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Results from the transport research programme SINGLE EUROPEAN SKY EUROPEAN COMMISSION Information on the wider transport activities of the European Union is also available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server (http://europa.eu.int/comm/dgs/energy_transport/index_en.html). Manuscript completed in July 2001. Luxembourg:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2001 ISBN 92-894-1550-9 © European Communities, 2001 Cover pictures: Eureka Slide. Photographs shown on page 7 have been provided by Eureka Slide (1, 2 ,4). Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Belgium. This brochure was produced by the EXTRA consortium for DG Energy and Transport and represents the consortium’s views on research relating to air transport.These views have not been adopted or in any way approved by the Commission and should not be relied upon as a statement of the Commission's or DG Energy and Transport's views.The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this brochure, nor does it accept responsibility for any use made thereof. Frequently used acronyms A-SMGCS Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System ATC Air Traffic Control ATM Air Traffic Management CNS Communication, Navigation and Surveillance Eurocontrol European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation JAA [Europe's] Joint Aviation Authorities Additional information on the transport research programme is available on the Internet. The programme’s Knowledge Centre (http://europa.eu.int/comm/transport/extra/home.html) provides: • structured guides to the results and projects for particular topics; • summaries and final reports of individual projects; • access to project web sites and other contact details. References to some projects are included in this brochure, to help the reader access further information quickly through the Knowledge Centre. 2 3 ir transport makes an increasingly vital contribution to the economy and society1, and is at the heart of globalisation. But traffic growth in the aviation sector is rapidly taking away the benefits, through impacts such as delays, noise and pollution. Innovative policies and technologies can reduce these impacts and promote a more sustainable outcome. Therefore, through its transport research programme2, the European Community has targeted a range of actions to help develop effective solutions. This brochure highlights research results that will help to establish a Single European Sky. Its purpose is to raise awareness of the information and decision support that is now available, and to encourage readers to obtain further details through a web-based Knowledge Centre (http://europa.eu.int/comm/transport/ extra/home.html). THE NEED FOR RESEARCH In this brochure, discover how research can contribute to future policy for one harmonised airspace over Europe, and identify topics worth investigating further on the web. A SINGLE EUROPEAN SKY Coping with air traffic growth Air transport demand has been growing steadily at between 5 and 7 percent over recent years and this rate of growth is expected to continue for the foreseeable future, leading to at least a doubling in traffic every 12 years. For instance, in the year 2000, European air traffic grew by nearly 8%, compared to 6% globally.This is creating serious capacity problems for air traffic management and bottlenecks at airports. Whilst improvements have been made to the national air traffic management (ATM) systems that constitute the European system, these improvements have not kept pace with demand, with the result that delays remain at unacceptably high levels.The latest data for June 2001 show that 22% of all flights were delayed by more than 15 minutes. The ongoing problem of delays led the European Council in 1999 to request a comprehensive reform of European air traffic management. As a result, by 2005 the EU should have in place the framework for a seamless ATM system.This will improve the safety of air transport through better co-ordination at Community level, while at the same time increasing capacity for traffic growth through more efficient use of airspace. Key areas of immediate action towards the goal of a Single European Sky are: • Safety – establishing a European Aviation Safety Agency and a safety action programme; • Airspace management – enabling a single European airspace through the integrated management of air traffic; • Integration of military needs – securing civil/military co-operation on airspace usage and management; • Systems and operations – introducing common technical solutions, regulations and standards; • Framework for providers of air traffic control – regulating and providing national services compliant with EC requirements;and • Social aspects – improving recruitment, training and operational procedures. The key policy issue lies in achieving improvements in three major categories: harmonising the safe and efficient management of airspace across Europe, tackling rapidly growing bottlenecks at airports, and adapting human operators and users to new technologies in the whole sector. Research has been focused accordingly. The latest data for June 2001 show that 22% of all flights were delayed by more than 15 minutes, with the average delay per delayed flight exceeding 22 minutes. © Eureka Slide, Houze KEY RESULTS Research projects have a major impact on policy towards a