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Hydraulic System Simulation Delphine HERTENS T1.1.2 Leader. Hydraulic System Engineer AIRBUS VIVACE Forum 2, The Hague, Netherlands Oct. 24-26, 2006 © 2006 VIVACE Consortium Members. Page: 2 24-26 October 2006 All rights reserved TITLE OF THE SLIDE VIVACE FORUM 2 Hydraulic system task context Objectives of the task ¨C Increase the level of simulation in hydraulic system design ¨C Increase hydraulic system simulation fidelity to contribute to design cycle and costs reduction Hydraulic System simulation contributes to the renewal of the systems development process by providing to flight controls and handling qualities teams the most realistic hydraulic model at the earliest © 2006 VIVACE Consortium Members. Page: 3 24-26 October 2006 All rights reserved TITLE OF THE SLIDE VIVACE FORUM 2 Hydraulic system overview Basic function of Aircraft Hydraulic system: to provide required power to hydraulic consumers which are (mainly): - Flight control surfaces (ailerons, elevator, rudder, spoilers, flaps¡) - Landing gear systems (extension and retraction, braking, steering¡) - Cargo doors, thrust reversers¡ Main components of Hydraulic system: - Pumps - Valves - Filters - Reservoir - Indicating devices - Pipes and fittings¡ HSMU RAT PUMP ENGINE 1 ENGINE 2 ENGINE 3 ENGINE 4 AILERONS SPOILERS AILERONS SPOILERS RUDDER ELEVATOR ELEVATOR HYD SYS Hydraulic Reservoir © 2006 VIVACE Consortium Members. Page: 4 24-26 October 2006 All rights reserved TITLE OF THE SLIDE VIVACE FORUM 2 Hydraulic system simulation Iterative work for sizing and optimisation of: - Hydraulic system - Hydraulic consumers - Flight control laws HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CONSUMERS Flight control laws Handling quality A/C behaviour towards pilot order © 2006 VIVACE Consortium Members. Page: 5 24-26 October 2006 All rights reserved TITLE OF THE SLIDE VIVACE FORUM 2 Hydraulic task scenarios SCENARIO 1 PRE-DESIGN MODEL Scenario completed Pre-design model Available early Real time Integration in flight control simulation platforms (multi-systems) Base for more complete models (later) =>Improve flight control tests cases fidelity =>Reduce iterations, and iterations time between hydraulic system and flight control laws / handling quality =>Earlier optimisation of hydraulic generation Tool: SCADE Realistic but nevertheless simple, as required System level Flight control laws and handling quality specialists use DELIVERABLE TITLE by Author (Company) Abstract: This document describes¡ Dissemination: Deliverable/Output n¡ã: Issue n¡ã: Keywords: Detailed model Non real time hysical dynamic modelling Stand-alone simulation Coupled simulation with flight control simulation platform (not integrated in multi-systems simulation platforms) =>Improve hydraulic model fidelity =>Hydraulic system detailed performances and behaviour status =>Earlier system verification and validation =>Reduce Iron Bird and flight tests SCENARIO 2 DETAILED Tool: SABER MODEL On-going work System level Hyd system specialists use More accurate © 2006 VIVACE Consortium Members. Page: 6 24-26 October 2006 All rights reserved TITLE OF THE SLIDE VIVACE FORUM 2 Zoom on scenario 1: hydraulic pre-design model OCASIME OCASIME: desk top simulator workshop piloting function and virtual cockpit • Pre-design model integration and interfaces OCASIME Flight Control Laws application Hydraulic circuits pressure level indications Hydraulic consumers: ATA27 ATA32 ¡ Hydraulic pre-design model Engine EDP rotational speeds Required flows Available delta-pressures User settings Fluid temperature EDP manual switch off Fluid choice ATA27 regulation © 2006 VIVACE Consortium Members. Page: 7 24-26 October 2006 All rights reserved TITLE OF THE SLIDE VIVACE FORUM 2 Zoom on scenario 1: hydraulic pre-design model Main characteristics of the pre-design model (model content) Improvement of hydraulic elements modelling (manifolds, filters, priorityvalves pressure drop) Choice between two types of fluids (high or low density) Choice of the fluid temperature (1) Priority valves (2) and low pressure switches logics modelled Engine driven pumps model using static curves (pressure / flow). Overflow functioning part represented (3) Engine driven pumps switch off possible (apart from engine state) (4) => (1) / (2) / (3) / (4) Simulations with insufficient hydraulic power possible (impact analysis) Overflow functioning detection function Interfaces compatibility with consumers models evolutions © 2006 VIVACE Consortium Members. Page: 8 24-26 October 2006 All rights reserved TITLE OF THE SLIDE VIVACE FORUM 2 Zoom on scenario 1: hydraulic pre-design model Pre-design model other advantages: Integration into the complete hydraulic system model, including monitoring and regulation functions and several accuracy levels - Scade (language commonality) - Development rules compatible with Airbus official procedure - Upstream work with other simulation developers allowing: to take benefit from previous aircraft simulation experience to build compatible cross-models architectures Hydraulic models library creation (sub-parts ¡°ready for use¡± for new aircraft predesign model) - Fluid data - Fluid properties calculation (fluid data use) - EDP - Manifold - Priority valve - Low pressure switch - Pressure drops calculations (linear, singular, total), pressures calculation - Consumers pressures handling for display © 2006 VIVACE Consortium Members. Page: 9 24-26 October 2006 All rights reserved TITLE OF THE SLIDE VIVACE FORUM 2 Zoom on scenario 1: hydraulic pre-design model Pre-design model benefices illustration Context: for comparison purpose 2 types of simulations run on Ocasime laws platform: - with hydraulic