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CIRCUIT BREAKERS (3-4-5) [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-6-13 09:20:01 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-6-13 09:20:14 |只看该作者
fmcguide.com/media/cb345.pdf Leading Edge Libraries 1998 © CIRCUIT BREAKERS (3-4-5) A Sys Pressure Indicator, Hyd P6-2 D17 A Sys, Electric Hyd Pump Cont P6-2 A15 A Sys, Electric Hydraulic Pump P6-12 C2 A Sys, Hyd Oil Quantity Ind P6-2 C17 AC Bus 1, A phase P6-4 B13 AC Bus 1, B phase P6-4 B14 AC Bus 1, C phase P6-4 B15 AC Bus 2, A phase P6-4 B10 AC Bus 2, B phase P6-4 B11 AC Bus 2, C phase P6-4 B12 AC Bus, No 1 Electronics P18-0 2 AC Bus, Electronics 2, 3 phase P6-1 E13 AC Transfer Indicator P6-5 D6 AC Transfer Bus 1, A phase P6-4 C13 AC Transfer Bus 1, B phase P6-4 C14 AC Transfer Bus 1, C phase P6-4 C15 AC Transfer Bus 2, A phase P6-4 C10 AC Transfer Bus 2, B phase P6-4 C11 ACARS MU (AC) P18-2 E14 ACARS MU (DC) P18-2 E15 ADF 1 P18-1 B4 ADF 2 P6-1 B15 ADI 1 P18-2 B1 ADI 1, ALTN P6-1 C8 ADI 2 P6-1 B8 ADI 2, ALTN P18-2 B2 AFCS, Sys A, FCC (DC) P18-1 E3 AFCS, Sys A, Interlock, Engage P18-1 E4 AFCS, Sys A, Mach Trim (AC) P18-1 E6 AFCS, Sys A, Mach Trim (DC) P18-1 E7 AFCS, Sys A, Sensor Exc (AC) P18-1 E1 AFCS, Sys A, Warning Light (Bat) P18-1 E5 AFCS, Sys B, FCC (DC) P6-2 C2 AFCS, Sys B, Interlock, Engage P6-2 C3 AFCS, Sys B, Mach Trim (AC) P6-2 B2 AFCS, Sys B, Mach Trim (DC) P6-2 B1 AFCS, Sys B, Sensor Exc (AC) P6-2 C1 AFCS, Sys B, Warn Light (Bat) P6-2 C4 AFDS Aileron Force Limiter P18-1 D7 AFDS MCP (DC) P18-1 D1 AFDS MCP Course #2 (DC) P 6-2 B3 Aileron Force Limiter, AFDS P18-1 D7 Aileron Trim Control P 6-2 C9 Air Conditioning, Ram Air Mod Cont P6-4 E3 Air Conditioning, Ram Air Mod Lt P6-4 E2 Air Conditioning, Ram Air Mod Rt P6-4 E1 Air Conditioning, Recirc Fan, Cabin P6-4 D5 Air Conditioning, Recirc Fan, Cont P6-4 B4 Air Conditioning, Recirc Fan, Energz P6-4 B5 Air Conditioning, Temp Cont 35° Lt P6-4 A2 Air Conditioning, Temp Cont 35° Rt P6-4 A1 Air Conditioning, Temp Cont Auto Lt P6-4 A4 Air Conditioning, Temp Cont Auto Rt P6-4 A3 Air Conditioning, Temp Cont Man P6-4 A5 Air Conditioning, Temp Ind P6-4 D2 Air Data #1, Auto Transformer P18-2 A6 Air Data #1, Computer (26V AC) P18-2 A9 Air Data #1, Computer (AC) P18-2 A8 Air Data 1, TAT Indicator P18-2 A7 Air Data 2, Altimeter (26V AC) P6-1 B4 Air/Ground Relay & Lights P6-3 C12 Auto Transformer 2 P6-1 B5 Air Data 2, Computer (26V AC) P6-1 B6 Air Data 2, Computer (AC) P6-1 B7 Alpha Vane Heater, Left P18-3 D5 Alpha Vane Heater, Right P18-3 D4 Altn T.E. Flap Drive (AC) P6-2 D10 Altimeter 1 (26V AC) P18-2 B8 Altimeter 