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Boeing 767 - 300 ER Normal Checklist 波音767-300 ER正常检查单 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-7-13 00:59:08 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-7-13 00:59:18 |只看该作者
Parking Brake……………………………………………………SET
Battery Switch………………………...…………………………..ON
Main Battery Discharge & APU Battery Discharge Lights Will Illuminate
Standby Power Selector………………………………...…….AUTO
Standby Bus Off Light Will Extinguish
APU GEN Switch……………………………………...………….ON
APU Generator Off Light Will Extinguish
Bus Tie Switches…………………………………………...….AUTO
Bus Tie Isolation Lights Will Extinguish
Utility Bus Switches (Left & Right)……………………………...ON
Main AC Bus Off Lights Will Continue To Illuminate
GEN CONT Switches (Left & Right)……………………………ON
Generator Control Lights Will Continue To Illuminate
Generator Drive Disconnect Lights Will Continue To Illuminate
External Power / Air (Ground Call)…..CONNECT / ESTABLISH
Press The External Power Switch When The AVAIL Light Illuminates | ON AVAIL Will Now Illuminate
Main Battery Discharge & APU Battery Discharge Lights Will Extinguish
Main AC Bus Off Lights Will Extinguish
Reserve Brakes / Steering Switch………………….AS REQUIRED
Position Lights…………………………………………………….ON
Fuel Panel (Left Forward Pump)………………………………...ON
The Left Forward Fuel Tank Supplies Fuel To The APU
APU Run Light Will Momentarily Flash, Indicating The Transition Of The Fuel Valve
Once APU Power Light Indicates “RUN” - External Power Can Be Disconnected
IRS Mode Selectors………………………………...…………...NAV
Initial Alignment Time Of Ten Minutes Is Required | Mode Annunciators Will Illuminate AGLIN
Yaw Damper Switches (Left & Right)…………………………...ON
Both Switches Must Be On | Yaw Damper Inoperative Lights Will Extinguish
EEC Switches (Left & Right)…………………………………….ON
Hydraulic Pumps………………………..………...…CHECK / SET
Primary Engine Driven Pump Switches (Left & Right) = ON
Primary Electric Driven Pump Switches (1 & 2) = OFF | All Demand Pump Switches = OFF
NOTE: All Pressure Lights Will Illuminate
Overhead Cautions………………………………………….CHECK
Check For Normal Indications
HF Radio…………………………………………………………OFF
Battery Switch…………………………...………………………..ON
Standby Power Selector……………………………...……….AUTO
APU GEN Switch……………………………………...………….ON
Bus Tie Switches……………………………………...……….AUTO
Utility Bus Switches (Left & Right)……………………………...ON
GEN CONT Switches (Left & Right)……………………………ON
APU……………………...………….……………...CONFIRM RUN
External Power (Ground Call)………………….DISCONNECTED
Confirm External Ground Power Is Off And Disconnected
Cockpit Voice Recorder………………………………………..TEST
Emergency Lights Switch…………………………………..ARMED
Emergency Lights Unarmed Indicator Will Extinguish
Passenger Oxygen Switch……………………………………….OFF
Ram Air Turbine Switch (RAT)………………………….LOCKED
Engine Start Selector…………………………………………….SET
Set 1 For Odd Days, Set 2 For Even Days, Set Both For Cold Weather Operation
Ignition Selector……………………………………………….AUTO
Fuel Jettison Panel……………………………………………….SET
Left & Right Fuel Jettison Nozzles = Guarded/Off | Fuel Jettison Switch = Off
Fuel Panel………………………………………………………...SET
Set / Confirm Forward Left Fuel Pump Is On, And The Forward Right Fuel Pump Is Off
Set / Confirm Both Aft, and Both Center Fuel Pumps Are Off
Set / Confirm Fuel Cross Feed Switches Are Off
Fuel Quantity & Balance (Left - Center - Right Tanks)….CHECK
Confirm Sufficient Amount Of Fuel For Flight
Engine & Wing Anti-Ice……………………………AS REQUIRED
Rain Repellant and Wipers………………………...AS REQUIRED
Cargo Heat……………………………………………………….OFF
Window Heat……………………………………………………...ON
Window Inoperative Lights Will Extinguish
HF Radio…………………………………………………………OFF
Passenger Signs……………………………………..AS REQUIRED
No Smoking Sign = ON or AUTO | Seatbelt Sign = OFF or AUTO
Pressurization Panel…………………...………………………...SET
Set Destination Airport Altitude | Set Cabin Altitude Control Auto Rate To The Detent Position
Mode Selector
Select Auto 1 For Odd Days - Set Auto 2 For Even Days
