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产品指南 - 球阀(7)Product Guide—Ball Valves (7) [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-11-20 12:41:10 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
True Union类型球阀

Installation and Maintenance Instructions
True Union Style Ball Valves
Tru-Bloc – True Union (真正的管套接)
Tru-Bloc – True Union
Tru-Bloc – Single Union (单个管套接)
Tru-Bloc – Single Union
多通阀 – 三向/三位
Multiport – 3-Way/3-Position
分流阀 – 三向/二位
Diverter – 3-Way/2-Position

  Chemtrol Union-End Ball Valves can be fitted with socket, threaded, or flanged end connections. When joining union-end valves, or when flanging end connectors, never make the joint to the end connectors while they are attached to the valve body. Remove the union nuts and end connectors from the valve cartridge first. In order to prevent mishaps with the union nut, slide it (smallest bore first) over the pipe or nipple and flange hub (when flanging) before making the joint to the end connector.
  螺纹连接阀门–参阅《Chemtrol热塑塑料管道技术手册》中的塑料螺纹连接指南中正确的连接技术。警告:螺纹连接时不能过紧。通常,如果必要的话,采用适当的带式扳手,但感到手紧时,再继续旋转一到两圈就足够了。(ANSI B1.20.1规定手紧为DN50以下为4到5圈,而DN50以上为5到6.75圈。)
  Threaded-End Valves–Refer to the plastic thread joining instructions in the Chemtrol Thermoplastic Piping Technical Manual for proper joining techniques. Caution: Do not overtighten threads. Usually, one to two turns beyond hand-tight using a suitable strap-wrench, if necessary, is sufficient. (ANSI B1.20.1 defines hand-tight as 4 to 5 threads for sizes through 2" and 5 to 6 3/4 threads for sizes over 2".)
  Socket-End Valves–Refer to the solvent cement joining instructions in the Chemtrol Thermoplastic Piping Technical Manual for proper joining techniques. Caution: Do not allow purple primer or solvent cement to come in contact with the sealing face of the end connectors. When joining the fixed end of a single union valve, place the ball in the open position to allow for proper drying and to avoid primer or solvent cement contacting internal components of the valve.
  For PP or PVDF valves, refer to the heat fusion joining instructions in the Chemtrol Thermoplastic Piping Technical Manual for proper joining techniques. Caution: Chemtrol valves require special heat fusion tools to make proper connections. These tools can be found in the Chemtrol Fitting Guide.
  法兰端口阀门–参阅《Chemtrol热塑塑料管道技术手册》中的法兰连接指南中正确的连接技术。警告:不要过紧的紧固法兰。当在单个管套接阀门的固定端口上进行法兰连接时,除非使用Van Stone类型的法兰,或者要小心正确对准法兰螺栓孔。
  Flanged-End Valves–Refer to the plastic flange joining instructions in the Chemtrol Thermoplastic Piping Technical Manual for proper joining techniques. Caution: Do not overtighten flanges. When flanging the fixed end of single union valves, care should be taken to properly align the flange bolt holes, unless Van Stone type flanges are used.
  Valve Cartridge–After allowing the proper joint drying time, end connections may be joined to the valve cartridge. O-rings provide the seal between the valve cartridge faces and the end connectors. Ensure that these O-rings are clean and in their proper grooves before slipping the valve cartridge between its end connectors. Slide the union nuts over the end connectors and screw onto the valve cartridge threads, no more than handtight. Caution: Do not overtighten. Once the end connector engages the O-ring seal, no more than 1/8 to 1/4 turn of the union nut will fully compress the O-ring in its groove. The pipe supports surrounding the valve must be loose and the adjoining piping must be well aligned with the valve. The union nuts cannot be expected to bend and/or stretch the adjoining pipe in order to allow the end connectors to make the required flush seal against the valve cartridge faces.
  Adjustment–The “squeeze” on the operating envelope within the cartridge of Tru-Bloc Model-C Valves is optimized during assembly at the factory. 100% of these valves are tested for shell leaks and seat leaks in both directions. Since the seat-carrier, with its seat-energizer O-ring, is adjusted to achieve O-ring compression with no leaks, field adjustment should not be

  The seat-carrier in multiport and diverter valves is of the Model-A design, meaning that it is not fastened to the valve body with internal threads. Therefore, the union nut on the valve end with “ADJ” marked on the body serves the dual purpose of external adjustment for “squeeze” on the operating envelope within the cartridge, preventing leakage across the ball, as well as compression of the face-seal, preventing shell leakage at the cartridge face. Upon installation of multiport or diverter valves, with the handle parallel with the body and fully against the handle/body stop, tighten that union nut on the “ADJ” body end while minutely operating the handle off the stop and back to the stop. The handle turning torque should become snug, but not excessive when the valve is properly adjusted for leak-free operation. If proper adjustment cannot be made by handtightening the union nut (valves larger than 1-1/2"), a suitable strap-wrench may be used. Caution: Do not overtighten. Do not adjust the union nut with the handle in any position other than fully parallel or perpendicular to the body.

