficult to articulate. (这很难说明白。) *articulate “清晰地表达(思想)”。 It's not easy putting it into words. (要用语言表达并不容易。) 我不善于编造理由。 Do you expect me to believe that? (你以为我会相信?) I'm not good at making excuses. (我不善于编造理由。) *be good at “善于”、 “擅长”。excuse “理由”。 I'm bad at making excuses. *be bad at “不擅长”。 I'm not good at coming up with excuses. *come up with ... “想出(或提出某个想法)”。 我怎么没印象。 We agreed that the shipping cost would be $600. (我们当时商定送货费是600美元。) I have no memory of that. (我怎么没印象。) I can't remember that. I don't remember that. I have no recollection of that. *recollection “回忆”、 “记忆力”。 我真的不是在批评你。 I'm not really criticizing you. (我真的不是在批评你。) I know you aren't. (我知道你不是。) *“真的不是在……”可以用not really来表达。criticize指“责怪”、 “批评”。这里说的是现在正在做的事情, 所以用的是现在进行时(be+动词的ing形式), 以I'm开头。 I'm not really putting you down. *put down “贬低”。 I'm not trying to be judgmental. (我并不是要指责什么。) *judgmental “指责的”。 我已经听得耳朵都起茧了。 Wanna hear the latest office gossip? (你想听听公司最新的小道消息吗?) No, I've heard enough of it. (不想, 我已经听得耳朵都起茧了。) *Wanna是Want to的缩写, 表示“想做……”。latest是“最新的”。gossip指“小道消息”。 *这句直译是“我已经听得够多了”。“听得耳朵都起茧了”意思是说同样的东西因为反复地听而让人烦不胜烦, 所以可以像上面那样来表达。 I don't want to hear anymore. (我再也不想听了。) *anymore “再”。 Don't say anymore. (别再说了。) I've heard enough already. (我已经听得够多的了。) *already “已经”。 I've heard it all before. (我已经都听说了。) *before “以前”。 我不会那么做。 I'm going to leave work early. (我想早点下班。) I wouldn't do that. (我不会那么做。) *wouldn't是would not的缩写。 I'd suggest not doing that. (我不建议那样做。) *suggest “建议”。 If I were you, I wouldn't do that. I don't think that would be wise. (我认为那样做不明智。) *wise “聪明的”、 “明智的”。 I don't think you should do that. (我认为你不应该那么做。) 你本来没必要担心那件事。 You shouldn't have worried about that. (你本来没必要担心那件事。) I couldn't help it. (我忍不住。) You didn't need to worry about that. There was no need to be concerned. *be concerned “担心”。 没那么难。 This job is so difficult. (这个工作真难。) It's not that bad. (没那么难。) It could be worse. It isn't too bad. 那就走着瞧吧。 I think you're wrong about that. (我认为那件事是你错了。) You just watch. (那就走着瞧吧。) You'll see. (马上就会知道了。) Just wait and see. *wait and see “马上就会知道”、 “走着瞧”。 You'll eat your words. *eat one's words “收回某人的话”。 难以想像啊! He's only 20, and he's already a millionaire. (虽然他只有20岁, 但已经是百万富翁了。) Just imagine! (难以想像啊!) *millionaire “百万富翁”。 *这里的imagine指“想像”。 Wow, can you imagine? Just think! 我并不想反驳你, 但是…… Last year, this company lost money. (去年, 这家公司赔了钱。) I don't want to contradict you, but that's not true. (我并不想反驳你, 但是那不是真的。) *lost money “赔了钱”。 *contradict “否定”、 “反驳”。 I'm afraid I have to disagree. (对不起, 我认为不是那样的。) *I'm afraid ... “我认为……(诉说事与愿违的事情时使用)”。disagree “意见不合”、 “不同意”。 I hate to disagree with you, but ... 可是你知道…… I'm going to ask for a raise. (我要求加薪。) But you know our company isn't doing well. (可是你知道我们公司状况不好。) *raise “加薪”。 *“But you know ...” 带有“可是, 尽管这么说”、 “实际上”的含义, 介绍实情时使用的说法。well “好”。 Actually, ... As you know, ... (正如你知道的那样……) 正相反…… You don't like sales, right? (你不喜欢销售, 对吧?) On the contrary, I find sales fascinating. (正相反, 我发现销售很有魅力。) *sales “销售”、 “营业”。 *on the contrary “正相反”、 “非但如此”。to the contrary则是“与此相反”、 “尽管如此”的意思。fascinating指“迷人的”、 “神魂颠倒的”。 Conversely, ... (相反……) Actually, the reverse is true. (实际上, 正相反。) *actually “实际上”。reverse “相反”、 “反过来”。 也许是真的, 不过…… She's a good worker. (她工作很努力。) That may be true, but she's always late. (也许是真的, 不过她总是迟到。) *true “真的”、 “和事实相符的”。 I know, but ... Even so, ... Yes, but ... 从某种程度上说是真的, 但…… Isn't that true? (那不是真的吗?) To a certain extent, yes, but not entirely. (从某种程度上说是真的, 但并不全是。) *extent表示“范围”、 “程度”, to a certain extent是习惯用语, 表示“从某种程度上说”。 Well, yes, in a way, but ... *in a way “从某种意义上说”。 Well, to some extent, yes, except that ... 我对那点拿不准。 He's too optimistic. (他太乐观了。) I'm not sure about that. (我对那点拿不准。) *be sure about “对……很肯定”。 I'm not positive about that. *positive “确信的”、 “有把握的”。 I'm not certain about that.

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发表于 2008-10-23 13:55:06 |只看该作者
同意 ●表示同意的回答 对。 Is this how you do it? (你是这么做的吗?) That's right. (对。) *对某人正确的意见或行动等表示赞同时使用。right 意思是“正确的”。 Is today our payday? (今天发工资, 是吗?) That's correct. (没错。) *correct “正确的”、 “没错的”。 Exactly. There you go. You got it. Right. Correct. 你也许是对的。 I think we should expand the business. (我认为我们应该扩大业务。) You may be right. (你也许是对的。) *may有推断的意思, 表示“也许”。 It's possible you're right. (也许你是对的。) You could be right. 好像是这样。 I guess everything worked out in the end. (我想什么最后都会变好的。) It seems like it. (好像是这样。) *in the end “最后”。 Will we make a profit? (我们能挣到钱吗?) That's the way it looks. (好像能。) *profit “利润”。 *这里的way和the一起表示“像……一样”。 It seems so. Looks like it. It looks that way. 确实如此。 Looks like rain. (好像要下雨。) It sure does. (确实如此。) *sure “确实”、 “一定”。 I think you're right. No kidding. *kid “开玩笑”。直译是“没开玩笑”, 也就是表示“真的是那样”的意思。 我也一样。 I really don't want to participate. (我真的不想参加。) I'm with you. (我也一样。) *participate “参加(活动等)”。 *这里的with表示“赞成”、 “意见一样”、 “支持”的意思。 This routine is boring. (这项规定很无聊。) I agree. (我有同感。) I feel the same way. (我感觉也是这样。) That's how I feel. (我也这么认为。) I agree with you on that point. *agree with ... “和……意见一致”。 I'll go along with that. *along with ... “和……一起”。 I'm on your side. (我和你有同感。) *side “(……的)一边”。 I think so, too. I couldn't agree more. (我完全同意。) I totally agree. *totally “完全地”、 “全部地”。 难怪! You were dialing the wrong number. (你拨错号了。) No wonder! (难怪!) *dial “打电话”。wrong “错误的”。 *wonder “吃惊”。“No wonder!” 直译是“一点也不吃惊”, 习惯用语, 表示“难怪”、 “原来如此”。 They closed down because of their bad location. (他们关门了, 因为位置不好。) That explains it. (有道理。) Of course! (难怪!) That's why! (原来如此!) 好主意。 How about joining us? (和我们一起干怎么样?) That's an idea. (好主意。) I hadn't thought of that. *直译是“我没想到那一点”。 Good thinking. Great idea. 好啊。 Do you want to play golf tomorrow? (你明天想打高尔夫球吗?) That would be great. (好啊。) Let's have a staff meeting. (开一次职工大会吧。) That sounds good. (好啊。) Fantastic! I'd like that. I'll go for that. I like the sound of that. That'll work. *work “行得通”。 I'd love it. That sounds great. *这里的sound指“被认为”、 “听起来”。 就这么做吧。 Should we install another phone line? (我们另外装一条电话线好吗?) Why not? (就这么做吧。) *install “安装”。 *这里不是在问“为什么不可以呢?”, 而是对建议或意见等表示同意, 意思是“就这么做吧”、 “请”、 “当然好”。 Sure, why not? I don't see why not. 你说得对。 We need some new office equipment. (我们需要一些新办公设备。) You've got a point there. (你说得对。) *习惯用语, 表示“你说得对”。 I think you've got a point. I believe you may be right. 看起来不错。 How's the proposal? (那个建议如何?) It seems all right. (看起来不错。) I guess it's okay. It'll do. (会行的。) 可以。 Shall we start? (我们可以开始了吗?) Fine. (可以。) *“Fine.”在这里表示“好的”、 “无可抱怨的”。 All right. Good idea. Sure. 没问题。 Is 8∶00 a.m. too early? (早上8点是不是太早了?) No, it's not a big problem. (不, 没问题。) *“It's not a big problem.” 直译是“那不是什么大问题”。 It's nothing to worry about. (没什么可担心的。) It's no big deal. (没什么大不了的。) It could be worse. 我正好有时间。 Could we meet tomorrow at 7∶00 p.m.? (明天晚上7点我们见个面好吗?) That's convenient for me. (我正好有时间。) *这里的convenient指“方便的”。 That's good for me. That works well for me. *这里的work指“行得通”。 我知道你会这么说。 Everything is going extremely well. (事情进展得都非常顺利。) I knew you would say that. (我知道你会这么说。) *这里的extremely指“非常”。 *knew是know(知道)的过去式。would表示轻微的推测, “也许”。 I'm not surprised. (我不吃惊。) *be surprised “吃惊的”。 I was expecting you to say that. *expect “预料”。 I'm not surprised to hear that. (听到那个消息我不吃惊。) 我就知道会来这事儿。 He asked for a favor. (他要求帮助。) I knew this was coming. (我就知道会来这事儿。) *favor “友善的行动”、 “帮忙”。 *对方说出了自己认为会说的话时可以使用这样的表达方式。“来”在英语中也用come表示, 和中文的表达相同。“我就知道……”在英语中经常说成“I knew ...”。 I knew he was going to ask that. I knew what his intentions were. *直译是“我知道他打的什么主意”。 我正好也这么想。 I think we should leave early. (我想我们该早走。) You just read my mind. (我正好也这么想。) *read one's mind “读懂……的心思”。 You're a mind reader. *直译是“你真是善解人意”。mind reader 意思是“善解人意者”。 That's exactly what I was thinking. *exactly “正好”。 正如我想的那样。 He's going to be selling his business. (他要抛售自己的公司。) Just as I thought. (正如我想的那样。) *这里的business指“商店”、 “公司”。 *just as ... “和……正好相同”。 I knew it. Just as I figured. *figure “估计”。 也许你是对的。 You shouldn't be acting so rude at work. (工作的时候你不应该举止那么粗鲁。) I suppose you're right. (也许你是对的。) *act “举止”。rude “粗鲁的”。 *suppose “想”、 “推测”。right “对的”。 I guess you're right. (你也许是对的。) *guess “推测”。 You probably have a point there. (也许你也有你的道理。) *probably “也许”、 “可能”。have a point “有道理”。 我会记住的。 I think she's the best person for the job. (我认为她是这份工作的最佳人选。) I'll keep that in mind. (我会记住的。) *keep ... in mind “留意”、 “记住”。mind有“记忆”的意思。 You're free to call anytime. (你随时都可以来电话。) I'll remember that. (我会记住的。) *free to ... “可以自由地做……”。 I'll take that under advisement. *take ... under advisement “对……深思熟虑”。 I won't forget. 我们意识到了。 Your prices are a little high. (你的价格偏高。) We realize that. (我们意识到了。) *price “价格”。a little “稍微”。high “(价格)高”。 *realize “理解”、 “意识到”。 This probably won't work out. (这样做也许没用。) We understand that. (我们知道。) *probably “也许”。work out “(事情)进展顺利”。 *understand “理解”。 We know that. *know “知道”。 We're aware of that. *aware “注意到的”。 我也不知道。 I don't know how to use that dictionary. (我不知道怎么用那本字典。) I don't know, either. (我也不知道。) *dictionary “字典”。 *这里的either指“也”。 Beats me. (我不知道。) You got me. 嗯, 也许吧。 Are you coming to the company party? (公司聚会你来吗?) Yeah, I guess. (嗯, 也许吧。) *先用yeah含糊地应答对方, 然后再说I guess。虽然回答的是“也许吧”, 但是这种说法相当含糊。 I guess so. (我猜是这样。) Yeah, I think so. Well, yeah. *well表示“嗯”、 “啊”、 “怎么说呢”等犹豫的语气。 也许。 Will there be a meeting tomorrow? (明天开会吗?) There might be. (也许。) *might “也许……”, 表示推测、可能等。 Maybe so. There could be. *could be “也许”、 “可能”。 那自然。 I'm feeling overwhelmed. (我觉得精神都要崩溃了。) That's natural. (那自然。) *这里的natural指“(道理上或情理上)自然的”、 “正常的”。 *overwhelm “(精神上)崩溃”、 “压倒”。 That's to be expected. (早就知道会这样。) I'm not surprised. (我不吃惊。) 某种程度上, 同意。 Do you agree? (你同意吗?) Yes, to a point. (某种程度上, 同意。) *agree “同意”。 *to a point “某种程度上”。 Yes, partially. (是的, 同意一部分。) *partially “部分地”。 Yes, somewhat. *somewhat “多少”、 “有几分”。 Yes, to some degree. *degree “程度”。 那我就明白了。 Mr. Smith is difficult to work for. (在史密斯先生的手下工作很难。) That answers my question. (那我就明白了。) *answer “回答”。直译是“那就回答了我的问题”。 That's what I wanted to know. (那就是我想要知道的。) You answered my question. ●同意 你说的完全正确。 I think we should hire more employees. (我认为我们应该雇更多的人。) You're absolutely right about that. (你说的完全正确。) *hire “雇用”。employee “雇员”。 *absolutely right “完全正确”。 Exactly. (正是如此。) Absolutely. 我完全赞同。 We need extra help. (我们需要额外的帮助。) I couldn't agree with you more. (我完全赞同。) *agree with “和……意见一致”、 “和……有同感”。这里的例句是习惯用语, 表示“完全赞同”。 You'd better believe it. You said it. You can say that again. We feel completely the same way. *completely “完全地”、 “十分”。 I couldn't agree more. (我完全同意。) 在这一点上我和你有同感。 I think we need more time. (我认为我们需要更多时间。) I agree with you on that point. (在这一点上我和你有同感。) *这里的point指“事情”、 “问题”。 We are thinking alike on that point. I've come to the same conclusion as you on that point. 听起来主意不错。 That sounds like a good idea. (听起来主意不错。) Let's do it then. (那我们就这么做吧。) *sound like ... “听起来……”。表示赞同时的惯用说法。idea “概念”、 “观念”、 “想法”。 Let's ask Miss Aoki to join us. (我们邀请青木小姐一起参加吧。) Good idea! (好主意!) I like that idea. That's an excellent idea. That's a great idea. Sounds good to me. That's a brilliant idea. *brilliant “不错的”、 “绝妙的”。 That would be great. Good thinking. That's a good idea. That's a splendid idea. *splendid “极好的”、 “令人满意的”。 That would be fine. So glad you thought of it. 确实如此。 He's a nice person. (他是个很好的人。) That's for sure. (确实如此。) *for sure “确实地”、 “确切地”。 You can say that again. You said it. 你说的我能理解。 She's hard to work for. (在她手下工作很难。) I know what you're talking about. (你说的我能理解。) This day is moving too slowly. (今天时间过得可真慢。) I know what you mean. (没错。) *口语中what you mean可以连读。直译是“我理解你说的意思”。 I know where you are coming from. I see what you mean. (我明白你说的意思。) I understand what you mean. I understand your point. (我明白你的意思。) 我能理解。 I don't care for my job. (我不喜欢我的工作。) I know how it is. (我能理解。) I understand the situation. *situation “情况”、 “事态”。 I know what it's like. 我也是这么想的。 I like his working attitude. (我喜欢他的工作态度。) That's just what I was thinking. (我也是这么想的。) *attitude “态度”。 My thoughts exactly. (我的想法正一样。) *exactly “正是如此”。 I was just thinking the same thing. 我注意到了。 She's working hard. (她工作很努力。) I've noticed that. (我注意到了。) *notice “注意”、 “知道”。 It seems that way. (好像是那样。) That's true. (没错。) 有点道理。 This way would be easier. (这样做会更容易。) You have a point there. (有点道理。) *这里的would指“也许”。 *have a point “有点道理”。 You're on to something. That makes sense. 非常有可能。 I have a feeling she'll be our new boss. (我有个感觉她会成为我们的新老板。) That's quite possible. (非常有可能。) *boss “老板”。 *quite “非常”。possible “可能的”。 That's a possibility. That could easily happen. *easily “容易地”、 “不费力地”。 我不怪你。 I can't trust her anymore. (我再也不能相信她了。) I don't blame you. (我不怪你。) *直译是“我不会责怪你的”。blame 指“责怪”。 I understand completely. (我完全理解。) *understand “理解”。completely “完全”。 I'm with you. *这里的with指“和……意见相同”。 毫无疑问。 Is it certain? (确定吗?) No doubt about it. (毫无疑问。) *certain “确切的”、 “没有错的”。 *no doubt “没有疑问的”。 Did Tom enjoy his Christmas vacation? (汤姆圣诞节过得愉快吗?) There's no doubt about it. It was his first vacation this year. (毫无疑问。这是他今年第一次休假。) Absolutely. *回答“完全如此”、 “绝对如此”时使用absolutely。 No question in my mind. It's absolutely for sure. *absolutely “完全”、 “绝对”。sure “确实”。 No question. There's no question about it. For sure. (确实。) Definitely. (确实。) 我听你的。 You should switch jobs. (你应该换工作。) I'll follow your advice. (我听你的。) *follow “听从”。 I'll take your advice. I'll do what you recommend. 嗯, 结局总归这样。 I guess we're not getting a raise. (我猜我们加不了薪。) Well, so much for that. (嗯, 结局总归这样。) *raise “加薪”、 “涨工资”。 *“So much for that.”是习惯用语, 表示“(事情)总归如此”。 Well, That's the way it goes. Well, That's that. 希望如此。 Is there a raise coming up? (会很快加薪吗?) We hope so. (希望如此。) *hope “希望”、 “但愿”、 “期待”。 That's what we hope for. We certainly hope so. *certainly “确实”。 小知识“便宜”不是cheap 虽然cheap这个词有“便宜”、 “廉价”的意思, 但是它带有“便宜而低劣”的含义。因此, 如果要表达“物美价廉, 非常合算”的意思时, 就一定要用inexpensive。

使用道具 举报

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发表于 2008-10-23 13:55:31 |只看该作者
提醒 ●工作方法 我给你一个忠告。 I'll give you a piece of advice. (我给你一个忠告。) Yes? What is it? (好的, 是什么?) *advice是“忠告”、 “建议”的意思, 但是因为它是不可数名词, 所以表达“一个忠告”时, 要用a piece of。 Let me tell you something. Here's a piece of advice. Let me give you some advice. 我一直想告诉你一件事。 I've been wanting to tell you something. (我一直想告诉你一件事。) Yes, sir? (哦, 什么事?) *I've是I have的缩写。 I have something to tell you. (我有事想告诉你。) There's something I need to tell you. (有件事我得告诉你。) 嘿, 你能够做得更好的! I made two sales calls today. (今天我走访了两家客户。) Come on! You can do better than that! (嘿, 你能够做得更好的!) *Come on! “老实点”、 “来吧”、 “求你了”。 Really! I know you can do better! Give me a break! You can do better than that! *give me a break “算了吧”。 不要拖到最后。 When should I start on the budget? (我应该什么时候开始做预算?) Don't wait till the last moment. (不要拖到最后。) *start on ... “开始做……”。budget “预算”、 “预算方案”。 *wait “搁置”。the last moment “最后关头”。 Don't wait till the last minute. Don't put it off till the last minute. *put off “拖延”。 再加把劲儿。 This is taking too long. (这个太花时间了。) Put some more effort into it. (再加把劲儿。) *effort “努力”。 Give it more effort. Try harder. 让我们赶快干吧。 Come on, people. Let's step on it. (来吧, 大家伙儿。让我们赶快干吧。) But we're already going as fast as we can. (可是我们已经快得不能再快了。) *step on it “赶快”。 *这里的going指“进行”。 Let's get going. Let's pick up the pace. (让我们加快速度吧。) *这里的pick up指“提高速度”。 Let's go quicker. (让我们干得再快点。) Let's get a move on. (我们加紧吧。) *move on “快速前进”、 “使进步”。 Let's get moving. *get moving “加快”。 Hurry up. (快点!) 你得干得快点。 You'll have to speed things up. (你得干得快点。) I can't work any faster. (我不能再快了。) *speed up “催促”、 “加快”、 “提高速度”。 You must work faster. Things aren't moving fast enough. 你干得太慢了。 You work too slowly. (你干得太慢了。) I'll try to speed it up. (我会加紧干的。) *slowly “缓慢地”、 “慢吞吞地”、 “迟缓地”。 *try to ... “尽力……”。 You're doing things too slowly. You're working too slowly. You're too slow. You work too slow. *正确的说法应该是slowly, 但是在美国这种情况也经常用slow。 我讨厌指手画脚, 不过…… I hate to be bossy, but please finish your work. (我讨厌指手画脚, 不过请你把工作做完。) Sorry, I guess I was talking too much. (对不起, 我想我是说话太多了。) *I hate to ... “我讨厌做……”, 用于行动有些犹豫的时候。bossy 指“爱指手画脚的”、 “专横的”。 I hate to harass you, but ... *harass “使烦恼”、 “使为难”。 I don't want to hound you, but ... *hound “追逼”、 “纠缠”。 不要拖延这个计划。 Don't put off the project. (不要拖延这个计划。) I wouldn't hear of it. (当然。) *put off ... “使……延期”、 “推迟……”。 Don't delay the project. *delay “延期”。 Don't put the project off. 做你该做的事吧。 I think I'll help her with her work today. (我打算今天给她的工作帮忙。) No. Do whatever you're supposed to do. (不要。做你该做的事吧。) *whatever是指示代词, 表示“任何事物”。“be supposed to ...”是“打算好做……”、 “应该做……”的意思, 这里表示“请各自做分内的工作”。 Do your own thing. (做你自己的事。) Take care of your own responsibilities. *take care of “处理”、 “照顾”。responsibility “责任”、 “义务”。 Do your own job. 你得完成你的工作任务。 You'll have to do your part. (你得完成你的工作任务。) Sure, no problem. (好的, 没问题。) *do one's part “完成任务”。这里用于彼此同样地都被分配了任务, 各司其职, 相互协调, 一起共事的时候。 You'll have to meet me in the middle. *直译是“我干一半的活, 你也必须干一半的活”。 