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飞行操作简要说明火山灰FOBN Operating Environment Volcanic Ash Awareness [复制链接]

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飞行操作简要说明火山灰Flight Operations Briefing Notes Operating Environment Volcanic Ash Awareness


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FOBN Operating Environment Volcanic Ash Awareness

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发表于 2010-8-4 10:07:40 |只看该作者
Operating Environment
Volcanic Ash Awareness Flight Operations Briefing Notes
Flight Operations Briefing Notes
Operating Environment
Volcanic Ash Awareness
I Introduction
Flying through an ash cloud should be avoided by all means due to the extreme hazard for the aircraft. Experience has shown that damage can occur to aircraft surfaces, windshields and powerplants. Aircraft ventilation, hydraulic, electronic and air data systems, can also be contaminated.
Partial or total engine power loss events caused by volcanic ash ingestion, while not frequent, are major safety concerns. Simultaneous power loss in all engines has occurred, where the crew succeeded in restarting the engines, after application of operational procedures.
As weather radar is not effective in detecting volcanic ash clouds, crews must be informed by other means of the potential or effective presence of ash clouds on air routes.
The aim of this Flight Operational Briefing Note is to provide information about volcanic ash effects on aircraft, and operational guidelines, in order to help preventing a volcanic ash cloud encounter.
II Background Information
II.1 Statistical Data
The Pacific region represents one of the biggest concentration of volcanoes in the world, with over 100 active volcanoes (See Figure 1).
Active volcanoes are capable of sending volcanic ash up to altitudes greater than FL300 after explosive eruptions. Encounters affecting aircraft performance have occurred 2 400 NM from the ash source and up to 72 hours after an eruption.
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Operating Environment
Volcanic Ash Awareness Flight Operations Briefing Notes
Figure 1
Active volcanoes in Pacific area
Over 80 aircraft have reported to have flown into volcanic ash cloud between 1980 and 2000, with consequences ranging from increased wear of engines to simultaneous power loss in all engines.
Alert messages (volcanic ash SIGMET) are issued by a Meteorological Watch Office (MWO) for its area of responsibility. Nine Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers (VAAC) have been designated by international organizations to provide an expert advice to MWO regarding the location and expected movement of volcanic ash clouds (see Figure 2).
(Credit: Alaska Aviation Weather Unit )
Figure 2
Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers area of responsibility
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Volcanic Ash Awareness Flight Operations Briefing Notes
II.2 Volcanic Ash Effects on Aircraft
Components Abrasion
Volcanic ash are highly abrasive particles that may damage aircraft components, particularly forward facing surface of external parts and engine components. They are made of sharp rock fragments that will easily erode plastic, metal and even glass pieces.
In service events show that aircraft may suffer from extensive damage after volcanic ash encounter. In some cases, all the following parts were removed and replaced, after they were sand blasted:
• Windshields
• Forward cabin windows
• Navigation and landing lights cover
• Wing, stabilizer and fin leading edges
• Engine nose cowls and thrust reversers
• All pitot and static probes.
Engine Performance Deterioration
Ingestion of volcanic ash by engines may cause serious deterioration of engine performance due to erosion of moving parts and/or partial or complete blocking of fuel nozzles.
Volcanic ash contains particles, whose melting point is below engine internal temperature. In-flight, these particles will immediately melt if they go through an engine. Going through the turbine, the melted materials are rapidly cooled down, stick on the turbine vanes, and disturb the flow of high-pressure combustion gases.
This disorder of the flow may stall the engine, in worst cases.
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Volcanic Ash Awareness Flight Operations Briefing Notes
Bleed, Air Data and Electronic Systems Contamination
Volcanic ash is made of very fine particles (down to 1 micron) that can easily penetrate all but the most tightly sealed enclosures. It may carry high static charge that makes it difficult to remove from electronic components.
Ash deposit easily absorbs water and can cause arcing, short circuits and intermittent failures of electronic components.
Dense ash deposit can clog bleed system filters and may lead to total bleed loss, with associated loss of cabin pressurization. Pitot and static systems may also become obstructed by the dust.
Figure 3
Effect of Volcanic Ash on Engine
Melted material will cool down in the turbine and deposit on the turbine vanes
Abrasive particles can erode compressor blades edges, reducing compressor performance
Glass particles will melt in the combustion chamber, if high thrust rating is used
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Volcanic Ash Awareness Flight Operations Briefing Notes
(Photo Credit: NASA)
Figure 4
Cleveland volcano, Alaska 23 May 2006
III Factors Involved in Volcanic Ash Cloud Encounter
The following factors have an influence on volcanic ash detection in flight and on the consequences of volcanic ash encounter.
III.1 Detection
Night and IMC flights are more favorable to ash cloud encounter, as dust clouds cannot be detected by airborne weather radars (see Flight Operations Briefing Note Optimum Use of the Weather Radar).
Low concentration of volcanic ash may not be detected by the crew.
