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海军军语词汇翻译(七) [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-11-17 09:15:14 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
群呼廣播業務 group call broadcast service
群集區域 area of concentration
群警報 group alarm
群落生態學 synecology
群體 colony
群眾管理訓練 crowed management training
燃料加添港 fuel harbor
燃料噴射閥冷卻泵 fuel injection valve cooling pump
燃燒室外殼 combustor outer casing
燃油駁{無動力} YON
燃油駁船 fuel oil barge
燃油閥滴漏 fuel valve dribbling
燃油加熱器 fuel oil heater
燃油均化器 fuel oil homogenizer
燃油器 oil burning unit
燃油輸送泵 fuel oil transfer pump
燃油注入管 fuel oil filling pipe
燃油裝備組 oil fuel unit
染網 dressing; net dyeing
染網過程 cutching
讓與人;轉讓人 assignor
繞往 catch a turn
熱傳導 calorific conduction; thermal conduction
熱帶地帶 tropical zone
熱帶海鰻 moray eel
熱帶魚飼育 culture of tropical fish
熱帶種 tropical strain
熱電動勢 thermo electromotive force
熱電式空調器 thermal electric type air conditioner
熱力學溫度標 thermodynamic temperature scale
熱疲勞裂痕 heat fatigue cracking
熱起動 hot starting
熱潛變 thermal creep
熱水加熱系統 hot water heating system
熱水循環泵 hot water circulating pump
熱停機;熱停爐 hot shut-down
熱穩定性 thermostability
人工採卵 artificial egg taking
人工操縱;有人當值 manned
人工島 artificial island
人工堤岸 embankment
人工電報交換業務 manual telex service
人工調整 manual setting
人工繁殖;人工放流 artificial propagation
人工孵化放流 artificial hatching and plantation
人工港 artificial harbor
人工回淤 artificial accretion
人工擠卵 egg stripping
人工神經網路避碰系統 artificial neutral network collision avoidance system
人工授精 artificial fertilization
人工飼料 artificial food
人工養護灘 artificial nourishment of beach
人工魚礁 fish shelter
人工魚礁築磯 artificial bank
人工育苗 artificial breeding
人工智慧語言 artificial intelligent language
人-機通信系統 man-machine communication system
人身傷害 personal injury {= per. inj.; p.i.}
人身傷亡責任限制 limit of liability for personal injury
人身意外 personal accident {= personal acc.}
人事士 personnel man {= PN}
人為因素 man-made factors
人物安全 physical security
人員登陸艇 LBP
人員登陸小艇{配備跳板} LCP (R)
人員運輸潛艇;人員運輸潛艦 transport submarine {APSS; ASSP}
人造衛星 artificial satellite
人造行星 artificial planet
人造真珠 artificial fertilized pearl
任何一次發生 any one occurrence {= AOO; a.o.o.; a.o.occ.}
任何一次航程 any one voyage {= AOV.; a.o.v.}
任何一次送遞 any one sending {= AOS; a.o.s.}
任何一次損失 any one loss {= AOL; a.o.l.}
任何一次意外事故 any one accident {= AOA; a.o.a.}
任何一切險 all risks whatsoveer
任何一艘船舶 any one bottom {= AOB; a.o.b.}; any one vessel {= AOV; a.o.v.}
任何一艘汽船;任何一艘輪船 any one steamer {= AOS.; a.o.s.}
任期即將屆滿者 short timer
任務 task
任務管制中心 mission control center {= MCC}
任務管制中心服務區 MCC service area
任務記錄簿 mission log
任意彎撓之氣管 flexible air pipe
仍可承保 held covered; hold covered {= H/C; h/c}
仍可承保條款 held covered clause
日本冰險條款 Japanese ice clause
日本鮆;片口鰮 anchovy
日本鮆{俗名片口鱙、鱙仔} japanese anchovy
日本鳥加鰆 japanese mackerel
日本驗船協會;日本海事協會 Japanese Marine Corporation [= Japanese Maritime Corporation; Nippon Kaiji Kyokai] {= NK}
日本異齒鮫 bull-heak shark
日本種 japanese strain
日潮不等 diurnal inequality
日費;出差費 per diem
日高式大謀網 hidaka's keddle net
日晷投影;心射切面投影 gnomonic projection
日界線 calendar line
