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Instrument number CASA EX69/07 Page 1 of 7 pages Instrument number CASA EX69/07 I, SHANE PATRICK CARMODY, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Strategy and Support, a delegate of CASA, make this instrument under regulation 308 of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 (CAR 1988). [Signed S. Carmody] Shane Carmody Deputy Chief Executive Strategy and Support 21 December 2007 Exemption — from take-off and landing minima inside and outside Australian territory 1 Revocation Instrument CASA EX61/06 is revoked. 2 Duration This instrument: (a) commences on the day after it is registered; and (b) stops having effect at the end of 31 October 2009. 3 Application This instrument applies to Airbus A330 aircraft (the aircraft): (a) operated by Jetstar Airways Pty Limited, Aviation Reference Number 510654 (the operator); and (b) in take-off and landing operations inside and outside Australian territory; and (c) at aerodromes where air traffic control has advised that low visibility procedures are in use. 4 Exemption The aircraft are exempt from compliance with regulation 257 of CAR 1988 in relation to the standard take-off and landing minima determined by CASA under subregulation 257 (1) and set out in AIP En-route 1.5, sections 4.3 and 4.4. Instrument number CASA EX69/07 Page 2 of 7 pages 5 Conditions The exemption is subject to the minima and the minima requirements mentioned in Schedule 1 and the conditions mentioned in Schedule 2. Schedule 1 Take-off and landing minima The pilot in command of the aircraft must use the minima mentioned in this Schedule that apply to the type of operation or procedure in which the aircraft is engaged. 1 Take-off minima Take-off Runway Visual Range (RVR) minima are: (a) 125 metres in the Touchdown Zone (TDZ); and (b) 125 metres in the Mid-point Zone (MID); and (c) 125 metres in the Stop-end Zone (END). 2 Landing minima Category II minima: (a) landing RVR minima are 400 metres TDZ with 200 metres MID or, if MID not available, 200 metres END; (b) landing decision height (DH) is 100 feet. 3 RVR requirements (1) For take-off if the RVR in the TDZ, the MID or the END is less than 200 metres, the RVR is required for all 3 zones. (2) For take-off and landing, if the RVR in the TDZ is at least 200 metres but is less than the standard take-off and landing minima: (a) a MID RVR is required; or (b) if a MID RVR is not available— an END RVR is required. Note If both a MID RVR and an END RVR are available, the END RVR is advisory only. (3) In this clause: standard take-off and landing minima means the standard take-off and landing minima determined by CASA under subregulation 257 (1) of CAR 1988 and set out in the AIP En-route 1.5, sections 4.3 and 4.4. 4 Application of minima If the take-off or landing minima set out in an aerodrome chart or approach chart are more restrictive than the minima that would otherwise apply under this instrument, the pilot in command must apply the more restrictive minima. 5 Specific restrictions (1) The pilot in command of an Airbus A330 type aircraft must not carry out a take-off with less than 300 metres RVR within Australia. Instrument number CASA EX69/07 Page 3 of 7 pages (2) The pilot in command of an Airbus A330 type aircraft must not carry out a Category II landing within Australia. Schedule 2 Conditions 1 Definition In this Schedule: low visibility operations means: (a) operations to less than Category I ILS minima; and (b) take-off with less than 500 metres visibility. 2 Compliance For pilots to conduct low visibility operations inside and outside Australia, the operator must ensure these conditions are met. Instrument number CASA EX69/07 Page 4 of 7 pages 3 Training The operator must certify that the members of the flight crew have successfully completed a Low Visibility Operations training course as set out in the following table. Section of course Contents Low Visibility Ground Training General concepts and appropriate definitions. Aerodrome procedures, aids, markings, Cat II and Cat III lighting systems and approach bans. Factors affecting the determination of minima. Reversionary minima. An understanding of aircraft maintenance requirements and serviceability. Aircraft performance limitations. Normal operating procedures. Non-normal procedures for handling pilot incapacitation, engine and system failures below 1 000 feet, alert height (AH) and DH. Low Visibility Simulator Training (both day and night where possible) Taxiing— low visibility. Take-offs –minimum visibility: normal operations engine and system failures before and after V1 loss of visibility Landings and go-arounds — Cat II: normal operations aircraft and ground system failures and loss of visibility at heights above and below AH and DH pilot incapacitation. Take-offs and landings must be at high weights and at 10 knots crosswind. 