Presence of the following elements can help recognize a volcanic ash cloud encounter:
• Acrid odor similar to electrical smoke
• Rapid onset of engine problems
• St. Elmo’s fire
• Bright white/orange glow appearing in the engine inlets
• Dust and smell in the cockpit
• Outside darkness
• Airspeed fluctuation
• Landing lights casting sharp, distinct, shadows. Page 5 of 12
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Volcanic Ash Awareness Flight Operations Briefing Notes
III.2 Consequences
Recent (within hours of eruption) volcanic clouds contain concentration of ash that can cause complete loss of engine power within one minute.
Engines operating at high thrust setting are more prone to suffer from ash deposit buildup in the turbine chamber, as internal engine temperature may exceed volcanic-glass material melting point.
In service events show that even low concentration of volcanic ash can cause expensive damage.
IV Prevention Strategies and Operational Recommendations
Prevention strategies and lines-of-defense should be developed to address the risk of volcanic ahs encounter.
IV.1 Flight Crew Awareness
The following communication links can be used to obtain timely up-dated information on the volcano eruptive activity:
Volcanic Watch Function
The Volcanic Watch Function consists in collecting, compilling, processing and up-dating detailed information regarding the active and pre-eruptive volcanoes likely to affect the company area of operation.
This function can be assigned to the following departments, as applicable :
• Flight Operations
• Flight Safety Office.
So as to assess the volcanic threat for each company route the following information sources and communication links can be used:
• Air Information Service (AIS), for active NOTAM's
• Meteorologial Watch Offices, Airport Offices and Regional Area Forecast Centers for active SIGMET's
• On-site Aviation Authorities for additional information, such as data and maps related to the ash cloud observed and forecasted extension
• International organisations such as ICAO, IATA, IFALPA
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Volcanic Ash Awareness Flight Operations Briefing Notes
• Inter-airlines agreements
• Company outside stations.
The Volcanic Watch Function provides synthetized and up-dated information to all operational departments (Flight Operations, Dispatch, Outside Stations, ...) as follows:
• Map(s) of active volcanoes and hazard areas
• Relevant data to be included in the Pre-departure Area Briefing and Route Forecast
• Specific procedures for en-route information up-dating (e.g. HF company frequency, ACARS, en route FIS and ATC).
Flight Crews Pre-flight Briefing and Documentation
All flight crews, operating a flight to/from/through an area likely to be affected by volcanic activity, should be provided with the following lnformation and documents:
On a systematic basis
• Map(s) of active volcanoes and hazards area
• ICAO special air-report of volcanic activity form (model VAR).
As dictated by current volcanic eruptive activity:
• Last active NOTAM's,
• Last active SIGMET's
• Data or map(s) reflecting the observed ash cloud location, extension and/or trajectory forecast
• Upper wind analysis and forecast at selected flight levels
• Satellite images.
En-route Information Up-dating
The activity of an erupting volcano usually features series of eruptions sometimes separated by only a few hours. En-route updating of the pre-flight briefing information is therefore of paramount importance to minimize the potential for volcanic ash cloud encounter.
The following communication links can be used to obtain timely up-dated information on the volcano eruptive activity:
• Company FLIGHT WATCH frequency
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Volcanic Ash Awareness Flight Operations Briefing Notes
• VOLMET broadcasts (SIGMETs)
• FLIGHT lnformation Service (SIGMET's).
Detailed update should be sollicitated and obtained regarding the following aspects:
• Notification of new eruption(s)
• Location, height, extension and forecasted trajectory of volcanic ash cloud.
• Notification of airspace restrictions (closure of air routes, activation of contingency routes).
(Photo Credit: NASA)
Figure 5
Etna, Sicilia
Flight Crew Training
So as to build-up a flight crew mind-set regarding the volcanic ash threat, volcanic ash awareness should be addressed as part of the flight crew initial and recurrent training, as follows:
• Understanding volcanic ash and volcanic ash clouds, as any other weather systems, and their threat to jet aircraft operation
• Highlighting the published procedures related to volcanic ash cloud avoidance, recognition of encounter and encounter recovery
• Placing a particular attention, during the simulator session related to the ALL ENGINE FLAME OUT procedure, to the slow engine acceleration characteristics to be expected upon engine restart after volcanic ash ingestion
• Stressing the instrumental contribution of flight crew air reports and the use of the ICAO special air-report of volcanic activity form (model VAR). Page 8 of 12
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Volcanic Ash Awareness Flight Operations Briefing Notes
IV.2 Operational Recommendations
Flight crew operational procedures are published in respective aircraft manufacturers’ documentation. Nevertheless, the following actions have been identified as being typical recommendations in case of volcanic ash encounter.
On Ground
Operation from or to airports contaminated with volcanic ash should be avoided, if possible. Should volcanic ash exposure be unavoidable, the following recommendations and procedures should be applied:
• Whenever an aircraft is planned to stay over at an airport contaminated with volcanic ash, engine inlet covers as well as other protective covers and plugs shoud be installed
• Have the aircraft cleaned before departure
− Ash layer may contaminate the lubricated parts, penetrate the seals or enter the engines gas path, air conditioning system, air data probes and other aircraft orifices.
