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Type Certificate Holder:
1, Rond-point Maurice Bellonte
31707 Blagnac
Sheet 01
A300B2-203, A300B4-203;
A310-203, -204, -221, -222,
A310-304, -308, -322, -324, -325
March 1999
This data sheet, which is part of Type Certificate No. 8002, prescribes conditions and limitations under which the
product, for which the Type Certificate was issued, meets the airworthiness requirements of the Brazilian
Aeronautical Regulations.
I - Model A300B2-203 (Transport Category), approved 13 August 1982.
ENGINE Two General Electric model CF6-50C2 turbofan engines.
001 with
SB 34.025 embodied
(mod. 1569)
Max. Ramp Weight 142 900 137 900
Max. Take-off Weight 142 000 137 000
Max. Landing Weight 130 000 130 000
Max. Zero Fuel Weight 120 500 120 500
CG RANGE Forward Aft
Takeoff 18% MAC 33% MAC
Landing 15% below 120 500 kg
18% above 125 500 kg
Linear variation between 120 500 kg and 125 500 kg.
FUEL QUANTITY (0.782kg/l) Usable Fuel
Tanks Unusable
Normal preselected
Refueling with
high level shut off
(kg) (kg) (kg) (liters)
Outer 12 7 000 7 218 9 230
Inner 40 27 000 27 190 34 770
Total 52 34 000 34 408 44 000
AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 2
II - Model A300B4-203 (Transport Category), approved 16 June 1980.
ENGINE Two General Electric model CF6-50C2. turbojet engines.
MAXIMUM WEIGHT (kg) Max. Ramp 165 900
Max. Take-off 165 000
Max. Landing 134 000
Max. Zero Fuel 124 000
CG RANGE Forward Aft
Takeoff 18% MAC 33% MAC
Landing 15% below 124 000 kg
18% above 130 000 kg
Linear variation between 124 000 kg and 130 000 kg.
FUEL QUANTITY (0.782kg/l)
Usable Fuel
Without SB N° 28.021
(Mod. 1664)
With SB N° 28.021
(Mod. 1664)
Tanks fuel Normal
Refueling with
high level
shut off
Refueling with
high level
shut off
(kg) (kg) (kg) (liters) (kg) (kg) (liters)
Outer 12 7 000 7 202 9 210 7 000 7 241 9 260
Inner 130 27 000 27 026 34 560 27 000 27 480 35 140
Center 48 11 000 11 206 14 330 13 500 13 763 17 600
Total 190 45 000 45 434 58 100 47 500 48 484 62 000
FUEL See General Electric Specification D50 TF2. This specification
is also applicable to the APU.
- anti-icing: PHILLIPS PFA-55MB to MIL I 27686
specification, 0,15% by volume maximum concentration
- biocide: SOHI0 BIOBOR JF at 270 PPM maximum
- anti-static: SHELL ASA-3 at 1 PPM maximum concentration.
For operating conditions specific to each fuel, refer to
corresponding Flight Manual.
ENGINE LIMITS (2.2482 lb/daN)
Static thrust at sea level:
Take-off (5min.)* (Up to 30°C)
Maximum continuous (Up to 30ºC)
23 050 daN (51 800 lb)
20 600 daN (46 300 lb)
AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 3
ENGINE LIMITS (2.2482 lb/daN)
(Cont.) Maximum engine speed:
N1 rpm (%)
N2 rpm (%)
4 068 (118.5%)
10 761 (109.5%)
Maximum gas temperature:
Take-off (5min.)*
Maximum continuous
Maximum acceleration (2 min)
Maximum oil temperature
(supply pump inlet):
Take-off, stabilized
Transient (15 mn max.)
Approved oils See Specification GE D50TF1
called for in SB GE N° 79-1
* 10 minutes at take-off thrust allowed only in case of engine failure
(at take-off or during go-around).
** Up to 40 sec/above 40 sec.
AUXILIARY POWER UNIT Airesearch TS CP 700-5 (Specification SC 6203).
Operating limitations:
- Maximum power rating at sea level: 105.8 kW (142 hp)
- Maximum operating speed - N1: 30 910 rpm (110%)
- N2: 38 845 rpm (110%)
- Maximum gas temperature at turbine: 585oC
Approved oils: see AIRESEARCH maintenance manual TSCP
700 49.20.00 table 303.
