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AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 1/40 AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 2/40 We will now review another type of descent and approach mode into Cairo. We assume that you have programmed the FMS for descent and approach. PARIS (ORLY) CCAAIIRROO YOU ARE HERE AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 3/40 The aircraft is in cruise. The expected approach in Cairo is VOR DME 23L. The FMS has computed a descent profile taking into consideration all F-PLN data (successive WPT, ALT CSTR, SPD CSTR and SPD limits) assuming that the aircraft will descent initially with idle thrust and ECON DES speed/Mach and then will follow the descent profile in order to reach 1000 ft AGL at Vapp. This determines a Top of Descent materialized by the symbol on ND and (T/D) point on MCDU. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 4/40 The aircraft has just overflown the Top of Descent, but is still in level flight : - The FMA displays the message DECELERATE ; this suggests the pilot to select a lower speed since the aircraft will be above the descent profile, - The aircraft vertical position versus the descent path is indicated by the Vertical DEViation (VDEV) symbol along the altitude scale. Here you can read that the aircraft is approximately 300 ft above path. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 5/40 ATC clears you to descend to FL110. Since you are flying along the F-PLN, the best is to engage managed DES mode which guides the aircraft along the descent path. Push the ALT selector to initiate the descent. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 6/40 ATC clears you to descend to FL110. Since you are flying along the F-PLN, the best is to engage managed DES mode which guides the aircraft along the descent path. No. Push the ALT selector to initiate the descent. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 7/40 ATC clears you to descend to FL110. Since you are flying along the F-PLN, the best is to engage managed DES mode which guides the aircraft along the descent path. No. Push the ALT selector to initiate the descent. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 8/40 AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 9/40 By pressing the ALT selector, you have engaged managed DES mode - A/THR automatically went into THR IDLE mode, - A/P vertical mode is DES ; this mode guides the aircraft along the descent path so as to fly with VDEV = 0. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 10/40 During managed descent, with managed speed, note on speed scale that you are provided with a target speed range around ECON DES speed : this gives a certain flexibility for the AP to fly on descent path with idle thrust by varying the speed while outside conditions are not as expected (e.g. different winds, aircraft kept high by ATC…). Here you can notice that the aircraft is high above path (VDEV positive) ; thus, the AP pitches the aircraft down to fly the upper margin of the speed range. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 11/40 Exxtteenndd tthhee ssppeeeeddbbrraakkeess.. In some cases, when the aircraft is above path, it cannot intercept properly the descent path even flying with upper speed (here, ALT CSTR might be missed : the ND intercept symbol gets too close to constrained WPT). In such a case, the FMA displays MORE DRAG message. This suggests that you extend speedbrakes to increase your rate of descent. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 12/40 Once the aircraft is back on the descent path (VDEV close to 0), the MORE DRAG message is removed from FMA. This suggests that you retract the speedbrakes. Suppose you keep the speedbrakes extended. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 13/40 Since the aircraft is on descent path, DES mode will keep the aircraft on it. The speed will drop below target speed within the target speed range, since the speedbrakes are out. A/THR reverts from idle to SPEED, in order to maintain the speed target. This is obviously not efficient. Note : do not use speedbrakes in order to increase the rate of descent if AP/FD are in V/S (FPA) modes, or in DES mode when the aircraft is on descent path. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 14/40 This is the reason why, if the speedbrakes are extended and thrust is above idle, the SPEEDBRAKE memo turns amber and flashes on the E/WD. Reettrraacctt tthhee ssppeeeeddbbrraakkeess.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 15/40 AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 16/40 ATC now clears you to HDG 255. The PF set 255 in the heading window and pulls the heading selector. Note that the ND display changes : the green solid line indicates the track line and the FMS F-PLN is in green dotted line. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 17/40 DES mode is available only if NAV mode is engaged. Thus, when you engage HDG mode, DES mode automatically reverts to the current rate of descent (which was here -1000 ft) to avoid rate of descent change. As you leave the lateral F-PLN, there is no more reason to fly the descent path. In V/S mode, altitude constraints are disregarded. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 18/40 Suppose that the aircraft is now at 2000 ft on the VOR DME approach path and the approach phase has been activated. The PF chooses to fly a “selected VOR/DME” approach : this means that you have selected FPV or the bird on and that you will fly the approach in TRK/FPA mode. The FMA indicates here ALT/TRACK to indicate that the aircraft will now maintain 2000ft on the selected track (255º). AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 19/40 When you have determined that the aircraft is actually on the VOR DME approach track (here 227º), select 227 TRK on FCU and pull the selector. Even if the wind varies during final approach, you will fly constant track during the approach. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 20/40 On the Jeppesen approach chart, you have determined that the final approach path is - 3º and starts at FAF (4.4 DME). You will engage FPA mode when overflying properly identified FAF. Seelleecctt --33..00 aanndd ppuullll tthhee FFPA sseelleeccttoorr oonn tthhee FFCU.