pre-design model - without hydraulic pre-design model: pre-design model outputs disconnected and replaced by constant ¡°required minimum delta-pressures¡± [Definition: consumer required minimum delta-pressure = minimum delta-pressure determined for consumer sizing point and considered as minimum target for hydraulic system performances] Flight control order (theoretical side-stick order) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 t(s) DPPIL Full stick (right) DPPIL Full stick (left) © 2006 VIVACE Consortium Members. Page: 10 24-26 October 2006 All rights reserved TITLE OF THE SLIDE VIVACE FORUM 2 Zoom on scenario 1: hydraulic pre-design model Pre-design model benefices illustration: case 1 Conditions: low fluid temperature, all pumps running Simulation results: Aileron performance: comparison between "with¡" or "without pre-design model" Aileron flow Aileron available delta-pressure {1} Required flow (with pre-design model) {1} Available delta-pressure with pre-design model {2} Available delta-pressure without pre-design model l/min bar s s required minimum delta-pressure => With pre-design model: more available pressure (in that case) © 2006 VIVACE Consortium Members. Page: 11 24-26 October 2006 All rights reserved TITLE OF THE SLIDE VIVACE FORUM 2 Pre-design model benefices illustration: case 1 (continuation) Simulation results: - Aileron performance: comparison between "with¡" or "without pre-design model" (continuation) ⇒ Position more realistic with pre-design model. In this case position reached is closer to the order. ⇒ Maximal position gain observed: around 50% (Definition: position gain = ({1}¨C{2}) / position order * 100) Zoom on scenario 1: hydraulic pre-design model Position order {1} Position response with pre-design model {2} Position response without pre-design model deg Aileron position Gain 50% s © 2006 VIVACE Consortium Members. Page: 12 24-26 October 2006 All rights reserved TITLE OF THE SLIDE VIVACE FORUM 2 Zoom on scenario 1: hydraulic pre-design model Pre-design model benefices illustration: case 1 (continuation) Simulation results: - Roll speed: comparison between "with¡" or "without pre-design model¡± => Maximal roll speed gain observed: around 16% (at beginning of motion) (Definition: roll speed gain = absolute value [({1}¨C{2})/{1}] * 100, where {1} is the roll speed with pre-design model and {2} is the roll speed without pre-design model) Conclusion: Case 1 illustrates how pre-design model could be used to reduce: - margins on (over)sizing of actuators or hydraulic system - aircraft weight 20% s Roll speed difference (%) © 2006 VIVACE Consortium Members. Page: 13 24-26 October 2006 All rights reserved TITLE OF THE SLIDE VIVACE FORUM 2 Zoom on scenario 1: hydraulic pre-design model Pre-design model benefices illustration: case 2 Conditions: low fluid temperature, 1 pump off among the 2 available, additional high flow requests from flaps motor and from one consumer downstream priority-valve Simulation results: priority-valve functioning: comparison between "with¡" or "without pre-design model" => Priority function activated: flow supply interrupted for consumer downstream priority-valve 0 l/min {1} Available flow downstream priority-valve, with pre-design model {2} Available flow downstream priority-valve, without pre-design model s Available flow for consumers downstream priority-valve © 2006 VIVACE Consortium Members. Page: 14 24-26 October 2006 All rights reserved TITLE OF THE SLIDE VIVACE FORUM 2 Zoom on scenario 1: hydraulic pre-design model Pre-design model benefices illustration: case 2 (continuation) Simulation results: priority-valve functioning: comparison between "with¡" or "without pre-design model" (continuation) => Priority valve operating is a new simulated functionality. {1} Available delta-pressure downstream priority-valve, with pre-design model {2} Available delta-pressure downstream priority-valve, without pre-design model {1} Priority-valve state with pre-design model {2} Priority-valve state without pre-design model (virtual) priority-valve opened priority-valve closed 0 bar s s required minimum delta-pressure Available pressure for consumer downstream priority-valve Priority-valve status © 2006 VIVACE Consortium Members. Page: 15 24-26 October 2006 All rights reserved TITLE OF THE SLIDE VIVACE FORUM 2 Zoom on scenario 1: hydraulic pre-design model Pre-design model other benefits (not illustrated): Pre-design model also allows to simulate cases where flight control surfaces answers are overestimated: - cases where model underlines insufficient hydraulic power (very low temperature for example) For such cases, as its answers are more realistic, pre-design model could underline tuning necessities (flight control laws, actuators or hydraulic system sizing, ¡) or flight limitations. © 2006 VIVACE Consortium Members. Page: 16 24-26 October 2006 All rights reserved TITLE OF THE SLIDE VIVACE FORUM 2 Hydraulic task: conclusion Hydraulic task is integrated with Virtual Aircraft contribution. Hydraulic pre-design model is innovative because it helps to improve the integration of hydraulic system in the pre-design phases of aircraft development: - Increased model fidelity - Model available early: method and library of sub-parts available Business benefits: - Actuators, flight control surfaces and hydraulic system sizing mature more early; development time reduced - Over-sizing margins reduction, weight gain The VIVACE contribution is already demonstrated and under exploitation: - Pre-design model benefices illustration (cf. gain on flight control surfaces simulated position or on simulated A/C trajectory) VIVACE hydraulic task way forward: - Scenario 2 ¡°detailed model¡± will be presented at Forum 3. |