日明貝;蚶 scallop
日期另行通知 date to be advised {= DTBA; d.t.b.a.}
日字鏈;日字環鏈 stud link chain
容積噸;呎碼噸 measurement ton
容積換算係數 volume conversion coefficient
容積溫度修正係數 volume-temperature correction coefficient
容許磨損 permissible wear
容許最大穩定運轉功率 maximum permissible stable operation power
溶堤 extract
溶血作用 haemolysis
溶氧量之淨生產值 net oxygen production
熔線;[電路]保險絲;熔斷器;炸藥引信 fuse
融點;融解點 melting point
蠑螺 common spiny whelk
柔性撐板 flexible stay plate
柔性轉子 flexible rotor
鞣度計;鞣液比重計 barkometer
肉食性動物 carnivore
肉食性習慣 carnivorous habit
肉食性魚類 carnivorous fish
肉眼的 macroscopic; megascopic
肉魚;東洋鯧;瓜子鯧 butterfish
肉汁培養基 nutrient broth; nutrient houillon
如每一明細表所載;參閱勞依茲日報 as per list {= APL; a.p.l.}
如滅失仍須繳付全額保險費 full premium if lost {= f.p.i.l.}
如前述 supra
如首席核保人同意 as agreed l/u
如因被保險事故而滅失仍須繳付全額保險費 full premium if lost from a peril insured against {= f.p.i.l.p.i.a.}; full premium if lost from an insured peril {= f.p.i.l.i.p.}
如原規定 as original {= as orig.}
儒艮;海牛 dugong
入港引水費 inward pilotage
入侵波 send wave
入塢費;碼頭費 dock charge
入塢檢驗 docking survey
入塢期 dockage period
入漁權 common of piscary; common of piscary right; fishing right
入漁權人 common of piscary operrator
軟骨魚 cartilaginous fish
軟管;水龍帶 hose
軟管噴嘴 hose nozzle
軟撚;鬆撚 soft lay
軟皮線蟲 leptolamus sp.
軟式繫結頂推船隊 flexible connected pusher train
軟體動物 mollusc
軟體動物類 mollusca
軟鐵球 soft-iron sphere
瑞德蒸氣壓 Reid vapor pressure
銳變層 spring layer
銳緣 sharp edges
閏秒  leap second
閏月 leap month
弱彈簧示功圖 weak spring diagram
弱的;淡的 weak
弱鏈 weak link
撒餌 chum; chum bait; ground bait
撒鹽法 dry salting
鰓 gill
鰓瓣 gill-lamellae
鰓病 gill diseasec
鰓方 gill-arch
鰓蓋 gill cover
鰓蓋;殼蓋 operculum
鰓骨魚籤 opercle clip fish tag
鰓孔 gill cleft
鰓囊 gill pouch
鰓耙 gill raker
鰓葉 gill-filament
賽令屈龍式炮火射控系統 thyratron
賽艇危險延展條款 Racing Risks Extension Clause
三[層]金屬軸承 tri-metal bearing
三段膨脹蒸汽機 triple expansion steam engine
三付釣鉤合成的複鉤{釣鉤型式的一種} treble
三竿釣 three pole angling
三缸星形引擎 Y-engine
三股撚 three folded twist
三股油麻繩填料 three-yarn nettle stuff
三拐曲軸 three-thrown crank shaft
三級狀況艦艇 three-condition ships
三角測量法 triangulation
三角形頂點 triangle top mark
三角形輪蟲 synchaeta sp.
三角形日標 triangle day mark
三角形矽藻 triceratium sp.
三角洲海岸線 delta shore line
三腳插塞 three-pin plug
三年制會計基礎 three year accounting system
三十天通知單 thirty days notice
三通接頭 T-junction
三位四通方向控制閥 three-position four way directional control valve
三線龍舌魚 leaf sole; minute-scaled sole
三線圈法 three-figure method
三相變流機;三相反相器 three-phase inverter
三相四線制 three-phase four-wire system
三重網 semi-trmmel net; trammel net; trinal net
三重網{俗名} shackle net
三字母信號碼 three letter signal code
傘覆式保險 bumbershoot
傘覆式責任保險 umbrella liability insurance
散布界 sheaf width
散光柱 diverged beam
散貨 loose cargo
散貨碼頭 bulk cargo wharf
散裝穀類捆包 bundle of bulk grain
散裝固體貨物 solid bulk cargo
散裝貨條款 bulk cargo clause
散裝液貨 liquid bulk cargo
掃布雷艦艇 mine vessels
掃程;隘路;航道 pass
掃蕩 mooping up
掃海測量 wire drag survey
掃雷 minesweeping; M/S
掃雷標 pig
掃雷船 vessel engaged in mine clearance operation
掃雷隊形 mine-sweeping formation
掃雷法 minesweeping methods
掃雷工作 sweeping operation
掃雷航海勤務 mine-sweeping navigation service
