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公司部门 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-21 01:22:37 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
执行董事 Executive Director 8 ~- T- o5 J i5 a8 D, e1 `7 O总裁 Chief Executive Officer* e8 V9 f3 v8 k- M5 L3 [ 副总裁 Deputy Chief Executive Officer / V" S n9 J) ]6 a" @" y4 q0 T- I副总工程师 Deputy Chief Engineer $ u1 m8 \+ n1 T5 A. |. W" J' l+ e总飞行师 Chief Pilot $ j2 p# g# `0 T 总经理 General Manager 9 @; J- _8 {- H% E总经理助理 Assistant to General Manager & b# S" Q- q0 o- p _- h. t7 R9 P经理 Manager 7 E2 N: c f% Y* G1 Y# `主任 Executive 4 L* H% e9 X! Z3 D专员 Officer ( F* ~# ^' p9 q8 o9 I2 F部门 Department" K# K3 d. O6 j! l0 T 处 Division 7 l" @. m* G \$ a* z& v室 Section5 M0 c Y& X5 V+ ? P) U " s- `0 A9 e7 M! n$ I9 n8 b 维修工程部 Maintenance and Engineering Department R0 _" u! `& K. d4 w5 M1 N 航材保障处 Spare Parts Management Division 6 c7 q" {' G3 Y' L0 F4 [# m6 V计划与控制处 Planning and Control Division4 x1 Q/ O. K! g3 h 工程技术处 Engineering and Technical Division) L7 o1 i3 M" {0 m 质量管理处 Quality Control Division : V' c# q3 T, L6 D( S: h $ P: o# K$ ^7 S! K* P4 w 航务部 Flight Operation Department% t4 N# O1 K, m# s 生产计划处 Operating Planning Division 6 g& a f9 k# w4 V+ m) R/ z8 A任务派遣室 Flight Schedule Section# v! w0 H, c% ~* H8 {) m: T* t7 k 执照管理处 License Management Division" Z5 y. D, A- B+ q! R: l 执照管理室 License Management Section: M8 w3 s3 g) k8 p e0 T+ D2 @! S 综合训练管理处 General Affairs and Training Division 9 S6 C5 j- j. F8 j' E综合训练管理室 General Affairs and Training Section + M3 _) u& v( n: b- ~" R, J" P航医室 Aviation Clinic T6 D7 F- W9 z4 }) V' g运行控制中心 Operation Control Center ( ?" M/ t6 A: v( M性能室 Aeroplane Performance Section # l( Z! U0 m) [6 h& ^9 k* I% f情报室 Aeronautical Information Service Section5 p" z+ z- m, R) }$ ? 运控室 Operation Control Section( k' a" L* C% }8 X d* W( I 商务部 Commercial Department/ C) d4 \/ z: `1 o O( i% \ 地面处理处 Ground Handling Division(Cargo) 2 J% w( ?* Q {: W h国际业务室 International Service Section(Cargo) q7 l; e Z+ K' K; g. E+ m3 H调度室 Dispatching/Control Section(Cargo)& k5 @& E, K7 h6 J' o6 j7 ~ 国内业务室 Domestic Service Section(Cargo) * G9 c5 x; h0 }6 n7 d0 W市场计划处 Marketing Planning Division 0 Q# P) D0 m' X6 t \数据统计分析室 Statistic and Analysis Section2 W: g# U' d0 }& P% W 航线计划室 Schedule Planning Section " ^/ m4 u, a$ ?+ ?% C! c7 }市场发展处 Marketing Development Division, q/ ~" l- X) ^* }; M 培训室 Training Section2 }+ j$ J/ q6 E+ D5 k 规章协议室 Regulations and Agreements Section9 T+ K' d# T$ e# ^% K1 G; c 宣传广告室 Advertising & Publicity Section! ^+ }) }$ l" |. N0 w: F6 r 市场管理室 Marketing Administration/Management Section ) m/ [' H* T3 i1 H9 I4 J * A; Y: x/ S: S p5 e% U0 a. E# U) q+ K行政人事部 Administration and Human Resources Department 3 I: t0 e" v7 ]( m/ t l/ j* \行政处 Administration Division2 M8 Z' H% f X# W+ g$ w 车辆管理室 Vehicle Management Section 7 |' L0 E" F0 W6 }8 E人事处 Human Resources Division 4 Y0 @" d4 F6 o9 M2 i综合调配室 Comprehensive Transfer Section: e* C1 W M7 O" u' l+ k 法律事务室 Leagal Affairs Section - C: X5 ]. Z( _采购处 Purchasing Division3 `8 b% `8 g% a# l/ O# e/ ` 信息管理处 Information and Technology Management Division1 V$ I2 z% z( r( f" L 培训处 Staff Training Division( [) S+ P; K- f4 s: S8 L $ {5 @3 _, Z- W: X$ F, I财务部 Finance Department ) J3 {% H+ ?9 o2 h8 h ?- \8 p6 E8 t O收入结算处 Revenue and Settlement Division " J% L- E% e7 m* ^ 会计核算处 Accounting Division " l! [ a o( b6 A综合管理处 General Accounting Division ) A9 F2 a" ?9 n% K8 J 6 F9 V) d: L2 @0 C$ y& L标准管理部 Standard Management Department4 O, p% U0 A+ D8 z9 h' E 9 m h) }7 B* R* {0 c) w航空安全监察部 Flight Safety Supervisor Department 1 ^+ {0 @' V* q2 t% W1 ~7 s6 P5 s运行监察处 Operational Supervision Division , \) A% l& m* \. T9 L7 a飞行品质监控处 Flight Quality Supervision Division 7 t2 T$ e- S- c" x保卫处 Security Division

Rank: 1

发表于 2008-12-24 20:28:40 |只看该作者
good job!thank you!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-24 20:31:14 |只看该作者
u r welcome

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2011-3-30 09:41:07 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

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