AIRSPEED LIMITS Maximum Operating Mach (MMO)
(IAS, unless otherwise stated) At and over 12 700 m (28 000 ft) : 0.86/0.82 (see Note 5)
Maximum Operating Speed (VMO)
Up to 12 882 m (28 400 ft) : 345 kt:
Maneuvering Speed (VA): see DGAC approved Brazilian Flight
Extended Flaps/Slats Speed (VFE): see table below:
Slats/Flaps (°) VFE (kt)
Take-off 16/0 250
Take-off 16/8 215
Approach 16/15 205
Landing 25/25 180
Enroute 16/0 210 (M=0.47)
Minimum Control Speed: - In flight (VMCA): 112 kt
- Takeoff/Landing (VMCG): 107 kt
Landing gear: (VLE) - Extended: 270 kt/ Mach 0.59
(VLO) - Extension 270 kt
(VLO) - Retraction 240 kt
Tyres Limit Speed (Ground Speed): 195.5 kcas
AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 4
DATUM Station 0 - 6.38 m (251.26 in) forward of the fuselage nose.
6.6080 m (250.15 in); leading edge of MAC: Sta. 1116.
LEVELING MEANS Clinometer on the cabin rails.
MINIMUM FLIGHT CREW 2 pilots and 1 flight engineer.
2 pilots for aircraft identified FF (See Note 6).
MAXIMUM PASSENGERS 345 in compliance with the requirements of FAR 25 Amdt. 32,
covering emergency exits. Emergency evacuation demonstration
in compliance with FAR 25 para. 25.803 (c) was conducted with
330 passengers. For the number of passengers authorized for
each aircraft, see the corresponding interior arrangement
drawing approved by the DGAC.
MAXIMUM BAGGAGE Cargo compartment maximum load:
Forward: 16 620 kg
Mid: 10 280 kg
Aft (bulk): 2 500 kg
For the positions and the loading conditions authorized in each
position (references of containers, pallets and associated
weights) see Approved Flight Manual (chapter 6 - Annex 02).
The aircraft must be loaded according to instructions included in
the Weight and Balance Manual
HYDRAULIC FLUIDS Specification NSA 30-7110.
TYRES See SB A300-32-002.
MAX. OPERATING ALTITUDE 12 200 m (40 000 ft)
The movement of the various control surfaces must be carefully
controlled by proper rigging of the flight control systems. The
airplane must therefore be rigged in accordance with the
following DGAC-approved information and data:
Control surface movement inspection: Airbus Industrie Reports
A300B 8.27.010, .011, .012, .013, .014 and .015.
Rigging procedure: Airbus Industrie Reports A007-10.063,
-10.094, -10.095, -10.100, -10.102, -10.103, -10.105 and -
SERIAL NUMBERS ELIGIBLE A Certificate of Airworthiness for Export endorsed as Noted
under "Import Requirements" must be submitted for each
individual aircraft for which application for a Brazilian
Certificate of Airworthiness is made.
AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 5
IMPORT ELIGIBILITY A Brazilian Certificate of Airworthiness may be issued on the
basis of on a DGAC Export Certificate on Airworthiness (or a
third country Export Certificate on Airworthiness, in case of
used aircraft imported from such country), including the
following statement:
“The aircraft covered by this certificate has been inspected,
tested and found to be in conformity with the Brazilian
approved type design as defined by the Brazilian Type
Certificate no. 8002 and in condition of safe operation”.
The CTA Report H.10-015-01, dated 19 May 80 or further
revisions, contains the Brazilian requirements for the acceptance
of these airplanes. (See Note 4)
CERTIFICATION BASIS RBHA 25 (corresponding to Franco/German requirements of
FAR Part 25 including Amdts. 1 thru 19).
FAR 25 Amdt. 23 for the following paragraphs : 25.145,
25.1305, 25.1321, 23.1331, and 25.1333.
FAR 25 Amdt. 24 for paragraph 25.1303.
FAR 25 Amdt. 32 for paragraphs 25.785, 25.787, 25.789,
25.791, 25.809, 25.811, 25.812, 25.853, 25.855, 25.857,
25.1557, and Appendix F.