掃雷艦 mine sweeper {AM}
掃雷艦艇複訓 MSRFT
掃雷纜 sweep wire
掃雷器具 sweep gear
掃雷艇 minesweeping boat {= MSB}
掃雷作業 sweeping mine
掃描;描測 scan
掃瞄並同追瞄 TWS
掃射 straffing
色值 colour value
沙包 movable sand heap
沙蠶幼蟲 nereis larva
沙丁魚罐頭 canned sardines
沙漣 sand ripple
沙盤 sand table
沙畦 sand ridge
沙鰍 loach
沙灘或礁岸面之碎波 wave breaker
沙條 yellow dog shark
沙蝦 sand shrimp
沙洲區 bar bounds
沙洲區引水人 bar pilot
沙洲嘴 spit
沙樁 sand pile
砂蝦 metapenaeus ensis
砂洲{河口等} sandbank
砂樁基礎 sand pile foundation
殺菌釜;蒸餾器 retort
殺菌劑 bactericide
殺藻劑 algicide
鯊;鮫 shark
鯊皮 shark skin
篩選條款 sifting clause
篩選之警報資料 filtered alert data
曬乾 sun-dried
曬魚場;曬網場 drying ground
曬魚棚 flake
珊瑚泥 coral mud
珊瑚網 coral net
珊瑚嶼 coral island
閃電 thunderlight
閃光[燈];[手]電筒 flash light
閃光標桿 flasing beacon
閃光燈 strobe light
閃爍;明晦光 flickering
閃爍復位 flicker reset
扇區防空作戰協調官;扇區防空作戰協調中心 SAAWC
扇區艦砲管制 sector battery control
扇區掃測;扇區掃描 sector scan
扇區搜救協調官 sector SAR coordinator
扇形搜察;扇形搜索 sector search
扇形陰影 shadow sector
善意的過失 error by good faith
鱔魚 rice-field eel
商標條款 brand clause
商船;商船旗 merchant flag
商船掛滿旗;垂列式滿旗{帆船} dressed full with up and down flags
商船情報資料 MERINT
商船搜救手冊 merchant ship search and rescue manual
商港 commercial port; commercial harbor
商業封鎖 commercial blockade
商業性水產業 commercial fisheries
商用碼頭;商用船塢 commercial dock
傷患後送 medical evacuation {= MEDEVAC}
上部 upper
上部堆儲布置 overstowing arrangement
上層裝載 load on top {= LOT}
上二科 superfamily
上二目 superorder
上風船 vessel to windward
上風舵 down helm
上風滿舵 hard up
上風舷 windward side
上綱 superclass
上後頭脊突 supra-occipital crest
上浪 shipping sea
上撚 final twist; second twist
上聲納室 upper sonar room
上水溫層 eppilimnion
上桅 lay aloft
上桅揚帆結 topsail halyard bend
上行衝程 upward stroke
上行船 up-bound vessel
上袖網 top wing; upper wing
上游 upper reach
上游錨 upstream anchor
上子午線 upper branch of meridian
稍息 stand easy
稍有波濤 rather rough sea
少量軍品運輸 MILTOSS
哨戒;偵察;偵察單位 scout
哨戒艦 picket boat; watchdog
哨戒驅逐艦 tom cat
舌狀突出物{罐} spur
蛇航 sinuate
射程{代字R} present range {= R}
射程風 range wind
射擊地帶;火力制壓地區 zone of fire
射擊界線;射擊安全角 limit of fire
射擊扇區 sector of fire
射擊限制線 no-fire line
射水魚;箭魚 archer fish
射索回收袋 shot line return bag
射線 line of fire {= LOF}
設備接收單 equipment receipt
設定值;調定值 set value
設計波 design wave
設計緯度 designed latitude
設計有缺陷-造船危險 faulty design- builder's risk
攝餌適應 feeding adaptation
申報書;通告 notification
申請發證者 candidate
申請貨物進倉 apply for warehouse entry
申請貨物轉倉 apply for rewarehouse entry
伸臂起重機 jib crane
伸長度計 extensometer
伸出式防波堤;突出式防波堤 projecting breakwater
伸出式碼頭;突出式碼頭 projecting wharf
伸縮式鰭板穩定器 retractable fin stabilizer
身網 body of the net
深底帶 protundal zone
深度測微計 micrometer depth gauge
深度計 hydroscope
深度自動操舵裝置 depth autopilot
深谷 deep notch
深谷;峽谷 deep gully
深海;深淵 abyss
深海底棲魚 benthic fish
深海分區 benthic division
深海敬漫層 deep scattering layer {= DSL}
深海鱸 deep sea bass
深海拋錨 deep sea anchoring
深海區 abyssal zone
深海沈澱物 abyssimal deposits; deep sea deposit
深海魚 abyssal fishes
深海漁法 deep sea fishing
深潛救生艇 deep submersible rescue vehicle
深潛器 deep diving submersible bathyscaphe
深水船塢 deep-water dock
深水航路 deep water way