Single European Sky. Selected highlights are described in this Section. Shaping the future Air Traffic Management (ATM) architecture ir Traffic Management (ATM) capacity is a scarce resource that needs careful deployment.This requires the open exchange of data to ensure that decision making is located where it is most effective. New operational concepts and systems are required that permit aircraft to operate in all weather conditions and fly safely at reduced separation. Such systems should also support the efficient allocation of airspace, while limiting as far as possible the need for new airport infrastructure. Research has identified effective options for improving the efficiency of air transport, aimed at making a real difference over the next 10 years. Common validation of ATM concepts and CNS technologies Research has laid the foundation for the implementation of next generation ATM systems through standardisation and validation activities.Major advances have included the definition of a software platform to support large-scale validation and demonstration, the standardisation of interfaces between ATM domains, and the definition of a common approach to validation of concepts, functions and components. A A viable ATM concept for Europe has been defined for the timeframe 2005 to 2010, building on Eurocontrol's ATM 2000+ strategy. It has two main elements: Layered planning and the introduction of a daily operational plan will help to optimise the management of available capacity. The introduction of additional computer-based tools will significantly reduce the workload for air traffic controllers per aircraft. An assessment covering technical, operational and socio-economic aspects has shown the feasibility of the concept, its benefits and related costs. The future ATM concept3 © Eureka Slide,Von Bux © Eurocontrol SINGLE EUROPEAN SKY 4 5 An open and flexible validation platform has been developed for ATM. It was successfully tested using a set of existing Air Traffic Control (ATC) components provided by key European players. Further validation activities in current and future research programmes are expected to use this platform. It will enable validation activities to be readily set up and the results from different validation exercises to be directly compared.This will reduce the time required to gain acceptance for a new ATM component on a European level.The research demonstrated that the platform’s architecture works and is suitable for the anticipated validations. The specified ATM validation platform is a cornerstone of efforts to move on from the definition and design phase to subsequent implementation, and has obtained a wide consensus on architecture definition and platform development in the ATM industry. It was officially presented to the ATM industry and involved organisations in March 2001. An ‘open’ systems architecture4 One research project has developed a prototype model that, for the first time, integrates land and air side analysis, incorporating microscopic models suitable for detailed analysis and macroscopic models suitable for strategic planning, while employing a common flight schedule to run different models. An evaluation study at the two Milan airports Linate and Malpensa revealed the strength and suitability of this approach, notably: the simplification of data preparation for analyses involving the entire airport, using a common flight schedule; the significant reduction of time and effort spent on airport analysis; and the provision of an effective tool for the identification of bottlenecks. Optimised airport modelling5 An integrative approach towards airport management Airport modelling has previously concentrated on specific subsystems of the airport complex, such as the land side (terminals), the air side (runways and taxiways) and the access/egress system (roads, parking, etc.). However, users must manually co-ordinate inputs and outputs for the various models in order to account for the interaction between the airport subsystems. Similar co-ordination is required for users to mix strategic models (usually involving a low level of modelling detail) with tactical models (requiring a high level of detail in data and system definition). New research has overcome these limitations © Eureka Slide,Wang-Mo © EKA Adapting flight crews to new challenges In the last decade the aviation community has put considerable emphasis on nontechnical skills as one of the potential sources of progress on safety.The emergence of Crew Resource Management courses is among the most visible examples of this growing interest. Four major national aviation authorities, led by the European Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA), research centres, industry and the Commission have joined forces to elaborate suitable methods to evaluate non-technical or social skills, and subsequently achieve preliminary validation. In 1998 the "Non Technical Skills" (NOTECHS) method emerged, driven by the desire to minimise cultural and corporate differences, and to maximise practicality and effectiveness for airline instructors. Bridging the gap from the definition of the NOTECHS method to implementation and benchmarking has been the main task of a recent study on pilot training. Starting with a review of the existing methodology and its applicability, the experimental evaluation found NOTECHS to be a robust and sensitive assessment tool, and confirmed its