Franco/German “Conditions Techniques Complémentaires” as
listed in DGAC documents 4080 DTA/M dated 6 August 1970,
and 2060 DTA/M dated 30 March 1973.
Operation at take-off thrust extended to 10 minutes in case of
engine failure, as per SGAC letter 16233 DTA/SDT/M of
7 March 1974.
Endurance flight campaign called for as per paragraph 6.4 of
SGAC/LBA document on the organization of the A300 B
Certification, dated 6 October 1970.
For the Automatic Flight Control System, the applicable
technical requirements are complemented by:
- AC.25 1329-1A for category 1 cruise and approach;
- Circulars DTA/M 3938 and AC 20-57A for category II
approach and automatic landing;
- AC 120-28 A for category III a precision approach;
The requirements are established in SGAC letter 3904 DTA/M;
dated 20 July 1972.
Use of flexible take-off thrust as per SGAC letter 1694, dated
12 March 1974.
Noise Standard: ICAO Annex 16.
REQUIRED EQUIPMENT The basic required equipment, as prescribed in the applicable
airworthiness regulations (see Certification Basis) must be
installed in the airplane.
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the following
Certification Standard Equipment List:
- A300B2-203: AI/V-C N° 149/ 80; and
- A300B4-203: AI/V-C N° 13/79.
AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 6
Cabin furnishings equipment shall be in conformance to the
following frame specifications:
- For Galleys: TL 25/1109/74; and
- For Passenger Seats: TL 25/1110/74.
NOTE 1: Weight and Balance. Current weight balance report, including list of equipment
included in certificate empty weight and loading instructions when necessary, must be
in each aircraft at the time of original certification and at all times thereafter (except in
the case of air carrier operators having an approved weight control system). The
certificate empty weight and the corresponding center of gravity location must include
unusable fuel, engine oil, hydraulic fluid in tanks and in the systems. The certificate
empty weight does not include the lifting jack carried on board, the entrance steps, the
tools kit, the life jackets and the fluid to be injected into the engine.
NOTE 2: Markings and Placards. All markings and placards for passenger information under
normal or emergency conditions must be in English and Portuguese. All markings and
placards for flight attendants information under emergency conditions must be in
English and Portuguese. External markings for emergency operation of doors and
normal ground operations of cargo doors must be in English and Portuguese.
NOTE 3: Continuing Airworthiness. Life limitations are provided in the Chapter 05 of the A300
Maintenance Manual, approved by DGAC.
NOTE 4: The differences of the Brazilian airplanes in relation to the basic DGAC type design are
summarized below:
1. The DGAC approved Brazilian Airplane Flight Manual;
2. Markings and placards in Portuguese language: see Note 2;
3. ADF1 powered by the emergency bus bars;
4. APU fire extinguisher handle “pull and turn” inscription; and
5. Autothrottle control panel identification.
NOTE 5 For model B4-203, the MMO warning selector of modification no. 1688 allows an MMO
switching. MMO is 0.86 for takeoff weights up to 153 000 kg (337 302 lb) and 0.82 for
takeoff weight greater than 153 000 kg (337 302 lb) provided the airplane is operated
in accordance with the corresponding DGAC approved Airplane Flight Manual page
2.03.00 page 1.
NOTE 6 Aircraft identified by the letters FF added to the designation of the model have forward
facing crew cockpit and digital autopilot with associated subsystems.
The definition of FF aircraft is detailed in AI/V-C document 1045/81.
FF aircraft are to be used with a Flight Manual incorporating the FF revision approved
by DGAC.
NOTE 7 If modifications 0904, 1022 and 1023 are embodied, the aircraft has Category IIIa
precision approach capability.
AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 7
IV -Model A310-203 (Transport Category), approved 17 October 1998
Model A310-204 (Transport Category), approved 17 October 1998
Model A310-221 (Transport Category), approved 17 October 1998
Model A310-222 (Transport Category), approved 17 October 1998
ENGINE Model A310-203: Two General Electric model CF6-80A3
Model A310-204: Two General Electric model CF6-80C2A2
Model A310-221: Two Pratt & Whitney model JT9D-7R4D1
Model A310-222: Two Pratt & Whitney model JT9D-7R4E1
A310-203/-221 A310-203/-221/-222 A310-203
Variant 03
mod. 4008
Variant 01
with mod.
3703 *
Variant 04
with mod.