You'll have to share the burden. *burden “负担”。 You'll have to carry your weight. 你要是干砸了, 我可能会丢掉工作。 If you fail, I might lose my job. (你要是干砸了, 我可能会丢掉工作。) Don't worry. You can count on me. (别担心, 相信我好了。) *fail “失败”。might “也许”。lose one's job “丢掉工作”、 “失业”。 *count on ... “信任……”、 “相信……”。 If you don't succeed, I could lose my job. *succeed “成功”。 I could be fired if you fail. *be fired “被解雇”。 你亲口告诉他。 You tell him yourself. (你亲口告诉他。) I can't face him. (我没脸见他。) *直译是“你直接和他说”。You放到前面是为了强调“你自己”, 也就是说这是一句加了You的祈使句。 He needs to hear it directly from you. He should hear it directly from you. You should be the one to tell him. 做这件事别三心二意的。 Don't do this half-assed. (做这件事别三心二意的。) I'll see that it gets done right. (我会认真做的。) *ass指“屁股”、 “肛门”。Half-assed是俚语, 表示“不认真的”、 “不称职的”、 “乱七八糟的”。该词并不文雅, 但是在美国常常可以听到。 Don't do this job in a half-serious way. Do the job right. (工作认真点。) 关于这个计划的事情不要再告诉任何人。 Do not tell anyone about the project again. (关于这个计划的事情不要再告诉任何人。) I won't make the same mistake twice. (我不会再犯同样的错误。) *Do not tell anyone. “不要告诉任何人”。project “计划”、 “项目”。again and again意思是“反复地”, 但是如果是放在句子结尾, 只需说一个again, 就可以表示中文的“反复地”。 *won't是will not的缩写。twice指“两次”、 “再次”、 “两倍”。 Be sure not to tell anyone about the project again. *be sure to ... “一定……”、 “绝对……”。 You'd better not tell anybody about the project again. *“You'd better ...”是“You had better ...”的缩写, 表示“……做为好”、 “应该……做”的意思。 Make sure you keep the project a secret. (这个计划你一定要保密。) *make sure “确保”。secret “秘密”。 你一定不要出错。 You're entrusting me with writing the proposal? (你委托我写建议书, 是吗?) Make sure you don't make mistakes. (你一定不要出错。) *entrust ... with ...“委托……做……”。proposal “建议”。 *make sure “确认”。 Be careful not to make mistakes. Take care that you don't make mistakes. (注意不要犯错误。) *这里的“take care that ...”指“注意……”。 你犯了太多粗心大意的错误。 You make too many careless mistakes. (你犯了太多粗心大意的错误。) I'll be more careful in the future. (今后我要再仔细些。) *make a mistake “犯错误”。这里的too指“太”、 “过分”。careless 指“粗心大意的”。 You make too many dumb mistakes. *dumb “愚蠢的”。 You make too many absentminded mistakes. (你犯了太多心不在焉的错误。) *absentminded “心不在焉的”。 注意不要犯拼写错误。 Watch out for spelling errors. (注意不要犯拼写错误。) Don't worry. I'm a good speller. (别担心。我拼写很好。) *Watch out for ... “注意……”。spelling “拼写”。error “错误”、 “过失”。 Don't misspell words. Watch your spelling. 你又打错了。 You made another typo. (你又打错了。) I'll correct it right away. (我马上就改过来。) *typo是typographical error的省略, 意思是“打字错误”。 *correct “更正(错误等)”。right away “马上”、 “立刻”。 You made another typing mistake. You made another typing error. 这句话意思不明确。 This isn't clear. (这句话意思不明确。) OK. I'll make it more specific. (好的。我会表达得更清楚些。) *阅读文件时, 发现有不清楚的地方可以这么指出来。clear “清楚的”、 “明确的”。 *specific “明确的”、 “具体的”、 “特定的”。 This doesn't make much sense. *make sense “有意义”、 “合理”。 These words are hard to understand. (这些话很难理解。) *understand “理解”。 你需要做更多的调查。 Consumers seem willing to pay more for it. (消费者好像愿意掏更多的钱来买它。) You will need more research. (你需要做更多的调查。) *seem “好像”、 “似乎”。be willing to ... “愿意……”。 *You will need more ... “你需要做更多的……”。research “研究”、 “调查”。 You'll need to do more research. More research will be necessary. *necessary “必要的”。 你得控制所有成本。 How do you make a profit? (你怎么来赢利?) You need to control all the costs. (你得控制所有成本。) *control “控制”。cost “成本”。 All the costs need to be controlled. Controlling costs is the vital element. (成本控制是重要的因素。) *vital “重要的”。element “要素”。 你一定要做笔记。 I'll be attending today's meeting. (我要参加今天的会。) Make sure you take notes. (你一定要做笔记。) *make sure ... “保证……”。note “记录”、 “笔记”。 Don't forget to take notes. (不要忘了做记录。) Please take notes. 你们签约了吗? My client agreed to go with our company. (我的客户同意支持我们公司。) Did you sign a contract? (你们签约了吗?) *client “客户”。agree “同意”。go with “支持”。 *sign “签约”。contract “合同”。 Have you signed a contract? Do you have a signed contract? 你复核过这个吗? Have you double-checked this? (你复核过这个吗?) You bet I have. (当然。) *Have you ...?“你做……了吗?”。double-check “复核”、 “复查”。 *bet “打赌”。“You bet.” 是习惯用语, 表示“当然”。 Have you checked this again? Have you checked this two times? Did you recheck this? 我是不是各方面都考虑到了? Have I covered everything? (我是不是各方面都考虑到了?) You've been very thorough. (你已经做得非常全面了。) *cover “涉及”、 “覆盖”。 *thorough “仔细周到的”、 “彻底的”。 Have I gone over everything? Have I been thorough? 提交之前再检查检查。 Check your work before it goes out. (提交之前再检查检查。) I always do. (我总是这么做。) *check “检查”。go out因为有“出门”的意思, 所以也可以表示“提交”。 Proofread your work before it goes out. (提交之前再校正一遍。) *proofread “校正”。 Make sure your work is okay before it goes out. (提交之前再确认一下工作是否做好了。) *make sure “确认”。 你的上司允许你这么做吗? Did your boss give you permission to do it? (你的上司允许你这么做吗?) Of course he did. (当然。) *permission “许可”。 Do you have permission from your boss to do it? Has your boss authorized you to do it? (你的上司准许你这么做吗?) *authorize “认可”。 这算什么回答。 I just didn't feel like doing it. (我只是不想做那件事。) That's not an answer. (这算什么回答。) That answer isn't good enough. That's no answer. 你在说什么呢? I think we can double our profits in one month. (我认为我们可以在一个月内把利润翻一番。) What are you talking about? (你在说什么呢?) *double “使成倍”。 Get real. (现实一点吧。) Wake up. (清醒一点吧。) 不要碰那些文件。 Can I use this desk? (我可以用这张桌子吗?) OK, but don't touch those papers. (可以, 不过不要碰那些文件。) *paper有“纸”、 “证书”、 “身份证件”、 “报纸”、 “考卷”等意思, 在这里指“文件”。 Leave those papers as they are. *leave “保留”、 “放置”。 Leave those papers alone. *leave ... alone “让……独自待着”。 请把剪刀放回原处。 Please put the scissors back where they were. (请把剪刀放回原处。) I will as soon as I'm done. (用完后我会马上放回去。) *put back “放回”。scissors “剪刀”。 *as soon as ... “一……就……”、 “一旦做完……”。 Please put the scissors back in their proper place. *proper “合适的”、 “正确的”。 Please return the scissors to where they belong. *return “返回”。这里的belong指“在(原来的位置)”。 你太落伍了。 I still use my typewriter. (我还在用我的打字机。) You're behind the times. (你太落伍了。) *这里的behind指“落后于”。 You're outdated. *outdated “落后于时代的”。 You're not with the times. *这里的with指“和……相符”, 表示协调、一致。 ●工作态度 嘿。 He's been harassing us all day. (他一整天都在打搅我们工作。) Hey, I heard that. (嘿, 我听到了。) *harass “打搅”、 “使烦恼”。 *hey是打招呼, 相当于“嘿!”、 “嗨!”。 Hey, you. Excuse me. 那种样子可一点也不像你。 It's not like you to behave like that. (那种样子可一点也不像你。) I just had a bad day, that's all. (我今天算倒了霉了。) *behave “举止”、 “行为”。 That's unlike you to act that way. Behaving like that is out of character for you. 你要挟我也没有用。 If you don't accommodate me, I'll quit! (如果你不给我提供方便, 我就不干了!) Your bluff has no effect whatsoever. (你要挟我也没有用。) *accommodate “给予方便”、 “通融”。 *bluff “虚张声势地恫吓”、 “耍威风”、 “故弄玄虚”。whatsoever “不管什么”。 Attempting to bluff will not work. *attempt to ... “试图……”。 Your ploys will not help you. *ploy “策略”、 “计策”。 别让我丢脸! Don't humiliate me! (别让我丢脸!) Don't worry. I won't embarrass you. (别担心, 我不会让你难堪的。) *humiliate “使丢脸”。 *embarrass “使难堪”。 Don't embarrass me. Don't put me down. *put ... down “(使他人)蒙羞”、 “使……为难”。 要做你就堂堂正正地做。 Stop acting as if you've got something to hide. (要做你就堂堂正正地做。) What are you talking about? (你在说什么?) *直译是“做事别一副藏着掖着的样子”。stop ...ing “停止做……”。as if ... “好像……”。hide “隐藏”。 Do you have something to hide? (你瞒着什么事没有?) Why are you acting like you're hiding something? *直译是“为什么你做起事来一副好像隐瞒了什么似的样子?”。 Are you trying to hide something? *直译是“你是不是在隐瞒什么?”。 我希望你再灵活一些。 I definitely cannot work weekends. (我周末绝对不加班。) I'd like to see a little more flexibility. (我希望你再灵活一些。) *definitely “确切地”、 “明确地”。 *I'd是I would的缩写。would like to 意思是“想”。flexibility指“灵活性”、 “适应性”。 I'd like it if you could be a little more flexible. I need more flexibility from you. 你最近太自以为是了。 I'm too good for this job. (这个工作对我来说太容易了。) You've been cocky lately. (你最近太自以为是了。) *be good for ... “对……起作用”。 *cocky “骄傲自大的”、 “自以为是的”。lately “近来”、 “最近”。 You've been sassy lately. *sassy “粗鲁的”、 “无礼的”。 Your attitude has been bad lately. (你最近的态度很差。) *attitude “态度”、 “心态”。 为什么你的情绪那么坏? Why are you in such a bad mood? (为什么你的情绪那么坏?) I'm angry about this assignment. (我对分配的这个任务很生气。) *such a ... “这样的……”。mood “心情”、 “情绪”、 “心境”。 *assignment “分配”、 “任务”、 “作业”。 Why are you so upset? What is your problem? (你的问题是什么?) What's bugging you? (什么事让你烦恼?) *bug “使烦恼”。 回去工作。 I need a ten-minute break. (我需要休息10分钟。) No. Get back to work. (不行。回去工作。) *get back to ... “回到(场所或状态中)”。 Get back on the job. You need to get working. 说什么呢。 I need a vacation. (我需要休假。) Get serious. You just had one. (说什么呢。你才休完假。) *直译是“认真点”。get “变成(某种状态)”。serious “严肃的”、 “认真的”。 Be serious. No way. (不行。) Get real. (现实点。) 注意听他的发言。 Pay attention to his speech. (注意听他的发言。) I am paying attention. (我正听着呢。) *pay attention to “注意”。 Listen carefully to his speech. *listen to “听”。carefully “仔细地”。 Listen to what he says. 那个词用得不恰当。 That word is not appropriate. (那个词用得不恰当。) Can you suggest a better one? (你能告诉我更好的说法吗?) *appropriate “恰当的”、 “合适的”。 That word is not the correct one to use. (那个词用得不对。) That word is being misused. (那个词用错了。) *misuse “误用”。 That is an inappropriate word. *inappropriate “不贴切的”。 别打搅他。 Don't disturb him. (别打搅他。) I certainly won't. (我绝对不会。) *disturb “添麻烦”、 “打搅”。 *certainly “一定”、 “绝对”。 You shouldn't disturb him. You'd better not disturb him. *You'd better not 是You had better not 的缩写, 表示 “最好不要”。 别瞎聊了, 快工作吧。 Quit chatting and get to work. (别瞎聊了, 快工作吧。) Yes, sir! (好的。) *quit “停止”、 “终止”。chat “闲聊”、 “聊天”。get to ... “开始做……”。 You're talking too much. Get to work. (你说得太多了。快工作吧!) Quit talking and get your work done. 说话别跟蚊子叫似的。 You're talking way too softly. (说话别跟蚊子叫似的。) I'm sorry. I'll speak up. (对不起。我大点声说。) Speak up. Don't mumble. (说话别含含糊糊的。) *mumble “含糊不清地说”。 Don't answer me with a faint voice. *faint “微弱的”。 别对我那么没规矩。 Don't get smart with me. (别对我那么没规矩。) I was just defending myself. (我只是在为自己辩解。) *smart除了“聪明的”、 “伶俐的”意思外, 还指“狡猾的”、 “任性的”。 *defend “保护”、 “辩护”。 Don't argue with me. (别和我顶嘴。) *argue with ... “和……争论”。 Don't sass me. *sass “跟……顶嘴”。 Don't talk back to me. *talk back to ... “(和地位高的人)顶嘴”。 你应该注意自己的用词。 You should watch your language. (你应该注意自己的用词。) I know I shouldn't use foul words. (我知道我不应该说脏话。) *这里的watch指“注意”、 “警惕”。language指“用词”。 *foul “肮脏的”。 Be careful with your language. *be careful with ...“注意……”。 You should not use bad language. (你不应该说脏话。) 工作的时候请你只谈工作。 Did you do anything for the holidays? (假期你都做了些什么?) Please only discuss business at work. (工作的时候请你只谈工作。) *discuss “谈论”。 Please only discuss business in the office. Please limit yourself to business discussions while working. *limit “限制”。while “……的期间”。 In the office, please keep conversations professional. (在公司里, 请你只谈和工作有关的话题。) *conversation “会话”。professional “职业(上)的”。 我说话的时候不要打断我。 Don't interrupt me while I'm talking. (我说话的时候不要打断我。) It won't happen again. (不会再有第二次了。) *interrupt “中断”、 “插入”、 “打搅”。 *happen “发生”、 “产生”。 Stop interrupting me. (别打断我。) Stop interrupting while I'm talking. Hello ... I'm talking now. (对不起, 现在我在讲话。) *这里的hello是为了引起对方的注意而打的招呼, 相当于“嗯”、 “对不起”。 你应该学会听别人把话说完。 I'm tired of listening to him. (听他说话我已经不耐烦了。) You must learn to hear people out. (你应该学会听别人把话说完。) *be tired of ... “对……烦透了”、 “讨厌……”。 *hear ... out “听……说到最后”。 You should always hear people out. You must learn to listen to people. 小点声! Keep your voice down! (小点声!) I can't, I'm too angry. (我做不到, 我太生气了。) *keep ... down “控制……”、 “降低(声音等)”。 You're talking too loud. (你说话声音太大了。) You don't need to raise your voice. (你没有必要抬高嗓门。) *raise也有“使(音量)加大”的意思。 Please lower your voice. (请你小声点说。) 你不能打私人电话。 You can not make any private calls. (你不能打私人电话。) I'm aware of that. (我知道了。) *像这样仅用call字就可以表示“电话”。 *be aware of ... “注意到……”。 You are not allowed to make personal calls. (拨打私人电话是不可以的。) *allow “允许”。 The only calls allowed are business ones. (只可以打业务电话。) *ones指代calls。 只要你在这里工作, 就必须遵守这些规章制度。 As long as you work here, you must follow the regulations. (只要你在这里工作, 就必须遵守这些规章制度。) That goes without saying. (那还用说。) *as long as “只要”。follow “遵守(规则等)”、 “听从(指示等)”。regulation “规则”、 “条例”。 As long as you are employed here, you must follow the regulations. *employ “雇用”。 You have to follow the rules while you work here. 那违反我们的规定。 Can I smoke here? (我可以在这儿吸烟吗?) It's against our rules. (那违反我们的规定。) *against “违反”。 It's against our policy. *policy “方针”。 It's against regulations. *regulations “规则”。 办公室里不许抽烟。 I need a cigarette. (我想抽支烟。) Smoking is not allowed in the office. (办公室里不许抽烟。) *allow “允许”。 You may not smoke in the office. (你不能在办公室里抽烟。) Sorry. I didn't know. (对不起, 我不知道。) *may not “不许”, 表示轻微的禁止。 You can't smoke in the office. There's no smoking in here. (这里禁止吸烟。) Smoking is prohibited in the office. *prohibit “禁止”、 “不让做……”。 Smoking is forbidden in the office. *forbid “禁止”、 “不许”。 This is a non-smoking office. (这是个无烟办公室。) No smoking is allowed in the office. 请遵守规则。 Observe the rules, please. (请遵守规则。) What do you mean? (你是什么意思?) *observe “遵守(法律或规则等)”。 Please follow the rules. (请遵守规则。) *follow “遵守”。 You must stick to the rules. (你必须遵守规则。) 你不能对经理直呼其名。 You can't call the managers by their names. (你不能对经理直呼其名。) I'm sorry. I didn't know that. (对不起, 我不知道。) *这里的call指“叫”。 You can't greet managers by their names. *greet “打招呼”。 You can't address managers by their names. *address “称呼(人)”。 早上请提前5分钟到办公室。 Come to the office five minutes early in the morning. (早上请提前5分钟到办公室。) Do you mean every day? (你是说每天吗?) *early “提早”。 *mean “意思是”。 Come in five minutes early in the morning. I'd like you in the office five minutes early in the morning. (我希望你们早上提前5分钟到办公室。) 这正是我想和你说的。 I'm sorry I'm late. (对不起我迟到了。) Yes, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. (对了, 这正是我想和你说的。) That's what I'm here to talk to you about. That's what I wanted to address. *address “说明(意见或要求)”。 不要总是唯唯诺诺的。 I disagree with him, but it's hard to say so. (我不同意他的观点, 但是我说不出口。) Don't be a yes-man. (不要总是唯唯诺诺的。) *disagree with ... “和……意见不合”。 *yes-man “什么都说是的人”, 也就是“对上司言听计从的人”。 Don't just always agree. *agree “同意”。 Be your own man, with your own opinions. (做一个拥有自己观点的人。) *opinion “意见”、 “观点”。 必要的时候要说“不”。 It's hard to deny her anything. (对她很难拒绝什么。) Say no when necessary. (必要的时候要说“不”。) *deny “否定”。 *when necessary “必要的时候”。 Know when to say no. Sometimes saying no is necessary. (有时候说“不”也是必要的。) *sometimes “有时”、 “间或”。 在客户面前请不要脱去外衣。 Don't take off your jacket in front of a client. (在客户面前请不要脱去外衣。) I'll remember that. (我会记住的。) *take off “脱(衣服等)”。in front of ... “在……的前面”。 Keep your jacket on when you are with a client. Never take your jacket off in front of a client. 那太自私了。 I don't care about the employees. (我才不关心雇员的死活。) That's selfish. (那太自私了。) *selfish “自私的”。 You're only thinking of yourself. (你只考虑你自己。) You're being self-centered. (你以自我为中心。) *self-centered “以自我为中心的”、 “利己主义的”。 你动不动就生气。 You get upset easily. (你动不动就生气。) Only when someone is rude to me. (别人对我无礼的时候才这样。) *upset “生气的”、 “苦恼的”。easily “容易地”、 “轻易”。 *rude “粗鲁的”、 “无礼的”。 You're too sensitive. *sensitive “情绪化的”、 “敏感的”。 You get annoyed easily. *annoy “使坐立不安”、 “使生气”。 不要气馁。 It's too hard. I don't think I can do it. (太难了。我想这事我干不了。) Don't whine about it. (不要气馁。) *whine有“(狗)呜呜地叫”、 “(娇惯的孩子等)可怜地哭泣”、 “撒娇”、 “发牢骚”的意思。 Don't complain about it. (别抱怨。) *complain about ... “抱怨……”。 Quit whining about it. (别说泄气话。) *quit ...ing “停止做……”。 不要给团队添乱。 Try not to interrupt the team. (不要给团队添乱。) I promise I won't. (我保证我不会。) *try not to ... “努力不……”。interrupt “打搅”、 “妨碍”。 Try not to disrupt the team. *disrupt “使混乱”。 Try not to intrude on the team. *intrude “侵扰”。 我不想唠唠叨叨的, 可是…… I don't want to repeat myself, but you're late again. (我不想唠唠叨叨的, 可是你又迟到了。) I have a good excuse this time. (这次我有很正当的理由。) *repeat oneself “(某人)重复说同样的话”。 *excuse “理由”、 “辩解”。 I hate to say it again, but ... I dislike being repetitive, but ... *dislike ...ing “不喜欢做……”。 别把还能用的东西扔掉。 Don't throw away things we can still use. (别把还能用的东西扔掉。) Sorry. I thought it was broken. (对不起。我以为它坏掉了。) *throw away “扔掉”。still “还”。 Don't throw away useful things. *useful “有帮助的”、 “有用的”。 Don't throw away things that can still be used. ●斥责 够了! It's so much fun to gossip. (聊点闲话很有意思。) Enough is enough! (够了!) *so much “很多的”。fun “有趣”。gossip “散布小道消息”。 *enough “足够的”。 That's enough! Cut it out! (别说了!) 我要说几遍才行? How many times do I have to say it? (我要说几遍才行?) Until I fully understand. (直到我完全明白了。) *fully “充分地”。understand “理解”。 Could you please explain this to me again? (你能再给我解释一遍吗?) How many times do I have to tell you? (我要说几遍你才明白?) *explain “说明”。 How many times do you need to hear it? How many times do I have to repeat myself? *repeat “重复”。 How many times do I have to explain it to you? (我要给你解释几遍才行?) How many times do you need it clarified? *clarify “使明确”。 别让我再说第二遍了。 Being late is not acceptable. Don't make me say it again. (迟到是不能原谅的。别让我再说第二遍了。) Yes, sir. (知道了。) *being late “迟到”、 “晚了”。acceptable “可以忍受的”。 Don't make me repeat myself. Don't make me tell you again. 动动脑子! I made another calculation mistake. (我又计算错了。) Use your brain! (动动脑子!) *calculation “计算”。 Try to think! (考虑考虑!) Concentrate! (集中精力!) 干你的活儿。 What should I do? (我该做什么?) Do your work. (干你的活儿。) Take care of business. *take care of “处理”。 Get your work done. (把你的工作做完。) *done “完成”、 “结束”。 工作再努力点! Work harder! (工作再努力点!) I'm working as hard as I can. (我在拼命工作。) *as ... as one can “尽可能地……”。 