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Contract for Introductionof Complete Plant and Technology成套设备技术引进合同 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2009-12-19 19:55:29 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

This Agreement is entered into and made in duplicate on____________(Date), in ____________(Place), between ____________Corporation (hereinafter called Corporation), incorporated by the California Corporations Code and having its principal executive office in the city of ____________, USA, as PARTY OF THE FIRST PART and____________Corporation, (hereinafter Called Purchaser) as PARTY OF THE SECOND PART.



In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, it is agreed by and between Corporation and Purchaser as follows:



第1 条 释义

For the purpose of this agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings defined below:


“Acceptance Test Manual”


The Acceptance Test Manual shall be the document prepared by Corporation which will be used by Corporation and Purchaser for checking that the Equipment is in accordance with the Specifications and Approved Data.


“System Parts”


System Parts are those, which are necessary to Corporation in the performance of this, Agreement and derived from Approved Data and shall include but not be limited to those parts which are manufactured by Corporation’s suppliers. Notwithstanding the foregoing mutually agreed simulated and modified equipment used in lieu of the foregoing shall be deemed to be System Parts.


“Approved Data”


Approved Data shall mean those drawings, data and other technical information which are relevant to the System, and which are necessary to Corporation in the performance of this Agreement.


“Associated Items”


Associated Items shall mean those associated items and services specified in Exhibit “C” which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.


“Deficiencies or Detects”


Deficiencies or Defects shall mean areas of the Equipment (configuration and performance) that fail to meet identified sections of the Acceptance Test Manual.


“Effective Date”


The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be the date on which Corporation is authorized to proceed with the work hereunder to Purchaser’s account or the date on which the first payment is received by Corporation. The authorization to proceed referred to in the foregoing may be either a telex or letter from a duly authorized officer of Purchaser providing such authorization to proceed, or a copy of this Agreement duly signed by both parties. The said Effective Date shall be construed as the date of the commencement of work hereunder.


“Excusable Delay”


Excusable Delay where the term is used in this Agreement shall mean those causes of delay specifically identified in article 7 hereof (Excusable Delay).


“Proprietary Software”


Proprietary Software shall mean any program or other information stored on taps, discs, documents or other material, in machine readable or other form, which is the property of Corporation.


“Site Acceptance”


Site Acceptance shall mean the final acceptance of the Equipment carried out by the Purchaser at Purchaser’s Facility in accordance with the Acceptance Test Manual.




Specification shall mean the document identified in Exhibit “A” hereto.



第2条 销售主体事项

(a)Corporation shall sell to the Purchaser and the Purchaser shall purchase from Corporation the Equipment together with the Associated Items.


(b) The Equipment and Associated Items shall be in accordance with this Agreement and the Specification.


(c) The Equipment shall have the capability to perform in accordance with the performance standards expressed in ____________, to the extent that such standards are covered by the Specification and Approved Data and subject to the availability of all necessary drawings, data and other technical information.


(d) Corporation will prepare and submit to the Purchaser three draft copies of the Acceptance Test Manual not later than____________. The schedule for review and approval of the Acceptance Test Manual is contained in Exhibit “B” hereto.


(e) In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Agreement proper and those of the Exhibits hereto, the provisions of the Agreement proper shall govern. In the event of any conflict between the Acceptance Test Manual and the Specification or Approved Data, the Specification and Approved Data shall govern.



第3条 价格

The total purchase price of the equipment and associated items with all risks transit insurance prepaid to purchaser’s facility shall be ____________.



第4条 支付

(a)All amounts stated or referred to herein are in lawful money of ____________and all payments shall be made in lawful money of ____________by the Purchaser to Corporation at Corporation’s Plant, unless Corporation otherwise directs by notice in writing to the Purchaser.


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