usability alongside the mandatory regulations regarding the training of flight crews.The four main elements of the novel method are co-operative skills (e.g. team spirit and conflict solving), leadership and managerial skills (e.g. assertiveness and co-ordination), situational awareness (cognitive skills), and decision-making abilities (e.g. diagnosis, option analysis and risk assessment). Improving ‘non-technical skills’ 6 © Eureka Slide, Balaes SINGLE EUROPEAN SKY 6 7 AREAS OF RESEARCH he main aims of air transport research have been to provide more efficient airspace control and management, to reduce environmental impacts, and to preserve and improve safety standards in line with international regulations.This has included efforts to establish a trans-European ATM network, and has been achieved through: • specification of ATM concepts and development of common architectures; • in-field trials of novel components at various European airports, research facilities and simulators; and • contributions to the international harmonisation of certification and operational procedures. The research has supported policy in five main areas: The ATM system for Europe Developing a single harmonised architecture for airspace control and management. Validation of advanced ATM technologies and concepts Developing a common validation environment for the assessment of candidate ATM technologies, components and sub-systems prior to live trials. Improved safety in aircraft operations Identifying gaps in current airworthiness requirements, promoting the safety of aircraft users and the targeted training of aircrew. Enhanced efficiency at airports Introducing advanced airside guidance and control systems for surface movements, and new approaches towards integrated airside and landside operations at airports. Changing working environments Investigating the impacts of novel technologies on air traffic control personnel and cockpit crews, and identifying appropriate transition training schemes. T THE ATM SYSTEM FOR EUROPE Next generation Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) technology7 A new concept has been proposed, building on the use of geo-stationary satellites, to establish next generation Aeronautical Mobile en-Route Satellite Services. Such services would be valuable in high-density airspace areas, and the construction of a technical demonstrator is underway.The foreseen Europe-wide commercial market for such a system was estimated at some 20 to 60 million Euro by the year 2008. The study recommended further activities to encourage next generation satellite and aircraft-based CNS applications in order to improve safety and capacity in ATM. Studies showed that the implementation of Airborne Separation Assurance System applications is feasible in the short term using the data available on board the majority of aircraft, once the remaining technical and institutional barriers have been overcome. These systems would allow for optimised use of air corridors without cockpit crews being widely dependent on ground-based Air Traffic Control (ATC) for in-flight guidance. he European Air Traffic Management (ATM) system can be considered as a "system of inter-dependent systems". Its purpose is to provide a safe, timely and orderly flow of air traffic, accommodating traffic demand, that is cost- effective, operates on the basis of uniform principles, satisfies national security requirements and is environmentally acceptable. In view of the rapid growth in demand for air travel, the European ATM system requires radical innovation and development. Technological contributions to future ATM systems New technological developments addressing the safety requirements of the European ATM system are emerging and need to be assessed.Therefore research has investigated advanced satellite systems, related broadcasting technology and on-board components to automate airborne separation. T © Eureka Slide,Domelounksen SINGLE EUROPEAN SKY 8 9 Noise abatement in the vicinity of airports 8 Models for predicting noise exposure around airports have been evaluated, and recommendations made on the capabilities and key variables for modelling. Following this, noise abatement procedures were assessed using case studies based on the airports Amsterdam-Schiphol,Madrid-Barajas and Napoli-Capodichino. For the short term, promising operational procedures were found to be: an increased initial altitude before the aircraft enters its final glide slope; a reduced landing flap setting; delayed establishment of landing configuration (gear down, full flap extension); an optimised take-off procedure with rapid initial climb; and a continuous descent approach procedure (for use outside peak hours). Cost-benefit analysis highlighted the value of an approach procedure combining delayed stabilisation, reduced landing flap setting and an intercept altitude of 3000 ft for the start of the glide slope. This can reduce noise with no loss in airport capacity. Tackling the impacts of rapid air traffic growth Over the last 40 years, the steady increase in the number of flights and in urban developments around airports has greatly increased the exposure of the public to aircraft noise. Some improvements might be realised in the short term through changes in the way aircraft are operated (without any change in aircraft and air traffic control systems) ground systems and airborne equipment would help in the longer term over the