5124 **
Variant 06
mod. 6395
Variant 08
mod. 7415
Max. Ramp 132 900 125 900 139 500 142 900 135 900 139 500
Max. Take-off 132 000 125 000 138 600 142 000 135 000 138 600
Max. Landing 118 500 118 500 121 500 121 500 118 500 122 000
Max. Zero Fuel 108 500 108 500 111 500 111 500 111 500 112 000
* SB 00-2003
** SB 00-2002
A310-221 A310-204/-222 A310-204 A310-222
Variant 07
with mod.
6764 *
Variant 101
mod. 6527
Variant 104
mod. 6528
Variant 107
mod. 7290
Variant 11
with mod.
Max. Ramp 132 900 139 500 142 900 134 900 144 900
Max. Take-off 132 000 138 600 142 000 134 000 144 000
Max. Landing 119 500 122 000 122 000 122 000 121 500
Max. Zero Fuel 111 500 112 000 112 000 112 000 111 500
* SB 00-2006
FUEL QUANTITY (0.8kg/l) Unusable Usable Fuel (kg)
Tanks Fuel (kg) Variant XX Variant 1XX
Outer 41 5 992 5 920
Inner 40 22 360 22 320
Central 14 15 728 15 728
Total 95 44 080 43 968
AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 8
V - Model A310-304 (Transport Category), approved 17 October 1998
Model A310-308 (Transport Category), approved 17 October 1998
Model A310-322 (Transport Category), approved 17 October 1998
Model A310-324 (Transport Category), approved 24 October 1997
Model A310-325 (Transport Category), approved 24 October 1997
ENGINE Model A310-304: Two General Electric model CF6-80C2A2
Model A310-308: Two General Electric model CF6-80C2A8
or CF6-80C2A2 (See Note 8)
Model A310-322: Two Pratt & Whitney model JT9D-7R4E1
Model A310-324: Two Pratt & Whitney model PW 4152
Model A310-325: Two Pratt & Whitney model PW 4156A
A310-304/-322/-324 A310-304/-308/-324
Variant 01
with mod.
5616 *
Variant 03
with mod.
Variant 05
mod. 7088
Max. Ramp 150 900 153 900 153 900 157 900
Max. Take-off 150 000 153 000 153 000 157 000
Max. Landing 123 000 123 000 124 000 124 000
Max. Zero Fuel 113 000 113 000 114 000 114 000
* SB A310-00-2007
A310-304 A310-308/-325 A310-308 A310-324
Variant 06
mod. 7614
Variant 07
mod. 7659
Variant 08
mod. 8130
Variant 09
with mod.
8469 *
Variant 12
with mod.
11103 **
Max. Ramp 139 500 134 900 164 900 161 900 160 900
Max. Take-off 138 600 134 000 164 000 161 000 160 000
Max. Landing 123 000 124 000 124 000 124 000 124 000
Max. Zero Fuel 113 000 114 000 114 000 114 000 114 000
* SB A310-00-2018
** SB A310-00-2029 (See Note 9)
FUEL QUANTITY (0.8kg/l) Unusable Usable Fuel (kg)
Tanks Fuel (kg) Variant XX Variant 1XX
Outer 41 5 992 5 920
Inner 40 22 360 22 320
Central 14.4 15 728 15 712
Trim 32 15 728 4 920
Total 127.4 44 080 48 872
AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 9
FUEL See General Electric Specification D50 TF2 or Pratt & Whitney
Specification TM522 given in P&W S.B. No. 2016.
- anti-icing: PHILLIPS PFA-55MB to MIL-I-27686
specification, 0,15 % by volume maximum concentration
- biocide: SOHI0 BIOBOR JF at 270 PPM maximum
- anti-static: SHELL ASA-3 at 1 PPM maximum concentration.
For operating conditions specific to each fuel, refer to
corresponding Flight Manual.
ENGINE LIMITS (2.2482 lb/daN)
ENGINE CF6-80A3 CF6-50C2A2 CF6-50C2A8
Static thrust at sea level, up to
30°C (lb):
Take-off (5min.)*
Maximum continuous
48 970 lb
45 800 lb
52 460 lb
48 080 lb
46 300 lb
51 800 lb
Maximum engine speed:
N1 rpm (%)
N2 rpm (%)
4 016 (117)
10 859 (110.5)
3 854 (117.5)
11 055 (112.5)
4.068 (118.5)
10.761 (109.5)
Maximum gas temperature (oC):
Take-off (5min.)*
Maximum continuous
870/750 **
Maximum oil temperature (oC):
(supply pump inlet):
Take-off, stabilized
Transient (15 mn max.)
