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- 2021-7-10
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- 2036
The Next Generation Air Transportation System Overview Jay Merkle Chief Architect JPDO 2 Background resident’s Commission on Future of Aerospace Industry National Academy of Science 2003 FAA Reauthorization “Vision 100” Senior Interagency Policy Committee Joint Planning and Development Office (JPDO) National Civil Aviation Review Commission 3 National Air Space Demand Quickly Overwhelms Near-Term Capacity 4 Real Progress Five Agencies working together with Private Sector NGATS concept defined Roadmap being finalized System change begins in FY07 Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast 5 NGATS Annual Cycle JPDO Develops Plan With Agencies and Industry Agency Plans Investments Research Guidance Implementation Guidance Agency Executes Investments Government Budget Process JPDO Manages Outcomes against Plan Portfolio Management Adjust Plan 6 Airport Landing, Weather, Lighting Radar Radar Air/Ground Communications NAVAIDs Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) Systems Today’s Air Transportation System 7 8 Key Capabilities - Network Enabled Access Network Enabled Operations (NEO) Network Enabled Infrastructure (NEI) Network Enabled Weather (NEW) 9 Key Capabilities – Performance-Based Operations and Services Weather Impacted Ops. Dynamic Resource & Aerospace Management Modernized Surface Ops. Trajectory-based Separation Management Collaborative ATM Trajectory-based Ops. 10 Key Capabilities - Weather Assimilated into Decision- Making Net-centric weather information is made available and understandable to all approved users. A reliable virtual, common weather picture is foundational for optimal air transportation decision-making. Presentation of weather data is tailored to user operational needs. Widespread use of integrated probabilistic weather-related decision support systems Automatic updates to users based on operational need An adaptive observing system integrating ground, airborne, and spaced based sensors 11 Key Capabilities – Layered Adaptive Security Adaptive Security for People, Cargo, Airports and Aircraft Risk Assessment-Driven Evaluation and Response Positive Identification for People and Cargo Preventive Threat Detection and Mitigation 12 Key Capabilities – Position, Navigation and Timing Services (PNT) Air routes are independent of the location of ground-based navigation aids. RNAV is used everywhere; RNP is used where required to achieve system objectives, which reduces controller workload and increases efficient use of NAS resources (airspace and runways). System performance meets operational needs to service the demand. Increased availability of guided approaches at smaller airports (mostly) for general aviation with lower minimums 13 Key Capabilities - Aircraft Trajectory-Based Operations Services and Operations based on precise trajectory execution Self-Separation Services Flow Corridors Super Density Arrival/Departure Airspace 14 Key Capabilities - Super Density Operations Use of RNP operations and procedures that eliminate requirements for visual operations Mitigation of wake vortex constraints through detection and real-time adaptation of separations Improved runway incursion prevention algorithms to increase efficiency and safety Automatic distribution of runway braking action reports Distribution of taxi instructions before landing that can be automatically executed without waiting for a separate clearance Use of aircraft sensors to more quickly identify the need for de-icing operations, increasing efficiency of surface movements. 15 ATM – Goals and Objectives Meet both a diverse operational objectives and aircraft capabilities and characteristics Meet users needs for access, efficiency, and predictability. Provide safe, secure, of sufficient capacity, environmental acceptable and affordable for all users ATM is the dynamic, integrated management of air traffic and airspace—safely, economically, and efficiently—through the costeffective provision of facilities and seamless services in collaboration with all parties. 16 Airports – Goals and Objectives Airports are the nexus for many NextGen transformational elements: Operational services support integrated management of aircraft and ground support equipment on the ramp during all weather operations Technology enables improved access and efficient utilization of common use airport infrastructure Mission support services enable preservation of critical airports, efficient development of airport and regional systems, and NextGen enabled design standards 17 Net-Centric Infrastructure Services – Goals and Objectives The concept of net-centricity ensures a robust, globally interconnected network in which information is shared in a timely and consistent way among users, applications, and platforms during all phases of aviation transportation efforts. Supports