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航空运输集团产业布局和专业化发展的设想 2009民航发展论坛 孔栋 演讲稿(中英文) [复制链接]

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-8-21 20:59:47 |只看该作者
航空运输集团产业布局和专业化发展的设想On Industrial Layout and Specialization Development of Aviation Holding Groups中国航空集团公司总经理孔栋President Mr. Kong DongChina National Aviation Holding 2008年5月15日,北京Beijing, 15th May, 2008China National Aviation Holding Company
一、产业布局对企业集团的生存与发展具有决定性作用Industrial Layout is decisive to the survival and development ofEnterprise Groups二、相关多元化产业布局是中国航空运输集团的现实选择A variety of related industrial layout is choice of china aviation groups三、实施相关多元化产业布局需要重点关注的三个问题Three issues should be focused in implementing such layout
Industrial Layout is decisive to the survival and development ofEnterprise Groups
As for Enterprise Groups, Industrial Layout is not only the choice of business operated but also the placement of its own strategy.
To win or lose in operating is decided by accurate placement of operating models and whole process management rather than which model is good or bad.
􀂾不同经营模式的成功案例:Successful cases in different operating models:
Specialization—Toyota / General Motor
Variety of Related Business: Lufthansa Aviation Group
Variety of Non-Related Business: GE
Practice proves that the choice of operating model is a top strategy issue. Any enterprise in different period of development (including launching, growing, maturity) have to choose its own model. However, with the restrictions of objective environment, resources and development ability, enterprises must choose what to do and not to do. Furthermore, operating model isdirectly linked with the placement of current operation and future trend of development, even key to the success of a company.
产业布局对企业集团的生存与发展具有决定性作用(Continued…)11851262362397509561016220机队规模(架)Fleet总周转量(亿吨公里)Turnover (100mil. ton kilos.)主营业务收入(亿元)Revenue (100mil.)利润(亿元)Profit (100mil.) 总资产(亿元)Total Assets (100mil.) Y2002 年Y2007 年􀂾通过选择适合自身特点的经营模式,中航集团五年实现跨越式发展CNAH has made a five-year Striding Development by choosing an appropriate operating model in accordance with our own features.
一、产业布局对企业集团的生存与发展具有决定性作用Industrial Layout is decisive to the survival and development ofEnterprise Groups二、相关多元化产业布局是中国航空运输集团的现实选择A variety of related industrial layout is choice of china aviation groups三、实施相关多元化产业布局需要重点关注的三个问题Three issues should be focused in implementing such layout
A variety of related industrial layout is choice of china aviation groups
􀂾相关多元化产业布局是中国航空运输集团发展的阶段性要求Variety of Related Business Industrial Layout is periodic requirement for china aviation groups􀁺企业成长的一般规律General Principle of enterprise growth•管理链条延伸,边际利润率下降,将非核心业务分离,实行专业化经营To extend management chain, lower marginal profit, separate non-core business, carry out specialization operation.•围绕核心业务在上下游产业市场或类似产品市场开展多种经营,成为相关多元化产业集团To become a industrial group by developing various business operation in upper and lower reaches market or similar products’market. 专业化阶段Specialization Period相关多元化阶段Variety of Related Business
Three Steps of development on operating models of china airlines)
八十年代以前专业化阶段Specialization Period in 80’s八十年代以前专业化阶段Specialization Period in 80’s•产品单一,客货运输Single business, passenger and cargo transport•经营规模较小Small scale•业务分工简单Simple business category•管理链条短,集中度高short Manag. Chain, high centralization•政企合一Mixture of government and enterprises•产品单一,客货运输Single business, passenger and cargo transport•经营规模较小Small scale•业务分工简单Simple business category•管理链条短,集中度高short Manag. Chain, high centralization•政企合一Mixture of government and enterprises九十年代以后专业化向多元化过渡阶段Transition period in 90’s九十年代以后专业化向多元化过渡阶段Transition period in 90’s•政企分开•Separation of government and enterprises•航空配餐、飞机维修等独立出来,实行企业化经营•Separate air catering, MRObusiness•开展多种经营•Develop