Approved oils See Specification GE D50TF1 called in SB GE N° 79-1
* 10 minutes at take-off thrust allowed only in case of engine failure (at take-off or
during go-around) (see letter SGAC N° 1623 DTA/SDT/M of 7 March 1974 for
General Electric engines)
** Up to 40 s/above 40 s.
ENGINE JT9D-7R4D1 JT9D-7R4E1 PW 4152 PW 4156A
Static thrust at sea level, up to
30°C (lb):
Take-off (5min.)*
Maximum continuous
48 000 lb
45 800 lb
50 000 lb
47 500 lb
52 000 lb
49 200 lb
56 000 lb
49 200 lb
Maximum engine speed:
N1 rpm (%)
N2 rpm (%)
3 810 (105.8)
8 000 (102.5)
3 810 (105.8)
8 000 (102.5)
4 012 (111.4)
10 300 (104.0)
4 012 (111.4)
10 450 (105.5)
Maximum gas temperature (oC):
Take-off (5 min.)*
Acceleration (2 min)
Maximum continuous
AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 10
ENGINE JT9D-7R4D1 JT9D-7R4E1 PW 4152 PW 4156A
Maximum oil temperature(oC):
(supply pump inlet):
Take-off, stabilized
Transient (15 min max.)
Approved oils See Specification P&W 521C called for in SB PWA N° 238
* 10 minutes at take-off thrust allowed only in case of engine failure (at take-off or during
AUXILIARY POWER UNIT AIRESEARCH GTCP 331-250(F) for models A310-200.
AIRESEARCH GTCP 331-250(H) for models A310-200
Variant 100 and A310-300.
Operating imitations:
Maximum power rating at sea level: 98.5 kW
Maximum operating speed: 43 562 rpm
Maximum gas temperature at turbine: 585oC
Approved oils: see AIRESEARCH maintenance manual GTCP
331-250 Chapter 49-21-00 table 2.
AIRSPEED LIMITS Maximum Operating Mach (MMO): 0.84
(IAS, unless otherwise stated) Maximum Operating Speed (VMO): 360/340 kt *
Maneuvering Speed (VA): see DGAC approved Brazilian Flight
Extended Flaps/Slats Speed (VFE): see table below:
VFE (kt)
Take-off 15/0 245
Take-off and approach 15/15 210
Take-off, approach and landing 20/20 195
Landing 30/40 180
Holding and En-route 15/0 245
Minimum Control Speed: see DGAC approved Brazilian Flight
Landing gear: (VLE) - 270 kt/ Mach 0.65
(VLO) - 270 kt/ Mach 0.59
Tyres Limit Speed (Ground Speed): 195.5 kcas
* 360 kt: - Basic model and variants 04, 06 and 07.
340 kt : - Variants 01, 03, 05, 08 and 09; and
- All models with less than 2 t in one of the outer
CENTER OF GRAVITY RANGE See CTA Airplane Flight Manual
DATUM Station 0 - 6.38 m (251.26 in) forward of the fuselage nose.
MEAN AERODYNAMIC CHORD 5.8280 m (229.45); leading edge of MAC: Sta. 992.
AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 11
LEVELING MEANS Clinometer on the cabin seat track rails.
MAXIMUM PASSENGERS 265, as limited by passenger emergency exit requirements.
(See Note 11).
MAXIMUM BAGGAGE Cargo compartment maximum load:
Forward: 12 700 kg
Aft: 9 525 kg (11 110 kg with mod. 3656).
Bulk: 2 770 kg (1 442 kg with mod. 3656).
For the positions and the loading conditions authorized in each
position (references of containers, pallets and associated
weights) see Weight and Balance Manual Chapter 1.10.05.
HYDRAULIC FLUIDS Specification NSA 30-7110.