next five to ten years (if developed to meet noise criteria).Therefore an inventory of current regulations and practices affecting aircraft noise has been compiled, together with a study of the operational, safety, capacity and economic constraints that might influence the definition of new procedures. VALIDATION OF ADVANCED ATM TECHNOLOGIES AND CONCEPTS The evaluation of several individual applications has provided the basis for verifying the overall capability of a single system solution for seamless gate-togate operations across CNS domains. Among the components assessed have been: Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) precision navigation capability en-route and during approach; on-ground situation awareness and taxi guidance; in-flight situational awareness; enhanced air traffic control surveillance; automatic terminal information service broadcast; extended helicopter surveillance; and runway incursion monitoring. Proposals for improvements in individual applications have been provided. The main recommendations at the system level include: accelerating the introduction of ADS-Broadcast (ADS-B) in Europe, which calls for close co-operation with airframe, ATC and airport system manufacturers; initiating cost/benefit analyses and developing operational procedures with respect to ADS-B; analysing certification issues and promoting the development of international standards for ADS-B; initiating research on human factors regarding cockpit layout of traffic information; and analysing safety, certification and operational approval aspects of using a common data link and a mix of CNS applications. New CNS applications 9 The contribution of future communication systems he International Civil Aviation Organization has adopted an integrated ATM/CNS concept that envisages the use of data link communications, satellite navigation systems and Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) in upcoming ATM systems.Today a range of dissimilar Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) systems support pilots and controllers in different phases of flight. The emergence of data link services creates an opportunity to establish integrated, seamless gate-to-gate services from departure to arrival of an aircraft. T © Courtesy of NEAP project SINGLE EUROPEAN SKY 10 11 Towards the stepwise introduction of new ATM technology The implementation of the necessary changes to the current ATM system in Europe will be gradual. Nevertheless, at each step, the new ATM system has to demonstrate advances in safety levels over the current system. This requires careful validation of the new concepts and systems prior to implementation. Building blocks of ATM validation10 The ATM validation process covers regulatory issues (standards, legal frameworks), management and monitoring, and performance aspects related to preparation, design and reporting. From a survey of several validation activities, research has shown that many validation needs are not yet being met and that validation of a European ATM system as a whole is not manageable. A breakdown of the system into components will be needed for the purpose of validation. Therefore one research study proposed a system breakdown strategy for overall validation, consisting of 22 validation configurations corresponding to several different operational contexts.This breakdown has been assessed for two European target ATM systems – the current view of the system in 2005 and in 2015. In addition, short-term actions were identified relating to practical issues, such as the identification and implementation of validation platforms for the proposed configurations. A catalogue was compiled describing available facilities for validation. Also, inventories were made of validation tools existing or under development, and of gaps in system-level validation facilities. Member States of the European Civil Aviation Conference undertake validation of their ATM systems in a fairly rigorous, but generally inconsistent manner. Consequently, there is a need to harmonise the approaches and methodologies for validation in Europe. Research has recommended a validation process covering three main areas: a layered validation process identifying the most significant products of validation and providing a step-by-step approach to tackle validation in a harmonised manner; a toolbox of methods, techniques, tools and facilities for overall validation; and recommendations to harmonise the validation process at the European level in organisational terms. © Courtesy of NEAP project Safer aircraft mong in-flight hazards related to weather conditions, aircraft icing has always been one of the biggest issues in commercial aviation. Following major efforts in the 1940’s and 50’s to investigate environmental conditions prone to formation of ice on aerodynamic surfaces, the resulting regulations have not been re-assessed in detail ever since. Due to a general increase in air traffic, and in particular the growing number of regional aircraft which are more sensitive to icing – due to lower operating altitudes and lower cruise speeds – there is renewed interest in solving this problem. IMPROVED SAFETY IN AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS A To understand the scope of the problem, a review was made of world-wide icingrelated accidents and incidents from 1980 to 1995.These were fed into a database now accessible via the Internet.To complement