Equipment Cooling Selector………………………………….AUTO
Temperature Control Knobs………………………AS REQUIRED
Trim Air Switch…………………………………………………...ON
Temperature Selector Inoperative Lights Will Extinguish
RECIRC Fan Switches……………………………………………ON
Left & Right Recirculation Fan Inoperative Lights Will Extinguish
External Air (Ground Call) ………………………..DISCONNECT
Pack Control Selectors……………………………...AS REQUIRED
If APU Is On - Pack Switches To AUTO | If External Air Is Connected - Pack Switches To OFF
Pack Status Annunciators Will Illuminate Pack Off Until Bleed Air Is Established
Isolation Switches (Left & Right)…………………………..…OPEN
Set The Center Isolation Switch To The Guarded / Open Position
Engine Bleed Switches (Left & Right)………………..………OPEN
Left & Right Engine Bleeds Will Continue To Illuminate Off
APU Bleed Switch……………………………………………...OPEN
APU Bleed Valve Will Illuminate Momentarily | Pack Status Annunciators Will Extinguish
Set NAV1 Radio, Flight Director Switch = On, Auto Throttle = Off, IAS/MACH Set to V2
HDG & ALT Set As Required, Autopilot Disengage Bar Up, Set NAV2 Radio
Flight Instruments………………………………………………..SET
Confirm No Flags On The Main Instrument Panel | Instrument Source Selectors - NORM
Airspeed - Set Speed Bugs For Takeoff | RMI - Set Pointer Controls & Verify Heading
EADI - Check | Range & Display Mode As required | ASA - Blank | Set The Clock
Set The Altimeter | Confirm VSI Indicates 0 | Set Standby Instruments
Warning Annunciators……………………………………...CHECK
Standby Engine Gauges……………………………………….AUTO
Auto Brakes………………………………………………………OFF
Check CAS Messages | Check Engine Gauges | Check Status
TRP…………………………………………….SET TO & DERATE
These Are Pre-Select De-Rates For CLB1 or CLB2
Flap Indicator…………………………………………………..SET 0
Alternate Flap Selector……………………………………….NORM
Landing Gear…………………………………DOWN & 3 GREENS
Alternate Gear Switch……………………………..GUARDED OFF
GND PROX Override Switches…………………………………OFF
Parking Brake…………………………………………………….SET
Stab Trim Cutoff Switches…………………………………...NORM
Fuel Control Switches……………………………………..CUT OFF
Engine Fire Panel………………………………………….NORMAL
APU Fire Panel…………………………………………….NORMAL
Cargo Fire Panel…………………………………………..NORMAL
Transponder (Set Desired Code & Leave Off)…………………SET
Communications Panel…………………………………………..SET
Audio Panel……………………………………………………….SET
ILS Frequency & Course…………………………...AS REQUIRED
Set To Park or Required ILS Frequency For Departure
Aileron & Rudder Trim………………………………………..SET 0
Cargo Heat Switches………………………………………………ON
Passenger Signs……………………………………………………ON
Cabin Report…………………………………………….RECEIVED
Entry Doors Closed………………………………………CONFIRM
Flight Deck Windows……………………………………...LOCKED
Flight Deck Door…………………………………………...LOCKED
EICAS Messages……………………………………………CANCEL
Hydraulic Panel………………………………………...ON & AUTO
Turn On Primary Hydraulic Pumps | Set Hydraulic Demand Pumps To Auto
Fuel Panel…………………………………………………………SET
Turn On Aft, Forward & Center Fuel Pumps
Red Anti-Collision Lights…………………………………………ON
Pack Switches…………………………………………………….OFF
Stabilizer Trim (Confirm Green Band)…………….2.7 / 2.6 UNITS
Flight Controls……………………………………………….CHECK
Check The Correct Movement Of The Ailerons & Elevator
Takeoff Briefing……………………………………..ACCOMPLISH
Verify Performance & Navigation Data In The FMC | Brief The Takeoff Procedure
Announce……………………………STARTING RIGHT ENGINE
Right Start Selector……………………………………………...GND
When N2 Reaches A Minimum Of 18%, Set The Right Fuel Control Selector To RUN & Monitor EGT
Abort Engine Start For Abnormal Indications Or If The Engines EGT Exceeds 750 During Startup
At 50% N2, Confirm Right Start Selector To AUTO
Right Fuel Control Switch………………………………………RUN
Announce…………………………...…STARTING LEFT ENGINE
Left Start Selector……………………………………………….GND
When N2 Reaches A Minimum Of 18%, Set The Right Fuel Control Selector To RUN & Monitor EGT
Abort Engine Start For Abnormal Indications Or If The Engines EGT Exceeds 750 During Startup
At 50% N2, Confirm Right Start Selector To AUTO