TYRES See SB A310-32-2006
12 530 m (41 100 ft)
The movement of the various control surfaces must be carefully
controlled by proper rigging of the flight control systems. The
airplane must therefore be rigged in accordance with the
following DGAC-approved information and data:
Control surface movement inspection: Airbus Industrie Reports
A300B 8.27.010, .011, .012, .013, .014 and .015.
Rigging procedure: Airbus Industrie Reports A007-10.063,
-10.094, -10.095, -10.100, -10.102, -10.103, -10.105 and -10.123.
S/N’S ELIGIBLE A Certificate of Airworthiness for Export endorsed as Noted
under "Import Requirements" must be submitted for each
individual aircraft for which application for a Brazilian
Certificate of Airworthiness is made.
IMPORT ELEGIBILITY A Brazilian Certificate of Airworthiness may be issued on the
basis of on a DGAC Export Certificate on Airworthiness (or a
third country Export Certificate on Airworthiness, in case of
used aircraft imported from such country), including the
following statement:
“The aircraft covered by this certificate has been inspected,
tested and found to be in conformity with the Brazilian
approved type design as defined by the Brazilian Type
Certificate No. 8002 and in condition of safe operation”.
AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 12
IMPORT ELEGIBILITY (Cont.) The CTA Report H.10-0153-02, dated 22 Mar. 1999 or further
revisions, contains the Brazilian requirements for the acceptance
of these airplanes. (See Note 4)
CERTIFICATION BASIS RBHA 25 [corresponding to: FAR Part 25 - including
Amendments 1 thru 19 (initial A300 certification basis);
Amendments 20 thru 41; Amendment 42 except paragraph
25.109; Amendment 43 except paragraph 25.1326;
Amendment 44 except paragraph 25.1413; Amendment 45
except paragraph 25.571, 25.573; Amendment 46 except
paragraph 25.803(c), 25.803(d), 25.809(f) (1)(iv),
25.809(f)(1)(v); Amendment 47 except paragraph
25.809(f)(1)(iii); Amendment 49 except paragraph 25.733; and
Amendment 54 except paragraph 25.365(e)(1) and 25.365(e)(2)
- plus RBHA 25 special paragraph 25.729(e)(7)].
RBHA 36 [corresponding to ICAO Annex 16 Vol. I], plus any
addition or deletion established in paragraphs 6, 8 and 9 of this
report and including the following special requirements listed in
DGAC certification basis and endorsed by CTA:
01. French-German technical complementary conditions:
- CB2-Minimum Stalling Speed
- CB7-1-Flight in Rough Air
- CC4-1-“En Route” Design Conditions with High Lift
Devices Extended
- CC5-1-Design Manoeuvre Conditions
- CC6-1-Design Gust Conditions (except for A310-300
variant 08)
- CC6-3-Design Gust Conditions (for A310-300 variant 08
- CC8-1-Bird Impact
- CC9-1-Asymmetric Load on the Horizontal Stabilizers
- CC10-1-Ground Loads
- CC11-Jacking Loads
- CC12-1-Crash Design Conditions
- CD1-1-General Design of Systems
- CD8-1-Operation of Landing Gear
- CD9-2-Protection of Equipment installed on LG and LG
Wheel Wells
- CE0-Engine Installation - Application JAR E
- CE2-1-Windmilling without Oil
- CE4-1-Engine Vibration Levels
- CE10-1-Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) and its installation on
the Aircraft
- CF3-1-Functioning of the Systems under Negative
- CF7-1-Electrics
--Endurance demonstration
02. Special condition applicable to A310-300 Series related to
Center of Gravity Control Systems.
03. Discrete gust requirements for A310-308 variants 08 and 09
approved in accordance with JAR NPA 25C-205.
04. Extended Range Twin Engine Airplane Operations approval
in accordance with AC 120-42.
AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 13
05. Precision Approach and Landing requirements
complemented by CTC 25-2 for category II and category I
approach, JAR AWO Section III NPA no 25G-142 (June
83) for category III precision approach with and without
decision height (fail operational system); the Automatic
Flight Control System complies with AC 25.1329-1A for
cruise and AC 20-57A for automatic landing.
06. Special conditions related to the use of FADEC on the Pratt
& Whitney engines for A310-324 and A310-325:
- S12-FADEC Lightning Protection
- S13-FADEC Engine Isolation
- S14-Thrust Reverser Deletion of Mechanical Interlock
- S16-FADEC - Effect of External Radiation
REQUIRED EQUIPMENT The basic required equipment, as prescribed in the applicable
airworthiness regulations (see Certification Basis) must be
installed in the airplane.