Get more done! You're not working hard enough! *enough “足够”。 别多管闲事! Don't do me any favors! (别多管闲事!) I was just trying to help. (我只是想帮你。) *favor “友善的行为”、 “好意”。 Mind your own business. (多管闲事。) Just stay out of my business. 做事要快一些有效率一些。 Work a little more quickly and efficiently. (做事要快一些有效率一些。) I'll do my best, sir. (我会尽力去做。) *a little more “再稍微”。efficiently “有效率地”。 *do one's best “尽力”。 Can't you do it more quickly? (你不能干得更快点吗?) I'm sorry. I'll try harder. (对不起。我会更努力的。) *Can't you ...? “你不能……吗?”。quickly “快速地”、 “迅速地”。 You need to be quicker and more efficient. (你得再快再有效率些。) Your work isn't quick enough or efficient enough. (你的工作不够快, 不够有效率。) Try working more quickly and efficiently. (干得再快再有效率些。) You're doing it too slowly. (你干得太慢了。) Can't you do it quicker? Can't you speed it up a little? (你不能再加快些速度吗?) *speed up “提高速度”。 我警告过你! The stock market just crashed! (股市暴跌了。) I warned you! (我警告过你!) *warn “警告”、 “提醒”。 Didn't I tell you? (我告诉过你。) I told you so! (我对你这么说过!) 按吩咐的去做。 I don't wanna do it. (我不想做。) Do as you are told. (按吩咐的去做。) I am sorry about this mistake. (对不起, 是我的错。) Everything will be fine if you do as you are told. (如果你按照吩咐的去做, 什么事都会好的。) *mistake “错误”。 *as表示“像……一样”、 “按照……”。 Follow directions. (听从指示。) Do as I say. Do what you are told to do. 别抱怨了。 I'm always so tired. (我总是非常累。) Stop complaining. (别抱怨了。) *complain “发牢骚”、 “抱怨”。 Stop bellyaching. *bellyache “不断地发牢骚”。 Stop whining. *whine “说泄气话”、 “抱怨”。 别抱怨, 加紧干。 I don't like doing this work. (我不喜欢做这个工作。) Work hard without grumbling. (别抱怨, 加紧干。) *hard “努力地”。without grumbling “不嘟囔”、 “不发牢骚”。 Work hard and stop complaining. Just work hard without complaining. 别说没用的话! I wish I could quit my job. (但愿我能辞职。) Don't say useless things. (别说没用的话!) *quit “辞去(工作)”。 *useless things “没用的东西”、 “无益之事”。 Don't waste time saying things like that. (别说那样的话浪费时间。) *waste “未利用”、 “浪费”。 Don't say things like that. (别那么说。) Don't say things that are useless. 别犯傻了。 Let's just take a month off. (让我们休上一个月的假吧。) Don't be silly. (别犯傻了。) *silly “(人或言行)愚蠢的”、 “笨的”、 “傻的”。 That's such nonsense. *nonsense “胡说”、 “废话”。 Don't act so silly. (别干傻事。) 别问那么蠢的问题。 May I go home now? (我现在可以回家了吗?) Don't ask such silly questions. (别问那么蠢的问题。) *such “那样的”、 “那么”。 Your questions are so silly. Think before you ask silly questions. (在你问傻问题之前先考虑一下。) 别那么不负责任。 That's not my job. (那不是我的工作。) Don't be so irresponsible. (别那么不负责任。) *irresponsible “不负责任的”。 You need to be more responsible. *responsible “负责的”。 You should act more like an adult. (你做事应该更像个大人。) *act “行动”。 别找理由。 I'm late because my alarm didn't go off. (我迟到是因为我的闹钟没有响。) Don't make excuses. (别找理由。) *make excuses “辩解”。 Don't avoid responsibility. (别逃避责任。) No excuses. 这是你自作自受。 My boss reprimanded me for being tardy. (老板因为我迟到批评了我。) You asked for it. (这是你自作自受。) *reprimand “批评”、 “斥责”。tardy “迟到的”、 “晚的”。 *ask for it “自作自受”、 “自己带来(苦难等)”。 I was fired yesterday for stealing. (我因为偷东西昨天被解雇了。) That's what you get. (这是你罪有应得。) You have only yourself to blame. (这只能怪你自己。) You deserve it. (你活该。) *deserve “应受”。 You were asking for it. 别说傻话。 Don't talk nonsense. (别说傻话。) Excuse me, but I was being serious. (对不起, 可是我是认真的。) *nonsense “胡说”、 “废话”。 *serious “认真的”。 Don't be ridiculous. *ridiculous “荒谬的”、 “愚蠢的”。 Don't be absurd. *absurd “违反常规的”、 “不合理的”。 说这些有什么用! We are never going to be able to do it. (这份工作我们永远干不了。) Don't waste time talking like that! (说这些有什么用!) *waste “浪费”。直译是“别浪费时间说那样的话”。 This is no time to talk like that! We don't have time to waste talking like that! 别说话! Let me tell you about my weekend. (我来告诉你我的周末安排。) Stop talking! (别说话!) Shut up! *相当严厉的说法。 Hush! *hush “沉默”、 “保持安静”。 No talking! *在学校里使用。 Silence! No chattering! *chat “闲聊”。 Be quiet! (安静!) 正经点! Behave yourself! (正经点!) I was just having a little fun. (我只是高兴一下而已。) *behave oneself “检点行为”。 Cut it out! (停下来!) *cut ... out “停止做……”。 Stop acting like that! (别那个样!) 别跑题。 Did you see the game last night? (你昨晚看比赛了没有?) Don't change the subject. (别跑题。) *subject “主题”、 “话题”。 Stick to the subject. *stick to “不离(题)”。 Don't avoid the topic. (别避开话题。) *avoid “避开”。 你在听吗? Are you paying attention? (你在听吗?) I'm sorry. I was reading the report. (对不起, 我正在看报告。) *这句话常用于开会等场合。pay attention “注意”。 Are you listening? Are you following me? (你听懂我的话了吗?) Are you focusing? 你也一样。 Tom, you must come here on time. The same goes for you. (汤姆, 你必须按时到这儿。你也一样。) I promise I will be on time. (我保证准时到。) *the same “同样的人(物或事)”。go for ... “(事情)适用于……”。 The same applies to you. *apply “适用”、 “适合”。 The same is true for you. *这里的true指“适合的”。 下次我不会原谅你。 Thank you for understanding my position. (谢谢你能理解我的处境。) I won't forgive you next time. (下次我不会原谅你。) *understand “理解”。position “处境”。 *forgive “原谅”。 I'll forgive you this time only. (我只原谅你这一次。) There'll be no forgiveness next time. (下不为例。) *正式的说法。forgiveness “原谅”。 I will not excuse you next time. 这是你的错。 It's your fault. (这是你的错。) I disagree. (才不是呢。) *fault “缺点”、 “短处”, 但是在这里它是“错误”、 “过失”的意思。 *disagree “不同意”。agree “赞成”。 It was due to a mistake on your part. *due to ... “因为……”、 “由于……”。 You created the problem. (这个问题是你造成的。) *create “创造”, 不过在这里它表示“造成”、 “引起”。 给他们点厉害尝尝。 They told me they won't do it. (他们告诉我他们不会做的。) Show them who's boss. (给他们点厉害尝尝。) *直译是“让他们知道谁才是老板”, 对于胆敢放肆的人, 这么说可以起警告作用。 Tell them you're the boss. Who's the boss? 我对这老一套已经听够了。 I was late because of traffic. (我迟到是因为堵车。) I'm fed up with that same old story. (我对这老一套已经听够了。) *late “迟到的”。traffic “交通”。 *be fed up with ... “对……心生厌倦”。same “同样的”。 I'm sick of that same old story. I'm tired of hearing that same old story. 你应该做的。 You should have done it. (你应该做的。) I tried, but I didn't have time. (我想做, 但是没有时间。) *should have done表示“应该做却没有做”, 含有责备的意思。 It would've been better if you'd done it. It should have been done by you. Why didn't you do it? (你为什么没有做?) 别装糊涂了。 I haven't heard anything about that. (关于那件事我什么也没听说。) Don't play dumb. (别装糊涂了。) *play dumb “装糊涂”、 “佯作不知”。 Don't act like you don't know. *act “表演”、 “行动”。 Don't pretend you don't understand. (别假装你不懂。) *pretend “假装”。 ●各种提醒 你得严肃地接受这样的结果。 You just need to accept the result. (你得严肃地接受这样的结果。) That's easy for you to say. (你说得容易。) *这里的just有“严肃地”的含义。accept指“容忍”、 “承认”。 Even though it is hard, you need to accept it. (即使这很难, 你也必须接受它。) *even though ... “即使……”。hard “难的”、 “艰难的”、 “困难的”。 Even though the result is unpleasant, you need to accept it. (即使结局很糟糕, 你也得接受它。) 把它牢记心头。 Keep that in mind. (把它牢记心头。) I will. (我会的。) *keep ... in mind “记住……”、 “把……记在心间”。 Don't forget that. (别把那个忘了。) Remember that. You should remember that. *remember “记住”。 You shouldn't forget that. *forget “忘记”。 我知道你在想什么。 I know what you're thinking. (我知道你在想什么。) Don't be so sure. (别那么肯定。) *what you're thinking “你正在想的”。you're是you are的缩写。 I know what's on your mind. *on ... mind “挂念……”。 I know what you're up to. (我知道你想做什么。) *be up to ... “想做……”。 不知所云。 It doesn't make sense. (不知所云。) I don't understand it either. (我也没听懂。) *make sense “有意义”。 *either在否定句中表示“也(不)……”。 I can't make any sense of it. There's no rhyme or reason to it. *rhyme “韵”。reason “理由”。rhyme or reason “意思”、 “道理”。这句话是习惯用语, 这么记住就可以了。 这样的理由可说不过去。 My car broke down again. (我的车又坏了。) I can't accept that excuse. (这样的理由可说不过去。) *break down “出故障”、 “坏掉”。 *accept “容忍”。excuse “理由”。 I don't buy that excuse. That's not a good enough excuse. *enough “足够的”。 你的理由是什么? What's your excuse? (你的理由是什么?) My car was stolen. (我的车被偷了。) *... be stolen “……被盗”。 What's your reason? Tell me the reason. (告诉我原因。) What excuse do you have? What's your explanation? *explanation “说明”、 “辩解”。 你还蒙在鼓里呢。 This company is in big trouble. (这家公司有大麻烦了。) You don't know what you're talking about. (你还蒙在鼓里呢。) *talk about ... “说……事情”。what you're talking about “你所说的事情”。 I don't think you know what you're saying. I don't think you're very well informed. *be informed “被通知”、 “听说”。 这样回答还不够。 I'm sorry. It's private. (对不起, 这是私事。) That answer isn't good enough. (这样回答还不够。) That's not good enough. That didn't answer my question. (那并没有回答我的问题。) 你的花销太大了。 You're spending way too much money. (你的花销太大了。) I'll try to cut back. (我会缩减开支的。) *spend “使用”。way 起强调too much(太多)的作用。 *这里的cut back指“缩减”。 You're overspending. *这里的over指“超过(限度)”。 You need to cut back your spending. 钱又没有长在树上。 Please buy new equipment for the office. (请买些新的办公设备吧。) Money doesn't grow on trees. (钱又没有长在树上。) *equipment “设备”、 “用具”。 *有趣的谚语。 Money is not easy to come by. (钱又不是那么容易挣的。) *come by ... “得到……”。 Money is hard to accumulate. (存点钱不容易。) *accumulate “储存”、 “积累”。 口头约定是不够的。 He gave me his word. (他向我保证了。) A verbal agreement is not good enough. (口头约定是不够的。) *give ... one's word “向……保证”。 *verbal “语言的”、 “口头的”。agreement “协议”、 “合同”。 It's not enough to get a verbal agreement. A verbal promise is not good enough. A written agreement is crucial. (书面合同很重要。) *written “书面的”、 “成文的”。crucial “至关重要的”。 他会生气的。 Should I call him now? (我现在可以给他打电话吗?) It's midnight. He'll be annoyed. (现在是半夜。他会生气的。) *be annoyed “生气”。 He'll be irritated. (他会生气的。) *be irritated “生气”、 “烦躁”。 He is going to be very upset. (他会生气的。) *be upset “生气”。 这回你跑不了了。 We've got you now. (这回你跑不了了。) I was just borrowing it, not stealing it. (我只是借来用用而已, 又不是偷。) *get “抓住”。 We caught you. Gotcha! (抓到了!) 这到底是怎么一回事? Explain what's going on. (这到底是怎么一回事?) I can explain. (我来解释。) *explain “说明”。go on “发生(事件)”。 What's this all about? What's going on? What's happening here? *happen “发生”。 别把钥匙弄丢了。 I've locked the door. (我把门锁上了。) Don't lose the key. (别把钥匙弄丢了。) *lock “锁上”。 *lose “丢失”。 Don't misplace the key. (别忘了钥匙放哪儿了。) *misplace “把……放在一时记不起的地方”。 Hang on to the key. (钥匙记得带在身上。) *hang on to ... “把……抓住不放”。 小知识“少见的”可以说成strange吗? 假如你经别人介绍, 得知对方的名字叫Schlicher, 于是你想说“这个名字真少见”, 很多人会说“It's a strange name.”。但是把“少见的”翻译成strange是不对的。因为它带有“奇怪的”这种消极的含义, 所以这样说就会很不礼貌。正确的说法应该是“It's an unusual name, isn't it?”。

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发表于 2008-10-23 13:56:15 |只看该作者
提建议 ●关于工作 你最好把先后顺序排出来。 Let's do this first. (让我们先做这件事。) You'd better get your priorities straight. (你最好把先后顺序排出来。) *You'd是You had的缩写。had better ... “最好”、 “应该”。priority “重点”、 “优先权”。 You need to decide what's important. You'd better get your priorities in order. You should rethink your priorities. 光是讨论于事无补。 Let's discuss this new situation. (让我们来讨论一下新形势。) Talking about it won't get us anywhere. (光是讨论于事无补。) *get ... anywhere “使……顺利进展”、 “对……有用”。 Talk is cheap. We need to act instead of just talking about it. (我们必须采取行动而不是光高谈阔论。) *instead of ... “代替……”、 “不做……”。 We won't accomplish anything talking about it. (光说不做我们什么也做不成。) *accomplish “完成”。 你应该先征求史密斯先生的意见。 I think I'll release the decision today. (我想今天就公布结果。) You should check with Mr. Smith first. (你应该先征求史密斯先生的意见。) *release “公布”。decision “决定”、 “结论”。 *check with ... “向……咨询”、 “和……商量”。first “首先”、 “最初”。 You need to first check with Mr. Smith. I'd check with Mr. Smith first. (我会先征求史密斯先生的意见。) 如果你不能做好, 那就是你的责任。 My boss gave me too much work to do. (我老板给我安排了太多的活。) It's your fault if you can't handle it. (如果你不能做好, 那就是你的责任。) *fault “(过失的)责任”、 “过错”。handle “管理”、 “处理”。 It's your fault if you're not up to the job. *be up to ... “适于……的”、 “有能力做……”。 If you can't manage it, it's your fault. *manage “处理”、 “设法完成”。 别指望别人。 Will the other employees help me? (有没有其他人帮我?) Don't depend on others. (别指望别人。) *depend on “依靠(援助等)”、 “依赖”。 Depend only on yourself. *直译是“只有依靠你自己”。 It's not good to depend on other people. (依赖别人不好。) 时机总是很重要。 Timing is always crucial. (时机总是很重要。) Then we should be careful in planning this. (那么我们在做这个计划的时候就应该很仔细。) *crucial “关键的”。 *careful “仔细的”、 “认真的”。plan “计划”。 No matter what the situation, timing is crucial. (不管是什么情况, 时机都非常重要。) Timing is important with just about everything. Timing is crucial for everything you do. 我认为现在不是时候。 Let's introduce him to ABC Company. (我们把他介绍到ABC公司吧。) I don't think this is the right time. (我认为现在不是时候。) This doesn't seem to be the time. *seem “认为”。 *这里的time指“(适合做……的)时机”。 This isn't a good time. 这是在浪费时间。 It's a waste of time. (这是在浪费时间。) That's a shame. (那太可惜了。) *waste “浪费”、 “消耗”。 We are wasting time. Time is being wasted. Nothing is being accomplished. *直译是“什么也没干成”。 *accomplish “完成”、 “做完”。 你不试一试怎么会知道呢。 I can't live up to his demands. (我没法达到他的要求。) You'll never know till you try. (你不试一试怎么会知道呢。) *live up to ... “符合(要求等)”。demand “要求”、 “需要”。 Give it a try, it might work out. (试一试, 问题也许会解决。) *work out “解决”。 You'll never know until you try. If you don't try you'll never know. 如果你不是那么一意孤行, 你会收到效果的。 You could be effective if you weren't so pushy. (如果你不是那么一意孤行, 你会收到效果的。) I'd rather call it being assertive. (我宁愿说这是坚持自己的意见。) *effective “有效的”、 “出效果的”。pushy “强人所难的”、 “一意孤行”。 *I'd rather 是I would rather 的缩写, 指“如果……那就好了”、 “宁愿……”。assertive指“武断的”、 “过分自信的”。 You're way too pushy. (你太强人所难了。) You'd be more effective being less pushy. (如果你少些固执己见, 你能做得更好。) 别那么肯定。 I am going to get the sale. (我会拿下这笔买卖的。) Don't be so sure about it. (别那么肯定。) Don't be so definite about it. *definite “明确的”、 “确切的”。 Don't be so confident about it. *直译是“别那么自信”。 *confident “有自信的”、 “确信的”。 你会后悔的。 You'll be sorry if your work's late. (如果工作没按时完成你会后悔的。) I know. (我知道。) You'll be in trouble. (你会有麻烦的。) *trouble “麻烦”、 “困境”。 You'll be in for it. (你会卷进去的。) *be in for “卷进(纠纷等)”。 你只是需要再多一点经验。 This job seems difficult. (这份工作看起来很难。) You just need a little more experience. (你只是需要再多一点经验。) *a little more “再多一点”, 鼓励对方的说法。 You just need a little more practice. *practice “练习”、 “实践”。 All you need is a little more experience. 只有一个办法可以让你挺过来。 There is only one way you can survive. (只有一个办法可以让你挺过来。) Please tell me how. (请告诉我怎么做。) *There is only one way ... “只有一个办法……”。survive “幸存”。 This is the only way you can survive. (这是你求生的惟一途径。) There is only one way to keep your job. (只有一个办法可以保留你的工作。) 你想毁掉自己的整个事业吗? I'm refusing the transfer. (我拒绝调动。) Are you trying to ruin your whole career? (你想毁掉自己的整个事业吗?) *try to ... “试图做……”。ruin “使毁灭”、 “破坏”。 Are you willing to jeopardize your career? *jeopardize “使陷险境”。 That might ruin your career. (那样做可能会毁了你的职业生涯。) 你考虑过这件事吗? She thinks I should retire early. (她认为我应该早点退休。) Have you ever thought about that? (你考虑过这件事吗?) *Have you ever ...? “你曾经……吗?”。think about “思考……”。 Have you ever given that any thought? Is that something you have considered? *consider “深思熟虑”、 “认真考虑”。 我会提醒他。 Does Mr. Smith know about his appointment today? (史密斯先生知道今天的约会吗?) I should remind him. (我会提醒他。) *remind “使想起(某件事)”、 “提醒”。 I'd better tell him again. I should refresh his memory. 如果我是你, 我就问琼斯先生。 If I were you, I'd ask Mr. Jones. (如果我是你, 我就问琼斯先生。) I'll do that, thanks. (我会那么做的, 谢谢。) *if I were 是用过去时态表示虚拟, 指“如果我是……”。I'd是I would的缩写, 这里的would有“也许”、 “就会”的意思。 You'd be better off asking Mr. Jones. (你最好问问琼斯先生。) *口语。be better off “最好……”。 If it were me, I'd ask Mr. Jones. It might be better to ask Mr. Jones. (最好问问琼斯先生。) 等一等。我会教你的。 I just don't understand this. (这一点我就是不明白。) Stick around. I'll teach you. (等一等。我会教你的。) *stick around “(哪儿都不去)在那边等着”。 Stay and I'll teach you. *stay “留下”。 I'll teach you if you hang around. *hang around “等待”、 “留在附近”。 有什么事尽管来找我。 Thanks for helping me out. (谢谢你帮我。) Please always feel free to come to me for advice. (有什么事尽管来找我。) *help ... out “帮助……”。 *please feel free to ... “请随意……”。advice “建议”、 “劝告”。 You're welcome to ask my advice any time. *be welcome to ... “可以自由地……”。 Don't hesitate to ask for my advice. *hesitate “犹豫”、 “顾虑”。 你得听从他的建议。 I don't want to do it his way. (我不想按他的方式去做。) You have to follow his advice. (你得听从他的建议。) *his way “他的做法”。 *follow “听从”。advice “忠告”。 You must follow his advice. *must “必须”。 You're required to follow his advice. *required “被要求”。 你没必要一再地向他确认。 You don't need to check with him more than once. (你没必要一再地向他确认。) I was only following orders. (我只是奉命行事而已。) *check with ... “和……商量”、 “向……咨询”。直译是“商量一次后就没必要再和他商量”。 There's no need to check with him more than once. Checking with him once is quite enough. (向他确认一次就足够了。) 请少使用专业术语。 Please go easy on jargon. (请少使用专业术语。) I'll speak plainly. (我会说得简单点。) *go easy on ... “节制使用……”。jargon “专业术语”。 *plainly “容易理解地”。 Please go easy on shoptalk. *shoptalk “职业用语”。 Try to stay away from business jargon. (请尽量避免使用商业术语。) *stay away from ... “避开……”。 现在只能拭目以待。 I hope that merger works. (我希望合并能成功。) The only thing we can do is wait. (现在只能拭目以待。) *merger “(企业的)合并”。 *直译是“我们惟一能做的就是等待”。 Waiting is all we can do. We have no choice but to wait. *choice “选择”。 我得把钱用得更妥善一些。 I have to manage my money better. (我得把钱用得更妥善一些。) You do if you want to make a profit. (如果你想赢利, 就得这么做。) *manage “设法完成”、 “管理”。 I'm not very good at managing my money. I need to learn how to manage my money. I should manage my money better. 那没什么不可以的。 I wanted to stay and work overtime. (我想留下来加班。) Nothing's wrong with that. (那没什么不可以的。) *overtime “加班”。 *wrong “不合适的”、 “不好的”。直译是“那没什么不好的”。 I see nothing wrong with that. What's wrong with that? There's nothing wrong with that. 你没必要紧张。 