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Air Traffic Management Amedeo R. Odoni September 17, 2002 Air Traffic Management Objective: To review briefly some developments regarding ATC/ATM, primarily as they apply to airports Topics: QGeneral Comments QTraffic Flow Management QIncreasing Airport Capacity QAdvanced ATM Systems QDifferences between US and Europe ATM: Six fundamental components 1. Procedures and regulations; organization of airspace 2. Human air traffic controllers 3. Automation systems (computers, displays, decision support systems) 4. Communication systems (air, ground) 5. Surveillance systems (e.g., radar) 6. Navigation systems (e.g., VOR/DME, ILS, GPS) Complex Requirements for ATM Exceptional levels of safety Accommodate growing numbers of diverse users in efficient traffic flows Mesh seamlessly humans and machines, including increasingly sophisticated automation aids Take advantage of new technology Evolve gradually without “discontinuities” Operate at reasonable cost to service providers and users Generations of ATM Systems First: no (or little) radar coverage; ATC via communications only Second: analog radar coverage Third: digital (secondary) radar; upgraded ground-based CNS; automation of many data processing tasks Fourth: advanced automation aids; digital data links; satellite-based CNS Status of Air Traffic Management Dramatic Differences Among Nations and Regions (Many) Developing Countries: • “first” generation ATC systems with limited (or no) radar coverage and few (often poorly maintained) navaids Advanced Industrial Countries: • mostly “third” generation systems with digital radar and significant automation • beginning to make transition to highly automated fourth generation systems Schematic Representation of ATM System Type of Facility Terminal Area Facilities En Route Facilities Type of Control Controlling Facility Airport Traffic Control Towers ApproachControl Facilities Air Route TrafficControl Centers (ARTCCs) Ground Traffic Control Takeoff and Landing Control Approach and Departure Control ATC During Transition and Cruise En Route Airspace Airspace Airport Traffic Area ApproachControl (Tracon Area) Typically 5 nmi And 3,000 ft AGL Typically extending up to 40 nmi + 10,000 ft from the Airport Transitional Phase Typically 50-150 nmi From Airport Cruise Phase Up to 60,000 ft Typical Flight Time Typical Ground Time 5 - 10 min Typical Flight Time 10 - 20 min Typical Flight Time 10 - 20 min Typical Flight Time 20 min to several hrs Flight Profile Runway Runway Cost to Users of ATM Constraints & Inefficiencies Generators of Costs: Delays Missed Connections Cancellations Indirect Routing Diversions Sub-optimal Flight Paths Uncertainty as to True User Costs Reasonable Guess: Cost to Airlines and Passengers ~ $4-6 billion/year, in Europe alone and in United States alone “Major Problem” Airports (2010) Alternatives for Addressing Airport and Terminal Airspace Capacity Problem 1. Increased airport capacity – second, third, … airports – new, larger airports to replace older ones – more runways, etc. at existing ones – improved ATM 2. Demand management – total operations – by time-of-day 3. Flow management; reduce cost and impacts of unavoidable delays 4. Other modes of transportation; substitutes for transportation (communications) Definition and Fundamentals of ATFM ATFM: Strategic planning and implementation of regional and national flows to best “match” demand with available capacity and minimize impact of congestion on users and operators of ATM system Now vital element of both European and US ATM systems Basic steps: (1) Prediction of potential overloads (2) Development of strategies (3) Implementation of strategies The tools for accomplishing (2) and (3): • Ground-holding (more “strategic”) • Re-routing, metering, speed control, sequencing Time horizon ranges from months to ~30 minutes Strategic and Tactical ATFM Actions Reduced Capacity at SFO Typically Leading to Initiation of a GDP The Ground Delay Problem Motivation: If long delays must be suffered, they would be better taken on the ground, prior to take-off • Safety, workload, fuel Must be solved in the presence of uncertainty regarding airport capacity Q “Type 1 Error” – Demand higher (or capacity lower) than expected, leading to long airborne delays Q “Type 2 Error” – Demand lower (or cap. higher) than expected, leading to unnecessary delays on the ground Highly dynamic environment GDP Until 1998 Prediction of Overload Q Compare Airport Acceptance Rate (AAR) for Arrivals to Scheduled Demand Development of Strategy Q Calculate delay required of each flight, First- Scheduled, First-Served (FSFS), to meet AAR Implementation of Strategy Q Issue Expected Departure Clearance Times (EDCT’s) to aircraft Could