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MICRORESONATORS AS BUILDING BLOCKS FOR VLSI PHOTONICS: International School of Quantum Electronics, 39th Course
Francesco Michelotti;Alfred Driessen;Mario Bertolotti
International School of Quantum Electronics Erice, Italy, 18-25 October 2003
American Institute of Physics 2004-05 458 pages
ISBN 0735401845 Hardcover USD $165.00
The aim of the Course was to provide state-of-the-art information in the field of advanced devices for large scale integrated photonics. The Course focused on the theory and application of optical microresonators for wavelength selection and routing, for switching and for high-speed modulation. Also materials aspects, design and manufacturing of integrated optics devices based on these resonators for use in optical communication networks were discussed. In particular, micro-ring and micro-disk resonators and photonic bang-gap structures were addressed. At a more fundamental level, some lectures were devoted to promising phenomena that could allow new applications in photonics, such as entangled pairs generation and single quantum dot emission in a cavity.
Readership: Researchers in optoelectronics and photonics.
Subject: Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics
SLOW DYNAMICS IN COMPLEX SYSTEMS: Third International Symposium on Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems
Michio Tokuyama;Irwin Oppenheim
Third International Symposium on Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems Sendai, Japan, 3-8 November 2003
American Institute of Physics 2004-04 862 pages
ISBN 0735401837 Hardcover USD $210.00
This book gives up-to-date information on the liquid-glass transition in various disciplines, such as physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, polymer science, and computer science. The book contains review articles by leading scientists and contributed papers by authors in the forefront of research. The systems studied covered almost all states of matter including solids, liquids, complex solutions, polymers, and suspensions. Significant progress was made on a variety of topics. Among these were experimental and theoretical studies of colloidal systems; experiments on glass to glass transitions in micellar systems; theoretical studies of polyelectrolytes and polymer melts and networks; theoretical and computer studies of hydrodynamics in suspensions and Rayleigh-Taylor and Rayleigh-Couette instabilities; theoretical and experimental studies of the glass transition; computer simulations of the glass transition in thin films; vibrational motions in glass forming liquids and glasses; the effects of shear on supercooled liquids; engineering and experimental studies of metallic glasses; mode-coupling studies of complex glass formation; and Lorentz gas studies of the translational and rotational motion of a rigid rod.
Readership: Graduate students, university professors, and researchers in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, polymer science, and computer science.
BAYESIAN INFERENCE AND MAXIMUM ENTROPY METHODS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING: 23rd International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering
Gary J Erickson;Yuxiang Zhai
23rd International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering Jackson Hole, Wyoming, 3-8 August 2003
American Institute of Physics 2004-05 507 pages
ISBN 0735401829 Hardcover USD $165.00
The papers for these proceedings were peer reviewed. Bayesian inference and maximum entropy methods provide a framework for analyzing very complicated data sets. The areas of application range from signal processing to thermodynamics. Maximum entropy is a theoretical method used to develop data when little information is available. Image enhancement of unclear astronomical data and medical images can be clarified using these methods. The papers in this volume provide applications of these methods to problems such as acoustics, fluids, thermodynamics, information theory, signal processing, astrophysics, medical imaging, proteins, pattern classification, and character recognition.
Readership: Physical, biological, and astrophysical sciences data analysts, statisticians, applied mathematicians, and engineers.
Subject: Accelerators, Beams, and Instrumentation
SYNCHROTRON RADIATION INSTRUMENTATION: Eighth International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation
Tony Warwick;John Arthur;Howard A. Padmore
Eighth International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation San Francisco, California, 25-29 August 2003
American Institute of Physics 2004-04 1456 Pages
ISBN 0735401802 Hardcover USD $290.00
ISBN 0735401799 CD-ROM (sold separately) USD $145.00
All papers were peer-reviewed. These proceedings collect the papers presented at the Eighth International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, held in San Francisco, August 25th to 29th 2003. This conference takes place every three years, hosted by synchrotron research centers around the world. It is the principal meeting for developers of synchrotron radiation techniques. This particular meeting hosted 650 delegates and there are about 350 published papers in the proceedings. This proceedings series is an essential reference work for practitioners of the field. It documents the evolution and development of techniques. Many of the ideas that become standard practice in synchrotron radiation research appear first in these volumes, often with the definitive explanation and rationale for the technique in question. Topics include: radiation sources, undulators and wigglers, beamlines, diagnostics, monochromator development, optics development, optics metrology, detectors, spectrometers and interferometers, development of equipment and techniques, crystallography and diffractometry systems, imaging, and time resolved techniques.