Left Fuel Control Switch……………..…………………………RUN
Boeing 767 - 300 ER Normal Checklist
Designed by: Michael Swannick
Overhead Preparation
Forward Panel & Pedestal
Before Pushback
Before Starting Engines
Starting Engines
Generator Lights…………………………………...CONFIRM OFF
APU Switch………………………………………….AS REQUIRED
Engine Anti-Ice……………………………………...AS REQUIRED
Use If Temperature Is Below 10 Degrees Celsius & Visible Moisture Is Observed
Wing Anti-Ice………………………………………..AS REQUIRED
Use If Temperature Is Below 10 Degrees Celsius & Visible Moisture Is Observed
Rain Repellant and Wipers………………………...AS REQUIRED
Isolation Switches…………………………………………..CLOSED
The Isolation Valve Indicator Will Illuminate During The Transition Of The Isolation Valve
Pack Switches…………………………………………………..AUTO
Pack Status Annunciators Will Extinguish
Auto brakes Selector…………………………………………….RTO
Reserve Brakes / Steering Switch…………………..AS REQUIRED
EICAS………………………………………….RECALL & CHECK
Check For Appropriate CAS Messages And Engine Indications
Ground Equipment…………………...DISCONNECTED / CLEAR
Runway Turnoff Lights…………………………………………...ON
Nose Wheel Landing Lights………………………………………ON
Flaps…………………………………………...SET FOR TAKEOFF
Flight Attendants……………………………………………NOTIFY
Exterior Lights……………………………………………………SET
Turn On Landing Lights And Anti-Collision Lights Before Entering The Runway
Transponder………………………………………………...MODE C
TCAS……………………………………………………..SET TA/RA
Clock ETE………………………………………………………..RUN
Auto Throttle……………………………………………………ARM
Throttles……………………………………ADVANCE TO 70% N1
Advance Throttles To 70% N1 And Allow Engines To Stabilize
Auto Throttle………………………..ARM & ENGAGE N1 MODE
Verify Proper Thrust Prior To 80 Knots, Observe Takeoff Thrust Being Set (N1 Gauge)
Verify 80 Knots, Verify THR HOLD Mode, Observe FMA Annunciator
Monitor Airspeed For V1 And Vr, Rotate At VR Until Airborne
Establish 15 Degree Pitch Up Attitude, Then Follow The FD Pitch Commands
Positive Rate Of Climb……………………………………GEAR UP
Gear Handle UP, Once The Landing Gear Is Up, Place The Gear Handle In The OFF Position
Maintain V2+15, At 400 Feet Select LNAV Or HDG SEL As Required,
At 1000 Feet Select A Vertical Mode On The MCP (VNAV - FL CH or V/S)
Through 1500 Feet AGL Press C CMD On The MCP
Flaps……………………………………………...RETRACT FLAPS
Vref 30+20……….5 Vref 30+40……….1 Vref 30+60…….UP
When Flaps Are Up, Maintain Vref 30+80, Climb out At 250 Knots Until Reaching 10,000 Feet
Upon Reaching 10,000 Feet Accelerate To 300 Knots Or FMC ECON Speed
Verify Climb Thrust Is Set To (CLB, CLB1, CLB2) As Desired
Altimeters……………………………………..SET & X-CHECKED
Above 10,000 Feet…………………………………..LANDING LIGHTS OFF
This Includes Runway Turn-Off Lights, Nose Wheel Lights, Wing Lights, And Logo Lights
Above 18,000 Feet……………………………...SET ALTIMETERS TO 29.92
Passenger Signs……………………………………………………………...SET
No Smoking Sign = On | Seatbelt Sign = As Required
Pressurization Panel……………………………………………...SET
Passenger Signs…………………………………………………...SET
No Smoking Sign = ON or AUTO | Seatbelt Sign = ON or AUTO
Below 10,000 Feet………………………….LANDING LIGHTS ON
This Includes Runway Turn-Off Lights, Nose Wheel Lights, Wing Lights, And Logo Lights
Program Arrival And Approach Fixes As Required
Flight Instruments And Radios………………………………….SET
Set, Tune, And Identify Instruments And Radios
Airspeed Bugs…………………………………SET & X-CHECKED
Auto Brakes………………………………………….AS REQUIRED
Approach Briefing……………………………………...COMPLETE
Review & Evaluate
Arrival Procedures, Final Airspeed, Flap Settings, Missed Approach Procedure
Altimeters……………………………………..SET & X-CHECKED
Speed Brake………………………………………………….ARMED
Landing Gear…………………………………..DOWN / 3 GREENS
Vref 30+80……….1 Vref 30+60……….5 Vref 30+40…….15/20 Vref 30+20…….25/30
Set Missed Approach Altitude Into The MCP ALT Window, Monitor Approach Progress
At Touchdown Verify Spoiler Deployment And Decelerate Using Reversers And Brakes
Disconnect Autopilot And Auto Brakes Prior To Turning Off The Runway
Exterior Lights………………………………………AS REQUIRED