we improve on this? Concerns About “Old” GDPs: Motivation for CDM Did not consider airline preferences regarding flight priorities, crew connections, “banks”/ “waves”, etc. Was too conservative Did not deal well with uncertainty A “system-wide” viewpoint (instead of an individual user’s): the ATFM system’s operator (the FAA) effectively decided what is best for everyone (“global” objective function) Collaborative Decision-Making (CDM) in U.S. New approach to traffic flow management Airline Operations Centers (AOCs) and FAA share information on capacities, delays, cancellations, preferences, etc. First experiments with GDPs at SFO and EWR (1/98); adopted for all airports (9/98) Has already saved many $$ in delay costs Opportunity to work and make decisions in real time with a common data base Greatly expanded scope and objectives at this time CDM Infrastructure ATCSCC FSS TRACON Tower AOC AOC AOC AOC CDMNET Old Tech Communications Dynamic Slot Assignment System under CDM 1. FAA estimates airport acceptance rate (AAR) at arrival airport 2. FAA assigns slots to airlines according to AAR on first-scheduled, first-served basis (“ration by schedule”) 3. Each airline tells FAA how its own slots will be used (substitutions and cancellations) 4. After cancellations become known, “compression” is performed to take advantage of empty slots 5. FAA assigns controlled time of arrival (CTA) to each flight and an associated controlled time of departure (CTD) 6. (Future?) No CTDs: airline determines take-off time for each flight to meet that flight’s CTA. Airline Flight ETA CTA Delay A 1 0700 0700 0 A 2 0700 0710 10 B 3 0705 0720 15 B 4 0705 0730 25 B 5 0710 0740 30 B 6 0710 0750 40 A 7 0720 0800 40 C 8 0720 0810 50 B 9 0740 0820 40 C 10 0740 0830 50 A 11 0820 0840 20 B 12 0840 0850 10 Total A 70 Total B 160 Total C 100 Total D 330 Example: Original Schedule and Initial GDP Schedule Example continued: A GDP Scenario Flight A1 is cancelled Airline B ranks flights B3-B6 in the order {B6, B4, B5, B3} in terms of priority Note: Under CDM rules airlines may freely substitute within their own flight schedule and can move any flight to a slot which is not earlier than that flight’s ETA Modified GDP: Cancellation of A1 and Swapping of B3 and B6 Slots Airline Flight ETA CTA Delay A 2 0700 0700 0 Void Void -- 0710 -- B 6 0710 0720 10 B 4 0705 0730 25 B 5 0710 0740 30 B 3 0705 0750 45 A 7 0720 0800 40 C 8 0720 0810 50 B 9 0740 0820 40 C 10 0740 0830 50 A 11 0820 0840 20 B 12 0840 0850 10 Total A 60 Total B 160 Total C 100 Total D 320 Potential GDP if A Discloses Cancellation of A1 to FAA Airline Flight ETA CTA Delay A 2 0700 0700 0 B 6 0710 0710 0 B 4 0705 0720 15 B 5 0710 0730 20 B 3 0705 0740 35 A 7 0720 0750 30 C 8 0720 0800 40 B 9 0740 0810 30 C 10 0740 0820 40 A 11 0820 0830 10 B 12 0840 0840 0 Total A 40 Total B 100 Total C 80 Total D 220 Potential GDP if A Does Not Disclose Cancellation of A1 Airline Flight ETA CTA Delay A 2 0700 0700 0 Void Void -- 0710 -- B 6 0710 0720 10 B 4 0705 0730 25 B 5 0710 0740 30 B 3 0705 0750 45 A 7 0720 0800 40 C 8 0720 0810 50 B 9 0740 0820 40 C 10 0740 0830 50 A 11 0820 0840 20 B 12 0840 0850 10 Total A 60 Total B 160 Total C 100 Total D 320 CDM Rules for Cancelled Flights CDM recognizes need to provide incentives to airlines to share information regarding flight cancellations and other changes in plans CDM Rule: An airline that cancels a flight has the right to advance later flights to the first feasible slot which becomes available as a result of the cancellation. Substitutions under CDM Give Priority to Airline Which Cancelled Flight Airline Flight ETA CTA Delay A 2 0700 0700 0 B 6 0710 0710 0 Void Void -- 0720 -- B 4 0705 0730 25 B 5 0710 0740 30 B 3 0705 0750 45 A 7 0720 0800 40 C 8 0720 0810 50 B 9 0740 0820 40 C 10 0740 0830 50 A 11 0820 0840 20 B 12 0840 0850 10 Total A 60 Total B 150 Total C 100 Total D 310 After Moving A7 Up…. Airline Flight ETA CTA Delay A 2 0700 0700 0 B 6 0710 0710 0 A 7 0720 0720 0 B 4 0705 0730 25 B 5 0710 0740 30 B 3 0705 0750 45 Void -- -- 0800 -- C 8 0720 0810 50 B 9 0740 0820 40 C 10 0740 0830 50 A 11 0820 0840 20 B 12 0840 0850 10 Total A 20 Total B 140 Total C 100 Total D 260 Compression of Schedule Airline Flight ETA CTA Delay A 2 0700 0700 0 B 6 0710 0710 0 A 7 0720 0720 0 B 4 0705 0730 25 B 5 0710 0740 30 B 3 0705 0750 45 C 8 0720 0800 40 B 9 0740 0810 30 Void -- -- 0820 -- C 10 0740 0830 50 A 11 0820 0840 20 B 12 0840 0850 10 Total A 20 Total B 130 Total C 90 Total D 240 Final GDP under CDM after Substitutions and Compression Airline Flight ETA CTA Delay A 2 0700 0700 0 B 6 0710 0710 0 A 7 0720 0720 0 B 4 0705 0730 25 B 5 0710 0740 30 B 3 0705 0750 45 C 8 0720 0800 40 B 9 0740 0810 30 A 11 0820 0820 0 C 10 0740 0830 50 B 12 0840 0840 0 Total A 