I'm nervous about my interview tomorrow. (明天的面试让我紧张。) You don't have to be nervous. (你没必要紧张。) *nervous “紧张的”、 “神经质的”、 “忐忑不安的”。 There's no reason to be nervous. (没有理由紧张。) You don't need to be worried. (你没必要担心。) 在那儿说话要注意。 I'm going to the meeting now. (我现在要去开会了。) Be careful of what you say in there. (在那儿说话要注意。) *be careful of ... “注意……”、 “小心……”。 Watch your words in there. *watch “注意”、 “小心”。 Be cautious about what you say in there. *be cautious about ... “注意……”。 告诉他这个消息时我们不能太直接。 We are going to have to turn his proposal down. (我们不得不否决他的提案。) We can't be too blunt when we tell him about this. (告诉他这个消息时我们不能太直接。) *turn down “否决”、 “拒绝”。 *blunt “(人或态度)粗暴的”、 “不客气的”。 Let's try to soften the blow. (让我们尽量缓解这个打击。) *soften “使减轻”、 “使缓和”。blow “打击”、 “冲击”。 We shouldn't be too blunt when we tell him about this. Don't get straight to the point with him. (别和他说得太直接了。) 如果我是你, 我就不会那么说。 I wish I could quit this job. (但愿我能辞去这份工作。) I wouldn't say that if I were you. (如果我是你, 我就不会那么说。) *I wish ... “如果……那就好了”。quit “辞去”。 *if I were you “如果我是你的话”。 I wouldn't advise you to say that. I would suggest you don't say that. *suggest “建议”。 I wouldn't suggest that you say that. You shouldn't say that. (你不应该那么说。) 我们觉得风险太大了。 We feel that the risk is too high. (我们觉得风险太大了。) Yes, I agree. Let's not do it. (对。我们还是不干了吧。) We feel the financial risk is too high. (我们觉得资金上的风险太大了。) We believe it's too risky. 那样可能太长了。 That might be too long. (那样可能太长了。) I'll try to shorten it. (我会尽量把它缩短。) *这里的might表示推测、可能性等, 指“可能”。可以用于表示时间太长或是物体的长度过长。 That long might be difficult. (那么长可能不好办。) That long? (有那么长?) The length might be a problem. 你应该要书面合同。 You should get it in writing. (你应该要书面合同。) I trust him. (我相信他。) Getting it in writing is always best. (写在纸上总归最好。) A verbal commitment is not enough. (口头约定是不够的。) *verbal “口头的”。commitment “约定”。 只能叫快递给送过去。 How will we get it there? (我们怎么把东西送过去?) It'll have to be sent by courier. (只能叫快递给送过去。) *It'll是It will的缩写。courier “(用摩托车等)快递东西的人”。 It'll have to be sent by messenger. *messenger “通信员”、 “快递员”。 It'll have to be hand-delivered. (只能让人送去。) 你应该好好整理整理。 I can't find anything in my office. (我的办公室乱得什么也找不到。) You have to get organized. (你应该好好整理整理。) *organized “安排有序的”。 You aren't organized enough. *enough “充分”。 You need to be more organized. 比你想像的要容易得多。 That looks like it is really hard. (那件事看起来好像非常难办。) It's a lot easier than you think. (比你想像的要容易得多。) *这句话意思是“比想像的要简单很多”。a lot “大量的”。 It is much easier than you think. It is easier than you would think. 你应该多理解他一些。 He deserves it. (他这是自作自受。) You should be more understanding. (你应该多理解他一些。) *deserve “值得”、 “应受”。 *understanding “能理解的”、 “能体谅的”。 Put yourself in his shoes. (你站在他的立场上想想。) You should be more considerate. (你应该考虑得更周全一些。) 你应该把那份工作辞了。 You should quit that job. (你应该把那份工作辞了。) I can't. I need the money. (我不能。我需要钱。) *quit “辞去”、 “离职”。 You ought to get out of that job. *ought to “应该”、 “必须”。 You should leave that company. (你应该离开那家公司。) ●关于公司 没有什么好担心的。 I'm really nervous about my transfer. (对于工作调动我真的是很紧张。) There's nothing to be afraid of. (没有什么好担心的。) *nervous “紧张的”。 *be afraid of ... “担心……”。 You don't have anything to worry about. *worry about ... “担心……”。 There is no reason to be scared. (没有必要害怕。) *reason “理由”。be scared “害怕的”。 那最好不过了。 I think I should resign. (我想我应该辞职。) That would be best. (那最好不过了。) *resign “辞职”。 *would “也许……吧”、 “可能……吧”, 用于表示轻微的推测语气。 That would probably be the best. *probably “也许”。 That would be the smartest thing to do. 何不再等等看? I think our company is about to be bought out. (我想我们公司很快就要被收购了。) Why don't you just wait and see? (何不再等等看?) *be about to ... “很快就要……”。buy out “收购”。 *Why don't you ...? “何不……”。wait and see “等等看”。 Why don't you just be patient? *patient “耐心的”。 Why don't you simply hold off and see? *hold off “延期”、 “推迟”。 你要找什么样的信息? What kind of information are you looking for? (你要找什么样的信息?) I need to know when the company was founded. (我想知道公司是什么时候创建的。) *look for ... “寻找……”、 “寻求……”。 What kind of information are you after? *after “寻求”、 “追求”。 What sort of information are you looking for? *What sort of ...? “什么样的……”。 要有点志气。 I'll never become a manager. (我决不可能当上经理。) Think big. (要有点志气。) *这句话表达的是“想得远大一些”、 “要有抱负”。big指“怀着雄心”。 Reach for the stars! *直译是“去摘下星星”。也就是说“要有远大的理想”。 Don't settle for small thinking. (别为些小事沾沾自喜。) *settle for ... “接受……”、 “勉强同意……”。 机不可失。 Should I ask now or later? (我现在就问, 还是以后再问?) Seize the moment. (机不可失。) *seize “抓住”、 “把握”。the moment “现在这一瞬间”、 “好时机”、 “绝好的机会”。 Do it now. Take advantage of it now. *take advantage of ... “利用……”。 Seize the opportunity. *opportunity “机会”。 Don't miss this chance. (别错过这个机会。) 别那么说。 I really hate my new manager. (我讨厌死我的新上司了。) Don't say things like that. (别那么说。) *things like that “那样的事(东西)”。 You shouldn't say things like that. Don't say those kinds of things. *those kinds of things “那类的事”。 你不能一概而论。 I think all bosses are mean. (我认为所有的上司都很坏。) You shouldn't generalize. (你不能一概而论。) *generalize “一般化”。 Not all of them. It varies from one to another. (各有各的不同。) 我认为你应该重新培训他们。 What do you think of our new employees? (你认为我们的新员工怎么样?) I think you should retrain them. (我认为你应该重新培训他们。) *should 有“应该”、 “最好”的意思, 用于向对方提出建议的时候, 语气较为强硬。retrain指“重新培训”、 “重新锻炼”。 They need to be retrained. *need to ... “必须……”。 They need to be trained again. 放松点。 Oh my God! The company might go under. (哦, 我的天哪! 公司可能要倒闭了。) Take it easy. (放松点。) *go under “(公司等)倒闭”。 *Take it easy. 本意是“轻而易举”。 Calm down. *calm “使镇静”。 Relax. 你别招人烦了。 Should I ask her for another date? (我是不是应该再约她一次?) Don't make a nuisance of yourself. (你别招人烦了。) *another “再次的”、 “另外的”。 *make a nuisance of yourself是习惯用语, 指“给别人找麻烦”。 Don't bother people. (别烦人。) *这里的bother指“打搅”。 Don't be such a pest. (你别那么烦人。) *pest “讨厌的人”。 我才不在乎别人说什么。 Everyone says you lack leadership. (大家都说你缺少领导风范。) I don't care what other people say. (我才不在乎别人说什么。) *care “在意”、 “顾虑”。 Other people's opinions don't matter to me. I don't listen to what others say. I'm not concerned by what others say. (别人说什么我并不在意。) 那情况就会大不相同了。 We're hiring five more employees. (我们正打算再雇5个人。) It'll make a big difference. (那情况就会大不相同了。) *hire “雇用”。employee “雇员”。 *difference “不同”、 “差异”。 It will help. It will change things. (情况会改变。) 你的愿望也太离谱了。 I'm hoping for a promotion sometime this year. (我希望年内就能升职。) You set your hopes too high. (你的愿望也太离谱了。) *promotion “升职”。 Your head is in the clouds. (你这是不切实际。) *cloud “云”。in the clouds “不实际的”、 “糊里糊涂的”。 You're hoping for too much. You aren't being realistic. (你不现实。) *realistic “现实的”。 那太过分了。 If I don't get a raise, I'll quit today. (如果不给我加薪, 我今天就辞职。) That's going too far. (那太过分了。) *go too far “过分”、 “做过头”。 Should we dock his pay? (我们降他的工资吧?) That's too extreme. (那太过头了。) *dock “降低”、 “减少”。 *extreme “(性质、状态或情感等)极端的”、 “极度的”。 That is taking things too far. That's too excessive. *excessive “过度的”、 “极端的”。 That's too much. (那太过分了。) That would be overdoing it. (那样做就过头了。) *overdo “做过头”。 你还年轻。 Why didn't I get the promotion? (为什么我没能升职?) You're still green. (你还年轻。) *get a promotion “升职”。 *green除“绿的”这个意思外, 还指“(经验或技术等)未成熟的”。 You're still inexperienced. (你经验还不足。) *inexperienced “不熟练的”。 You're too naive. (你还涉世不深。) *naive原来是法语, 意思是“幼稚的”、 “单纯无知的”。 You need more experience. (你需要积累更多的经验。) 你太乐观了。 I know the company will succeed. (我知道这家公司会成功。) You're too optimistic. (你太乐观了。) *succeed “成功”、 “进展顺利”。 *optimistic “乐观的”。 Your disposition is too rosy. *disposition “性情”、 “性格”。rosy “乐观主义的”。 You're too positive. You think too optimistically. *optimistically是副词, 表示“乐观地”。 你必须遵守规则。 You must obey the rule. (你必须遵守规则。) I have no problem with that. (那没问题。) *obey “遵守”。 *no problem “很简单”、 “没问题”。 The rule must be obeyed. You must follow the rule. *这里的follow指“听从”。 我老板只喝绿茶。 What should I bring your boss to drink? (我该带你老板去喝什么?) My boss only drinks green tea. (我老板只喝绿茶。) My boss will only drink green tea. My boss only likes green tea. 要有思想准备。 This company may go under. (这家公司可能会倒闭。) Get ready for it. (要有思想准备。) *go under “(公司或计划等)破产”、 “倒闭”。 *Get ready for it. 直译是“为此做好准备”。 Prepare for it. *prepare for ... “准备……”、 “做好……的心理准备”。 Get set for it. *get set ... “做好……准备”。 Prepare yourself for it. ●关于人际关系 你做得对。 I refused to help her. (我不同意帮她。) What you did was right. (你做得对。) *refuse “拒绝”。 *right “正确的”、 “正当的”。 You did the right thing. It was the right thing to do. 你应该向他打电话道歉。 You should call him and apologize. (你应该向他打电话道歉。) I think he owes me an apology first. (我认为他应该先跟我道个歉。) *apologize “赔礼”、 “道歉”。 *owe “应给予”、 “应该做”。 You need to contact him and apologize. You should call him and ask him to forgive you. *ask ... to forgive you “请求……原谅你”。 你必须得控制自己的情绪。 You must be able to keep your feelings under control. (你必须得控制自己的情绪。) I can't help the way I feel. (我无法控制。) *be able to ... “能够……”。keep ... under control “控制……”。feelings “感情”、 “情绪”。 *can't help ... “无法控制……”。 You must control your feelings. Don't let your feelings take control. (别感情用事。) 你不该那么生气。 You shouldn't get so angry. (你不该那么生气。) That's easy for you to say. (你说起来简单。) Take it easy. *除了“悠闲地干”的意思外, 还有安慰别人“不要生气”、 “不要兴奋”的意思。 You should calm down. (你该冷静下来。) *calm down “冷静”。 别那么固执。 I will not attend the meeting with her. (我才不和她一起参加这个会。) Don't be so stubborn. You'll miss a great meeting. (别那么固执。你会错过一次重要的会议的。) *attend “出席”。 *stubborn “顽固的”、 “偏执的”。 Don't be so hardheaded. *hardheaded “固执的”、 “顽固的”。 Be more open-minded. (思想要更开阔些。) Don't be so close-minded. 你对人太好了。 You're too nice. (你对人太好了。) I don't think that's possible. (是吗?) *You're是You are的缩写。 *直译是“我不认为有那样的可能”。 You're too friendly. (你过于友善了。) You shouldn't be so nice. (你对人不应该那么好。) 克制一下! I hate Mr. Jenkins. I hate him! (我讨厌简金斯先生, 我讨厌他!) Hey, hey, control yourself! (嘿, 嘿, 克制一下!) Easy, easy! Calm down! (镇静!) Take it easy! (镇静!) 别跟他一般见识。 Mr. Smith makes me so angry sometimes. (史密斯先生有时候真让我生气。) Don't let him get to you. (别跟他一般见识。) *make ... angry “使……生气”。 *let ... “使……”。 Don't let him affect you. *affect “影响”、 “使心动”。 Just ignore him. (就当没他这个人。) *ignore “无视”。 Don't let him bother you. *bother “使烦恼”。 离他远点。 Keep away from him. (离他远点。) Why do you say that? (你为什么这么说?) *keep away from ... “不接近……”、 “避开……”。 Avoid him. *avoid “避开”、 “躲开”。 Stay away from him. *stay away from ... “从……走开”。 你没必要那么冷淡。 You don't have to be so standoffish. (你没必要那么冷淡。) I'm a rather private person. (我是一个很自我的人。) *don't have to ... “没必要……”、 “不……做也可以”。standoffish “疏远的”、 “冷淡的”。 Why are you so distant? (你为什么那么冷淡?) *distant “疏远的”、 “冷淡的”。 You don't have to be so unfriendly. 你太能说了。 You talk too much. (你太能说了。) That's always been my problem. (那是我的老毛病了。) Don't talk so much. (别说那么多。) You need to talk a little less. You're too talkative. *talkative “健谈的”、 “唠叨的”。 你的奉承话说得太多了。 They don't seem to believe me. (他们好像不相信我。) You give too many compliments. (你的奉承话说得太多了。) *compliment “美言”、 “好话”、 “奉承话”。 You're too complimentary. You compliment them too much. 别把它放在心上。 My boss yelled at me yesterday for no reason. (昨天我老板莫明其妙朝我大喊大叫。) Don't take it too seriously. He yelled at me this morning too. (别把它放在心上。他今天早上也吼我来着。) *yell “吼叫”。 *seriously “认真地”、 “深刻地”。 Don't worry about it so much. (别太在意了。) It's not the end of the world. (还没到世界末日。) 别什么都信他的。 Mr. Smith said he was hiring another manager. (史密斯先生说他打算雇用别的经理。) Don't believe everything he says. (别什么都信他的。) *hire “雇用”。 *believe “相信”。也就是说“对他说的话你不可全信”。 Not everything he says is true. He's not always truthful. (他并不总是诚实的。) *not always “并非总是”。truthful “诚实的”、 “正直的”。 别把你的意见强加于人。 I think doing that is wrong. (我认为那么做是错误的。) Don't force your opinion on others. (别把你的意见强加于人。) *correctly “无误地”、 “正确地”。 *force ... on “强迫……”、 “强行要求……”。opinion “意见”、 “想法”。others “其他人”。 Don't be so opinionated. (别那么固执己见。) *opinionated “专断的”、 “顽固的”。 Stop pushing your opinions on others. *stop ...ing “停止……”。push “强行要求”。 别那么有戒心。 How dare you say that to me! (你怎么敢这么对我说话!) Don't be so defensive. (别那么有戒心。) *dare “胆敢”、 “有勇气做”。 *defensive “防御的”、 “守势的”。 You don't need to be defensive. Try not to be so defensive. *try not to be ... “试图不……”。 你没必要这么客气。 You didn't have to do this just to be polite. (你没必要这么客气。) It's okay. I wanted to do it. (没什么。我想这么做。) *don't have to ... “没必要……”。polite “有礼貌的”、 “郑重的”。 This wasn't necessary for politeness' sake. *sake “理由”、 “目的”。for ... sake “为了……”。 You didn't have to do this just for the sake of being polite. *for the sake of ... “为了……”。 你不该对青木小姐那么严厉。 You shouldn't be so hard on Miss Aoki. (你不该对青木小姐那么严厉。) She is always making mistakes. (她总是犯错误。) *be hard on ... “对……严厉”。 You shouldn't give Miss Aoki such a hard time. *such “那样的”。 You should give Miss Aoki a break. (你最好放青木小姐一马。) *在这里, 意思是“放人一马为好”, 但是有些场合, 它也可以用于表示因为工作太劳累了, 所以“让人休息为好”的意思。 You need to be nicer to Miss Aoki. (你应该对青木小姐好一些。) 他只是在利用你。 He's just using you. (他只是在利用你。) But he's a nice guy. (可他是一个不错的人。) *use “利用”。 *a nice guy “一个好人”。 He's just taking you for granted. *take ... for granted “习惯之后便忘记了……的存在(恩德)”、 “把……认为是想当然的”。 He's just taking advantage of you. *take advantage of “利用”。 有时候你得设个限度。 I told her not to ask about my finances. (我告诉她不要过问我的钱。) Yes, you must draw the line somewhere. (是啊, 有时候你得设个限度。) *finance “资金”、 “所得”、 “金钱”。 *draw the line “划清界限”。 You have to put your foot down sometimes. (有时你必须果断。) *put one's foot down “采取坚决的态度”。 You have to stop people at some point. 别把这件事怪到艾米莉身上。 It's all her fault. (这全是她的错。) Don't blame Emily for this. (别把这件事怪到艾米莉身上。) *fault “缺陷”、 “过失”、 “责任”。 *blame “责备”、 “指责”, “blame ... for ...” 意思是“因为……而指责……”。 Don't blame it on Emily. It's not Emily's fault. (那不是艾米莉的错。) 你只会使事情更糟。 I think I'll confront him. (我想亲自会会他。) You're making a bad situation worse. (你只会使事情更糟。) *confront “面临”、 “使面对”。 *make ... worse “使……恶化”。 You're exacerbating the situation. *exacerbate “使更加糟糕”、 “使恶化”。 You're just making things worse. (你只会使事情变得更糟。) 如果你不这么做, 你就只好坐冷板凳了。 I guess I should go along with the majority. (我想我应该随主流。) If you don't, you'll be left out in the cold. (如果你不这么做, 你就只好坐冷板凳了。) *go along with “跟随”。majority “大多数”。 *out in the cold指“寒冷的地方”, 但也有“被排挤在外”、 “被忽视”的意思。 You'll be left out in the cold otherwise. *otherwise “否则”。 Otherwise you'll be left behind. 支持他好不好? How about giving him support? (支持他好不好?) I'm trying my best to support him. (我正在尽最大努力支持他。) *How about ...?“……怎么样?”。support “支持”、 “援助”。 You should give him support. (你应该支持他。) You need to be supporting him. (你得支持他。) 你得从闲聊入手。 You must begin with small talk. (你得从闲聊入手。) What if he doesn't respond? (如果他没有什么反应呢?) *begin with ... “从……开始”。small talk “(互相询问相互的近况等日常性的)闲谈”。在美国通常认为进入工作交谈之前先说一些比较家常的话题为好。 *respond “回答”、 “反应”。What if ...? “如果……该怎么办?”。 Just use small talk at first. *at first “首先”。 Just start with small talk. 他已经骗了不少人了。 He deceived many people already. (他已经骗了不少人了。) Thank you for warning me. (谢谢你提醒我。) *deceive “欺骗”。 *warn “警告”、 “注意”。 He has already deceived many people. He has tricked many people already. *trick “欺诈”。 你必须称呼他们的头衔。 How do I address the managers? (我怎么称呼这些上司?) You must call them by their titles. (你必须称呼他们的头衔。) *这里的address指“称呼”。 *这里的title指“头衔”。 You must address them by their titles. You have to use their titles. ●关于担心的事和不满 你总担心些芝麻小事。 This dress is too old-fashioned. (这条裙子太过时了。) You look beautiful. You worry about insignificant things. (你看起来很漂亮。你总担心些芝麻小事。) *worry about ... “担心……”、 “在意……”。insignificant “细微的”、 “不值一提的”、 “无聊的”。 You worry about unimportant things. *unimportant “不重要的”、 “无聊的”。 You worry about little things. 恐怕没有用的。 I'm going to complain. (我要去投诉。) I'm afraid it's no use. (恐怕没有用的。) *这里的no use指“没有用”。 You won't get anywhere. *这里的get指“得到(结果)”。 It won't make any difference. *difference “不同”。 你在犹豫什么? What's holding you back? (你在犹豫什么?) I need to consider my family. (我得考虑我的家庭。) *hold ... back “使……犹豫”。 *consider “认真考虑”。 Why aren't you going for it? (你为什么不做做看?) *go for ... “努力做……”。 Why wouldn't you do it? 你过虑了。 I'm really worried about the economy. (我真的很担心经济问题。) You think too much. (你过虑了。) *economy “经济”。 You need to take it easy. (你必须放松。) You take things too seriously. (你太认真了。) *seriously “认真地”。 你好像有点坐立不安。 You seem kind of restless. What's wrong? (你好像有点坐立不安。怎么啦?) I'm nervous about my big meeting. (要开一个大会, 我很紧张。) *kind of是避免主观, 较为温和的一种说法, 意思是“有点”、 “某种程度上”。restless指“无法镇静的”、 “不安的”。 You seem kind of nervous. You seem like something's troubling you. 让我们都冷静一点吧。 OK, Let's cool off for a few minutes. (好, 让我们都冷静一点吧。) I can't. I'm too upset! (我做不到。我太生气了!) *对吵架或发生口角的人可以使用。cool off “冷静”、 “使安静”、 “使镇静”。 *upset “愤怒的”。 Let's take a break for a couple of minutes. (让我们休息几分钟吧。) *a couple of “两三个”、 “几个”。 Let's cool down for a few minutes. *cool down “冷静”、 “安静”、 “使镇静”。 我是不会在意这种事的。 I was late for work. (我上班迟到了。) I wouldn't worry about it. (我是不会在意这种事的。) *worry about ... “担心……”、 “在意……”。 The report is due tomorrow. (报告要在明天提交。) Don't worry about it. (别担心。) I wouldn't let it bother you. Try not to let it concern you. *这里的concern指“记挂”。 I don't think it's a big deal. (我不认为这是什么大不了的事。) *big deal “大的事情(物或人)”。 如果我们不仔细, 就可能弄得一团糟。 If we're not careful, we may mess up. (如果我们不仔细, 就可能弄得一团糟。) We can't let that happen. (我们不能让这种事发生。) *careful “仔细的”。mess up “(工作或计划等)泡汤”、 “一团糟”。 