  Should a valve need repair, depressurize and drain the system on all sides of the valve. Loosen the valve union nuts and slide them back over the end connectors. To minimize downtime, it may be advisable to have a replacement valve cartridge ready to install in place of the one to be repaired. An advantage of the Chemtrol design is that the current model is interchangeable with all earlier models. Disassemble valve cartridge as follows:
  • 将手柄旋转到与阀体完全垂直的位置。
    Turn handle to be perfectly perpendicular to valve body.
  • 使用一把Chemtrol活动扳手1,通过逆时针方向旋转拧松阀座支架(Tru-Bloc型号C)的螺纹。如果需要维修的阀门是早期制造的Tru-Bloc型号B,就需要拆卸挡圈。如果需要维修的阀门是原先的阀座支架结构(型号A;Tru-Bloc类型不包括;多通阀或分流阀),就不需要这个步骤。
    Using a Chemtrol spanner wrench1, unscrew the seat-carrier (Tru-Bloc Model-C) by rotating in the counterclockwise direction. If the valve is of an earlier Tru-Bloc vintage (Model-B), it will be a retaining ring that is removed. If the valve has the original seat-carrier design (Model-A; Tru-Bloc feature not included; multiport or diverter), this step is unnecessary.
  • 用一个柔软的、无棱角的工具插入阀门上标记FLOW(流向)箭头的端口,将球体从阀门上标记ADJ(调整)箭头的端口推出。型号A和型号B阀门的阀座支架也将随球体推出。
    Insert a soft, blunt instrument into the valve end marked with the FLOW arrow and push the ball out of the valve end marked with the ADJ. arrow. In Model-A and Model-B valves the seat-carrier will also be pushed out by the ball.
  • 从阀杆上拆卸手柄,向上提升并将手柄从阀体上取出。
    Remove the handle from the stem by pulling upward and away from the body.
  • 检查所有部件,更换任何损坏的或磨损的部件。如果阀体损坏,则建议更换整个阀腔。现在的型号C的阀腔可以用型号A或型号B的阀腔更换。
    Examine all parts and replace any damaged or worn components. If the body is damaged, replacement of the entire valve cartridge is recommended. The current Model-C cartridge is interchangeable with the Model-A or Model-B valve cartridges.
  在第2页可以找到Chemtrol True Union类型球阀的所有可更换部件清单。在选择更换部件之前,应该正确辨认阀门的种类。警告:阀门维修应该只能由有证书的维修人员进行。如果需要进一步的资料,请与最近的Chemtrol经销商联系。
  A replacement parts list for all Chemtrol True Union style ball valves may be found on page 2. The valve should be properly identified before selecting replacement parts. Caution: Valve repair should only be performed by qualified maintenance personnel. Contact our nearest Chemtrol distributor should further information be required.
  对于所有True Union类型的阀门,可提供TFE阀座组件和O形环组件。如果需要更多的资料,请参阅第2页的《部件和结构材料》清单。
  TFE seat kits and O-ring kits are available for all True Union style valves. See page 2 for a list of Components and Construction Materials for more details.

1 Chemtrol的Tru-Bloc阀座支架(型号C)或挡圈(型号B)可能也可以采用McMaster Carr (Armstrong商标)制造的,或者相同的其他品牌的标准调整面的活动扳手(钢)来拆卸。如果需要其他型号的工具,请参阅下面:
1 The Chemtrol Tru-Bloc Seat-Carrier (Model-C) or Retaining Ring (Model-B) may also be removed using a standard adjustable-face spanner wrench (steel) available from McMaster-Carr (Armstrong brand), or equivalent. Modification, where necessary, is shown below:

Spanner Wrench Identification
Valve Sizes
McMaster-Carr Item No.
5481A10.18*0.09"DN15 - DN40
1/2" - 1-1/2"
5481A20.25*0.22"DN50 - DN80
2" - 3"
As Is
* 可以通过拆卸插脚的两侧来改进,效果相当于改变宽度。每个插脚的平面必须平行于各自的扳手叉臂。
* Modified by removing sides of pins equally to produce width. Flats on each pin must be parallel to respective wrench arm.
不要将本样本中的测试数据用在压缩空气或其它气体上。如果需要关于专用于压缩空气和其它气体的抗龟裂热塑塑料管道系统请参阅Chemtrol Chem-Aire®产品样本。
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases. See Chemtrol Chem-Aire® literature for information about shatter-resistant thermoplastic piping systems specifically designed for compressed air and other gases.
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