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320系列机组课程自动飞行飞行管理B [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-3-22 07:22:06 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-3-22 07:22:15 |只看该作者
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 1/58
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 2/58
In this module we loaded the flight plan. Let’s
look now at how we revise it and in the process
learn more of the functions of flight management.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 3/58
In the previous module we were able to see
the approach by using the AIRPORT key and the
plan mode of the ND. Let’s look at how we can
revise the approach to runway 23R at Cairo.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 4/58
To execute a modification to the flight plan we
usually perform a revision using the LSKs.
Lateral revisions are done using the left side
while vertical revision are done on the right side.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 5/58
To modify the approach we select the HECA23R which
appears at LSK 4.
NOTE: LSK 6L always contains the destination airport regardless
of the number of waypoints and the position of the flight plan.
Seelleecctt eeiitthheerr ddeessttiinnaattiioonn eennttrryy..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 6/58
To modify the approach we select the HECA23R which
appears at LSK 4.
NOTE: LSK 6L always contains the destination airport regardless
of the number of waypoints and the position of the flight plan.
Noo.. Clliicckk oonn eeiitthheerr LLSK 44LL oorr LLSK 66LL..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 7/58
To modify the approach we select the HECA23R which
appears at LSK 4.
NOTE: LSK 6L always contains the destination airport regardless
of the number of waypoints and the position of the flight plan.
Noo.. Clliicckk oonn eeiitthheerr LLSK 44LL oorr LLSK 66LL..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 8/58
This is an example of a lateral revision page
from the destination airport. Notice the title
LATeral REVision from HECA23R. The
coordinates of the waypoint are always given just
below the title.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 9/58
As you can see, several functions are available on
this page. What we can do depends on the type of
waypoint we made the revision from. Here we have
line selected a lateral revision from the destination
airport. We will see other cases later on.
Flight management (B) 10/58
Since we are interested in modifying the approach
we must go to the ARRIVAL page.
Seelleecctt tthhee ARRIIVALL ppaaggee..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 11/58
Since we are interested in modifying the approach we
must go to the ARRIVAL page.
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee LLSK 11R ttoo aacccceessss tthhee ARRIIVALL ppaaggee..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 12/58
Since we are interested in modifying the approach we
must go to the ARRIVAL page.
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee LLSK 11R ttoo aacccceessss tthhee ARRIIVALL ppaaggee..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 13/58
Here is the ARRIVAL TO HECA page. Notice
the up-slew arrow, this indicates that the up
arrow key will slew the display up to show
additional approaches.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 14/58
Notice that the ILS Approach to 23R is
Seelleecctt tthhee IILLS Apppprrooaacchh ttoo 2233LL..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 15/58
Notice that the ILS Approach to 23R is
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee LLSK 55LL..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 16/58
Notice that the ILS Approach to 23R is
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee LLSK 55LL..
Flight management (B) 17/58
ILS 23 Left is now displayed in yellow. Yellow means that
flight plan is temporary and must be confirmed before it is
inserted. After checking on the ND that it is what you want,
you insert the new approach using LSK 6R.
NOTE: If you do not want to insert the temporary flight plan
you can ERASE by using LSK 6L.
IInnsseerrtt tthhee IILLS Apppprrooaacchh ttoo 2233LL..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 18/58
ILS 23 Left is now displayed in yellow. Yellow means that
flight plan is temporary and must be confirmed before it is
inserted. After checking on the ND that it is what you want,
you insert the new approach using LSK 6R.
NOTE: If you do not want to insert the temporary flight plan
you can ERASE by using LSK 6L.
Noo.. Clliicckk oonn LLSK 66R..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 19/58
ILS 23 Left is now displayed in yellow. Yellow means that
flight plan is temporary and must be confirmed before it is
inserted. After checking on the ND that it is what you want,
you insert the new approach using LSK 6R.
NOTE: If you do not want to insert the temporary flight plan
you can ERASE by using LSK 6L.
Noo.. Clliicckk oonn LLSK 66R..
Flight management (B) 20/58
We are back on F-PLN page A. Notice that the
runway in use is now 23 Left. Notice also the F-PLN
discontinuity between ALTOX and CI23L. This is
because we have selected no SID or VIA (Approach
Transition). You will do this in the FMGS Trainer.
Flight management (B) 21/58
Remember that the waypoint displayed on the
second line of the MCDU is centered on the ND in
PLAN mode. When no real waypoint is on this
line, the next one is centered.
Flight management (B) 22/58
For training purposes we will assume that you
will be going from the last waypoint on the flight
plan directly to the approach.
Clleeaarr tthhee fflliigghhtt ppllaann ddiissccoonnttiinnuuiittyy..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 23/58
For training purposes we will assume that you
will be going from the last waypoint on the flight
plan directly to the approach.
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee CLLR kkeeyy oonn tthheeMCDU..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 24/58
For training purposes we will assume that you will
be going from the last waypoint on the flight plan
directly to the approach.
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee CLLR kkeeyy oonn tthheeMCDU..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 25/58
LLiinnee Seelleecctt tthhee CLLR ttoo LLSK 22LL
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 26/58
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee LLSK 22LL..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 27/58
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee LLSK 22LL..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 28/58
Notice the new leg joining ALTOX to CI23L on
the ND and the MCDU.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Flight management (B) 29/58
We are on the F-PLN page and the ND in the
PLAN mode in order to display the approach.
Let’s go back to beginning of the flight plan,
the departure.
Caallll tthhee FF--PLLN ppaaggee..

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