We could mess up if we're not careful. We have to be careful not to mess up. *not to ... “为了不……”。 恐怕只是嘴上说说而已。 Do you think they'll really do it? (你认为他们真的会这样做吗?) It could be only lip service. (恐怕只是嘴上说说而已。) *lip service “嘴上的话(支持或约定)”。 They could be saying one thing, but doing another. (他们嘴上说的是一套, 做的又是另一套。) It could be all talk. (也许不过是说说而已。) 不要光想着你自己。 I don't gain anything doing that. (那样做对我没一点好处。) Don't think only of yourself. (不要光想着你自己。) *gain “得到(有利的东西)”。 *think only of ... “只考虑……”。 Think of someone else for a change. (偶尔也想想别人。) *for a change “换换心情”、 “偶尔”。 You're not the only one who matters. (重要的不光是你自己。) *matter “重要”。 Don't be self-centered. (别自私。) *self-centered “以自我为中心的”、 “自私的”。 事情不会那么简单。 That's not going to be easy. (事情不会那么简单。) I am confident you can handle it. (我相信你能处理好。) *handle “很好地处理”。 That's going to take some doing. *这里的take指“需要”。 That'll be tough. *tough “艰辛的”、 “困难的”。 要在一年之内掌握英语很难。 I'm frustrated with my English. (我为自己的英语能力感到头疼。) It's difficult to master English in a year. (要在一年之内掌握英语很难。) *master “掌握”、 “精通”。说“在一年之内”时要用in。 It's very hard to learn English in one year. One year is not long enough to master English. (要掌握英语一年时间是不够的。) ●各种建议 可以这么来看问题。 That doesn't make any sense. (那毫无意义。) Look at it this way. (可以这么来看问题。) *sense “意义”、 “意思”。make sense “有意义”、 “合理”。 *way “做法”、 “方法”。 Think of it this way. Think of it like this. 怎么样, 我告诉过你的。 You're right; the spaghetti was terrible. (你说得对, 意大利面条真难吃。) See, I told you. (怎么样, 我告诉过你的。) *terrible “可怕的”、 “糟糕的”, 这里指“难吃的”。 *这里的see是为了促使对方注意, “是吧”、 “怎么样”的意思。 I told you so. (我告诉过你的。) I warned you about that. (我提醒过你。) *warn “警告”、 “提醒”。 用用脑子。 I really shouldn't have said that. (我真是不该那么说的。) Use your brain. (用用脑子。) *brain “脑”、 “头”。 Use your head. Get it together. (镇静一点。) *get it together “镇静”、 “领悟”、 “振作”、 “踏实”。 你最好小心点。 You'd better be careful. (你最好小心点。) I am being careful. (我很小心。) *had better 指“最好……”, 表示劝告, 语气较强。 You'd better watch out. *watch out “小心”。 You should be careful. Be careful! (多加小心!) 好危险啊。 I got here one minute early. (我提早一分钟到了这儿。) That was close. (好危险啊。) *这里的close是形容词, 从“接近”、 “逼进”的意思引申为“千钧一发”的意思。 That was too close for comfort. *comfort “放松的心情”。 Phew! That was a close one. (哇, 太危险了。) *自言自语。 别浪费你的钱了。 Do you think I should get this? (你认为我该买这个吗?) Don't waste your money. (别浪费你的钱了。) *这里的get指“购买”。 *waste “浪费”。 It's a waste of your money. It's not worth your money. (钱用得不值。) *worth “值得”。 You shouldn't waste your money. 不要惊慌。 Oh, my God! (哦, 天哪!) Don't panic. (不要惊慌。) *panic “极为惶恐”、 “陷入慌乱状态”。 I can't complete this on time. (我无法按时完成这项任务。) Calm down. (别慌。) *complete “完成”、 “做完”。on time “按时”。 *calm down “镇静”。 Take a deep breath. (做一下深呼吸。) *take a breath “吸气”、“稍作休息”。 Don't get yourself in a state of panic. (别惊慌失措的。) *a state of panic “慌乱状态”。 Don't freak out. *freak out “十分惊恐”。 Don't get all shook up. *shake up “使(人)大吃一惊”。 你最好谨慎行事。 What's your advice? (你有什么建议?) You'd better play it safe. (你最好谨慎行事。) *You'd (you had) better +动词原形, 表示“你最好……”。play it safe 指“谨慎行事”。 I'd play it safe if I were you. Better stay on the side of caution. 我应该装作不懂英语。 I should act as if I don't understand English. (我应该装作不懂英语。) That might be a good idea. (那也许是个好主意。) *act “假装”、 “表演”。as if ... “好像……”。understand “理解”。 I should pretend that I don't understand English. *pretend “假装”。 I should behave as if I don't understand English. *behave “行动”。 你没必要在我面前吹嘘。 I can do anything, anytime. (我可以在任何时候做任何事情。) You don't need to show off just for me. (你没必要在我面前吹嘘。) *show off “卖弄”、 “吹嘘”。 It isn't necessary to show off for me. You don't need to try to impress me. *try to ... “试图……”。impress “留下印象”。 你最好把它们处理掉。 These are leftovers. (这些都是剩的。) You'd better get rid of them. (你最好把它们处理掉。) *leftover “剩余物”、 “残余物”。 *You'd是You had的缩写, You had better 是“你最好”的意思。get rid of 指“除去……”、 “清除……”。 You'd be better off scrapping them. *You'd be better off ... “你最好……”。scrap “丢弃”。 You'd better throw them away. *throw ... away “丢掉……”。 那样做会稳妥一些。 We'd better check with her first. (我们最好先找她谈谈。) That would be safer. (那样做会稳妥一些。) *We'd是We had的缩写。 *safe有“稳妥的”、 “安全的”等意思, safer指“更加稳妥的”。 It would be safer to do so. (那样做会更加稳妥吧。) Then I'll do it. (那我就这么做了。) *would在这里表示推断, “会……吧”。 It would be safer that way. That would be the safer choice. It would be better to do so. (那样做会更好吧。) It's the safer way to go. 你应该采纳我的建议。 You should take my advice. (你应该采纳我的建议。) Which is ...? (是哪个?) *take “采纳”。advice “建议”。 You ought to heed my advice. *heed “听从”。 You really need to follow my advice. *follow “听从”。 我建议你去问问青木先生。 Can you install more lighting in here? (你能不能在这里多装些照明设施?) I suggest you ask Mr. Aoki about it. (我建议你去问问青木先生。) *install “安装”。lighting “照明”。 *suggest (that) ... “建议……”。 I suggest you approach Mr. Aoki about it. *这里的approach指“(带着特别的目的)接近”、 “交涉”。 I suggest you talk to Mr. Aoki about it. 越多越好。 We're making good money this year. (今年我们挣了好多钱。) The more, the better. (越多越好。) *more “更多的”。better “更好的”。 The more money, the better. (钱挣得越多越好。) You can never get enough. (你永远也挣不够。) The more you have, the better. 找理由为自己开脱可不好。 I didn't do it because I was busy. (我没做是因为我很忙。) It's not good to make excuses. (找理由为自己开脱可不好。) *make excuses “找理由”。 Making excuses isn't going to get you anywhere. It's no good telling tall tales. (说慌话可不好。) *tall tales “谎话”。 你抱怨也没有用。 I really don't like it. (我真的是不喜欢。) It's no use complaining. (你抱怨也没有用。) *complain “抱怨”。 You won't change a thing by complaining. (抱怨于事无补。) Complaining won't change anything. 我们最好不要论及细节。 Tell me more about it. (再多告诉我一些。) We'd better not get into the details. (我们最好不要论及细节。) *We'd是We had的缩写。had better 指“最好……”。get into details 意思是“详细说明”、 “叙述细节”。 We shouldn't discuss the details. *discuss “谈论”。 Let's not even mention the details. *even “甚至”、 “连”。mention “提及”。 要清楚明确。 What is the best way to give my speech? (最好应该怎么演讲?) Be clear and specific. (要清楚明确。) *give “给予”、 “传达”。speech “演讲”、 “发言”。 *clear “明确的”。specific “明确的”、 “具体的”、 “特定的”。 Say exactly what you mean. (说话要简洁。) *exactly “正确地”、 “清楚地”。mean “意指”、 “意谓”。 Get to the point. (直奔主题。) *get to the point “涉及要点”、 “进入主题”。 还不止这些。 He's been late three times. (他已经迟到3次了。) There's more to it than that. (还不止这些。) It's not that simple. The problem goes beyond that. *beyond “在……那一边”、 “超过……”。 我想你误解我了。 You're off tomorrow, right? (你明天休息, 对吧?) I think you misunderstood me. (我想你误解我了。) *misunderstand “误解”。 I don't think you understood me. I don't think you heard me right. 这一点我们躲不开。 Prices are very high in this country. (这个国家的物价非常高。) That's something we can't get away from. (这一点我们躲不开。) *“get away from ...”在否定句中表示“(从现实等中)逃避”。 We can't avoid that. *avoid “逃避”。 We can't get away from that. It's unavoidable. *unavoidable “无法逃避的”、 “不得已的”。 试试也没什么坏处。 Should I give it a try? (我应该试一试吗?) You have nothing to lose. (试试也没什么坏处。) *nothing “什么也没有”。lose “失去”、 “损失”。意思是“什么也不会损失”。 There's nothing to lose. You have only to gain. (你只会有所收获。) *这里的gain指“(能力等)增加”、 “得到利益”。 别错过这个机会。 The sale starts tomorrow. (促销明天开始。) Don't miss it. (别错过这个机会。) *miss意思是“错过”, 这句话作为广告最后的台词经常被使用。 Don't let it pass by. Don't let it slip by. *slip by “错过(机会等)”。 Don't miss this chance. (不要错过这个机会。) Don't miss this opportunity. *opportunity “机会”、 “时机”。 Take advantage of the opportunity. *take advantage of ... “利用……”。 要去的话就现在去。 Are you going to see your boss? (你要去见你老板吗?) Yes, it's now or never. (是, 要去的话就现在去。) *意思是“现在不做的话, 也就不可能有下一次了”。 If I don't do it now, I never will. There's no time like the present. *谚语。 This is my window of opportunity. *window of opportunity “稍纵即逝的好时机”。 I will take advantage of this window of opportunity. This opportunity will not last. (这个机会不会一直都有。) 我会抓住这个机会的。 What would you have done? (换了你会怎么做呢?) I would have jumped at the chance. (我会抓住这个机会的。) I would've grabbed that chance. *grab “抓住”。 I'd have jumped on that chance. 我们抓住这个机会吧。 Let's take advantage of the chance. (我们抓住这个机会吧。) You're right; chances like this are rare. (你说得对, 这样的机会少有。) *take advantage of ... “利用……”。 *rare “稀罕的”、 “少见的”。 Why not take advantage of the chance? We should take advantage of the chance. 我认为我们不应该等太长时间。 I don't think we should wait too long. (我认为我们不应该等太长时间。) I agree. Let's get right on it. (我同意。我们马上就办吧。) We'd better move on it soon. We'd better not wait too long. *We'd better是We had better的缩写, “我们最好……”。 是我们打出王牌的时候了。 Things aren't looking good for us. (情况好像对我们不利。) It's time to play our ace in the hole. (是我们打出王牌的时候了。) *thing “事情”、 “工作”。 *ace in the hole “秘藏的王牌”。 The time to play our ace in the hole has come. We need to play our ace in the hole now. 这里讲究先来后到。 It's first come, first served here. (这里讲究先来后到。) That's okay. I'll wait. (那好吧, 我就等等。) *这句话是从“If you come first, you will be served first here.”简化而来的。serve 指“服务”。 If You're here first, you're served first. First come, first served. (先来后到。) 你要迟到了。 You're going to be late. (你要迟到了。) Thanks for reminding me. (谢谢你提醒我。) *late “晚于(预定的时间或时期)”。 You'll be late. You won't be on time. (你要来不及了。) 别把自己逼得太紧。 I have too many things going on at once. (我手头有太多的事情。) Don't spread yourself too thin. (别把自己逼得太紧。) *go on “发生”、 “进行”。at once “同时”、 “一起”。 *spread oneself (too) thin “同时干很多事情”。直译是“铺得太开太薄”, 意思也就是“同时插手太多的事情”。thin “薄的”。 Don't wear yourself out. (别做过了头。) *wear out “使疲劳”、 “使精疲力竭”。 Don't burn yourself out. (别做过了头。) *burn out “精神上(肉体上)筋疲力尽”。 You have too many irons in the fire. *这个谚语通过描写铁匠同时把很多的铁放进火中, 来表达“一次干太多的工作”的意思。 随时把地图带在身上。 I get lost so easily. (我很容易迷路。) Always carry a map with you. (随时把地图带在身上。) *carry “带着走”、 “带在身上”。 You need to keep a map on you at all times. You should always have a map with you. 你自己验证一下。 Are you sure it works? (你肯定它管用?) Please check for yourself. (你自己验证一下。) Please try it out yourself. (你可以自己试一试。) Give it a try. (请试一试。) Please see for yourself. 我们跑题了。 Great game last night. (昨晚的比赛太精彩了。) We're getting off the subject. (我们跑题了。) *great “精彩的”、 “出色的”。 *get off ... “离开……”。subject “话题”、 “主题”。 We need to stay on the subject. *stay on ... “停留在……”、 “不离开……”。 We're drifting away from the subject. *drift “漂流”、 “漂浮”。 我肯定你会后悔的。 I spoke harshly to Mr. Smith today. (我今天对史密斯先生说的话太重了。) I'm sure you'll come to regret it. (我肯定你会后悔的。) *harshly “严格地”、 “严厉地”。 *regret “后悔”、 “懊恼”。有逐渐后悔的语义。 You're sure to regret it. You'll be sorry you did it. 太得意忘形, 最后你会失败的。 When you're too excited, you end up failing. (太得意忘形, 最后你会失败的。) You could be right. I'll think it over more carefully. (你说的也许对。我会考虑得更仔细一些。) *be excited “兴奋”。end up ... “最后会……”。fail “失败”。 You end up failing when you get too excited. If you get too excited, you'll end up failing. 那么做你会重蹈他的覆辙。 Doing so may result in repeating his mistake. (那么做你会重蹈他的覆辙。) That's a chance I have to take. (我别无选择。) *result in ... “致使……”。repeat “重复”。 You'll probably repeat his mistake if you do that. If you do that you might end up repeating his mistake. 警察会找我们麻烦的。 We'll get in trouble with the police. (警察会找我们麻烦的。) It's a risk I'm willing to take. (我愿意冒这个风险。) *get in trouble with ... “跟……产生麻烦”。 We'll get caught by the police. (我们会被警察抓住的。) We'll have a run-in with the law. (我们会和警察发生口角的。) *run-in “口角”、 “争论”。law除了“法律”的意思外, 还有“警察”的意思。 你下决心了吗? Did you make up your mind? (你下决心了吗?) No, I didn't. (没有。) *make up one's mind “下决心”。 Did you come to a decision? *decision “决定”、 “决心”。come to a decision “得出结论”。 Have you decided? *decide “决定”。 那条领带和你的衬衫不搭配。 That tie does not match your shirt. (那条领带和你的衬衫不搭配。) I'll have to change it then. (那我只好换了它。) *match “协调”、 “搭配”。 Your tie and shirt don't match. Your tie and shirt clash. *这里的clash指“不协调”。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-10-23 13:56:42 |只看该作者
训导 ●训导 这是常有的事。 I've noticed a big turnover in personnel. (我发现人事上有很大的变动。) These things happen a lot. (这是常有的事。) *I've是I have的缩写。notice “发现”。turnover “人事变动”。personnel “职员”、 “人事”。 *happen “发生”、 “产生”。a lot “大量的”。 Things like this happen a lot. (这样的事经常发生。) Not to me, they don't. (我就不会碰到。) I had to work overtime again last night. (昨晚我又加班了。) That happens a lot. (这是常有的事。) *work overtime “加班”。 These things happen all the time. (这样的事一直都有。) These things are always happening. (这样的事总是发生。) Things like this happen all the time. These things happen. That's a regular occurrence. *regular “经常的”、 “惯例的”。occurrence “事件”。 It isn't unusual for that to happen. That happens often. *often “常常”、 “屡屡”。 幸福并不在于这个。 He became so rich. (他变成大款了。) That's not what happiness is about. (幸福并不在于这个。) *That's是That is的缩写。what “……那样的人(或物)”。 Things don't always make people happy. (物质的东西并不总是让人们感到幸福。) Happiness cannot be bought. (幸福是买不来的。) That's not how happiness is attained. *attain “达到”。 钱并非总是一切。 Money isn't always everything. (钱并非总是一切。) That is a true understatement. (说得轻巧。) *not always “并非总是……”。 Money isn't the end-all. *end-all “所有事情的结局”。 Money alone isn't enough. (光有钱是不够的。) * ... alone “只有……”。enough “足够的”。 终归会是那样。 That's the way things go. (终归会是那样。) I guess you're right. (我想你是对的。) *表达的意思是“事情就是那样的”。 *guess “想”、 “推测”。right “正确的”。 That's just how it is. That's the way the cookie crumbles. *当作习惯用语记下来就可以了。crumble “碎裂”。 That's the way things are. 那不是世界末日。 Oh, my God! I broke a fingernail! (哦, 天哪!我弄断了一个指甲。) Oh, Janice. It's not the end of the world. (简尼斯, 那不是世界末日。) Stop making a mountain out of a molehill. *make a mountain out of a molehill “小题大做”。molehill “鼹鼠丘”。 Take it easy. Life will go on. *take it easy “镇静”、 “悠闲地做”。go on “继续”。 要分散风险。 All of my money is in X Company's stock. (我所有的钱都买了X公司的股票。) Don't put all your eggs in one basket. (要分散风险。) *谚语。直译是“不要把所有的鸡蛋都放进一个篮子里”。也就是说, 如果篮子掉在了地上, 所有的鸡蛋就都破了。在商业上, 常用它来表示“不要把所有的资金投入到一件事情上”。 Diversify! (多元化操作!) Don't just invest in one thing. (不要只投资于一处。) Spread the risk. (分散风险。) 商场上就是这样。 Something different happens each day. (每天都会发生不同的事。) That's how it is in business. (商场上就是这样。) *different “不同的”。happen “发生”、 “出现”。 *business “工作”、 “商业”。 Business is like that. That's just how it goes in business. 做销售就是这样。 I called on many people. (我拜访了很多人。) That's what sales are about. (做销售就是这样。) That's the way things are in sales. That's how it works in sales. 工作就是工作。 I don't like the proposal. (我不喜欢这个提案。) Business is business. (工作就是工作。) *business “工作”、 “职业”、 “业务”。含义是无法照顾到个人的想法, 公事只能公办。 A deal is a deal. (交易就是交易。) An agreement is an agreement. (协议就是协议。) 先工作再享受。 Take a long lunch today, okay? (今天的午休时间可不可以长一点?) Okay, but business before pleasure. (好的, 不过先工作再享受。) *直译是“玩乐前先工作”。pleasure 指“高兴”、 “快乐”。 Duty first, then pleasure. *duty有“义务”、 “职务”的意思, 这里表示“工作”。 Work before fun. *fun “玩笑”、 “乐趣”。 你不可能总是称心如意。 I'd like a one-month vacation. (我想休假一个月。) You can't have it all. (你不可能总是称心如意。) I want a lot more benefits. (我想要更多的利润。) You can't have everything. (你不可能事事如愿的。) *直译是“你不可能什么都拥有”。 Life isn't always fair. (生活并不总是公平的。) We can't always have what we want. Things don't always work out the way we want. *work out “进展顺利”。 面对现实吧。 Face the facts. (面对现实吧。) That's not always easy. (要做到并不简单。) *face “面对(事实等)”。fact “事实”、 “真实”。 You must face the truth. You can't hide from the facts. (你不可能逃避现实。) *hide “隐藏”、 “躲藏”。 理论和实践总是有差距的。 It turned out to be more difficult than thought. (事实比我想像的更难。) Theory and practice are always different. (理论和实践总是有差距的。) *turn out ... “结果是……”。 *theory “理论”、 “道理”。practice “练习”、 “实践”。 Saying and doing are two different things. (说和做是两回事。) It always sounds good on paper. (纸面上的东西听起来总是不错。) *sound “听起来”。 规则就是规则。 That rule doesn't make any sense. (那条规则一点也不合理。) A rule is a rule. (规则就是规则。) *make sense “有意义”。 You must accept the rule. (你必须遵守规则。) *这里的accept指“接受”。 You need to abide by the rule. (你必须遵守规则。) *abide by ... “遵守(规则等)”。 什么事都有个限度。 Our company can grow no larger. (我们公司不能再扩大了。) Everything has its limits. (什么事都有个限度。) *limit “限度”、 “界限”。 There's a limit to everything. Nothing is limitless. 作为销售人员总不免有很多跑腿的事。 Being a salesman involves a lot of legwork. (作为销售人员总不免有很多跑腿的事。) Too much legwork, if you ask me. (我的意见是跑腿的事也太多了。) *involve “涉及”。legwork “跑腿的事”。 Salesmen have to be out running around. *run around “到处跑”。 Salesmen are always on the go. *be on the go “忙着四处活动”。 升职并非都是能力的体现。 Promotions are not always a reflection of ability. (升职并非都是能力的体现。) That isn't right. (那么说不对。) *promotion有“升职”、 “晋升”的意思, 但是在这里因为所指的是所有晋升, 所以用了复数。reflection 指“反映”。ability 指“能力”、 “实力”、 “才能”。 Promotions are not always based on ability. (升职并非都是基于能力。) *be based on ... “以……为基础”。 Performance is not the only factor we consider when giving promotions. (业绩不是我们提拔人员时的惟一考虑因素。) *performance “业绩”、 “成果”。factor “原因”、 “要素”。 世道并非你想的那么好。 Not everything is as easy as you think. (世道并非你想的那么好。) I'm fully aware of that. (我完全明白这一点。) *像这样以not开头的句子记住就行了。直译是“并非任何事情都像你想像的那么简单”。 You are way too optimistic. (你太乐观了。) *optimistic “乐观的”。 You are too naive. (你太天真了。) *naive是“幼稚的”、 “容易被欺骗的”, 有轻蔑的语感在里面。 世上哪有这种好事。 I assumed I would get that for free. (我还以为那是免费的呢。) There's no such thing as a free lunch. (世上哪有这种好事。) *assume “假定”、 “想当然地认为……”。for free “不要钱”、 “免费”。 *谚语, “没有免费的午餐”也就是说“世上没有那样的好事”、 “别把世道看得那么好”。 Nothing is free. (没有什么是免费的。) Everything comes with a price. (什么东西都会有一个价格的。) 