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An Airline Job [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-5-15 09:15:20 |只看该作者 |正序浏览

Part One Warming Up
1. Discuss the following questions in pairs or in small groups and tell your partner
what you will do before the trip.
a) Have you any experience of traveling by air?
b) What do you know about the air travel?
c) What sort of things will you prepare for it?
d) Which do you prefer, traveling by air or by train(ship or bus)? State your reasons.
Useful Expressions:
make a plan; get travel documents ready;
make a reservation; pack the things for the trip;
I prefer…, because…;
What appeals to me in … is that…;
Frankly speaking, I dislike… because…;
2. Airline designator codes are often used to refer to different airlines.
Example: MU refers to China Eastern Airlines.
CA refers to Air China.
CZ refers to China Southern Airlines.
Can you write out the following?
Airline Location
Designator Code
British Airways United Kingdom
Air France
American Airlines
KLM Netherlands

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-5-15 09:17:24 |只看该作者
11. in compliance with 依照
12. reserve the right to require special permission of such air 保留对这一领空的特别许可权
Questions for Discussion:
1. What’s the difference between scheduled flights and non-scheduled flights?
2. What do you know about the Chicago Convention?
3. Why has air travel become so popular?
4. Advantages and disadvantages of air travel

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发表于 2010-5-15 09:17:09 |只看该作者
Air Services
Airline passenger service can be divided into scheduled and non-scheduled service.
Scheduled services are those which operate on defined routes, whether domestic or international,
for which licenses have been granted by the government or governments concerned. The airlines
are required to operate such services on the basis of published timetable, regardless of passenger
load factors (although flights and routes which are not commercially viable throughout the year
may be operated during periods of high demand only). The schedule for the flight is published by
the airline in its timetable. The passenger can make a reservation in advance for a scheduled flight
with the reasonable expectation that the flight will leave at a certain time and go to a certain place
regardless of the number of passengers who have tickets for the flight.
A non-scheduled flight, on the other hand, depends on the availability of passengers and
aircraft. It is more or less the air version of taxi or rent-a-car service. It takes passengers where
they want to go at a time that is convenient for them, as long as a plane is available.
Non-scheduled flights may carry only a few passengers in a small plane, or they may carry
hundreds of people on a jumbo jet. These latter flights are often called charters. Charters are
especially popular with groups on vacation since they usually cost much less than scheduled
flights on the same routes. Private charters give passengers the freedom of deciding take-off time
and landing places. A suitable course en route can be made according to charterer’s instructions.
To those who cherish efficiency, corporate image, and quality of life, private charter is the first
choice which brings the charterer great freedom and enjoyment in business travel.
In accordance with Convention on International Civil Aviation signed at Chicago, on 7th
December 1944, no scheduled international air service may be operated over or into the territory
of a sovereign State, except with the special permission or authorization of that State. That is why
the scheduled international air services between two countries shall be governed by the Air
Transport Agreement signed by the governments of the two countries. The Convention also
regulates that non-scheduled international air service may be operated over or into the territory of
a sovereign State in compliance with laws, rules and regulations of that State. Nevertheless, that
State reserves the right to require special permission of such air.
1. passenger load 客载量
2. not commercially viable 商业上行不通
3. the availability of passengers and aircraft 获得旅客和飞机
4. It is more or less the air version of taxi or rent-a-car-service 多少有点象空中的出租汽车
5. A suitable course en route can be made according to charterer’s instructions … 按照包机租赁
人的指示, 可为其安排适宜的航线。
6. cherish efficiency, corporate image, and quality of life 讲究实效、注重公司形象、提升生
7. Convention on International Civil Aviation 国际民用航空公约
8. over or into the territory of a sovereign State 飞越或进入主权国领土
9. the special permission or authorization 特许或特批
10. the Air TransportAgreement 航空运输协定

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-5-15 09:16:51 |只看该作者
it’s not necessary to get passports for Mexico. You need only tourist cards. I can get
those for you.
Part Four Communication Activity
Create open-ended dialogues with your partner based on the following situations:
1. You and your friends have a gathering at your home after one year of work
for the airlines. You talk with each other about the airlines’job that
fascinates you but sometimes bores you. Be sure to use the following
The work is inviting and rewarding.
Better working conditions appeal to me.
We enjoy company’s welfare
The work is sometimes tedious: booking and selling tickets, no variation.
It is obligatory to advise passengers of travel documents.
Dealing with unpleasant telephone calls is quite a bother to me.
2. As an airline service agent you should do your utmost to persuade your
customers to fly your airlines. Read the following short passages and then
use your own words to do the persuasion.
How do we serve you? Let us begin to count the ways: we serve with
a joyous heritage of service that dates back over a thousand years,
with meals that please the eye as well as the palate, with the best 747
on-time record in the world, with reservations that are quick and
accurate, with mechanics who not only meet the high standards of the
industry but the more exacting requirements of our airlines. To us,
serving you is more than a job, serving you is our way.
Because our planes are new we can offer you cleaner, quieter,
more comfortable flights. We can also offer you a
punctuality record that is second to none wherever you fly in the
3. Suppose you are a supervisor at the booking office, try to explain to the
first-time traveler the necessary information about air travel. The following
expressions may help you organize your thoughts.
Relevant documents like identity cards, passports and visas
Reservations are normally accepted months or even half
a year in Advance.
Reservations would automatically be cancelled if the
ticket was not purchased in time.
The difference between the first class and economy class
The excellent service that you offer to your passengers
Deal with the complaints from passengers
Part Five Read and Discuss