4 Experience Before conducting a Category II landing, a pilot must have the following experience, unless otherwise approved by CASA: (a) a captain must have either a minimum time in command of 300 hours or 50 sectors in the operator’s Airbus A330 aircraft; (b) a first officer must have a minimum time as first officer of 100 hours or 30 sectors in the operator’s Airbus A330 aircraft; (c) a captain must have performed at least 5 autolands on the Airbus A330 in Category I or better conditions using low visibility procedures; (d) a first officer must have performed at least 2 autolands on the Airbus A330 in Category I or better conditions using low visibility procedures. Instrument number CASA EX69/07 Page 5 of 7 pages 5 Recency (1) Within 90 days before conducting a Category II landing, a captain must have completed an autoland using low visibility procedures in a simulator or aircraft (recency). (2) A captain who has lost recency must regain it before conducting a Category II landing under this instrument. (3) Lost recency is regained by performing an autoland in a simulator, or in Category I conditions or better in an aircraft. (4) An aircraft to be used for a Category II landing must have had its autoland capability exercised in accordance with the approved Aircraft Maintenance Planning Document. 6 Competency (1) The flight crew must have successfully completed, to approved operational and meteorological limits, a simulator competency check including: (a) a near V1 engine failure (RTO) and a V1 engine failure (continue); and (b) a Category II landing; and (c) a Category II auto go-around. (2) The flight crew must demonstrate competency in Low Visibility Operations approximately every six months as follows: where there are 2 paired sessions per year— at each paired session. (3) At least once a year competency must be demonstrated to a Category B or Category C check pilot. 7 Maintenance The operator must ensure that the aircraft are maintained in accordance with: (a) the requirements for Category II operations; and (b) the requirements detailed in the applicable CASA approved Aircraft Maintenance Planning Document. 8 Operational restrictions (1) Take-off and landing operations are subject to the requirements of the State of the aerodrome, if these are more restrictive than the requirements of this instrument. (2) For a take-off or landing: (a) the Quick Reference Handbook section of the Operations Manual must include all relevant information for briefing of low visibility take-offs and landings; and (b) the pilot in command must be “pilot flying” in the left seat for all low visibility operations. Instrument number CASA EX69/07 Page 6 of 7 pages (3) The aircraft may take-off with RVR: (a) if runway edge lighting (with light spacing of not more than 60 metres) is operating and either runway centreline lighting is operating or runway centreline markings are clearly visible— less than 500 metres but at least 400 metres; or (b) if runway edge lighting (with light spacing of not more than 60 metres) and runway centreline lighting are operating— less than 400 metres but at least 300 metres; or (c) if Category II or Category III movement area lighting (taxiway lighting, high intensity runway edge lighting and runway centreline lighting) is operating and visibility is expressed as RVR derived from a transmissometer— less than 300 metres but at least the approved minima. (4) The aircraft must not take-off: (a) from a runway that requires a turn of more than 15 degrees, at either runway head or below 200 feet, for all-engine or engine-out take-offs, if RVR is less than 500 metres; or (b) if RVR is not more than 400 metres and crosswind is more than 10 knots. (5) For a take-off: (a) if RVR for all 3 zones are required, centreline light spacing must be not more than 15 metres; and (b) if RVR is less than 300 metres, the operator must have a standard procedure call in the aircraft type’s operations manual, for the “pilot not flying” to advise the “pilot flying” of deviations from the runway centre line. (6) For a Category II landing: (a) the runway must have been approved by the operator for autoland in accordance with the operator’s Autoland Safety Operational Specification; and (b) high intensity approach lighting of at least 720 metres must be available. (c) braking action on the runway must not be reported as worse than “medium”; and (d) wind components, including gusts, must not exceed a headwind of 25 knots, a tailwind of 10 knots or a crosswind of 10 knots; and (e) the landing distance available must be the greater of 2 400 metres or that required from the Landing Performance Chart multiplied by 1.15. (7) For Category II landings, until visual conditions are established, the aircraft must have “CAT 2” or “CAT 3 SINGLE” or “CAT 3 DUAL” indicated on its flight mode annunciator. Instrument number CASA EX69/07 Page 7 of 7 pages 9 Approvals (1) Low visibility operations may be conducted at an aerodrome only if the operator has: (a) told CASA that the aerodrome and runway terrain details and charts, including the calculations used to determine the applicable minima, have been checked and are available for inspection; and (b) received approval to do so from the relevant foreign regulatory authority; and (c) given CASA a copy of the approval. (2) The operator must conduct low visibility operations in accordance with the approvals it has received. 10 Requirements (1) The operator must keep a copy of this instrument and a list of aerodromes and runways approved for Category II operations in a manual available to all pilots. (2) The operator’s procedures for low visibility operations must be in accordance with this instrument, must be followed and must not be amended without approval from CASA. |