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1/2 EASA AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVE AD No : 2007-0213 Date: 07 August 2007 No person may operate an aircraft to which an Airworthiness Directive applies, except in accordance with the requirements of that Airworthiness Directive unless otherwise agreed with the Authority of the State of Registry. Type Approval Holder’s Name : AIRBUS Type/Model designation(s) : A318, A319, A320 and A321 aircraft TCDS Number: EASA A.064 Foreign AD: Not applicable. Supersedure: This AD supersedes EASA AD 2006-0069R1 ATA 57 Wings – Outer Wing Main Landing Gear Support Rib 5 Fitting – Inspection / Modification Manufacturer(s): AIRBUS (formerly AIRBUS INDUSTRIE) Applicability: AIRBUS A318, A319, A320 and A321 aircraft, all certified models, all serial numbers (MSN) except aircraft that have received AIRBUS modification 32025 in production or AIRBUS Service Bulletin (SB) A320-57-1118 in service. The requirements of this AD do not apply to a MLG Support Rib 5 Fitting that has been repaired i.a.w. A319 Structural Repair Manual (SRM) 57-26-13 paragraph 5.C or i.a.w. A320/A321 SRM 57-26-13 paragraph 5.D. Reason: Several cases of corrosion of the main landing gear (MLG) rib 5 fitting lug bores have been reported on A320 family aircraft. In some instances, corrosion pits caused the cracking of the forward lug (sometimes through its complete thickness). If not detected, the cracking may lead to the complete failure of the fitting and thus could affect the structural integrity of the MLG installation. EASA AD 2006-0069 was issued to address this condition and required repetitive inspections and corrective action, as necessary. The present AD supersedes AD 2006-0069R1 and mandates a repetitive inspection program of the MLG rib 5 fitting forward lugs and requires a modification that is terminating action for the repetitive inspection requirements of this directive. Effective Date: 21 August 2007 2/2 Compliance: 1. Inspections : 1.1 For A318, A319, A320 aircraft, inspect the forward lug of the MLG support rib 5 fittings as per the SB A320-57-1138 Revision 01: • within 150 flight cycles following the last inspection as per AD 2006- 0069R1, if visual or • within 940 flight cycles following the last inspection as per AD 2006- 0069R1, if by ultrasound or • before next flight following a hard landing. 1.2 For A321 aircraft, inspect the forward lug of the MLG support rib 5 fittings as per the SB A320-57-1138 Revision 01: • within 100 flight cycles following the last inspection as per AD 2006- 0069R1, if visual or • within 630 flight cycles following the last inspection as per AD 2006- 0069R1, if by ultrasound or • before next flight following a hard landing. 1.3 For all aircraft, repeat the inspection at intervals defined in SB A320-57- 1138 revision 01; In case of findings, refer to the SB A320-57-1138 Rev 01 for further instructions. 2. Final fix : Within five (5) years after the effective date of this directive, modify the MLG Rib Bushes in accordance with instructions in Airbus SB A320-57-1118 revision 03. The embodiment of the SB A320-57-1118 constitutes terminating action and cancels the repetitive inspection requirements of paragraph 1 of this directive. The repair of a MLG support rib 5 fitting i.a.w. A319 SRM 57-26-13 paragraph 5.C or A320/A321 SRM 57-26-13 paragraph 5.D, as applicable, constitutes terminating action and cancels the repetitive inspection requirements of paragraph 1 of this directive for that support fitting. Ref. Publications: AIRBUS Service Bulletin (SB) A320-57-1118 at original issue; and SB A320-57- 1138 Revision 01; or later approved revisions of these documents. Remarks : 1. If requested and appropriately substantiated the responsible EASA manager for the related product has the authority to accept Alternative Method of Compliance (AMOCs) for this AD. 2. This AD was posted on 14 March 2007 as PAD 07-040 for consultation until 16 April 2007. The Comment Response Document can be found at http://ad.easa.europa.eu/ . 3. Enquiries regarding this AD should be addressed to the AD Focal Point, Certification Directorate, EASA. E-mail ADs@easa.europa.eu 4. For any question concerning the technical content of the requirements in this AD, please contact AIRBUS - Fax 33 5 61 93 44 51. |