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发表于 2010-5-15 09:16:36 |只看该作者
Model: P: This is my first time to take your flight.
A: Thank you for flying our airlines.
1. P: Hello, is this the booking office?
A: ____________________________________________.
2. P: I want some information about flights to the United States.
A: ____________________________________________.
3. P: This is my first flight to Singapore. I’ve no ideal about the travel documents required to
enter that country.
A: ____________________________________________.
4. P: I intend to take a trip by air, but I don’t know what to do first for my air travel.
A: ____________________________________________.
5. P: What’ll happen to my reservation if I fail to pick up the ticket?
A: ____________________________________________.
6. P: How many classes of service do you usually offer?
A: ____________________________________________.
7. P: What’s the difference between first class and economy class?
A: ____________________________________________.
8. P: I can’t decide which airlines I would travel actually.
A: I would recommend you ________________________.
IV. Blank Fillings:
Use proper words and phrases to complete the following dialogues.
1. P: I need four seats, economy class, for next Sunday.
A: Just a moment please. I am going to ______. I’m sorry, there are___________
available in economy class on this flight. Can I ________________on the flight for
that day? Of course, the price is ___________.
P: What’s the difference between first class and economy class?
A: In first class the seat arrangement is ______________. Your baggage allowance
is____________ and you also have_______________.
2. A: Did you bring your passports?
P: Yes. Do you______________?
A: Please. Good. They are__________ and __________of them expires during your trip.
3. P: Would you please figure out the entire cost?
A: Well, we can get the exact figures of plane fares and hotel costs, then we can estimate
the extra meals and tips. Do you want ____________ or ____________tickets?
P: I came from Pennsylvania on an economy class ticket, and everything was fine. These
new planes are very comfortable, the service is__________ , and going
__________is a big saving.
A: Then I’ll book ___________ fares.
P: What about documents or entry permits?
A: If you have ________, it’s wise to carry them with you in any foreign country.

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-5-15 09:16:21 |只看该作者
Part Three Language Practice
I. Substitution Drills:
Look at the following sentences and read them as smoothly as possible, then
do the same orally with given phrases:
1. It’s our duty to inform passengers of travel documents.
a) our duty/offer the best service/the passengers
b) our custom/provide the passengers/with smooth service
c) your turn/check in your flight to Osaka
d) my intention/obtain an airline brochure
e) our obligation/make a rearrangement/delayed passengers
2 You need to go to buy the ticket, otherwise the reservation would automatically be
a) take relevant documents with you/ in trouble during the trip
b) make inquires about flight schedule/unable to decide the date of leaving
c) make a reservation first/cannot get a ticket in time
d) fill out a health card before entering the country/be not allowed/pass the
Quarantine Counter
e) have your visa reissued/cannot board the flight
II. Sentence Transformation
1. Model: We have to handle in a day many telephone calls.
You can’t imagine how many telephone calls we handle in a day.
a) We’ve bought many giant jet planes from other countries in the past few years.
b) We will receive many travelers from other countries with each passing year.
c) I had much trouble going through the check-in formalities when passing through those
d) We were offered many kinds of services and treated like a king during our stay in those
2. Model: Most of the passengers will fly economy instead of first class.
Most of the passengers prefer to fly economy rather than go first class.
a) Mr. White and his family want to travel by plane instead of by train.
b) Peter will go to the airport by limousine instead of by taxi
c) Many passengers will employ baggage carts to carry their baggage instead of carrying it
by hand.
d) I will make a telephone call to book a ticket instead of going in person to the booking
III. Quick Responses:
As a passenger service agent you should make polite replies to the inquiries of
your passenger. See the model and then make quick and proper responses to the
following inquiries:

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-5-15 09:16:05 |只看该作者
Safety and comfort
Words in the Dialogue
peak    adj. 高峰的
tough    adj. 难对付的
relevant    adj. 有关的
kid   v. 开玩笑
automatically  adv. 自动的
furthermore    adv. 此外;而且
possess    vt. 拥有
fleet    n. 机队
state-of-the-art adj. 现代水平的
sophisticated  adj. 高尖端的
barrier   adj.障碍
commitment  n. 承诺
genuine  adj. 真正的
ad. = advertisement n. 广告
1. have one’s hand full 非常忙例:He had his hands full and could not take another job.他
2. We’re up to our eyes in it. 我们一直忙于订票和售票。
3. I really mean it. 我是当真的。
4. These sophisticated aircraft break travel barriers by flying faster and further non-stop.
aircraft 航空器;飞机(单复数相同)
5. Aboard our airline you are sure of the safety and comfort and you can enjoy the genuine
warmth and charm that only our airline offers. 一旦乘坐本公司的航班,我们会保证您
6. Come, come, that’s all for your ad. 得了,得了。别做广告了。come 用来表示提醒﹑
不耐烦等。如:Come, John, don’t be so cross. 行了,约翰,别发脾气了。
Useful Expressions
Believe it or not 信不信由你to have one’s hands full 非常忙
be up to one’s eyes in work 忙于工作the peak season for traveling 旅游高峰季

a high time for harvesting 收获时期a rush hour (上下班)高峰时段
to do sth. by hand 手工操作to book tickets(make reservations) 定票
to make a reservation in advance(before hand) 预先定票
to figure out 计算to deal with(cope with/handle) 处理…
to inform(advise) sb. of sth. 通知某人某事class of service 服务等级
to go(fly/travel) economy 乘坐普通舱
to issue a ticket(passport/visa) 开票(签发护照/签证)

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发表于 2010-5-15 09:15:51 |只看该作者
B: You’re kidding, aren’t you?
A: No. I really mean it. One needs a lot of patience. You mentioned the reservation
just now. I guess airlines must have a definite time to allow passengers to pick
out the flights.
B: You’re right. Reservations are normally accepted months or even half a year in
advance. After the reservation has been made the passengers need to go to buy
the tickets. Otherwise it would automatically be cancelled at a certain time.
A: That’s good to know. By the way, what’s the difference between first class and
economy class?
B: Well, in first class, the passenger has more space. That is, the seats are arranged
farther apart so that he may enjoy more room for his legs. Furthermore, the first
class passenger receives more in-flight service than the economy passenger. But
the chief difference between them may well be the cost---first class fares are
much higher than economy fares. The ticket agent is able to figure out the fare
only after the passenger tells him the exact class of service he intends to travel.
A: That’s why most of the passengers prefer to fly economy rather than go first
class. I wish to take the flight you recommend.
B: Our airline possesses an ever-growing fleet that includes the state-of-the-art
Boeing 747 airplanes, don’t you know? These sophisticated aircraft break travel
barriers by flying faster and further non-stop. Our commitment is passengers
first and the service best. Aboard our airline you are sure of the safety and
comfort and you can enjoy the genuine warmth and the charm that only our
airline offers. You will never realize the true life without flying our airline and
A: Come, come, that’s all for your ad. Anyhow, I will fly your airline.
Situational Practice
Create short dialogues similar to the one given above, using the following
situations and hints:
1. Two friends meet each other in the street by chance. They greet each other
and then talk about their jobs. Try to use the phrases given below.
This is a pleasant surprise. Fancy meeting you here.
Get along well with the airline’s work
Be up to one’s eyes in booking and selling tickets
Be busy with telephone calls: flight schedules, reservations, fares, cancellations
Deal with the complaints from passengers
Inform PAX of travel documents
Distinguish the class of service
2. One of your friends wants to fly with his family. As an agent you recommend him to
fly your airlines. Try to use the following expressions.
We have jumbo jets B-747 that fly faster and further non-stop.
Passengers first and service best
Offer smooth service
Meals that please the eye as well as the palate

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发表于 2010-5-15 09:15:38 |只看该作者
Italy AZ
Hong Kong SAR, China P.R. CX
Japan Airlines
Air Canada
Virgin Atlantic Airways
Part Two Dialogue in Situation
Talking About an Airline Job
(In the street, David Brown meets his friend, Peter Jackson who works in an airline.)
A: Hi, Peter.
B: Hello, David! How are you doing?
A: Pretty well, thanks. And you?
B: Well, I’m getting along well with my present job, but I’ve had my hands full
A: What keeps you so busy?
B: Booking and selling tickets. It’s the peak season for travelling, you know. We’re
up to our eyes in it.
A: You consume a lot of time, I suppose.
B: You’re right. But, you know there are still many things that have to be done by
A: Really? That sounds incredible.
B: Believe it or not, reservations are largely made by telephone.
A: Yes, many people use telephones and even the Internet as a means of
B: But you can’t imagine how many telephone calls we handle in a day. Most of
them are for general information such as flight schedules, reservations, fares,
cancellations, baggage and other ground services. We even have to deal with the
unpleasant calls from passengers with complaints against the airlines.
A: That’s a really tough job.
B: It certainly is! After reservations, we will meet the passengers who come to buy
tickets face to face at the ticket window— check relevant documents like identity
cards and calculate the fares. It is our duty to inform an international passenger
of travel documents.
A: They are passports and visas, aren’t they?
B: Exactly, including health certificates— travelers will need for their journey.
A: You’ve done an excellent job. If I were you I would make a terrible mess of it.

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