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AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 1/50 AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 2/50 Let’s look specifically at the functions and controls of the Flight Control Unit (FCU) which is the subject of this module. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 3/50 SPEED/MACH AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 4/50 SPEED/MACH LATERAL AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 5/50 SPEED/MACH LATERAL VERTICAL AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 6/50 The FCU can be used for: - Speed/Mach control, - Lateral control, - Vertical control and, - Auto-pilot and/or auto-thrust selection. Let’s take a closer look at these controls. SPEED/MACH LATERAL AP-A/THR VERTICAL AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 7/50 We are at the gate and electrical power has been connected to the aircraft. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 8/50 This is the FCU as you will see it after electrical power has been connected to the aircraft. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 9/50 We have programmed the flight on the MCDU for you. Notice the dashes in the windows. They indicate the system has enough information to follow the preplanned profile. This will be further explained in the next modules. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 10/50 On the other hand, the altitude window is never dashed. The altitude in this window is always set by the pilots. Here, we are on the ground and the initial cleared altitude of 6000 ft should be set. Have a look while we set this altitude for you. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 11/50 The selection of an altitude is done by rotating the altitude selector knob. By turning the altitude selector knob, the setting in the window changes. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 12/50 This knob is actually two different selectors. An inner ring used to set the altitude in the window and an outer ring to change the altitude increments. The increment/decrement of the altitude can have two settings: 100 ft or 1000 ft. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 13/50 Ready for takeoff… Click on the forward arrow to begin the takeoff roll. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 14/50 As soon as takeoff power is applied, the auto thrust system is armed. This is indicated by the appearance of green bars on the auto thrust pb. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 15/50 We are now established in the climb. Let’s look at the functions of the FCU. For training purposes, we have engaged auto pilot 1 and selected a speed of 250 kt, a heading of 220 degrees and an altitude of 31000 ft. We will modify the speed. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 16/50 AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 17/50 AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 18/50 Let ’s start with the speed/Mach, or SPD/MACH, control area. It comprises: - A window, - A SPD/MACH pb and, - A SPD/MACH selector knob. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 19/50 The SPD/MACH selector controls several functions. This is common to all selectors found on the FCU. Let ’s have a closer look at that. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 20/50 TURN: to change the speed You can set a speed in the window by rotating the selector knob. The selected speed is displayed in the window. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 21/50 PUSH: return to profile speed If you push the knob, the dashes you see in the window mean that the speed is following the preplanned performance profile. TURN: to change the speed AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 22/50 PULL: crew selected speed PUSH: return to profile speed TURN: to change the speed When you pull the speed knob, the speed shown in the window is the current aircraft speed. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 23/50 AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 24/50 The current aircraft speed can be indicated in either “speed” or “Mach” by pushing the SPD/MACH pb. The current selection is clearly indicated by a SPD or MACH legend on the display. That is all for the speed/Mach area. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 25/50 TURN: Change Heading or Track PUSH: Return to flight plan The HDG/TRK selector knob also has several functions. It can be turned, pushed or pulled: • If you pull it, you will get the aircraft present heading shown in the window, • By turning it, you can change the heading/track, • If you push it, it will allow the aircraft to return to the flight plan route. PULL: Crew selected Heading or Track AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 26/50 The heading-vertical speed / track-flight path angle (HDG-V/S/TRK-FPA) pb is used to change the reference from HDG-V/S to TRK-FPA and vice-versa. The current selection is clearly marked by HDG-V/S or TRK-FPA legends on the FCU display. Chhaannggee HDG V//S ttoo TTRK--FFPA.... AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 27/50 Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee HDG--V//S//TTRK--FFPA ppbb.. The heading-vertical speed / track-flight path angle (HDG-V/S/TRK-FPA) pb is used to change the reference from HDG-V/S to TRK-FPA and vice-versa. The current selection is clearly marked by HDG-V/S or TRK-FPA legends on the FCU display. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 28/50 Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee HDG--V//S//TTRK--FFPA ppbb.. The heading-vertical speed / track-flight path angle (HDG-V/S/TRK-FPA) pb is used to change the reference from HDG-V/S to TRK-FPA and vice-versa. The current selection is clearly marked by HDG-V/S or TRK-FPA legends on the FCU display. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 29/50 As you can see, HDG-V/S legends have now been replaced by TRK-FPA legends. Notice also that the current heading has changed to the current track. Let’s have a look now at the vertical area. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 30/50 ALTITUDE AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 31/50 ALTITUDE V/S-FPA The vertical area is divided into two parts: - The first one relates to altitude, - The second one to V/S-FPA. LLeett’’ss hhaavvee aa llooookk aatt tthhee aallttiittuuddee ffiirrsstt.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 32/50 The altitude window always shows the altitude set by the crew. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 33/50 By turning the altitude selector knob, the setting in the window changes. This knob is actually two different selectors: - An inner ring used to set the altitude in the window, - An outer ring to change the altitude increment. TURN : Change altitude AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 34/50 As for the other knobs, this knob can also be pushed or pulled: • If you push it, the aircraft will return to the preplanned vertical profile, • If you pull it, the pre-planned vertical profile is disregarded. PUSH : return to vertical profile PULL : Disregard vertical profile TURN : Change altitude AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 35/50 We have already seen the METRIC ALT pb in the EIS chapter. We will just remind you that this pb is used to display the selected altitude, written in meters, on the permanent data section of the ECAM System Display (SD). AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 36/50 TURN : Change V/S or FPA PUSH : Immediate level off PULL : To fly a selected V/S or FPA Let’s now have a look at the V/S-FPA part. Here, again, the V/S-FPA selector knob has three functions: • Turned, used to change the V/S or FPA, • Pushed, an immediate level off is ordered, • Pulled, to select a V/S or FPA, AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 37/50 For training purposes, we will directly jump to the approach phase to demonstrate the use of V/S-FPA. We have selected TRK-FPA, speed 210 kt, 4000 ft and the aircraft is on the flight plan route. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 38/50 To set a value, let’s first pull the V/S-FPA selector knob. Puullll tthhee V//S--FFPA sseelleeccttoorr kknnoobb.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 39/50 Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee V//S--FFPA sseelleeccttoorr kknnoobb.. To set a value, let’s first pull the V/S-FPA selector knob. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 40/50 Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee V//S--FFPA sseelleeccttoorr kknnoobb.. To set a value, let’s first pull the V/S-FPA selector knob. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 41/50 As soon as the V/S-FPA selector knob is pulled, the V/S-FPA window indicates the current V/S or FPA. In this case, a flight path angle value is displayed. Note how the three degrees are written. Notice the minus sign indicating a descent. A climb would be indicated by a plus sign. For training purpose, let’s change to a vertical speed. Swiittcchh ttoo V//S.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 42/50 As soon as the V/S-FPA selector knob is pulled, the V/S-FPA window indicates the current V/S or FPA. In this case, a flight path angle value is displayed. Note how the three degrees are written. Notice the minus sign indicating a descent. A climb would be indicated by a plus sign. For training purpose, let’s change to a vertical speed. Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee HDG--V//S//TTRK--FFPA ppbb.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 43/50 As soon as the V/S-FPA selector knob is pulled, the V/S-FPA window indicates the current V/S or FPA. In this case, a flight path angle value is displayed. Note how the three degrees are written. Notice the minus sign indicating a descent. A climb would be indicated by a plus sign. For training purpose, let’s change to a vertical speed. Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee HDG--V//S//TTRK--FFPA ppbb.. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 44/50 The window is now showing a vertical speed. Notice how the -700 ft/min is indicated. Notice the change from FPA to V/S. There are several other pb located on the FCU. Let’s take a brief look at them. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 45/50 The LOC pb is used to acquire and track a localizer. When this function is engaged, green lights are displayed on the pb. You will see this function in more detail during your free play and simulator sessions. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 46/50 The APPR pb enables the acquisition and tracking of an ILS. When engaged, green lights are displayed on the pb. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 47/50 The EXPED pb, if installed, allows you to expedite the climb or descent towards the selected altitude. When selected, green lights are displayed on the pb. As the previous pbs, you will see it in more detail during your free play and simulator sessions. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 48/50 AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 49/50 The last pbs on the FCU are the auto pilot and auto thrust. Auto pilot and auto thrust features will be discussed in more detail in specific modules. AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 50/50 You have now seen an overview of the FCU. The FCU is basically a selector panel with various functions. One of our “GOLDEN RULES” is “know your FMA at all times” which means that any new selection made on the FCU should be confirmed on the FMA located on the PFD. The presentation of the FCU is now completed. NEXT MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd AUTOFLIGHT MENU FCU 51/50 LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS EXIT AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM RETURN IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN FFCCUU LLAATTEERRAALLAARREEAA SSPPEEEEDDAARREEAA AAPP--AA//TTHHRRAARREEAA VVEERRTTIICCAALLAARREEAA |