安全至上。 Should I check it again? (我该再检查一遍吗?) Better safe than sorry. (安全至上。) *习语, 意思是“与其事后后悔不如现在采取安全措施”、 “与其事后后悔不如小心点为好”、 “未雨绸缪”, 经常用到。 It pays to take precautions. *这里的pay指“合算”。precaution 指“小心”。 It is better to be safe than sorry. (谨慎总比后悔要好。) Being safe is better than being sorry. Let's play it safe. (谨慎些吧。) 别做什么将来后悔的事。 I am so angry right now. (我现在非常生气。) Don't do anything you'll regret. (别做什么将来后悔的事。) *regret “后悔”、 “懊恼”。 Don't do anything you'll be sorry for. Be sure you think twice before you act. (一定要三思而后行。) *think twice “认真考虑”。 不要着急, 放松一下。 What should we do now? (现在我们应该做什么?) Let's just take it easy. (不要着急, 放松一下。) *take it easy “放松”、 “不急躁”。 Let's sit back and relax. *sit back “放松”、 “悠闲地坐在靠背椅上”。 Let's just rest. 不要追求完美。 I don't know if I can do this. (我不知道这件事我是否能做。) Don't expect to be perfect. (不要追求完美。) *expect to “期待”。这句话也就是“不要期待完美无缺”的意思。 You shouldn't expect to be perfect. (你不必追求完美。) Please do your best, but don't expect to be perfect. (请你尽力去做, 但是不要期待做得完美无缺。) 忠诚是最重要的。 Loyalty is the name of the game. (忠诚是最重要的。) That's the first thing you learn in business. (这是你在工作中首先要学的东西。) *loyalty “忠诚”、 “忠义”。the name of the game “最要紧的东西”、 “关键之处”。 You should always be loyal. (你应该永远忠诚。) *loyal “忠诚的”、 “忠实的”。 Loyalty is the answer. (答案就是忠诚。) 重要的是那份心意。 This gift is so small. (这份礼物太小了。) It's the thought that counts. (重要的是那份心意。) *谚语, 意思是“重要的不是大小或金额, 而是那份心意”。这里的thought指“体贴”、 “关心”。这里的count指“重要”、 “有考虑价值”。 The thought is the important thing. It's the thought that matters. 吃不到葡萄就说葡萄酸。 I didn't want that job anyway. (我才不想要那份工作。) That's a case of sour grapes. (吃不到葡萄就说葡萄酸。) *sour grapes 指“酸葡萄”。“不认输”的意思源自《伊索寓言》。一只狐狸看见葡萄却又够不着, 于是它只得不服输地说“葡萄太酸了”。 That's just sour grapes. You're just saying that because you're mad. (因为你气疯了头, 你才会那么说。) *mad “疯狂的”。 背后说人闲话是最可恶的了。 Nothing is worse than bad-mouthing somebody behind their back. (背后说人闲话是最可恶的了。) I agree completely. (我完全同意。) *“Nothing is worse than ...”的直译是“没有什么事会比……更可恶的了”, 意思也就是“……是最可恶的了”。bad-mouth 指“说坏话”。behind one's back 指“在背后”。 Bad-mouthing someone behind their back is terrible. *terrible “糟糕的”、 “恶劣的”。 You should never talk about people behind their backs. 只有努力才会有进步。 This project is taking a long time to finish. (这个计划要花很长时间才能完成。) The progress depends on the effort. (只有努力才会有进步。) *depend on ... “取决于……”、 “就看……”。 The progress is relative to the effort. *relative “有关的”、 “相关的”。 No pain, no gain. (不努力就不会有收获。) *习惯用语, 意思是“没有艰辛就没有回报”。 要想进步就必须多练习。 I'm not getting any better at golf. (我的高尔夫球技一点长进也没有。) Improvement takes work. (要想进步就必须多练习。) *improvement “改良”、 “改善”、 “进步”。take “需要(努力等)”。work “努力”、 “劳动”。 There's no improvement without working at it. There are no results without working for them. *result “结果”、 “成果”。 诚实加勤奋等于成功。 Honesty and hard work pay off. (诚实加勤奋等于成功。) That's what my father always told me. (这也是我父亲常常对我说的话。) *honesty “正直”、 “诚实”。pay off “得到好结果”、 “取得成功”。 Be honest and work hard, and you'll be successful. *honest “正直的”。successful “成功的”。 Success begins with honesty and hard work. (成功开始于诚实和勤奋。) 我们得时刻学习新东西。 We have to learn new things all the time. (我们得时刻学习新东西。) It's the only way to stay competitive. (这是保持竞争力的惟一途径。) *learn “学习”。all the time “一直”、 “总是”、 “常常”。 *competitive “竞争力强的”。 We're constantly learning new things. *constantly “不断地”。 We need to learn new things continually. *continually “不断地”。 We need to stay on top of things. 当我还是你这个年龄的时候, 我全身心都扑在工作上。 When I was your age, I was totally devoted to my work. (当我还是你这个年龄的时候, 我全身心都扑在工作上。) Things have changed a lot since then. (从那以后, 时代发生了很大的变化。) *devote “(为了工作或某个目的)奉献(努力、时间、金钱等)”、 “把所有的东西都投入到……中去”。 I was really devoted to my work at your age. At your age, I was a workaholic. *workaholic “工作狂”。 做了总比什么也没做要好。 I hope I'm doing this right. (我希望这件事情我做得对。) Doing anything is better than doing nothing. (做了总比什么也没做要好。) *right “正确地”。 *better than ... “比……好”。 Just acting on it is better than doing nothing. *act on ... “按照……行动”。 You should do something, even if it's wrong. (即使犯错误, 你也应该做点什么事。) *even if ... “即使……” 时代在变。 No one takes pride in their work anymore. (没有人再以自己的工作为荣了。) Times are changing. (时代在变。) *take pride in ... “对……拥有自豪感”。anymore “而今再也”。 *time加上s表示“时代”。be ...ing 是现在进行时态。 Things are changing. *things “事态”、 “情况”。 It's a different world. (世道不同了。) Things are different now. (如今情况不同了。) *different “不同的”。 Things aren't like they used to be. (情况跟从前不一样了。) *used to ... “从前是……”。 一定要争分夺秒。 Make every minute count. (一定要争分夺秒。) We're doing our very best. (我们在尽力而为。) *直译是“使每一分钟都见成效”。 *do one's best “尽力”。 Don't waste any time at all. (不要再浪费时间了。) *waste “浪费”。 Every minute matters. 商场上最重要的就是利润。 Money is all he ever talks about. (他只谈钱。) In business, the name of the game is profit. (商场上最重要的就是利润。) *the name of the game “最要紧的东西”、 “关键”。profit “利润”。 Profits are what business is all about. In business, the bottom line is profit. *the bottom line “核心”、 “要点”、 “结论”。 钱生钱。 Money makes money. (钱生钱。) That is so true. (一点没错。) *这里的make指“产生”、 “制造”。 It takes money to make money. Money begets money. *beget “使生出”、 “带来”。 不要担心犯错误。 I don't think I can do it right. (我认为这件事我做不好。) Don't be afraid of making mistakes. (不要担心犯错误。) *right “(道德上)正确地”、 “正当地”。 *Don't be afraid of ...ing. “不要害怕……”、 “不要担心……”。make mistakes “出错”、 “犯错误”。 You shouldn't worry about making mistakes. *worry about ... “担心……”。 Don't ever fear mistakes. (决不要害怕犯错。) *ever在否定句中表示“决(不要)……”。 没有什么不可能的。 Congratulations on your promotion. (恭喜高升。) Thank you. Now, the sky's the limit. (谢谢。喏, 没有什么不可能的。) *congratulations “恭喜”。promotion “升职”。 *常用的说法。直译是“天空是界限”, 意思是“无止境”、 “没有限度”。limit “界限”。 How far can I go in the company? (在这家公司我能干到什么位置?) Anything is possible. (什么都有可能。) *how far “多远”。 *possible “可能的”。 There are no limitations. (没有限度。) *limitation “限制”、 “限度”。 You have no limitations. (你前途无量。) *对别人可以这么说。 The possibilities are unlimited. (有无数种可能。) *possibility “可能性”。unlimited “无限的”。 时间会说明一切。 Will you get the promotion? (你会得到提升吗?) Time will tell. (时间会说明一切。) *promotion “升职”。 *照此记下来就可以了。 I'll know soon enough. (我很快就会知道。) *soon “马上”。enough “十分”。 I'll just have to wait and see. (还要再等等看。) *wait and see “等等看”。 别老说别人怎么样, 看看你自己。 Ms. Jones is always late for work. (琼斯女士总是上班迟到。) Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. (别老说别人怎么样, 看看你自己。) *be late “迟到”。 *The pot calling the kettle black. 直译是“锅说开水壶是黑的”, 谚语, 意思也就是说“把自己的缺点或失败束之高阁, 去指责别人的缺点”。 People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. *谚语。 It takes one to know one. 警惕假冒伪劣。 Beware of imitations. (警惕假冒伪劣。) That's good advice. (谢谢提醒。) *beware of ... “注意……”。imitation “模仿”、 “冒牌货”。 Don't be fooled by imitations. (别让冒牌货骗了。) *fool “欺骗”。 Watch out for imitations. *watch out “注意”。 不要以貌取人。 That guy looks like a lazy worker. (那个男人看起来很懒。) Don't judge a book by its cover. (不要以貌取人。) *lazy “懒的”。 *直译是“不要从封面来判断一本书”。这句谚语经常可以听到, 这么记下来就可以了。judge “判断”。 Don't judge by appearances. *appearance “外观”。 Don't make rash judgments. (不要轻易下判断。) *rash “轻率的”。 You shouldn't judge on looks alone. (你不能光从外表进行判断。) Don't make superficial judgments. *superficial “表面的”。 第一印象非常重要。 I liked Mr. Jones right off the bat. (我一见琼斯先生就喜欢上了他。) First impressions are important. (第一印象非常重要。) *right off the bat “马上”。 *first impressions “第一印象”。 First impressions usually stay with a person. First impressions are the most lasting. (第一印象最深。) *谚语。 大多数的流行商品最终都是短命的。 How successful do you think it will be? (你认为这个产品可以流行多久?) The success of most fad products eventually comes to an end. (大多数的流行商品最终都是短命的。) *success “成功”。fad “一时的流行”。eventually “最终”、 “最后”。come to an end “结束”, 也就是“会过时”。 Most instant hit items die out soon. (大多数的畅销商品很快就会过时。) *instant “瞬间的”。die out “过时”。soon “很快”。 The popularity of most fad products fades fast. (大多数的畅销商品很快就会被淘汰。) *popularity “流行”。fade “衰落”。 The popularity of most fad items ends sooner or later. (大多数的畅销商品迟早都会过时的。) *sooner or later “迟早”。和中文的语序相反, 不说“later or sooner”。 一分钱一分货。 It broke after two uses. (才用过两次就坏了。) You get what you pay for. (一分钱一分货。) *broke “坏了”。 *pay for “付钱”。习惯用语, 意思是“便宜的东西因为便宜所以质量也相应低劣”。 If you pay less, you get less. *less “更少”。 If you pay more, you get more. (如果你付出的越多, 你得到的也就越多。) *more “更多”。 The price usually reflects the quality. (价格通常反映质量。) *usually “通常”。reflect “反映”。 女人都那样。 Women are like that. (女人都那样。) Don't be sexist! (别搞性别歧视!) That's how women are. You know women. ●使用谚语表达的训导 还有明天呢。 We'll never finish today. (今天我们不可能做完。) Tomorrow is another day. (还有明天呢。) *another “另外一个的”、 “第二的”, 在这里表示“别的”、 “不同的”。意思是“今天不行还有明天”。 There's always tomorrow. Never mind, you can finish it tomorrow. (没关系, 你可以明天做完它。) *mind “介意”、 “觉得厌烦”。 We'll just have to try again tomorrow. 事后聪明。 I shouldn't have done this. (我没做这件事就好了。) Hindsight is 20-20. (事后聪明。) *hindsight “事后聪明”。20-20指“最好的视力”, 相当于中国的“2.0”。“过去的事情看得很清楚”, 也就是说“过去的事情知道得很明白”。常用的习惯用语。 Things are not always clear until you look back. (事情总是过去了才看明白。) It's easy to know the right decision after the fact. 现在才给他们道歉已经太晚了。 It's too late to apologize to them now. (现在才给他们道歉已经太晚了。) Please try anyway. (不管怎样请你试一试。) *too ... to ... “做……太……”。apologize “道歉”、 “谢罪”。 It won't help to apologize now, because it's too late. It won't do any good to apologize to them now. 有其父必有其子。 He's very smart. (他很聪明。) Like father, like son. (有其父必有其子。) *这里的like指“像……一样”。 It's in the family. (他们家人都如此。) *这里的family指“家世”、 “家系”。 It runs in the family. *这里的run指“(性格、 特征等)世代相传”。 It's in the blood. (他们家族都这样。) 坚持就会胜利。 Perseverance wins in the end. (坚持就会胜利。) Not always. (不是总这样的。) *perseverance “坚强”、 “韧性”、 “耐心”。直译是“只要有坚韧不拔的精神, 就一定会取得最后的胜利”。 In the end, perseverance wins. Perseverance pays off in the end. *pay off “回报”。 说说空话是不费力气的。 He said he would try to improve morale. (他说他要努力提高工人的劳动热情。) Talk is cheap. (说说空话是不费力气的。) *morale “士气”。 *cheap “廉价的”、 “低劣的”、 “卑劣的”。 Saying it is one thing, doing it is another. You need to follow up with action. (你应该言行一致。) Actions speak louder than words. (事实胜于雄辩。) *谚语。 有时候说谎会更好些。 My boss was upset when I said the plan was a bad idea. (当我说这个计划不好时, 我老板很生气。) Sometimes it's better to lie. (有时候说谎会更好些。) *be upset “情绪低落的”、 “不愉快的”。 *It's better to ... “做……为好”。lie “说谎”。 Sometimes it's necessary to tell a white lie. *white lie “没有恶意的谎言”、 “善意的谎言”。 A lie is sometimes expedient. *expedient “恰当的”、 “适当的”。 顾客是上帝。 It must've been hard being nice to such a rude person. (对那么粗鲁的人还要礼貌一定很困难吧。) The customer is king. (顾客是上帝。) *must've是must have的缩写。rude 指“无礼的”、 “粗鲁的”。 *customer “客人”、 “顾客”。king “国王”。 That customer was so rude to me! (那位顾客对我太粗鲁了!) The customer is always right. (顾客就是上帝。) *直译是“顾客总是对的”。 The customer is correct, no matter what. (顾客无论如何都是对的。) *no matter ... “无论……”。 The customer is never wrong. (顾客永远不会错。) The customer always gets first consideration. *consideration “应该考虑的事”、 “关照”。 你这是忘恩负义。 I'm going to sue my company. (我打算告我的公司。) You're biting the hand that feeds you. (你这是忘恩负义。) *直译是“你这是咬给你饭吃的人的手”。 Doing that will only hurt you in the long run. (从长远来看那样做只能害了你。) You're only hurting yourself by doing that. (那么做你只会害了你自己。) 每个规则都有例外。 Every rule has exceptions. (每个规则都有例外。) Why do you say that? Did you break one? (你为什么那么说?你是不是破坏了规则?) *exception “例外”。 *这里的break指“破坏(规则)”。 There's no rule without exception. (没有哪个规则没有例外。) I agree with you. (我同意。) *谚语。 *agree “赞成”、 “同意”。 There are exceptions to every rule. Sometimes rules can be gotten around. (有时规则是可以躲过去的。) There are always exceptions. (总会有例外。) *always “总是”、 “通常”。 There is an exception to every rule. (每个规则都会有例外。) 生意本来就是互谅互让。 I noticed you gave in to him on that point. (我发现在那一点上你向他让步了。) Business is a matter of give-and-take. (生意本来就是互谅互让。) *a matter of ... “……的问题”。Give-and-take “相互妥协”、 “互谅互让”。 You have to give and take in business. Business requires give-and-take. 多嘴多舌惹麻烦。 Your big mouth makes big trouble. (多嘴多舌惹麻烦。) What did I do now? (你说我刚才做什么了?) *big mouth “搬弄是非”。trouble “麻烦”、 “纠纷”。 Your mouth causes you trouble. You need to keep your mouth closed more often. (你应该嘴巴严点。) 宁做鸡头, 不做凤尾。 I'd rather own my own business than work for Company X. (与其为X公司工作不如我自己单干。) It's better to be at the top of something small than at the bottom of something big. (宁做鸡头, 不做凤尾。) *上面那句话的直译是“在大的东西底下待着不如在小的东西上面待着”。在商场上还可以说“与其在一家大公司里做普通职员还不如做个小老板”。 Better to be head of a small firm than menial in a larger firm. (在小公司里当头要比在大公司里跑腿好。) *menial “听差”、 “仆人”。 It's better to own your own business than to work for somebody else. (拥有自己的生意比受雇于人要好。) Better to be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. *直译是“做狗的头要比做狮子的尾巴好”。 你不要放过任何潜在的顾客。 You must not give up on any potential customers. (你不要放过任何潜在的顾客。) That's easier said than done. (说起来容易做起来难。) *must not ... “不可以……”。give up on ... “不再期待……”、 “放弃……”。potential “可能的”、 “可能发生的”、 “潜在的”。 *“说比做容易”, 也就是说“说起来容易做起来难”。 Don't give up on any potential customers. Don't give up until you get your sale. (东西卖出去之前你都不要放弃。) *until “直到……”。 一人计短, 二人计长嘛。 Do you want to work together? (你想一起干吗?) Sure. Two heads are better than one. (好的。一人计短, 二人计长嘛。) *谚语。意思是“做决定的时候找个人商量要比一个人冥思苦想好”。直译是“两个头比一个头好”, 也就是说“两个人胜过一个人”。 Two can accomplish more than one. *accomplish “做完”、 “完成”。 Two people can get more done than one person. The more help the better. (人手越多越好。) Two people can do more than one. 各有所爱。 He likes to close deals with a toast. (他喜欢在酒桌上达成生意。) To each his own. (各有所爱。) *toast “干杯”。 *each “各自”、 “每个”。own “自己的”。常用的谚语。意思是“人各有所好”。 It takes all kinds. *kind “种类”、 “性质”。 Everyone is different. (人各不相同。) So many men, so many minds. Different strokes for different folks. (人各有所好。) *谚语。folk “人们”。 人生只有一遭。 Should we go to the better restaurant? (我们是不是应该去更好的饭店?) We only live once. (人生只有一遭。) Life is short. (人生短暂。) We only have one shot at life. (人生只有一次。) *one shot at life意思是“人生只有一次”。 欲速则不达。 Haste makes waste. (欲速则不达。) Okay, I'll slow down. (好的, 我会慢下来的。) *谚语。意思是“越快越糟糕”,和“欲速则不达”意思一样。 The more haste, the more errors you make. (你越是着急犯的错就越多。) There is no need for haste. (没必要着急。) 趁热打铁啊。 What should I do? (我该做什么?) Strike while the iron is hot. (趁热打铁啊。) *谚语“趁热打铁”, 意思是“不要错失良机”。strike指“打”、 “击打”。iron 指“铁”。 Now is the time to act. (现在正是行动的时候。) *act “行动”、 “实行”。 Make your move now. *make one's move “采取行动”。 人各有所好。 How can these outsell ours? (为什么这些货比我们的更好卖?) There's no accounting for tastes. (人各有所好。) *outsell “更好卖”。 *直译是“喜好什么你没法解释”。常用的谚语, 意思是说人各有所好, 没办法解释的。 You never know what people will like. (你永远不知道人们会喜欢什么。) There's no way to know what will be popular. Everyone has different tastes. *taste “喜好”。 多吃了几年饭嘛。 You seem like a very wise person. (看上去你是一个聪明人。) I didn't get old for nothing. (多吃了几年饭嘛。) *for nothing有“免费”、 “不花钱”的意思, 但在这里它的意思是“没有什么理由”。 I haven't been working here all this time for nothing. (我可不是在这里混饭吃的。) I get wiser as I get older. (随着年龄的增长, 我也变得聪明一些了。) 常言道, 积少成多啊。 That's nothing major. (没什么大不了的。) Little things add up, you know. (常言道, 积少成多啊。) *major “重要的”、 “主要的”。 *add up “(量、价值等)增加”。 Mountains are made from grains of sand. (聚沙成丘。) *grain(s) of ... “一点点”。 Small efforts, when accumulated, bring great success. (一点点的努力积累多了也能成就大的事业。) *accumulate “积累”。 你帮助我,我也帮助你。 Can you do me a big favor? (你能帮我一个大忙吗?) You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. (你帮助我,我也帮助你。) *scratch my back “挠我后背”。直译是“如果你给我挠后背, 我也会给你挠后背”。 You do me a favor, I'll return it in kind. *in kind “用同样的东西(回报)”。 You do for me, I'll do for you. 沉默是金。 I won't say a word. (我一句话也不会说。) Good. Silence is golden. (对。沉默是金。) *谚语。 Silence is priceless. *priceless “非常贵重的”。 Silence is important. *important “重要的”、 “关键的”。 这笔账总是要算的。 Someone's going to pay for this. (这笔账总是要算的。) Definitely not me. (绝对不会算到我头上。) *中文里的这个说法既可以指金钱上的事也可以不是, 英语也一样。“账”用了pay for来表示。 *definitely “明确地”。 Someone will have to resolve this. (这个问题总要有人去解决的。) Someone is going to be held responsible for this. (总会有人要对此负责的。) 不可胜之则从之。 What should we do now? (现在我们该怎么办?) If you can't beat them, join them. (不可胜之则从之。) *beat “打败”。美国常用的习语, 直译是“如果你打不过他们, 那就加入他们”。 If you can't beat them, you should join them. Join them if you can't beat them. 熟能生巧。 Why do I have to keep doing the same thing? (为什么我必须老是重复干同样的事情?) Practice makes perfect. (熟能生巧。) *直译是“练习会使(手艺)精湛”。 You improve with practice. *improve “提高”。 Repetition leads to mastery. *repetition “重复”。lead to ... “导致……”。mastery “熟练”。 开始总是最关键的。 This new project is taking up all my time. (这个新项目占了我所有的时间。) The beginning is always the most critical time. (开始总是最关键的。) *take up “花(时间)”。 *critical “重大的”。 It's always most critical in the beginning. The beginning is always the most important. 穷人无假日。 I'm always too busy. (我总是很忙。) No rest for the wicked. (穷人无假日。) *rest “休息”。wicked “坏人”。原来的意思是“坏人没有好日子过”, 后来也用于表示“穷人没有闲暇”。这也是英语中较常听到的习惯用语。 There's no rest for the wicked. The wicked cannot rest. 我喜欢少说话多干活。 You are a man of action. (你是一个实干家。) I like getting things done without a lot of fuss. (我喜欢少说话多干活。) *like ...ing “喜欢做……”。a lot of fuss “大吵大闹”。直译是“我喜欢不声不响地干事情”。 I like to get things done without much fuss. I don't like making a big deal about things. 有失才有得。 