Hi ! My name is Bobby. Welcome to the new AIRBUS A320 family Flight Crew course. I’m going to be your guide throughout this presentation. If you are ready to start, click on the green arrow.
Before entering the course, let's have a look at the CBT screen and all the available controls you will use. Click on the forward arrow to continue.
Let's start with the Graphic area : This is a very large area, almost the entire screen. All information and interactions take place in this area. Click on the forward arrow to continue. The text, which is the same as the audio, is displayed in this box. It is displayed only at the end of the audio. This box can be anywhere on the screen, depending on the position of the graphics. Click on the ffoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo ccoonnttiinnuuee.. SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title 1/12 Now let's look at the command bar. It is located at the bottom of the screen. So that you can see it more easily, I ‘m going to move it up for you. Click on the forward arrow. SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title Whheenn iinn ggrraayy,, iitt iiss nnoott aaccttiivvee.. FORWARD ARROW When in green, you can click on it to continue the module. Click on it now. 2/12 SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title The back arrow has the same color code as the forward arrow. If active, it enables you to go back to the previous screen. Note: when you click on the back arrow, you will return to the final state of the previous frame without animation or audio. To see how this works, click on the back arrow now. 3/12 SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title Whheenn iinn ggrraayy,, iitt iiss nnoott aaccttiivvee.. FORWARD ARROW When in green, you can click on it to continue the module. Click on it now. 2/12 SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title Whheenn iinn ggrraayy,, iitt iiss nnoott aaccttiivvee.. FORWARD ARROW When in green, you can click on it to continue the module. Click on it now. 2/12 As you can observe, you are back to the previous screen. Click now on the forward arrow to continue. SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title 3/12 The back arrow has the same color code as the forward arrow. If active, it enables you to go back to the previous screen. Note: when you click on the back arrow, you will return to the final state of the previous frame without animation or audio. To see how this works, click on the back arrow now. SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title 3/12 As you have already seen this frame, click on the forward arrow to continue with the presentation. The back arrow has the same color code as the forward arrow. If active, it enables you to go back to the previous screen. Note: when you click on the back arrow, you will return to the final state of the previous frame without animation or audio. To see how this works, click on the back arrow now. SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title Clliicckk oonn tthhee ffoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo ccoonnttiinnuuee.. Other indications shown on the command bar are : • The system title • The module title • The current page number over the total page number. 4/12 SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title Clliicckk oonn tthhee REPLLAY bbuuttttoonn.. The REPLAY button enables you to play the current page again and to repeat the associated sound. 5/12 SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title Clliicckk oonn tthhee REPLLAY bbuuttttoonn.. The REPLAY button enables you to play again the current page, and to repeat the associated sound. 5/12 SYSTEM TITLE MENU Module title Clliicckk oonn tthhee REPLLAY bbuuttttoonn.. The REPLAY button enables you to play again the current page, and to repeat the associated sound. 5/12 As you can see, all the animations are played again. Now let’s see the MENU button. Click on it now. SYSTEM TITLE Module title When the MENU button is selected, a list of the subjects covered in the module is presented. By clicking on the green button next to a learning objective, you can go directly to the selected subject. There are five silver buttons on the bottom of the menu to access course functions. Let’s look at them one by one. FFiirrsstt,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee AUDIIO bbuuttttoonn.. 6/12 LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS EXIT GLOSSARY FCOM RETURN GGRRAAPPHHIICCAARREEAA TTEEXXTTBBOOXX MMEENNUUBBUUTTTTOONN CCOOUURRSSEEPPLLAANN CCOOMMMMAANNDDBBAARR AUDIO MENU SYSTEM TITLE Module title The AUDIO button enables you to adjust the volume for the voice and/or the music independently. 7/12 Click on the small X to which I am pointing to close the volume control window. LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS EXIT GLOSSARY FCOM RETURN GGRRAAPPHHIICCAARREEAA TTEEXXTTBBOOXX MMEENNUUBBUUTTTTOONN CCOOUURRSSEEPPLLAANN CCOOMMMMAANNDDBBAARR AUDIO MENU SYSTEM TITLE Module title Now click on the GLOSSARY button. 8/12 LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS EXIT FCOM RETURN GGRRAAPPHHIICCAARREEAA TTEEXXTTBBOOXX MMEENNUUBBUUTTTTOONN CCOOUURRSSEEPPLLAANN CCOOMMMMAANNDDBBAARR AUDIO GLOSSARY MENU SYSTEM TITLE Module title 9/12 LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS EXIT GLOSSARY FCOM RETURN GGRRAAPPHHIICCAARREEAA TTEEXXTTBBOOXX MMEENNUUBBUUTTTTOONN CCOOUURRSSEEPPLLAANN CCOOMMMMAANNDDBBAARR AUDIO The GLOSSARY button provides you with a list of abbreviations that you can access throughout the course. Let's suppose you want to know what "ECAM" means. You can either scroll down to ECAM alphabetically, or type E-C-A-M in the blank area in the top of the window. I will do it for you. MENU SYSTEM TITLE Module title Click on the small X to close the glossary window. 