2 (26V AC) P6-1 B4 Altimeter, Radio P18-1 B5 Altimeter, Radio 2 P6-1 C15 Altitude Alert Audio P18-2 D6 Anti-ice, Master Caution P6-3 D9 Anti-skid, Fail Warn & Park Brake P6-3 E18 Anti-skid, Inboard P6-3 E16 Anti-skid, Outboard P6-3 E17 APU Control P6-5 B1 APU Control P6-4 D11 Electrical, Inverter Control P6-5 A 1 Electrical, Inverter Power P6-5 A 2 Electrical, Inverter Volts Ind P6-5 D 5 Electrical, Service Outlets (115V) P6-3 E 1 Electrical, Service Outlets (28V) P6-3 F 1 Electrical, Standby Bus P6-4 F17 Electrical, Standby Bus Indication P6-5 D1 Electrical, Standby Bus, Power P6-4 F16 Electrical, TR 1 P6-4 A8 Electrical, TR 2 P6-4 C8 Electrical, TR 3 P6-4 E8 Electrical, TR 3 Indication P6-5 C6 Electrical, Trans Cont 1 P6-4 E10 Electrical, Trans Cont 2 P6-4 E12 Electrical, Transfer Bus Indication P6-5 D6 Electronics 1, AC Bus P18-0 A2 Electronics 1, DC Bus P18-0 A3 Electronics 2, AC Bus 3 phase P6-1 E13 Electronics 2, DC Bus P6-1 E15 Elevator Pitot, Left P18-3 D2 Elevator Pitot, Right P18-3 D1 Elex Panel lights, Fwd, Capt, Centr, F/P Aft Pedestal Emergency Exit Sign P18-3 A12 Engage Interlock, AFCS System A P18-1 E4 Engage Interlock, AFCS System B P6-2 C3 Eng 1, Cowl Anti-ice Valve P18-3 A2 Eng 1 and Wing Control P18-3 A4 Eng 2, Cowl Anti-ice Valve P18-3 A1 Eng 2 and Wing Control P18-3 A3 Engine Vibration Monitor P6-2 B4 Entertainment Tape RPDR (AC) P6-1 E6 Entertainment Tape RPDR (DC) P6-1 E5 Equipment Cool, Blower, Alt 3ph P18-3 C18 Equipment Cool, Blower, Norm 3ph P18-3 B18 Equipment Cool, Control P18-3 A18 External Power & Fueling Control P6-5 B4 External Power Control P6-5 D4 External Power DC Equip Bay External Power, Bus Prot Panel (AC) P6-12 D5 External Power, Ground Service P6-12 D8 External Power, Lavatory Mirror P6-3 D1 Extinguisher Bottle, APU P6-2 C23 Extinguisher Bottle, Left P6-2 C24 Extinguisher Bottle, Left P6-2 D24 Extinguisher Bottle, Right P6-2 C22 Extinguisher Bottle, Right P6-2 D23 Fasten Seat Belt P18-3 A9 FCC AFCS Sys A (DC) P18-1 E3 FCC AFCS Sys B (DC) P6-2 C2 FDR Position Sensor P18-2 B2 Fire Detection, Ovrht, WW, Wing-Body P6-2 B24 Fire Detection, APU P6-2 A23 Fire Detection, Engine 1 P6-2 A24 Fire Detection, Engine 2 P6-2 A22 Fire Detection, Master Warn & Cont P6-2 B23 Fire Extinguishers, Bottle, APU P6-2 C23 Fire Extinguishers, Bottle, Right P6-2 C24 Fire Extinguishers, Bottle, Left P6-2 D24 Fire Extinguishers, Bottle, Altn Right P6-2 C22 Fire Extinguishers, Bottle, Altn Left P6-2 D23 Flap P6-2 D12 Flap Load Relief P6-2 D13 Flap Position Ind, Leading Edge P6-2 C12 Flap Position Ind, Trailing Edge P6-2 C12 Flap, Trailing Edge Drive, Alt (AC) P6-2 D10 Flight Control Shutoff Valve, Flt Cont P6-2 A9 Flight Control Shutoff Valve, Flt Cont P6-2 A10 Flight Control Shutoff Valve, Spoiler P6-2 A11 Flight Control Shutoff Valve, Stby Rudder P6-2 A12 Flight Recorder (AC) P18-2 C 9 Flight Recorder (DC, Bat) P18-2 C10 Flush Motor, Lavatory, Forward, 3ph P18-4 C6 Flush Motor, Lavatory, L Aft, 3 ph P18-4 B6 Flush Motor, Lavatory, R Aft, 3 ph P18-4 B3 FMC, DAA 1 P18-2 C5 FMC, DAA 1 (AC) P18-2 D1 FMC, DAA 2 P6-1 D13 DC Bus Ind, Bus 2, Galley Cont P6-5 C5 DC Bus Ind, TR No. 3 P6-5 C6 DC Bus, No 1 Electronics P18-0 3 DC Bus Power, No 1 P6-5 B8 DC Bus 2 P6-4 D6 DC Bus Power No.2 P6-5 B7 DC Bus, Electronics 2 P6-1 E15 DC Standby Power, Battery P6-5 D2 DC Standby Power, T/R P6-5 D3 Depressure Valve, Engine 1, Hyd P6-2 B17 Depressure Valve, Engine 2, Hyd P6-2 B16 DME 1 P18-1 B 6 DME 2 P6-1 C16 Door Lock P6-3 C1 Door Warn P6-3 A2 Drain Heater P18-3 D3 Drain Mast, Air P18-3 F5 Drain Mast, Ground P18-3 E5 EGT Ind 1 P6-2 A3 EGT Ind 2 P6-2 A2 EFIS, Cont Panel L P18-2 E3 EFIS, Cont Panel R P6-1 C11 EFIS, Sys Gen L P18-2 E2 EFIS, Sys Gen R P6-1 C10 Electric Hyd Pump, Cont, Sys A P6-2 A15 Electric Hyd Pump, Cont, Sys B P6-2 A14 Electric Hydraulic Pump, System A P6-12 C 2 Electric Hydraulic Pump, System B P6-11 C 2 Electrical, 1 Main (28v) P6-4 E14 Electrical, 1 Trans (28v) P6-4 E15 Electrical, 2 Main (28v) P6-4 F14 Electrical, 2 Trans (28v) P6-4 F15 Electrical, AC Bus 1, A phase P6-4 B13 Electrical, AC Bus 1, B phase P6-4 B14 Electrical, AC Bus 1, C phase P6-4 B15 Electrical, AC Bus 2, A phase P6-4 B10 Electrical, AC Bus 2, B phase P6-4 B11 Electrical, AC Bus 2, C phase P6-4 B12 Electrical, AC Transfer Bus 1, Aph P6-4 C13 Electrical, AC Transfer Bus 1, Bph P6-4 C14 Electrical, AC Transfer Bus 1, Cph P6-4 C15 Electrical, AC Transfer Bus 2, Aph P6-4 C10 Electrical, AC Transfer Bus 2, Bph P6-4 C11 Electrical, AC Transfer Bus 2, Cph P6-4 C12 Electrical, APU Generator, AC Ind P6-4 A11 Electrical, APU, Control P6-4 D11 Electrical, Auto Cont P6-5 A 6 Electrical, Battery Charger P6-4 D 8 Electrical, Battery Charger Equip Bay Electrical, Battery Charger, Alt P6-4 F8 Electrical, Battery Indication P6-5 C2 Electrical, Battery Overheat Ind P6-5 C1 Electrical, Battery Trans Cont P6-5 A3 Electrical, CSD 1 Control P6-4 F11 Electrical, CSD 2 Control P6-4 F13 Electrical, DC Bus 1 P6-4 B 6 Electrical, DC Bus 1 Indication P6-5 C4 Electrical, DC Bus 2 P6-4 D6 Electrical, DC Bus 2 Indication P6-5 C5 Electrical, DC Standby Pwr, Battery P6-5 D2 Electrical, DC Standby Pwr, T/R P6-5 D3 Electrical, Generator 1, AC Ind P6-4 A10 Electrical, Generator 1, Control P6-4 