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the following
Certification Standard Equipment List:
- A310-200: AI/V-C N° 5/83;
- A310-200 Variant 100: AI/EA-A N° 251/86; and
- A310-300: AI/EA N° 1901/85;
Cabin furnishings equipment shall be in conformance to the
following frame specifications:
- Galleys : TL 25/1109/74
- Passenger Seats: TL 25/1110/74
NOTE 1: Weight and Balance. Current weight balance report, including list of equipment
included in certificate empty weight and loading instructions when necessary, must be
in each aircraft at the time of original certification and at all times thereafter (except in
the case of air carrier operators having an approved weight control system). The
certificate empty weight and the corresponding center of gravity location must include
unusable fuel, engine oil, hydraulic fluid in tanks and in the systems. The certificate
empty weight does not include the lifting jack carried on board, the entrance steps, the
tools kit, the life jackets and the fluid to be injected into the engine.
NOTE 2: Markings and Placards. All placards specified in the approved Brazilian Airplane
Flight Manual must be displayed in the airplane in the appropriate locations. In
addition, all markings and placards for passenger information, external markings for
emergency, load limits in cargo/baggage compartments must be presented in
Portuguese or bilingual (Portuguese/English). The translations acceptable to CTAm
are listed in the CTA Report H.10-0153-02, dated 22 Mar. 1999 or further revisions.
NOTE 3: Continuing Airworthiness. Life limitations are provided in the Chapter 05 of the A310
Maintenance Manual, approved by DGAC.
Structures and Systems Certification Maintenance Requirements are listed in Airbus
Industrie document AI/ST 5/849/85.
AIRBUS March 1999 EA-8002-01 Sheet 14
NOTE 4: The differences of the Brazilian airplanes in relation to the basic DGAC type design are
summarized below:
1. The DGAC approved Brazilian Airplane Flight Manual;
2. Markings and placards in Portuguese language or bilingual (see Note 2);
3. Operational requirements - the following modifications must be installed:
- cabin ozone filter: Mod. 6159;
- cargo/baggage compartment fire protection: Mods. 8265 and 10452;
- DFDR: Mod. 8500 and 8705;
- ELT: TSO C91a;
- Floor emergency escape path marking: Mod. 6515 (MBB System, 6934 (Bruce
System) or 6812 (LSI System);GPWS: Mod. 8960;
- TCAS, if required: Mods. 8616 and 10928 (Bendix System) or Mods. 10664 and
11049 (Honeywell System);
- Windshear detection and guidance system: Mod. 7187; and
- Second ADF: Mod. 4536.
4. MMEL categorized.
NOTE 5: If the modification 4941 is embodied, the aircraft is approved for CAT III Precision
NOTE 6: The definition of the aircraft for extended twin engine airplane operations is precised in
the document AI/EA 3000 - “Configuration, Maintenance and Procedures Standards
According to AC 120-42A”, Ref. CMP DGAC.
NOTE 7: Modifications 6920 and 7468 provide for installation in aft cargo compartment of
respectively 1 and 2 Auxiliary Center Tanks with the following characteristics:
Tanks Unusable Fuel Usable Fuel
ACT 1 27 kg (34 l) 5 760 kg (7 200 l)
ACT 2 27 kg (34 l) 5 760 kg (7 200 l)
NOTE 8: On A310-308 model, the engine General Electric CF6-80C2A2 may be used after
embodiment of Service Bulletin A310-71-2003 and with the corresponding revision of
the AFM supplement 11.
NOTE 9: Weight variant 12 to A310-324 model only applies to individual MSN 442, 453, 456
and 467.
NOTE 10: If the modification 11469 (for GE engines) or 11468 (for P&W engines) is installed,
the aircraft is approved in accordance with AC 91-RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation
Minimum operation.
NOTE 11: High density configuration up to 275 passengers can be appreciated by CTA, upon
request and justification provided by Airbus.
Chefe da Divisão de Homologação Aeronáutica Diretor do Centro Técnico Aeroespacial
(Chief, Divisão de Homologação Aeronáutica) (Director, Centro Técnico Aeroespacial)

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