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 21/40 Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee V//S //FFPA sseelleeccttoorr oonn tthhee FFCU.. On the Jeppesen approach chart, you have determined that the final approach path is - 3º and starts at FAF (4.4 DME). You will engage FPA mode when overflying properly identified FAF. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 22/40 Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee V//S //FFPA sseelleeccttoorr oonn tthhee FFCU.. On the Jeppesen approach chart, you have determined that the final approach path is - 3º and starts at FAF (4.4 DME). You will engage FPA mode when overflying properly identified FAF. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 23/40 FPA mode engages and the FMA displays FPA- 3.0º indicating that the AP guides the aircraft on a - 3 º descent path. Select Go around altitude when current altitude is lower and crosscheck the approach using raw data (VOR bearing, altitude versus DME). AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 24/40 At MDA, you have no visual contact with the runway. You have to level off until you reach the Missed Approach Point. Puusshh V//S //FFPA kknnoobb ttoo lleevveell ooffff.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 25/40 At MDA, you have no visual contact with the runway. You have to level off until you reach the Missed Approach Point. Noo.. Puusshh V//S //FFPA kknnoobb ttoo lleevveell ooffff.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 26/40 At MDA, you have no visual contact with the runway. You have to level off until you reach the Missed Approach Point. Noo.. Puusshh V//S //FFPA kknnoobb ttoo lleevveell ooffff.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 27/40 On FMA, you read FPA 0.0º indicating that AP flies the aircraft level. Suppose that at MAP you still have no visual of the runway : Go Around. In order to engage Go Around, push thrust levers full forward to TOGA stop. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 28/40 When thrust levers reach TOGA stop, the FMA indicates : MAN TOGA : you have full manual control of the thrust. You have manually set TOGA. A/THR (blue): It is armed SRS : AP/FD vertical mode (like for Take-Off). The reference speed depends on Vapp, speed at GA initiation and conditions such as engine failure... GA TRACK : AP/FD lateral mode. The AP/FD guides the aircraft on the track memorized at time of GA initiation. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 29/40 Once the aircraft is properly established in the GA, you may elect to engage managed NAV by pressing the HDG selector, or to select a heading and pull, depending upon the clearance. Note : when Go Around is engaged, the active F-PLN is the missed approach and the previously flown approach is strung back behind it. Ennggaaggeemaannaaggeedd NAV.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 30/40 Once the aircraft is properly established in the GA, you may elect to engage managed NAV by pressing the HDG selector, or to select a heading and pull, depending upon the clearance. Note : when Go Around is engaged, the active F-PLN is the missed approach and the previously flown approach is strung back behind it. Noo.. Puusshh tthhee HDG sseelleeccttoorr ttoo eennggaaggeemaannaaggeedd NAV.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 31/40 Once the aircraft is properly established in the GA, you may elect to engage managed NAV by pressing the HDG selector, or to select a heading and pull, depending upon the clearance. Note : when Go Around is engaged, the active F-PLN is the missed approach and the previously flown approach is strung back behind it. Noo.. Puusshh tthhee HDG sseelleeccttoorr ttoo eennggaaggeemaannaaggeedd NAV.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 32/40 You now elect to fly another VOR DME approach on the same runway, but it will be this time a “managed VOR DME approach”. You will still select the bird on and you will fly the approach using the managed APP NAV/FINAL modes (once you have ensured that FMS navigation accuracy is good). AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 33/40 The aircraft flies towards to the VOR DME approach track and ATC clears the aircraft to intercept. As you have inserted a VOR DME approach in the FMS, you get APP NAV/FINAL when you press the APPR pb sw. Clliicckk oonn tthhee APPR ppbb ssw.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 34/40 The aircraft flies towards to the VOR DME approach track and ATC clears the aircraft to intercept. As you have inserted a VOR DME approach in the FMS, you get APP NAV/FINAL when you press the APPR pb sw. Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhee APPR ppbb ssw.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 35/40 The aircraft flies towards to the VOR DME approach track and ATC clears the aircraft to intercept. As you have inserted a VOR DME approach in the FMS, you get APP NAV/FINAL when you press the APPR pb sw. Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhee APPR ppbb ssw.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 36/40 AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 37/40 AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 38/40 APP NAV mode arms or engages (similarly to what would have happened with NAV mode). This mode, once engaged, allows the AP/FD to track the VOR DME approach track. FINAL mode arms and VDEV scale appears along the altitude scale (1 dot = 100 ft). FINAL mode will engage when reaching the T/D point for the approach, materialized by the blue symbol on ND. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 39/40 When the final descent path is captured, the FMA displays FINAL APP. The AP/FD will then guide the aircraft laterally and vertically on the final approach trajectory down to MDA. During approach, monitor the raw data. AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 40/40 Once the aircraft reaches MDA : - If you have no visual contact with the runway, Go Around, - If you have visual contact, set AP/FD to off and land. If you do not set AP to off, it will turn off automatically at MDA - 50 ft. You are now in sight of the runway, welcome to Cairo. MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd NEXT AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (B) 41/40 LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS EXIT AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM RETURN DDEESSCCEENNTT MMAANNUUAALLVVOORRAAPPPPRROOAACCHH MMAANNAAGGEEDDVVOORRAAPPPPRROOAACCHH GGOOAARROOUUNNDD |