D10 Electrical, Generator 1, Low Press P6-4 E11 Electrical, Generator 1, Temp P6-4 E10 Electrical, Generator 2, AC Ind P6-4 C12 Electrical, Generator 2, Control P6-4 D12 Electrical, Generator 2, Low Press P6-4 E13 Electrical, Generator 2, Temp P6-4 E12 Electrical, Generator Power Control P6-5 B 5 Electrical, Gnd Svc AC Ind, A phase P6-4 A13 Electrical, Gnd Svc AC Ind, B phase P6-4 A14 Electrical, Gnd Svc AC Ind, C phase P6-4 A15 Electrical, Ground Service 28V A ph P6-4 D13 Electrical, Ground Service 28V B ph P6-4 D14 Electrical, Ground Service 28V C ph P6-4 D15 Electrical, Hot Bat Bus Indication P6-5 C 3 Electrical, Int Lt P6-5 A 5 APU Fire Detection P6-2 A23 APU Fire Extinguisher Bottle P6-2 C23 APU Fuel Boost Pump (option) P6-5 C8 APU Generator, AC Indication P6-4 A11 APU Start P18-5 ASYM Mode P18-2 D7 ATC 1 P18-1 B3 ATC 2 P6-1 D16 Aural Warn P6-3 D18 Auto Brakes Control P6-3 A17 Auto Slat 1 (AC) P6-2 B14 Auto Slat 1 (DC) P6-2 B15 Auto Slat 2 (AC) P6-2 C14 Auto Slat 2 (DC) P6-2 C15 Auto Speed Brake P6-2 B9 Auto Throttle (AC) P18-1 D3 Auto Throttle (DC) P18-1 D4 Auto Transformer, Air Data 1 P18-2 A6 Auto Transformer, Air Data 2 P6-1 B5 Aux Power Unit Start P18-5 C1 B Sys, Electric Hyd Pump Cont P6-2 A14 B Sys, Electric Hydraulic Pump P6-11 C2 B Sys, Hyd Oil Quantity Ind P6-2 C16 B Sys, Pressure Indicator, Hyd P6-2 D16 Bat Bus P6-5 C7 Bat Bus Control, Auto P6-5 B2 Bat Bus Control, Manual P6-5 B3 Bat Charger P6-4 D8 Bat Charger Equip Bay Bat Charger, Alternate P6-4 F8 Bat Indication P6-5 C2 Bat Overheat Indication P6-5 C1 Bleed Air, Valves Left P6-4 B3 Bleed Air, Valves Right P6-4 B2 Boarding Music Tape (AC) P6-1 E6 Boarding Music Tape (DC) P6-1 E5 Brake Pressure Indicator P6-2 A17 Brakes, Anti-skid, Inboard P6-3 E16 Brakes, Anti-skid, Outboard P 6-3 E17 Brakes, Auto, Control P 6-3 A17 Brakes, Parking P 6-3 E18 Bus Protection Panel, Ext Pwr (AC) P 6-12 D5 Cabin Air Recirc Fan P6-4 D5 Call Chimes, Passenger & Crew P18-4 A1 CDU 1, FMCS P18-2 E9 CDU 2, FMCS P18-2 E6 Chimes, Passenger & Crew P18-4 A1 Clacker P6-1 C7 Clock P6-3 B1 Clock Display P6-3 A1 Cargo Smoke Control / Fault P6-2 D22 Cargo Smoke Detectors, B Loop P6-2 B22 Cargo Smoke Detectors, A Loop P6-2 B23 Coffee Maker 1 & 2, Aft Galley Aft Galley Coffee Maker, Forward Galley Fwd Galley Comparator 2 (Mon) P6-1 A 9 Comparator 2 (Pwr) P6-1 A10 Compass 1, XFMR (ALTN) P6-1 B12 Compass 2, XFMR (ALTN) P18-2 B4 Computer, FMCS P18-2 E 8 Cowl Anti-ice Valve, Eng 1 P18-3 A2 Cowl Anti-ice Valve, Eng 2 P18-3 A1 CSD 1 Control P6-4 F11 CSD 2 Control P6-4 F13 DAA 1, FMC P18-2 C5 DAA 1, FMC (AC) P18-2 D1 DAA 1, IRS (AC) P18-2 D2 DAA 1, IRS (DC) P18-2 D3 DAA 2, FMC P6-1 D13 DAA 2, FMC (AC) P6-1 D8 DAA 2, IRS (AC) P6-1 D9 DAA 2, IRS (DC) P6-1 D10 DC Bus 1 P6-4 B6 DC Bus Indication, Stby P6-5 C1 DC Bus Indication, Bat P6-5 C2 DC Bus Indication, Hot Bat P6-5 C3 DC Bus Indication, Bus No 1 P6-5 C4 A - H A - G FMC, DAA 2 (AC) P6-1 D8 FMCS CDU 1 P18-2 E9 FMCS CDU 2 P18-2 E6 FMCS Cmptr No 1 P18-2 E8 FMCS Mode Annunciator P18-2 E 7 F/O ADI (ALTN) P18-2 B2 Fwd Outflow Valve P6-4 C5 Fuel Boost Pump, Aux Tank, Aft P6-3 F7 Fuel Boost Pump, Aux Tank, Fwd P6-3 F3 Fuel Boost Pump, Center Tank, Left P6-3 E5 Fuel Boost Pump, Center Tank, Right P6-3 D5 Fuel Boost Pump, Tank 1, Aft P6-3 C7 Fuel Boost Pump, Tank 1, Fwd P6-3 B7 Fuel Boost Pump, Tank 2, Aft P6-3 C3 Fuel Boost Pump, Tank 2, Fwd P6-3 B3 Fuel Cont, 1 Aft, 2 Fwd, Ctr L, Aux Aft P6-3 E3 Fuel Cont, 1 Fwd, 2 Aft, Ctr R, Aux Fwd P6-3 E7 Fuel Cross Feed Valve P6-3 C5 Fuel Indicator, Flow/Used Engine 1 P6-3 A6 Fuel Indicator, Flow/Used Engine 2 P6-3 A5 Fuel Panel Ind P6-3 F6 Fuel Quantity P6-3 A4 Fuel Quantity Ind, R Tank P6-3 F3 Fuel Quantity Ind, Ctr Tank P6-3 F4 Fuel Quantity Ind, L Tank P6-3 F5 Fuel Shutoff Valve P6-3 B5 Fuel Shutoff Valve, Eng 1 P6-3 D7 Fuel Shutoff Valve, Eng 2 P6-3 D3 Fuel Temp Ind P6-3 A3 Fuel, Aux Tank Fueling P6-3 F5 Fuel and External Power Control P6-5 B4 Fuel, Ext Power, Ground Fueling P6-3 A7 Fuel, Master Caution P6-3 D10 Galley 1 & 6 P6-11 C7 Galley 1 & 6 P6-11 C8 Galley 1 & 6 P6-11 C9 Galley 3 P6-12 C7 Galley 3 P6-12 C8 Galley 3 P6-12 C9 Galley Light P18-3 B10 Galley, Aft, Coffee Maker 1 & 2 Aft Galley Galley, Aft, Oven 1, 2 & 3 Aft Galley Galley, Aft, Warmer 1 & 2 Aft Galley Galley, Aft, Work Light Aft Galley Galley, Forward, Coffee Maker Fwd Galley Galley, Forward, Oven 1 & 2 Fwd Galley Galley, Forward, Work Light Fwd Galley Generator 1, AC Indication P6-4 A10 Generator 1, Control P6-4 D10 Generator 1, Low Oil Pressure P6-4 E11 Generator 1, Oil Temperature P6-4 E10 Generator 2, AC Indication P6-4 A12 Generator 2, Control P6-4 D12 Generator 2, Low Oil Pressure P6-4 E13 Generator 2, Oil Temperature P6-4 E12 Generator Bus 1, Main Distribution P6-11 A2 Generator Bus 2, Main Distribution P6-12 A2 Generator Power Control P6-5 B5 Glide Slope 1 P18-1 A2 Glide Slope 2 P6-1 A16 Ground Prox Warning P18-1 A7 Ground Service P6-11 D8 Ground Service AC Ind, A phase P6-4 A13 Ground Service AC Ind, B phase P6-4 A14 Ground Service AC Ind, C phase P6-4 A15 Ground Service, 26V A Phase P6-4 D13 Ground Service, 28V B phase P6-4 D14 Ground Service, 28V C phase P6-4 D15 Ground Service, External Power P6-12 D8

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