this, a database was developed on existing icing atmosphere data. A flight test campaign with twin-engine turboprop aircraft investigated the Supercooled Large Droplet (SLD) conditions that trigger ice formation on airframe and wing.The existing regulations for design and certification of fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters were reviewed with respect to operation in icing conditions. In addition, feedback was sought from manufacturers of turboprop aircraft and rotorcraft on their experience with current icing standards, backed by interviews with operators about specific ice problems and crew training aspects. Several updates and extensions were proposed to the existing regulation to cover SLD conditions, and instruments were specified to measure these conditions and the characterisation of atmospheric phenomena. Tackling in-flight icing hazards11 © Eureka Slide, Crunelle SINGLE EUROPEAN SKY 12 13 Test experience with currently used child restraint devices (CRD) in aircraft have been summarised in a research project and related to travel and accident statistics. Relevant aviation regulations have been discussed, and opinions on current practice have been sought from aviation authorities, operating airlines, cabin crews and consumer groups. The outcome has been aggregated in a Technical Reference Document covering bio-mechanical parameters that have to be considered when applying and using child restraint systems. Issues have been the definition of child groups, relevant test criteria applied to standard aircraft seats, specification of test dummies, categorisation of CRD tests, definition of test equipment, definition of standard adult seats, performance criteria to be adopted, and general concepts for the protection of children. This initiative led to a European specification for CRDs as a baseline for integrating the theme into certification and operational regulations by the Joint Aviation Authorities. The main parameters underlying these specifications are: the safe restraint of children to the standard of other passengers; the minimisation of additional costs to aviation industry; compatibility with European automobile restraint standards; harmonisation with the upcoming US standard; flexibility in CRD design; the inclusion of different flight phases (take-off and landing, cruise flight); and the need to use CRDs only for passengers of less than 18 kg weight. Improved safety for children in aircraft cabins 12 Child safety Under current aviation regulations, the travel of infants and smaller children is not well covered in terms of safety, reflecting a lack of suitable restraint systems. Improvements in child safety are anticipated to be viable,once the required specifications for technical equipment and operational procedures have been defined and implemented. © Eureka Slide,M. Bingen ir traffic has grown at an average rate of 5% over the last 15 years, increasing the pressure on all aspects of Air Traffic Control (ATC). Capacity limitations at airports are a major bottleneck, with several main hubs and medium or small sized airports facing constraints on expansion and environmental concerns.While there is little chance to significantly enlarge existing airport infrastructures, the increasing number of aircraft movements (i.e. take-offs, landings and related taxiing) needs to be handled by using runways, taxiways and aprons more efficiently. Increasing tarmac capacity The planned Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS) is intended to support the safe and efficient movement of aircraft and vehicles on an airport under all circumstances with respect to traffic density, visibility conditions and complexity of the airport layout. Simulations have shown that the expected improvement in traffic handling can be achieved, and specific functions have been demonstrated in real airport environments. ENHANCED EFFICIENCY AT AIRPORTS A The Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS)13 Two important research projects have dealt with the concept of integrated management of airport ground movements, demonstrating and testing prototype solutions. A demonstrator system for A-SMGCS has been implemented at four European airports, featuring the first large-scale demonstrator at Cologne/Bonn airport.The system architecture was designed to be modular and open.This can be used as a guideline by follow-on projects and for the realisation of a large-scale A-SMGCS implementation. Moreover, the advantages gained by data exchange during the trials motivated airports to enhance the integration of existing systems. Four areas were suggested for further investigation or improvement: surveillance, control, guidance and planning. A more complex approach has been to integrate an A-SMGCS prototype with a cockpit simulator and a tower simulator, both backed by several datalinks providing all relevant information for live simulation, in order to address the human/machine interface aspects of such a system. The simulations with the A-SMGCS platform were performed at Amsterdam- Schiphol and London-Heathrow airports, with remote connection to an aircraft simulator at Bedford (UK) and a tower simulator at Braunschweig (Germany). The evaluation of these trials generated a variety of ideas for better simulation tools from potential end users, such as air traffic controllers and pilots. The benefits and technical feasibility of an A-SMGCS