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中国民航局空管局副局长高毅 Gao Yi, Deputy Director General of ATMB, CAAC 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞2 介绍内容 Content 引言 Introduction 1 节能减排的基本思路 General thinking in energy saving and emission reduction 2 近期取得的成效 Achievements obtained recently 3 下一步措施 Next steps 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞3 航空运输释放CO2占全球总排放量:2%-3% CO2 generated by aviation transportation is 2-3% of the global emission total 全球航空运输业:减少航空对环境的影响 Global aviation transportation: reducing influence on environment 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞4 我国民航:节能减排形式严峻 China civil aviation: severe situations of energy saving and emission reduction 空域航路受限,增加燃油消耗 Airspace and air route restriction increases fuel consumption 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞5 2008年,耗油1195万吨,若节油5%,节约24亿元 In 2008, 11.95 million tones of oil was consumed; if 5% is saved, 2.4 billion RMB will be saved. 空管责任:优化空域资源、提高航空器运行效率 ATM responsibilities: optimizing airspace resources and improving aircraft operational efficiency 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞6 介绍内容 Content 引言 Introduction 1 节能减排的基本思路 General thinking in energy saving and emission reduction 2 近期取得的成效 Achievements obtained recently 3 下一步措施 Next steps 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞7 1 节能减排的基本思路 General thinking in energy saving and emission reduction 推进空域结构优化 Promoting airspace structure optimization 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞8 1 节能减排的基本思路 General thinking in energy saving and emission reduction 推进空域结构优化 Promoting airspace structure optimization 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞9 1 节能减排的基本思路 General thinking in energy saving and emission reduction 加快新技术应用 Expediting the application of new technologies 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞10 1 节能减排的基本思路 General thinking in energy saving and emission reduction 加强运行管理 Enhancing operations management 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞11 1 节能减排的基本思路 General thinking in energy saving and emission reduction 优化机场布局 Optimizing airport layout – 协助机场管理部门加强对机场飞行区滑行道、快速脱离道布 局的规划论证,加快飞行区滑行道和快速脱离道布局的改进 力度,减少地面滑行时间。 – To assist airport management departments in enhancing the planning verification for the layout of taxiway and fast evacuation ways of airport flight areas to expedite the improvement of taxiway and fast evacuation ways of airport flight areas, and to reduce ground taxi time. 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞12 介绍内容 Content 引言 Introduction 1 节能减排的基本思路 General thinking in energy saving and emission reduction 2 近期取得的成效 Achievements obtained recently 3 下一步措施 Next steps 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞13 2 近期取得的成效 Achievements obtained recently 开辟春运临时航线,减排收效明显 Opening temporary routes for transportation during the Spring Festival period with notable results of emission reduction – 新辟16条临时航线,供9800个航班使用,节省飞行距离28 万公里,节约燃油2400吨,减少二氧化碳排放7600吨 – new 16 temporary direct flight routes opened for over 9800 flights, saving 280,000 kilometers fight distance and over 2,400 tones of fuel and reducing over 7,600 tones of CO2 emissions. 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞14 2 近期取得的成效 Achievements obtained recently 优化航路航线结构,节油效果良好 Optimizing route structure with good oil saving effect – 1月:新辟国内经青海、西藏至巴基斯坦线路 比原航路缩短300公里,8航班受益,年节油8500吨 – in January, a new international route via Qinghai and Tibet, China to Pakistan opened. This route shortens about 300 kilometers of the original route, and benefits 8 flights on average daily. Annual fuel savings will reach 8,500 tones. 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞15 2 近期取得的成效 Achievements obtained recently 优化航路航线结构,节油效果良好 Optimizing route structure with good oil saving effect – 2月:实施东北四大城市连接的干线航路优化方案 每航班次飞行距离缩短98公里,年节油3万吨 – In February, the optimization scheme for trunk route structure connecting four cities in the Northeast region was implemented. 98 kilometers flight distance is shortened for each flight each time. Annual fuel saved is close to 300,000 tones. 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞16 2 近期取得的成效 Achievements obtained recently 大力新辟临时航线,推进空域灵活使用 Opening new temporary routes to promote the flexible use of airspace 临时航线(条) Temporary routes 总距离(万KM) Total distance 比例 percentage 备注 Notes 09.3- 09.12 35 1.6 1.07 77 2.67 占全国(of China 总计total) 16.6% Total 0.48 占全国(of China total) 11% 缩短2900公里 Shorten 2,900 km 现有 Current 42 占全国(of China total) 5.6% 开放open 18 占临时18% (of temporary) 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞17 2 近期取得的成效 Achievements obtained recently 改进运行程序,减少滑行时间 Improving operational procedures for reducing taxi time 首都机场地面滑 行时间<20分钟 <20 minutes ground taxi time at Beijing airport 增设标记牌 调整跑道 运行模式 优化结构 推进地面引导 加强公司 沟通协调 非全跑道 起飞应用 目视间隔 技术应用 合理调配 进场顺序 完善穿越 跑道程序 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞18 介绍内容 Content 引言 Introduction 1 节能减排的基本思路 General thinking in energy saving and emission reduction 2 近期取得的成效 Achievements obtained recently 3 下一步措施 Next steps 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞19 空管 ATM 航空公司 Airlines 机场 Airport 提 高 效 率 节能减排 3 下一步措施 Next steps 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞20 3 下一步措施 Next steps 完善临时航线使用协调程序 Improving coordination procedures for the use of temporary routes – 3月:制定下发了临时航线使用与统计办法,明确了临时航线的使 用协调程序与统计规定,增强临时航线使用协调的可操作性,提 高使用效率。 – In March, ATMB developed and issued the method of temporary route use and statistics, which specifies the coordination procedures and statistics regulations for the use of temporary routes to increase the operability of coordination and improve use efficiency. 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞21 3 下一步措施 Next steps 推进空域灵活使用机制建设 Promoting the construction of flexible use of airspace mechanism – 国家空管委印发了加强军民航联合空管运行机制建设实施 意见,民航局空管局将积极参与空域资源灵活使用机制建 设,造福航空运输企业。 – State ATC Commission printed and issued its Implementation Views on Enhancing Civil Military Joint ATC Operations Mechanism Construction. ATMB of CAAC will actively participate in the construction of flexible use of airspace resources mechanism to benefit aviation transportation enterprises. 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞22 空管系统将建设资源节约型、环境友好型民用 航空运输系统,向创建绿色环保民航强国的目标努 力前行,为中国民航的展翼腾飞注入新的活力。 ATM system will build up resources saving and environmental friendly civil aviation transportation system to move forward to the aim of creating a green civil aviation power with environmental protection and add new vigor to the leap forward of China civil aviation. 3 下一步措施 Next steps 优化空域资源提升运行效率再助民航腾飞23 谢谢 谢谢 谢谢 Thank you 民航局空管局 2009年5月 |