9/12 LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS EXIT GLOSSARY FCOM RETURN GGRRAAPPHHIICCAARREEAA TTEEXXTTBBOOXX MMEENNUUBBUUTTTTOONN CCOOUURRSSEEPPLLAANN CCOOMMMMAANNDDBBAARR AUDIO MENU SYSTEM TITLE Module title The FCOM button enables you to have a look at the electronic documentation (FCOM) at any time during the course. Click on the forward arrow to continue. 10/12 LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS EXIT GLOSSARY GGRRAAPPHHIICCAARREEAA TTEEXXTTBBOOXX MMEENNUUBBUUTTTTOONN CCOOUURRSSEEPPLLAANN CCOOMMMMAANNDDBBAARR AUDIO RETURN FCOM MENU SYSTEM TITLE Module title The RETURN button enables you to go back to the module at exactly the same place where you left it. Click on the forward arrow. 11/12 LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS EXIT GLOSSARY FCOM GGRRAAPPHHIICCAARREEAA TTEEXXTTBBOOXX MMEENNUUBBUUTTTTOONN CCOOUURRSSEESSTTRRUUCCTTUURREE CCOOMMMMAANNDDBBAARR AUDIO RETURN MENU SYSTEM TITLE Module title By clicking on the EXIT button, you can leave the module at any time, and return to the general course plan. Click on the EXIT button now. 12/12 LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS GLOSSARY FCOM RETURN GGRRAAPPHHIICCAARREEAA TTEEXXTTBBOOXX MMEENNUUBBUUTTTTOONN CCOOUURRSSEESSTTRRUUCCTTUURREE CCOOMMMMAANNDDBBAARR AUDIO EXIT MENU This is the general course plan. The chapters are listed from top to bottom. You must complete them in this order because information in the following chapters depends on information from the previous ones. You can return to any part of the course that you have already completed. Let’s look at one of the chapters, for example the APU. Click on the APU button to see how it is further broken down. Each system or chapter is usually split into five main modules. As you can see for the APU, you have : - System Presentation - Normal Operation - Abnormal Operation - Summary - Quiz. Click on the System Presentation button to continue. To enter this module, you can either click again on the same button, or on the ADVANCE button at the bottom right corner of the screen. Do it now. APU MENU System presentation 2/15 You are now in the System Presentation module of the APU chapter. This module presents a conceptual overview of the system, a look at its major components and their controls location. Click on the forward arrow to continue. The APU GEN pb switch is located on the ELEC panel, and is used to control the APU generator. You will get a chance to see all the ECAM indications in more detail in the normal and abnormal operation modules. MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd APU MENU System presentation 15/15 NEXT Let's suppose you are at the end of the System Presentation module. Notice that the green forward arrow has been replaced by the word NEXT. Click on this button to see what happens. APU MENU Normal Operation You guessed it. You automatically advanced to the next module, Normal Operation. In this module, you will learn the functions and indications of the system by operating the controls in guided exercises during normal flight. Click on the forward arrow to continue. 1/22 AALLTTIITTUUDDEE((FFtt)) 2200000000 3399000000 1155000000 2255000000 APU BATTERY RESTART LIMIT APU BATTERY RESTART LIMIT APU BLEED AIR WITH 1 PACK OPERATING APU BLEED AIR WITH 1 PACK OPERATING APU BLEED AIR WITH 2 PACKS OPERATING APU BLEED AIR WITH 2 PACKS OPERATING APU ELEC POWER APU ELEC POWER APU OPERATION AND RESTART LIMIT APU OPERATION AND RESTART LIMIT Module completed Electrical power from the APU can be used all the way to the max ceiling of the aircraft 39 000 Ft. APU MENU Normal Operation 22/22 NEXT Let's suppose again you are at the end of this module. Click on the NEXT button to go to the next module, Abnormal Operation. APU MENU Abnormal Operation In Abnormal Operation, you continue to learn about the functions and indications of the APU, but this time by going through a set of malfunctions. Click on the forward arrow to continue. 1/20 When starting the APU, the FUEL LO PR indication appears amber when an APU fuel low pressure is detected. Lets now finish this module by presenting some APU limitations. MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd APU MENU Abnormal Operation NEXT After having completed this module, the NEXT button gives you access to the Summary. Click on it now. 20/20 MENU You have reached the Summary. This module is a brief review of the system, with the explanation of all the controls and indications on the panels and the ECAM system page. Click on the forward arrow to continue. APU Summary 1/16 MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd You have reviewed all the APU controls and indications. Have some fun with the quiz ! AAPPUUPPaanneell AAPPUUEECCAAMPPaaggee APU MENU Summary 16/16 NEXT After having completed this module, the NEXT button gives you access to the quiz. Click on it now. The quiz gives you the opportunity to verify your system knowledge in an operational environment. All questions are asked using cockpit indications so that you have the same information as you will have in the aircraft to solve problems and make decisions. Click on the forward arrow to go directly to the end of the quiz. Notice that EXIT has replaced NEXT. That means you have completed the APU chapter. Click on the EXIT button. You are back to the general course plan. The black check marks mean that all the APU modules have been completed. Click on the forward arrow to continue Suppose you have not completely seen one of the modules, for example the abnormal operation, a half-white check mark on the associated module and the chapter will indicate this situation. EXIT But as we have done them together, the check marks are all black. This now completes the CBT Introduction module. You are ready to enter the real course. Good luck, and have fun !!! Click on the EXIT button to leave the CBT introduction. |