深水流 deep current
深水生物 profundal fauna
深水突堤碼頭 deep-water pier
深水拖網 deep water trawl
深水灣 deep bay
深水緣帶 eupsammon zone
深淵 deep
鰺魚 barracuda; horse mackerel
鰺魚類 blue-fish
神經毒氣 nerve gases
沈船勘測 wreck surveying
沈船障礙 sunken obstruction
沈錘 weights
沈綱 ground rope; lead line
沈降速度 sinking down velocity
沈沒 founder
沈沒物 sunken wreckage
沈沒物 sunk object
沈沙壩 spur dike
沈石;石錨 stone anchor
沈水泵 submerged pump
沈水性植物 submersed
沈性 demersal
沈性卵 demersal egg
沈子;鉛;測深錘 lead
沈子;沈錘 sinker
沈子方添綱 big bolsh line
沈子綱 foot line; footrope
沈子配置圖 lead line strip plan
沈子緣綱 bolch line
腎條蟲 renibus penaei
滲漏及破損 leakage and breakage {= lkge. & bkge.}
升船機 ship elevator; ship lift
升高肋板 raised floor
升降船閘 shaft lock
升降式水雷 oscillating mine
升降式鑽油臺 jack-up rigs
升交角距;赤緯角距 argument of latitude
升力 lift force
升旗 make colors
生產[的] yielding
生產量 production
生長因素 growth factor
生活史 life history
生活用水系統 domestic water system
生命喪失 loss of life {= l.o.l.}
生命喪失及人身傷害 loss of life and personal injery {= l.o.l. & p.i.}
生物帶 life zone
生物界 living nature
生物掩護 biological shielding
生物資源 living resources
生效{法文};適用;有益 inure
生效日[期] attachment date; effective date
生鏽 oxidation
生殖潛力 reproductive potential
生殖腺 gonad
昇汞防腐法 kyanazing
牲口櫃 cattle container
牲口貨 livestock cargo
牲口運輸船 livestock carrier
聲[波]信號聽距測定 determination of range of audibility of sound signal
聲道 sound channel
聲納操作掃聽 listening sweep
聲納反制 SPNCM
聲納功能之戰技近距離接觸 MCC
聲納官 sonar officer
聲納海圖 sonar chart
聲納紀錄簿 sonar log
聲納目標 sonar target
聲納掃測計畫 sonar sweep plan
聲納士{俚語} ping jockey
聲納室 sonar room
聲納搜索 sonar search
聲納通信;靶標與訓練用潛艦訓練艦;目標潛艦;海面溫度 SST
聲納位差修正量 sonar parallax correction
聲納訓練艦 SOSS
聲納魚探器 sonar fish finder
聲納罩塗料 sona dome coating
聲納偵測 sonar detection
聲納阻柵 sonobooy barrier
聲相關計程儀 acoustic correlation log
繩結 bends and hitches
繩筐 skep
繩纜系統 painter system
繩碰墊 pudding fender; rope fender
繩索位置測定器 cable position sensor
繩網{流刺網兩端加強用} gable
繩止;繩索槽溝 rope guide
盛卵箱 egg box
盛漁期 best fishing period
剩餘動穩度 residual dynamical stability
剩餘扶正力臂 residual righting lever
剩餘高度;淨空高度 height clearance
剩餘自差 remaining deviation
失去控制;無法控制;開始負責指揮 take charge
失速 speed loss
失速角 stalling angle
失吸現象 suction loss
失相圖 out-of-phase diagram
失蹤船舶 missing ship
失蹤或過期船隻 overdue ship
虱目魚 milkfish
屍毒素;五甲烯二胺 cadaverine
施帶式陣列監視系統 TASS
施放煙幕操作 smoke screen laying maneuver
施肥 fertilizer application
施肥養殖 fish culture by fertilization
施救權益 benefit of salvage
溼 wet
濕導法{魚類人工受精法之一} wet method
濕噴砂 wet sand blasting
鰤 yellow tail
十字頭履;十字頭滑塊 crosshead shoe [= crosshead slipper]
十字頭型柴油機 crosshead type diesel engine
石斑魚 grouper
石斑魚類 ablen
石灰地 liming tub
石灰水脫毛法 liming method
石鹼 saponin
石首魚;黃花魚 croaker
石壓載 stone ballast
石印軍士 LI
石英壓力感測器 quartz pressure sensor
石子灘 shingle beach
食餌與捕魚者關係 prey-predator relationship
食人鮫 man-eater shark; white shark
食屍的 necrophagous
食物堆體 food pyramid
食物廢棄物 food wastes
食物環 food cycle
食物鏈 food chain
食物適應性 food suitability
食物網 food web
食性 food habit
食用魚粉 fish flour
食魚鳥 fish-eating bird
食魚性魚 piscivorous fish; predatory fish
時基[信號]產生器 time-base generator