air navigation service, airport, and flight operations Enables shared situational awareness Supports compliance and regulation oversight Supports security, safety, environmental, and performance management services 18 Shared Situational Awareness – Goals and Objectives Airborne Information Web AAeerroossppaaccee VVeehhiicclleess International Aviation IInntteell CCoommmmuunniittyy Homeland Security Homeland Defense Need to get a higher resolution image from SSA Access can be accomplished in an automated and virtual fashion where a standing request for information by subscribers is produced, using established protocols and standards. Shared Situation Awareness - Real-time free-flow of info from private, commercial, & government sources, integrated internationally - Push/pull processes, secured according to needs and priorities - Common awareness of day-to-day ops, events, crises Aircraft are integral “nodes” in network Integrated surveillance system across agencies and borders 19 Layered Adaptive Security Services – Goals and Objectives To maintain effective security management across major stakeholders, a collaborative framework is composed of the following key functions and processes: National Aviation Security Policy Aviation Security Stakeholder Involvement Aviation Integrate Risk Management (IRM) Aviation Security Implementation Aviation Security Assurance 20 Safety – Goals and Objectives The key to success is the implementation of safety management systems integrated at the national level. The integrated safety management approach being developed includes: a national aviation safety strategy, a safety improvement culture, a prognostic safety risk management (SRM) capability, a robust and protected safety information sharing and analysis procedure, and an enhanced safety assurance function. 21 Environment – Goals and Objectives NextGen Environmental objectives include providing a framework to enable environmental protection that allows for sustained aviation growth: Reduce significant noise and aircraft engine emissions in absolute terms Proactively address emerging environmental issues (e.g. water quality, energy intensity, and global climate change) Enable Environmental Management Systems (EMS) capabilities system wide 22 Global Harmonization – Goals and Objectives A key step toward gaining global endorsement of the NGATS is to be sure every technology, policy, and procedural option or “element” is compatible with existing global requirements: Harmonized systems, procedures for “borderless” interoperability Partnerships to promote common solutions for common problems Early, continuing participation in developing global standards, procedures to ensure satisfaction of US requirements Promote US position and preferred standards globally 23 Upcoming JPDO Additions – Aircraft/Avionics – Goals and Objectives NextGen Aircraft objectives would likely include developing a framework to integrate transformational technologies and capabilities for airframes, engines, and equipage: Airframe Technologies Engine Performance Equipage Improvements 24 Building NextGen Capabilities • Emphasize later stages of R&D to support mid-term capabilities (e.g. field trials) • Field trials minimize risk for achieving integration of multiple NextGen capabilities • Develop & implement core technologies (DataCom, SWIM, Net-Enabled Weather) • Develop performance-based standards; avionics standards and development • Complete infrastruture and systems engineering (TBO, CATM, etc.) • Develop NextGen systems integration plan for mid-term transition to NextGen • Implement expanded RNAV/RNP procedures across NAS domains • Continued implementation of known solutions/infrastructure (ADS-B) • Complete airspace redesign (OEP airports) • Design and develop controller training/tools required for mid-term transition to NextGen. Core Technologies, Capabilities & Systems Engineering • Aircraft equipped for the mid-term • Initial delivery of NextGen services and capabilities become available across domains (enroute, terminal automation, surface ops) • Trajectories exchanged via data link • Implement initial TBO and flexible airspace management • Implement integration of flow management with ATC • Improved collaboration and decision-making across domains • Implement enhanced airborne flow programs to reduce impact of weather • Complete transfer of services and systems integration for air transportation systemwide NextGen solutions delivery and operations • Trajectory-Based Operations • Increase Arrivals/Departures at High-Density Airports • Flexible Terminals & Airports • Collaborative Air Traffic Management • Reduced Weather Impact • Safety, Security & Environmental Performance • Transformed Facilities NextGen Solutions Integrated & Operating Across NAS Develop: FY06-11 Implement: FY10-15 Develop: FY18-21 Implement: FY20-25 Mid-Term Transition to NextGen Develop: FY12-17 Implement: FY14-19 25 Discussion |