various business operation•政企分开•Separation of government and enterprises•航空配餐、飞机维修等独立出来,实行企业化经营•Separate air catering, MRObusiness•开展多种经营•Develop various business operation•2002年以后相关多元化阶段Variety of related business model after consolidation in 2002•年以后相关多元化阶段Variety of related business model after consolidation in 2002•核心业务壮大,核心竞争力增强•Growth of core business and competitiveness•主要延伸业务得以集中和聚合,形成产业化经营能力•Centralization of major related business and becoming an industrialization operation•管理复杂性要求与之相适应的经营模式•Complex of management and its adaptable operating model•核心业务壮大,核心竞争力增强•Growth of core business and competitiveness•主要延伸业务得以集中和聚合,形成产业化经营能力•Centralization of major related business and becoming an industrialization operation•管理复杂性要求与之相适应的经营模式•Complex of management and its adaptable operating model
􀁺中航集团相关多元化产业体系CNAH’sSystem of variety of related business)核心层Core Level紧密层Major level国航股份Air China Ltd.国货航Air China CargoAMECO中航有限China National Aviation Corp.民航快递China Air Express中航传媒Media and Advertisement中航旅业Travel Service and hotels财务公司Finance Company
建设开发Construction & Development
􀂾相关多元化产业布局有利于航空运输集团实现可持续发展Variety of Related Business Industrial Layout is benefit to our sustainable dev.􀁺航空公司三大战略性风险Three strategical risks in Airline Business航空公司Airline经济周期性突发事件商业模式•航空集团应从产业发展战略的角度出发,搭建一个可促进和保护核心业务发展的产业体系•Aviation group should set up an industrial system which can boost and protect its core business on the level of strategic development.Operating ModelEconomic CircleEmergencies
相关多元化产业布局是中国航空运输集团的现实选择(Continued…)􀁺汉莎航空集团通过相关多元化规避了战略性风险Lufthansa Aviation Group offset strategic risks through variety business model客运PAX 维修MROIT货运Cargo航食Catering休闲旅游Leisure travel以客运为核心向外拓展Business Extension以客运为核心向外拓展Extension•整个汉莎产业链是围绕其核心—客运业务发展,从核心向外依次展开的业务是维修、货运、航食、休闲旅游和ITLH’sindustrial chain is based on core passenger business and extended to MRO, Cargo, Catering, Leisure travel and IT.•汉莎选择产业链的原则是:与客运战略一致、与客运业务相关、依赖客运LH’sPrinciple: in consistent with passenger business strategy and related with and dependent on Passenger service. •汉莎建立航空产业链的目的是增强核心业务(客运)的竞争力和整个集团的抗风险能力LH’sObjectives: to strengthen core competitiveness and anti-risk ability•整个汉莎产业链是围绕其核心客运业务发展,从核心向外依次展开的业务是维修、货运、航食、休闲旅游和ITLH’sindustrial chain is based on core passenger business and extended to MRO, Cargo, Catering, Leisure travel and IT.汉莎选择产业链的原则是:与客运战略一致、与客运业务相关、依赖客运LH’sPrinciple: in consistent with passenger business strategy and related with and dependent on Passenger service. 汉莎建立航空产业链的目的是增强核心业务(客运)的竞争力和整个集团的抗风险能力LH’sObjectives: to strengthen core competitiveness and anti-risk ability
•2005年汉莎集团各项业务比重Percentage Chart of LH in 2005)
收入Revenue EBITDA42.426.911.客运PAX休闲旅游Leisure Travel维修MRO货运Cargo航食CateringIT61.44.716.客运PAX休闲旅游Leisure Travel维修MRO货运Cargo航食CateringIT
mechanism on offsetting those three risks
Encountering overall risks, every business has different downsize
Profit ratio of related business is generally higher than core business 17%16%10%9%7%4%2%领先机场机场飞机租赁第三方MRO地勤餐饮加油航空公司欧洲领先机场可以达到58%的EBITDA利润Leading airport in Europe can get 58% EBITDA profit欧洲领先机场可以达到的利润profit2004年民航业平均EBITDA利润Industrial Average EBITDA Profit in 2004信息来源: 欧洲航空运输协会AEA-TEATS
Contents 一、产业布局对企业集团的生存与发展具有决定性作用Industrial Layout is decisive to the survival and development ofEnterprise Groups二、相关多元化产业布局是中国航空运输集团的现实选择A variety of related industrial layout is choice of china aviation groups三、实施相关多元化产业布局需要重点关注的三个问题Three issues should be focused in implementing such layout
Three issues should be focused in implementing such layout
􀂾坚持优先发展核心产业Insist on developing core business first􀂾坚持内涵做强与外延扩张的连动发展Insist on strengthening intension and expanding extension􀂾坚持全面和谐发展大集团战略Insist on developing enterprise group strategy harmoniously
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