Landing, Runway Turn-Off, Red & White Anti-Collision, Wing, and Logo Lights
Flight Director Switches…………………………………………OFF
Auto Brakes………………………………………………………OFF
Speed Brakes…………………………………………………..DOWN
Stab Trim…………………………………………………….4 UNITS
Clock ETE………………………………………………………STOP
APU…………………………………………………..AS REQUIRED
Start APU Power Prior To Gate Arrival If External Power Is Unavailable
Parking Brake…………………………………………………….SET
APU Or External Power……………………………….ESTABLISH
Verify APU Is Running Or Request / Select External Power
Pack Control Selectors……………………………...AS REQUIRED
If APU Is On - Pack Switches To AUTO | If External Air Is Connected - Pack Switches To OFF
Left And Right Isolation Switches………………………………..ON
This Permits The APU To Supply Air To Both Packs
Isolation Valve Annunciators Will Illuminate Momentarily, Indicating The Isolation Valve Is In Transit
Left & Right Pack Off Status Annunciators Will Extinguish
Fuel Control Switches……………………………………..CUT OFF
Red Anti-Collision Lights…………………………………...…...OFF
Passenger Signs…………………………………………………...SET
No Smoking Sign = ON or AUTO | Seatbelt Sign = OFF
Engine Anti-Ice Switches………………………………………...OFF
Wing Anti-Ice…………………………………………………….OFF
Rain Repellant and Wipers……………………………………...OFF
Hydraulic Panel…………………………………………………..SET
Primary Engine Driven Pump Switches (Left & Right) = ON
Primary Electric Driven Pump Switches (1 & 2) = OFF | All Demand Pump Switches = OFF
NOTE: All Hydraulic Pressure Lights Will Illuminate
Fuel Pump Switches……………………………………………...OFF
Set / Confirm Forward Left Fuel Pump Is On And The Forward Right Fuel Pump Is Off
Set / Confirm Both Aft, And Both Center Fuel Pumps Are Off
Set / Confirm Fuel Cross Feed Switches Are Off
NOTE: The Forward Left Fuel Pump Supplies Fuel To The APU
If The Aircraft Is Being Supplied External Power, Turn The Left Fuel Pump Off
Reserve Brakes / Steering Switch…………………..AS REQUIRED
APU Bleed Switch…………………………………………..CLOSED
APU Bleed Valve Will Illuminate Momentarily, Indicating The APU Bleed Valve Is In Transit
Left & Right Pack Off Status Annunciators Will Illuminate
Engine Bleed Switches (Left & Right)…………………….CLOSED
Left & Right Engine Bleeds Will Continue To Illuminate Off
Isolation Switches (Left & Right)………………………….CLOSED
Isolation Valve Annunicator Will Illuminate Momentarily, Indicating The Isolation Valve Is In Transit
Pack Control Selectors…………………………………………..OFF
Trim Air Switch………………………………………………….OFF
Trim Air Off Annunciators Will Illuminate
Temperature Selector Inoperative Lights Will Illuminate
RECIRC Fan Switches…………………………………………..OFF
Left & Right Recirculation Fan Inoperative Lights Will Illuminate
Passenger Signs…………………………………………………..OFF
No Smoking Sign = Off | Seatbelt Sign = Off
HF Radio…………………………………...……………………..OFF
Window Heat Switches…………………………………………..OFF
Window Inoperative Lights Will Illuminate
Cargo Heat Switches……………………………………………..OFF
Fuel Panel…………………………………………………………OFF
Ignition Selector………………………………………………….OFF
Emergency Light Switch………………………………………...OFF
APU or External Power………………………………………….OFF
Position Lights……………………………...…………………….OFF
Fuel Pump Switches……………………………………………...OFF
Fuel Jettison Panel………………………………………...……...SET
Left & Right Fuel Jettison Nozzles = Guarded / Off | Fuel Jettison Switch = Off
Ignition Selector………………………………………………….OFF
Engine Start Selector……………………………...…………...BOTH
Hydraulic Pumps…………………………………………………OFF
EEC Switches (Left & Right)……………………………………OFF
Yaw Damper Switches (Left & Right)………………………….OFF
IRS Mode Selectors………………………………………………OFF
GEN CONT Switches (Left & Right)…………………………...OFF
Utility Bus Switches (Left & Right)……………………………..OFF
Bus Tie Switches………………………………………………….OFF
APU GEN Switch………………………………………………...OFF
Standby Power Selector………………………………………….OFF
Battery Switch……………………………………………………OFF
Boeing 767 - 300 ER Normal Checklist
After Starting Engines
Designed by: Michael Swannick
Before Takeoff
Climb & Cruise
After Landing
Securing Aircraft

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