ASCII ASCPC ASD ASDE ASDL ASE ASECNA ASG AS I ASIC ASM ASN.1 ASOS ASP ASPP A-SMGCS ASR ASKS ASSTC ASTF ASU ASSV ASTA American Standard Code for Information Interchange Air Supply and Cabin Pressure Controllers Aircraft Situation Display Airport Surface Detection Equipment Aeronautical Satellite Data Link Altimetry System Error Agency for the Security of Aerial Navigation in Africa and Madagascar ARINC Signal Gateway Avionics System Integration Application Specific Integrated Circuit (1) Airspace Management (2) Autothrottle Servo Motor Abstract Syntax Notation One Automated Surface Observing System (1) Altitude Set Panel (2) Aeronautical Fixed Service (AFS) Systems Planning for data interchange Aeronautical Fixed Service (AFS) Systems Planning for data interchange Panel Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems Airport Surveillance Radar Aviation Safety Reporting System Aerospace Simulation and Systems Test Center Airspace System Task Force Avionics Switching Unit Alternate Source Selection Valve Airport Surface Traffic Automation