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How to install WML authoring guide [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-8-22 03:59:15 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-8-22 03:59:52 |只看该作者
XML Authoring Guide for Flight OPS 1
Read Me
How to install the XML Authoring Guide on your computer
How to use the XML Authoring Guide
XML Authoring Guide for Flight OPS 2
How to install the XML Authoring guide
Extract the file “setup.authoring-guide.exe” from the zip file on your local disk
Double-click on the setupfile,

The following window is displayed:
Follow the set up instructions.Aftercompletion an Icon is installed on your desktop:
Double click on the Icon to open the XMLAuthoring guide.
XML Authoring Guide for Flight OPS 3
Organization of the XML Authoring Guide: the main parts
Electronic Documentation (eDoc) for Flight Ops
Presents the electronic documentation concepts.
XML Basics
Introduces the structured markup language.
Flight Ops Manual Organization
Shows how the XML operational data are organized.
Documentary Unit (DU) Content
Shows how to make the Documentary Units (DUs), using the Flight Ops DTDs.
Sample Book
Provides DU samples organized by DTD and by manual.
User Guide
Provides some guidelines to structure and author a Flight Ops manual (in development phase).
Runs you through the creation of the XML content.
DTD Reference
Describes the various Operational Data models.
Provides miscellaneous information.
XML Authoring Guide for Flight OPS 4
How to Use the XML Authoring Guide: The Main Window
Table of Content
Full Text Search
Parts of the Guide
Content of the selected part
XML Authoring Guide for Flight OPS 5
How to Access the Information: TOC
Table of Content (TOC)
Click on ‘+’ or ‘-’ to expand or collapse the navigation tree.
Click on a topic to read the related information.
XML Authoring Guide for Flight OPS 6
How to Access the Information: Index
List of Index
Fill in a significant keyword, and press the “enter” key to display it with a context.
Press again “enter” to access the next occurrence.
XML Authoring Guide for Flight OPS 7
How to Access the Information: Full Text Search
Full Text Search
Fill in a keyword, and press the “enter” key to display all the iterations of the word.
XML Authoring Guide for Flight OPS 8
How to Access the Information: Glossary
Fill in a keyword or select a word in the list, and press the “enter” key.
The associated definition is displayed in this frame.
XML Authoring Guide for Flight OPS 9
How to Read the DTD Reference Part
DTD Reference Part
Inside a DTD, elements are classified by alphabetical order.
The root element is marked with a specific icon.
DTD are classified by alphabetical order.
XML Authoring Guide for Flight OPS 10
How to Read an Element of the DTD Reference Part: Synopsis
Children elements are links. Click on a child to access the associated reference page.
Attributes are links. Click on an attribute to access its definition.
Alphabetical list of the elements that can contained the current element.
XML Authoring Guide for Flight OPS 11
How to Read an Element of the DTD Reference Part: Description
Summary of specific formatting expectations of the element.
Main feature description of the element.
XML Authoring Guide for Flight OPS 12
How to Read an Element of the DTD Reference Part: Attributes, See Also
Semantics of each attribute in detail.
Similar or related elements.
XML Authoring Guide for Flight OPS 13
How to Read an Element of the DTD Reference Part: Rules
Business rules defined for this element.
XML Authoring Guide for Flight OPS 14
How to Read an Element of the DTD Reference Part: Examples
Example of proper usage for the element.
An OIS formatted version of the example is also shown.

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