• Dry crank the engines
− Before starting the engines, ventilate them by dry cranking at maximum motoring speed for two minutes.
• Do not use windshied wipers for ash dust removal.
• Restrict ground use of APU to engine starts
− Do not use APU for air conditioning and electrical power supply. Use external pneumatic supply for starting the engines, if it is available.
• Keep bleed valves closed for taxiing
• Taxi with minimum thrust
− Advance the levers smoothly to the minimum required for breakaway. Avoid making sharp or high-speed turns. All engines taxi should be preferred, to minimize thrust level on each engine.
• Allow ash and dust (if present) to settle on runway before starting the takeoff roll
• Use the rolling takeoff technique if possible
• Consider the runway as wet (for dry ash) or contaminated with slush (wet ash) for takeoff/landing performance calculation
− Braking efficiency may be degraded by the layer of ash on the runway.
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Volcanic Ash Awareness Flight Operations Briefing Notes
In Flight
If a volcanic eruption is reported while in flight, the flight should remain well clear of the affected area and, if possible stay on the upwind side of the volcanic dust (typically 20 NM upwind of the erupting volcano).
Should the volcanic ash encounter be unavoidable, the following general recommendations apply:
• Make a 180o turn
− Pilots should exit the cloud as quick as possible. Generally, a 180o turn will result in the fastest cloud exit, due to the possible extension of such clouds over hundreds of nautical miles
• Decrease the thrust
− High thrust settings increase the risk of glass particles melting and associated ash deposit buildup in the turbine chamber. Thrust should therefore be decreased, if conditions permit.
• Don the crew oxygen masks (100%)
• Report to the ATC
− Any observation of volcanic activity or any encounter with a volcanic ash cloud should be reported by immediate radio transmission or/and by filling the ICAO special air-report of volcanic activity form (model VAR).
• Increase bleed demand (wing and engine anti-ice ON)
− Increasing the bleed demand aims at increasing the fuel/air ratio in the engine combustor to limit the possibility of an engine surge and/or flameout.
• Start the APU
− The APU GEN will be available to supply the electrical network in case of engine flameout.
• Monitor engine parameters and airspeed indications
− The crew should be aware that volcanic ash may render airspeed indications unreliable.
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Volcanic Ash Awareness Flight Operations Briefing Notes
V Summary of Key Points
It is important to note the following key points:
• Airlines should provide exhaustive and updated information to crews flying in regions likely to be affected by volcano activity
• Flight crews should sollicitate updating of the preflight information when en route
• Flight Crews should report to the ATC any observation of volcanic activity or any encounter with a volcanic ash cloud
• If encounter with volcanic ash cannot be avoided, the flight crew should immediately applied the procedure recommended by the aircraft manufacturers’ documentation.
VI Associated Flight Operations Briefing Notes
The following Flight Operations Briefing Note can also be reviewed:
• Optimum use of the weather radar
VII Regulatory References
• ICAO Doc 9766 - Handbook On The International Airways Volcano Watch (IAVW) Operational Procedures And Contact List (2nd Edition)
• ICAO PANS ATM (Doc 4444) Appendix I – ICAO Special Air-report of Volcanic Activity Form (model VAR)
VIII Airbus References
• A300/A310/A300-600 Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM) Bulletins - Volcanic Ash Advisory
• A300/A310/A300-600 FCOM - Procedures and Techniques - Inclement Weather Operation - Operation in Areas Contaminated by Volcanic Ash
• A320/A330/A340 FCOM - Supplementary Techniques - Adverse Weather - Operations in Volcanic Ash
• A320/A330/A340 Flight Crew Training Manual (FCTM) - Supplementary Information - Adverse Weather - Volcanic Ash
IX Additional Reading Materials / Website References
• Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers (VAAC) (http://aawu.arh.noaa.gov/vaac.php)
• Volcano World (http://volcano.und.edu/)
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Operating Environment
Volcanic Ash Awareness Flight Operations Briefing Notes
This FOBN is part of a set of Flight Operations Briefing Notes that provide an overview of the applicable standards, flying techniques and best practices, operational and human factors, suggested company prevention strategies and personal lines-of-defense related to major threats and hazards to flight operations safety.
This FOBN is intended to enhance the reader's flight safety awareness but it shall not supersede the applicable regulations and the Airbus or airline's operational documentation; should any deviation appear between this FOBN and the Airbus or airline’s AFM / (M)MEL / FCOM / QRH / FCTM, the latter shall prevail at all times.
In the interest of aviation safety, this FOBN may be reproduced in whole or in part - in all media - or translated; any use of this FOBN shall not modify its contents or alter an excerpt from its original context. Any commercial use is strictly excluded. All uses shall credit Airbus.
Airbus shall have no liability or responsibility for the use of this FOBN, the correctness of the duplication, adaptation or translation and for the updating and revision of any duplicated version.
Airbus Customer Services Flight Operations Support and Services
1 Rond Point Maurice Bellonte - 31707 BLAGNAC CEDEX FRANCE
FOBN Reference : FLT_OPS – OPS_ENV – SEQ 06 – REV 01 – SEP. 2006
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