multi-site, real-time, man-in-the-loop simulation platform has been underlined, in particular highlighting how to make best use of expensive simulation components that are typically scattered across several European research facilities. SINGLE EUROPEAN SKY 14 15 CHANGING WORKING ENVIRONMENTS he extraordinary growth of air transport has potential consequences for safety, requiring improvements in both the technical and operational aspects of Air Traffic Management (ATM). This means that the role of the human in conjunction with advanced automation has to be investigated. In addition, passenger survivability and human factors in flight operations have to be considered. Preparing the human operator to cope with future ATM concepts At present, all Air Traffic Management (ATM) responsibilities rest with the last human element in the responsibility chain, i.e. the controllers.This is a strong and well understandable reason for the reluctance of controllers to accept a new ATM system, in particular when they can no longer depend only on their own judgement or on the proof of what happened (e.g. via legal recording).This reduces their ability to control various traffic situations, whilst at the same time demands on them increase with traffic growth.This development presents a major challenge for the controllers. In-depth studies have looked at the differing perceptions of the amount of detail required for ATM certification across Europe, compared certification practices with those in other risk-critical domains, such as shipping, and analysed specific ATM certification problems. The human operator's performance in terms of ATM safety was assessed by means of stochastic models. A case study was performed on the safety impacts of advanced automation equipment in order to relate performance settings on automated sub-systems to overall safety design targets. The outcome has been a consolidated ATM certification framework that allows for effective safety management. The three main components are: an improved ATM safety certification framework for use by the various commercial actors; guidelines for change control in safetyrelevant ATM systems for controllers and pilots; and guidelines for the safety validation of automated ATM systems by manufacturers of those components. The human role in advanced ATM systems14 T © Airbus The transition from conventional aircraft cockpits to state-of-the-art "glass cockpits", featuring few large displays and various digital controls,will have to take into account human factor standards, which have not been adequately addressed in training schemes so far. A comprehensive analysis of flight deck design philosophies employed by various aircraft manufacturers, focusing on automated flying functions such as steering,navigation, system management, communication and lookout has been complemented by an accident and incident review, identifying factors related to automated cockpits and poor transition training of crews. Investigations revealed that seven different skill groups could be identified relating to three principal types of individual behaviour, i.e. knowledgebased, rule-based and skill-based behaviour. An assessment of current training and transition activities at British Airways, Lufthansa and Airbus led to recommendations for a booklet on "Crew Resource Management for glass cockpits", containing a set of real-life incident scenarios. PC-based simulation software was evaluated for training purposes by performing tests with pilots from British Airways. As a result, specific recommendations have been formulated concerning training content, training methods and the associated training media. Transition training for cockpit crews 15 Preparing flight crew for a new role The increase in automated tasks in the airline cockpit has changed the role of the crew from an active one to an apparently more passive one, supervising and managing automated systems.Many believe that this fundamental change in role has not received enough attention and that it may have led to crews not being adequately trained to perform their new supervisory and management tasks, resulting in a number of accidents and incidents attributable to human factors. The increase in automated tasks in the airline cockpit has changed the role of the crew from an active one to an apparently more passive one, supervising and managing automated systems. © Airbus 16 17 he transport research programme has shown that the problems facing air transport – more than for any other single transport mode – can only be met by harmonised and integrated approaches on a European level. Research has identified a set of candidate concepts, systems and measures – in particular in the ATM/CNS domain – and provided the information base and validation experience to support future implementation. While research to date has centred around the definition, architecture and design of Air Traffic Management (ATM) technologies, components and (sub-)systems, the focus of research in ongoing projects has shifted to large-scale validation of candidate ATM concepts.This will be followed by live trials of validated ATM concepts, ultimately leading to the large-scale implementation of reliable and modern systems across Europe. This move towards implementation is taking place in five main areas: • large scale validation of ATM (and CNS) concepts; • integration of airborne ATM systems and ground-based ATM systems; • optimisation of airport