It could be too risky. (太冒险了。) You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. (有失才有得。) *谚语。直译是“不把鸡蛋打破就做不了蛋卷”, 比喻“不作出努力和牺牲就想得到什么是不可能的”。 There is no success without sacrifice. (没有牺牲就不可能成功。) *sacrifice “牺牲”。 You cannot expect to get something for nothing. 过去的事就让它过去吧。 Let bygones be bygones and forget about those days. (过去的事就让它过去吧。) I can't. (我做不到。) *bygone “过去”。let bygones be bygones是习惯用语, 意思是“过去的事就让它过去”。those days指“那些日子”。 Just move on. (要往前看。) *move on “前进”。 You need to forget about the past. (你应该忘记过去。) Let it go. (让它去吧。) 真好像醍醐灌顶。 I feel like my eyes are finally open. (真好像醍醐灌顶。) I'm glad to hear that. (听你这么说我很高兴。) *这句话用于表示由于某个契机突然从迷惘中走了出来, 对事态有了清醒的认识。feel like指“感觉好像”。直译是“我觉得自己的眼界终于被打开了”。 *be glad to ... “很高兴做……”。 I was suddenly brought to my senses. (我的神智突然恢复了正常。) *sense “健全的心智”、 “正常的精神状态”。 I finally saw the light. (我终于见到了光明。) I was suddenly awakened to the truth. (我突然醒悟过来。) *awake “使意识到”。 I suddenly realized the error of my ways. (我突然意识到了自己的做法存在错误。) *realize “意识到”、 “醒悟到”。 那也只是杯水车薪。 We tried to spend less this month. (这个月我们尽量缩减了开支。) It's a drop in the bucket. (那也只是杯水车薪。) *drop “水滴”、 “滴”。bucket “水桶”。直译是“这也不过是水桶里的一滴水”。 It won't make a significant difference. *significant “重大的”、 “(数量等)相当的”。 It's not enough to affect the outcome. (对结果不足以造成什么影响。) *affect “影响”。outcome “结果”、 “成果”。 不知为福。 Ignorance is bliss. Don't tell him about it. (不知为福。你不要告诉他这件事。) Alright. I'll take your advice. (好的。我听你的。) *ignorance “无知”。bliss “无上的幸福”。Ignorance is bliss. 谚语, 意思是“不知道倒省得烦恼”。 Please don't tell him, because it's better if he doesn't know. Don't tell him, because he doesn't need to know about it. (不要告诉他, 因为他没有必要知道这件事。) 真是小事聪明大事糊涂。 We ordered a thousand memo pads on sale. (我们订购了1 000本削价的记事本。) Penny wise, pound foolish. (真是小事聪明大事糊涂。) *order “订购”。on sale “促销中的”。 *penny是英国最小的货币单位。pound的价值相当于100个penny。这句话是美国常用的谚语, 用于形容在小事上相当吝啬, 却在大事上大手大脚存不住钱的人。直译是“花小钱很聪明, 花大钱很愚蠢”, 也相当于“吝惜一文而不知失百文”。wise 指“聪明的”。foolish指“愚蠢的”、 “笨的”。 That sounds impractical. (那个好像不切实际。) *impractical “不切实际的”。 That doesn't make sense financially. (从资金上看那样做不合理。) *financially “财政上”。make sense “合理”。 Cheap is expensive. *expensive “高价的”。 You get what you pay for. (一分钱一分货。) *习惯用语。 粗心大意是最大的敌人。 I don't think we need to check it again. (我认为我们没必要再检查一遍。) Carelessness is the greatest enemy. (粗心大意是最大的敌人。) *carelessness “不注意”、 “轻率”。the greatest enemy “最大的敌人”。 Carelessness can be a great enemy. Being careless is the greatest enemy. 要保持警惕。 We've always been number one. (我们总是第一。) Stay alert. (要保持警惕。) *We've是We have的缩写。 *alert “警惕的”。 Be alert. Don't rest on your laurels. *laurels指“作为胜利标志的月桂树的叶子”。习惯用语, 意思是“不要满足于成功”。 物以类聚嘛。 Mr. Aoki spends a lot of time with the boss. (青木先生总是和上司在一起。) Birds of a feather flock together. (物以类聚嘛。) *feather “鸟的羽毛”。a feather “相同颜色的羽毛”。flock “成群”。直译是“羽毛相同的鸟结伴飞行”, 常用的谚语。 People with the same interests tend to get together. *tend to ... “倾向于……”。 Men are known by the company they keep. (人以群分。) *谚语。 历史又在重演。 Stocks are falling again, like in 1929. (股价又开始跌了, 就像1929年那样。) History repeats itself. (历史又在重演。) *history “历史”。itself “自己”、 “本身”。习惯用语。 Things are likely to happen more than once. *直译是“事情总是不止一次地发生”。 *be likely to ... “也许会……”。 History is repetitive. 不试一试怎么会知道。 This'll last forever. (这个东西经久耐用。) The proof's in the pudding. (不试一试怎么会知道。) *last “耐用”、 “持久”。 *这句话是由“The proof of the pudding is in the eating.”省略而来的, 不过美国普遍用的是省略的句子。直译是“布丁是否好吃尝一尝便知”, 比喻“证据比论点重要”, 也就是“不干(不用)就不知道”。谚语。 You should try before you decide. Don't judge before you've given it a try. (没试之前不要下结论。)

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发表于 2008-10-23 13:57:46 |只看该作者
鼓励 ●期待 保持目前良好的工作状态。 Keep up the good work. (保持目前良好的工作状态。) Thank you. I will. (谢谢, 我会的。) *keep up “持续”。 Keep it up. You're doing well. *do well “干得好”。 Looks good. Keep it up. Continue doing what you're doing. *continue ...ing “继续做……”。 全力以赴吧。 I'm going on sales calls. (我要去上门推销。) Do the best you can. (全力以赴吧。) *I'm going ... “打算做……”。 Do it to the best of your ability. *ability “能力”。 Do your best. 从今天开始拼命干吧。 Starting today, please give it your all. (从今天开始拼命干吧。) I'll give it my best shot. (我会尽力的。) *直译是“从今天开始, 把你所有的一切都投入进去吧”。 *give ... one's best shot “尽全力做……”。 I need you to buckle down, starting today. *buckle down “真正着手干”。 Please work harder, effective today. *effective “实施的”、 “生效的”。 你很快就能摸着窍门的。 I don't know how to do it. (我不知道怎么去做这件事。) You'll get the hang of it soon. (你很快就能摸着窍门的。) *hang “悬挂”、 “垂”, 这里的意思是“窍门”、 “宗旨”。 You'll catch on soon. *catch on “理解”。 You'll pick it up soon. *pick ... up “掌握……”。 我们希望你能担任领导。 We're expecting leadership from you. (我们希望你能担任领导。) I don't think you'll be disappointed. (我不会让你们失望的。) *expect ... from ... “对……期待……”。 *be disappointed “失望”、 “失去信心”。 We're looking at you to lead. *look at ... “注视着……”。lead “领导”。 We need you to be a leader. (我们希望你来领导。) 别让我们失望。 I don't think I can handle it. (我认为我处理不了这件事。) Don't let us down now. (别让我们失望。) *handle “处理”。 *let “让(人)……”。let down “使失望”、 “使泄气”。 Don't disappoint us at this point. Don't fail us now. *fail也有“使失望”的意思。 我相信你。 Do you think I can do it? (你认为我能做到吗?) I believe in you. (我相信你。) *这里的believe in 指“相信”、 “信赖”。 I trust you can do it. *这里的trust指“信任”。 I have faith in you. (我相信你。) *faith “信赖”、 “信任”。 我就靠你了。 I'm counting on you. (我就靠你了。) I'll do my best. (我会尽力的。) *count on “依靠”、 “依赖”。 *do one's best “尽全力”。 I'm banking on you. (我就靠你了。) Don't worry. I won't let you down. (别担心。我不会让你失望的。) *bank on ... “依靠……”。 *let one down “使失望”。 I'm expecting you to do a good job. (我希望你工作做得好。) *expect “期待”。 I'm relying on you. I need you to succeed. (我希望你成功。) *succeed “成功”。 I know you can do it. (我知道你能行。) I'm depending on you. 我知道你能行。 I'm worried about it. (我很担心。) I know you can do it. (我知道你能行。) I'm sure you can do it. I'm confident you can do it. (我相信你能办到。) *confident “确信的”、 “坚信的”。 我会给你一个机会。 I'll give you a shot. (我会给你一个机会。) I'd appreciate that. (谢谢。) *shot “注射”、 “发射”、 “照片”。give ... a shot除了有“给……打针”的意思外, 还有“给……机会”的意思。 I'll give you a chance. *chance “良机”、 “机会”。 I'll give you an opportunity. *opportunity “机会”。 总有一天会实现的。 I want to be president. (我想当董事长。) One day it will happen. (总有一天会实现的。) *happen “(事情偶然)发生”、 “产生”。语气比occur更缓和。计划当中的事情的“发生”通常用take place。 It will happen someday. One day it will occur. 让我们祈祷吧。 I hope they're interested. (我希望他们感兴趣。) Let's keep our fingers crossed. (让我们祈祷吧。) *hope “希望”。interested “感兴趣的”。 *keep one's fingers crossed习惯用语, 表示“祈祷事情能够成功”、 “祈祷一切顺利”。 Let's hope and pray. *pray “祈祷”。 Let's hope it happens. *happen “发生”。 Let's hope so. (我们祈祷吧。) 祝你好运。 I'm leaving to start my own company. (我打算辞职去开一家自己的公司。) I wish you luck. (祝你好运。) Best of luck. Good luck to you. 机会还是很大的。 Do you think I'll be hired? (你认为我会被聘用吗?) Chances are good. (机会还是很大的。) *这里的good指“相当的”、 “大的”。 There's a good chance. It's a definite possibility. 我相信一定能行。 I will submit my report to the president today, but I wonder if he'll like it. (今天我要把报告交给董事长, 不过我拿不准他是否会满意。) I'm sure it'll be a hit. (我相信一定能行。) *hit “成功”、 “击中”。 It'll be a complete success. *complete “完全的”。 I'm sure it'll go over well. *go over well “顺利”、 “成功”。 ●激励 努力争取吧! Should I apply for the promotion? (我可以申请提升吗?) Go for it! (努力争取吧!) *apply for ... “申请……”。promotion “升职”。 *带有“加油干吧”、 “(朝着目标)努力吧”的含义。 Give it a try! Have at it! Give it a shot! 振作点。 I am really stressed out. (我真的要精神崩溃了。) Pull yourself together. (振作点。) *stress out “(人的)精神不堪负荷”。 *pull oneself together “恢复元气”、 “恢复自信”、 “好转”。 Straighten yourself out. *straighten oneself out “使好转”。 Get yourself together. *get oneself together “认真做”、 “振作”。 Get it together. 多一些自信。 I don't know if it will work out. (我不知道能否顺利。) Have more confidence. (多一些自信。) *这里的work out指“顺利”。 *confidence “自信”。 Be more confident. Have more faith. (多一点信心。) 就该有这个干劲! I won't quit until I've caught up with my work. (落下的工作补不上我不会辞职的。) That's the spirit! (就该有这个干劲!) *quit “辞去(工作或职位等)”。 *spirit 意思是“精神”、 “心”, 这里指“勇气”、 “骨气”。这句话的意思是“就该有这个干劲”。 That's the idea! Good thinking! That's what I want to hear. (这正是我想听的。) *what I want to hear “我想听的话”。 Good for you. 拿出勇气来。 I don't think I can do it. I'm too nervous. (我想我干不了这个工作。我太紧张了。) Come on. (拿出勇气来。) Take it easy. (镇静点。) Calm down. (镇静点。) Just relax. (放松。) *relax “放松”。 别泄气, 加油干。 This project is tough! (这个项目很艰巨!) Hang in there. (别泄气, 加油干。) *“加油”、 “别泄气”的口语说法。hang原来是“悬挂”的意思。 Don't give up. (别放弃。) Keep up the good fight. 干得不错。 I just got promoted. (我刚升了职。) Way to go. (干得不错。) *这句话作为习惯说法这么记下来就可以了。 All right! Good for you. (太棒了。) Congratulations. (恭喜。) 一旦你掌握了方法就很简单。 This new job seems rather complicated. (这份新工作看起来很复杂。) It's easy, once you get the hang of it. (一旦你掌握了方法就很简单。) *seem “看起来……”。rather “相当”、 “颇”。complicated “复杂的”、 “难以理解的”。 *once ... “一旦……”。get the hang of ... “掌握了……的做法”。 I can't seem to get this software program. (这个软件程序我好像不太明白。) Once you get into the swing of it, it's easy. (一旦你熟悉了, 用起来很简单。) *get into the swing of ... “对……入门”。 Once you know the job, it's easy. (一旦你了解了这份工作, 做起来很简单。) It isn't difficult, once you get used to it. (一旦你习惯了, 做起来就不难。) Once you get into the swing of it, it's easy to do. It's easy, once you get used to it. (一旦你习惯了, 就很简单。) *get used to “习惯”。 别担心。你会熟悉操作方法的。 This copier is hard to use. (这台复印机不好用。) Don't worry. You'll get the hang of it. (别担心。你会熟悉操作方法的。) *hang “诀窍”、 “使用方法”。 Don't worry. You'll get used to it. (别担心。你会习惯的。) *get used to “习惯”。 Don't worry. It gets easier. (别担心。事情会变得简单些的。) *easier是easy的比较级。 事情开始都比较困难。 I'm not catching on. (我抓不住要领。) Things are tougher in the beginning. (事情开始都比较困难。) *catch on “理解”。 *tough “坚强的”、 “坚韧的”, 在这里的意思是“困难的”、 “难以对付的”。 Things are tougher at the start. Things are always hard at first. 试试吧。 Should I ask for a raise? (我可以要求加薪吗?) Take a chance. (试试吧。) *ask for ... “要求……”。 *Take a chance.“能不能试试再说”, 也就是“不管怎样豁出去试试”。 Go for it. (努力试试。) Give it a try. (试试吧。) 总会有办法的。 I hope it works out. (我希望一切顺利。) We'll get by somehow. (总会有办法的。) *work out “(事情)进展顺利”。 *get by “设法去做”。somehow “设法”、 “以某种方式”。 It'll be okay. We'll work it out. 比什么都没有要好。 Our profits are only up 5%. (我们的利润仅仅提高了5%。) It's better than nothing. (比什么都没有要好。) It could be worse. Anything is better than nothing. (有一点总比一点没有要好。) At least, it's something. (至少, 还能有点儿什么。) *at least “至少”。 你放弃得太早了吧。 I don't think I can do this. (我想我干不了这个。) It's too early to give up. (你放弃得太早了吧。) *early “早的”。give up “放弃”。 We can't give up yet. *yet “还”。 It's too soon to give up. *soon “很快”。 别那么轻易就放弃。 I'm ready to throw in the towel. (我打算认输。) Don't give up so easily. (别那么轻易就放弃。) *throw in the towel指的是拳击运动中扔毛巾的动作, 也即表示败北, 已经成为口语中的习惯用语, 用于表示“认输”、 “投降”的意思。 *give up “死心”、 “放弃”。easily “容易地”、 “马上”。 You shouldn't give up so soon. Don't throw in the towel yet. 再试一试。 It didn't work again. (它不管用了。) Let's try it once more. (再试一试。) *这里的work指“顺利”。 *once more “再次”。 Try one more time. Let's give it one more shot. 看问题要乐观。 Think positively. (看问题要乐观。) It's hard to do sometimes. (这一点有时很难做到。) *positively “建设性地”、 “乐观地”。 We'll never finish in time. (我们不可能及时完成。) Let's be positive, shall we? (乐观点, 行不行?) *positive “积极的”。“shall we?”是附加在“Let's ...”后的疑问句, “Let's ..., shall we?”意思是“我们可不可以……”。 Think positive thoughts. *thoughts “想法”。 Be positive in your thinking. Try to be positive about things. (要尽量向前看。) Let's think positively, okay? 你会喜欢它的! I'm worried about my new job. (我很担心我的新工作。) You'll love it! (你会喜欢它的!) *love “喜爱”、 “喜欢”。 You'll think it's fantastic! *fantastic “出色的”、 “极好的”。 You'll adore it! *adore “热爱”、 “向往”。 I know you'll enjoy it! 看看事情的光明面。 I've been a little depressed this week. (这一周我都有点情绪不佳。) Look on the bright side of things. (看看事情的光明面。) *be depressed “消沉”、 “(情绪)低落”。 *look on “看见”。the bright side “光明面”。things “事情”。 Let's look on the bright side. Don't look at the negative side of things. (别看事情的消极面。) *negative “消极的”、 “否定的”。 我们支持你。 Can I count on you? (我能依靠你们吗?) You have our support. (我们支持你。) *count on ... “依靠……”、 “期待……”。 *support “支持”、 “支援”。 You can count on us. We'll be there for you. 我会支持你到最后的。 Tomorrow is going to be a hard day. (明天会很不好过。) I'm with you all the way. (我会支持你到最后的。) *be with you “在你的身边”。all the way “途中一直”、 “一路上”。 I'm behind you all the way. You can count on me to support you. (你可以依靠我的支持。) I'm here for you. 如果你认为你行, 那么你就行。 I don't think I'll be able to do it. (我想我干不了。) If you think you can, you can. (如果你认为你行, 那么你就行。) *be able to 和can的意思相同, 指“能够”。 If you believe you're able to, you can. (如果你相信你能行, 你就能行。) If you believe in yourself, you can. (如果你相信你自己, 你就能行。) *believe in ... “相信……”、 “信赖……”。 你惟一需要的就是自信。 I'm really worried about it. (我真的很担心。) The only thing you need is confidence. (你惟一需要的就是自信。) *confidence “自信”、 “确信”。 One thing you seem to lack is confidence. *lack “欠缺”。 You need to have more confidence in yourself. 有可能的。 I'll never get that promotion. (我永远升不了职。) It could happen. (有可能的。) *happen “发生”、 “产生”。 You never know. (你不会知道的。) Who knows? (谁知道?) Anything is possible. (什么事都有可能。) *anything “任何事”。 祝你好运! He's a potential buyer. (他是个潜在的买主。) Good luck! (祝你好运!) *“加油!”、 “好运!”是面对机会或挑战时的说法。 Do your best! Go for it! Take a chance! (抓住机会!) Break a leg! *原本是对舞台上要出场的人说的话。 Best of luck! 这是个千载难逢的好机会。 I don't want to move to Chicago. (我不想搬到芝加哥去。) It's a golden opportunity. (这是个千载难逢的好机会。) *move “搬”。 *golden “绝好的”、 “极好的”。opportunity “机会”。 It's a great opportunity. It's an opportunity you shouldn't miss. *miss “错过”。 这是一辈子难得的好机会。 Should we go for it? (我们应该试试吗?) Of course. This is the chance of a lifetime. (当然。这是一辈子难得的好机会。) *go for it “努力做”、 “尽力做”。 *lifetime “一生”、 “终生”。 This kind of chance only comes once in a lifetime. Chances like this don't come often. (这样的机会不是经常有的。) *often “常常”、 “屡次”。 事情会顺利的。 I hope it will be okay. (我希望没问题。) Things will work out. (事情会顺利的。) *work out “顺利”。 Everything should work out just fine. Don't worry about anything. (不用为任何事担心。) 你的话听起来怎么老气横秋的。 I'm working too hard. (我干得太累了。) You sound like an old man. (你的话听起来怎么老气横秋的。) *sound like ... “听起来好像……”、 “似乎……”。 You sound older than your years. You're talking as if you were an old man. (你说话就像老年人一样。) *as if ... “好像……”。 为什么你那么悲观呢? I think we'll have to go out of business. (我想我们公司只好破产。) Why are you so pessimistic? (为什么你那么悲观呢?) *go out of business “破产”。 *pessimistic “悲观的”。 Why are you so negative? *negative “消极的”。 Why do you always see the glass half empty? 反意为:Why are you so optimistic? (为什么你那么乐观呢?) *optimistic “乐观的”。 担心也没有用。 I don't know if I got the job or not. (我不知道我是否得到了那份工作。) There's no use worrying about it. (担心也没有用。) *“There is no use ...ing.”指“即使……也没用”, 与“It is no use ...ing.” 意 思相同。worry about 指“为……而担心”。 It won't help to worry about it. No sense worrying about it. *sense “(做某事的)意义”、 “价值”。 每个人都很担心。 Everyone was concerned. (每个人都很担心。) I didn't mean to worry anyone. (我并不想让任何人担心。) *be concerned “担心”。 Everyone was worried. *be worried “担心”。 They were all concerned. 别害怕。 I'm scared to talk to the boss. (我害怕和上司说话。) Don't be chicken. (别害怕。) *be scared to ... “害怕做……”。 *这里的chicken不是指“小鸡”, 而是“害怕”的俚语说法。 Don't be so timid. *timid “胆怯的”、 “胆小的”。 Don't be a scaredy-cat. *scaredy-cat “胆小鬼”。 别抱怨了。 I never get a day off. (我从来没休过一天假。) Let's not complain. (别抱怨了。) *complain “抱怨”。 We have nothing to complain about. (我们没什么好抱怨的。) No complaining! It doesn't help to complain. (抱怨也没有用。) *help “有用”。 We really shouldn't complain. (我们真不应该抱怨。) 那就凭你的能力了。 Is it hard to enter that company? (进那家公司是不是很难?) It depends on your ability. (那就凭你的能力了。) *enter “进入”。 *depend on ... “依靠……”。ability “能力”、 “手腕”。 It depends on your skill. *skill “技术”、 “本事”。 It depends on what you can do. (那就看你能干什么了。) 还有下个月呢。 I only closed two sales this month. (我这个月只做了两桩生意。) Don't worry. There's always next month. (别担心。还有下个月呢。) You always have next month. There will be another month. *another month “下个月”。 小知识“前辈”在英语里怎么说? 在中国, 有“前辈”、 “晚辈”之说 , 但是英语里没有这样的说法。如果硬要说的话, “前辈”可以说成senior, “晚辈”可以说成junior。不过, 在美国没有用表示身份高低的词汇相互称呼的习惯。

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发表于 2008-10-23 13:58:19 |只看该作者