Readership: Scientific and engineering staff at synchrotron radiation research facilities; university and industrial researchers engaged in synchrotron radiation research.
ffice:smarttags" />TOURS SYMPOSIUM ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS V: Tours 2003
核子物理V TOURS 研讨会:Tours 2003
M. Arnould;M. Lewitowicz;G. Münzenberg
Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics V Tours, France, 26-29 August 2003
American Institute of Physics 2004-04 599 pages
ISBN 0735401772 Hardcover USD $185.00
This book covers the latest developments in synthesizing super-heavy elements at RIKEN and GSI, and in theories of fusion-fission dynamics; studies of nuclei far from stability and clustering phenomena in nuclei including the present status and future plan of RIB facilities at GSI, GANIL, and RIKEN; transmutation of nuclear waste in Europe, Japan, and Asia; and nuclear astrophysics with emphasis on nuclear physics in space, radio-nuclides in the galaxy, nuclear data for astrophysics, nuclear reactions for astrophysics, and neutron stars and other stars.
Readership: Researchers and graduate students in universities and research institutes in nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics.
Subject: Astronomy and Astrophysics; Plasma Physics
Giuseppe Bertin;Daniela Farina;Roberto Pozzoli
Plasmas in the Laboratory and in the Universe: New Insights and New Challenges Como, Italy, 16-19 September 2003
American Institute of Physics 2004-04 479 pages
ISBN 0735401764 Hardcover USD $165.00
The volume illustrates the state of the art and new directions in plasma physics, space physics, and astrophysics. It covers several hot topics of interdisciplinary interest where progress is made by the use of joint expertise. It summarizes an unusually lively Symposium that has gathered world experts with a broad spectrum of research interests. Interdisciplinary meetings at the border between plasma physics and astrophysics are becoming increasingly important. In the recent past, several proceedings volumes have been devoted to astrophysical plasmas. This volume has the unique feature of being professional but not specialized, because it covers an unusually broad spectrum of topics under the common theme of the study of complex and collective phenomena in macroscopic systems, from the scale of laboratory plasma experiments to the scale of the universe. Included are: basic plasma processes; space plasmas, planetary plasmas, and the heliosphere; solar and stellar plasmas; plasmas around compact objects; plasmas in galaxies; plasmas in clusters of galaxies; cosmological plasmas; and testing plasma astrophysics in the laboratory.
Readership: Scientists, professionals, and graduate students interested in plasma physics, space physics, and astrophysics; plasma physics laboratories; astronomical observatories; space centers; and centers for computational physics and astrophysics.
THE LABYRINTH IN NUCLEAR STRUCTURE: International Conference on The Labyrinth in Nuclear Structure, an EPS Nuclear Physics Divisional Conference
核心结构的迷宫:核心结构的迷宫国际会议和EPS核子物理分会Angela Bracco;Constantine A. Kalfas
International Conference on The Labyrinth in Nuclear Structure, an EPS Nuclear Physics Divisional Conference Crete, Greece, 13-19 July 2003
American Institute of Physics 2004-05 403 pages
ISBN 0735401748 Hardcover USD $160.00
The conference provided a forum for the presentation of recent and relevant results in nuclear structure. New projects for instrumentation and related theoretical approaches which will form the basis for research in the next decade were also discussed. The focus was on nuclei far from stability, on high spins and excitation energies, and on exotic shapes as investigated with single and collective excitations of nucleons.
Readership: Researchers and graduate students in nuclear physics, nuclear structure and reactions, gamma-ray spectroscopy, and instrumentation.