0 Total B 130 Total C 90 Total D 220 Potential GDP if A Discloses Cancellation of A1 to FAA Airline Flight ETA CTA Delay A 2 0700 0700 0 B 6 0710 0710 0 B 4 0705 0720 15 B 5 0710 0730 20 B 3 0705 0740 35 A 7 0720 0750 30 C 8 0720 0800 40 B 9 0740 0810 30 C 10 0740 0820 40 A 11 0820 0830 10 B 12 0840 0840 0 Total A 40 Total B 100 Total C 80 Total D 220 Airline Flight ETA CTA Delay A 1 0700 0700 0 A 2 0700 0710 10 B 3 0705 0720 15 B 4 0705 0730 25 B 5 0710 0740 30 B 6 0710 0750 40 A 7 0720 0800 40 C 8 0720 0810 50 B 9 0740 0820 40 C 10 0740 0830 50 A 11 0820 0840 20 B 12 0840 0850 10 Total A 70 Total B 160 Total C 100 Total D 330 Original Schedule and Initial GDP Schedule Some “Open” Problems in CDM Accurate forecasting of demand, capacity, delays Improvements to FSM software Airlines: how many and what flights to cancel during GDPs? Setting the “airport acceptance rate” (AAR) Considering trade-offs between allocating capacity to arrivals and departures GDP control strategies A real-time “slot exchange”? Collaborative routing SFO Demand and Weather Implications of CDM CDM represents a major change in ATM environment Opportunity to work and make decisions in real time with a common database Step toward decentralization and Free Flight Immediate impacts on GDPs and routing Longer-term impacts on entire spectrum of ATM operations Possibly unexpected developments Examples of approaches to increasing airside capacity and/or improving efficiency Terminal area ATC automation aids QTools for arrival scheduling, sequencing and spacing QConvergent Runway Display Aid (CRDA) QSurface traffic automation (TARMAC, SMA, A-SMCGS) QDeparture planning tools (EDP) Wake-vortex separations Integrated terminal weather systems Precision runway monitor for closely-spaced parallel approaches Split approaches to close parallels; multiple runway IFR approaches ADS-B supported separations GPS-based precision approaches Advanced Terminal Area Automation Aids Decision support for arrival processing: CTAS (Center TRACON Automation System, U.S.) COMPAS (Frankfurt) MAESTRO (Paris) Terminal area transitioning, scheduling, sequencing and spacing of airport arrivals: last ~40 minutes of flight Several ongoing efforts to develop integrated arrival/departure/surface decision support systems Impact of CTAS (p-FAST) on DFW Arrival Rates 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 IFR, 2 Runways IFR, 3 Runways VFR, 3 Runways Arrival Rate (aircraft/hour) Baseline FAST Mid-morning rush data (source: Mr. T. Davis, NASA Ames) Separation Assurance Considerations PROCEDURAL SAFETY BUFFER PERSONAL SAFETY BUFFER MINIMUM SEPARATION STANDARD HAZARD ZONE SURVEILLANCE UNCERTAINTY Surveillance & Procedural Safety Buffer Components Procedural safety buffer now implicitly contains: Q Controller • Detection • Comprehension • Resolution Q Communication Q Pilot • Detection • Comprehension • Action Q Other ? Surveillance uncertainty contains: Q Position uncertainty Q Update rate Q Velocity & acceleration uncertainty Initial standards based primarily on surveillance uncertainty Hazard recovery now implicitly contained within standard? Improved Surveillance Has Not Led To Significantly Reduced Separations WHEN STANDARDS WERE DEVELOPED (e.g. 1950s for en route radar) IMPROVED SURVEILLANCE ENVIRONMENT (e.g. today for en route radar) Surveillance has improved, but separation minima have not changed: procedural safety buffer has implicitly increased Minimum Separation Standard Trend to Less Centralized ATM New technologies and user concerns exert strong pressure toward some decentralization of ATM systems “Free Flight” concept is an example May mean significant departure from current approaches to ATM Fundamental issues need to be investigated Free Flight “A safe and efficient flight operating capability under IFR in which the operators have the freedom to select their path and speed in real time. Air traffic restrictions are only imposed to ensure separation, to preclude exceeding airport capacity, to prevent unauthorized flight through special use airspace and to ensure safety of flight. Restrictions are limited in extent and duration to correct the identified problem. Any activity which removes restrictions represents a move toward “free flight.” Report of RTCA Board of Directors Select Committee on Free Flight (1/95) Future of ATM Globally Essential components • Satellite-based communications, navigation, and surveillance (CNS) • Use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems such as GPS and GLONASS • Digital data links • Flight Management Systems • Conflict probes, collision avoidance systems Opportunity for countries with less developed ATM systems to “leapfrog” ATM in oceanic and remote areas will be first to benefit in important ways |