表达不满 ●对工作的不满 对我来说太辛苦了。 How's your new position? (你的新职位怎么样?) It's too much for me. (对我来说太辛苦了。) *position “岗位”、 “职位”。 *too much “太辛苦”。 It's too much responsibility for me. (对我来说责任太重了。) *responsibility “责任”、 “职责”。 I'm not ready for so much work. *be ready for ... “做好……的准备”。 可麻烦了。 Is your computer slow? (你的电脑速度慢吗?) Yes. It's a lot of trouble. (慢。可麻烦了。) *trouble “麻烦事”。 It's more trouble than it's worth. *worth “价值”。直译是“帮忙多于添乱”。 It's troublesome. (很麻烦。) *troublesome “麻烦的”。 It's a pain. (很讨厌。) *pain “烦恼”。 这份工作我非做不可吗? Is this the job I have to do? (这份工作我非做不可吗?) It is the job you were assigned. (这是安排给你的工作。) *assign “安排”。 Is this the job you want me to do? Is this the job you have me doing? 所有这些都谁来做? Who's going to do all of this? (所有这些都谁来做?) We all have to pitch in. (我们都得参与。) *Who's going to ...? “谁来做……”。 *pitch in “协力”。 Who will do all this? How will we get all of this done? (我们怎么才能把所有这些都做完呢?) 每个人的职责不清楚。 The responsibility of each individual is unclear. (每个人的职责不清楚。) We should reassign tasks then. (那么我们应该重新分配任务。) *responsibility “责任”、 “义务”。individual “个人”。unclear “不清楚的”、 “模糊的”。 *reassign “重新分配”。 It is unclear what the responsibility of each individual is. The accountability of each individual is unclear. *accountability “责任”。 为什么我必须做这个? Why do I have to do this? (为什么我必须做这个?) Because it's your job. (因为那是你的工作。) Why is it necessary that I do this? *necessary “必要的”。 Why should I do this? (为什么该我做这个?) 谁把这个工作交给你做的? Who left this work for you to do? (谁把这个工作交给你做的?) The section chief did. (是科长。) *left是leave(交给)的过去式。 Who gave you this work? Who assigned this work to you? *assign “分配”。 在这儿没什么事可干。 There's nothing to do here. (在这儿没什么事可干。) I know. I'm bored. (是啊。真无聊。) *nothing “没有什么”。 *be bored “无聊”。 There's nothing that can be done here. There's nothing to be done here. 你会向老板诉苦吗? Are you complaining to your boss? (你会向老板诉苦吗?) Not in a thousand years! (那怎么可能!) *complain “抱怨”、 “诉苦”。 *习惯用语, “绝对不做”、 “绝对讨厌”。 Are you giving your boss a hard time? (你会找老板麻烦吗?) Do you complain to your boss? (你会向老板诉苦吗?) 你想说什么我不是很明白。 I'm not sure what you mean. (你想说什么我不是很明白。) Let me try to be more clear. (我再说得明确一些。) *这句话表示对方说的内容不是很清楚, 无法理解。be sure 指“确信的”、 “明白的”。mean指“意思是”。 I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I don't get it. (我不理解。) *这里的get指“理解”。 Can you repeat that one more time? (你能再重复一遍吗?) *repeat “重复”。one more time “再次”。 I don't think I understand. 你想说什么? I'm kind of busy. (我有些忙。) What are you trying to say? (你想说什么?) What are you really saying? What are you getting at? *get at “试图说明”、 “暗示”。 你没把意思说清楚。 You aren't making any sense. (你没把意思说清楚。) What don't you understand? (你什么不明白?) *make sense “合理”、 “意思清楚”。 You don't make any sense. I don't understand what you're saying. 他们在说什么? What are they talking about? (他们在说什么?) I have no idea. (我不知道。) What are they discussing? (他们在谈论什么?) *discuss “谈论”。 What's the topic of discussion? (讨论的是什么话题?) *topic “话题”。 没听明白。 That's not clear. (没听明白。) Then let me explain it again. (那我再解释一遍。) *这里的clear指“明白的”、 “明确的”。 That's unclear. *unclear “不明确的”。 That's vague. *vague “模糊的”。 我不太懂。 I can't quite understand. (我不太懂。) OK, let's go over it again. (好, 那么我们再过一遍。) *go over “重复”、 “检查”。 I'm not sure I understand. I don't quite get it. 我们需要一个明确的回答。 Maybe I'll be able to come. (也许我能来。) We need a definite answer. (我们需要一个明确的回答。) *maybe “也许”、 “可能”。 *definite “明确的”、 “确切的”。answer “回答”、 “答复”。 We need something more definite. “Maybe” isn't definite enough. (“也许”并不够。) *enough “足够的”。 你说得很容易。 You make it sound so easy. (你说得很容易。) I think it's easy. (我认为很容易。) *这里的make指“使”。sound 指“似乎”、 “听起来”。 You only need to make ten more sales. (你只需要再成交10笔生意。) That's easy for you to say. (你说得容易。) It's not that easy. (并没有那么简单。) It's tougher than it sounds. (它比想像的还要难。) It's not that simple. (并没有那么简单。) It isn't that easy for me. 你没有更好的吗? Will this do? (这个行吗?) Don't you have anything better? (你没有更好的吗?) *better “更好的”。 Is that all you have? (你就有这些吗?) Isn't there anything better? 这个还不行。 This isn't satisfactory. (这个还不行。) What is wrong with it? (怎么啦?) *satisfactory “满足的”、 “令人满意的”。 How is the print quality of the new photocopier? (新复印机的复印质量怎么样?) We can't get any satisfactory results. (不是很令人满意。) *quality “品质”。photocopier “复印机”。 *result “结果”。 This is unsatisfactory. *unsatisfactory “令人不满意的”。 We're not happy with this. We aren't satisfied with the results. We're not happy with the results. The results are unsatisfactory. 我们需要更大的空间。 We want more floor space. (我们需要更大的空间。) Let me see what I can do. (让我想想有什么办法。) *floor “地板”、 “(建筑物的)楼层”。space “空间”。 *Let me see ... “让我想想……”。 We need more square footage. (我们需要更大的面积。) *square “平方的”。footage “尺数”。square footage “平方尺”。 We need more room. (我们需要更多的空间。) *room “场所”、 “空间”。 这里面一定是有原因的。 I can't understand why he did it. (我不明白他为什么那么做。) There must be reasons for it. (这里面一定是有原因的。) *这里的must指“一定”。 He must have his reasons. There must be logic behind it. *logic “根据”。 我不知道你为什么要这么做。 I don't see why you're doing this. (我不知道你为什么要这么做。) Because it's the right thing to do. (因为这样做是对的。) *这里的see指“理解”、 “明白”。 Why are you doing this? (你为什么这么做?) I don't understand why you're doing this. 我想知道原因。 I want to know the reason. (我想知道原因。) Why do you want to know? (你为什么想知道?) *有什么不理解或是想知道理由、原因的时候可以这么说。 I want to know why. What's the reason? I'd like to know. 这个手册太复杂了。 This manual is too complicated. (这个手册太复杂了。) Let's go ahead and simplify it. (我们就来把它简化一下吧。) *be complicated “复杂”。 *simplify “简单化”、 “使简易”。 This manual is difficult to follow. *这里的follow指“理解意思”。 This manual is too confusing. *confuse “使混乱”。 我操作不了这么复杂的机器。 What's your problem? (怎么啦?) I can't work on such a complicated machine. (我操作不了这么复杂的机器。) *work on ... “操作……”。 That machine is too difficult for me. (那台机器对我来说太复杂了。) That machine is too complex for me. (那台机器对我来说太复杂了。) *complex “复杂的”。 我不想做上门推销。 I don't want to do door-to-door sales. (我不想做上门推销。) What would you prefer? (那么你想干什么?) *prefer “更喜欢”。 I don't like doing door-to-door sales. Door-to-door sales is not what I want to do. 你应该早点儿告诉我。 I need a week off. (我想休假一周。) You should have told me that sooner. (你应该早点儿告诉我。) *这里用should have +过去分词来表示对过去的行为或状态的一种责备或后悔的心情, 意思是“你本来应该……”、 “本来应该是……”。sooner “更快点”。 You should have said something sooner. I wish you had told me this before now. 问题就在这。 I hear she's been late all week. (我听说这个星期她总是迟到。) That's the problem. (问题就在这。) *late “迟到的”。 *problem “问题”。 That's the difficulty I'm having. *difficulty “难处”、 “麻烦”。 That's the dilemma I'm dealing with. *这里的dilemma指“困境”。deal with 指“处理”。带有无论怎么做都不行的含义。 它太占地方了。 Put the new desk over here. (把这张新桌子放在这儿。) It takes up so much space. (它太占地方了。) *put “放置”。over here “在这里”。 *这里的take up指“占(地方或时间等)”。much “很多的”。 There isn't enough room for it. *enough “足够的”。 It requires a lot of space. *require “需要”。a lot of “很多的”。 It takes up too much room. 好像少了什么。 Something seems to be missing. (好像少了什么。) Are you sure? (真的?) *这里的miss指“缺少”。 There seems to be something missing. It doesn't seem to be complete. *complete “完全的”。 全都白上了。 She went to school for so many years. (她上了那么多年学。) All that for nothing. (全都白上了。) *for nothing “浪费”。习惯用语, 意思是“打水漂”、 “白费劲”。 It was all for naught. *all for naught “毫无意义”。 All that, and nothing came of it. She worked so hard and got nothing back. (她工作得那么辛苦却一无所获。) Too much work for no return. *生意上常说的话。 现在做什么都晚了。 It's too late to do anything now. (现在做什么都晚了。) Don't give up so soon. (别那么快就放弃。) *It's too late to ... “做……太晚了”。 *give up “放弃”、 “停止”。 Nothing can be done about it now. *nothing “没有东西”。 It's too late to change anything now. (现在什么都无法改变了。) It's already out of my hands. (我已经管不了了。) 做什么都没用。 Is the relationship improving? (关系有改善吗?) It's no use. (做什么都没用。) *relationship “关系”、 “关联”。improve “变好”、 “改善”。 *use “有用”, “It's no use.”意思是“做什么都没用”。 It's to no avail. *avail “用处”、 “利益”。 There just isn't any use. It's useless. 我们尝试着换种方法做。 We're trying to do it differently. (我们尝试着换种方法做。) What's wrong with the old way? (老方法有什么不好?) *differently “不同地”。 *wrong “不好的”、 “错误的”。 We'd like to do it a different way. (我们想用不同的方法做。) *different “不同的”。 We're making an effort to do things differently. (我们正努力换种方法做事情。) *make an effort “努力”。 我们一直没有你的消息。 We haven't heard from you yet. (我们一直没有你的消息。) I've been really busy lately. (我最近实在很忙。) *hear from ... “有……的消息”、 “从……接到电话”、 “收到……的信”。 We haven't gotten a call from you yet. (我们一直没有接到你的电话。) You haven't gotten in touch with us yet. *get in touch with ... “和……取得联系”。 请遵守你的所有承诺。 Please keep all of your promises. (请遵守你的所有承诺。) That's not always easy to do. (做到这一点并不容易。) *keep one's promise “遵守……的承诺”。 Please keep your word. Please do not break your promises. (请你不要违背诺言。) ●对公司或他人的不满 那不行。 We can have it done by next month. (下个月我们可以完工。) That's unacceptable. (那不行。) *unacceptable “不能接受的”、 “不合意的”。 We can not accept that. That's out of the question. (那不可能。) 我不知道为什么。 Why isn't the stapler working? (订书机怎么坏了?) I don't know why. (我不知道为什么。) *stapler “订书机”。 I don't know. I'm not really sure why. 他总是把我们逼得太紧。 What don't you like about your boss? (老板的哪些方面你不喜欢?) He always pushes us too far. (他总是把我们逼得太紧。) *这里的push指“使人忙碌”。too far “超过限度”。 He's much too pushy. *pushy “强加于人的”、 “固执已见的”。 He pushes us too hard all the time. 你把什么都怪到我头上吗? Are you blaming me for all that? (你把什么都怪到我头上吗?) No, just part of it. (不, 只是部分怪你。) *blame ... for ... “为……责怪……”。 *just “只是”。part “部分”、 “一部分”。 Do you think it's all my fault? (你认为错全在我?) *fault “错误”。 Do you blame me for everything? Do you hold me responsible for the whole thing? *responsible “应该负责的”。whole “全部的”。 谁泄的密? Who told our secret? (谁泄的密?) It must have been you. (一定是你。) *secret “秘密”。 Who let the cat out of the bag? *let the cat out of the bag(让猫从袋子里出来)是习惯用语, 意思是“泄密”。 Who spilled the beans? *spill the beans 习惯用语, 意思是“不小心泄漏秘密”。 请公平对待我们。 Please treat us fairly. (请公平对待我们。) We treat everyone the same. (我们一视同仁。) *treat “对待”、 “处理”。fairly “公平地”。 Please be fair to us. Please treat us equally. (请平等对待我们。) *equally “平等地”。 那不公平。 I don't have to work late today. (我今天没必要加班。) That's not fair. You left early yesterday. (那不公平。你昨天下班就很早。) *have to ... “不得不……”。 *fair “公平的”、 “不偏袒的”。 Everybody got a raise except me. (每个人都加薪了就我没有。) That's unfair. (那不公平。) *unfair “不公平的”。 That's not right. (那样不对。) That's not the way it should be. (不应该那样。) That's inequitable. *inequitable “不公平的”、 “不公正的”。 别对我乱发脾气。 Don't take it out on me. (别对我乱发脾气。) I'm sorry. I had a bad day. (对不起。我今天过得太糟糕了。) *take it out on ... “对……乱发脾气”。 Don't jump on me. *jump on ... “严厉地责骂……”。 It's not my fault. (不是我的错。) *fault “过失”。 Don't make me suffer for it. *suffer for ... “为……受苦”。 It's not my fault, you know. (你知道不是我的错。) 你以为我会相信那些话吗? Do you expect me to believe that? (你以为我会相信那些话吗?) If I said it, It's true. (相信吧, 那是真的。) *expect ... to ... “期待……做……”。 *直译是“是我说的, 就是真的”。 You've gotta be kidding! (开什么玩笑!) Am I supposed to believe that? *be supposed to ... “应该……”。 I wasn't born yesterday. *习惯用语, 经常使用。意思是“我才不是(那么容易就上当受骗的)傻瓜”。 请相信我。 I don't believe he said that. (我不相信那些话是他说的。) Take my word for it. (请相信我。) *Take my word for it. 习惯用语。直译是“关于这个请相信我说的话”。 Believe me. You can trust me on this. *trust “信赖”。 别绕圈子了。 Don't beat around the bush. (别绕圈子了。) Okay, I'll get to the point. (好的, 那我就直说了。) *beat around the bush 习惯用语, “拐弯抹角地说”。 *get to the point “说话直奔主题”。 Be straightforward. (请直说。) *straightforward “正直的”、 “率直的”。 Please get right to the point. 你应该对我直说的。 You should have been frank with me. (你应该对我直说的。) I tried, but you wouldn't listen. (我想这样做, 可是你不听我的。) *be frank with ... “对……直言不讳的”、 “对……直率的”。 You should have talked straight with me. *talk straight with ... “对……直说”。 I wish you had told me straight out. 让我说完。 Let me finish. (让我说完。) I'll give you just one more minute. (我只再给你一分钟。) Hear me out. (听我说完。) *hear out “听(别人说话)到最后”。 Let me say my piece. *say one's piece “把想说的话说清楚”、 “把想法完全说出来”。 我们换个话题吧。 There is a rumor around the office about you. (公司里流传着有关你的谣言。) Let's change the subject. (我们换个话题吧。) *rumor “谣言”。 *subject “话题”、 “主题”。 Let's talk about something else. Can we change the subject? 别装得好像这不关你的事。 Don't act as if you have nothing to do with it. (别装得好像这不关你的事。) I'm not involved in any way. (我和这件事情一点关系也没有。) *as if ... “好像……”。have nothing to do with ... “和……无关”。 *be involved in “卷入”、 “有关”。in any way “一点也不……”。 Don't pretend you have no involvement. *pretend “假装”。involvement “卷入”。 Don't pretend like you're not involved. 别利用我了。 I only did it to help you out. (我只是想帮你才这么做的。) Don't use me as an excuse. (别利用我了。) *这里的use指“利用”、 “使用”, 直译是“别用我当借口”。 I don't want to be used as your excuse. You shouldn't use me as an excuse. 别因为我是女的就小看我。 Are you sure you can handle this job? (你肯定自己能胜任这份工作吗?) Don't underestimate me because I'm a woman. (别因为我是女的就小看我。) *underestimate “过低评价”、 “小看”。 Don't think any differently of me because I'm female. *female “女性的”。 Don't think less of me just because I'm a woman. *think less of ... “轻视……”。 那不关我的事。 There is a shortage of pens in the office. (公司的笔不够。) That has nothing to do with me. (那不关我的事。) *shortage “不足”、 “缺乏”。 That doesn't concern me. *concern “有关”。 That's not my problem. (那不是我的问题。) Why would that concern me? 究竟是怎么回事? I fired him. (我把他解雇了。) What?! What's the big idea? (什么?!究竟是怎么回事?) *fire “解雇”。 *What's the big idea? 习惯用语, 意思是“为什么要做这么愚蠢的事情?”。 Why would you do a thing like that? What motivated you to do a thing like that? (什么促使你那么做?) *motivate “促使”。 你为什么要那么保密? I can't tell you the details. (我不能告诉你细节。) Why do you have to be so secretive? (你为什么要那么保密?) *secretive “守口如瓶的”。 Why so secretive? Why is everything so private? *private “隐秘的”。 我跟不上你。 I can't keep up with you. (我跟不上你。) I'll work slower then. (那我动作慢点。) *这句话用在跟不上对方的速度时。keep up with ... “跟上……”。 I can't work at the same pace as you. (我没法干得和你一样快。) I can't operate at the same level as you. *operate “运转”、 “劳动”。 You're too fast for me. (你太快了。) You're quicker than I am. (你比我快。) 我不知道该说什么好。 I'll be leaving the company next month. (下个月我要辞职。) I'm speechless. (我不知道该说什么好。) *speechless “(太惊讶)说不出话来的”、 “哑口无言的”。 I don't know what to say. (我不知道说什么好。) I'm shocked. (我太吃惊了。) 你太过分了。 You're asking too much. (你太过分了。) Take it or leave it. (不行就拉倒。) *ask “拜托”、 “要求”。直译是“你要求得太多了”。 *take it or leave it “接受还是不接受任选一个”。 You're taking a lot for granted. *take ... for granted “把……认为是理所当然的”。 You're demanding too much. *demand “要求”。 你明知故问。 The office is closed on Monday, right? (公司星期一休息, 对吗?) As if you didn't know. (你明知故问。) *as if ... “好像……”、 “似乎……”。直译是“就像你不知道一样”。 I'm sure you already knew that. (你明明知道。) *be sure ... “确信……”。 Don't act like you don't know. (别假装你不知道。) *act “表演”、 “假装”。 别命令我。 I want you to go there now. (我让你现在就去。) Don't tell me what to do. (别命令我。) *Don't tell me ... “不要告诉我……”。what to do “应该做的事情”。 Don't boss me around. *boss ... around “命令……”。 Don't give me orders. *give an order “发出命令”。 别对我使坏心眼。 Don't be mean to me. (别对我使坏心眼。) I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. (对不起, 我没这个意思。) *第一个mean指“坏心眼的”、 “不亲切的”。 *第二个mean指“打算”。 Don't tease me. *tease “嘲笑”、 “欺负”。 Be nice to me. (对我好点。) Don't be cruel. *cruel “残酷的”、 “严厉的”。 别小看我。 I don't think you can do it. (我认为你干不了。) Don't underestimate me. (别小看我。) *underestimate “轻视”、 “过低评价”。 Give me more credit. (多信任我一些吧。) *credit有“信赖”、 “功劳”、 “功绩”等意思。 Don't doubt my ability. (别怀疑我的能力。) *doubt “怀疑”。ability “能力”。 为什么你还跟着我们? Why are you still hanging around us? (为什么你还跟着我们?) I'm sorry. I'll leave. (对不起, 我马上走开。) *hang around “没有目的地彷徨”、 “闲逛”。还有一种说法叫stick around, 意思是无论自己是否受到欢迎, “(进入某个场所或组织)瞎转悠”。不过hang out因为表示同一组织的人一起度过时光, 所以含义上有一点点区别。 Why are you still sticking around? Why are you still trying to hang out with us? 我一年到头都在听同样的故事。 I hear the same story day in, day out. (我一年到头都在听同样的故事。) Perhaps it's time to address it. (也许是到该说说的时候了。) *day in, day out “天明到日落”、 “每天”。 The story's always the same. That's all I ever hear. The story never changes. I hear about it all day long. (我整天都听到这些。) *all day long “整天”。 That's all I hear everyday. (我每天听到的就是这些。) 你还不接受教训吗? I'm giving her one more chance. (我打算再给她一次机会。) Haven't you learned your lesson yet? (你还不接受教训吗?) *one more “再次”。 *learn one's lesson “接受教训”。 You'd think you'd have learned your lesson by now. *by now “已经”、 “至今”。 I'm surprised you haven't learned your lesson yet. (我很惊讶你竟然还没有接受教训。) *yet “还”。be surprised “惊讶”。 没有人再相信你了。 Nobody trusts you anymore. (没有人再相信你了。) Why? What did I do? (为什么?我做什么了?) *nobody “没有人”。trust “相信”、 “信任”。anymore “不再”。 You aren't trusted by anyone anymore. (再也没有谁会相信你了。) No one trusts you now. 为什么? Mr. Aoki won't be involved. (青木先生不会牵扯进去。) Why is that? (为什么?) Are there any reasons for that? (那有什么原因吗?) May I ask why? (我可以问问为什么吗?) 你得赔我。 I just broke your typewriter. (我刚才弄坏了你的打字机。) You must pay for it. (你得赔我。) *broke “弄坏”。 *直译是“你必须为此付钱”。这里的pay for 指“付钱”。 It'll cost you. *cost “(使)花费”。 You're the one who will pay for it. 我想要我的那份。 I want my share. (我想要我的那份。) I do, too. (我也是。) *share “一份”、 “份儿”。 I want my part. *这里的part指“(等量的)份儿”。 I want my cut. *这里的cut指“分到的份儿”、 “得到的份额”。 他们可能又在削减我们的预算。 Why are you worried? (你为什么担心?) They might cut our budget again. (他们可能又在削减我们的预算。) *might “可能”, 表示推测。budget “经费”、 “预算”。 They might slash our budget again. *slash “削减”。 Our budget might be cut again. 我看到公司里有人偷懒。 I see people goofing off in the office. (我看到公司里有人偷懒。) You should tell your manager. (你应该告诉经理。) *goof off “偷懒”。 I notice employees goofing off. *notice “注意到”。employee “雇员”。 People aren't working enough in the office. 请不要插队! Don't cut in line, please! (请不要插队!) Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you. (哦, 对不起, 我没看到你。) *这里的cut in 指“插进”。 End of the line, please. (请到队伍后面去。) Please go to the end of the line. (请到队伍后面去。) 总是那样。 Is it always the same? (总是一样吗?) It's always that way. (总是那样。) It's never changed. (从来没变。) It's always the same. (总是一样的。) 又来了。 There's another staff meeting today. (今天还有一个员工会议。) Here we go again. (又来了。) *不怎么好的事情反复发生时, 可以用这句话表示“又来了”、 “又开始了”的意思。 One more time. (又来了。) Not again. (有完没完。)

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