operations; • the sharing of experiences on airport activities; • human factors related training of air crews. The continuous growth in air transport demand can only be supported and sustained by full co-ordination between en-route ATM systems and airport planning operations. On-going research will assess the potential benefits of integrating Airport Traffic Management Systems that link existing ground, arrival and departure operations. CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS IN TRANSPORT RESEARCH This section identifies current research projects in the air transport sector. Further details are available from the Links section of the web-based Knowledge Centre. T SINGLE EUROPEAN SKY Thematic network on airport activities16 An integrated approach to airport activities is needed to tackle the increasing ground congestion at European airports, which is most obvious with the lack of "slots", i.e. the time window assigned to an aircraft for take-off or landing. In order to provide solutions for the current situation, a substantial number of research activities have been launched, both at national and at European level.Therefore a framework for co-ordination has been created to increase transparency and effectiveness in the development of specific projects. A focal point for collaboration will be established where the main players can meet and exchange views. Important objectives are to avoid redundancy of work, to address the lack of consistency between European countries and to tackle the principal airport policy and regulation issues. © Eureka Slide A current research project aims to demonstrate the feasibility of integrating existing tools for arrival and departure planning management, together with those derived from the planning and routing function of ground movements. A full-scale integration of existing tools will be performed under real-life operating conditions at the airports Madrid-Barajas and Paris/Charles de Gaulle. The results of the operational assessment will provide a quantifiable measurement of the safety, capacity and efficiency benefits of such an integrated system. The most important outputs are expected to be a set of system design documents, test plans and evaluation reports. A complementary study is developing an integrated, networked simulation platform for modelling, evaluating and optimising airside and landside airport operations.This platform will have an open system architecture, which will enable future extensions. In a second step the simulation platform will be subject to validation and evaluation at six major European airports, namely Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Madrid, Barcelona (or Palma de Mallorca), Toulouse and Athens.However, the platform's architecture is adaptable for use in trials at other airports. Integrated airport operations17 Evaluating the operational benefit of A-SMGCS18 Full-scale systems for advanced surface movement, guidance and control (A-SMGCS) now need to be implemented. This will lead to the creation of industry rules for integration, including performance specifications, the generation of operational procedures adapted to the potential of the new technology, and user benefit validations. A current project is developing the A-SMGCS architecture for three airports, and establishing prototype installations at these airports with data exchange among the users. Proven A-SMGCS modules from industry and research organisations will be used, building on an operational concept in order to increase efficiency and safety. © Eureka Slide, Znam - Von Bux 18 19 References Further information on the following projects can be obtained from the web-based Knowledge Centre. Other key documents referenced in the brochure are available on the DG Energy and Transport web site (http://europa.eu.int/comm/dgs/energy_transport/index_en.html). 1.White Paper "European transport policy for 2010: time to decide", COM(2001)370 2.The transport research programme is part of the fourth framework programme for Community activities in the field of research, technological development and demonstration for the period 1994 to 1998 3.TORCH project 4. AVENUE project 5.TAPE project 6. JAR TEL project 7.EMERTA project 8. SOURDINE project 9. NEAP project 10. ASIVAL, CASCADE and GENOVA projects 11. EURICE project 12. IMPCHRESS project 13. DEFAMM and SAMS projects 14. ARIBA project 15. ECOTTRIS project 16.THENA project 17. LEONARDO and OPAL projects 18. BETA project Other useful publications: • European Aeronautics: A vision for 2020; Report of the group of personalities. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2001 • Single European Sky; Report of the high-level group. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2001 The programme’s Knowledge Centre is available at: http://europa.eu.int/comm/transport/extra/home.html It provides: • structured guides to the results and projects for particular topics; • summaries and final reports of individual projects; • access to project web sites and other contact details. Brochures on results from the transport research programme are available for: 1. Sustainable mobility 2. Clean urban transport 3. European transport networks 4. Single European sky 5. Maritime safety 6. Freight intermodality 7.Getting prices right 8. Road safety 9. Intelligent transport systems 7 KO-39-01-538-EN-C OFFICE FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES L-2985 LUXEMBOURG |