時間保單到期日「附註」註銷通知{拉丁文} notice of cancellation at anniversary date {= NCAD}
時間保險單 time policy
時間損失 loss of time
時間條款{船舶保險} time clause
時間校正 time calibration
時間延誤[損失]條款 time penalty clause
時角增量超差 excess of hour angle increment
時區圖 time zone chart
時效 time bar
實罐洗滌機 filled can washer
實擊前之作戰 preassault operations
實際承保責任額 closed line
實際航跡 actual track
實際全損 actual total loss {= a.t.l.}
實際裝卸時間表;裝卸時間事實記錄 laytime statement of fact
實際組具 full size of net
實力之再指派{編配} reassignment of units
實密度-溫度修正係數 true density-temperature correction coefficient
實施反水雷作戰 MCMOPS
實施水雷作戰 MWFOPS
實務規則 rules of practice
實習引水人;見習引水人 apprentice pilot
實驗室分析報告 laboratory analysis report
實質航跡 track made good
實質英磅 true sterling
實作 practical
實作訓練 practice training
蝕耗極限 corroded limit
識別 identify
識別;辨認;辨別 recognition
識別資料 identification data
識星 star identification
矢形紋 sagitta
使用及營業利潤損失 use and occupancy {= u & o}
使用中反應器之安全保險測驗 ORSE
始航港 port of origin
駛開;曳開 haul away
駛向海岸 stand into land
士兵等級;差率{天文鐘};經線儀日差;保險費率 rate
士官 NCO
士官長 non-commisioned officer; warrant officer
士官階級臂章 rating badge
世界港埠索引 World Port Index
世界氣象組織 World Meteorological Organization {= WMO}
世界無線電會議 World Radio Conference {= WRC}
世界協調時 universal co-ordinated time {= UTC}
世界行政無線電會議 World Administrative Radio Conference {= WARC}
示標登記 beacon register
示標登記國通告 notification of country of beacon registration
示標定位概率 beacon location probability
示標發射天線 beacon transmit antenna
示標檢測概率 beacon detection probability
示標識別 beacon identification
示標識別數據;示標識別資料 beacon identification data
示標塔 beacon tower
示標信文 beacon message
示功器 power level indicator
示位標誌 position indicating mark
事故;意外事件 incident
事故資料 incident data
視[線]角 angle of sight
視差三角形;天文三角形 parallactic triangle
視差位移 parallactic displacement
視赤道坐標 apparent equatorial coordinates
視出沒 apparent rise and set
視覺法 visual method
視力識別 visual identification
視強度;易見度 apparent intensity
視情況維修 on-condition maintenance
視天頂距 apparent zenith distance
視同生效日 deemed attachment date
視線;瞄準線瞄距 line of sight
視週期 apparent period
嗜腐性真菌類 sapro-legnia
試操縱 trial maneuvering
試航;成軍巡航 shakedown cruise
試航條件 sea trial condition
試驗報告 test report
試驗臺試驗 testing-bed test
適航船舶 seaworthy ship
適航俯仰差 seaworthy trim
適航能力承認條款 seaworthiness admitted clause
適航能力絕對保證 absolute warrnaty of seaworthiness
適航能力默示保證 implied warranty of seaworthiness
適勤 fitness for duty
適拖 tow worthiness
適溫水帶 optimum temperature zone
適宜工作日 weather working days
適應式自動操舵儀 adaptive autopilot
適應性 adaptability; adaptation
適用船速 operating ship speed
適用緯度 operating latitude
適運水分限 transportable moisture limit
適正生產水準 optimum level of product
適正水溫 favorable water temperature
適正漁場 favorable fishing grounds
適正漁獲量 optimum catch
適正漁獲率 optimum fishing rate
適正漁獲強度 optimum fishing intensity
螫蝦;淡水籠蝦 crayfish
釋放;脫扣 release
釋纜器 cable releaser
收操 train in and secure
收到了{無線電話術語} roger
收到信號;確認信號 acknowledge signal
收發開關 T-R switch
收貨 take delivery
收貨單 mate's receipt
收繫轆轤 bowsing tackle
收歛線區域 area of convergence
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